Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 27 2018


I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video.

Today, I want to talk to you about when do you know that you're actually at a whole

new level?

Think about it for a minute and go, "Where was I twelve months ago or two years ago or

even five years ago?"

And sometimes, in ourselves, we don't realise how far we've come and usually it's someone

else that points it out to us about our achievements and our progress and our success before we

even actually realise it.

I want you to think about this today and go, "when do I know I'm at a new level?"

Most of the time we put in loads of work, we put in loads of money into our business,

we've done all the steps that are the right things to do to take ourselves to the next

level, but sometimes we just don't see it for ourselves.

Sometimes it is so close that we actually can't see it in the future because you don't

realise how you're progressing and what happens is, we work our way up and we are

about to break into this whole new level but we give up in frustration because we've

done all this work, we've put all the money in that we can, we've called all our clients

but we don't feel like we're progressing and it just brings loads of frustration sometimes.

So I ask you, have you felt like that?

Have you had that frustration where you just don't want to do it anymore?

Usually, that's right before you're about to take yourself to the next level, even if

you don't feel it.

And it's quite easy to say because it's really hard for us to know how we've changed

because it's happened in small increments and yet we haven't really noticed it.

Take some time out today and ask yourself, "How have I progressed?"

"What was I doing twelve months ago?"

If you haven't progressed, if you haven't gone to the next level, this is the time when

you keep pushing; you keep doing what you need to do.

Find somebody that will help you.

Keep doing those things that need to be done in your business.

If you don't know what they are, grab a coach, get a mentor, get somebody, talk to

other people, hang around other people who are doing what you do but the thing is, don't

give up!

Frustration can hold us back and that can lead us into procrastination.

But if you've got frustration, it's easy to get rid of.

It's easy to go, "don't be frustrated!

Just get on and do what you need to do" but sometimes this negative emotion can really

hold you back.

And if you feel that frustration or procrastination is holding you back, let me know because there

is something you can do about it.

It's a negative emotion you can easily release in a really short amount of time and that's

what I help people with.

If you're angry or you're sad or if you've got hurt or if you've got fear or you've

got guilt, annoyance, frustration, and as I said, procrastination, but you want motivation,

I can help you with those things and all you have to do is reach out to me.

Just send me a private message, wherever you're seeing this video, send me a private message

and say, "Sharon, I'm frustrated.

I'm procrastinating.

I have fear.

I have anger."

Whatever it is for you, let me know and then I can chat to you about how I can easily,

and I'm talking easily, help you get rid of that emotion and you will feel that you

are really ready to take it up to the next level.

And you'll know you're at the next level because you feel it inside, you'll feel

something different about yourself, you'll feel lighter, you'll feel more alert or

more alive, whatever it is for you, you'll feel the difference and you'll know you're

at the next level.

I hope that you reach out to me.

Please contact me.

You can find me around this video or in my social media and we can have a chat about

just releasing that for you and making sure you're getting to the next level.

I'm Sharon Jurd.

I hope that this video has been of value to you.

If you think it would be of value to your family, friends or colleagues, please share

my video because I want to help as many people as I can and I need your help to do that.

I'll talk to you very soon.

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