Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Aug 30 2018

So I love San Diego, it's a great place to live

I mean you have sunshine pretty much year-round

I really like the community here, I feel like it's an invaluable community to be a part of.

You come to Bastyr because you want the best of both worlds

You want western medicine, the rigorous western medicine that we get here

but as well, integrate it with the principles that we have for naturopathic medicine.

So one of the great things about learning here is that you learn the

pharmaceuticals and the botanicals and nutrition

and how those all work together

to further the health of our patients moving forward

The most unique aspect to the Bastyr naturopathic education

is one: we really focus on a holistic approach

we really focus in on the foundations of medicine

two: I'd say, the personalized approach

it's very different from a lot of education models that exist externally

and three: the natural therapeutics

the nutrition training, the herbal medicine training

the physical medicine training, and incorporating all these

into a robust plan for their patient.

Our students are working alongside their family practitioners

they're also working alongside their specialist.

so they're going on rotations working with internal medicine, working with pediatrics

and going through these different rotations

and ultimately that makes a more well-trained, more robust student.

I really like how Bastyr focuses on "Doctor as Teacher"

I think that's one of the fundamentals of our medicine

that makes it really powerful because we're empowering patients with knowledge

on how to heal themselves

Not only are we teaching our patients how to take better care of themselves

but they're teaching us. We're always going to be students

and being able to take that information that we're gathering

and passing it forward to the next generation of patients.

This medicine is really amazing and

and whenever I see a patient get better it reinforces why I'm working so hard.

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For more infomation >> Inside Look | Bastyr California ND Program - Duration: 2:13.


California Man Charged With Making Threatening Phone Calls To The Boston Globe - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> California Man Charged With Making Threatening Phone Calls To The Boston Globe - Duration: 1:28.


Deadline For California Lawmakers To Pass Bills Approaches - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Deadline For California Lawmakers To Pass Bills Approaches - Duration: 2:27.


California Woman's Refusal to Sell Her Home to Trump Supporters Just Cost Her $100K - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> California Woman's Refusal to Sell Her Home to Trump Supporters Just Cost Her $100K - Duration: 2:45.


Charming Napa Barn in Northern California Vineyard | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 3:07.

Charming Napa Barn in Northern California Vineyard

For more infomation >> Charming Napa Barn in Northern California Vineyard | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 3:07.



 Nel 2017, davanti agli studenti di Harvard, Mark Zuckerberg aveva confermato in modo chiaro le sue posizioni a favore del reddito di cittadinanza

«Dobbiamo valutare la possibilità di un reddito universale di base, per essere certi che tutti possano avere un ammortizzatore per provare nuove idee», aveva detto ai neolaureati

Da tempo nella Silicon Valley si discute in modo teorico della necessità di nuove forme di sostegno economico garantito

E adesso, uno dei più grandi incubatori di startup della Bay Area, Y Combinator, ha deciso di avviare un test investendo 60 milioni di dollari: la sperimentazione inizierà nel 2019, coinvolgerà 3

000 persone in due stati (non ancora individuati) e sarà condotta insieme alla University of Michigan

La durata prevista è compresa tra i tre e i cinque anni, nel corso dei quali 1.000 persone riceveranno 1

000 dollari al mese, mentre un gruppo di controllo di 2.000 persone avrà 50 dollari al mese

L' idea di un progetto pilota da parte di Y Combinator era stato annunciato due anni fa da un Sam Altman molto entusiasta

Il presidente dell' incubatore aveva parlato di «eliminazione della povertà». In quell' occasione Altman presentava un progetto molto più piccolo, che coinvolge 30-40 persone nella città di Oakland e che dovrebbe iniziare tra un mese, con fortissimi ritardi

Altman crede che sia fondamentale capire già oggi come rispondere all' eliminazione di posti di lavoro causata dalla tecnologia

«Le persone starebbero a casa a giocare ai videogiochi o creerebbero nuove cose? Si sentirebbero comunque felici e realizzate? Non avendo il problema di non riuscire a mantenersi, sarebbero più utili alla società? Chi riceve il sussidio creerebbe più valore economico di quello ricevuto?»

L' edizione americana di Wired spiega come non sia affatto il primo esperimento di reddito di cittadinanza: la Finlandia, i Paesi Bassi, l' India hanno provato questa via

Oggi, in Kenya e Uganda sono in corso i due più grandi studi al mondo, finanziati dalle nonprofit GiveWell e Google

org. Bisogna aggiungere, come fa notare la rivista MIT Technology Review, che il Canada e la Finlandia hanno interrotto le sperimentazioni sul reddito di base senza grandi risultati positivi

In Italia la senatrice del MoVimento 5 Stelle, Nunzia Catalfo, ha commentato il test di Y Combinator: «Indica a tutto il mondo una strada che il M5S conosce e percorre da quando è nato»

Ma negli Stati Uniti, soprattutto a sinistra, molti economisti e intellettuali sono contrari

Douglas Rushkoff, autore di diversi libri molto critici sul mondo del lavoro nella Silicon Valley, dice a Il Messaggero che il reddito di cittadinanza rappresenta una «toppa per correggere un cattivo modello»

Nulla di più.



Gavin Newsom calls for free healthcare for illegal immigrants in California - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Gavin Newsom calls for free healthcare for illegal immigrants in California - Duration: 3:59.


California elimina la libertad bajo fianza por dinero | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> California elimina la libertad bajo fianza por dinero | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 2:14.


Degenerado sexual en un parque en California | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Degenerado sexual en un parque en California | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:44.


California could become the first state to mandate women on corporate boards - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> California could become the first state to mandate women on corporate boards - Duration: 3:50.


Canadian Mom and Her 10-Year-Old Daughter Vanish During California Camping Trip - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 2:56.

 Police in California are looking for a Canadian woman and her 10-year-old daughter after the pair mysteriously vanished during a camping trip just north of San Francisco, authorities say

 Witnesses at Fish Lake Campgrounds in Orleans said Audrey Rodrigue, 29, and her 10-year-old daughter, Emily Rodrigue, looked "happy and not in distress" just before they vanished earlier this week, according to a statement from the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office

 The pair landed at the San Francisco International Airport on Saturday and rented a 2018 Ford Focus before spending the night at a hotel in Burlingame, police said

 They planned to go camping at several locations across the state, according to the statement

 "Audrey sent her boyfriend (who is still in Canada) a text message on 8/26/18, but he was unable to contact her after receiving the text," police continued in the statement

"It is believed Audrey and Emily were headed to the Pigeon Point Hotel but they never arrived

"  Audrey's boyfriend reported them missing on Monday and deputies headed to the Orleans campgrounds where park staff and campers recalled seeing the pair

They said Audrey and Emily left without knowing park rangers were looking for them

 Officials are enlisting the help of the public to find Audrey and Emily, sharing photos of them online and noting that they both have blonde hair and blue eyes

 On Thursday, police said in a tweet that they have "no solid information" that would lead them to the pair

 Photos from Audrey Facebook page shows the mother-daughter duo as an adventurous pair

Earlier this month, she shared a photo of a child who appeared to be Emily climbing a rock wall, writing, "This little love of mine

"  Other Facebook pictures showed Audrey and Emily kayaking and indoor surfing.

For more infomation >> Canadian Mom and Her 10-Year-Old Daughter Vanish During California Camping Trip - Breaking News 247 - Duration: 2:56.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:15.


California looks to block offshore drilling - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> California looks to block offshore drilling - Duration: 0:27.


VW T6 California - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> VW T6 California - Duration: 1:06.


Concerns are raised after California eliminates cash bail - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Concerns are raised after California eliminates cash bail - Duration: 1:35.


Jerry Brown Signs California's Death Warrant—His Ruling Signals The End - Duration: 2:48.

California's Jerry Brown, or "Governor Moonbeam" as we like to call him, has been

burning his state to the ground from the moment he took office.

Time and again he's proven he cares more about winning in politics than Californian


Ironically, that's going to be his demise—and the end of his beautiful state.

These days, he's put his hatred for the Trump administration front and center.

He had been passing one policy after another that will ensure a miserable future for the


All to snub the Commander in Chief.

It's really shocking to see how little the governor cares about California residents.

He's put drug dealers, child molesters, rapists, and killers before law-abiding citizens.

Now his latest move will ensure even more scum will walk free, and flush one of our

best states down the drain.

From Breitbart: California Gov. Jerry Brown used his executive

powers to issue 36 gubernatorial pardons on Friday, to hit a record of 1,018 pardons in

eight years in office.

Although 22 of those were for murder and 13 for attempted murder or manslaughter, Brown

said each of the pardons he provided went to individuals that had had "demonstrated

exemplary behavior" and lived "productive and law-abiding lives" following their convictions

and time served in prison, according to the Fresno Bee.

Calmatters reported that by Brown's sixth year as governor in 2016, he had already forgiven

850 felons, more than California governors combined in the prior three decades.

Combined with the 132 in 2017 and 36 so far this year, Brown has already issued 1,018


The governor is also expected to add to the total before leaving office, with his tradition

of granting executive clemencies on Christmas Eve…

The pardons have been described as acts of mercy to frustrate the Trump administration's

efforts to detain and deport immigrants with felony convictions that by law can result

in the loss of legal residency status.

Just imagine.

Over 1000 convicted criminals have been set free by Brown.

Not because they deserved it, but because he wanted to stick it to the Trump administration.

Many of those released were illegal aliens.

Brown released them before the federal government could deport them.

Hmm, I wonder what these people—who received get out of jail free cards—will do now?

I bet they will live upstanding, righteous lives from now on.

Oh, no wait.

Statistics prove these men will go back to the very crimes that landed them in jail.

Everyone in California—and the United States—is now less safe, thanks to Jerry Brown.

I'm not at all surprised.

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