Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 1, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Jan 28 2019

In this video we are going to look into how to prepare a 3D model for this stone,

and furthermore, I would like to make it into a ring with the 3D printing and

casting, and set the stone for the whole process. Are you ready? Let's get started!

First, let's find out the size for this stone. I want to measure the width, length

and the height. It's coming in to 13.29, 18.33 and 7.79

with the digital caliper. Let's go to the top view and we

are going to use the "Oval" command and from the Center. we're gonna hit zero to

Center it. The first number we're gonna put it in there is 13.29 divided

by 2, since we only use half of it. The second number, we're gonna put a here is

18.33 divided by 2, so that gives us the base for our curve.

Let's going to the front view. We're gonna use the "Line" command right here, and

going up for 7.79

alright so that is how high it is going to be. To creating this surface, I'm going

to use the curve tool, coming at the front view. I will like to snapping into

the end point and quadrant, starting from the end point and coming down roughly

about here. We want to make sure that SmartTrack is on, and we're going to

come into the top and snapping into the quadrant, so this is the curve that we

have over here. You can also use the other way to get a smoother line by

putting a little tab here, and also another tab here. So instead of drawing a

line, I will use the blend tool to blend from this point to this point.

So that way you will get really smooth line over there. The command we're gonna

use next to creating the stone. It's called "Rail Revolve". We're gonna pick up

the curve, and then we're gonna pick up the rail and tell the Rhino where's

the axis. And that's how we get this one. Using the "Cap" command will make this

surface into the solid, and then this is well be our stone. It may not exactly the same

with your stone on the profile, but it's for rendering purpose. The key

component is the curve, that we have on the bottom. Coming to the front view,

Let's make a ring shank. I'm going to make its diameter 16 millimeter,

and move my stone up roughly about here. For the high definitely you need to

consider the thickness on the bottom for the better casting. Now we have

everything in the position, I do want to have this curve offset a little bit

bigger. It's really depends on the shrinkage of your wax and your casting.

If you know what is the certain shrinkage, you might want to go by the

shrinkage. For the demonstration purpose I'm just gonna go 0.2 mm.

They're slightly bigger for this stone, so that way, when my model shrink a little

bit, it will fit. Let me offset this guy, and this time the offset will be

the thickness, so I'm going to make it one millimeter. And that will be the

thickness of my metal over here. I'm going to rebuild this curve. Currently it

has 50 point is because it's coming from offset. I'm going to change it to 12 of

them, so I have the curve look like this. Let's make a copy first, and pick up one

of it. We want to pick up those control point like every other control point.

so holding your SHIFT (key) then click and let's move the Gumball up ,so we have

the basic shape over there. Let's go ahead to create the other shape. We are

going to use this command right here for the "Ellipsoid", and we are going to use

the diameter. Let's click on the first quadrant, second quadrant, and the third

one. For the height, I wanted to go over a little bit and so that will giving a

nice taper looking . Actually to cut this, we are not able to trim it, unless

this curve is attached to the surface. So we're going to use the command call "Pull".

we are going to pull this curve back to this surface. Now you see the curve is hopping

on this surface. With that curve is selected, let's go ahead to trim the top

off. That's how we get our first shell there. Due to the shrinkage, I would like

to this surface follow that 0.2 guideline that I have there. So let's go

ahead to offset this surface. Let's pick up this surface, and we want to offset

for 0.2 millimeter. We don't want it to be solid. Just that surface right

there, and we are going to pull it back one more time. This time pull this curve

back to this surface. Okay and you may notice that you have something like this.

It is because we have a seam over there. It's really simple to solve. We just need

to pull one more time, because every time you pull, you can only pull into a single

surface, so we are going to pull and we're gonna pull from there to this

surface. So now we have those two curves. Let's go ahead to join them, and use them

to trim off the surface over there. okay that's using the surface from

planar curve, and that's pick up this curve and creating this surface right

there. Let's join this one and this one

together. Second things we need to do is we want to creating the surface over

there. Let's using the blend surface tool and make sure that the chain edge is

yes, so we want to pick up this edge and pick up this edge. You can adjust the

bump if you like to, and once we have everything we just need to go ahead to

join everything. Double check that if this is a solid. Right here on my

property showing close solid poly surface. Now we have done that we need to

creating the ring shank. I'm going to use the conic corners rectangle tool, and

snapping in the center to the quadrant, and let's take a look on the right view.

and lets move it down, so you get something look like squarely oval.

Let's use the move tool to move from the quadrant to the quadrant, so it's not

cutting inside of a ring shank. Second things I wanted to do is to mirror that

to the top. I'm going to use the 3D scale from here to here, and moving up a little

bit like whatever size that is suitable. We're going to the surface with the

"Sweep 1 Rail" this is gonna be the rail, cross section, and cross section. Make

sure they are aligned, and I personally like them to be aligned in the inside of

a ring shank. So that's moving to inside of the ring shank, and make sure all the

arrow is aligned to the same direction. It's gonna do only half of them it's

because we need to close the sweep on the option here. So that's how we get

this one, we're going to have a "Boolean Split" this one out of the shell that we

pick, and let's delete everything inside.

Now let's go ahead to Boolean Unit together. Double-check that it is still

close solid polysurface. Once we have done

that, I do like it to look very nice and round on everywhere. So I'm gonna giving

a little bit fillet. So let's go to the "Fillet Edge" command, and let's do try one

and see how this go. Alright look really nice and we're gonna try that again.

Alright so now I have this nice and round. We need to cut off anything it

shouldn't be inside of a ring shank. Go to the solid "Extruded Planar Curves- Straight"

and let's use the "Boolean Difference" This out of this one.

Sometimes your difference will fail. it's because all the seams are currently

perfectly aligned right now. What I like to do is actually I want to make

them just slightly bigger roughly about that. It's really hard to tell by the eye

but it does make the bowling job much easier. it's going to Boolean Difference

this one out of this one. Now we have everything ready.

Let's double check this is still closed polysurface, and we are ready

to 3D print and cast this one. Don't forget to check the video on the

Thursday I'll show you my printing result casting result and how I set this

Stone. See you next!

For more infomation >> Create a custom made Ring with Rhino 3D Part I (2019): Jewelry CAD Design Tutorial #58 - Duration: 10:38.


Build a manometer - Duration: 5:06.

okay in this one I thought I'd just show you a simple way to make a u-tube

manometer. it's water-filled so there's really it's really not

complex to build and it is pretty accurate, so I have some 3/16th

tubing I have a 1/8 male pipe thread by 3/16ths barb because I have

3/16ths tubing and I got some little clamps so I'm gonna show

you how this thing is put together. you can put together one in a half hour to an

hour so pretty simple. okay now we have the finished you tube manometer remember

3/16 tubing, you can use bigger tubing sometimes its a little easier to use bigger

tubing but this is the stuff I had it here and these little brackets fit really good on

it. these are brackets for coax cable and I made a slide here with my scale so

I've set my scale on the six inch mark. I filled this thing with this is

actually just water. it has food coloring in it. probably the best stuff to use is the red

gauge oil. it doesn't freeze but it's also kind of a pain because it stains

everything and seems to get everywhere. but you know there's very little to this

this slide. here its set up so that you can zero it, and I'm zeroing it six

inches here so as the the pressure increases here if I go from six to five

that's actually two inches because I take both the rise on this side and the

drop on this side so if that's 2 inches 4 inches 6 inches 8 inches and I'll show

you that on a gas appliance and you can see how it works. but you know this is

just a hokey little simple thing. put a little hook on the top. if you can set

a spirit level on it that would be good, not absolutely

necessary as long as it's reasonably close but when you put your oil in this

or your water or whatever you're putting in it you put it in there and and then

you make this slight adjustment on the on the ruler to zero it out at whatever

you want to. zero that so pretty simple obviously this is what hooks up to the

gas valve port. in another video I'll show this thing in operation and I'll

show you the gas input pressure and then I'll show a manifold pressure testing

with this little tester, so let's take a look at what it does. okay

the manometers installed. I've corrected the level to the six inch mark

now I can connect up to the gas valve.

okay how that's connected and I'm gonna go ahead and put gas to this and It

should show about eight inches water column. now when I look at this I set this

at six one two three four it's pretty much right on. it's a little bit under

which is probably what the pressure is. okay

four times two is eight because the way you're reading it, it is the amount it goes

down as it goes up and so you simply double your reading pretty

simple little manometer. ideally it should be level and probably you can't see

that very well but it's pretty close to level. there now if you want you can put

a spirit level on it but you've got to calibrate it right which is you'll

notice there isn't a lot of difference

there's a little bit as I get out but it's not huge so that's the manometer.

simple little thing that you can use to test things like gas pressure. you could

use it for propane maybe you want a little longer scale on it but you know

I'm using just a scale I had floating around here.

but it won't work for things like pressure switches because that would

have to be a sloped gauge. which it's kind of like having a thing way like

this. anyway that is a simple water tube manometer for testing gas pressure in

gas furnaces

For more infomation >> Build a manometer - Duration: 5:06.


Build An ISOMETRIC HOUSE In Adobe Illustrator - Duration: 13:46.

do you want to learn how to design a modern isometric house in Adobe

Illustrator if you do follow along today and learn some skills and techniques

that's going to enable you to design the dough by symmetric design as designers

it's important to have a website to show off our portfolio of work bookmark

offers the most straightforward and quickest way to generate an awesome

website without even having to write down a single line of code and all

completed in a matter of minutes check out the link in the description below to

learn more about bookmark and design your website today so first and foremost

I'm actually working in an RGB document today and you're going to need two base

colors and then one pale version of each color so essentially a monochrome

version of the original we need an isometric grid for our design today and

to make that locate the rectangular grid tool below the line tool in the tools

panel and then just click the artboard one time now you can use the same

measurements as I'm using on mine but just make sure that the vertical and the

horizontal numbers are the same values now on my last isometric tutorial a

viewer suggested creating an automated action to perform the next step and I

did try that but the problem is that the transform values do not equate to a

percent value they follow a set number of Heights instead of percentage so

we're going to need to first rotate this grid by 45 degrees

and then come into the transform window

and alter the heights to fifty seven point two seven four percent exactly it

would be great if it astray to cuddle to make this function but like I said it is

straighter does not remember this action as a percent rather fixed heights now

besides your grid the holding number the alt/option key and shift at the same


send the grid to the very back of all layers and then lock their grid and also

the colors down by pressing command or control 2 on your keyboard so we're not

ready to start the isometric design of a house in today's Illustrated tutorial

press I for the eyedropper tool sample one of your darker colors and then press

P for the pen tool I begin to draw out a shape just as I'm doing here simply

follow your isometric grid and also make sure to keep the vertical lines at the

same size so my design is going to be 5 grid squares in height

I've also pressed the caps lock key so that my pencil icon turns into an X and

it just makes things more precise and easier when drawing with the pen tool

and you're going to need to toggle the smart guides on and off throughout

today's tutorial depending on what you're doing and you can do that by

pressing command or control you now as you can see the smart guides will help

me align the vertical lines on the right hand side

once you've drawn your shape and pressed V to select off of the path and then

press Shift + X to flick the stroke over to a filled shape and that's the first

design component for the isometric house in today's video you can never size your

shape but just make sure that you hold down shift when you resize it to scale

it use the eyedropper tool to sample the lighter version of your color and again

use the pen tool to draw the top of the ledge on your house like I'm doing here

repeat the same process of pressing V to select off the path when you're finished

and then select the lighter version of your second color we're now going to

draw the front edge of the isometric house which again is just a matter of

using the grid to follow along with in an isometric style so when finished

again press Shift + X to change the stroke over to a fill our isometric

house is starting to take place I've gone ahead and added the block shape for

the second floor of the house but also I have to drill one square at the top so

drew a larger one first and then the innermost smaller one after when

completes select both of the squares now flick the strokes over to a fill by

pressing Shift + X and then use the minus front option in the Pathfinder

window now it's very very simple to make the bare essentials for the structure of

the house using the isometric grid and the pen tool and I'm gonna fast forward

to save time today in the video but pause the video to see which colors I've

used and which shapes make up the house also take note the shadow here this is a

black shape of 25 percent opacity and this is going to be crucial for the

final effect in today's tutorial now I'm going to use this shadow technique on

the lower floor of the house firstly I'm gonna change the fill of the shapes over

two strokes with shift an X so I can see the grid below to use as a guide

so what does I draw in the shape to represent the shadow on the bottom floor

of the house using the black color with 25% opacity now it's complete is then

time to flip the stroke back over to a fill and as you can see that looks

pretty awesome the next step in today's isometric tutorial is to drawing through

steps I've gone ahead and done that using the grids but of course they're

way too large obviously so what I'm going to do here is to select the shapes

that make up the steps and then go into the transform window I can simply change

the height and the width values to 50% exactly which will scale down the stairs

by 50% in total 1 scaled down and place the steps against the edge of the house

and then adjust as you see fit today's tutorial is pretty straightforward

actually if you follow the isometric grid finally for the stairs

select the shadow to sample its color and opacity and then drew in a shape as

I'm doing here to represent more shadow for this use the pen tool of course

it's now time to add some details to the isometry design so follow along a nest

add some detail to the house I'm now working off of the artboards and i'm

going to make an oval using the ellipse tool but you can locate by pressing L on

your keyboard once you've made the ellipse flip the Phil over to a stroke

and then hold down the alt option key and click and drag to duplicate it below

bring the original circle to the front of all layers and the locates the add

Anchor Point tool in the toolbar menu carefully add an anchor point as I'm

going to do here and then press a the direct selection tool and move the

anchor point up this is basically just going to create the illusion of a 3d

table for your design today flick the strokes and back to fills and then make

sure the lower oval is a darker grey compared to the upper one now it might

be handy to select both of the ovals and then press command or control key to

group everything together and then move the object onto your isometric design

bring the shadow to the front of all layers to complete the effects at this

stage now we're going to finish the table so locate the rectangle tool and

draw a small rectangle like so now I'm working in illustrator CC and if you're

doing that as well you can use the live corners by selecting the direct

selection tool but if you don't have CC and you're using something like CS then

you can have to use the round corner effects under the top drop down menu of

effects now bring the tabletop and the shadow to the front wall layers and then

add a gradient to the lower parts

now I wish I would have organized my layers in the layers window for this

design and I suggest that you do that for your workflow because it is easier

and more organized so finally for the table

flick the floor over to a stroke with Shift + X and then draw an isometric

Square using the grid finally scale down the square you can

also add extra parts below to finish up the 3d illusion of your table now we've

nearly finished to isometric house in today's video and as you can see here on

the front of the ground-floor I've had it a green rectangle and also a

rectangle of black 25 percent opacity this gives an illusion of a glass panel

on the front of a modern house and at the top I've also made a deckchair using

the isometric grid and it's very straightforward to do if you follow the

grids for your design so finally let's make a neat window to the isometric

house have a white stroke 2 rectangle here following the isometric grid and as

before it helps to change the fills over to a stroke so you can see the grid

below use the correct colors from your palettes and then draw the lower ledge

with the windowsill

then also finish up the side ledge using the pen tool for every shape that I drew

I select the white frame and then bring it to the front of all layers

finally I'm going to add a dark dark green to show the inside of the window

now of course you need some glass for a window and I'm gonna represent the

window as being half open using my light green color in the color palette I can

quickly draw in the glass panel and then lower the opacity to finish the effect

remember to bring the white frame to the front of all layers and then flick the

pink shape of the side of the house over to a fill and there you have it guys

one isometric house made in a day really straighter feel free to experiment with

details and layouts but just remember to utilize the isometric grid throughout

the entire design and I also suggest that you use the layers window and label

your layers so you can hide them easily I totally left that out of my work

clothes today and I do regret it but yeah let me know what you think of

today's design and the video down in the comment section below subscribe to to

tor graphics you have done already and of course like and share my content on

social media if you and have liked the channel and until next time guys design

your future today peace


For more infomation >> Build An ISOMETRIC HOUSE In Adobe Illustrator - Duration: 13:46.


How to build a Drill Press(Drill Guide) ドリルスタンド(卓上ボール盤)の作り方 - Duration: 23:43.

High precision drilling

Depth adjustment stopper

High rigidity that the drill does not shake

Quick attach / detach mechanism which can fix the drill vertically

(Used for withdrawal etc.) Prepare slide rails

Type that can be separated

Temporarily attach the slide rail to the movable strut

Assemble it on the flat desk as possible (to match the bottom of the support with the slide rail)

Since screwing is performed, pull out the moving part

Drill holes and fix with wood screws

Temporarily fix the reinforcement to the support

Drill two screw holes (you know the meaning when gluing)

Remove the screws

Remove temporary fastening tape and apply adhesive

Join with screw hole as guide

Screw in several places

emporarily fix the support on the fixed side

Temporarily fix according to the reinforcing material on the right side of the screen

Temporarily fix it according to the reinforcement as well

Extract support on the fixed side

Join with wood screw

In this state, the movable side and the fixed side support column rub against each other and the movement is bad · · ·

Sanding the contacting parts

The corner of the guide rail has a burr on the manufacturing side. Since it is based on an assembly standard here, it is filed

Check right angle

Slightly misaligned

Paste paper and fix it

Adhere the fixed side support (adjusted earlier) to the drill board

Fix it with a right-angle ruler as a guide (guide is guide rail)

Bonding is done so that it is perpendicular to both X axis and Y axis (This is the most important)


Fixed support on the opposite side is bonded based on the bonded support

Naturally, this side will also be vertical

Join the reinforcing material to the fixed side support

Make a drill holding ring

Drill holes in the center of the ring

Make a holding ring of a drill with a circle cutting jig of a trimmer (if you do not have it, you can substitute a hole saw etc)

If the drill fits perfectly OK!

Cut excess part

Join the drill ring. However, it can not be fixed horizontally as it is

Adhere using parallel pieces of wooden pieces


Reinforce with screws

Reinforce the drill ring with screws

Adhere aluminum plate (parts of depth adjustment mechanism)

To install the insert nut, make a counterbore

Press-fit the insert nut

Paste the scale

Reinforce with screws

Making a detachable mechanism

Join with a hinge

Attach the lock

Set the drill

Because there is a gap "now" has no meaning

Chuck a long drill

Confirm vertical

Of course, it is not vertical

Fine adjustment using the clearance of holding the drill

You can adjust this far by hand

Epoxy paste

Put the putty on the attachment / detachment mechanism and press it against the drill (We make scaffolding with wood screws on the take-out mechanism so that putty can not come off)

Open after hardening (Putty does not adhere to soft rubber)

Check if vertical processing is possible

Use a 2 mm drill

Face side

Back side It is perfectly matched with the score line

Depth adjustment mechanism

Hit the drill tip against the object to be processed

At this time, the memory becomes 0 point

Move the memory to the desired depth and fix the stopper

Drill to stopper position

For the setting of the depth of 10 mm, the actual measurement is 9.14 mm Since the tip of the drill is not a pin angle, it is about 1 mm shifted

For more infomation >> How to build a Drill Press(Drill Guide) ドリルスタンド(卓上ボール盤)の作り方 - Duration: 23:43.


Building A Brand On Amazon | Kindle Publishing 2019 - Duration: 8:52.

Strategy and mindset the two big things that will help ensure you to come

profitable self-publishing 2019

Hey everybody, Emeka coming at you from the Blueprint publishing Academy and

today we're talking about two things that are not the sexiest topic they're

not keywords they're not niches they're not anything like that but they're two

of the more important topics that have to be discussed in order to have some

serious success with self-publishing so let's dive into each one and talk a

little bit about them and I'm gonna give you some pointers and some tips on how

you can use them to help blow up yourself publishing business here in

2019 and hey if you're brand new to the channel subscribe smash that subscribe

button to bail notifications on see keep getting updates keep getting videos of

the latest and the greatest self publishing and how to increase your

income so you can take back your freedom design your ultimate lifestyle videos on

this channel strategy so when I'm talking about shoddy I'm talking about a

lot of different things so I'm talking about what's your launch strategy what's

your keyword in your niche research strategy what's your email strategy

what's your review strategy there's a lot of different strategies that you

have to understand and implement in order to be successful with

self-publishing back in the day it was a very black-and-white business you did

this you did this this and you got these results that has definitely changed over

the last 18 to 24 months now there is more than one way to publish a book and

become successful online with self-publishing on Amazon so do the old

ones for example the shotgun approach where you're just publishing in

different pieces and you know just doing that thing does

that still work today in 28 or 29 can you still make money with it and the

answer is yes it still does work is it the best strategy is it the most

long-term strategy not anymore so you can still make money publishing in

different niches all over the map but it won't bring you the same type of results

that it would have back in 2013 14 15 or even 16 so what about some new

strategies well when I was thinking of this video and I was trying to come up

with new strategies my problem was there are no new strategies because these are

all the same strategies that people have been using for years they're just not as

common because the shotgunning strategy are just publishing a whole bunch of

books over and over and over again worked so well for so many people that

that kind of became the common denominator for everyone who is teaching

anything on a self-publishing but focusing on a specific niche and

building a brand around that specific niche is what all of the serious

high-level self publishers who have gone on to make 40 50 50 60 70 thousand

dollar-a-month businesses they've built a brand around one specific niche and

kind of gone deep so to speak instead of going wide with what you would do is

shotgunning so what does building a brand really mean well it means focusing

on one niche like dog training finding a specific area that you want to cater to

and then the only deepen solving tons of problems that customers are gonna have

in terms of training their dog then it's getting other products and selling them

other products around that particular brand that light there can turn into a

healthy healthy six-figure year business when it's done right so why don't a lot

of people really talk about this takes a lot of work but here are some of

the benefits of it you know one of my students has less than ten bucks makes

over ten thousand dollars a month he built a brand around a very very

specific niche his customers keep coming back for more

another student right we're talking he's doing thirty to forty thousand dollars a

month from front end and back end sales focused on one brand found additional

products to sell to them and sell something but then there's also your own

strategy like I said earlier self-publishing in today's world it

doesn't have to be it's not it's not black and white anymore there are so

many different ways to publish books and become successful see don't have to

follow a specific strategy if you don't want you can find the one that kind of

works the best for you and follow that one so let's talk about mindset now

mindsets the other big thing that a lot of people don't tend to talk about but

it's so freakin important because without the proper mindset especially if

you're brand new and you're just getting into this whole online space for the

very first time mindset is gonna be the difference between whether or not you

succeed or you end up failing and falling flat on your face another key

factor is you're not gonna be successful right out of the gates it's hard to say

how long most it takes most people to find success with self-publishing I know

students inside the Academy usually happens within their first 30 to 90 days

so some students it can take them up to 12 months to become successful so

understanding that hey you're in this for the long haul and when I save the

long haul I usually give a 12-month window when I'm trying a new business

venture I would say hey I'm gonna commit to this for twelve months that's what I

did back in 2016 when I started self-publishing so I'm gonna give this

twelve months everything I have I'm gonna commit to it make it work and

that'll be it if I've made no money after 12 months I'll take a look at the

business and reevaluate and move to something else so give yourself that

time limit and don't give yourself just a month don't give yourself like two

months I probably wouldn't even say six months give yourself enough time because

sometimes it takes longer than you expect but you need to give yourself

enough time so success does find you another big thing is you can make a lot

more money than you might think spoken to some of my students

specifically students who live over in third world countries and they're

bringing in money that they have only dreamed of making and that is such a

powerful thing that you're able to make this business work from anywhere in the

world create an income from no matter where you are and it completely changed

your life making more money online via computer then you can you know going to

school becoming a whatever it was that you want it to be and I think one of the

most important things about mindset is staying focused it's avoiding what's

called the shiny object syndrome right if you're gonna pick you know we're

talking about publishing if you're gonna pick fiction stick to fiction you're

gonna pick non-fiction stick to nonfiction don't get all distracted with

people making all this extra noise out there talking about oh you should do

this or you should do this are used to try this strategy or you should do this

strategy when I started I followed one person and I followed them until I

became successful I didn't even really find out about other people who were

publishing until you know I started making money or saying alright let's

let's see what else is going on and it was like wow there's a lot of other

people I can follow in as well so that's just how I like to focus on things right

if I'm gonna invest in somebody's program then I want to learn everything

their way because it's proven to work their way and then once I get going and

you know things are going good with the way that they've taught then I can start

looking hey maybe I can grab a little from this person maybe I can grab a

little from this person adding on on top and before you know it

you've created a new way that's more of your way

so just don't get too distracted and stay focused when you're brand new

though hey if you want more tips like this make sure you hit the subscribe

button turn bell notifications on so you know I show up all the time on your

YouTube and ask me questions inside the comments because I'd love to connect

with you and get to know you a little bit better until next time everybody

I'm Emeka, I'll speak to y'all soon

For more infomation >> Building A Brand On Amazon | Kindle Publishing 2019 - Duration: 8:52.


Building a DC power monitor (part 2) - Duration: 33:45.

For more infomation >> Building a DC power monitor (part 2) - Duration: 33:45.


Lexus Wants To Build A Hardcore F-Badged SUV - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Lexus Wants To Build A Hardcore F-Badged SUV - Duration: 2:23.


Genesis Won't Build A Fast G70 To Rival The BMW M3 - Duration: 2:10.

Genesis says that it has no plans to launch a high-performance G70 to directly rival the BMW M3 and Mercedes-AMG C63

During a recent interview with Car and Driver, Genesis president Manfred Fitzgerald hosed down speculation that the G70 could receive a more potent version similar in philosophy to Hyundai's N models

For now, Genesis is focused on differentiating itself from Hyundai and increasing sales across its family of models

"We're trying to set our base.We have to get the basics," Fitzgerald said.Immediate goals from Genesis include expanding its range with a selection of new SUVs, such as the GV80 tipped to arrive in 2020 and a smaller SUV for 2021

Before these new models hit the market, Genesis is planning an aggressive expansion of its dealership network across the United States, eventually including between 300 and 350 locations

Most of these showrooms will be standalone facilities that are owned by Hyundai franchises

"The brand is evolving day by day.We're looking for partners who believe in this brand

This should not be a sprint to the finish line." While those hoping for a BMW M3-rival from Genesis may be disappointed by Fitzgerald's latest statements, they should rest easy knowing that if the company ever changes it mind, Fitzgerald is the perfect man to make such a sports sedan a reality

Prior to heading up Genesis, Fitzgerald was the design director for Lamborghini.Curiously, Fitzgerald's statements are contrary to those from Hyundai Motor America vice president of product planning Mike O'Brien, who indicated a few days ago that a high-performance G70 could become a reality

For more infomation >> Genesis Won't Build A Fast G70 To Rival The BMW M3 - Duration: 2:10.


LARS TVEDE & PETER WARNØE: Entrepreneurship - How to build a business (Officiel trailer) - Duration: 1:01.


Here we go!

- This is for the entrepreneur who wants to build up a company and scale it.

- Most of the entrepreneurs meet the same challenges.

- We'll just tell you this situation, this is what you should do.

- The most successful companies are the ones with more than one founder.

Practice, practice, practice.

- Just do something.

A feature is not a company.

- Sit down and define everything.

- Start looking for funding before you need it.

It's horrible and you want to shoot yourself, but...

- The more you work the more lucky you get.

- I don't think you can be an entrepreneur if you can't live with failure also.

- The world is a better place with a lot of entrepreneurs.


- It's the coolest thing, it's the coolest thing.

- We are Lars Tvede and Peter Warnøe,

and this is Entrepreneurship - How to build a business.



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