Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Nov 1 2018

Help! I'm not seeing results, what should I do? Hi my name is Gretchen ,your virtual

Pilates instructor, as well as founder of Balance to the Core. It's my mission to

make Pilates part of your everyday living. I don't necessarily mean just

doing a daily Pilates workout ,but rather taking the Pilates principles into your everyday

living so that you feel fantastic and your movement becomes much more

efficient and effective and you feel a lot younger. How about that? So if you

want to be part of this community please hit the subscribe button as well as the

bell next to it to be notified whenever I have a new video because I'm here

every week and I would love to have you. So a question that I often get asked is

how often should I do Pilates? This is kind of a a question that has no

real "one answer" to it because our bodies are completely different and they're

completely different from each other they're completely different every day.

So to answer that question is kind of tough but I'll sort of back it up with

the values that we have at Balance to the Core and the number one

mission is to "listen to your body". Your body is the smartest most intelligent

part in the whole equation. It's going to tell you what it needs and if you really

stop and listen to it and give it what it needs you're gonna get the results

that you're looking for. Pilates these days has so many different version.

It can be based on the instructor's interpretation; are you using

apparatus?; are you working with an instructor?; are you watching videos

online?; are you taking a mat class that has props?; is it an hour long?; is it a

half-hour long?; is it 15 minutes? There are so many different factors to the

equation. since we're watching YouTube right now let's talk in

the sense of what you can do on your mat. You can have the Pilates that Joseph

Pilates himself intended which was his Contrology system which is rigorous, it has you sweating it has

flowing, it gets that heart rate up. It's meant for healthy bodies to help

them change bad postural habits realigning the body balancing the body

getting into the core muscles and then today we see a lot of the Pilates that's

more on a rehab level where if you're coming back from injury or you're you're

starting to just work out again. And third, there's this sort of halfway fusion

esque Pilates where you're gonna see sort of a combination of the two. I like

all of it because all of it is healthy on the body just getting us moving in an

intentional way in a healthy way in a way that connects our mind and body

that's what's most important. back to the question of "how often should we do

it?", well it depends on you know what your goals are? So in those three areas of

Pilates workouts from rigorous to the rehab well there's different purposes so

let's say you're a healthy body and you want to see results you're trying to

change the shape of your body so you want to do more of this traditional

sense moving flowing rigorous movement about three four times a week because

consistency is key. Consistency is what's going to give you

the results. Joseph Pilates himself said in ten sessions you're gonna feel

results in twenty sessions you're gonna see results in thirty sessions you're

gonna have a whole new body so if you're doing it three four times a week. ]Within

six weeks you are going to see major changes in your body if you're

consistent with it and if you're working deeply and with intention after a

session of Pilates you're not going to be so depleted and exhausted where

you're gonna be worn out you're gonna feel the exact opposite you're gonna

feel energized you're gonna feel amazing because what place does is it teaches

your body how to use its muscles correctly how to work them together how

to initiate movement correctly how to align the body so you're working your

body in a whole uniform system so that it trickles into your everyday

functioning movement your walking becomes effortless your daily movement

becomes effortless you pick pull lift push all of those things become second

nature because you working them from the deep core places

so it's really about how connected are you to the work how much are you

thinking about it and really intentionally working with the Pilates

principles if you're interested in learning more about Pilates I do have

two weeks free in my pilates members site and the link is below if you want

to check it out also if you want to be part of my weekly

email list where I give you Pilates tips tools all that fun stuff a little bit of

inspiration cuz you know I love doing that come sign up I would love to have

you part of the community. Thanks so much for watching. Please like this video if

you liked it; comment if there's something else you would like to see

because I want to make these videos for you. and I love being here so I will see

you again next week. Have a wonderful week and take care. Bye.

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