You kill people. That makes you a murderer.
That's true. But what does that make you?
Still working that one out.
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror - Deleted Episode 1 - Shaitaan's Canyon - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
دارك ديسبشن الشبتر الأول : رهينة في متاهة وحشية Dark Deception - Duration: 21:06.-------------------------------------------
Where is God in the Dark Places of Life? - Duration: 2:12.In the expected and the unexpected places of life
is how David is describing it.
Yes, we might say the expected places are the heavens.
Well of course when I'm feeling heavenly,
I can be transparent, and God is with me
because I'm having a great day, a great season,
a great chapter of life.
I'm sensing that I'm riding high,
things are going well, yes, God is present with me.
But what about the unexpected places of life?
Which is so often a part of our journey as well,
if we're honest.
And here David paints a really stark picture.
He uses the word in the depths,
where if I make my bed, in verse eight.
If I make my bed in the depths, he uses the word sheol
in the Hebrew, sheol.
If I make my bed in sheol, is the place of the dead.
David said even if I am experiencing life
that I would describe it rather hellish
I'm in the place of the dead, God, you are there.
And isn't that real picture pointing towards Jesus?
Jesus literally went to the place of the dead to rescue us.
And David was experiencing that,
even to a limited degree in his relationship with God
in this particular Psalm.
Or in the darkness, surely the darkness will hide me.
And in the Hebrew, the darkness often
referred to, most often referred to,
places of chaos and tragedy, not that the room was dark.
But darkness meant that things were out of control,
things were chaotic, things were unexpected.
Tragedy had occurred.
Even in darkness, you are there.
In all of those experiences of life, God is present.
He doesn't abandon us, he doesn't leave us alone.
Quickly Switch Between Light & Dark Modes in macOS Mojave - Duration: 1:49.So I wanted a quick way to be able to switch between light and dark mode in
macOS Mojave, and it turns out there AppleScript to do this.
You can put a menu bar icon up here and
be able to choose this AppleScript and with two clicks you can switch back and
forth between light and dark mode. So how do you get this all working? First of all
you can download the script on my website I have a blog
post up there and I'll put a link to that in the video description down below
here if you're watching this video on YouTube. So you're going to download that
script but how do you get this menu bar icon and how do you install the script?
Well the first thing you have to do is go into your Applications folder,
Utilities, and then scroll down here to Script Editor. In the Script Editor
preferences you're gonna need to check on "show script menu in menu bar" so
that's going to add this icon up here. You're not going to have the AppleScript
in there just yet but that'll add the icon up to your menu bar. Then you
can quit the Script Editor. In this Scripts menu you can show your user
scripts folder and that's where you can install the AppleScript that you
download from my website. So into that folder I've already of course installed
the AppleScript but all you do is just drag the script into that folder and
once you've done that it will appear here in this menu and one click on the
menu one click on the AppleScript it runs in a second and you're switching
back and forth between light and dark mode. I hope you find this as useful as I
do. If you enjoyed this video please click the like button and subscribe to
my YouTube channel for more tips and tricks!
Rep. Jason Crow Introduces First Bill To End Dark Money - Duration: 0:48.-------------------------------------------
#15 M I N D | Dark Beat Rap Instrumental Hip - Hop - Duration: 3:48.
New study states that Bizarre 'Dark Fluid' with Negative Mass Could Dominate the Universe. - Duration: 7:59.hey guys, welcome to space train.
Today we will discuss, what is a Dark Fluid, that can Dominate the Universe.
It's embarrassing, but astrophysicists are the first to admit it.
Our best theoretical model can only explain 5 percent of the universe.
The remaining 95 percent is famously made up almost entirely of invisible, unknown material
dubbed dark energy and dark matter.
So even though there are a billion trillion stars in the observable universe, they are
actually extremely rare.
The two mysterious dark substances can only be inferred from gravitational effects.
Dark matter may be an invisible material, but it exerts a gravitational force on surrounding
matter that we can measure.
Dark energy is a repulsive force that makes the universe expand at an accelerating rate.
The two have always been treated as separate phenomena.
But new study, published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, suggests they may both be part
of the same strange concept — a single, unified "dark fluid" of negative masses.
Negative masses are a hypothetical form of matter that would have a type of negative
gravity — repelling all other material around them.
Unlike familiar positive mass matter, if a negative mass was pushed, it would accelerate
towards you rather than away from you.
Negative masses are not a new idea in cosmology.
Just like normal matter, negative mass particles would become more spread out as the universe
expands — meaning that their repulsive force would become weaker over time.
However, studies have shown that the force driving the accelerating expansion of the
universe is relentlessly constant.
This inconsistency has previously led researchers to abandon this idea.
If a dark fluid exists, it should not thin out over time.
In the new study, is proposed a modification to Einstein's theory of general relativity
to allow negative masses to not only exist, but to be created continuously.
"Matter creation" was already included in an early alternative theory to the Big Bang,
known as the Steady State model.
The main assumption was that (positive mass) matter was continuously created to replenish
material as the universe expands.
We now know from observational evidence that this is incorrect.
However, that doesn't mean that negative mass matter can't be continuously created.
It shows that this assumed dark fluid is never spread too thinly.
Instead it behaves exactly like dark energy.
Dark matter was introduced to explain the fact that galaxies are spinning much faster
than our models predict.
This implies that some additional invisible matter must be present to prevent them from
spinning themselves apart.
This model show's that the surrounding repulsive force from dark fluid can also hold a galaxy
The gravity from the positive mass galaxy attracts negative masses from all directions,
and as the negative mass fluid comes nearer to the galaxy it in turn exerts a stronger
repulsive force onto the galaxy that allows it to spin at higher speeds without flying
It therefore appears that a simple minus sign may solve one of the longest standing problems
in physics.
One may argue that this sounds a little far fetched.
But while negative masses are bizarre, they are considerably less strange than you may
immediately think.
For starters, these effects may only seem peculiar and unfamiliar to us, as we reside
in a region dominated by positive mass.
Whether physically real or not, negative masses already have a theoretical role in a vast
number of areas.
Air bubbles in water can be modelled as having a negative mass.
Recent laboratory research has also generated particles that behave exactly as they would
if they had negative mass.
And physicists are already comfortable with the concept of negative energy density.
According to quantum mechanics, empty space is made up of a field of fluctuating background
energy that can be negative in places — giving rise to waves and virtual particles that pop
into and out of existence.
This can even create a tiny force that can be measured in the lab.
The new study could help solve many problems in modern physics.
String theory, which is our best hope for unifying the physics of the quantum world
with Einstein's theory of the cosmos, is currently seen as being incompatible with observational
However, string theory does suggest that the energy in empty space must be negative, which
corroborates the theoretical expectations for a negative mass dark fluid.
Moreover, the team behind the groundbreaking discovery of an accelerating universe surprisingly
detected evidence for a negative mass cosmology, but took the reasonable precaution of interpreting
these controversial findings as "unphysical."
The theory could also solve the problem of measuring the universe's expansion.
This is explained by the Hubble-Lemaître Law, the observation that more distant galaxies
are moving away at a faster rate.
The relationship between the speed and the distance of a galaxy is set by the "Hubble
constant," but measurements of it have continued to vary.
This has led to a crisis in cosmology.
Fortunately, a negative mass cosmology mathematically predicts that the Hubble "constant" should
vary over time.
Clearly, there is evidence that this weird and unconventional new theory deserves our
scientific attention.
So Where to go from here.
The creator of the field of cosmology, Albert Einstein, did — along with other scientists
including Stephen Hawking — consider negative masses.
In fact, in 1918 Einstein even wrote that his theory of general relativity may have
to be modified to include them.
Despite these efforts, a negative mass cosmology could be wrong.
The theory seems to provide answers to so many currently open questions that scientists
will — quite rightly — be rather suspicious.
However, it is often the out-of-the-box ideas that provide answers to longstanding problems.
The strong accumulating evidence has now grown to the point that we must consider this unusual
The largest telescope to ever be built — the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) — will measure
the distribution of galaxies throughout the history of the universe.
they are planning to use the SKA to compare its observations to theoretical predictions
for both a negative mass cosmology and the standard one — helping to ultimately prove
whether negative masses exist in our reality.
What is clear is that this new theory generates a wealth of new questions.
So as with all scientific discoveries, the adventure does not end here.
In fact, the quest to understand the true nature of this beautiful, unified, and — perhaps
polarised — universe has only just begun.
That's all today, see you next time, don't forget to free up your brain, and stay with
us. because there are lots of interesting subjects we should talk about.
A Plague Tale: Innocence - Ep2 – Dark Ages - Duration: 3:26.[MUSIC STARTS]
From the start, we asked ourselves:
what period do we rarely see explored in videogames,
or has room for us to express it a little differently?
We arrived at the Middle Ages.
Our heroes encounter different aspects of this period.
At the beginning they have this comfortable, noble life.
Beyond that, they encounter the realities of a battle-scarred country,
poor settlements of the 14th century,
the Inquisition, and its hierarchical structure.
Regarding the environments, we wanted to stay as true to the period as possible,
relying on one of our strengths as a French studio based in Bordeaux.
Every day we walk the streets here, of which many were built during the Middle Ages.
We wanted to do justice to this unique architecture with winding streets,
rickety houses, things patched up, and built with very simple materials.
Typically, these villages are portrayed as being made up of only
half-timbered houses with jutting corbels.
It's the classic thing you see everywhere.
We tried to break this convention.
There are plenty of examples of villages in the Bordeaux area that date back to the Middle Ages,
without having only these 'agreed upon' archetypes.
We did a lot of research
to really bring the flavor, the feel of that time,
in architecture and the rendering of the universe.
For example, we often came back to this notion that at the time the streets were extremely dirty,
Dirt was everywhere, the notions of hygiene were not at all those of today.
In terms of lighting, we worked quite a lot with master paintings
to try to emulate natural light as much as possible.
We avoid the impression of having
an unnatural spotlight somewhere that illuminates the scene.
For example, we keep in-game sources of light very raw,
in the style of a Vermeer or Bruegel painting.
Claude Lorrain is a painter of the 16th century.
There is a color, a tone in his paintings,
with slightly orange and soft skies that bring
a romanticism to the image, a sweetness, something a little dreamlike.
We wanted to have that in our game.
What I love about what we've done so far
Is that it's actually very close to the initial vision,
what we wanted in terms of mood and feelings
We speak to the type of player who wants to live this kind of experience.
As a result, we have enormous freedom.
It gives us the opportunity to make a game even closer to what we think
some players search for and love today.
Of course, we also made a game that we would have liked to play ourselves.
A Plague Tale : Innocence - Ep2: Dark Ages | PS4 - Duration: 3:23.From the start, we asked ourselves:
what period do we rarely see explored in videogames,
or has room for us to express it a little differently?
We arrived at the Middle Ages.
Our heroes encounter different aspects of this period.
At the beginning they have this comfortable, noble life.
Beyond that, they encounter the realities of a battle-scarred country,
poor settlements of the 14th century,
the Inquisition, and its hierarchical structure.
Regarding the environments, we wanted to stay as true to the period as possible,
relying on one of our strengths as a French studio based in Bordeaux.
Every day we walk the streets here, of which many were built during the Middle Ages.
We wanted to do justice to this unique architecture with winding streets,
rickety houses, things patched up, and built with very simple materials.
Typically, these villages are portrayed as being made up of only
half-timbered houses with jutting corbels.
It's the classic thing you see everywhere.
We tried to break this convention.
There are plenty of examples of villages in the Bordeaux area that date back to the Middle Ages,
without having only these 'agreed upon' archetypes.
We did a lot of research
to really bring the flavor, the feel of that time,
in architecture and the rendering of the universe.
For example, we often came back to this notion that at the time the streets were extremely dirty,
Dirt was everywhere, the notions of hygiene were not at all those of today.
In terms of lighting, we worked quite a lot with master paintings
to try to emulate natural light as much as possible.
We avoid the impression of having
an unnatural spotlight somewhere that illuminates the scene.
For example, we keep in-game sources of light very raw,
in the style of a Vermeer or Bruegel painting.
Claude Lorrain is a painter of the 16th century.
There is a color, a tone in his paintings,
with slightly orange and soft skies that bring
a romanticism to the image, a sweetness, something a little dreamlike.
We wanted to have that in our game.
What I love about what we've done so far
Is that it's actually very close to the initial vision,
what we wanted in terms of mood and feelings
We speak to the type of player who wants to live this kind of experience.
As a result, we have enormous freedom.
It gives us the opportunity to make a game even closer to what we think
some players search for and love today.
Of course, we also made a game that we would have liked to play ourselves.
🐍 [ FREE ] Trippy Beat Weird Psychedelic Dark Type Rap Beat || BadTrip - Duration: 2:52.
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A Plague Tale : Innocence | Ep2 – Dark Ages | PS4 - Duration: 3:23.From the start, we asked ourselves:
what period do we rarely see explored in videogames,
or has room for us to express it a little differently?
We arrived at the Middle Ages.
Our heroes encounter different aspects of this period.
At the beginning they have this comfortable, noble life.
Beyond that, they encounter the realities of a battle-scarred country,
poor settlements of the 14th century,
the Inquisition, and its hierarchical structure.
Regarding the environments, we wanted to stay as true to the period as possible,
relying on one of our strengths as a French studio based in Bordeaux.
Every day we walk the streets here, of which many were built during the Middle Ages.
We wanted to do justice to this unique architecture with winding streets,
rickety houses, things patched up, and built with very simple materials.
Typically, these villages are portrayed as being made up of only
half-timbered houses with jutting corbels.
It's the classic thing you see everywhere.
We tried to break this convention.
There are plenty of examples of villages in the Bordeaux area that date back to the Middle Ages,
without having only these 'agreed upon' archetypes.
We did a lot of research
to really bring the flavor, the feel of that time,
in architecture and the rendering of the universe.
For example, we often came back to this notion that at the time the streets were extremely dirty,
Dirt was everywhere, the notions of hygiene were not at all those of today.
In terms of lighting, we worked quite a lot with master paintings
to try to emulate natural light as much as possible.
We avoid the impression of having
an unnatural spotlight somewhere that illuminates the scene.
For example, we keep in-game sources of light very raw,
in the style of a Vermeer or Bruegel painting.
Claude Lorrain is a painter of the 16th century.
There is a color, a tone in his paintings,
with slightly orange and soft skies that bring
a romanticism to the image, a sweetness, something a little dreamlike.
We wanted to have that in our game.
What I love about what we've done so far
Is that it's actually very close to the initial vision,
what we wanted in terms of mood and feelings
We speak to the type of player who wants to live this kind of experience.
As a result, we have enormous freedom.
It gives us the opportunity to make a game even closer to what we think
some players search for and love today.
Of course, we also made a game that we would have liked to play ourselves.
Dark Web Tech Update - Duration: 10:00.Hi everyone! We are the Russian Hacking Squad group in Professor Durcikova's
cybersecurity class. My name is Brennan Parken and today we are going to discuss
the dark web we are going to talk about what the dark web is the main players of
the dark web how it works how it relates to us and additional information such as
policing the dark web what is the dark web the dark web is the part of the
internet that is invisible to search engines and requires the use of a
browser called tor to be accessed the dark web has both a legitimate side and
an illegal side the legitimate side can contain various things such as a chess
club a dark web social network and even Bitcoin commerce platforms the illegal
side can contain the illegal purchasing of drugs weapons credit card numbers and
other criminal acts it is relatively far-reaching but does include multiple
main players. This section is on the main players of the dark web. Starting with the Software, there are many out there but Tor is the
mainly used browser there are others like I2P and Unix Tales which is an
operating system tor can be recognized by the onion
domain and must on and all of this depends on layered encryption
let's say you want to buy something from the dark web you wouldn't use your
normal credit or debit card but you would use a Bitcoin and as most of you
know it is most of what currency used for the dark web and it is a
decentralized cryptocurrency moving on to the people so the dark web was
originally funded by the Department of Defense for military intelligence and
law enforcement purposes however a lot of people nowadays use it like
journalists whistle blowers and just people in
countries where they have hostile governments but they
want to use the dark web to voice their information without their identity being
being known and what you see here is a graph of this shows the result of
research that was done by two companies namely Intel young in darksome and these
wanted to map out the Tor based that website so they sampled about 30,000
websites from Tor and as you can see they wanted to prove if the reputation
that was out there about the dark web was in fact true that the data contains
illegal information and without the price it is true and this is just a
better depiction of the same graph showing us that the percentage of the
dark web and the main one is file-sharing then leaked data which is a
big one because companies filter information that they want you to see in
the surface web but there is so much more information that they don't want
you to see and some people post this in the dark web so this concludes section
next Jacob is going to talk about how it works so typically when we imagine the
web we imagine it as the surface and the surface web is anything that you can
access through either a link or a quick Google search your common sites such as
Google YouTube reddit Facebook Twitter anything you're just Amazon search and
really most of the information on the web is hidden within the Deep Web and
the deep live includes everything from private emails Dropbox public records
things that you would need a password to be able to access or some kind of login
credential to verify that you have privileges to access secure information
and then within the Deep Web and kind of the most hidden part of the web's
dart and the dark web includes content that's typically illegal and/or you want
hidden from the NSA or just general people discovering what you're searching
and so the dark web has to be accessed through a special browser called tor
multi-disc in a second so both the surface web and the deep web can be
accessed through sites or your browsers such as Firefox Chrome Opera
you know Internet Explorer whichever your preferred browser is but the dark
one is special because you can't access the dark web through your typical
browsers it requires the tor browser which uses a
dot onion link at the end of it to be able to access what are known as onion
websites which are web sites and it's recommended that you use a tails
operating system which is usually loaded on a CD or USB Drive and it secures your
computer and make basically protects your computer from things such as
Trojans and malware as well as allowing people to access information on your
computer so here's an example of a tor browser so we're on deck deck so the
DuckDuckGo tour version uses and also includes HTTPS how does this relate to
us currently we have covered several topics in class that directly relate to
the dark web the first is the dark web is accessed by a browser commonly known
as tor as well as other possible browsers a browser requires a computer
which has a CPU and other required hardware such as a screen and keyboard
also some software including an operating system
second we've learned that browsers generally run on a three-tier server
client architecture the client which is the computer holds the presentation
logic the application or the browser contains the application logic which
accesses the data and storage at other locations which contains the data logics
third we know that the same protocol lodges use as in browsing common
websites pertains to the dark web as well HTTP IMAP and other common protocol
languages are also is when accessing the dark web in the future we will learn
further information about some topics that directly relates the dark web as
well the first being IP addresses many people
hide their IP addresses or do not want to be found when they're accessing
information on the dark web we will learn more about how the IP addresses
can be routed at different locations and hidden and how every device has an IP
address that connects to the network second the security and privacy we will
learn about how people try to secure their data and privately transmitted
data as well not only illegal activity happens in the dark world as are also
agents in other countries and foreign matters that connect to the dark web
distance secure and private messages back to their intelligence agencies at
home base third is operating systems we knows little information about operating
systems now but one common operating system used in accessing the dark web is
tails tails is a way to not have the data
transfer translated back to your home computer on the home operating system
but can otherwise be written on the DVD and use to securely access the dark web
in the fourth being a large part of the dark web is malware and threats there is
many malicious and dangerous software packages inside the data on the dark web
we'll learn more about the malware and threats and how to stay away from them
and keep ourselves secured so they do not harm our devices and now to Grant on
policing the dark web up next is policing in the dark web so
four billion websites are accessible to everyone about five hundred times more
it's accessible through the dark web that means less than a quarter of a
percent is accessible to us but everyone else has the other ninety-nine point
seven five percent Craigslist and Backpage have been used to make criminal
activity but they're pretty easy to track since they're not using tor other
ways to keep you anonymous and because they dark web can't be tracked
you know tor is whole thing is to be full autonomy so it's really hard to
find people when they commit criminal activities online so officers and
detectives need to be informed over some simple terms like what is
cryptocurrency what's an onion address and what store if you hear those out on
the beat and you wouldn't know this person might be existing the dark web we
might need an expert involved and on that note every station should have an
expert on step on staff and what if one is enough then get multiples this
problem is growing so you might need more thank you
New Study Suggests That Dark Energy Might Not Be Constant After All - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror - Fails and Deaths - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
Royal Az - Chanel Iman Was Kept 'in the Dark' About Fyre Festival as She Recalls Being Terrified by - Duration: 5:02.As two documentaries — Netflix's Fyre and Hulu's Fyre Fraud — expose the disastrous unraveling of the highly publicized 2017 Fyre Festival and continue to captivate the internet and spark new lawsuits, model Chanel Iman (who starred in the event's promotional commercial and was supposed to attend) reveals she was kept "in the dark" about the demise of the Bahamas-based festival
"I was actually on my way to the Fyre Festival because they had promised the talent that we all could have tickets and villas," Iman, 28, tells PEOPLE exclusively as we caught up with the model for the launch of Uniqlo's new clothing line
Get push notifications with news, features and more. Follow Following You'll get the latest updates on this topic in your browser notifications
"So my flight was booked to the Fyre Festival. And thank god me and [now-husband] Sterling [Shepard] didn't hop on a flight because that was in our plans
We would have been stuck with everyone else," the model continues. Iman says like all the attendees who shelled out thousands of dollars on tickets to the festival — which was once touted as a luxury experience on the Bahamian island of Great Exuma with performers like Blink-182 and Migos and high-profile social media influencers including Kendall Jenner — she was disappointed with the failed outcome of the event
"I think it was very frustrating because we were looking forward to something that didn't happen," the model tells us
She adds that she and the other models who promoted the event and were featured in the promotional commercial, like Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski and Hailey Baldwin, were never aware of Fyre Festival co-founder Billy McFarland's financial troubles that ultimately led to Fyre's cancellation
"To be a part of the whole Fyre Festival commercial, we had no idea what was going to happen
We were all told the same exact thing as everybody else was told," Iman says. "I saw the documentary on Netflix just flipping through and I said, 'I didn't know there was a documentary
' Like, I've kind of just been in the dark the whole time." The model also recounted her terrifying experience shooting the Fyre Festival commercial on Great Exuma island on a beach with wild boars
"I don't like going to that island to see those pigs cause they really, really will bite you," Iman says
"If you see the Hulu documentary I am like running, I am jumping in the boat because I don't want anything to do with getting bit or getting hurt by the pigs
" "I know a lot of the girls are picking up the pigs, holding them, but like it just wasn't something that I wanted to do," she adds
In the wake of the Fyre Festival documentaries, models who received money to help promote the event may be forced to reveal information about how much they were paid for their services, according to a new court filing reviewed by multiple reports
On Monday, a judge granted an ex parte order in favor of Fyre Festival trustee Gregory Messner — who is overseeing the bankruptcy of Fyre Media — to issue subpoenas to many celebrities who appeared in a buzzy promotional video shot in the Bahamas or shared Instagram posts positively advertising the festival, the Daily Mail reported
IMG Models, which represents numerous models who promoted the festival, including Iman, Hadid, Baldwin and Victoria's Secret Angel Elsa Hosk, was among the list of organizations that will receive subpoenas, as will DNA Model Management, which represents Ratajkowski
The trustee has said IMG received $1.2 million from the festival's founder Billy McFarland between November 2016 and February 2017, and DNA received $299,000 from McFarland in March 2017, according to Billboard
DNA did not immediately return PEOPLE's request for comment, while IMG Models had no comment
[SUB] Shadow the Hedgehog - Dark - Japanese Cutscenes - Duration: 11:54.Emergency message to all mobile troops from HQ.
The black hedgehog who is currently seen hiding within Westopolis,
Shadow the Hedgehog, is wanted as a major suspect that participated in the terrorist incident.
All units, as soon as you find the suspect, secure his identity, alive or dead.
Get out of my way.
If you resist... W-We'll shoot!
How foolish...
Good work, Shadow...
Who are you!?
Did you... Lose your memory?
No matter. You will understand soon enough...
We don't have time now.
Your next objective is to infiltrate the federal government's main computer.
No objections?
Where am I...?
Is that... Doctor Eggman!
The Doctor might now what those black aliens really are...?
That's a Chaos Emerald!
Shadow, you too!?
I don't intend to fight you. I have my reasons for needing the Chaos Emerald.
Give that Chaos Emerald...
Grr, be quiet!!
All Chaos Emeralds in the world are mine!
Those who interfere are my enemy, no matter who they are!
I'll smash you up just like those black aliens!
Mr. President, we're in a state of emergency.
What is it!?
The Black Corps showed signs of being suppressed in every city...
But they are now surrounding Central City...
With the most overwhelming military force yet!
Shadow, allow me to explain something to you.
Your lost memories of the past... Are memories filled with feelings of revenge towards humanity.
Revenge... Towards humanity...
Yes, when you once obtained the ultimate power, these vile humans took everything away from you.
Remember your grudge towards mankind!
And retaliate against them with the greatest terror!
I see you are finally starting to notice... How foolish and ugly creatures humans are.
Now, it is time for final preparations for the ritual.
Listen up, that space colony ARK has a fearful weapon of destruction that can pierce through stars, the Eclipse Cannon.
Pierce... Through stars...
In order to demonstrate its power at 100%, 7 Chaos Emeralds are required,
But that will spoil tomorrow's ritual...
Tomorrow's... Ritual?
Now go! Give this planet terror and despair
with that Eclipse Cannon humanity itself created!
From ARK to Command HQ! From ARK to Command HQ!
Emergency message! The wanted black hedgehog, Shadow, has been sighted!
He's heading straight towards the Eclipse Cannon's control room!
Listen up, don't let Shadow slip no matter what!
Make sure to eliminate him on the spot, even if it costs you your life!
R-Roger that!
We are Black Arms, emissaries from the skies who came to take control of this planet.
To the foolish humans who are opposing us... Drop your weapons and halt your useless resistance.
It is now obvious how incompetent you humans are...
Damn it...!
From this day on, I, Black Doom, shall rule this planet!
H-How can this be...
And now, to start with, we shall eliminate this planet's incompetent leader.
Take a good, long taste of the beginning of a new era filled with terror and despair!
Mr. President, are you alright?
You don't need to worry about me... More importantly, what about Central City's citizens...?
Please rest assured.
Thanks to the evacuation advisory that took place the day before yesterday, they have all been taken refuge in a safe place.
I see... That's a relief...
What is it!?
Commander! We're under enemy attack!
The Black Corps are exceeding thousands and are flying in from above our HQ. Gate 01 has been breached!
According to the report, the one leading the corps is the aforementioned black hedgehog!
Shadow!? Th-That can't be...!?
You devil...! Finally shown your true colors, I see!?
Emergency message in-hall! All mobile troops are to prepare for battle by the gate!
Prepare the anti-terrorist mobile weapon, Diablon!
B-But that's still incomplete...!?
I don't care!! I will board it!
Mr. President's life and the Chaos Emeralds will be protected to the last by all efforts of our GUN!
Shadow, you blasted devil incarnate! Today's the day I'll have my revenge from 50 years ago!
Shadow... I'm counting on you...
I know, Professor.
I am the ultimate life form, born to punish mankind...
I will no longer hesitate!
Get out of my way.
Shadow! I can't let you do as you like any longer!
Shadow... The devil who destroyed the ARK!
Today's the day I'll have my revenge after all these years!!
How absurd...
It is my duty to judge mankind.
The foolish humans do not deserve to live, and I will give them the punishment personally.
What did you say!
Sonic, if you are going to support humanity as well... I won't show any more mercy!
Finally... All Chaos Emeralds are in my hands!
Shadow... What do you plan to do with them!?
My name is Shadow the Hedgehog...
An emissary from the skies, born to judge the foolish humanity!
With this wondrous power, I will lead the ugly world to its demise!
And that is my answer...
Now I have one more Chaos Emerald left!
How dare you oppose us...!
I thought I told you, I don't intend to obey anyone!
I'll collect the Chaos Emeralds with my own ways, and find the truth with my own hands!
Hmph, and what can the likes of you possibly do...
Very well.
You are going to regret how foolish it is an action to oppose your master...
While on the brink of death!
Finally... All Chaos Emeralds are in my hands!
Gah... You... Don't think this is over yet...
We, the Black Arms, shall never perish!
My name is Shadow the Hedgehog...
The ultimate life form that stands above all!
I'll use this wondrous power to control the whole world!
And that is my answer...
[SUB] Shadow the Hedgehog - Semi-Dark - Japanese Cutscenes - Duration: 7:13.All these various images appearing in my mind...
And those black corps who know me...
What exactly happened in my past...?
Shadow... What are you troubled about...?
That's the...?
Space Colony ARK, 50 years ago...
50 years ago...!?
Is that!?
Now, remember those humans' actions you suffered from.
And how foolish and ugly creatures they are!
This is the mantis platoon Heavy Dog. Target on the run and a girl have been sighted!
Now initiating elimination of both persons!
Please... Shadow...
They will go as far as to take away the life of one of their kind for their own benefit...
Humans are foolish creatures...
You ugly humans! Get out of my sight!!
Mr. President, we will prepare an escape boat shortly. Please hurry.
Once again...
I was not able to protect this country...
There's still time! It's not over yet!
We will make sure to eradicate those Black Corps using all of GUN's efforts!
Please think about the nation's restoration after that, Mr. President.
Yeah... You're right.
Never giving up until the end, no matter the circumstances...
That's what they taught me.
Now, please hurry.
I'll be sure to give you hell!
How awfully stubborn of them...
Shadow, after them! Chase them down and give them despair!
I have 5 Chaos Emeralds now.
Shadow, the promised time will arrive before long...
Collect all Chaos Emeralds and bring them over to me as soon as possible.
When I have two more, will I really find my answers...?
And all of me...
It seems that some fussy rat broke into my hideout.
Head to our star, the Black Comet, and dispose of that fool immediately!
The Black Comet...!?
Shadow! I can't let you do as you like any longer!
Shadow... the devil who destroyed the ARK!
Today's the day I'll have my revenge after all these years!!
How absurd...
It is my duty to judge mankind.
The foolish humans do not deserve to live, and I will give them the punishment personally.
What did you say!
Sonic, if you are going to support humanity as well... I won't show any more mercy!
Finally... All Chaos Emeralds are in my hands!
Why... Why are you siding with them?
My name is Shadow the Hedgehog...
The strongest soldier, chosen by the ruler of darkness, Black Doom!
Together with him, using this wondrous power, I shall dye the ugly world in black!
And that is my answer...
Kindly hand the 6 Emeralds you possess over to me!
I lightened my grip on you until today in order to let you collect those Emeralds...
Now, give them straight to me.
Those Emeralds are the only clue to finding my answers...
I can't hand them over!
Then I shall take them from you by force!
Shadow! Prepare yourself!!
Finally... All Chaos Emeralds are in my hands!
Y-You... Do you intend to oppose me...!?
My name is Shadow the Hedgehog...
I'll only believe in myself, and live for myself!
I won't abide by anyone anymore...
And that is my answer!
Goodbye, Doctor!
Florida school used dark room and whistle to torment autistic kids - Duration: 4:46.A teacher and two aides at a Florida school for autistic children have been arrested and charged for allegedly punishing autistic children
It's alleged that the trio would lock children up in a dark bathroom or blow whistles in their ears as punishment
The antics only came to light after another aide who was so disturbed by the repeated abuse at the Silver Sands School in Fort Walton Beach that she reported it to a school police officer, sparking an investigation, the Okaloosa Sheriff's office said
The students were aged between 8 and 10-years-old.Okaloosa Sheriff Larry Ashley said that police learned of the abuse towards the end of 2018 but that it had been going on for some time and believe there may be other victims
The Sheriff said teacher Margaret Wolthers, 48, and aides, Diana LaCroix and Carolyn Madison could have called the principal, the school resource officer or even the children's parents when they became difficult to handle
Instead, children were places alone in a pitch black bathroom on at least three occasions and were 'intentionally and maliciously' punished
'Classroom aides who witnessed the incidents say the victims would scream and cry when placed in the bathroom, and that one was contained for up to 90 minutes,' Ashley said
'They considered it an acceptable practice,' he said.Wolthers and the aides are alleged to have placed three students 'on separate occasions, individually,' into her classroom bathroom, turned the lights off and closed the door
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Embarrassment for Apple as major iPhone FaceTime bug lets. Share this article Share According to a witness, the children would 'scream and cry' when placed in the bathroom
If the victims turned the lights on or opened the door the teachers would then extend the time the child had to stay in the bathroom
One child had a loud whilst blown in his ear despite the youngster wearing headphones specifically to protect him from loud noises
The whistle blowing 'was done while holding the victim's arms down' so that the child could not protect himself by covering his ears, the arrest report as seen by nwfdailynews states
'We in the School District will not tolerate actions like these nor inaction where it impacts the health, welfare and safety of our students,' School Superintendent Marcus Chambers said
Wolthers, LaCroix and Madison also threatened the child with the whistle 'to correct his behavior,' the reports said
The child was able to verify witness accounts, they said. The teachers and aides have been with the school system ranging from 13 to 21 years but have now been placed on been on paid administrative leave since the allegations surfaced
Wolthers is the wife of an Okaloosa County deputy. The first-degree felony charge Wolthers, LaCroix and Madison are facing carry a maximum prison sentence of 30 years and a fine of up to $10,000
I Dark Shadow Quirk Review! I I Boku No Roblox #7 I (CAPTIONS ON) - Duration: 1:10.Okay, I got a new quirk! (HHHC Review Soon BTW). It is Dark Shadow!
Here are the skills.. Also I won't being doing "stamina cost" in this series anymore because it costs like no stamina anymore.
This is Shadow Strike, use Q. Does very minor damage, not much range, but it's unlocked at level 1 at least.
This is how to unactivate Dark Shadow, use Z.
This is Shadow Flight, use X. Dark Shadow drags you and you can fly for about as much stamina as you have.
This is Shadow Slam, use C. Does good damage, average range, and no knockback is occurred.
This is Abyssal Black Body, use Z. Cloaks your body in Dark Shadow, making you stronger, faster, and less stamina cost.
I won't do tests anymore because it varies between people. Making it useless.
If I had to give it a rating, 7.8 in the Rare Category, and 8.143 normally.
Thanks for watching!
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