After I visited GU,
I will show the video including the shop's atmosphere and things I bought.
But frankly in this time, after I visited GU, I was disappointed!
Hey guys, what's up!?
I'm Style Director EUNBI
Today Uniqlo second brand
GU에 다녀와서 샵 분위기, 구입한 것 영상으로 보여드릴게요
After I visited GU,
I will show the video including the shop's atmosphere and things I bought.
gu는 유니클로 세컨브랜드로
GU is Uniqlo's second brand,
유니클로보다 저렴하고 베이직한 아이템이 많은 브랜드에요
It is cheaper than Uniqlo and it has many basic items.
제가 일본에 갔을때 몇번 구입했던 브랜드라 좋아하는 브랜드중 하나입니다
Because when I visited Japan, I bought few times, so it is one of my favorite brands.
왜냐하면 굉장히 저렴해요
Because it is very cheap.
저는 저렴하고 가성비를 좋아해서
I like cheap and cost-effectiveness,
좋았던 브랜드에요
That's why I like this brand.
그런데 솔직히 이번에 gu 다녀와서 실망했어요!
But frankly in this time, after I visited GU, I was disappointed!
너무 살게없어요
There is nothing much to buy.
원래 이번 영상 주제는 $100으로 얼마나 살 수 있을까? 이런 주제였는데
Originally this video's subject is how much can I buy using $100?.
막상 GU에 가니까 살게 없었어요
But actually when I visited GU, there is nothing to buy.
왜냐하면 1.저랑 취향이 너무 달라요
Because 1. It is different with my preference.
보시다시피 저는 화려한 스타일인데 ..
As you see, mine is beautiful style..
오늘은 지유 영상 찍느라고 유니클로같이 차분하게 입었지만!
Today I wear calmly because I take GU video like Uniqlo!
여튼 아이템이 너무 베이직해서 살게 없었고
Anyway because items are so basic, there is nothing to buy,
This is the biggest reason.
2.이미 가지고있는 베이직한 아이템이 많았어요
2. There are many basic items which I already have.
그래서 이걸 굳이 살 필요가없어서
So I don't need to buy these,
살게 없었어요
There is nothing to buy.
그냥 무지맨투맨,후드티는 있는 경우가 많잖아요
Most people have no pattern sweatshirt and hoodies.
그래서 살게 없었는데..
So I don't have to buy…
이런 아이템이 많이없거나,
If you don't have these items much,
컬러별로 구입하고싶으신분들은
Or if you want to buy by colors,
지유에서 구입하며 정말 좋을꺼같아요
It is good to buy in GU.
왜냐하면 $10로 굉장히 저렴하고
Because it is very cheap $10-20,
무난한 아이템이라 구입하면 언제든 입을 수 있어요
And it is easy to match any item, so if you buy, you can wear anytime.
제품 퀄리티는 가격대비 나쁘지 않았어요
The quality of products are not bad by thinking price.
$10대에 좋은 퀄리티를 바라는건 욕심이니까
It is too greedy to wish nice quality in $10-20.
입을 수 있으면 된거 아닌가요?
If you can wear, is it okay?
저한테는 살게 없었지만
For me, there is nothing to buy but,
심플한 스타일을 좋아하거나
If you like simple style or,
베이직 아이템이 필요하신분들은 너무 좋을꺼같아요
If you need basic items, it is so good.
가격같은경우는 처음에는 "음?" 하고 약간 움찔거렸어요
In the price, firstly I was slightly surprised by saying "Umm?".
그런데 매장 난와서 다른 브랜드 가니까 ..
But I went out the store and went other brand..
갑자기 지유가 너무 저렴해보이는거에요
Suddenly GU seems so cheap.
지유 안에서는 제품이 너무 저렴하니까
In the GU, products are so cheap,
$3,4도 비싸보이는데,
So $30,40 are also expensive,
다른 매장에서는 $3,4 기본이라서
But in other stores, $30,40 are basic.
"지유가 정말 저렴했구나!" 생각이 들더라고요
I thought "GU is so cheap!"
그리고 매장이 굉장히 넓었어요
And store is so wide.
남자,여자 옷이 잘 나눠져있었고
Men's and women's clothes are divided well,
그리고 어플을 다운받으면 피팅룸을 기다리지않고 바로 들어 갈수 있대요
And if you download the application, it is possible to enter directly, but not wait the fitting room.
어플에서 번호표를 뽑는 시스템이 구축되어있나봐요
In the application, there is the system which pick the number ticket.
제가 갔을떄는 사람이 많지않아서 피팅룸에서 편하게 갈아입었고
When I visited, there are not too much people, so I changed comfortably in the fitting room.
피팅룸가운데 의자도 있어서
In the middle of the fitting room, there is also chairs.
옷을 봐주려고 기다리시는분들이 편하게 계실 수 있었어요
The people who are waiting to see whether clothes are fit or not can stay comfortably.
이거는 저의 단점인데
This is almost weakness,
제품군이 많지않아요
There isn't too much product group.
베이직한 아이템이라고해도
Even though it is basic item.
일본, 한국 들어오는 제품이 많이 달랐어요
Products came from Japan and Korea are different too much.
그리고 제일 많이 기대한게 악세사리였어요
And the most I expected is accessories.
일본에서는 악세사리가 굉장히 저렴하고 트렌디한 제품들이 있었어요
In Japan, accessories are very cheap and some of them are trendy.
그래서 기대를 했는데 ...
So I expected…..
악세사리가 아무리봐도 안보이는거에요
I can't see the accessories even though I found again.
찌끄레기같은 악세사리들?
Accessories like residue?
이런것만 있고
There are only like that,
그래서 계싼하면 서 물어봤어요
So I asked during paying.
악세사리 제품은 안들어왔나요?
Is there come accessories?
Yes those are came.
Where are those?
매장 곳곳에 조금씩 숨어있어요 하시더라고요
Those are hided little there by there in the store.
악세사리는 거의 없다고 보시면돼요
Maybe there are not too much accessories.
제가 악세사리를 왜 기대했냐면
Why I expected accessories,
일본지유에서 이런걸 $5에
In the Japan GU, this item,
굉장히 저렴하게 구입했어요
I bought that by $5.
이런거 포에버21 가면 $19에 팔꺼같은데 지유에서는 저렴하게 판매중이에요
I think forever21 sells by $19, but in GU, it sells cheaply.
파우치같은것도 저렴하게 사서 ..
I bought like pouch cheaply...
기대를 했는데
I expected,
악세사리가 많이 없었어요
There isn't too much accessories.
신발도 조금 그냥저냥..
Shoes are just….
그런데 지유가 많이 베이직해지기는 했더라고요
But GU products are more basic than before.
그러면 오늘 제가 지유에서 산거 보여드릴게요
Then I show you the things which I bought in GU.
정확히는 $63을 샀는데
Correctly I bought $58,
지금 어플에서 $2.7 할인쿠폰을 주고있어요
Now in the application, it gives the $2.7 sale coupon.
$6에 저렴하게 샀습니다
I bought by $55.3
$6에 3가지 아이템을 샀어요
I bought 3 items by $55.3
하나당 $2 정도죠
For one per $19.
첫번쨰로 구입한건 이거!
The firstly buying is this!
레이스 프릴 넥이에요
It is lace frill neck.
목쪽에 레이스가있어요
In the neck part, there is lace.
소매쪽도... 레이스가 없네요..!
In the sleeves, there is no lace..!
사이즈가 엄청 크지않고 피트되는
The size is fit and not too big,
살짝 여유로운편이에요
Its size is just slightly free.
살이 살짝 비추기때문에
Skin is slightly shown,
슬리브리스랑 같이 입으면 좋을꺼같아서 샀어요
I think it is good with wearing sleeve-less so I bought.
많이 제 취향은 아니고..
It isn't too much my preference…
여기까지 왔는데 살게 없어서
There is nothing to buy even though I came there.
겨우 2개 사러 온건가해서.. 억지로 샀어요
I thought I visited to buy only two items….. So I bought constrainedly.
The price is $17.9
The material isn't bad.
도톰 해요
It is thick.
뜯어질꺼같은 얇은 레이스가 아니어서 요즘 입기 좋아요
It isn't the weak lace like easily tearing, so it is good to wear nowadays.
제가 이런 목 라인을 안좋아해서 걱정이에요
I'm concerned about that I don't like this neck line.
지금도 이 옷의 목이 너무 답답해
Now this clothes' neck is so stuffy.
너무 답답해서 죽을꺼같아요
I'm so stuffy so I feel like die.
어머! (목걸이) 뜯었어!
Oh! (necklace) tore!
너무 답답했나봐요..
I feel so stuffy…
제가 목이 답답한걸 못참아요
I can't bear that my neck is stuffy.
원래 쵸커도 굉장히 안좋아했어요
Originally I really don't like choker.
그러면 입어보도록 하겠습니다
Then I wear the clothes.
이렇게 첫번째 아이템을 입어봤어요
I wear first item like this.
두번쨰 아이템을 보여드릴게요
I show second item.
This is a knit.
It's an XL size.
This is men's product.
It's an XL size.
I think there were pretty items more men's than women's.
It is individual difference.
저는 원래 남성복도 좋아하거든요
Originally I like also men's clothes.
왜 xl를 샀냐면요
Why I bought xl is
파란색이랑, 패턴이 마음에들어서
Blue and pattern are good for me.
크게 입어서 원피스같이 입고싶어서 샀어요
Because by wearing big, like dress, I bought.
소매가 길어서, 샵 피팅룸에서 소매를 접어서 입어봤는데 괜찮았어요
Because sleeves are long, so in the shop fitting room, I folded sleeves and wore, it was good.
그래서 구입해버렸습니다
So I bought.
Knit material is 100% of acrylic.
It's very cheap.
The price is $13.4
It isn't thick material,
평범한 니트 소재에요
It is normal knit material.
엄청 좋은 퀄리티를 이 가격에 기대하면 ..
If you expect the nice quality to this price…
양심이 없죠?
Do you have no conscience?
Then I wear the clothes.
Already last!
뭘 소개했다고 벌써 마지막 제품이야?!
Why is it the last product?! What did I introduce?
이건 kim 콜라보에요
This is collaboration with Kim Jones,
유명한 아트디렉터 kim 과 콜라보해서 제품이 몇개 나왔는데,
There are few products by collaborating with famous art director Kim Jones,
제품만 보면 옷은 나쁘지않았는데
If you see only products, clothes aren't bad,
요즘은 이런 콜라보 제품이 끌리지 않더라고요
But this collaboration products didn't attract for me.
이런 제품들은 몇년후에 보면
After few years, when you see this products,
저거 몇년전에 그 컬렉션 아니야?
Is this the collection few years ago?
하고 언제 나온 옷인지 알게되잖아요
So you can know when it is released.
이 옷이 무슨 옷인지!
What are these clothes!
그래서 이런 옷은 몇년 후에 입기 힘들죠
So it is hard to wear these clothes after few years.
진짜 한 계절만 입는거죠
You wear only one season.
여기 옷을 10년 입는건 어렵겠지만..
It is difficult to wear this brand's clothes for10 years…
저는 10년 입을 수 있을꺼같거든요
But I can wear for around 10 years.
옷을 굉장히 오래 입어서
Because I wear clothes for a long time,
여튼, 이 옷이 언제 나온옷인지
Anyway, I don't like the clothes you can easily know
알 수 있는 옷을 별로 안좋아해요
when is the clothes released.
그리고 놀랐던게!
And the surprise thing!
정말 안사길 잘했다고 느낀게
The thing I felt I'm good to not buy really,
그날 지유를 갔다가 당일날 다른 행사장을 갔는데
After I visited GU, I visited other event place in the same day,
이 콜라보 옷을 입고계신분을 봤어요
I saw the person who wear this collaboration clothes.
보자마자 그 옷 아니야? 하고 생각이 떠오르더라고요!
As soon as I saw, I reminded the thinking 'is that the same clothes?"!
아..이래서 사면 안됐구나
Ahh…. That's why I don't buy.
그 분을 뭐라고 하는게 아니라
I don't tell about that person,
바로 무슨 옷인지 알게되니까
I can know directly what's that clothes,
이게..뭔가 내가 노출되는 느낌..?
This is…. Like I'm exposed to everyone?
한계절밖에 못 입을꺼같은거에요
It feels that I can wear only one season.
예를들어 누가 내 옷을 몇년후에 봤는데
For example, if someone see my clothes after few years,
몇년 전 옷 아직도 입고다니냐? 하고 느껴질까봐..
He feel "Does she also wear old clothes?"..
마음에들면 상관없는데
I don't mind if it is good for me,
너무 컬렉션 느낌이 묻어나는건..
But it seems like so collection style..
요즘은 별로 안땡기더라고요
Nowadays it doesn't attract to me.
진짜 마음에드는거면 상관없어요
If I'm really satisfied with that, I don't mind.
그리고 진짜 마음에드는옷이면 이미 샀지
And if I'm really satisfied with that clothes, I bought already.
이렇게 주절주절 말 안하고
Like now, with no speaking,
그래서 이 컬렉션중에 하나를 샀어요
So I bought a item among that collections.
The price is $26.9
It is normal sweatshirt.
안에 기모 소재에요
Its material is in napping.
엇! 지금 알았는데!
Oh! Now I know!
뒤에 적혀있어 !
It is written in backside!
18ss 컬렉션이라고!
It is 18ss collection!
이거 그럼 18년까지밖에 못입는거 아니야?
Then is it possible to wear only year 2018?
18fw라고 적혀있네요
It is written 18fw.
It can't be helped.
그냥 핑크색 맨투맨인데
It's just pink sweatshirt.
그래픽패턴이 kaws 느낌이 나지않나요?
Is graphic pattern similar with kaws?
제가 이런 패턴을 좋아해요
I like this patterns.
몽글몽글? , 터질꺼같고! 피가 쏟아져나오는..?
Touching?, seems soon booming! And blood is flooding?...
How can I explain..
이런 패턴을 좋아하는편이에요
I like these patterns.
Originally, it has black and pink short sleeves,
and black and pink sweatshirt also.
블랙컬러도 마음에들었는데
I'm satisfied with black color too.
이미 다른 맨투맨이있어서 별로 안사고싶었는데
Already I have other sweatshirt, so I don't want to buy,
핑크색 맨투맨은 시중에 잘없고, 저도 없어서 이걸 구입했어요
I can't find the pink sweatshirt, and I also don' have that, so I bought that.
제가 핑크색 옷을 잘 안사요
I don't frequently bought pink clothes.
머리도 핑크색인데 핑크색 옷을 사면..
Hair color is also pink but if I buy pink clothes…
너무 핑크 덕후로 보일까봐..!
I look like pink mania…!
그리고 저는 핑크색을 안좋아하거든요
And I don't like pink color.
포인트로 입기 좋을꺼같아서 샀어요
Because it is good to wear as a point, so I bought.
제가 옷이 올블랙이 많은데
I have may all black clothes,
아우터까지 올블랙에 이런 핑크색 티를 입으면 좋을꺼같아서요
Outer is also black, so in the all black clothes, it is good to wear this pink clothes.
지금 봤는데 소매에도 자수가 있어요
Now I saw, sleeves have also embroidery.
원래는 s 입는데 길게입고싶어서 xl를 샀어요
Actually I wear xs-s, but I want to wear long, so I bought xl.
원피스처럼 길게 입는걸 좋아해서 큰 사이즈로 샀어요
Because I like wearing long like dress, so I bought big size.
소매도 조금 길긴한데
Sleeves are little long,
무난하게 입을만해서..
It is easy to wear..
근데 xl가 엄청 큰건 아닌거같아요
But xl isn't the very big one.
왜냐하면 xl를 입었을때 약간 짧은 원피스에서 ..
Because when I wear xl, in the little short dress..
긴 맨투맨 사이의 느낌이 났어요
It seems between short dress and long sweatshirt.
무려 xl를 입었는데!
Fully I wear xl clothes!
It isn't like too much big.
Then I wear the clothes.
Like this, I wore products which I bought in GU.
제품들이 괜찮지않나요?
Is products are good?
가격대비 굉장히 마음에들어요
I'm so satisfied with comparing price.
물론 제 취향이아니어서 많이 못샀지만..
Even though it isn't my preference, so I couldn't buy too much.
지유 자체는 굉장히 좋은 브랜드라고 생각해요
I think GU itself is really nice brand.
아무래도 1호점이라 제품이 많이 안들어왔고
Because it is the first shop, there is not too much products.
시간이 지나면 더 많은 제품이 들어오고
But if the time passes, there are much more products,
일본에있는 제품도 그대로 들어올꺼같아서
The products from Japan also comes itself,
굉장히 기대중이에요
So I'm expecting well.
아무래도 저렴해서 좋기도하고요
Because it is cheap, it is also good.
일본이랑 한국이랑 가격차이가 조금 나요
The price gap between Japan and Korea are little big.
아무래도 외국에서 들어오는 브랜드니까
Because it is from foreigner brand,
그들도 먹고 살아야하니까..
They also should earn the money…
그런데 몇천원 차이 안나요
But the price gap is around few won, not too much.
제가 일본에서 $5에 샀던 양말이
The socks which I bought $5 in Japan,
한국에서 $7!
It is $7 in Korea!
그래도 기본적으로 저렴한 가격이기때문에
But because basically it is cheap price,
헉! 너무비싸! 일본가서 사야겠어! 이런 느낌은 아니에요
Oh! Too expensive! I should buy in Japan! It isn't like those.
지유에 가신다면 추천하는 제품들이
When you visit GU, the products which I recommend
맨투맨, 셔츠?
Sweatshirt, and shirts?
셔츠는 남성분들도 많이 보시더라고요
Most men also find the shirts.
저렴한 가격이었고
Cheap prices and,
맨투맨은 퀄리티가 좋지는 않아요
Sweatshirt quality isn't good.
도톰하지는 않고, 그냥 맨투맨...
It isn't thick, just sweatshirt…
길거리에서 파는 옷 같아요
It seems like the clothes which sells in the street market.
심지어 기모에요
Also it is napping.
그런데 얇아
But thin.
그래서 조금 더 허접해보이는 느낌이 있었어요
So it seems more weak.
만원대 정도였으니까.. 부담되는 금액은 아니었고
It is around 10,000won….. it doesn't pressure price,
코트가 $5 으로 저렴했어요
Coat is cheap as $50~60.
울이 들어간 코트는 $90 으로 저렴하죠?
Is the coat including wool cheap as $90?
패딩도 팔고있어요
They also sell padded jacket.
울코트가 $10 이하는 저렴한거거든요
Wool coat which price is down to $100 is cheap.
저는 아직 아우터가 필요하지않아서
I don't need outer now,
조금 더 추워지면 사고싶어서
I want to buy after more cold,
유심히 보지 않았어요
So I didn't see carefully.
저는 가을옷이없어서..
I don't have autumn clothes..
가을옷이 시급했거든요
I should buy autumn clothes.
그리고 파자마!
And Pajama!
파자마도 귀여웠어요
Pajamas are cute.
The price is $21..?
I didn't buy pajama because I don't wear pajama,
저렴하고 귀여워서 사고싶긴 하더라고요
It makes me buying because it is cheap and cute.
그리고 제가 갔을때는 프로모션을 하고있어서
And when I visited, there was promotion,
지금 가서 구입하면 저렴하게 구입 할 수 있을꺼같아요
So if you go and buy, you can buy cheaply.
베이직한 아이템을 사기에는 제일 짱인거같아요
It is nice place to buy basic items.
계절 바뀔때 한번쯤은 다녀오실만한 브랜드인거같아요
If the season change, it is good brand to go one time.
If the number of store increases, you can visit conveniently like Uniqlo,
It will be very nice.
I'll finish the video today.
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Please look forward to the next fashion video.
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