hi guys and welcome back to becoming a better you by skeed now today we are
going to be talking about something for me that I find very very interesting and
for other people is going to be quite polemic
and this is the question of good and bad light and dark and magic as well so
angels and demons and everything like this
and it might surprise you what I'm gonna say so if you're interested keep
watching first of all to be able to watch this video all the way through
you're gonna have to be open-minded because if you know if you use your bias
your filters and for example if you're a religious in any way then you're only
gonna get upset you're gonna end up making a negative comment or clicking
that dislike really dislike icon without actually being able to open your mind
and grow and learn so first of all expose your bias at
least just for the video then you can draw your own conclusions at the end of
the video light and dark good and evil right
first of all lighten dark a to dualistic stages represented in the yin-yang light
and dark they're very clear very marked one is the light one is the doc the next
good and evil okay good and evil well they're opposites they're jus lists ik
as well unfortunately this isn't quite the case and this is where the first
mistake is made if you look at the yin-yang it's very clear black and white
but yet good and evil isn't actually der allistic it's arranged it's all
grayscale why because it depends on your opinion and you can be manipulated light
as light and dark as dark but good and evil okay let's take the Wizard of Oz
the Wicked Witch that chases Dorothy she was evil right okay but then if you've
ever seen the theatrical production wicked well why was she trying to get
Dorothy well because Dorothy crushed her sister under health under house dorothy
was not murdered but it was manslaughter and so she was annoyed and so she was
chasing it so who's the good and who's the evil the
same with for example the typical story of Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent was
you know if you've seen the film Maleficent was Maleficent this super
evil character or was she just attacked and wanting to defend herself but she
actually just predicted her own and that was it
so good and evil is too manipulated opinions bias filters playing on your
fears that isn't light and dark now we move on to let's say angels and demons
now angels and demons cover religion and they come up in magic where angels are
good and demons are bad take open mind here think our history basically okay
there's sort of a little bit of thing about Egyptians and stuff like that but
known history sort of basically starts around two three thousand years ago it
sort of when history was rewritten and everything else before that got knocked
away and from there that's what we got the good and the bad that you have to do
good in life to get to heaven or you'll go to hell the Christian thing but it's
in many other religion and and they're also three of the major religions will
act more than three of the major religions actually were born out of this
period so something big happened in this period
and it's also a period where women got degraded to an inferior status from men
it's also it was also a very masculine cycle energetically when 2012 came along
that you know people say oh it's the end of the world well no it was actually
just the end of a thirteen thousand year cycle of the Mayans that a lot of people
are saying coincides with the start of the Age of Aquarius now it's debatable
whether the previous cycle the Pisces is male or female and the Aquarius is male
or female as well however it does make sense if you say the previous period was
male the dominance of the male side we're not talking men and women we're
talking male and female the dominant male side the intellectual side was well
pronounced and so now if this is the case within now coming into a female
side now in a male side take let's take for example the typical Kitty stories
when you're talking about especially dealing with magic the evil ones tend to
be women evil witches the feminine side is evil the scorn of a woman bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla
if you look at Angels & Demons and you actually go and study I've gone and I've
studied in this time that I'd be making these types of videos I've been studying
mister and one thing becomes apparently clear
to me when they talk about angels they're talking about something very
intellectual that you need to give them sort of not direct orders but very clear
step-by-step information and then it can work very well where the demon side is
way more emotional negative feelings very powerful they're emotional the
female tends to be more emotional the male is a more intellectual and this is
the balance between them male is intellectual female is female female is
emotional now again we're not talking about men and women because some people
was oh yes but there are angels that are men and angels are two women and demons
that are men and demons little women okay if that's how you see it but that
doesn't matter it's talking about emotional and intellectual now I
mentioned demons and I've said all they are are female emotional energy so any
religious people right now or probably be making negative comments or clicking
that dislike button saying oh well could you say this in blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah fear
fear has been installed the good and the bad has been installed in you from very
young age in virtually all the films you watch it's about good and bad television
series it's good and bad good triumphs over evil blardy blardy blar so it's
very very deeply installed within your core beliefs so you have to ignore them
to actually get this if you're not already open to this now
so if you take the idea that the dark energy the demon energy is not an evil
energy it's an emotional energy and yes there
it goes oh yes but demons are they play tricks on you and they do negative
things and no they work emotionally and if you think about it if demons and
angels are intellectual higher beings if you had been demonized pun intended for
three thousand years to three thousand years would you want to get your own
back a little play a couple of games on people test them well yeah you probably
would you probably be a little bit annoyed by that so
you know people who say this happens well there's a reason for it
I came up with this theory by myself I then went out and I started it and I
found corresponding evidence to say the same thing
but I also interstage further I have been out on social media in group
specialized groups talking about magic talking about spirituality talk about
angels don't let demons the light the duck and actually just asking people
and especially asking people who have had a long knowledge of this they're not
people that are just waking up recently and I've been having conversations with
a lot of people yes I've got banned from a lot of chat rooms because of
fear-based people being the moderators and but at the same time there is an
underlying factor the vast majority of these people have said that yeah from
around 2010 2012 the darker images the female images have been growing in
strength so this would actually correspond very
well with the theory Age of Aquarius into a feminine area the dark is
becoming more dominant now obviously it's not going to reach as dominant peak
in our lifetime because it's a thirteen thousand year cycle but it is starting
to grow if you're a fair person then things are
only gonna get worse for you but the vast majority of people have said this
and I've also noticed there is a lot of people out there that actually agree
with the point that dark is not evil only fear is evil so if you're
manipulated by religious beliefs and by Hollywood beliefs of good and evil then
you're gonna be living in fear and you're never gonna find the truth
because the truth lies in balance the yin and the yang so all those
lightworkers out there all these people's channeling the light saying you
find balance in the light you find the truth in the light it's all about the
light light light light light light light the dark is evil the dark is
dangerous the darkest okay they're never going to find the truth they're never
going to find the balance and I feel very sorry for people who were so stuck
in their ways and so controlled by their fears that they go that way
because you have to have balance of the truth balance of the light balance of
the doll you have to merge them together now here is the big trick
it's been found it's been said in philosophy even in psychology of the
journalistic nature of life and we are stuck in this matrix in this dualistic
matrix correct my because fear stops us embracing the
dark and so you're either stuck in limbo or
you should go towards a light and you'll notice a lot of people who go extremely
towards the light they actually reach a point that if you look at them and you
watch them they actually seem rather almost mentally unstable now I'm not
saying they are mentally on sale they just seem that they're going to the edge
to the extreme one side and obviously extremes are not good for anything
so if you can embrace the doll because let's face it you look at the universe
is there more light or is there more dull there's more dull is intellect more
powerful than emotion what creates depression negative emotional cycles
caused by stress so there are obviously emotions that are good for us and their
emotions are a bad race and I'm going to talk about emotions in another video but
yet there are also good dark emotions for example passion passion one can
consider a very powerful emotion and it is a darker emotion it comes from the
lower half of our body I've talked about this in other videos
but if you embrace that passion and you use it in a healthy way you can
accomplish much in your life and you can have all the success you want thanks to
that passion passion gets out of control goes to an extreme
obviously it then becomes negative and that's when you get again instability in
people or it can go towards depression again again again it's all talking about
balance so if you think stop for a minute
light and dark isn't good needle there's more dark in the universe penetrated by
very very powerful points of light and that creates a balanced universe
balance enough it's still not balanced is still cycling it's still flowing but
it's fairly balanced at least from our lifetime perspective so then forget good
and evil let go of your fears embrace the dark not completely not a hundred
percent embrace the dark 50% embrace the light fifty percent the dualism
and then within you you marry the two and you marry the two and it forms the
yin-yang and when you marry two things together a
new thing can be born from it can be created from it and hence you get the
trifecta the Holy Trinity sorry if I offended any religious people out there
saying oh it's light and dark great but if you look at ancient philosophies
where in ancient systems where angels and demons were not separated they were
not considered good and evil think about early Christian architecture
the later architecture that talks about angels for protection but the early
architecture used gargoyles for protection gargoyles were seen as almost
demonic and they were using them to protect
their buildings the energy from evil spirits
so even in the Christian religion in the architecture it's there go and see go
and look at some older churches you might have to go to Europe to see this
stuff but you will see gargoyles on buildings on religious buildings and
they were there put there for protection goggles then turned into angels
so there was a balance and before this historical change about from two three
thousand years ago all the good spirits and bad spirits
they weren't good and bad they were just light and dark and they were treated
equally and they were used equally so if you within yourself can wash away
your bias and your programming you can embrace the dark in a good way
embrace the light in a good way 50/50 marry them together then something
new can be born from it and if something new is born from that could that be a
major step in human evolution most definitely when it comes to being
spiritual to growing your energy because if you're trying to get energy from a
battery just from the positive side you're never gonna get very far or from
the negative side but when you marry a battery negative and positive you create
electricity and you can use that electricity for many many things you
need the positive and the negative you need the light and the dark
married together yes but demons are evil and the Satan or Lucifer or F whatever
you want to call it okay says who says who regions those
western-style religions the eastern ones don't say it the western-style religions
that we use to manipulate people to control people before there were police
forces they have been tests done that this is very effective psychologically
they have put people in a room giving them a difficult task to do and then the
examiners left the room and basically the experiment is to see whether the
people cheat to get to say they get better results than they actually did
and they record it with cameras and they the vast majority of people cheat
then they repeat the experiment and they put an antique chair it doesn't even
have to be God just an antique chair saying oh this chair is haunted it was
in a haunted house so they might be spirits sitting in the chair or this is
a throne from a saint or whatever you want to do you can say anything there
and you repeat the test they've done this thousands of times and as soon as
that chair is in there as soon as the mine thinks there's a different power a
different energy a higher power whatever you want to call it there then the cheap
level drops substantially so it is a very effective tool to create and
control people and it works for about 80% of the population
so then if you take that extreme and you said okay there's a saint sitting in
that chair right so all the people that are moving
towards you've got them but then you got the the attainments but then you've got
the aversion so then if you create this evil place a hell you can catch another
80% of the 20% so you're now controlling a good 90% of the population with no
police no forces just with the power of good and evil powerful stuff as I said
good and evil is within us it's so programmed into it now the problem here
lies if you've got this far and you've been open-minded enough
to actually stay with this and open your beliefs to this point then now comes a
point of how to go about this because let's say you are open-minded
enough to say okay I've done a little bit of research into magic they talk
about angels they talk about demons I'm going to go about embracing demons
okay when you stopped and then you feel as
though you're being attacked oh why wife is gonna happen because of
your fear based programming you have to release all fear how do you release fear
I've got a guided meditation for it letting go releasing fear yeah go and do
that guided meditation help yourself release all your fears you can go
through them one by one you can start generally however you want to do it
repeat it repeat it repeat it you will get over your fears in the vast extent
then the last step is just taking that leap of faith
you can then embrace the truth you can embrace the feminine the emotional side
of spirituality of power and use that married with the power of the light to
increase your consciousness level exponentially so have a go with that and
also I've talked about magic because of the power of consciousness series that
I'm running and I'm doing guided meditation or these meditations here is
to help you through that I'm not going to do the over anymore I just don't have
time to do it but go out there if if you want to look
into a little bit of magic I haven't got if you wanna look into how magic works
there's a great set of authors that I highly recommend you go and do some
reading on them they're called the gallery of magic they're books if you
have a Kindle their books are you know five six dollars each that's it they're
cheap they're practical they're straightforward they're clear they're
easy it's great for beginners there's no mess of having to have candles and
altars and all that junk you because you don't need it all that stuff in magic is
simply there to create context and context creates emotion and that's why
there's more paraphernalia dealing with dark magic because it's more emotion
because dark magic is emotion it's female if you want to have a play with
that if you want to have an investigation I would highly recommend
to start there there are many ways to start but that that's a good basic one
to start with and they are the gallery magic they have
huge experience they can tell you stuff that does work that doesn't work didn't
speak to people directly but their books are very very clear so if you are
interested in that side of it go read some of their stuff we'll get to it
later when I get to the point in my channel to talk about it more
but for now the steps are realize it realize how are you controlled you are
by the good and evil concept understand how controlled you are by
fear then work on releasing your fears so you can embrace wholeheartedly that
feminine emotional energy that has been increasing in power for about seven
years now so it's becoming more easy help to balance it with the light and
then use that to increase your power I will go into this in more videos in
the future but this I hope has been a very good introduction on the subject if
you've liked the video please click that like button please comment on this video
and please share this with your friends on social media and subscribe if you
haven't already thank you very much and I will see in another video
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