Before 2015 everything was better and that's true
The reasons why the European Union should tighten border security and not allow everybody to enter inside to Europe especially economic refugees and illegals from Africa and the Middle East countries (Muslim countries). That same or worse than 2015 will never happen again!
Before 2015 Europe was a good place, nobody had to fear about, terrorism, rape, violence, harassment or social isolation
Everybody had a good life. People were more social and happier, they didn't feel danger and innocent people who suffer social isolation in nowadays had a chance to get a good life
In 2014 Syria war started and refugees started to escape more and more
People started to change worse, people acted more annoying. Racism and Nazis were increasing, this was ruining people's sociality forever
In 2015 a massive and catastrophic refugee stream came to Europe that transformed Europe, United States, and the world into a living hell
If this continues we all will have trouble and never come back to the lives that we want to always have
trouble and never come back to the lives that we want to always have
continues we all will have trouble and never come back to the lives that we want to always have. People From Africa and Middle Eastern Muslim countries (except turkey and Caucasian region) flow to Europe to lie, refugees start from Spain, Italy, and Greece. Their idea is to lie, rape and lie to ruin others lives
We need old and great Europe that was before 2015
Before 2014-2015
Before 2014 human life was like in heaven, nobody had to fear about violence, in buses and public transportation, no one acted so retardedly like now. Bus drivers were much friendly. The best time to live in the 2000s is 2000-2013. In the streets, people talked more than nowadays and Facebook was not an aggressive place
Life in 2014
In 2014 was a huge life-changing, people started to behave more aggressively and bad that increased bullying and racism that ruined innocent lives
One Somalian layer called Faisal Ali Warabe from Espoo Finland made ISIS - Propaganda video that talks 100% bullshit
Faisal Ali Warabe talks that caliphate is great and he invites everybody from the world but the caliphate is a dangerous thing and does not belong to Europe and not the Muslim region
After 2015
After 2015 the world changed dramatically especially Europe and America got worse
People started to fear more, social isolation was increasing in public transports and other places, also many people used violence
This was the end of the good old life. People looked away more, kids or snotty's were screaming like in hell, the scream sound sounded like helium voice
Also, people talked shit about different people also they screamed some painful words to everyone like demons physically and mentally
The most people who suffered about this were bullied people, isolated or had some problems
The terror attacks were increasing and media started to teach how Islam is great and you should participate with them but in reality, many Muslim refugees lied, in northern Europe, most were from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Somalia. In Syria half escaped and half stayed
In November Paris got one of the worst terror attacks in the history that killed innocent people died who didn't deserve
The 2015-2016 was the age of hell in Europe
In the up pictures are people who demonstrate against terrorist attack and below are liars who are not welcome to Europe!
! In up and right picture is one man who barked some racist words to native American who didn't want any bad, in the left side are people who demonstrate against Muslims in Tornio Finland. Below and right are Somalian refugees who want to lie, and in the left is Moroccan man named Abderrahman Bouanane who lied and killed innocent people in Turku 2017
In 2016, terror attacks were increasing, Belgium, Sweden, and France got terror attacks and this was the same time when the USA had a presidential election
In 2017 Sweden, England, Finland and some etcetera countries got attacks... Also, many media broadcasted a propaganda video about Islam and the Allahu akbar music was used in the video to teach people how great is this and how refugees will fit into society
In reality, they can't fit into society, many rapes, violence was happening, people's lives were taken with attacks and many people committed suicide because of rape. People's lives were ruined
In Muslim society, it's legal to rape and if the women experience that, women need to have a man who will prove it, if not the woman will be sentenced to death by stoning. If lonely people complained about loneliness the answer was always because of smartphones but the idea was to hide and believe about futuristic things
Many beautiful women participate with those refugee idiots and this increases isolation. Many politics from 2015 to present defend a bad people more than good people what is so unfair, this increases the danger of death!
In nowadays society, if a refugee from Africa or middle eastern Muslim countries does something crime they don't do anything about it but if European citizen does some crime this will cause the police case
If the refugee crisis continues, fear can increase that sparks internet aggression. Social isolation and jobless people will be a serious issue and this can increase violence and crime, suicide rates will increase that people will be more hopeless to get good life back
Europe has a chance to block yet, but if this continues that means bye-bye to the good life. This can lead to hate and war. Also, alcoholism can be a serious issue because of depression
No one wants to live in the dark misery so all European countries need to act and vote politics who support close border policy
Wake up Europeans!
We can stop this voting politics who supports close border policy and kick out criminals and illegals out from European Union. Also, the European Union needs to have life and death sentence like the United States of America that will make Europe safe, strong and great again!
Vote politics who supports close border policy to euro parliament that will save you!
Also, we need to accept Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia to the European Union. Russian and Ukrainian war has to be stopped! Georgia and Ukraine needs to be a good friend with Russia
I really liked your Information. Keep up the good work. Plaque de cuisson
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