How to build a real starship enterprise part 4 – Force Field Deflector Shields
For more infomation >> How to build a real starship enterprise part 4 – Force Field Deflector Shields - Duration: 6:43.-------------------------------------------
How to build a real starship enterprise Part 3 - Phase Cannon - Duration: 3:12.
how to build a real starship enterprise Part 3 - Phase Cannon
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- All right, so in this video,
I have my buddy Yaniv,
co-founder and CMO of Nextiva
here to talk about hiring great marketers
and what to focus on.
So when it comes to doing this marketing stuff,
God, there's like so many things to do, right?
There's this new tool,
there's this new platform,
there's this new channel cost are going up.
My competitor is eating my lunch.
There's just so many things going on, right?
Actually one of our themes for this year
is focusing on about saying no to more people, right?
I actually got an investment opportunity today
and I had to say no, this is my year of focusing.
And also hiring great marketers is extremely hard.
Like hiring people is already hard enough.
But so many marketers, when you interview them,
they talk the talk,
and it's really hard to figure out how you can kind
of really understand like,
do they really know what they're doing?
Or have they done what they claim to know, right?
So there's a lot of that.
And trust me, I lost my shirt multiple times doing this.
So Yaniv's got it.
He knows how to keep his shirt on.
It's great.
So without further ado, welcome Yaniv.
- Hey everyone, this is Yaniv Masjedi with Nextiva.
Finding a great marketer isn't easy.
Many people say that they are great marketers.
But when it comes down to it,
there are very few people out there
that are truly excellent.
Let me tell you about the three things I look for
in great marketers.
First, and most importantly,
it's finding people that absolutely love marketing.
People that truly want to be the absolute best
at what they do.
So if you're looking for a growth marketer,
you want someone that lives and breathes growth marketing.
Morning till night,
thinking about how they can get better and learn.
Second is you want someone that's always focused
on moving things forward.
Getting things done.
Not just sitting around,
waiting to be told what to do.
Rather, identifying opportunities and realizing,
quite frankly, that we're never done.
We can always be better.
And third is, you want someone that respects themselves
and also respects others.
Just a great addition to your team
and cares about building and fostering a great environment.
So those are the three things I look for
and hopefully you'll find your next great marketer, too.
How to get your marketing team focused on the right things.
You see, today, there's more areas in marketing
to take on and it's just becoming overwhelming.
And I'm sure you feel that, right?
You want to grow the business,
but there's just so many areas to really focus on.
And how do you really grow the business?
Well, I've got a simple answer.
Focus on one metric.
Each person on your team,
have them focus on one metric that will drive
the business forward.
So let's say you have someone who focuses on SEO.
Have them focus purely on how they increase organic traffic.
Week over week.
You have a social media manager.
Have them focus on engagement on one channel
that's most important to your business.
One social media channel.
By having each person on your team
focus on one metric,
what you'll see is you're going to cut out the noise
and focus on what's most important for your business
and you're going to accelerate growth.
My one big takeaway for you is
if you can focus on one thing,
and have everyone on your team focus on one key metric,
your business will grow.
- So I hope you enjoyed those tips around hiring,
around marketing, and kind of focusing too.
Let us know who you plan to hire in the future.
Let us know, don't let us know who you plan on firing,
that would be bad, okay?
Don't let us know that.
But let us know what you plan on focusing on as well.
And then don't forget to check out one of our videos
around how personality tests can help
you grow your business.
Again, don't forget to subscribe, leave a comment,
and we'll see you tomorrow.
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Build a manometer - Duration: 5:06.
okay in this one I thought I'd just show you a simple way to make a u-tube
manometer. it's water-filled so there's really it's really not
complex to build and it is pretty accurate, so I have some 3/16th
tubing I have a 1/8 male pipe thread by 3/16ths barb because I have
3/16ths tubing and I got some little clamps so I'm gonna show
you how this thing is put together. you can put together one in a half hour to an
hour so pretty simple. okay now we have the finished you tube manometer remember
3/16 tubing, you can use bigger tubing sometimes its a little easier to use bigger
tubing but this is the stuff I had it here and these little brackets fit really good on
it. these are brackets for coax cable and I made a slide here with my scale so
I've set my scale on the six inch mark. I filled this thing with this is
actually just water. it has food coloring in it. probably the best stuff to use is the red
gauge oil. it doesn't freeze but it's also kind of a pain because it stains
everything and seems to get everywhere. but you know there's very little to this
this slide. here its set up so that you can zero it, and I'm zeroing it six
inches here so as the the pressure increases here if I go from six to five
that's actually two inches because I take both the rise on this side and the
drop on this side so if that's 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches and I'll show
you that on a gas appliance and you can see how it works. but you know this is
just a hokey little simple thing. put a little hook on the top. if you can set
a spirit level on it that would be good, not absolutely
necessary as long as it's reasonably close but when you put your oil in this
or your water or whatever you're putting in it you put it in there and and then
you make this slight adjustment on the on the ruler to zero it out at whatever
you want to. zero that so pretty simple obviously this is what hooks up to the
gas valve port. in another video I'll show this thing in operation and I'll
show you the gas input pressure and then I'll show a manifold pressure testing
with this little tester, so let's take a look at what it does. okay
the manometers installed. I've corrected the level to the six inch mark
now I can connect up to the gas valve.
okay how that's connected and I'm gonna go ahead and put gas to this and It
should show about eight inches water column. now when I look at this I set this
at six one two three four it's pretty much right on. it's a little bit under
which is probably what the pressure is. okay
four times two is eight because the way you're reading it, it is the amount it goes
down as it goes up and so you simply double your reading pretty
simple little manometer. ideally it should be level and probably you can't see
that very well but it's pretty close to level. there now if you want you can put
a spirit level on it but you've got to calibrate it right which is you'll
notice there isn't a lot of difference
there's a little bit as I get out but it's not huge so that's the manometer.
simple little thing that you can use to test things like gas pressure. you could
use it for propane maybe you want a little longer scale on it but you know
I'm using just a scale I had floating around here.
but it won't work for things like pressure switches because that would
have to be a sloped gauge. which it's kind of like having a thing way like
this. anyway that is a simple water tube manometer for testing gas pressure in
gas furnaces
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LARS TVEDE & PETER WARNØE: Entrepreneurship - How to build a business (Officiel trailer) - Duration: 1:01.
Here we go!
- This is for the entrepreneur who wants to build up a company and scale it.
- Most of the entrepreneurs meet the same challenges.
- We'll just tell you this situation, this is what you should do.
- The most successful companies are the ones with more than one founder.
Practice, practice, practice.
- Just do something.
A feature is not a company.
- Sit down and define everything.
- Start looking for funding before you need it.
It's horrible and you want to shoot yourself, but...
- The more you work the more lucky you get.
- I don't think you can be an entrepreneur if you can't live with failure also.
- The world is a better place with a lot of entrepreneurs.
- It's the coolest thing, it's the coolest thing.
- We are Lars Tvede and Peter Warnøe,
and this is Entrepreneurship - How to build a business.
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