Classic Crossbody Shoulder Bag for Women
For more infomation >> Classic Crossbody Shoulder Bag for Women - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Very Hard 1 Life Classic Super Smash Bros - Duration: 5:39.
what's up everybody I'm atCha from TheGamerVillage and today we're playing some Nintendo 64 Smash
Bros It's been a while since I've played this but we're going to go with very hard
one stock I'm usually a Zelda player but Zelda is not in the N64 version alright so I'm
going to go with Mario Alright let's do this alright so I'm thinking I'm going
to get 4 maybe 5 let's see how actually true that is alright there we go I was just
trying to wave dash real quick alright yeah alright so this is actually harder
than like when you play the new smashes usually when it's on hard it's not super difficult
actually that's not true oh no yeah oh ok get'em get'm get'em get'em oh no don't get
me he going to stock me right there nope stock stock stock stock stock yes that's game
there's no way he can hang nope especially being the first character first stage alright
so that's one stage in I'm going to see how far I can oh Yoshi Team forgot about these
guys alright so let's see how far I can get here oh almost stocked myself yeah I'm
just trying to up smash here basically there you go there we go man I forgot how fun this
game is ah yeah damage report oh I guess you can still hit'em I guess this is before you
can actually dodge those but I guess you can still dodge those not too bad oh he's going
to stock himself right there nice you know I've seen recently that people do competitions
on this N64 version it's got to be crazy hard to get good at this game I'm sure people
think about that like the new smash bothers and stuff too that it's too hard to get
good but it's not difficult I guess you just practice and stuff like everything else
it's just the you know the game characters are just what you would expect just like what
you look at that's what the game play is like oh yeah slow shoot that's it wow I
cant believe that they're not getting stocked though got'em on its my taunt ah weak oh I
thought I would toss them it's not there we orange yellow you're last oh no he's
going to shoot me oh I thought he was going to do his Yoshi jump not even close alright
so this is on super hard and I haven't played in a little while and it's not the first
tie I've ever played this game but not doing to bad so alright fox I expect fox to be a
little more difficult than actually being able to beat him and stuff but we'll see ah
I forgot about this stage this is a cool stage the first time I ever played this stage I
was like whoa this is so cool oh he ok he has some skill come on dude
yeah up smash oh there it is oh he did it to me it was not expected oh dude toss yeah
get'em get'em get'em oh no
I was going to say that would have been nooooo that's game alright well I guess we know
how far I can get with one man bummer I appreciate you guys watching be sure to like a subscribe
and leave some comments love to hear what you guys think of my game play and we'll see
you next time bye
Acoustic Classic Rock Songs | Best Classic Rock 80s and 90s - Duration: 1:36:22.
Hello friends ! If you like this channel music please like & share, subscribe channel. Thanks you very much !!
🥇TOP 100 MEJORES JUEGOS DE PS1 DE LA HISTORIA (80-71) para la Playstation classic mini - Duration: 9:57.
Very good viejuners welcome to my channel! welcome to the third video of
the top 100 series of the best playstation 1 games (psx) by votes
one thousand subscribers this list is great to be able to
included will make them to the playstation classic mini or wherever you want a raspberry pi or like
you like today we will see the posts of 80 71 the games that we will see today are a
clear example that this platform is a true pass given that in posts
as in those that we meet there is great games come on let's start at the
position exists we have rayman of the year 96 a 2d platforms created by ubisoft one
of the playstation basics this game It has one of the most beautiful graphics
that I've seen on platforms is truly a delight this game of
futures that more sells a platform playstation one arriving at 4
millions of copies sold we will have as an objective to defeat the bad guy
as you do not know it is a sorcerer called mister dark that has corrupted the
universe in our adventure we travel six fantastic worlds as is typical
in the ninth platforms we will go finding objects that help our
Sympathetic ere to fight monsters and survive
the traps that are rayman he will also have several powers at home
with the game some are permanent while others are temporary
lasting only the screen that we are a game highly recommended and
that I find it quite curious to see it in these posts from the list the time I
I would have put it a little higher in 71 we have stories of the year 99
sequel to quake 11 of the fps is mythical of this from the video games the
game came out for many platforms different for this version was
necessary to make a downgrade of the graphics to begin with made the
game ran a resolution of 512 per 240 plus certain levels of the game are
the level is original of pc but modified to perform well with
this console at the mechanics level are the same as the original code but
the movement changed the moment the character was slower too
they changed some weapons but retains four of the original weapons those
big super leftovers in the stands and the rocket launcher although the aspect was
redesigned they also added new weapons to be well prepared against
the infinity of unfriendly friends that we are with respect to quake
1 new ones were also introduced programs like for example the master for
that in the world ability and some more the levels will also be much more
great that the first part is to say that this game I have pending in its
moment I played it little actually happened without no grief nor eatma glory can not be said
let directly the quick 1 to remove 3 sand so this game will
I have it pending position 78 we have mortal with
materials of year 96 it's about the last improvement of the third installment of
mortal kombat they carried their cast of fighters to all the characters
present in the saga until the date of its launch was also offered to the
subjefes as selected characters we could also enjoy almost
all the scenarios of the fighting seen up to that moment in the saga
in addition to this version of playstation included the character best done at
three that graphically this game was superior to previous deliveries and
we had a higher level of cruelty in the end of the combat but
curious to see that we had a greater number of bones or pieces of body to the
run the fatalities animals or brutal and thyssen in our enemies not
enter the saga that does not disappoint lovers of the happy endings of the
fight fighting is 17 we have wipeout 3 of the year 99 with career games is
futuristic developed distributed by signs is the company something white this
is the third of the saga wipeout the game maintains the same mechanics as
predecessor games the players against vehicles
antigravity thorium if they are owned by various fictional corporations we have
than running races on circuits four different of them
unlockable and in each car will be equipped with a protective shield
energy that will protect us from the impacts he receives during the race
If the shield exhausts its energy, vehicle can get off the track the
shields can be recharged with in a special lane that is prepared to
it is separated on the main track and the longer we are in that
fastest way will load the shield very style f 0 we will also have brakes
of air to be able to skid in addition to have the option and profile with which
accelerate we have consumed energy as of the shield as extra help we will have
certain areas of the track that we accelerates the vehicle and we can also
Collect special packages spread out by the circuits which contain
special weapons that can be used in the races
the 76 we have spiderman of the year 2000 it treats a video game based on
the character of marvel and was developed using the same engine that
tony hawk's pro skater is based on the series of 90 spiderman and
spiderman to a limit in the game we will control spiderman and our
committed will be to reach the end of the level in which we find ourselves or
complete a mission that we were commend in case they kill us or
we fulfill the objective we have to start the current level of mount 90 the
efficiency that this game has is the carry from the top spiderman and
we can use for your health because arachnids we can scale by any
wall and swinging with your fabrics of spider at a distance where we are
fighting they claim you can use a limited quantity of cloth cartridges
a year to attack your enemies we can catch them until they drop or defeat
the zetas and we can also form a barrier
explosive as our powers arachnids the course of the game
we can find items that we will increase the defense capacity or
attack or the spider wallets more powerful against the enemies in the
put 75 we have the robbery of year 98 Roger is a fighting game let's say very
very beast this game started being a arcade game with the name of gun and
be we are facing the first game of the series at the end had four sequels in
various platforms the control system of blogger was the combination
typical of one-button fighting games used to punch punches and another to
paste treated if we combine the buttons we can create several attacks
different what characterizes this game is its originality to be able to use the button
beast as we had the loaded bar of the beast meter if we press the
button our character was transformed in an animal having much more agility
in its normal form all this we could use it again as
part of one of the ways to attack our opponents extended the gesture
It gives a very very addictive touch to the game because good at any time if you see
that you're a bit rushed and you can to become a beast
Well, it can get you out of some trouble
of 74 we have grand theft auto of the year 27 the first installment of the saga gta el
which does not have much to see graphically with the deliveries we have in the
present this game had the essence of all who succeeded him in a sandbox
of the open world in which literally we could do almost what the
he wins trying cars for later sell them between missions for the spend
on duty to annihilate citizens innocents and my favorite fun of
all of you who have made the leopard brand that the police persecute me as you see
graphically it is from top view and not It has a lot to do with deliveries
later that were already all in 3-d but do not be fooled by the appearance
retro your heart product and very fun the same to see the success of
this saga of games first playability agglutinate a very good combination
between action adventure driving a bit in role mode and with stealth elements
and racing and all this adds Rapid violence that is a game
that if you have not had the opportunity to play I recommend you have a charm
that the new gta do not have for the graphics retro style
in position 73 I take air capcom versus snk millenium fight 2000 pro buff
long the end of the name of the great 2d fight appears healthy one about the year
2000 on playstation in 2002 in this game is cataloged the characters by a
system of levels called ratio that can translate into the strength that it has
each one based on this ratio we will have to create teams of up to 4
players in which the sum of the ratios may not exceed 4
each character has its peculiar way to fight in their special shots and
we have the possibility to make combos very spectacular at the graphic level
characters are very well drawn and has some truly animations
beautiful the scenarios are the most Variopintos and very retailers also the
music is not left behind is a quality of brutal and some of the sounds that
you hear they are digitized talking of handling the characters is pretty
affordable and the special hits are very very easy to perform we can
say that there is difficulty of play is average more or less
in the 72 we have wipe out of the year 95 report is a career videogame
futuristic development of published by signs is the game takes place in the year
2000 52 in which we are competing in the antigravity racing league efe
3600 we have a wonderful command hovercraft ship we have to
drive through different circuits we can choose between four teams
different existing in the competition and also between the pilots in function
of the chosen team we will have different speed acceleration characteristics
tip ship volume and speed I turn the style of the games of this
gender if we go through certain places the racetrack we will accelerate and we
will add power nothing we will get shields turbos mines and more weapons
attack with all this apart from running the race we can sting against
our enemies hindering their advance to get to be the first and for
last the 71 we have syphon filter 2 the year two well in the game six stops and
stealth in the third person is about second game of the saga if it is finally
documentarily speaking starts exactly where his predecessor dominated
just like it happened in the first game the phrases of pure action are interspersed
with the infiltration where we will have achieve our goals without being
discovered all this is complicated since the
enemies have an intelligence much more artificial than before
Sometimes the game becomes complicated since they can kill us with a simple
head pull apart that some enemies will be able to hear hide
to write our attacks and to attack us in turn from places
strategic level of gameplay was continuist with the first and the
sequel this sequel added a mode multiplayer that presents some
characters to select included the deceased characters themselves with
filter as well as new exclusive maps in this way the game
Well, we'll see each other in the next video the series until later lucas
Amazing Beautiful Small House Enviable Balance Between Classic and Contemporary - Duration: 4:29.
Amazing Beautiful Small House Enviable Balance Between Classic and Contemporary
Operencia: The Stolen Sun - A Classic Dungeon-Crawling RPG From Zen Studios - Duration: 1:29.
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Narrator: there lies Operencia.
Narrator: A world
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Narrator: where history meets legend.
Distorted Voice: Feel my love
Narrator: I hail from this land
Narrator: and I have a story to tell
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Heritage Classic Foundation honors Beaufort County scholars - Duration: 0:59.
REACTING TO CLASSIC 'WALKS INTO A BAR' JOKES - Funny Comedy Videos - Duration: 3:24.
Hello everyone.
Yes today I'm going to react to some bar jokes
oh yes yes I've been given a list here by the team
And I'm going to read through them
I can't wait to see how funny they are
Let's get started
Oh this one's about a polar bear. Oh that's nice.
A polar bear walks into a bar and says...
"let me get errr.... umm....
a beer
Bartender says sure but what's with the big pause?
The polar bear says...
I was born with them
Oh yes I am born with my paws
Oh right oh it's a pony this time.
Yes oh yes a pony walks into a bar...
and mutters something to the bartender...
the bartender says "what?"
The pony clears his throat and says...
"You'll have to excuse me. I'm a little...
Oh yes you are a little horse Mr Pony
Ooh a lion this time
A lion walks into a bar and asks the bartender...
"Do you have any jobs?"
Hmm. I don't think he'd have any jobs for lions but we'll see
The bartender shakes his head sadly and says...
"No sorry. Why don't you try the circus?
Oh yes that sounds like a good idea.
Yes yes that sounds a great idea
The lion replies "Why would the circus need a bartender?"
Oh I see. The lion is trying to be a bartender. Oh oh
I'd probably suggest going to the circus Mr. Lion
Oh ooh food ooh.
A sandwich walks into a bar...
I hope it's a nice meat sandwich.
A nice beef sandwiche or something
That'd be delicious. Oh sorry sorry sorry
A sandwich walks into a bar and asks for a drink.
The bartender says...
"Sorry we don't serve food here"
Oh dear. Why not Mr bartender?
Oh. This one's a bit clever.
You scientist folk might enjoy this one.
A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink...
When the neutron gets his drink he asks...
"Bartender. How much do I owe you?"
The bartender replies...
"For you Neutron. No charge!
Because neutrons have no charge
Oh dear [Laughs]
OK everyone. Those were the bar jokes.
I hope you enjoyed them.
Do let me know what your favorite walks into a bar joke is...
and put it in the comment section below
Ok. Thanks for watching everyone. bye
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