Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Aug 30 2018

- [Russell] Hey this is Russell Brunson

and welcome to Squeeze Page Funnel Secrets.

Now I wanna quickly show you how to use simple

squeeze page funnels to build an email list

of potential buyers

and then at the end of this video

I'm actually going to give you my top

converting squeeze pages for free.

But before I do that, I want to explain

to you what a squeeze page funnel is,

how it works, how it can work for your business

to grow a list of subscribers

and potential buyers

and help grow your company dramatically.

So with that said, let's jump right in.

So, what is a squeeze page funnel?

Well, a squeeze page funnel is one of the most

simple funnels we have.

It's basically just two simple pages.

Page number one is what we call a squeeze page.

This is where we're asking somebody

for their email address in

exchange for something.

Might be a lead magnet,

might be an ethical bribe,

might be some more information.

And then on the next page we thank them

for their email address, and then we give them

that thing that we promised them

on the squeeze page.

It's very simple and very easy,

and it's one of the fastest and easiest ways

to build a huge email list of subscribers.

Now I'm gonna show you guys a

couple of squeeze page

templates so you get an idea,

cause you've probably

seen these a lot out there in the marketplace.

You may not have even known what it was.

So this is what a squeeze page may look like.

Someone is offering you a free guide

or free report in exchange for

your email address.

Okay, here's another one.

This is very simple and very easy.

Same thing, a free report, they opt in,

and then you give them the email address.

You can offer a free book, a free video,

a free white paper, anything you can think of

you can offer it for free, they give you

the email address, on the next page

you thank them and then you actually

give them the thing that you promised them.

It's very simple, it's a very easy way

to start building a following of people.

Okay, so the question I get from a lot

of people is, like, where do squeeze

pages come from? What is this-

who invented this? Why is this a thing?

And for you to really understand that

I wanna go back in time about 10 or 15 years

back to when the internet first came around.

Now if you are like me, been doing this for

a long time, you probably remember

when you would visit websites and all of

a sudden something really annoying

would happen. Do you remember this?

You go to a website and all of a sudden

you see BOOM a huge pop-up, right?

And pop-ups were amazing for marketers

for business owners, because what would happen

that, someone would come to your website

this pop-up would come up and it

would say, 'hey give me your email address

in exchange for a free report' or for

a free coupon or things like that.

And what happened is that marketers,

business owners started growing huge email

lists of 10s and then 100s of thousands

of people and they'd make so much

money emailing those lists of subscribers,

different products, and different things

they were selling.

The problem was it was really annoying

for the end customer, and so Google

started building in ad-blockers in

all of their things, same did Internet Explorer.

And soon, pop-ups became a thing of the past.

And people started freaking out, because

they're building these huge email lists

and then all of a sudden, that went

away literally overnight.

And they thought, 'what are we gonna do?

How should we do this?'

And luckily for all of us, there

are some very smart marketers out there

who started trying to figure out new

ways to do this and one of the things

they invented is a concept called

a 'squeeze page'.

Which is basically taking this pop-up

and instead of going to websites, this thing

pops up, the pop-up becomes the main page

you actually drive people to.

Now, this is one of the original

squeeze pages. This was David DeAngelo's

Back when I first got started over

a decade ago, this was like, the most famous

squeeze page out there.

It was very simple and very easy.

If you look at it, it said

'You're about to learn secrets that most

men will never know about women'

Inside, you're gonna learn the kiss test.

How to find out if she's ready to be kissed.

And then a bunch of different things, right?

And so you'd come to this page

And instead of driving to the page, having this

be the pop-up, this was the actual page.

I remember when he first started

doing this, other people started doing it.

Everyone thought they were crazy, like

why would you do that? Why would you

hide the thing you're actually trying to sell

from people by having this squeeze page?

But they started doing the testing

what they found is that they would send

people here, say they send 100 people

to this page, let's say they get 30 or 40%

of people to buy, now you may think

that means 60% of people never

actually saw the thing that you're trying

to give them, but what happens after

you get their email address, you have

the ability to follow-up with them.

And they say on average, it takes somebody

seven times seeing what you're trying to sell

before they're willing to buy from you.

And so if you're just driving all your

people to a website, hoping they're gonna

buy, you're gonna lose a lot of that potential

revenue because you have no ability to follow-up

with those people.

So, instead you send them to a squeeze page.

Now, here on this squeeze page, what he was

promising people is that, if you

give me your email address, I'm gonna tell

you the Kiss Test, okay?

So someone would come here and they

put their name, their email address in,

then they go to page right here where

it'd say, 'here's the kiss test' and it

would explain this is how to know

if a woman is ready to be kissed.

And would kind of explain really quick

and in the bottom it said 'click here

to go download my e-book' and then he'd actually

sell his book called 'Double Your Dating'

And that's what the squeeze page was.

Offer them an ethical bribe, a lead magnet.

For him it was the kiss test,

then the next page he gives them the kiss test,

thanks them for giving the email address,

and then from here they will push them

into whatever product or service

they actually wanna sell on the backside of it.

Okay, now they were able to build

an email list of 100s of thousands

of men and build a huge company

by using simple squeeze pages like this

Okay, alright, so here's how it works.

Step number one, you have to create some

kind of lead magnet, something you can give

somebody in exchange for their email address.

And step number two, you just trade

it for their email address.

It's very simple process that works

super well, in face it's almost

too simple and easy.

Here's an example of some squeeze pages

that, some of my favorite ones I've seen

in the past. This one Frank Kern did.

This is one that Neil Patel did at Kiss Metrics

giving away some white papers. This is one where

Brendon Burchard gives away his

productivity guide. This is one

where someone gives away a free video,

which actually ends up being the sales

video for the product they're trying to sell.

So, these are basic squeeze page examples.

There's tons of different ways to do them.

But that's kind of what they traditionally

look like, okay?

So my question for you is how would you

use a squeeze page funnel inside

of your business, okay?

Well, one way is to get their email address,

so you can follow-up with your customers.

Okay, I told you before it takes someone

an average of seven times hearing your message

before they're gonna be ready to actually

purchase something from you.

So, by giving them something for free

in exchange for the email address,

now you can follow-up with them and

have multiple times to try to sell them

product or service you really wanna sell.

Okay, number two, you can start getting

new leads and start building a relationship

with them, so you can sell them other products

and services in the future.

Another thing is you can build an audience

of people for an upcoming product you're

gonna be launching in the future.

Okay, now, we use squeeze pages and

all sorts of aspects of our business

and something you should be using as well.

Now, here's the example of one of my

squeeze pages.

This is a product I put together

called The Funnel Hacker Cookbook.

And I have a free PDF of this, it has

my top 22 sales funnels.

I send people here, they click on the button,

it pops up, it asks for their email address,

and the next page, I give them the download link

to the email, to the cookbook, and then I also

here offer them a physical copy they

can buy if they want upgrade and get

a physical copy of the cookbook.

Okay, it's a very simple squeeze page

funnel that's built me lists of

10s of thousands of people in the last few

months alone.

Okay, so my question for you is-

what do you have that you could give away?

AKA, what kind of lead magnet could you

create in your company to start generating

your potential dream buyers?

Okay, you could create some kind of

free report or whitepaper.

You can make a free video,

you could give away coupons,

you could access something amazing

and a whole bunch of other things.

Just think about what is it that

your dream clients would want,

go and create that thing and then

you put it behind a squeeze page funnel.

Okay, now he's some of the best

practices of a squeeze page.

This is an example, very simple, very powerful

squeeze page for one of my friends, Brian Moran.

And on a squeeze page, a couple things.

Number one, we wanna keep it simple.

I don't wanna overwhelm them, I'm not

trying to over-complicate it,

just very simple, like, this is what I'm

gonna give you in exchange for your

email address.

Number two, I like having tons of curiosity.

The more curiosity someone has in that

thing you're gonna give them, the more

likely they are to give you their actual

email address, okay.

And the next step you gotta tell

them what to do, so notice it says

'download this thing right now' then it says,

it tells them what to, enter your email

address down below to get this thing.

So, you're actually telling them

exactly what to do.

Cause that's page number one.

Page number two best practices,

you give them the thing that they ask for.

For some reason, people sometimes don't

do this, they try to hide it down

the road.

If you do that, people aren't going to

trust you and they're not gonna buy from

you in the future, okay?

So, you actually give them the thing

that they ask for and if you want to,

you can send them off into your next funnel.

Okay, so, Brian, this funnel gives

them the manifesto that they ask for

and then sends them off into the next funnel,

where he actually sells one of

his training courses, okay?

So, that's some of the best practices

behind how squeeze page funnels work.

So, what do you need for this funnel?

First thing you need is, you're gonna

take this funnel, you're gonna edit it, right?

You need some kind of logo if you're gonna

be doing this one, you need your headline,

your copy, the words that are gonna go on

the page, maybe a picture of your

lead magnet, and that's about it.

That's how simple it is to build

out a actual squeeze page funnel.

Okay, now back in the past, if you wanna

build one of these things, this is what

you'd have to do.

You'd have to hire a designer to design the pages

you have to hire a webmaster to create them

and code them and put them together.

Programmer to set up the auto-responders

and the programming.

An analytics person to make sure it's all working

and it was expensive, took a lot of time, k?

And the good news for you is that

there's a better way, the better way

is you can use our simple share funnels,

and down those videos knows there's a whole

bunch of amazing squeeze page funnels

that I have been using over the last

decade of my life to convert amazingly well,

that I'm just gonna give you for free.

You look down below and see 'em, here's

a whole bunch of them, you can see

exactly what they look like.

Pick which one you like, you click on a

button and it's gonna take you to

what we call a share funnel page.

Now, on this page it's gonna show you

behind the scenes where all the pages

and the share funnel look like.

And then if you have an account to click funnels,

it'll just give you this funnel for free.

It'll literally push the thing tied to

your account and you can go and start

editing the pages.

Or if you don't have a click funnels

account yet, we'll actually give you your

free 14-day trial.

You can sign up and I'll push this

entire squeeze page funnel into your account.

You can go there, you can edit it,

make it, add your lead magnet,

add your logos, add your headline,

and here's your copy.

And that quick, you can

have your own squeeze page funnel up

and ready to start generating leads inside

of your company, okay?

So, step number one in this process is scroll

down below and pick which template

you like the most.

There's a ton of them down there,

find the one that looks like best,

that fits your brand, the thing you

like the most.

That's step number one.

Step number two, you just customize it.

Let me make you a,

let me show you really quickly

how simple it is to customize this

funnel inside of quick funnels.

Okay, so right now I'm on the exact

same page that you're on,

and so I look down here, I find all these

different templates.

Which one of these is my favorite,

I then just pick whichever one I like the most.

I click on, select this funnel button.

And it's gonna copy that entire funnel

over inside my Click Funnels account.

All the pages, all the everything

will be copied over here and so

I can start editing immediately.

After it's copied, I click on the

View Funnel button.

And that fast, the entire funnel's

copied into my account.

Now, on the lefthand side here,

you'll notice these are all different pages

I showed you inside this funnel.

And so I'd go through, I'd edit

each of these pages.

Right now, I'm gonna edit just one,

show you how easy it is.

I click right here on 'edit page'.

And it's gonna take me inside the Click

Funnel's editor.

And from here, I come here, I can

just go where I can start clicking

on things on changing them.

Hey! How are you doing?


I come right here, I can change

out the logo, I can change out the images,

say I want to change out the product shot

from the book.

Something different, I click on 'images',

I find my 'images', I can upload my own

if I want.

I'll click on the camera here and BOOM

that fast, this entire page is edited

to look exactly the way I want it to.

If I don't like something, I can drag and drop.

I can move things around.

There's a bunch of things I can add.

But Click Funnels is so simple that

anybody can do it.

You don't have to be technical.

You just have to be able to drag and drop.

You can make these funnels, this page

look exactly the way you want.

When you're done, you click on

the 'save' button right here.

Then you click on 'preview' and you

can see exactly what your funnel looks like.

That fast, your entire funnel is up and live.

If you don't like something, you

can drag it, you can move it around.

And just keep on having fun until

it's exactly the way you want.

And you exit, and you are done.

So that's step number two, customize it.

Now again, all these templates are very

simple and easy to customize.

In fact, this was one template and

I customize it three different ways,

for three different businesses, but if

you notice it's the exact same template.

I just changed the headline, changed the images,

changed the color scheme, and that fast

I can make this funnel match my brand.

And that way, it looks exactly the way

I want it to look.

I can do that in just minutes here

inside of Click Funnels.

Now, the third step, after you've done it,

now you go out and launch it.

Now I wanna show you a really quick

video for one of my friends, Garrett J White,

who uses click funnels for all of his companies.

I want you to hear his own words, how much

Click Funnels has simplified the process for

him and all four of his companies.

- [Garrett] Hello, My name is Garrett J White,

the master coach mentor and founder of

Wake Up Warrior Academy.

And I will tell you this right now,

we have tested with platforms,

we have tested everything.

I have attempted for the past six years

to use every available software tool I could

find that made it simpler for me

to share my message.

And it started with word press

and it went plugins then optimize press,

and then we went to kajabi.

And then we went to lead pages.

And these are all wonderful, know the owners

of these guys, they're fantastic.

The software tools are amazing.

When Click Funnels came out, I was like

'dude, I cannot handle another software tool,

I don't give a shit, we're just gonna

manage our stuff between Lead Pages and Kajabi.'

And then my friend said, 'just test it.

Just try it out.'

And I went to Click Funnels and no bullshit,

like, every software increment of the last

five years has been a, not a quantum shift

in what you can do with the tool to

get your message out to the marketplace.

They've been incremental, so like, there's

been a move from Kajabi to Lead Pages

or from Optimized Press to Kajabi.

And they were these segmented steps

that had slight improvements that made

it easier.

Click Funnels, though, came out of nowhere.

They took the marketplace by storm.

Just like Apple did when they first

launched the iPhone.

It was not a linear move anymore, it was

a quantum move in improvement that opened up

a gap to allow people just like you watching

this, people just like you and me,

who are not technically savvy, we weren't born

in the Matrix and we didn't have a chip

implanted in our heads.

We're not engineers or computer science majors.

And we don't understand that stuff inherently.

Click Funnels gave you, you my friend,

an opportunity to cut and decrease the time

of stress, and anxiety, and suffering

behind a keyboard.

Trust me, the days you wanna just pound

vodka and throw your Mac out the window,

because you can't figure shit out.

Click Funnels has brought it to a place

that it is a quantum leap,

an opportunity

which allows you,

just like the iPhone,

to not only look smarter,

but to feel smarter.

And ultimately to only deal with

the stuff that matters,

which is getting your message about your product

and your program and service

out to the marketplace.

- How many of you guys think that

Click Funnels is the most amazing customs

for planet earth?

- Yeah!


- [Garrett] If you're spending all the time,

that's suicide watch and having to

check yourself into a hospital.

And honestly, trying to deal with everything

else that's come out before it.

So, I'm not only fully endorsed Click Funnels,

it's the only software tool that we use.

When it comes to our funnels online,

across all four of my businesses,

we're not going anywhere else.

Love Russell, love this event.

This event married up to that software tool.

You are a dumbass if you don't come.

And that's okay, there's plenty of

dumbasses on the plant, just don't

let it be you.

- [Russell] So, what you need to do right now

is if you already have a ClickFunnels account,

scroll down below, and figure out which one

of these squeeze page funnels you wanna use.

Click on the button,

pick your template,

customize it,

and you launch it.

That's how simple and how easy it is.

Now, if you don't have a ClickFunnels account yet

don't worry, same step.

Go down, click on the button down below,

select the funnel.

You'll be taken to a share funnel page.

Go and create your free 14-day trial

and then that funnel will be pushed inside

your ClickFunnels account and you can

customize it, edit it, and launch it,

and you'll be able to rock and roll with

your very first squeeze page funnel.

With that said, thank you guys so much

for watching this video.

Scroll down below to see all of my highest

converted squeeze page funnels and templates

and you get a free copy of them right now.

For more infomation >> How To Create A Squeeze Page that will get you a MONSTER Email List - Duration: 14:49.


Ukulele Webcam Sessions (Ep.71) – How to Build a Practice Routine - Duration: 7:47.

Hi, welcome to another episode of Webcam Sessions. This week starts a three week

series where we're going to talk about practice routines and how to kind of

craft one for yourself. This week we're going to talk just a little bit about

practice routines in general, and I've got a fun analogy I like to make with

them. Next week we'll work on kind of an example of a more beginner's practice

routine for someone that's just starting out and then the week after we'll do an

episode on a more advanced practice routine for when you're trying to take

those next steps as a player, but today what I want to talk about is an analogy

that I really like when it comes to practicing, and you can think of

practicing a lot like eating a meal or making a meal, or food in general right

everyone's got to eat and that's just like if you want to improve on the

ukulele, you gotta practice right. But everybody is in the mood for different

things. Everybody likes different things and that's very very much the same

when it comes to practicing ukulele. You know for instance, I love a good steak

but I'm not gonna serve a steak to a vegetarian, just like somebody who maybe

loves strumming but doesn't like fingerpicking at all, well they don't need to

introduce fingerpicking into their practice to continually get better at

strumming right so it's important to craft your practice routine around what

you are in the mood for, what you're wanting, and to cut out the things

that aren't required. You can really take this analogy far, talking about what sort

of things need to be in a good meal.

Obviously ice cream for a meal isn't a really valid option even though we all

want it to be, much in the same way that just playing you know the same three

chords over and over, don't make a good practice routine. You need to have a more

even spread of different things. With a meal you could think of as like you need

some sort of protein, and some sort of starch and you got to make sure you're

checking the boxes for the different, you know vitamins and everything else that

make up a great meal. Practice is the

same way and so to drop the food analogy a little bit, what a good practice

routine needs to have is it needs to have things that challenge your fretting

hand, things that challenge your playing hand, and things that challenge you

mentally right. So we'll start here with playing hand.

So if you're a lefty, that will be or your, or excuse me fretting hand. If you're a

lefty that'll be your right hand, if you're a righty that'll be your left

hand, the one that does the fretting on the ukulele. What you want to make sure

you're introducing in any practice routine with fretting, is that you're

reinforcing good habits and introducing new techniques, so for instance if you're

someone who is just getting comfortable with the first three chords like a C, F

and G7, reinforcing those again and again and again is a really good idea in your

practice routine but to make strides in you're playing it's going to be

important to introduce new concepts such as barre chords for instance right. For

more advanced players, that might be some sort of finger picking you know song

that you like to play, you just practice the left hand fretting making sure your

fingers are getting into position on time right, it's got to have some sort

of fretting hand concept that's used. To go back to the food for just a

moment, that's sort of like I need a protein so I'm going to have a steak or

I need the protein so I'm going to have some sort of bean salad right. Those are

very different things just like there are very different ways to work the

fretting hand, you just need to make sure that one aspect of your meal or your

practice routine is covering that. Flip on it the other side, you're playing hand

the one that strums or picks, you need to make sure that you're using techniques

that you can reinforce good habits and introduce new ones as well. So for

instance I just mentioned that fingerpicking exercise for the fretting hand

right well that might be also a playing hand exercise too to reinforce some sort

of fingerpicking technique and getting your fingers into position to work right,

just like a bean salad might fit the role of a good side and your protein.

When you're building a meal you can have things things sort of fulfill

multiple roles and when you're practicing and building a good practice

routine you can have that as well.

Again the analogy, you can take as far as you want. I'm gonna

kind of drop it here though, I'm getting too hungry to keep talking about food.

But essentially we're trying to craft something that you know completes our

our meal. I just said I'd drop it and I didn't, but complete our practice routine

to be very well balanced.

So we got fretting habits

is something with the left hand right, playing habits with our playing hand

in terms of fingerpicking, or strumming, or whatever else, and then the mental aspect

is a little bit more broad. Mental aspect is knowing what chords you're playing

for instance, memorizing which chords you're learning the names of them are so

important right. It's also memorizing things like the fret board, knowing how

to traverse it quickly in terms of knowing where the numbers are and

potentially even knowing where those notes are as well. It's also

understanding elements of music theory so that you can talk to and relate to

other musicians. But music theory is one of those things that knowing a

little bit I think is good for everybody, but if it's something you're really not

that into, it's not critical to spend a lot of time on it just like with the

food, you know if you don't like that type of food, don't worry about eating it

a lot, just eat something else that gives you that same role, and in this case the

mental aspect could be more of looking at complicated tabs and being able to

traverse the fretboard knowing where the numbers are, not worrying as much about

the notes, and on the flip side if you really want to know what those notes

names are, spend more time on that. It's okay to kind of spread it to a direction

that you are going to get the most out of, and so again this video is meant to

be more of an introduction to building a practice routine, we're not really

covering much in the way of building one right now, that's what we'll be doing in

the next couple weeks, but this week I want you to start to think about what

sort of things you want on your plate of food in a practice sense right. What are

you hoping to get out of it? Are you trying to be more of a fingerstyle

player, if so you're gonna want to work more on things that will utilize fingerpicking

and I'll introduce some exercises next week for that as well.

Are you somebody who wants to sing and strum

and get better at working on different patterns to be able to you know take

your playing to the next level with your strum along groups or whatever else then

that's sort of the element that you want to focus on, or are you somebody who

wants to be well-rounded and do a little bit of everything. That's okay too, that's

just that plate of food that's got a little bit of everything right, and so

everyone's a little bit different with it. So again next week we'll start on our

first sort of example practice routine and go from there. If you guys have any

questions feel free to leave them down below and also I want you to leave your

ideal meal of what you'd like to be playing on the ukulele and I'll take

some of these into consideration as I'm making these example practice routines.

Are you somebody who really wants to do lots of classical style fingerpicking?

Are you somebody that who's more interested playing instrumental chord

Are you into jazz and want to play to support a vocalist?

Do you want to work on some country-western bluegrass and strum along and sing along?

What are your interests? It'll help me sort of craft well a plate for the next

couple weeks to show examples. So I hope this has been somewhat helpful. I'll see

you guys next week and really looking forward to it and have a wonderful week

and I'll see you next time.

For more infomation >> Ukulele Webcam Sessions (Ep.71) – How to Build a Practice Routine - Duration: 7:47.


Primitive Technology: Build a Stone Dam to Catch and Raise Fish - Duration: 10:04.

Build a Stone Dam to Catch and Raise Fish

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