Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 11, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 18 2018

Hello everyone and welcome back to another video it is francesco here. So today's video on the keep productive of youtube channel

We're bringing on Al Chen who's going to talk us through how to build a goal tracking

Application inside of coda now. I'm very excited because our it's someone I've known for quite a while

I'll create skill share videos on excel and now he works with coder and actually didn't realize I knew him until a few months ago

Where I sort of connected the dots because I watched some of his skill share videos

Actually my wife watched some of his skill share videos, too

And then I made the connection that those two were the same people

But it's great to have a LAN and I'm really excited for him to dive into goal tracking

Please do remember in this video you can get the template for this below in description

So if you just want to take this goal tracking template

Then you can and the brilliant thing is if you want to build it yourself

Owl is gonna do this from scratch? So in today's video we're passing over to our from coda

Thank you very much guys, and I will see you guys very very soon Cheers

Hi everyone

My name is Al Chen from Koda and I want to thank Francesco for giving me the opportunity to

Talk a little bit about how to build apps and Koda today

So some quick background about myself

I have actually been I'm a heavy Excel user Microsoft Excel and I've been blogging about Excel since

2012 I believe and here's my blog about Excel which I kind of maintained separately from Kota

So check that out if you're interested. I also answer quite a few questions on Quora also relating to Microsoft Excel and

databases and coda

And finally, I teach a few classes as you can imagine about excel on Skillshare

I have three classes and I also have a few classes about coda as well and

Francesco also is quite the Skillshare teacher

I actually met or found out about Francesco through his skill share and

definitely check out his channel for additional classes about notion and things 3 and other


Today we're going to be talking about

Building an application in Kota. You may have seen Francesco do a few videos about Kota already and

my one of my jobs actually at Kota is to help our users build completely new applications in Kota and

That's what we're gonna do today. We're going to build a very basic

But can be complicated sometimes

goal and pasok tracker and we're gonna start off very simple and then move on up to

Building this whole application eventually. We'll see how it can work for you for task tracking and

again, my background is

Spreadsheets so I hi tend to think about things in spreadsheets

structured data

structured data


Lists, so on and so forth and I generally don't think about things in terms of general note-taking like you might see with other typical


The reason why is because eventually if you take all these notes

You'll have to store these notes somewhere in some kind of table or structured form

so that's why I tend tend to stay in Excel or

coda because I like to think about data being in tables a lot of times I

Actually got a lot of inspiration for this

Doc or at this application we're going to build today from watching Rebecca Ford's tables together an ocean video

she talks a lot about how you can use tables in notion and

I like to also I thought some other concepts were very similar to how you can build tables in Dakota and it should also mention

I think crafty base as well in her video, so

Let's go ahead and get started

Before we actually build the actual master tasktracker

I'm going to create a section here called months and I'm going to build a

Create a really simple table

Called months and let's go here. Let's create a month's table and this is going to be for when we want to actually

Put in all the months for our given goals and tasks

I'm gonna call this the full month and we're gonna start writing. This is actually gonna be a date format

So when I change this to a date format and let's start with November 2018. So let's go with number one and

I don't like this format

So I'm going to change this actually to be the full month

And then the full year layout like that and to save us some time

I'm just gonna copy and paste all the months I care about from a

Separate doc so we don't though if you have to watch me do all this. So now we have everything from November through December

I was in Manila because you can see everything here

Mmm, great so let's actually start talking about our goals. So actually let's first name our doc to something more interesting

Let's call this our goal tracking app with Francesco

That's actually had a little fun emoji here

All right. Mm-hmm

So we have our months now, let's actually tack on our goal types, so

our goal types can

range can be anything you want, but I have specific goal types I use for my goals and

I'm gonna call this column type name again. We're building another table for goal types

This will be the detailed about that goal type. And the reason we have this table list because we want to be able to

Classify all our goals with a specific type, right? So we might start with things like health might be a type



What else do we have here? Oh, I have reading and family

I'm just gonna copy and paste some type details

So if you want to get some more detail about these specific types

I can cop I'm gonna cut putting things like I want to increase my

Squat to 3 plates or I want to write and publish one blog post per week

So these are just details about these specific goal types that I want to accomplish. Oh

Right. So now we have our kind of helper sections or helper tables

I'm going to create our master or goal tracker. Now. Let's call this master goal tracker

Let's add like a nice fun emoji for this. Let's give it like a nice

heart eyes

And the smoothness at the very top of our our our application and Koda

So let's figure out what kind of things we want to add to our table of our all our goals. So

Again, let's call this master goal tracker

Hmm and let's call this column goal detail. Again. Everything I'm doing right now is just in tables, but you can also add ad

Text to the canvas here and we're going to talk a little bit more about that in a bit

but for now when I generally build applications in coda, I always start with building tables first because again, I think in structured data

Lists tables linking things together. That's just kind of how why coda is really powerful for when you're linking to get data together

So the gold detail let's say I want to try new



Do 20 push-ups?

Write a blog post today

You notice how these are very individual that's actually collapses for a little bit so we can focus on the real main real estate

These are specific goals. I want to accomplish at a certain time. Not sure when

but how do I actually put together link the

The goal types from here into this master tracker because I want to assign this goal to a specific goal type

so I'm gonna call this column goal type for now and

Look what happens with this specific column form if I change this con format to lookup from table. I

Can actually select one of the tables that I have created ready

And I've only created three tables just master goal tracker months and goal types

I want to click on goal types because I want to bring in to data from goal types

so I click on goal types you notice now that the

selection list

Contains the five gold types that we have from this table right here

So if I click on writing or health or highlight health though, so it shows that the type name as well as the detail

but I click on

Highlight teaching. I was show teaching and type of detail

Excuse me

So let's just copy and I'm just gonna call this one health. This one is health. This one is writing

And I'm just going to copy and paste a few more goals from either Doc here

So we don't have to you don't have to waste time

Watching me

right So let's but these in here so these are all selected and let's think about a timeline of what I want to accomplish these goals


We're gonna create a different type of column format this time in this this column. It's going to be a select list

Or is it right here? And we're gonna call the flexible options will be today

So these are goals I want to get done today

And then let's have another option as future and let's say all these are today

Maybe take another social skills and classes for the future

Reacting a for today today and now we kind of have like the very basics of a master or goal tracker now

I'm gonna add a few more columns to make this a little more interesting and well, I'll show you what those are right now

So let's add a start date column

We're going to change this to be a date column. And this is what I want to actually start working on this this goal

I'm gonna copy these dates again from another table so we know have to watch me select

I just for some reason change this to a select list, it's good. Maybe get back and

Here we go. So these are all specific dates now and

Let's also do another cool format called duration. How long do I expect this had all under estimate?

This goal to take it could be 16 days, it could be 14 days, who knows but

this gives you a way to actually mark off how many days this task will take or this goal will take in this case and

let's actually make this a little bigger so we can squash all our data in one column and

Let's also put an end date. So this is kind of like saying, okay

This is what I want to finish my goal by. Let's make this also a date and I'm going to again copy

Data again from another table here

so you have to watch me type in to a bunch of dates and this is probably gonna change this to

A date format already. Yeah, that's great. Let's close just a little bit

All right, just a few more things and then we're gonna be good to go

so let's add in a

Month when I want to complete a date complete the goal. Let's call this month and

I can so use the lookup column format and

Select the months table that I created over here. And now all these options will become available for me to select in



So I'm going to select November here and let's make these all December

I'm just going to copy this all these down and I want to change. Let's see here. Actually, you know what? I'm going to

Make this a little different. I don't want to have this format. I'm gonna change this to be a regular text format

I'm going to show you why in a second because I want this to read out

the month and the year

So what I'm gonna do is actually write a formula that adds

In the month from here and also the year from here into this column, so I'm gonna write equals

month name of start date, so

That's great and then I'm going to do a

plus a space and then plus year and

Then do start date again. So now the formula is basically saying take the month name of the start date

which is gonna be November in this case plus a space then also add in the year from the start date enter and

Now I have like the nice

full word plus the full year format and then finally, let's add in a

scale column this gives me a nice visual way of saying like

How far am I getting along with let's actually call this progress

How far am I getting along with finishing this this goal? I'm gonna make this like a nice little thumbs up

let's say I want to deal with this maybe like this one's for

And it's just a kind of a nice fun way of

Showing the progress of a goal instead of having to write like done or in progress stuff like that

Okay, so this is all good but what if I want to add a bunch of new goals to my

To my

Master goal tracker I'm going to have to you I want to use a template and this is the temple

I'm gonna use my I'm gonna create a bunch of goals based on these gold types. So up here

I'm going to write something like let's say I want to add


For and I'm going to make this all a bunch of of

dates, so I want to be able to tell Kota I want to add like

five new goals for a given date and I want that date to be something I define and again everything code is very

customizable so which is why I'm going to show you how to use a control which and then also a

select control

so we're gonna call this select month and we're gonna make these selectable options equal to

Let's see here the months. So now if you remember the months table comes from this guy right here

all these months so if I made these

Recycle options here months this means everything in this

Select drop-down is something I can choose from that month's table? So I'm gonna select November for now

She does this make this

General rate tells 19 just to make this example more clear

I'm gonna make this a little bigger so you can see the add a nice nice little emoji here

Let's do this rock sign one

Alright and then for

What's the timeline let's call this we're gonna make another drop-down. Let's make this a control select list and

Let's call this one. Let's see select timeline

And the select circle options are today or the future

And again, this is matching up with what's in this timeline here

so let's say I want to do these are for I want to set make goals for the future and

Here's like the big final step we have to take in order to add

All a bunch of rows at the same time for a given


given template so I want to do something here called a button and

This button. We're going to call this ad

goals, so this is going to be the most complicated formula you're gonna see but the reason why it's a little complicated is because

Again, we want to give I want encoder you want to we want to give you ability to make things as customizable as possible

so that's why this formula is gonna look a little bit crazy, but

what it essentially going to do is take all my goal types add a bunch of rows and then

set the date to this and set the

Timeline to that and you'll show you what this looks like right here. So I'm going to write a formula for this button that is

Here equals

Okay, I show you that's it for this one no

All right. Here we go

So if I write equals


map and

we're what we want to do is go through all our goal types right here and

I want to for every single goal type. I want to add a row to my

Master or goal tracker, so I'm going to write master goal tracker here

And what I want to do is I want to set each goal type in my master tracker table to equal

The let's see here type name and

What's that what this is saying is I'm setting the goal type here equal to the type name

From the goal types table again. This is all very customizable so you can do whatever you want

Your there's just one example of how to do this. I want the time line, which is this column to

equal the

the time line the Select timeline control, which is set here and

then finally I

Want the start date to be equal to the select month?

Which is this guy right here so you can see how all these highlights everything is kind of linked together now

And I think I want to do this to text so I can make this like actually show up as text


I think we're missing

There we go, all right and I'm gonna make this green button let's give this a nice smiley face

And here we go. Let's let's click on this button and see what happens. So

You'll notice that it automatically added a bunch of rows and it added them based on the five different goal types that I outlined

Right here

Health writing teaching reading daily it also set the time line to be today, which is what I said up here. The start date is

Set to January 1st 2019 which is what I wanted

And this is all ready for me to play around with now in terms of estimated time

This is something that you can set for yourself. If you want, I will set a default. Let's say of 7 days

Right and then I

Should let's see what happens end date


We could change the end date column to be a formula as well

Because what we're gonna do is we're gonna set this end date to be a start date plus the estimated time

So now this is all formulaic just like you might have an Excel or Google sheets. So

Start day plus estimated time equals the end date column

so let's actually delete all these rows again and let's try it for a different type of

Goal type let's say let's say we want to do for the brewery. Dozen 19

these are gonna be future goals since these are this is a kind of way on the future now if I hit add goals

Now this whole table fills up automatically with the goal types set the future for February

you notice how the default value for estimated time is 7 days and

end date automatically goes out to the number of days that you estimate here and

the month is still have array and now you can go in here and start adding in new goals like

You know eat healthy here

So on and so forth and ever you can go on and be on your way

So let's delete these rows for now. This is so this I got this

concept actually

from watching for SCO's video about creating a bullet journals where you have a table of

data that you want to replicate a few times and you

can do that by putting it into this table right here by using a button and it automatically adds that template if you will of

Rows from the other table into your master gold tracker

Okay, so we are almost done

A few less things we're gonna do before I show you some of the views that you can build off of this master goal tracker

Is the ability to link in?

This thing Lincoln other applications such as a Google Calendar or Gmail so we have this up this

feature called packs and

I'm going to add a pack for

It see here Google Calendar

I'm saying to install I'm gonna use my this email address. Okay all set


So now I can actually use my dock with Google Calendar. I'm going to add a brother a column

I'm going to call this kick Google Calendar

Actually, no. I'm going to create a button rather create a button and

This button is going to be calendar

So this will allow me to add a specific goal to Google Calendar, so if I just

Let's say here. I'm going to call this

Add to my Cal

And I'm going to actually change this Google Calendar create event and now I can actually specify


Calendar event. I'm going to create on my Google Calendar use my Google Calendar and

So let's say that the summer Rae is going to be goal detail

just the first column my table, which is right here and

Then the start date is going to be just start date end date

Is going to be end date. We had all that ready and

That should be it. Let's actually give this a try and see if it actually

Ends up adding. I should have this make make this little a nice little color here

Let's make this green. Let's give it a nice tick box checkmark. All right, so let's say I want to add

Read 1984 by next week to December 1st

It's gonna take 21 days complete and then to this number 20 a second by add just to my Cal

1x function performed if I go to my Google Calendar now, this is for November. Let's go to December

Well, it looks like it's not showing up just yet maybe if I refresh my calendar

There we go. You notice how it shows up right here

We're nineteen you forward bite this so this is a really great way to


Rows in Kota or any kind of data in Kota into your other third-party applications like Google Calendar

Like Gmail green house Instagram intercom

Spotify so on and so forth and we're releasing a lot of these packs every day as we speak


The Lapp so now we have our our master goal tracker

This data set is kind of complete. If you will now we can build a really cool views based off of this master table

so let's say I want to have a separate view of

view my goals

Goals by month

Now this could be in the same section it can be a different section

I'm just gonna do in the same section from now just to show you guys how everything is connected

I'm going to do a plus sign here table

insert a view of my master goal tracker and

This is just a view. I'm gonna hide this table with this column title for now and

Here is a same exact table as my master goal tracker

but if I pivot or group rather along the month name now, I can kind of see all my goals by

by month rather than by gold detail and gives me a more timeline view of how

All my goals are for a given

Month, I can also decide to hide thing. Let's say I want to hide the end date

Okay, that's here

Alright this I want to hide this for instance

it just makes a lot cleaner to look at and let's say I want to hide this as well and

The great thing about these views is that if I change let's say trying to work out class


This changes it in my master table as well. So that's really I show you to how everything is linked together

So this is just one way of looking at your data

Another way is to look at it as a let's say Gantt chart or a timeline view

So I'm going to do a chart a Gant chart. I'm going to get out of my master of goal tracker

And now you can kind of see all

your goals

Broken out by a given Gantt chart you can move these

Tables or these rows around you notice as I'm moving these around it changes up here as well

so this is just the same data, but it just happens to be viewed as a Gantt chart versus a

Table data so it's the same table of data

If you go look over here, if you go back to a table, it's still the same table data

It just happens to be laid out as a chart

Okay, so this is kind of the main gist of building a goal task tracker in Kota

the part about

Adding the using this button to create a template of new goals is something again

I was inspired by watching the bullet journal video that Francesco made and

The last thing I'm going to show you the big kind of a feature that we recently


Yesterday, I believe if the video comes out if this video comes out today, then I believe the feature just got announced yesterday

which is this notion of


so an automation is something that kind of allows you to well automate a task that's repetitive or

You just don't want to have to constantly copy and paste data

So an automation is kind of like a macro excel but not exactly

But I'll show you exactly what that looks like in in this automations feature. So automation is a really powerful way to

Send yourself an email hide yourself

Update a row or anything that you want to do in Kota can be automated using

This this panel and it all it depends on is

Adding rules here. So triggers are basically things that kick off in automation. So trigger could be

time-based or every Monday or every Thursday send yourself an email with all your goals or

Send yourself an email with just goals that are due today. I'm gonna do one that's called road change and

What this is is that I'm going to send myself an email only if the timeline for a goal gets changed to the future

and let's actually add some conditional formatting here just so you can see what

So now so all rows jurors were highlighted becomes a little prompt future cycle will be highlighted green

so I'm gonna do an automation where any time a

Goal gets set to a future timeline. I want to send myself an email

so let's go here say

master goal tracker

Anytime the timeline

So we're gonna look at just a timeline column in this automation

So we're gonna see basically if the result from step one, which is this one right here

Dot time line equals future

So if you change something from future to today then it won't send me an email

and then what I want to do is I want to

Actually before I do this, I'll have to set up my Gmail pack

Let's do this really quick should take this a few sec a few seconds. Whereas the Gmail pack here it is

Sad to install use this email. Okay. There we go. It's all set up. Let's make sure it's set up. Okay

Let's go back to automation. So now my rule a

If I so when this condition is true, it's this drop down here

Then I want to send myself an email send you and I'm going to use my account

Let's see here. Let's make the

Sadness to it myself for now, you know

Subject will be

goal set for future

And the continent will just be this row

So what that means is any time a given row is change the future

It's going to send me an email with just the the data for that row

So let's try to essentially test this feature out over a little bit so I actually have to turn this off turn this baby on

Turn this on. Okay, let's

Hopefully this demo works. I always like doing live demos, right?

So let's say that I change this trying to work a class or a two future

It gets highlighted green and I should be getting an email with that goal at some point

And here it is

Let's make this collapsed

And you notice how it just links to that first row this this column and if I click on that

It just goes back. Oh first prison didn't go to the actual row, but it just shows you this guy right here

Let's try a different one right here really quick. Let's say I changed call sister next week changes the future

And again, what's happening is this automation?

It is saying that any time that I change a row

Timeline to future it will send me a email

so let's actually look at this again master will attract our time line if the result from this is future then it

Will send me an email

And their distant future call sister next week

so that is how you can build a basic to somewhat intermediate goal tracker in Kota and

It's oh, wow. They actually forgot that also that the conditional formatting here carries over to your Gantt charts

there's a whole bunch of other features, but I just wanted to show the very basics of how to

create a

goal tracker

in Kota and how you can use things like pax to add to integrate with other third-party applications and

also how you can set up automations so that

Very common repetitive tasks can be automated and you can send yourself emails. You can update rows all that kind of good stuff

So thanks again for watching. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial


build out of an application in Kota and

Hopefully we'll I'll do more of these with Francesco. Thanks

For more infomation >> How to Build a Goal Tracker for 2019 in Coda - Duration: 31:49.


PJ MASKS Toys Build a Christmas Gingerbread House - Duration: 12:25.

Hi boys and girls look the PJ Masks found a gingerbread house. Ah

It's a giant spider. Ah

Hey Dino, pals. This is toy Rex here. Let's see what toy surprise we have today

The PJ masks found a gingerbread house

Do you want to build the gingerbread house with the PJ masks boys and girls? It's gonna be SuperDuper fun

Here is the gingerbread house boys and girls, its looks so cool. It's made of gingerbread and lots of colorful candy

Candy cane and the doors and windows are made of candy too. There's even marshmallow. That's so awesome

Let's build the gingerbread house together boys and girls first we have to open the box.

1 2 3 open

Awesome the gingerbread house is made of gingerbread cookies and walls and it make the little house

Candy and we got lots of colors too, that's so awesome. Let's put the candy cane on the roof

The candy cane is red green and white

Let's put the candy cane on the top of the house and right on the roof. This is yummy. Yummy sugar

We can use it like glue

This is number 1 and number 2

Awesome. So there's candy canes on the top of the house now, let's put candy canes here, too

And we have two more candy canes

Awesome now, let's put this one on this side

Here we go

Good cheer for you girls now, let's decorate the roof ripped lotsa candies

The sugar is gonna look like there's lots of snow on the top of the house

Let's put these candies on the roof there's lots of colors rolls



And blue

Colors of Christmas, that's so awesome. And then we have green purple


Awesome. Now, let's put candies on the bottom first color is yellow

Second color is orange

Next is purple

One more blue

Looks awesome boys and girls that looks so cool. And yummy yummy with candy. Now the gingerbread house needs a door

Let's put on the candies

Let's put on the big candies on here

Red green yellow red

Orange and


Super fun

Now, let's put candies on this side, too

Good job boys and girls, we finish building the PJ masks gingerbread house

Awesome, it has doors made out of candy

There's so many different colors and the windows are made out of gumdrops

Oh wow, and it has candy canes on the roof. Well, there's even more candies. That's super cool

I wonder what toys are inside the gingerbread house

Super awesome. Look we have one two, three three PJ masks toys surprise cops

There's Gekko catboy owlette

Let's open up. Gekko. Gekko is


So cool

And three

Super fun boys and girls. Let's see what toys Gekko's gets

Wow there's so many toys

This first one is super cool. It's officer Judy. She's from the movie Zootopia

she's a little rabbit with a really really long ears because she has super good hearing and

She's super awesome

And then we have a Disney keychain cool little dinosaur

Let me give you a clue boys and girls. He's from the movie Toy Story. His name is Rex good job boy and girls

There's a fourth toy Story coming out. It's gonna be super awesome. And the last toilet get your girl is

Oh, he got a Paw Patrol Pup super cool, it's Marshall Oh

Marshall is red

and he has

Yellow flames cause he's the super cool fire pup and he's got a really special badge

Watch this boys and girls one two three


He's badge you lights up. This is super Marshall with the super awesome glow-in-the-dark

This first one is super cute and so little Elsa. Elsa

Look, she's making a little snowball. Maybe she's helping make a little Olaf

She is the ice queen

And we got another paw patrol pup super cool

This is rocky rocky is green and he has blue and he's got a green and blue mess on

Super rocky has a special - watch this 1 through 3

Wow his badge is glowing it's glowing green


Just like PJ masks owlette

Super fun. This is a water pokemon called Gyarados. This is actually the special mega Gyarados

Cus he has have super big fins?

Really whiskers Gyarados is one of the most powerful water pokemon. He can swim really fast in water

And we have one more toy it's hiding behind cat-boy. Well, we got the Grinch

Eyebrows and a little nose, he's super cute

The Grinch grows up to be a mean grinch and he's gonna have his own movie

I can't wait to watch The Grinch movie super fun and

We have one more super awesome PJ masks toy surprise

PJ Mask Catboy.

Cat-boy is blue and this PJ masks cup is green

Green just like Oh

Fun let's see what toys PJ masks catboy get

This first toy is

Hey, it's blue chase

Awesome chases blue just like blue PJ masks catboy, and he's got a yellow helmet on

Look cheese can go really fast. That's why there's yellow and he's got a really special pup bag

are you ready boys and girls one two, three wow

Badges glowing blue because he's super Chase. Chase is the super awesome

Leader of the paw patrol pups. Let's go Chase. Chase is on the case

huh, huh, and we also got a

yellow bumblebee

super cool

Bumblebee is a yellow transformer robot

He has blue eyes and super happy and there's his little car we can transform him

Wow now he's a robot with arms and legs super awesome. Okay, bumblebee. Let's turn back into a car

Wow, super awesome boy and girls

Woah and this toy is

We got a little all off. That's so cute. This is a tiny baby Olaf

He's a little snowman with little buttons a little no, is that an orange carrot?

And he's best friends with Elsa. Look Elsa is making more with snow to make out really big Olaf., that's so cool

and this toys

Well, we got another Grinch

Planing to take all the Christmas presents from the boys and girls for Christmas. Oh, no, don't do that Grinch and

This last toy is Wow. We found another Pokemon

This is Jolteon. Jolteon is yellow and white. She's really

Jolteon is just like a lightning bolt Wow Gold Jolteon. She's a lightning pokemon

Super fun the PJ masks build a gingerbread house

So awesome boys and girls you guys are the best have an awesome day go PJ masks

Thanks for watching. Dino pals. You guys are awesome

For more awesome surprises with me click here and give me a big high-five to subscribe and join the Dino Club.

For more infomation >> PJ MASKS Toys Build a Christmas Gingerbread House - Duration: 12:25.


5 Reasons to deadlift (build a bigger, stronger body) - Duration: 9:44.

Hey everyone, thanks for joining me in today's video

I'm gonna be going over 5 reasons why you should be deadlifting when I say they're left. I mean the conventional deadlift. Not sumo deadlift

And just like the squat video that I did before 5 reasons why you should be squatting

I'll leave a link to that up above or down below

and I want to go into the importance of why people should be

implementing this and the exercise into their training and by not doing so they're missing out on a lot of potential in size and

Strength and athletic performance. So just like that one

I've seen so many people in the gym the don't dead left at all

All the people that don't take they don't prioritize the deadlift

They don't either learn how to do it properly how to do it safely other little things that we can do to make the squat

more efficient

They just don't

utilizes exercise at all or

efficiently and not as why they're not getting as big and as strong as they possibly could so I want to make this video just

For them to help make them realize that missing out on this they're missing out a lot

So let's just jump straight into so number one this exercise virtually works every muscle in your body

I've seen different numbers thrown around

seventy eighty percent

one thing I think we can all agree on is that this is one of those episodes where you're gonna be hitting virtually every single

Muscle in your body and that's incredible life. It's one of those ones where if you could just do and this is something that

Saw on one YouTube video. They're asking people if you could do one exercise

What would it be and the majority of them were saying the deadlift?

Why because it hit virtually every muscle in your body

And again that is going to do it size and strength over your whole entire body

And that's something that we want we want to be able to get bigger and stronger

Everywhere. Okay, we don't wanna be working the body in isolation. We want to be working the body as a unit

Moving and doing things has one and again the deadlift is great at training on the game because it trains the whole thing

That's something you want to be doing if you're not doing it

You're gonna be missing out on a lot of size and a lot of strength and the game. There's a reason why

Power lifters and strongmen do it. Okay

So at number two improve your performance and sort of similar to what I just said there

You were using your whole entire body and to work efficiently to work to a high sort of performance level you want to learn

Not only with like how strong yeah

But you want to work like your CNS system the performance of utilizing your up body and your lower body a get-together

and having a strong enough core to the other brace and be able to transfer energy efficiently between the two and the deadlift is

Fantastic of doing it if you've got a weak core

Okay, you're gonna get injured not going to transfer energy efficiently if you haven't got strong legs

You're not going to lift the bar for florrum

Gosh dropping back strong grip you're not gonna be able to hold the ball

You know, I'm going to keep a good slight straight back while you're doing it. You're just gonna fall apart

You've got a fold this trains you to be able to have be strong in all minute sort of thing

It's gonna change I have strong legs. It's gonna train to have a strong core. It's gonna train you to have a strong back

It's gonna change be able to transfer energy efficiently

It's gonna train you to have good leg Drive is gonna train to have good hip drive

It's gonna train you to have a strong grip the ability to be other. Hold on

So while you transfer energy that is amazing in performance

This is why a lot of rugby players a lot of other programs like that

Propylaia obviously powerful they have to do it offer you this unit of strength

It's a way of as a way of judging performance a way of judging strength is that deadlift is one of ultimate?

Ways of testing strength it's a deadlift and there's a reason why okay is a way of testing performance

Because it's so good at improving you. So the next one number three is functional exercise

Like I mentioned in previous video, I do think the word functional is thrown around a little bit too much

You know the idea that you want to get

It works towards making something specifically better

So it's functional for that

And in my opinion like when I think of functional I think of something is going to help you in everyday life

That's what I think true functionality is something that's going to better me

Well, I'm out of the gym when I'm at home

when one of you know

I'm doing all the things I want to be strong in that aspect - there's no point training us have to be strongest in the

Gym, and in everyday life you're weak. Will you crap for something you're getting injured?


The del F is one of those ones where that ability to be able to bend down and pick something up is a true

Functional exercise how many of us have been out picking about things all the time using our back?

Whether you're moving furniture other things like that doing the deadlift is gonna train you to be stronger

I would say work towards making more injury proof in no circumstances make you more efficient in everyday life

That's why we go to gym

We don't just go to the gym just to be strong there and to be a week a day

We train there so we can be better we can

Stronger we can and they look better but we can perform the air in everyday life

That is the reason why we do it the game-like point

Point before it helps us to improve our performance in everyday life and that's what I think true functionality is, okay

so at number four and it's kind of similar to

the second point and that is is the best for overall strength if you want to get just

Ridiculously strong. Your main ambition is to be at the lift as much weight just to be in general

Just someone who's checked is ridiculously strong your deadlift is your best thing, okay?

There's a reason why they do it in world Strongest Man again is of Eddie Hall lifting over 500 kilos

And why they do it and I know they do like reps

But there's a reason why they pick the deadlift because it is one of the best exercises

For showing absolute strength

So if you're someone that wants to be strong and wants to be as strong as possible

The dead leaf is one of the best exercises you can do

It's one of those ones. I would say usually it's all the exercise out of all of them. You can lift the most weight

So I definitely recommend if it's someone who you really do want to get as strong as you possibly can you've got the deadlift?

And number five and something I do think is really important and often neglected

And this is one of the best and it can be depending how you do it the best exercise feel back and they've done wrong

It could be one of the worse but the back is an often neglected

body part people send to tend to put more focus on the upper back because again,

It looks more aesthetic having the wide back nothing like that, but people don't seem to realize

Not until they hurt themselves how important your lower back is

If you have a weak lower back, you're constantly getting injured. You can't do things you put your back out

You could be out of work. Okay having bad back

affects everything in your whole entire life, but if you have a bad back

You can't do anything even lying down going through toilet. In fact that hurts

This is the point when you have a weeper

If you have a back that you don't train to work efficiently with other muscles like your glutes everything like that

Training the deadlift allows you to train and strengthen your lower back but to work in unison

With other muscles as well

And again, if you get strong in this exercise, you're sort of bulletproof in your back to not get injured in everyday life. Okay, and

If you can strengthen that here it just that's basically why you're going to the gym is training your lower back and you know

I think it's a muscle that is often neglected. Some people may do hyper extensions

to work their back

Okay, it's not going to be as good as the deadlift. Some people will do squats great exercise for building your lower back

It's more of a stabilizer thing. There is a little bit of movement in there

But again, I would say it's more of a stabilizer

This is basically working the lower back in a long range of motion

Allowing it to strengthen but also work in unison with the glutes which and past it

you are saying how you want to be using it training them in unison as opposed to isolation like you would do sort of an

Hyperextension a little bit work there, but game working with the hamstrings, too

So gain for building your back and even your upper back as well. It's one of the best exercises

So if you're someone that wants to get big back big wide that big strong thick back, you've got to be dead lifting

But those are the main tips one thing sort of like a bonus thing that I sort of want to share with you guys

And that's how to implement it is the only issue with the deadlift

Sometimes is it's very very taxing on the central nervous system

You could get away with a squat three times a week quite heavy

But I think if you were to do that with deadlift as well, the deadlift seems to SAP your energy so much

that I would say one a

Good way to Train deadlift. I would say is one once or twice a week if you start training more often

Which is fine this give me a lot of power lifters that do it

You would have to alternate between intensities you couldn't be able to lift heavy

Two three four times a week with a deadlift if you were swaying as well

It would just be too much in a central nervous system if you want to deadlift more often

I do recommend at the start doing a little bit more frequently

Maybe twice three times a week put the light to try and learn with the form again

Petitioners are mother of all learning. We've got to do things often to start learn things efficiently

But once you start lifting heavy

I think you should do it maybe once or twice a week because it is very very taxing on your central nervous system

So that's one little tip. I'm going to do another little bonus tip

I want to give you guys and I see it all too often when you are dead lifting

Deadlift their foot or in a minimal salt. Okay, don't be someone who's going in there dead lifting in your trainers

It's a ridiculous thing to do. I would recommend either dead lifting. Barefoot

Or maybe getting some you can get deadlift slippers or even just like a minimus sole

Sort of shoe you want something is as low to the ground as possible

And this Holly don't be losing energy in a soft rubbery

So like a trainer and I'll see the higher you make the sole the longer the range of motion

so again

if you have a lower or you can go barefoot you're shortening our range of motion and why not seem like a lot but when

You're lifting big heavy weights that can make all the difference and go

Pronated we even go into hookup

If you can do have a video on the best end of grip to do

That's and I do recommend mixed grip is a little bit thing by going more into that into that video

So make sure that you check that either be up there or down below

But yeah, that's it for today guys. If you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you loved it consider subscribing

comment down below

Let me know what your reasons for deadlifting are and maybe help someone else other things that you've done other tips

You can give the help someone else deadlift comment down below

And I'll see you guys in the next one

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