Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 1 2018


About one in eight women will develop

breast cancer over the course of their lifetime.

But a breakthrough study may help

women navigate this life changing diagnosis.

The study found that many women with early stage

breast cancer can avoid chemotherapy.

These findings, of course, could change

the treatment for as many as 70 000 women

per year here in the US.

Joining us now to discuss, via Skype, is breast surgeon,

our good friend, Dr. Kristi Funk.


Dr. Funk

Kristi, how are ya?

Hey guys, I'm well.

Good to be here.

So glad to have you back on

and I know, in your profession,

you get so excited when new research comes out,

changes the way you treat women,

particularly when it's good news.

Tell us about this study and what it means.

Travis, we've been waiting twelve years

for this study to come out and it is groundbreaking.

So, as you mentioned in the opener,

70 000 women will avoid having

to endure chemotherapy as part of their cure

because we know their prognosis is so excellent

that chemotherapy can't make a great thing even better.

This is so life changing.

So the women that this applies to

is no small number.

50 percent of all invasive breast cancers worldwide

apply to these criteria.

And you need a cancer under five centimeters,

with lymph nodes negative, meaning they're clear of tumor,

estrogen driven and not driven by HER2.

So, of all of these women, you take those cancers

and you put them into this assay,

this gene analysis called Oncotype DX.

And what that does is it looks at a bunch of tumor markers

that are either good genes to express or bad genes,

and depending on your personal cancer's fingerprint,

it spits out the percent chance that your cancer

will come back again in 10 years or less

in a metastatic, life-threatening place,

like lung, liver, brain, bone.

If that number is high, then you should do chemo,

because that can make the high number lower.

If it's low, you know that you don't need chemo.

But we've known that since 2004.

What this study did is it took the 70% of women

that landed in the middle ground.

That was a ton, over 6700 women in this study,

were in the intermediate group.

Like, I don't know, maybe you should do chemo.

You probably should do chemo.

Well, they took that 6700 women, divided them in half.

Half got chemo, half didn't.

It's been nine years.

We now know that none of them will benefit from chemo,

except a small subset, women under 50

in the high end of that middle range.

So, 70 000 women a year



So, Kristi, let's say one of our viewers

has a new breast cancer diagnosis.

How do they broach this conversation with their provider.

Like, how do you start out and where do you go

with this information.

So, when you're newly diagnosed,

you won't know a hundred percent if you meet these criteria

for the Oncotype DX because you don't have proof positive

evidence that your lymph nodes are clear or negative

until you have your surgery.

So, after your surgery, again if your cancer ends up

in the final analysis being under five centimeters,

driven by estrogen, not HER2,

and then, your nodes are clear,

ask your doctors, well can I do that new gene test

on the tumor to find out if I really need chemo

because you're telling me I do because I'm 42 years old

and I have three kids, which sounds like I should pull out

all the stops and do everything under the sun,

but if the genetics of my tumor

aren't going to respond to chemo,

and I already have a phenomenal survival rate,

wow, I don't need to like see what my head

looks like bald and being nauseated,

but more importantly, I don't want to be subject

to heart damage, nerve damage, leukemia down the road.

Chemo is no joke, let alone lost work,

sick days, child care issues.

It's a huge burden lifted from thousands of women

every single year in the world


It's such great news

Well and it...

Game changer

It really gets back to the way treatment for cancer

is changing universally, Dr. Funk,

because it's personalization,

it's looking at you, the individual.

Which is so different that even ten, fifteen years ago.

So as a breast surgeon, for you,

this is such great information.

Because I've always felt so bad for women

when you've had to give the advice,

Well, you could or you couldn't,

cause, how, I don't even...

That's really difficult

I don't even, yeah, I don't even know how

you say, Oh, I don't, I don't want to or I do.

We're not sure or we have to err on the safe side,

you going to get chemo

What a tough, tough decision.

I'm so excited for this.

And I'm curious then so, if people don't need chemo,

what is their treatment regimen going to look like?

So, they already had their operation

and if they kept their breast,

they probably need radiation.

If they had a mastectomy, they probably don't.

If they didn't need the chemo,

they probably don't have criteria

for radiation after mastectomy.

But all of these women that we're talking about,

have to at least strongly consider

taking anti-estrogen therapy.

That's sort of part of the deal.

You do the anti-estrogen therapy

instead of the chemo and it works equally well.

For more infomation >> How Many Breast Cancer Patients Can Possibly Skip Chemo - Duration: 5:16.


Halloween Photoshoot - How many lights are needed for product photography? - Duration: 3:38.

So, just finished a fairly complicated two shoot.

One was an invisible man shoot.

One was a Halloween pumpkin shoot.

The Halloween pumpkin one actually required eight lights.

I know a lot of you always like gripe a little bit about the amount of lights but sometimes it's absolutely necessary.

I mean let's just give you... This was the light shining through the pumpkin to create the orange glow. We cut a hole in the back.

We gelled it, orange gel and diffusion inside.

These two lights on this scrim roll were for the pumpkin itself and also for the products in the pumpkin.

This was an edge light on the back of the pumpkin.

This blue gel light was for a blue glow on the edge of the pumpkin and another one from this little fresnel.

And then this top light was to create a pool of light and a little bit of a shadow.

And then the good old broncolor flooter on the background giving me my background glow.

So they're all absolutely necessary and they're all absolutely necessary because building the lighting up through the process

I'm looking at the light, looking at the contours and the pumpkin, looking at how

I'm going to make it more three dimensional, looking how I'm going to create the right atmosphere,

so it's that additional one light a time, building up, building up, and it ended up at eight lights.

Could have ended up at four, could have ended up at six, could have ended up at 12.

It's just going to go wherever it needs to go until it feels right, basically.

The Invisible Man one was a lot, lot simpler.

Background light from the flooter. Top light 35x60 softbox on the bowler hat

and a Para 133 from the front on the mannequin and suit.

So that one was a lot simpler lighting setup.

Stiffany's got a boyfriend for today.

This is our mannequin and we've had to borrow a male one so she's got a bit of a cheeky smile on her face.

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