Before 2015 everything was better and that's true
The reasons why the European Union should tighten border security and not allow everybody to enter inside to Europe especially economic refugees and illegals from Africa and the Middle East countries (Muslim countries). That same or worse than 2015 will never happen again!
Before 2015 Europe was a good place, nobody had to fear about, terrorism, rape, violence, harassment or social isolation
Everybody had a good life. People were more social and happier, they didn't feel danger and innocent people who suffer social isolation in nowadays had a chance to get a good life
In 2014 Syria war started and refugees started to escape more and more
People started to change worse, people acted more annoying. Racism and Nazis were increasing, this was ruining people's sociality forever
In 2015 a massive and catastrophic refugee stream came to Europe that transformed Europe, United States, and the world into a living hell
If this continues we all will have trouble and never come back to the lives that we want to always have
trouble and never come back to the lives that we want to always have
continues we all will have trouble and never come back to the lives that we want to always have. People From Africa and Middle Eastern Muslim countries (except turkey and Caucasian region) flow to Europe to lie, refugees start from Spain, Italy, and Greece. Their idea is to lie, rape and lie to ruin others lives
We need old and great Europe that was before 2015
Before 2014-2015
Before 2014 human life was like in heaven, nobody had to fear about violence, in buses and public transportation, no one acted so retardedly like now. Bus drivers were much friendly. The best time to live in the 2000s is 2000-2013. In the streets, people talked more than nowadays and Facebook was not an aggressive place
Life in 2014
In 2014 was a huge life-changing, people started to behave more aggressively and bad that increased bullying and racism that ruined innocent lives
One Somalian layer called Faisal Ali Warabe from Espoo Finland made ISIS - Propaganda video that talks 100% bullshit
Faisal Ali Warabe talks that caliphate is great and he invites everybody from the world but the caliphate is a dangerous thing and does not belong to Europe and not the Muslim region
After 2015
After 2015 the world changed dramatically especially Europe and America got worse
People started to fear more, social isolation was increasing in public transports and other places, also many people used violence
This was the end of the good old life. People looked away more, kids or snotty's were screaming like in hell, the scream sound sounded like helium voice
Also, people talked shit about different people also they screamed some painful words to everyone like demons physically and mentally
The most people who suffered about this were bullied people, isolated or had some problems
The terror attacks were increasing and media started to teach how Islam is great and you should participate with them but in reality, many Muslim refugees lied, in northern Europe, most were from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and Somalia. In Syria half escaped and half stayed
In November Paris got one of the worst terror attacks in the history that killed innocent people died who didn't deserve
The 2015-2016 was the age of hell in Europe
In the up pictures are people who demonstrate against terrorist attack and below are liars who are not welcome to Europe!
! In up and right picture is one man who barked some racist words to native American who didn't want any bad, in the left side are people who demonstrate against Muslims in Tornio Finland. Below and right are Somalian refugees who want to lie, and in the left is Moroccan man named Abderrahman Bouanane who lied and killed innocent people in Turku 2017
In 2016, terror attacks were increasing, Belgium, Sweden, and France got terror attacks and this was the same time when the USA had a presidential election
In 2017 Sweden, England, Finland and some etcetera countries got attacks... Also, many media broadcasted a propaganda video about Islam and the Allahu akbar music was used in the video to teach people how great is this and how refugees will fit into society
In reality, they can't fit into society, many rapes, violence was happening, people's lives were taken with attacks and many people committed suicide because of rape. People's lives were ruined
In Muslim society, it's legal to rape and if the women experience that, women need to have a man who will prove it, if not the woman will be sentenced to death by stoning. If lonely people complained about loneliness the answer was always because of smartphones but the idea was to hide and believe about futuristic things
Many beautiful women participate with those refugee idiots and this increases isolation. Many politics from 2015 to present defend a bad people more than good people what is so unfair, this increases the danger of death!
In nowadays society, if a refugee from Africa or middle eastern Muslim countries does something crime they don't do anything about it but if European citizen does some crime this will cause the police case
If the refugee crisis continues, fear can increase that sparks internet aggression. Social isolation and jobless people will be a serious issue and this can increase violence and crime, suicide rates will increase that people will be more hopeless to get good life back
Europe has a chance to block yet, but if this continues that means bye-bye to the good life. This can lead to hate and war. Also, alcoholism can be a serious issue because of depression
No one wants to live in the dark misery so all European countries need to act and vote politics who support close border policy
Wake up Europeans!
We can stop this voting politics who supports close border policy and kick out criminals and illegals out from European Union. Also, the European Union needs to have life and death sentence like the United States of America that will make Europe safe, strong and great again!
Vote politics who supports close border policy to euro parliament that will save you!
Also, we need to accept Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia to the European Union. Russian and Ukrainian war has to be stopped! Georgia and Ukraine needs to be a good friend with Russia
For more infomation >> Before 2015 everything was better and that's true (Make Europe Great Again) - Duration: 7:12.-------------------------------------------
What If The Tyrant From Resident Evil Was Real? - Duration: 7:42.
Picture this.
The year is 1968 - and two British industrialists, Oswell E. Spencer and Edward Ashford have
founded an international pharmaceutical company known as The Umbrella Corporation.
On the surface, their goal is noble enough - to become a major international player in
pharmaceutical goods and medical supplies, providing the planet with a steady supply
of highly advanced, cutting edge technology in the field of medicine.
As their corporation expands though, and swiftly, piece by piece - they monopolise healthcare
- their true motivations slowly become more and more apparent.
In the shadows, their legitimate status as a pharmaceutical corporation is merely a front
- their real, soul motivation - are bio-organic weapons, genetic engineering - and a whole
horror show of some serious, resident evil.
Hello internet - and welcome back to the most inquisitive channel on YouTube, Life's Biggest
As per usual, I'll be your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - as we soar across the Arklay
Mountains in a flaming chopper, scream into the sky with a submachine gun in hand - and
curiously ask the question, What If The Tyrant From Resident Evil Was Real?
Roll the clip.
Well - sadly for us, a real-life depiction of a Tyrant, definitely wouldn't be musing
on their own existential crisis while patiently waiting for a well timed wall of lasers.
Unfortunately for us, we don't all have the impervious plot armor of Milla Jovovich
- and a mutated, horrifying parasitic creature sadly wouldn't be the annoyingly charming
one-liner machine of 2007's Resident Evil Extinction.
It'd be the unrelenting, STARS hunting, Leon hating, overcoated monster of the Resident
Evil video game franchise - fedora and all.
But that's a long way ahead, first we have to outline how the hell we got into this mess
in the first place - and believe it or not, it's not too far out of the realm of possibility.
Let me explain.
Currently, there are a myriad of corporations across the planet that mirror the Umbrella
Corporation in their motivation.
At the root of it, of course, the Umbrella Corp is essentially just a pharmaceutical
company - whose first motivation was to do good on planet Earth.
Just look through some of their technology, most of which features throughout the video
game franchise, and it becomes apparent.
Aqua Cure first aid spray - no more need for bandages.
Great stuff.
Adravil, a more potent painkiller with a quicker release into the body.
Safsprin - a household name, a common cure for the common cold.
This is awesome.
Good job Umbrella Corp, and thanks for saving the planet.
But … that's how it starts, doesn't it?
Good technology, that is made with the best intention - sells.
And it sells, very, very well.
Just like how the Monsanto Company, founded in 1901 by John Francis Queeny, produced caffeine
and vanillin during their humble beginnings - and yet would later go on to be tied with
the Manhattan Project, developing the first nuclear weapons, as well as being a producer
of Agent Orange for the United States Armed Forces during the Vietnam War.
Profit margins drive research and development, and with enough time and success - even the
best of intentions can become monstrous.
And for the Umbrella Corporation - that was the discovery and invention of the T-Virus
- formally known as the Tyrant virus, a series of mutant Progenitor virus strains that had
the ability to infect a wide variety of organisms, and reinforced certain characteristics by
essentially recombining the hosts genes.
Under special circumstances, it caused spontaneous mutations - and the result, in fiction anyway,
was the wide array of horrifying and monstrous creations that form the Resident Evil franchise.
So could a creature like a Tyrant ever exist?
Specifically a T-103 model, because that's the coolest one, right?
Let's find out.
As the events of Resident Evil 2 laid out, as well as the surprisingly awesome 2019 remake,
the Tyrant-T Type was a series of mass-produced experimental Bio-Organic Weapons created at
the Umbrella Corporation.
Produced in 1998 from modified clones of the T-002 Tyrant, the T-103 series was the posthumous
completion of the Tyrant Project's goal.
T-103's possessed intelligence levels close to that of normal humans, and could follow
orders that were impossible for more primitive bio-organic weapons.
Essentially, what they had created was an all powerful genetic mutant machine, that
this time - unlike its predecessors - could follow orders.
As the events of the Resident Evil franchise highlight, the T-103 model is solely used
for military purposes.
At their mass produced level, these bio-organic weapons essentially form the perfect soldier
- and if they were real, military powers across the world would be screaming to be the highest
bidder to get their hands on these hulking, fleshy machines.
And in that - it forms the basis of our answer to this question.
If the Tyrant series was real, then military operations across the planet would be severely
But, let's take that step on further - and actually try and disseminate if this could
ever possibly happen.
We've got the all powerful pharmaceutical corporation with malintention - we've got
the motivation to mass produce a military commodity, and the final piece of the puzzle
is the scientific process behind it.
Let me introduce you to Ophiocordyceps australis - a genus of fungi that encompasses around
140 species that grow exclusively on insects.
It is highly known for its parasitic behaviour on ants - in which when they are affected
by its spores, alters their behaviour in such a way to propagate itself more effectively.
Essentially, it takes control of the ant - forcing it to move to a more contagious area of the
colony, before killing the ant, quickly growing its fruit of the ants dead body - and then
releasing its spores to further infect the ant colony.
There are a few other similar processes in the natural world - but this one is perhaps
the most cut and shut.
It forces a creature to do something that it doesn't want to do.
Sound familiar?
Now, I'm not claiming by any means that this could, or would - ever happen.
But, after all - we do share a common ancestry with ants, albeit a long, long time ago.
If it affects ants in such a way, then it's not out of the realm of possibility that it
could infect humans too.
The Resident Evil franchise is essentially the result of the Umbrella Corporation trying
and failing to perfect their new genetic strain.
The scientific process is exactly that - a process - and as the T-103 model proves, it
takes a lot of time and effort to achieve a working model.
Take a look at ReAnima Advanced BioSciences - a bio-technology company based out of Philadelphia,
who are leading the charge in Neuro-Regeneration and Neuro-Reanimation.
They claim to have a developed a series of injections that can, essentially, reboot the
brain - and bring people back to life.
Hm, kinda sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Well - unfortunately folks, that's all we've got time for in today's video.
Let us know your thoughts in the comment section down below.
Before we depart though, you've always got a lot to say - so let's read out some of
your more humorous comments from over the past few days.
First up, DaMarion TheDiamondWolf says -- Jack Finch is his own SCP because he's a floating
voice thing.
-- Well, I'm not gonna lie - I'm actually starting to feel like an SCP… let me out.
Next up - Bobbity Bob says -- What if…
-- Well?
Spit it out Bobbity Bob, we haven't got all day.
Alright we'll wait.
Just kidding Bob, you take all the time you need buddy.
Well, there we have it questioneers - cheers for sticking around all the way until the
If you were a fan of this video, make sure to hit that thumbs up button - as well as
that subscribe bell, and we'll be seeing you in the next one.
As per usual, I've been your disembodied floating voice Jack Finch - you've been
watching Life's Biggest Questions - and until next time, you take it easy.
もやもやトーク「友達って何だろう?The talk of What is a friend?#期間限定公開予定 - Duration: 34:18.
Fyre Festival's Andy King is loving all the memes after revealing he nearly performed oral sex for w - Duration: 4:10.
Andy King responds to his new-found fame (Picture: Netflix) Netflix's documentary about the doomed Fyre Festival was a jaw-dropping insight into what was billed as a luxury music event in the Bahamas, but soon spiralled into the ultimate shambles
Just when viewers thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, the documentary makers would drop another grim bombshell
And one particularly shocking scene soon wound up becoming an internet meme – and we're not talking about the picture of the sad cheese sandwich
The Netflix documentary was full of bombshells (Picture: Netflix) Andy King, a producer of Fyre Festival, admitted he was so committed to making the now incarcerated Billy McFarland's idea work, he was willing to perform a sexual act in exchange for trucks of water
King said Fyre founder McFarland told him, 'Andy, if you will go down and suck Cunningham's dick – who's the head of customs – and get him to clear all of the containers with water, you will save this festival.' Advertisement Advertisement Speaking directly to camera, King added, 'And I literally drove home, took a shower, I drank some mouthwash
I'm like, "Oh my gosh… I'm really"… and I got into my car to drive across the island to take one for the team and I got to his office fully prepared to suck his dick.' Andy King has seen all of your FYRE Fest memes — and he loves them! — Netflix US (@netflix) January 29, 2019 Thankfully the water was released without King having to do anything
'Can you imagine? In my thirty years of career, this is what I was willing to do
I was honestly going to do that,' he went on. As well as concerned reactions, the revelation also meant King was soon singled out as the unsung hero of the documentary – and many, many memes ensued
Now King has addressed his new-found social media fame in an interview with Netflix, admitting he had no idea what a meme was before the documentary aired
#FyreFestival Netflix doc tldr- some dude offers to suck dick for Evian water. — Telaia 🚀✨ (@Telaiatweet) January 29, 2019 Job Interviewer: Explain a time where you encountered a problem, and describe how you solved it.Andy King: — Hadley DeQuillettes (@hadley_riann) January 27, 2019 If you don't have friends in your circle like #AndyKing….you don't have the right circle
#FyreFestival #FyreFraud — Ashley (@colorfulsoul27) January 29, 2019 'I'm blown away with the response of the documentary… I'm now a noun, a verb, an adjective,' he shared
Advertisement Advertisement 'It's mind-boggling. When someone reached out last weekend and said, "You're trending," and I'm like, "I don't even know what trending means.'" King continued: 'And then yesterday someone's saying, "Yeah you're a me-me." I'm like, "What's a me-me?"' He said he now hopes to do 'a lot of good' and give back to the people the Bahamas
Fyre Festival founder Billy McFarland is now in prison (Picture: AP) One GoFundMe page has already been set up to pay back the caterer who used her life savings to pay her own employers when Fyre organisers failed to cough up the cash, and King said a second GoFundMe page is also being set up to pay back labourers who worked on setting up the festival
More: Netflix How many people did Ted Bundy kill and how did he die? Marie Kondo shuts down frightening rumour that you should only have 30 books Netflix reminds viewers to stop lusting after serial killer Ted Bundy 'One of our biggest goals, obviously, is paying back all the people in the Bahamas,' he explained
'If I can drive positive influences and a lot of positive energy toward, you know, social and environmental impact,' King added
'I think I can utilize this moment to do a lot of good.' Got a showbiz story? If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Entertainment team by emailing us, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you
MORE: Serena Williams bumps into Lewis Hamilton at jewellers and he goes absolutely ga-ga over baby Olympia MORE: Perrie Edwards admits Little Mix practise losing awards to hide disappointment Advertisement Advertisement
Man City News - Transfer deadline day deal sheet: What is a deal sheet? How does it work? - Duration: 3:23.
Transfer deadline day is expected to bring the inevitable storm of drama, near-misses and nail-biting last-gasp deals
However, once the deadline passes, several transfers could still be allowed to take place if clubs submit a deal sheet
TRANSFER NEWS LIVE - UPDATES AND LATEST FROM YOUR CLUB ON DEADLINE DAY Long after Jim White has left your screen, transfers could be pushed through
But what is a deal sheet and how can clubs acquire a deadline extension? Express Sport have rounded up everything you need to know
What is a deal sheet? Transfer deals continue to grow in complexity and paperwork with a long list of fine details and terms that must be agonised over before Player X is unveiled to his new fans
The deal sheet allows clubs to confirm that a deal has been agreed between all parties including the most essential details
Teams must confirm the name of the player, both clubs involved in the transition and a brief breakdown of the finances
When can a deal sheet be used? The sheet is only available in the final two hours of the transfer window and must be fully completed and submitted to the FA before the official deadline
Once the deal sheet is approved by the FA, teams have an additional two hours to process every aspect of the transfer
This usually involves a surge of administrative work to be completed by club officials
If all information is handed to the FA by the end of the extension, the deal will be completed
If not, the player cannot be registered to play for his new team until the next transfer window
This was the case when Adrien Silva's move from Sporting CP to Leicester missed the extended deadline by 14 seconds in 2017
When does the January transfer window close for English and Scottish teams? Teams playing in the English leagues have until 11pm tonight to complete their transfer dealings
Clubs will be able to apply for a short extension if they submit all relevant paperwork before the 11pm deadline
Loan deals must be completed in the same timeframe as permanent transfers though free agents can be acquired outside of the window
All professional clubs in England and Scotland must adhere to the same rules to ensure a level playing field
World News - Holly Willoughby is reduced to tears TWICE after meeting puppy - Duration: 3:56.
Holly Willoughby was reduced to tears twice on Wednesday after meeting a pup on This Morning who was looking to be re-homed
Clearly overcome with emotion, the 37-year-old TV host admitted meeting the Sheepdog puppies - particuarly one called Missy - had left her in pieces
She said: 'She's made me cry twice this morning. Any one holds Missy and hold her paw, she's got such a special energy she's just amazing
' Holly, who looked incredible wearing a checked dress by Zara, was enamoured with the pups on the show - so much so that she shared a sweet snap while gazing upon the beloved dog
During the segment, where they talking about the possibility of rehoming the animals shortly before she admitted she was overcome
Share this article Share She added a caption on her Instagram picture reading: 'I'm in love
meet Missy. she's looking for a home. today on @thismorning we are talking to @threecountiesdogrescue about all the wonderful work they do
' Just a day before, Holly suffered a gaffe on Tuesday's episode of the show as she accidentally said 'Soap gusset' rather than 'Soap gossip'
She was filling in viewers on what was coming next of the show when she made the gaffe - leading to a tickled reaction from fans - shortly before she was yet again feeling guilty after a huge vodka cocktail
Holly and Phil were chatting through the upcoming segments on the show as Holly was about to reveal they were going to be talking through the soaps
While she should have said Soap Gossip she instead said Soap Gusset - leading to much laughter from Phil and a hysterical Holly
Shortly after the cheeky gaffe, the star was seen enjoying a drink with Nigel Havers, Denis Lawson and Stephen Tompkinson - despite the early time of day
After Denis made a vodka martini for the duo, Holly downed the booze despite the early time of day - much to the joy of tickled fans
This comes just days after Holly left her Phil in hysterics during Sunday night's Dancing On Ice, after she accidentally swore while hosting the show
The stunning star suffered a cheeky slip of the tongue as she introduced Gemma Collins, appearing to say 'Dancing On A***' instead of the title of the ITV show
While she maintained her composure during the show, a backstage video showed Holly in fits of giggles as Phil repeatedly asked her what she said, calling the blunder a 'beauty
Was Serena singled out in the US Open final? Here's what 73 matches told us - Duration: 6:15.
Jan 15, 2019Amy LundyFacebookTwitterFacebook MessengerPinterestEmailprint In the 2018 US Open women's final, Serena Williams was given a series of three code violations that all but cemented her loss against Naomi Osaka
The first was for coaching, the second (a point penalty) for racket abuse and the third (game penalty), in which Williams was already down a set and 4-3 in the second, for verbal abuse
In the heat of the moment, Williams had strong words for chair umpire Carlos Ramos: "There are men out here who do a lot worse than me, but because I'm a woman, you are going to take this away from me? That is not right
" The fallout was controversial, to say the least. But the incident led us to wonder: Was there a trend in either direction for men's and women's players? The USTA, in response to our findings, said in a statement, "One could argue that not all rules, especially as it relates to coaching, were applied consistently throughout the tournament
" We watched 73 matches from the 2018 Grand Slam season in their entirety -- 100 sets of men's tennis and 100 sets of women's tennis
We tracked the number of times the rules were broken, as well as the number of times players were penalized for those infractions
We could only see what the cameras captured, so we likely weren't able to catch every infraction; but the sample size gave us a strong indication of the rate of penalization for men and women
In trying to determine which rules were broken, we referred to the Grand Slam Code of Conduct
We subjectively rated infractions on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being a less-egregious interpretation of the rules and 5 being an indisputable violation of code
Here is the scale for the rule that prohibits racket abuse.Subjective ScoreIncident Description1Quick hit of the racket on the court2Repeated strikes of the racket3Throwing or slamming the racket with force4Damage to the racket5Destroyed racket Here's the subjective scale for communication with coaches during a match:Subjective ScoreIncident Description1Nodding or brief communication with coaches2More extended reciprocal conversation3Visible signaling or exchange of information4Open audible dialogue back and forth5Extended communication on points of strategy For the purposes of this study, incidents scored 3 or higher are considered clear infractions -- and subject to penalty
Of the 90 total infractions for the men in those 100 sets, 48 were clear violations of the rules, while for the women, only 11 of the 40 infractions we found were considered egregious enough to warrant penalty:Incidents clearly breaking the rulesNumberMen48Women11Penalties issuedNumberMen22Women17Rate of PenalizationPercentMen35Women45Soft warnings issuesNumberMen3Women0The response As our analysis continued, we sought comment from the United States Tennis Association to get thoughts on the numbers we uncovered
"The US Open utilizes the best officials in the world, yet we do believe we need to ensure consistent rule applications to all players and all circumstances," said Chris Widmaier, the USTA's managing director of corporate communications
"As you noted in your study the 'numbers don't suggest an inequity between treatment of men's and women's players,' [yet] Serena Williams was not given much leeway
"CoachingBased on the numbers we uncovered, Serena Williams had reason to be upset by the coaching violation handed to her at last year's US Open
ESPN Illustration The Grand Slam Code of Conduct states, "Players shall not receive coaching during a match (including the warm-up)
Communications of any kind, audible or visible, between a player and coach may be construed as coaching
" During the US Open final, Ramos issued Williams a code violation and warning for receiving coaching from her coach, Patrick Mouratoglou, when he signaled to her to approach the net
That incident started a cascade of events, with Ramos ultimately penalizing Williams a point and a full game for additional code violations
While coaching is against the rules, we found that the question of whether Williams and Mouratoglou were justified in their anger for the coaching warning had some merit
In the 200 sets of tennis we analyzed, Williams was the only player to receive an official penalty, which is more eye-opening when you consider how much more coaching we saw in the men's matches we watched
Williams, on Tuesday at the Australian Open, did not comment when asked about the state of coaching in today's game
Coaching during men's matchesMenNumberMatches analyzed29Incidents of coaching20Rate of coaching per match69 percentWarnings0Coaching during women's matchesWomenNumberMatches analyzed44Incidents of coaching8Rate of coaching per match18 percentWarnings1Violations While the numbers don't suggest an inequity between the treatment of men's and women's players, one thing was clear: Serena Williams was not given much leeway in the US Open final
Of the eight coaching warnings and three verbal abuse warnings given in the 100 sets of women's tennis we watched, she was the only player penalized, and the infractions couldn't have come at a more crucial time
Carlos Ramos and Serena Williams In our analysis, five of Ramos' matches were examined
Putting aside the US Open women's final, which might be seen as an outlier event, Ramos issued only one other penalty in the matches examined
That penalty was a time violation warning against Nikoloz Basilashvili in his fourth-round US Open match against Rafael Nadal
A look at the data from the other four Ramos matches (Serena Williams was not part of these matches): Sets umpired: 13
Penalties issued: 1. Rate of penalization per set: 7 percent. As for Williams, here are her numbers from the other six matches we watched from 2018: Sets: 15
Penalties issued: 0. "Again, we need to do our best for consistent application of the rules," Widmaier said
"The inconsistent application of the rules as it relates to coaching is what triggered this series of events
Royal Az - Chanel Iman Was Kept 'in the Dark' About Fyre Festival as She Recalls Being Terrified by - Duration: 5:02.
As two documentaries — Netflix's Fyre and Hulu's Fyre Fraud — expose the disastrous unraveling of the highly publicized 2017 Fyre Festival and continue to captivate the internet and spark new lawsuits, model Chanel Iman (who starred in the event's promotional commercial and was supposed to attend) reveals she was kept "in the dark" about the demise of the Bahamas-based festival
"I was actually on my way to the Fyre Festival because they had promised the talent that we all could have tickets and villas," Iman, 28, tells PEOPLE exclusively as we caught up with the model for the launch of Uniqlo's new clothing line
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"So my flight was booked to the Fyre Festival. And thank god me and [now-husband] Sterling [Shepard] didn't hop on a flight because that was in our plans
We would have been stuck with everyone else," the model continues. Iman says like all the attendees who shelled out thousands of dollars on tickets to the festival — which was once touted as a luxury experience on the Bahamian island of Great Exuma with performers like Blink-182 and Migos and high-profile social media influencers including Kendall Jenner — she was disappointed with the failed outcome of the event
"I think it was very frustrating because we were looking forward to something that didn't happen," the model tells us
She adds that she and the other models who promoted the event and were featured in the promotional commercial, like Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski and Hailey Baldwin, were never aware of Fyre Festival co-founder Billy McFarland's financial troubles that ultimately led to Fyre's cancellation
"To be a part of the whole Fyre Festival commercial, we had no idea what was going to happen
We were all told the same exact thing as everybody else was told," Iman says. "I saw the documentary on Netflix just flipping through and I said, 'I didn't know there was a documentary
' Like, I've kind of just been in the dark the whole time." The model also recounted her terrifying experience shooting the Fyre Festival commercial on Great Exuma island on a beach with wild boars
"I don't like going to that island to see those pigs cause they really, really will bite you," Iman says
"If you see the Hulu documentary I am like running, I am jumping in the boat because I don't want anything to do with getting bit or getting hurt by the pigs
" "I know a lot of the girls are picking up the pigs, holding them, but like it just wasn't something that I wanted to do," she adds
In the wake of the Fyre Festival documentaries, models who received money to help promote the event may be forced to reveal information about how much they were paid for their services, according to a new court filing reviewed by multiple reports
On Monday, a judge granted an ex parte order in favor of Fyre Festival trustee Gregory Messner — who is overseeing the bankruptcy of Fyre Media — to issue subpoenas to many celebrities who appeared in a buzzy promotional video shot in the Bahamas or shared Instagram posts positively advertising the festival, the Daily Mail reported
IMG Models, which represents numerous models who promoted the festival, including Iman, Hadid, Baldwin and Victoria's Secret Angel Elsa Hosk, was among the list of organizations that will receive subpoenas, as will DNA Model Management, which represents Ratajkowski
The trustee has said IMG received $1.2 million from the festival's founder Billy McFarland between November 2016 and February 2017, and DNA received $299,000 from McFarland in March 2017, according to Billboard
DNA did not immediately return PEOPLE's request for comment, while IMG Models had no comment
Transfer deadline day deal sheet: What is a deal sheet? How does it work? - Duration: 3:05.
Transfer deadline day is expected to bring the inevitable storm of drama, near-misses and nail-biting last-gasp deals
However, once the deadline passes, several transfers could still be allowed to take place if clubs submit a deal sheet
TRANSFER NEWS LIVE - UPDATES AND LATEST FROM YOUR CLUB ON DEADLINE DAY Long after Jim White has left your screen, transfers could be pushed through
But what is a deal sheet and how can clubs acquire a deadline extension? Express Sport have rounded up everything you need to know
What is a deal sheet? Transfer deals continue to grow in complexity and paperwork with a long list of fine details and terms that must be agonised over before Player X is unveiled to his new fans
The deal sheet allows clubs to confirm that a deal has been agreed between all parties including the most essential details
Teams must confirm the name of the player, both clubs involved in the transition and a brief breakdown of the finances
When can a deal sheet be used? The sheet is only available in the final two hours of the transfer window and must be fully completed and submitted to the FA before the official deadline
Once the deal sheet is approved by the FA, teams have an additional two hours to process every aspect of the transfer
This usually involves a surge of administrative work to be completed by club officials
If all information is handed to the FA by the end of the extension, the deal will be completed
If not, the player cannot be registered to play for his new team until the next transfer window
This was the case when Adrien Silva's move from Sporting CP to Leicester missed the extended deadline by 14 seconds in 2017
When does the January transfer window close for English and Scottish teams? Teams playing in the English leagues have until 11pm tonight to complete their transfer dealings
Clubs will be able to apply for a short extension if they submit all relevant paperwork before the 11pm deadline
Loan deals must be completed in the same timeframe as permanent transfers though free agents can be acquired outside of the window
All professional clubs in England and Scotland must adhere to the same rules to ensure a level playing field
Former 'Jerry Springer' producer was 'half-naked when medics arrived' - Daily News - Duration: 5:14.
The former 'Jerry Springer' producer charged with killing her special-needs sister was half-naked when ambulances arrived at the scene, a witness has revealed
David Jaureguy, a paramedic with the LA City Fire Department, said Jill Blackstone, 56, 'was dressed from the waist up, naked from the waist down' when he arrived at her Los Angeles home
Testifying at a court hearing yesterday, Mr Jaureguy added: 'She told me that the dogs were in the garage with another body – that of her sister
I believe there was a comment about them being dead.'He made the comments at the hearing that will decide if there's sufficient enough evidence to put her on trial for the murder of her 49-year-old sister Wendy
Jill was arrested in April last year for after her deaf and partially blind sister was found dead in the garage in what was initially thought to be a suicide pact gone wrong
Investigators with the Los Angeles Police Department believe Jill Blackstone carried out the deadly attack because she was frustrated at the emotional and financial hardship of having to care for her
A coroner later determined that Wendy died of smoke inhalation and an overdose of the sedative alrazolam
The woman also had traces of Xanax in her blood. Jill also suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, which required her to be treated in a hospital for two days
At first it appeared that Wendy had killed herself by inhaling fumes from a barbecue grill
Share this article Share An unnamed police source reportedly said that Jill - who was arrested after her sister's death but was released two days later without a charge - originally denied knowing Wendy was suicidal
However, investigators believe that Jill wrote a suicide note left by Wendy.It was previously reported that Jill had allegedly made a suicide pact with her sister, but got cold feet at the last minute and called a friend for help - who then told the police
When paramedics arrived at the home in North Hollywood on March 14, 2015, Wendy and two of her three dogs were dead, while Jill was suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning
Daily Mail Online reported in 2015 that Jill owed Wendy $122,000 and was in $1
4million of debt.After Jill's release in 2015, the LAPD confirmed that Wendy's death was still 'an ongoing murder investigation'
Neighbors speculated that the sisters – who ran the Thumping Tails Animal Rescue Center together out of their home – had entered into a suicide pact
Stephanie Cohen, 60, who lived across the street from the sisters, said at the time: 'The police were here for 12 to 14 hours on Saturday
We were told they were investigating a double suicide, an attempt, and one of the people died
' She added: '[Jill and Wendy] were having a hard time finding a new home because the sister that died was very ill - she couldn't see, she couldn't hear, she was housebound, she was very ill
So she needed to find a house that could accommodate her sister with the illness and the dogs
'Evidently the pressure was intense on them, but nobody expected this to happen.'As a producer, Jill worked on Jerry Springer, Sally Jessy Raphael, The Rosie O'Donnell Show, Dr
Drew On Call, The Real, and The Osbournes. For confidential support in the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Line on 1-800-273-8255
For confidential support in the UK call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or see www
Bryan Singer was hit with at least five sexual abuse complaints - Duration: 8:49.
Documents obtained by reveal that at least five men pursued cases against Bryan Singer in 2014, all alleging that they were sexually abused by the X-Men director
The documents also include the settlement agreement that was offered to Michael Egan after he filed complaints in California and Hawaii alleging that the director had raped and sodomized him while forcing him to snort cocaine at his Los Angeles home
Singer denied those allegations at the time through his attorney, and two months later agreed to a settlement deal that would pay Egan $100,000 once the cases in Hawaii and California had been dismissed from the court
What was not noted at the time however was the fact that Egan had already won $1 million in a suit he filed a decade prior against Singer's business partner Marc Collins-Rector
Singer and Collins-Rector had worked together on Digital Entertainment Network, which was set for a$75 million IPO in 1999 when Collins-Rector was accused of sexually assaulting Egan, Mark Ryan and X-Men star Alexander Burton
Lawyers for Egan and the other accusers did not respond to requests for comment.Egan opted not to take the deal, but at least one individual who hired attorneys from Herman Law did take a settlement
The details and amount of that settlement are unknown.It is also not known how many individuals were represented in total by the firm, but a letter to Egan on June 25 stated that 'three other victims' and a 'potential client' were also pursuing cases against Singer
A letter detailing the settlement from Egan's lawyer at the time explained that once signed he would be required to answer any questions relating to the complaints he had filed against Singer by stating: 'I have nothing to say
' And if asked why he dismissed the claims he was told to reply: 'I do not want to pursue the claims against Bryan Singer
' That letter was signed by Singer, his lawyer and Egan's lawyer, but Egan refused to the agreement
Egan said at the time that he did not want to sign the non-disclosure agreement, but it should also be noted that he would be taking home only a small percentage of that settlement money in the end
The $100,000 would be taxed because of the nature of the suit, and $40,000 would go to the law firm representing Egan, leaving him with less than $30,000 in the end
In his initial suit, Egan claimed he was sexually abused when he was 14 or 15 and moved to Los Angeles with his family to start his acting career
It was in LA that he was introduced to Hollywood power player Marc Collins-Rector and his lover Chad Shackley when he was invited to a party at Collins-Rector's home
These parties allegedly 'featured sexual contact between adult males and the many teenage boys,' according to Egan, but he maintains he 'never freely' consented to the advances
It was two or three months after Collins-Rector began allegedly abusing Egan that he was introduced to Singer at one of the parties
Egan said he was in the pool, and nude, when Collins-Rector approached him and ordered him out to hug Singer, who allegedly grabbed his bare buttocks
He claims Singer later said he was 'sexy' and went on to masturbate the underage boy and perform oral sex on him
The director then allegedly told Egan to do the same to him, but he says he resisted
Herman said at the time the complaint was filed that he had witnesses waiting in the wings
Egan eventually lost his lawyer when he decided against moving forward with the settlement offer at the eleventh hour
He then withdrew his complaint, but with the option to refile at a later date.Singer sought to have the case dismissed with prejudice so it could not be re-filed, but his request was denied
U.S.District Judge Susan Oki Mollway said at the time that Singer did not prove that Egan's voluntary dismissal would damage the director's reputation, and that the money spent defending himself doesn't constitute legal prejudice
'Any alleged damage to defendant's reputation may well be ameliorated by plaintiff's voluntary dismissal of the action,' said Judge Mollway
The only other known plaintiff who filed suit against Singer in 2014 was a John Doe from Britain who alleged that the director tried to rape him in a London hotel room when he was 17, following the premiere of Superman Returns
Singer was accused of grabbing the teen's penis and kissing his waist and thighs, before performing a sex act on the boy, according to the suit
'Singer told John to fondle his penis, but John refused,' according to the complaint
'Singer then grabbed John's buttocks and attempted to insert his fingers into John's anus
'Singer then removed his boxer shorts and John said, ''I do not want to do that''
'In response, Singer said to John: ''Then just sit on top of me and [masturbate]; I want you to [ejaculate] on me
' 'John Doe, believing that the only way for him to leave safely without being anally raped was to comply with Singer's demands, sat on top of Singer and masturbated, ejaculating on Singer
' The next morning, according to the complaint, Singer contacted the teenager to apologize
There was never any reason given as to why John or his lawyer suddenly decided to dismiss the case
Transfer deadline day: What time is deadline? Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, China - Duration: 4:08.
Transfer deadline day will spark panic around the Premier League as teams rush to patch up their teams with reinforcements
Chelsea have been one of the busiest clubs in the window so far after snapping up Christian Pulisic and Gonzalo Higuain
TRANSFER NEWS LIVE - UPDATES AND LATEST FROM YOUR CLUB ON DEADLINE DAYDEADLINE DAY - THE COMPLETED DEALS SO FAR ON DEADLINE DAY Dortmund star Pulisic will remain with the Bundesliga outfit on loan until the summer while Higuain made his Premier League debut during the crushing defeat against Bournemouth last night
Arsenal have heated up towards the end of the window with Denis Suarez arriving on loan from Barcelona
Yannick Carrasco and Ivan Perisic have been heavily linked with moves the Emirates in recent days but it remains to be seen whether either will complete a switch
Manchester United and Liverpool have taken far more passive roles in the window so far with both teams' managers clearly happy with their options
Teams from most major leagues will join Premier League clubs in the final day frenzy, though other divisions will remain open for business
Express Sport has a full round up of what time the transfer window closes in England and around the world
When does the January transfer window close for English and Scottish teams? Teams playing in the English leagues have until 11pm tonight to complete their transfer dealings
Clubs will be able to apply for a short extension if they submit all relevant paperwork before the 11pm deadline
Loan deals must be completed in the same timeframe as permanent transfers though free agents can be acquired outside of the window
All professional clubs in England and Scotland must adhere to the same rules to ensure a level playing field
When does the January transfer window close for foreign teams? It's not just other British teams that Premier League clubs must be wary of, with several leagues set to enjoy more time to complete transactions
Express Sport has rounded up the list of deadline day dates around some of the most notable leagues: January 31 – Spain, France, Germany, Italy February 2 – Portugal February 22 – Russia February 28 – ChinaEarly deadline day done deal
The first move on deadline day was done just after 10am when Wolves completed the permanent signing of Jonny Otto from Atletico Madrid for what is understood to be a club-record £18million fee
Jonny, who has made 22 appearances on loan in the first half of the season, has agreed a permanent deal at Molineux until 2023
"I'm very happy to sign for Wolves," the 24-year-old told the official club website
"The last few days we spoke about it and now it's official, I'll be Wolves for the next four years
"I'm really happy to continue to be involved with the team. I am very happy here, the truth is that it was very easy to decide
What Alvaro Morata told Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri before transfer deal was agreed - Duration: 2:18.
Morata signed an 18-month loan deal to join Atletico Madrid after a dismal 18 months at Chelsea
The Spain striker joined for £57million in July 2017 but he's scored just five times in 16 Premier League games for the Blues
Morata's move was wrapped up on Monday but the hitman made it clear he wanted out last year, according to Sky Sports man Dharmesh Sheth
"Morata told Sarri about a month ago he wanted to leave," Sheth told the Transfer Talk podcast
"He only started 11 of the 23 Premier League games this season - that's less than half, for someone who cost £58million, that could rise to £70million
"Sarri has made it clear he wants to bring his own people in, his own players. "Jorginho came in during the summer and he made a huge play for Higuain despite reservations from Marina Granovskaia, the Chelsea director, but they got that deal done so he got his man
"The other thing you could say, the way Chelsea are doing their business now, you used to see when Roman Abramovich came in, they'd throw money at it and bring in huge big name players on big contracts
"I'm not saying they won't do that again but they are trying to move away from that
" Morata said he felt it was his "destiny" to return to boyhood club Atletico Madrid
The striker played in their academy before making his name at cross-city rivals Real Madrid
"My life has taken many detours, but it was destiny that I would arrive here," Morata said
"I'm really proud to be back at this club, it's my childhood team, I have so many happy memories, it means a lot to be here
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