Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 11, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 19 2018

The Dark Lord

Episode 8 Subbed by Kukan

Who dare to abuse illegal punishment?

I wiil bring this man back.

But he was caught by us.

You did it by yourselves,

left us behind.

I'm ashamed about this.

He has killed dozens of our men.

Try to kill our master for many times.

Then he would be guilty of terrible crimes.

Local people are simple and honest here.

If he is truly a

bad person like this.

Don't worry. I will punish him heavily.


Can't you understand me?

He killed people in our house

caught by us

This is our own matter. We can solve it ourselves.

We don't need you to solve this.



How dare you?

Offend me?

Fuck off

This man here,

he should be taken back to prison.

Who dare to solve it privately,

ignoring the laws.

Take him back.

Who have the balls to stand in the way?

Kill with lawful authority

Yes sir

Who dare to

I did kill more than twenty.

Maybe you have the reason to kill.

My lord pay with one's life for a murder, a life for a life.

I'm not undeserved.

But I regreted that the one most deserve to die

did not die.

He do

The fucking dead man.

He can't just die in a normal way.

Li Yun Cong

Settle him down

I will interrogate him prsonally.


Thankfully only one person has come in.


If more is coming,

we would have no place to stand.

Yes Yes

No more place here


Open the door

What's going on?

This is letting us go.

Why are you standing?

Get out

My lord

Are you freeing us?

Thank you my lord

Thank you

Did I say that you were free to go?

Seperate the men in this room

into other cells.

Empty this room.

My lord

You empty this room

for this guy?

Stop talking.

Do as I require.

We are all prisoners.

Why he can stay alone?

Just for such young age

he dare to kill Qi Mu

He alone?

has killed more than twenty men of Qi Mu.

Can you?

Get out

Go Go


Hurry up Hurry up

Magistrate Meng you stay.

My lord

I don't drink.

You are still young now.

But we all have to grow up.

As a man,

you should taste the wine.

This thing,

you have to drink little

when you drink.

When you can drink it like water,

you can drink a lot.

You thing is known in the whole county.

Why wouldn't you call the police?

Instead of seeking revenge alone.

Call the police?

Does anyone care about me?

It has no use.

I tell you

You should call the police.

I know you don't trust officials.

But don't forget

I'm an official, too.

Wei Wu

Summon the man.

Summon the man

Wei Wu

The crazy one there

Kneel before the official.

Lord Ai

Lord Ai

Lord Ai

What are you doing?

I'm entruested to

sue for a person.


The hunter Hua Yun Fei

Hasn't he been detained?

What do you want to do for a prisoner?

He is truly a prisoner

But he has thing to sue.

It should be exposed.

I just don't know

who is he suing?

I'm only entrusted.

As for whom he wants to sue.

You can aks him directly.

You will know

Summon Hua Yun Fei

My lord

This man is an important criminal here.

For your safety,

I want to be here too.

Agree Set him a chair.

Thank you my lord.

Hua Yun Fei, who are you suing?

for what reason?

Tell me with truth.

You can't lie in a court.

If you frame somebody purposely,

you have more guilts.

I sue the local tyrant Qi Mu

He killed my parents

for a tiger skin.

You claimed that Qi Mu killed your parents.

What evidence do you have?


skills are not important.

The result matters.

To gentleman,

you can treat him in a gentleman way.

But to vilain,

you should treat him in a dirty way

I have seen it.

You saw it yourself?


You were there,

why wouldn't you rescue your parents.

Why after they were killed,

you went in town to seek revenge?

They have them passed out with drugs.

I couldn't do anything.

Just hid

If it it like this,

why not call the police?

You seeked revenge yourself.

Call the police?

Qi Mu has done quite a lot bad things.

Calling the police won't change anything.

How dare you?

My lord

This Hua Yun Fei only kill Qi's men.

Clearly doing this for revenge.

He deserve to die for this


we can't ignore the fact that

his parents

were killed.

You are right

Now Hua Yun Fei has witnessed

what the killers did.

I think

we should enforce law upon the killers.

My lord

Lord Ai

I have a headache.

I authorize you to solve this.

You make the call.

Yes sir

My lord, take care of yourself.



Qi Mu is just like the

moth in our county.

He ignored the laws

bullied the people.

Many people suffer from him.

But he is still at large, why?

Some people might say that

he has man money and power.

The people can say this words.

But you can't.

The people can be afraid.

But you shouldn't.

You stand for the government.

You are captors

There is law

You have swords and power

Why should you scare him?


what you lack of is hot blood.

It's courage and power.

But I know

you have these things

Show me who you are

For a man like Qi Mu

You should be more domineering.

Qi Mu he said

that he was the sky of Hu county,


He is no more but a cloud.

This cloud will fade.

The rain won't drop all the time.

There is always sunny day.


The rain has stopped.

It stopped.


Why are you here?

Because of the heavy rain.

What is the conncetion bettween weather

and the reason why you come here?

If it rains heavily, I will not have enough customers.

Then I will be free.

I think of you when I'm free.

I just came here.


My lord, bad news

That Ai Feng brings many people

They are coming for you.

My lord, they come with invasion.

You should hide for sometime.


My lord,where there is life

there is hope.

If you die, nothing can be changed.

Drop your weapons.

Drop them.

I will go with you.

Take him down.

Take him.


You are quite honest


shouldn't chase all the time.

At the first time we couldn't find Yang Yao,

we should go back and report on our task.

Go home


Go home?

I don't want to

Here I say today,

I have the evidence that our madam

killed Yang Yao's mother.

If we have Yang Yao in hands,

when she grows up,

let her to sue madam.


madam has no son or daugher.

So many properties.

For Yang Yao alone.

But she is too young.

All the properties,

are mine.

Why are you laughing?

You these losers,

you have good luck.

If it wasn't that our lord had captured Qi Mu.

You would just be dead.

Thank you Thank you.


Go home

Go home

My lord

Qi Mu has been locked into the prison van.

Wait for your order.

Let all the brothers,

when we go back,

walk firmly.

We will be power and prestige as we want.

Yes sir


Three bulter

Uncle go home

You just know to go home.

It needs money

Fuck off

Lord Ai has come.

Ye Xiao Tian

Lord Ai you are awesome. You are wonderful.

Lord Ai you are awesome. You are wonderful.

How can it be him?

Lord Ai you are awesome. You are wonderful.

Lord Ai you are awesome. You are wonderful.

Lord Ai you are awesome. You are wonderful.

Lord Ai you are awesome. You are wonderful.

Old Li

What's going on?

I say to choose a white horse.

Why give me a black donkey?

My lord, we don't have enough money.

You would just make do with it.

Thank you all

These two days so many people come.

I'm busy

I'm starving

to death

Yes look at you

You have neck now


The girl of our neighbor Wang,

she wants to cut the dress according to my figure.

I say no. Waste too many materials.

She won't listen

She wants to make one for me

The girl of Ma's family

she wants to make dumplings for me

But she doesn't have dumpling wrapper

They are all burgers.

It's too greasy.


Hard to make a choice

You have no face at all

Those girls must be crazy to like you.


I would leave you alone.

I go to find something to eat

Love, where is my love?


What do you want?


You here

do you have the pot for storing insect?

Yes we have

Oh no

This is as big as your face

I'm sorry

We have

This might work

How much is it?

No need for money.

No money?

I give you


Do you like me?

No not at all

Then it will be alright.

If you do like me,

I would not dare to have it

But I want you to know

if you do business like this

you would lose all in the end.

Don't worry

What's wrong with you?


You don't know love sister in law

Oh my god

He is crazy like this.

Qi Mu has been caught.

Lord Ai is awesome

Qi Mu is caught, we should go

Qi Mu is caught.

Lord Ai is awesome

Qi Mu this motherfucker is coming.

Beat him Beat him

Beat him

Beat him Beat him

Sister in law

I have a question to ask you all the time.

What question?

I wonder

this people,

they have rotten eggs

rotten vegetables all the time

Do they store them for today?

I think

at this moment, they should drop bricks.

Beat him

Beat him

Why are you staring at me?

My bricks are here

My bricks are here


Lord Ai is awesome Lord Ai is awesome

Now Qi Mu is caught

the people stand up

those who have been bullied by Qi Mu

they would have the courage to sue him.

You are quite right.

This time Qi Mu can't get away from this

Lord Ai is awesome Lord Ai is awesome

Lord Ai is awesome

Water West Li Qiu Chi have met Lord Ai

Who is this man?

My lord

This Li Qiu Chi is the first lawyer in Gui Zhou

Many cases can't be slolved,

he turns out to solve it.

He has made a lot of friends.

Have connections with many rich and powerful family.

Here you know who I am.

It is easy to do.

Yes, I

am the lawyer.

I litgate for people.

I am entrusted by Master Qi this time.

to solve magistrate Meng's case.

Now including Master Qi himself.

You are Lord Ai

You do not know me.

How can you litigate?

Here is the ting.

I am entrusted by my client.

I want to know several things.

My lord thank god

Li has come in time

He said that

he has aked a person

to protect you and Meng.

Spilt them up



Come down

We will rescue you master.

Master Master

Come down

Be asured master


Qi's family want to see their master.

This can't be inappropriage.

I telll you

if you do have evidence,

you can sue him

You did in this way.

Do you want to ignore the law?

Get this man away.


You humiliate scholar, you


You humiliate

Who is grandson? Go

What are you doing? Hurry up

Stay there

You are also a scholar

How can you do this

Who are you cursing?


Who is the grandson?


You loose. Go

You two loose

Please loose it

Shut up

Master Qi behave yourself

Less than three five days,

I will rescue you out.

Come my lord come



People have already been here

Quickly Quickly

Hurry up

Hurry up Hurry up

We will have court later.

Go Go Go



My lord

There is a lawyer named Ye Qiu Chi


My lord what's wrong with you?

No No NO

I have the headache again.

I can't bear this. Take me back to rest.

My lord

Ai Feng has detained him

Qi Mu

has gone already.

Registrar Wang you start first

can you?

It can only be me.


Go Go

My lord slow down

Come my lord

Ai Feng you are hardworking.

Lord Ai you are hardworking.

You have flattered me.

I'm flattered.

I did this for the people

Why you can't?

Yes Lord Ai

Don't be modest.

Registrar, now Qi Mu is here.

Whether we should intrrogate him right away?

This Lord Hua he has prepared for the court.

Waiting for you

But suddenly he had a headache.

He went back

Now how can we interrogate?



Just now a person wispered to him for some words.

All of a sudden,

he had a headache.

It might be

the sound to high

It made him uncomfortable.

Yes Yes Yes


Please. You've had a long day


My lord

How is your headache?

Nothing at all

Then it will be good

My lord, lord Ai has come to see to

See madam there.

Don't need to be punctilious.

My lord


I have caught Qi Mu

Should we accomplish with one effort

No No

I do want to interrogate,

I just

My lord

Qi Mu is caught

His man must be scared.

This time

We should take this opptunity

to rectify Hu county.

I will not have private life stood in the way of public.

I just

Wait until I recover

My lord, what Lord ai said was right.

If you still be like this,

fail to act when one should.

Really, hold this for sometime.

A long night is fraught with dreams.

Shut up

The business in the government, you stay away from this.

You say that I'm only a woman?

Then I will leave it.

Madam Madam

Madam Madam

My lord


My lord, this time

my husband want to be a coward again.

This time Qi Mu has lawyer Li

he would have other ways to get out.

If you postpone, there might be changes

He ignored the law.

Then I should be fearless.

My lord I have a solution

Take him in


Get in


Don't worry

I have invited the first lawyer.

Three or five days at most

we can go out


Sit here

Here is yours

Hua Yun Fei


Madam don't be angry

It's all my fault.

Madam, I'm forced to do this.

Caution is the parent of safety

I don't get it my lord

When Qi Mu was bulling

you took evasive action.

I understand this

Later he had fought

with Lord Ai

You did nothing to be safe.

I understand this too

But now he has been caught.

Why are you still hesitating?

Don't want to show up

You don't know

That Qi Mu

he has foundation for more than ten years.

He is powerful.

My lord, a disaster is imminent.

What's going on?

There is news coming from the prison,

Qi Mu just got in.

He was killed by Hua Yun Fei.

Magistrate Meng was there.

He was killed too

Get in

Hua Yun Fei



Finally I have revenged for you.

The prsioners excaped from the prison.

They are all gone.

Hua Yun Fei have killed Meng and Qi Mu?


Why did you lock them three together?

My lord, there is a tight budget in prison.

We have asked you for many times

to give the money to repair and enlarge the cells.

But you always said that

the money wasn't enough.

You have a tight budget.

Then it was worse in the cells.

But you shouldn't

This This

How many prisoners are there?

You have ordered Lord Ai

to punish every illegal acitivity?

Since we have to attack severely,

then there would be many prisoners in the cells.

But you shouldn't

keep them three together.

My lord, other cells are full.

There is not enough room.


they are major criminal offenders.

They can't be with normal prisoners.

By the way my lord,


have locked them at that time.

They have been locked.

This won't have any problem.

But here they were dead.

He is locked

by chains.

As I know,

that Qi Mu's Kung Fu is good too.

I can't understand.

They were all locked.

It must be that Hua Yun Fei know how to unlock.

He is not ordinary. My lord

Hua Yun Fei has unlocked himself.

But Qi Mu and Magistrate Meng didn't.


Knwo how to unlock?

That door

is also unlock by them?



Where are these jailer?

Where were you?

My lord Don't be worried.

My lord, this thing has to come back to

the tight budget of prison.

We have asked for many times

to give us the moeny to repair and enlarge the cells.

You said that moeny was not enough.

If it was like this, then the cells were worse.

So I



I asked what were you doing at that time?

When Qi Mu was killed,

all the prisoners were shocked.

Some felt panic, some said good.

All in a fluster


the wall was fallen, my lord

The wall was broken.


The wall was broken at that time.

My lord


My lord My lord

My lord

Are you alright?

My lord

My lord

Wake up

Hold your breath.

Guan Yuan

Attack his Yong Quan

Zhang Men


Have you made it clear in Hu County?

Your emperor

Three years ago the chieftain died in bed without heir.

The court has set county in his place.

Ruled by official.

Stand firm Attack Qu Gu Zhong Ji.

Say the point.

But the locals there are hard to change their lives.

They don't obey the laws.

Nowdays the magistrate Hua Qing Feng

he is a coward.

So the situation in Hu county is very complicated.

Left behind

The new Jail Warden Ai Feng uses his own strength

to solve Qi Mu this problem.

And Meng Qi Wei is caught too.

The general mood there has utterly changed.

Ba Bu Gan Chan Ba Wang Xie Jia

This is the fake official who Bai Chuan said.

Yes he is.

Truly a person of ability

What a pity.


What a pity.

So great is his achievements as to make his boss feel uneasy or insecure.

Their leader won't leave this alone.

Emperor you mean that

He fail to show restraint.

He will end soon.

Woman's soft nature

Coming Coming

My lord

You look for me.

Registrar Wang

Qi Mu and Magistrate Meng

you gave this madman the idea, didn't you?

I don't know

what you are talking about.

Registrar Wang

Don't pretend

I asked you here,

not to guess riddles with you.

My lord, what can I do for you?

I am waiting.

Registrar Wang

That boy is a fake official.

You can't let him do this anymore.

If he conitues,

it will attract more attention.

If somenone knows that he is fake,


Your concerns is

quite right.

But this thing is big.

I think

we should gather all the known officials.

To discuss this.

We should share the

burden together.

My lord, we should share the burden together.

You should be more careful about your health.

How did you do this?

The master has been killed.

What use of you?

Lawyer Li

Lawyer Li

Where are you going?

Of course go back to Water West.

Water West?

You leave us behind?

Qi Mu is dead.

There is no point for me to stay here.

But our master

he was killed by Ai Feng

You can't leave it alone.

Let me tell you.

I do anything for money.

I have the balls to do

But without any income,

I would not offend

even if he is oridinary person.



Bulter, the master died

what about this big family?

Madam, don't be worry.

We will revenge for master,

even if at the cost of our lives.

Isn't that famous lawyer Li?

Why is he so fearful

when see people?

You get hurt like this,

just stay at home.

If another leg is broken.

My leg

the doctor say it will recover soon.

Now your mouth,

it won't have use anymore.

Lord Ai

I am


Good way

Thank yo

For more infomation >> ENG SUB | [The Dark Lord] EP08-- Starring: Lareina Song, Joe Xu, Liu Guan Lin - Duration: 45:01.


ENG SUB | [The Dark Lord] EP07-- Starring: Lareina Song, Joe Xu, Liu Guan Lin - Duration: 45:01.

The Dark Lord

Episode 7 Subbed by Kukan


You are all motherfuckers.



My lord

If you excuse me,

don't you think

this is a very good opportunity?

Qi Mu has been rampant and bossy.

for a very long time.

But you can't be against his will.

Now it is the time

Jail warden is a

a faithful man.

Now the whole government is united.

Why would you just follow the momentum.


You a woman, what does you know?

Brother Xu

Tonight we must drink to drunk.

till we go home.

Yes, we must drink a lot.

Bad luck

Brother Xu

We have planed to set up a banquet to get over this shock.

Unexpectly it ended in this way.

Alright Alright

We can to

anywhere for drinking.



Boy, get away.

Hua Yun Fei

Brothers, go up

Don't don't kill me

It's Qi Mu. He asked me to do this.

I have just solved

Lord Ai

Now I had Hua Yun Fei here.

Find him

in or out the city

We must find him at any cost.

I need to see him

no matter he is alive or not.


But my lord

this issue now

is spreading all over the city.


all will know it.

My lord, as you wish,

I have searched the condition there these two days.

Even though Qi Mu's business

has controlled the whole transportation of post road.

But in this place those belong to his henchman

are only about tweny.

As for those coolies and porters,

as a matter of fact,

they all come from

Gao Village and Li Village.

Old Li

You go on errands for another time.

Ying Ying

What's going on?

Nothing, I knocked down the stand.

Have you got hurt?


Be careful


What can I do for you my lord?

You go to hire a small sedan.

Wait for me sliently on the back yard.

What again?

I want to cook something.

But it blasted when I added oil.

Didn't you get burned?

No I dodged in time.

Wait a minute.

I don't actually need to eat this meal.

My lord, you just said that,


The scums here

they all show up these two days.

Xu Lin is sloved now.

So I need to nip in the bud.

Qi Mu this man is hard to deal with.

We should be careful.

But my lord, the sedan that you need

Where are you going?


I want to pay a visit to Registrar Wang.

I think this person

He can be strived for.

OK I will on my way.

Be careful.

Ying Ying


Ying Ying don't scare me.

Ying Ying

I want to collect the water to wash dishes. But I fell into the well.

Then how did you get out?

I climed up. Am I great?

Yes, you truly are.

Brother Xiao Tian, am I clumsy?


But I adore you.

So all these shortcomings,

in my eye,

all become cute.

Why are you staring at me?

The look which you concerns me,

it's beautiful.

Ok Find a towel to clean up yourself.

It is very easy to get cold.

What do you want me to do?

To help you deal with Magistrate Meng

I only want you to help me

But you won't do this.

You can't stand in the way of

Magistrate Meng for me.


I hope you can do nothing.

What do you want to do?


No No No

How many chacces do you have?

What chances can I have?

I do what I need to. Let god make the call.

Just this.


I understand


You just do.

I would just thank you

No matter you die or him

I will just be happy


You just stay there watching.

If he dies,

I will be happier.

You are quite straight forward.

But it is quite palatable to me.

I will try

to cause destruction to both sides.

So long as it is,

I will give you my help.


This old fox finally rised to the bait.

Your skill is those high officilas

those old men used left.

When I was young,

I knew this better than you.

This Hua Fei Yun is not a problem.

But I don't want this Ai Feng

to make issues of this thing.

You need to hold him.


Hua Yum Fei has killed many lives.

He would not dare to file a suit at the government.

What are you worried about?


That Ai Feng has said

this big case can be interrogated wihout plaintiff.

I don't want to face Ai Feng this motherfuck

at court.

This Ai Feng

is a maddog

You don't know who he would bite.

We should find a way

to suspend him from his duties

Now he likes the sun in broad daylight.

Find what reasons to suspend him?

He is not deliberately sue Xu Lin those people.

They were killed after releasing.

Doesn't he have the suspicion?


This will work.

Don't worry. I will do this right away.

Thank you

What is this writing?

It's hard to understand.

Your magistrate

I have wounds

I can't bow do you.

Forgive me.


are officials

Not robbers

Are we?

We are not robbers.

My lord, are you sure?


We are not

We are less than that.

You shut up.

I have bron you for a long time.

You rebuked me at court.

I ignored you at that time.

Do you know?


Give you an inch and you'll take an ell.

You go even further.

I ask you

Xu Lin Xiang dozens of his men

They died after got out of the government.

How do you think about this thing?


Revenge in private.

It's not right.

This calls hire killers to kill them.

Hire killers to kill?

Isn't it?


You old man

Do you want to frame me?

I can see this.


Me kill people?

Where is the evidence?

Little boy, you dare to humiliate me?

Don't you know who I am?

I don't care who you are.

You walked in, making indiscreet remarks or criticisms.

You don't really knwo who you are talking to.

I tell you.

I'm the highest official in Hu county.

Your boss

Here is signing room.

This is my place.

Do you forget who you are?

Do you think you tie me here

I would allow you to order me.

Magistrate Meng, you are blind.

I am born to give people hard time.

Here I'm in charge.

Come. Take him down

Have you heard me?

You want to take me down.

What is the charge?

You hired killers to kill.

6 7 lives

Isn't this charge severe?

Where is the proof?

What proof?

My word is the proof.

I also tell you

If I say something is blace

It is black.

I say it is white. It is.

I beat you.


Dare you to sue me destorying evidence?

You beat me?

Magistrate, what are you talking about?

When did I beat you?


Blood is bleeding.

This is proof

My lord

The blood on your head

Only proves that you have wound.

It can't prove that I have hurt you.

This is my place

I say you did it. You just did it.

I said you didn't. You didn't

My words are proof.


You wait.

Come and help me up

My lord My lord

Are you ok?

My lord

Stand up

My lord are you ok?

Wait You wait

I would find the magisrtate.

Somenone will settle with you.

My lord

I would testify for jail warden.

He didn't do it.

How can it be, look at this

You forget

Calm down. You have wounds originally.

Jail warden

he didn't do this.

My lord, before you came in

you have had wounds on your head.



It is

When did I have wounds?

When I came in

When you came in

you have wounds on your head

Don't you know?


Just here

When did I have wounds here?

It is

My lord

Slow down

My lord. Don't fell anxious.

You will recover tomorrow.


There are mud footprints

on your back.

No there aren't

Be careful

My lord slow down and stand firm.

Be careful

Slow down

My lord

There are many footprints on your back.

Big and small

This can't be done

by my brother alone.

My lord are you beaten to be fool.

Are you?

Even if you haven't talk from the beginning,

you are the worse.

I tell you

Everyone of you

nobody leaves here.

You all wait


Who are you talking about?

I hear that

Magistrate fell down after he was stroke.

But he would wake up

Then Lord Wang

What solution do you have?

Lord Ai

It would be boring if you ask like this.

If you haven't decided,

would you fall out with him?


deal with a man as he deals with you.

He framed you hiring killers to kill people.

What charge can you frame him?


I'm still thinking of it.

Your case is first priority.

I won't bother you.


What are you doing?

Dare you to search Meng's house.

It is your house to search.

Do you know?


Don't move.

No matter what hangs on the wall

or is on the desk or is on the frame

whatever has words on it.

the papery one

the porcelains the potteries

the broneze brass the iron one

Take them all back to the Yamen

Let jail warden to check

take them away


My lord

I heard that Regsister Wang has found that cellar.

Yun Cong

You go there and check.


Old Xue, have you found something wrong?

Leader, check here

What is this treasure?

Who who caught me here?

I'm the magistrate in this county.

Magistrate, don't you know?

How dare you to catch me?

You You two

Come here

Come here

I tell you

This Ye Xiao Tian he is a fake jail warden

The true one is dead.

Ye Xiao Tian is fake.

This magistrate starts to talk bullshit.

I heard that his brain was hit by scoundrels.

He must be beaten to be foolish.

You are

I tell you again.

Ye Xiao Tian is not the jail warden.

Ai Feng is dead.

Ye Xiao Tian is fake. Don't you understand?

You are not foolish

You are not foolish at all

You aren't. You are just crazy.


He is not foolish. He is crazy.

No you watch here

I must report this to lord

Wait me

Where are you going?

Don't you understand what I said?

Ye Xiao Tian is fake.

He truly is

Ye Xiao Tian what do you want to do?

How dare you?

You have imprison your boss.

Meng Qing Wei has committed great crime.

He should be interrogate.

Great sins?

What evidence do you have?


My lord, Meng Qing Wei has smuggle gunpowders for a long time.

These are all searched

in the cellar of his house.

He keeps the gunpowders illegally.

These are the forbidden things.


do you think whether

we should catch him or not?

You a fake jail warden

why do you put your finger into another's pie?

My lord

Everyone has a base line in his heart.

If it is not touched,

I can still continue my life.

I can leave it alone.

But so long as it is touched,

I would rather die

to figure it out.

Don't you forget

Magistrate is Qi Mu's man

You take him

You have touched the line in Qi Mu's heart.

I did

Not a big deal

My lord

Don't always take everything

so seriously.


you just think

too much.

Lord Wang

My lord says

if you can rescue

he will remember this favor.

He will thank you in the future.

Lord Wang

Our lord knows that

you don't get along well with Magistrate Meng.

But if he falls

you will be the next.

Than Ai Feng

He is a madman.

Lord Wang

If the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold.

You know this.

I don't need you to teach me.

Our magistrate

has already worn down his will.

If it doesn't have Magistrate Meng,

do you think his lord can measure his strength with me?

Compare this two

Meng is my trouble


So so what?

So he just vanishes.

He doesn't put me into his eye.

Fan Lei

My lord

Give my order

Let my man turn Hu county

upside down utterly.



These sscoundrels are fearless.

You mop up the whole county right away.

Punish those law breakers.


We have walked to the bracnh road all the time.

Branch roads after branch roads.

I have walked up the road in my life

in this month.

Money are gone. Horse is sold.

What should I do now?

I regret to go out.

Bulter, let us go home.

My name is Yang San Shou

I'm not San bulter.

I the majordomo.

What is San bulter?

No San bulter is not a thing.

You Are you unsophisticated?


You are


Bulter is unsophisticated


Bulter is unsophisticated

Bulter is unsophisticated

Bulter is unsophisticated

Bulter is unsophisticated


Are you crazy?

unsophisticated unsophisticated

Hurry up

Bulter I'm hungry too

We go this place to eat something.


Waiter, give us some tea

There is water on the desk. Pour it yourself.


This Wang Ning is gullible.

I pay a visit personally.

How can he fool me

My lord My lord Something happens

The captors have caught several of our men.

Saying that they beat Magistrate Meng.

Ai Feng this madman, he is aggressive.

I can't bear this anymore.

Summon the men, I will go to the government to ask them to release my men.

My lord

We should rescue Magistrate Meng first.

Great endurance makes us better.

But we can't have someone shat on our heads.

If I let this happen,

I can't stay in Hu county anymore.

Summon the men.


What's going on?

Leader it's too dangerous, we should go home.

Protect the lord.

Take them three down.

The rest chases.


We just go back

Go Go Go

Don't move


Who is the leader?

They come for you.




There is no leader.

I'm the bulter of Yang family in Jing Zhou.

Not leader

Yes bulter

He did call you bulter

No No No he he

He missaid

Just coincidence?

Is it?


Something happened accidently.

I'm not the leader.

He called me leader.



We would check it out.

Take them back to the prison.



Not the prison. Go


I'm afraid of the water.


My lord

Here the evidence for Meng Qing Wei's crime is clear.

Then the man who selling the gunpowder with him

earning great money

must be Qi Mu

So I advice,

detain Qi Mu

Meng Qi Wei has confessed.

Can he?

He still expect Qi Mu to rescue him.

But my lord

who else can be

to work with him except Qi Mu.

I know this

But we officials,

catch people with evidence.

Without evidence,

My lord

this is the only chance.

What chance?

My lord

in this Hu county,

the person who contains you for a lone time

is just Meng Qing Wei and Registrar Wang.

This two people,

Meng is the most aggressive one.


if you take him down,

Registrar must show the white feather.

Here it comes.

My lord.

You don't need to be constrained by these two people.

Are you confident to success?

My lord

If everything can be confident to,

we would not have the chance to do it.


Hu county is rotten.

It is great for us to have such chance.


I think

It worth trying.


We should think before action.

My lord

My lord

Who is there outside?

It's Qi Mu



My lord I want to sue

Not Master Qi Mu to sue?

I'm Qi faimily's bulter.

I sue for my master.

Can't I?

Of course you can.

Hold the court

What court. I come here to sue.

You still need to catch the criminals

Before they are cought,

what's the point of suing?

Don't know who you want to sue bulter.

I want to sue the hunter Hua Yun Fei in Qing Shan Valley.

This man is cruel and fierce.

He incurred hatred with us for a tiger skin.

Then his parents died.

He thought that Qi family had done this.

He killed Xu Lin

Brother Xiang, but he wouldn't stop.

Today he ambushed in front of our gate.

When our master was out,

he tried to use bow and arrow to assassinate.

Is Qi Mu dead?

Is he alright?

Thanks to your magistrate,

my master is fine.


God blesses the good man.

This Hua Yun Fei killed people for so many times.

He ignored the laws.

We should be worried about this man.

Hope you can

take him down.

Of course I would.

I'm the official here.

It's my duty to protect the people.

I would summon the captors

to discuss this issue.

It is urgent.

No need for disscussion.




In order to prevent the killer to killing again.

He should be caught as soon as possible.


We search from county to village

every street

every family

anywhere this killer can possibly stay.

Every law breaker

need to pay his price.

Not excepection

No exception




My lord

The true strength is out these captors.

Those Yamen workers are weak.

Yaumen runners,

what can they do?

I think

how about summon all the captors,

we might have the chance to win Qin Mu

But now we don't have enough people.

What we can do

is to bluff.


in this way we can shock those local ruffians.


Hope so

Brother Brother

Tomorrow I will open up my store.

My classmates they will come.

You should come too.

Who say that I don't have men?


Those students they always fight with their own.

That is not skill.

They can go out and fight with others.

This is awesome.

What are you talking about?

Do not get angry with me.

Outside there are people who are more rampant than you.

Who Who

Say it

Somene acts in a tyrannous manner outside.

Bully your hometown fellow.

Making troubles.

What should we do?

Punch them

Yes punch them

Do you know who this person is?

Who is that?

Qi Mu

Do you have balls to punch him?

Big Big Small Small



What are you doing?

Kiss me

Let me go

That way


Hurry This way

What are you doing?





Drink more


往里进 快挤挤



Get in


Get inside

Get in

I think all the scums

have been caught here

Hurry up

Hurry up

So many here

This is the first time I see this

In this prison

so many people

Get in

Don't get in


There is not a place to stand

Hurry up Get in

Yes over there

Yes hurry


I have told you so many times

I'm not Three bulter

Nor leader

I'm bulter

I'm hungry

Eat leader


I'm bulter

I'm bulter

I'm bulter








Slow down my lord

After all

You are an official

My lord let me rip it off.


My lord this is taunting you.

This is the couplets of temple of Local God of the Land

God of earth

is the smallest immortal.

Me this jail warden

is the smallest official

So this couplet


I'm fine with it.

I'm just a small official

Can I be more imposing than immortal?

Alright let it be there. It's good.

My lord this is improper.

Old Li think it in another way.

If it were before,

Qi Mu's man

would they use this way to vent their resentment?

You are right.

If it were before,

they would just fight with us.


What a pity,

we have caught a lot of people,

but we can't find the evidence to sue Qi Mu

My lord

My lord

Hua Yun Fei broke in to Qi's house yesterday night.

He was surrounded by Qi's men

Now they are still stalemated.



Qi Mu

Tie him up

Good boy

You are the first to challenge me in this county.

Also the last one.

Hold your hand

Who dare to use illegal punishment?

I will bring this man

But he is caught by us

He is caught by you.

left us behind.

I'm ashamed.

He has killed dozens of our men.

Try to kill our master for many times.

Then he would be guilty of terrible crimes.

For more infomation >> ENG SUB | [The Dark Lord] EP07-- Starring: Lareina Song, Joe Xu, Liu Guan Lin - Duration: 45:01.


"TWERK" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Lit Hard Dark Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:31.

"TWERK" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Lit Hard Dark Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL

For more infomation >> "TWERK" Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Lit Hard Dark Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:31.


The Dark Truth About DEFY Media Shutting Down - UPDATE - Duration: 4:23.

smosh's former parent company defined media is being hit with a class-action

lawsuit after they mysteriously announced that they were shutting down

on November 6th a former employee of defined media as well as the talent

agency called generat Holdings are both suing the company defiles a lot

of people money including Smosh maybe Smosh will also get on board with this

class-action lawsuit I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know right now on

IO what is good this is inform overload I'm Charlie Joey if this is your first

time here welcome and make sure you hit that subscribe for news updates that are

actually relevant to your life I'm gonna give you an update on one of the biggest

YouTube related stories this month the shady shutdown of the parent company to

find media so we talked about to find media shutting down in a previous video

on this channel called the dirt truth about small shutting down if you haven't

seen that video it's cooking ball on your screen right now but here's a quick

recap the company that owned Smosh defy media announced on November 6 that they

were shutting down because of quote market conditions that they didn't

specify if I didn't give their employees notice for the shutdown either which

meant that everyone who worked for defy around 400 people were suddenly out of a

job one of the most vocal critics of defy was none other than Anthony from

Smosh Anthony said that after he and ian hecox sold Smosh to defy they were

making a small fraction of the money that Smosh was earning for defy Anthony

had no idea where all that money went which makes the whole on specific market

conditions reason for the shutdown that much more confusing and also shady it's

like okay defy you say you have no money but like what happened to all the money

that these youtubers were making for you according to the worker adjustment and

Retraining Notification Act de 5 was supposed to give 60 days notice to

employees before laying everybody off this rule is to protect employees and

give them a small but necessary window of time to allow them to find other

employment a former employee Georgina Gyu nein is the person who

filed the lawsuit and if she wins it means tiff I will have to pay their

employees the 60 days of wages that they were bound to pay other companies like

Shandi media and proper media are filing lawsuits as well with their seeking

between 100,000 and 150,000 in damages the crappy thing is most people think

that defy has a way out of this problem all they have to do is file for

bankruptcy and once they do all unsecured debts can be written off that

cludes the 68 payroll that they owe their employees there are quite a lot of

youtubers who could be rallying against the company as well people have changed

often Anthony Padilla and furious Pete were also vocal critics of defined media

Shane Dawson and some tweets that are now deleted called them out for ripping

off creators the tweet said imagine being a YouTube network that seals all

their creators hard-earned money and then files for bankruptcy and uses the

creator's money to pay their debt can't relate right now there are a lot of

creators who are working with defy whose Adsense accounts are now pretty much

like in limbo it used to be defy who would take the

Adsense payments and then give the creators their cut but yeah it's it's

like defy shutdown but those channels are still earning money how are those

youtubers gonna get that money is the problem on the table right now

thankfully YouTube is stepping in to make sure their creators get the money

that is owed to them but that is all I have for you on the story for now we

will keep you updated if any new info comes to light but for now I'm gonna

respond to some comments from our last video about Smosh shutting down adores

alia since said hey Charlotte you probably didn't know but his name is

Latino and it's pronounced Padilla I actually didn't know that thank you for

letting me know those silent elves they just get me every time

Kofi Fila queef I said the tea is hot I mean sometimes she is iced but saying

that wouldn't be as funny if we were talking about iced tea Tony Davis said

where is the potato King we need him back Jonny is gonna be hosting on IO on

Thursdays and Fridays unless I'm out of the office

majestic beat said Wow I don't know if they messed up the lighting but you look

awfully white today my queen that is my pale juice Ernest showing definitely not

just the lighting dick Oracle said this channels also a goddamn company I bet

they're similar to defi io is owned by Lenin Dalit Singh and the money the

channel earns goes directly to the company and the employees are paid a

rate but I can't say that I like working for IO and for a parent company and as

of right now I don't really have like any notable complaints against our

company like I would really like a fridge in the studio but I'm not gonna

go like angry tweet about it you know plus we're getting it pretty soon so

we've come to the end of the video thank you so much for spending a few of your

valuable minutes with us by the way if you have a story suggestion for this

channel we would love to hear it why don't you contact us through social

media for any and all suggestions on how to make this channel better welcome to

the in screen if you want to keep watching on you know why not check out

this playlist with a bunch of videos just like this one and turn on those

notifications so you can get regular news updates on your phone that's it for

me and I'll see you in the next IO video

For more infomation >> The Dark Truth About DEFY Media Shutting Down - UPDATE - Duration: 4:23.


What's Up South Texas!: Graffiti artist transforms dark past into inspirational art for others - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> What's Up South Texas!: Graffiti artist transforms dark past into inspirational art for others - Duration: 2:26.


Queen Mary Dark Harbor Vlog | 2018 - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> Queen Mary Dark Harbor Vlog | 2018 - Duration: 6:04.


Pronouncing the Dark L - Duration: 4:26.

Hello, everyone. Hello!

Today we are going to see the pronunciation of the dark L

Dark L

L in middle position before consonants and in final position

The L is pronounced laterally in English. You put the tip of your tongue in

this part behind your teeth and

you let the air go out

from the sides of the tongue

In some languages it is pronounced quite differently

For example milk instead of milk

flip r

milk, instead of milk

or accommodated to an U sound

milk instead of milk

Okay, so now let's practice the dark L

Now let's repeat these words with the dark L sound

Remember never to round your lips. Don't say U say L

Ok, so let's start

















Very good. Notice that when L comes after a long vowel

It is pronounced like an extra syllable - L

So here's some long vowels: /i:/ /u:/


diphthongs /ei/ /au/ /ai/ /oi/

OK, so let's repeat



















Very good. So we talked about the dark L. But what's then the light L?

The light L is the L in initial position for example in the word light

like and

in middle position before a vowel like alike

Allow, etc. Note that when a word ends in a dark L, but the next word starts with a vowel

Then we link and have a light L

So we say feel awake

Okay, so now repeat these words

Linking the final L to the initial vowel. Okay feel awake

School attendance

Mall exit

steal it

pool attendant

All in

Mail it

owl eyes


Very good. We hope we have helped you in the pronunciation of the final dark L

So if you liked this video

Please hit the like button and to watch another video like this click on the card

So subscribe to our channel haven't already and don't forget to share this video with your friends

Bye. Bye

For more infomation >> Pronouncing the Dark L - Duration: 4:26.


The Dark Pictures Anthology - Man Of Medan magyar feliratos Golden Joystick trailer - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> The Dark Pictures Anthology - Man Of Medan magyar feliratos Golden Joystick trailer - Duration: 1:45.


THE DARK SIDE OF DOCTOR PHIL ☠️ - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> THE DARK SIDE OF DOCTOR PHIL ☠️ - Duration: 2:27.


💀 [FREE] Dark Trap Type Beat Instrumental - Dark Creepy Trap Beats - The Summoning (Free Download) - Duration: 3:39.

Dark Trap Type Beat Instrumental - Dark Creepy Trap Beats

Title of this beat: The Summoning

For more infomation >> 💀 [FREE] Dark Trap Type Beat Instrumental - Dark Creepy Trap Beats - The Summoning (Free Download) - Duration: 3:39.


Kevin Conroy voices Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight (w/ Rob Paulsen) by the Nerdist - Duration: 1:24.

(Gordon): The Joker won, all of Harvey's prosecution's, everything he fought for, undone.

(Gordon): Whatever chance you gave us of fixing our city dies with Harvey's reputation.

(Gordon): We bet it all on him. The Joker took the best of us and tore him down. People will lose hope.

(Batman): They won't. They must never know what he did. The Joker cannot win.

(Batman): Gotham needs it's true hero.

(Gordon): No!

(Batman): You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

(Batman): I can do those things, because I'm not a hero, not like dent.

(Batman): I killed those people, that's what I can be.

(Gordon): No you can't, you're not!

(Batman): I'm whatever Gotham needs me to be. Call it in.

(Gordon): They'll hunt you.

(Batman): You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me.

(Batman): Set the dogs on me, because that's what needs to happen.

(Batman): Because sometimes the truth isn't good enough.

(Batman): Sometimes people deserve more.

(Batman): Sometimes, people deserve to have their faith rewarded.


For more infomation >> Kevin Conroy voices Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight (w/ Rob Paulsen) by the Nerdist - Duration: 1:24.


Iveta Apkalna - Light & Dark - Die Orgel der Elbphilharmonie Hamburg (Interview) - Duration: 3:57.

This organ is really, in terms of aesthetics

and also sound aesthetics in this case,

very special and also

very powerful organ and what I like is

that this volume is not really very

direct but rather deep and

powerful, which is not necessarily loud.

But at the same time this organ has a

wide, large spectrum from piano / pianissimo to forte / fortissimo.

This palette of colours in between is very poetic

and you really find everything,

every style of music and I like that very much.

Four special registers are

located up there, at the ceiling reflector,

behind it, above the reflector.

This is absolutely unique, something

like this exists only once in the whole world,

that the ceiling reflector has four more

registers in it and that is

of course something that offers another

dimension to the whole sound and

then lets it fly from top to bottom.

At the very beginning I had to do a lot

for the face of this organ. That sounds a

bit unusual, what is the face of an organ?

But actually every instrument that belongs to someone

and is played by someone also has a soul.

It is a little different with the organ

because the organ is in the house,

it is like a queen

residing there and all organists come to her.

Not like a violinist who

takes his own violin with him and the flutist travels

with his own flute and the cellists with his own cello.

This relationship is a little closer and more intimate.

But still the organ needs a soul

and a face.

I think that the organ is actually

a queen or queen of all

instruments for me and is very fascinating and the organ in the Elbphilharmonie sounds

absolutely fantastic and unique and so it should be,

because every organ

is different, there is no

twin organ in this world.

For more infomation >> Iveta Apkalna - Light & Dark - Die Orgel der Elbphilharmonie Hamburg (Interview) - Duration: 3:57.


DARK FLYING AIRCRAFT - Duration: 0:12.

For more infomation >> DARK FLYING AIRCRAFT - Duration: 0:12.


Camilla and Prince Charles tried Cover-up a Dark Secret of Princess Diana! - Duration: 11:14.

Prince Charles and Camilla cover of princess

Show Palace News

Camilla parker-bowles

Charles had reportedly desperately tried to

To keep hitting the dogs

Which is being a


Before the Prince of Wales 70th birthday

Rumors surrounding the possibility of a late princess giving birth to a secret daughter have been swirling for years

But as Prince Charles prepares to celebrate his birthday this week

It looks

Resurface an event that has

Has left him and his wife Camilla parker-bowles

What's curious

Royal insiders have long hair


She is said to be older than Prince William


Us tabloid Globe clams before Diana married Charles in 1980

Queen to undergo psychological test

To the air

The outrageous story claims that died

Was Prince Charles


After the test

Came back and Diana's fertility

Instead of the embryos being destroyed

Just secretly held onto them and then

Planetarium in his own wife

Making her the unwitting

Surrogate mother of Diana and Charles

Cool child

The store has been dismissed as a preposterous

The fact

It's doing the rounds again and at a time when the Limelight should be solely on Charles has left the jealous

A source close

The Pella says

Camilla can't believe

That this story has reared its ugly head again

70th birthday

She's absolutely Furious

Once again Diana

Through the mud

Camila feels like she's only just recover

From The Fallout from the 20-year anniversary

And she feels like it

It's happening again


Bible story about Diana's secret daughter



Before Prince William is now said to be 37 and wood


Prince Charles

The magazine claims to have

Spoken to Sarah

Who told them that when she was growing up

She was always being told that she was a dead ringer for Diana

And in a further bizarre twist

Even claimed that Duchess Kate has he


The further anger jealousy


Everyone should be talking about a child's next steps

To the throne in this Milestone birthday

Spell source

But instead it's all about Diana and they're supposed to

It's just the worst timing for this scandal

Does the late Princess Diana have a secret daughter

We reported on Globe magazine story regarding Princess Diana and Prince Charles is Secret Door

Who they refer to as Sarah

Weeks ago but with Kate Middleton set to go into labor any moment now with a spare

The story has gained a lot of traction on the internet

After all

If Prince William and Prince Harry to have an older sister out there wouldn't she technically being lying to take the

The throne before will and Kate's children

Even before Prince William himself

How is it even possible for Princess Diana and Prince Charles to have another child out there

Wouldn't we remember Diana being pregnant for 9 months


The story truly is remarkable

The globe magazine and book titled The Disappearance of Olivia

Before Princess Diana could be married to Prince Charles

Queen Elizabeth ordered a doctor to examine her and ensure that she could get pregnant with royal heirs

The doctor even went as far as to extract Diane's eggs

Fertilize them with Prince Charles sperm to ensure that the two would have no issues conceiving

Afterwards Queen Elizabeth order the doctor to destroy the fertilized eggs but he had other plans

He actually stole Charles and Diana's embryo and took it home and implanted it in his own wife

Sure the story is remarkable

But the bottom line is it is also very possible

Princess Diana was forced to visit a doctor to have her eggs examined and to ensure she was fertile

Believe It or Not Kate Middleton went through the exact same procedure as Diana before she was a

Allowed to marry Prince William

The only way to prove whether or not Sarah

Really is Prince Charles daughter would be for the Future King to agree to a DNA test

And we all know that will never be allowed

The royal family is trying desperately to keep Sarah under wraps and out of the media

Which only further view of speculation that she is actually blind Harry's sister

According to Globe magazine

Sarah actually traveled to Kentucky for a super secret meeting with Prince Charles

And there are some photos from security cameras of the Future King arguing with his alleged daughter

Sarah reportedly met with Prince Charles to beg him to take a DNA test

So that she could know the truth about her heritage

But he refused

Prince Charles stormed off

And according to Globe as he was leaving Sarah accused him of murdering her mom Diana

What do you think about Princess Diana and Prince Charles's secret daughter

Have you read the book The Disappearance of Olivia

Is ever telling the truth about her father stealing the Royal embryos

Let us know what you think in the comments below

Thanks for watching

Please Subscribe my channel

Princess Diana

Secret daughter found

Charles and Camilla

The secret to have so desperately try to

To keep hidden

But as the royal family prepare to celebrate Prince Charles Milestone 70th birthday

A dog conspiracy theory about Princess Diana is set to be revealed

Surrounding the possibility of a late

Giving birth

Secret daughter have been swirling for years

But as Prince Charles prepares to celebrate his birthday this week

It looks as if to resurface an event that has left him and his wife Camilla parker-bowles Furious

Phone number of yours Royal Insiders

A girl called Sarah

And is said to be older than Prince William


According To Us magazine globe

Before she married Charles in 1981

To establish that she was capable of

Before her engagement

To the heir to the throne

The outrageous story claims that Diane



Instead of the embryos being


Secretly held onto them and then planted them in his own wife making her the unwitting

Surrogate mother of Diana and Charles

Tickle child

Although the store has been dismissed

What is a preposterous

The fact

Doing the rounds

It's again and at a time when Charles has left the jealous

I can't believe that this story has reared its ugly head again Charles 70th birthday

Says a source close to the bachelor

She's absolutely Furious

There have been Rumours about Charles and Diana

It's going to take him out now is just infuriating for Camilla

Once again Diana's name is on everyone's lips

See the mud

Feels like she's only just

Recovered from the flu


And she feels like it's happening again

Secrets Adorama certainly unsub

A little girl

Despite our fears love for her sons William and Harry

The princess often told friends that she say

Secretly dreamt of having a daughter

Diane always wanted a girl

And she share the joy of her colleagues and Friends

Patrick jephson

The late Prince

Just for him


Told people

Both working with Princess Diana

And she more than once

Lucky I was

Have girls

He added

Throughout her life she remained closed


Ticular Diana is believed to have formed a special bond with

Now 31

English language

Oxford University

Before going on to become a freelance writer

Her sister-in-law is Superman

And Mary herself has posed nude

Style for the portrait artist

Howard Morgan



Secret daughter


Before Prince William is now said to be 37 and would technically be second in line to the throne after

Prince Charles

The magazine claims to have spoken to Sarah

When she was growing up

She was always being told that she was a dead ringer for Diana

And in a further bizarre twist

It's even claim that Duchess Kate

Has secretly met up with Sarah


Everyone should be talking about

Next steps

But instead it's all about Diana and they're supposed

Secret baby

It's just the worst timing for this scandal

For more infomation >> Camilla and Prince Charles tried Cover-up a Dark Secret of Princess Diana! - Duration: 11:14.


El Juanito Reviews - Agony [Dark Fantasy Survival Horror in Hell] - Duration: 4:26.

Dude, after playing Gal*Gun 2, I said "OK now, in Heaven there are waifu angels and in Hell there are 1o1is"

I think I better start going to church with my grandma on Sundays

according to Gabriel DropOut, angels are flat otaku, or blonde lesbians

and Satania is kinda dumb, but for her, I listen Heavy Metal and play with a Ouija Board in the cementery at midnight

and talking about graveyards where ghosts of urban legends appear, this past day of the dead

I went to my mom's hometown to visit the tombs of our relatives that already passed away

and cousins of my mom were remembering their old lady

MAN! If that grandma ends up in Purgatory, she's capable of asking the Grim Reaper of a Shotgun, and go kill 666 demons in order to get to paradise

My aunts tell me, when that old lady was more dead than alive, they called for the village priest for her to confess and go without guilts to the other side

by then she could barely move, and the Father came to give her the unction of the sick, and she got mad

What is this A Whole doing here!?

He's here so you tell him what you did in life, so you can go to heaven, your soul can leave your body without sorrow

and why would I tell this scandalmonger what I did? When Death takes me I will tell God all my sins, Only The Lord May Judge Me

this gossier will only go tell everybody in town, I already know this f'n old mendler

I don't want to see him here, he can go blow a banana >:v


Dude, if that granny meets Saint Peter, and he doesn't let her in, I think she'll beat him up in order to open the Heaven Gates

If Hell is anything like in Agony, I think is not worth it to be Heaven's Hitman like Daniel in Painkiller, and behave like Ned Flanders in life

and what if the place of Eternal Damnation is like in Doom?

You think I'm gonna survive Socky?

you're like Otaku, all day they do nothing but FAP 2 Hentai, and to stop being nobodies, they want the Zombie Apocalypse to be heroes

those NEET don't get up even to go to the bathroom

and they complain about illegal immigrants when toxic weebos are just as rude, useless, lazy and ungrateful

Güey, in real life you don't find ammo and health kits lying around on the floor

and even if you found the Judgement Day vault of some conspiracy theorist full of guns, provisions, rations and canned food

the first guy out of Raccoon City you find, will bite you

ya think you will be able to fire a real gun just 'cuz you play first person shooters?

the only pistol you've even held has been yo wang when you chuck the chicken!

Right Socky? Those daydreamers... You and me both know you won't come out alive from The House of the Dead

Weeabos almost die by heart attack with Bendy and the Ink Machine

how would they dare to play Amnesia Remaster with a VR headset?

well Socky, let's stop making fun of those games, 'cuz the cartoon boards of the Mickey Mouse ripoff where actually scary

For example Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion: 1000 Rooms of Cute Terror

kawaii, but eerie

Like Zombie Land Saga

Whoa man, why did she had to die? The girl was Hot 7u7

OK Bro, if you haven't watched my El Juanito Reviews - Zombie Land Saga go check it out, and share it so we can keep going

and buy games from my sponsored link, click on it below on the video description

Take advantage of Black Friday, and buy Painkiller Black

yeah Socky, that game is f'n AWESOME

but if you're not really into hellish FPS, browse around the store and look for bundles and titles on sale

At least buy a 1 Dollar Game, or are you some NEET Otaku that watches anime with a CrunchyRoll free account and can even afford that?

I'd get a premium account just to watch the tiny Goddess from Danmachi in Full HD 7u7

Hestia is the only reason to watch Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

everybody else are a bunch of flat tomboys compared to her

Liliruca is also worth adding to my party


For more infomation >> El Juanito Reviews - Agony [Dark Fantasy Survival Horror in Hell] - Duration: 4:26.


Dark Matter Particle Explorer | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Dark Matter Particle Explorer | Wikipedia audio article - Duration: 4:07.


The dark side of PUBG - Duration: 8:03.

For more infomation >> The dark side of PUBG - Duration: 8:03.


Accused Priest Says He's Kept In The Dark - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> Accused Priest Says He's Kept In The Dark - Duration: 4:33.


EastEnders ripped apart as child KILLED in dark abduction plot? - Duration: 4:26.

EastEnders ripped apart as child KILLED in dark abduction plot?

EastEnders fans have been desperate to find out what new executive producer Kate Oates has up her sleeve for her tenure at the BBC soap.

It looks like the EastEnders cast members are in for a bumpy ride, as Kate has previously hinted she is planning a dark storyline that scares even her.

Viewers have been desperate to find out what it is, and some have taken to Digital Spy's forum to predict it could be a shocking child abduction storyline.

One posted: "Child disappearance could be really good story just please not the Carter's.".

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Another added: "Hopefully it'll be gritty and true-to-life though, the child disappearance storyline would be brilliant.

Could they do it with baby Abi?" A third chipped in: "I don't believe child disappearance is a subject for entertainment.

Soaps are intent on pushing the boundaries further and further while paying a mealy-mouthed lip service to 'issues' and 'raising awareness'.

"This would put me off watching EE but the truth is I stopped watching some weeks ago.".

But another replied: "As much as I can understand why you wouldn't want to watch this particular story, I think it would depend on how skillfully the subject is handled.

It's not as if it's a story that soaps haven't used.

Remember Amelia's abduction in Emmerdale?? Absolutely dreadful doesn't begin to cover it.

And Corrie ran a story in the summer where a baby gets abducted." Max Branning (Jake Wood) has been fighting for custody of his granddaughter Abi for months now, and while it seems resolved, could another Branning try and take her back? Lauren Branning (Jacqueline Jossa) may return to take custody of her niece in honour of her late sister Abi (Lorna Fitzgerald), while Tanya Branning (Jo Joyner), who has suffered a breakdown off-screen, could snap and decide to take the little girl to stop Max having her.  Could Max be left fearing for Abi's life as she goes missing?.

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Kate previously said of her idea for the dark storyline to the Sun: "There is something that I'm thinking about that the audience could say is an issues led storyline… "I think anything important should be approached with a certain degree of nerves - if you're saying anything important you should care about it.

" Sounds like Walford is about to become very dark… EastEnders continues tomorrow at 8pm on BBC.

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