Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 1, 2019

Auto news on Youtube Jan 30 2019

hi guys and welcome back to becoming a better you by skeed now today we are

going to be talking about something for me that I find very very interesting and

for other people is going to be quite polemic

and this is the question of good and bad light and dark and magic as well so

angels and demons and everything like this

and it might surprise you what I'm gonna say so if you're interested keep

watching first of all to be able to watch this video all the way through

you're gonna have to be open-minded because if you know if you use your bias

your filters and for example if you're a religious in any way then you're only

gonna get upset you're gonna end up making a negative comment or clicking

that dislike really dislike icon without actually being able to open your mind

and grow and learn so first of all expose your bias at

least just for the video then you can draw your own conclusions at the end of

the video light and dark good and evil right

first of all lighten dark a to dualistic stages represented in the yin-yang light

and dark they're very clear very marked one is the light one is the doc the next

good and evil okay good and evil well they're opposites they're jus lists ik

as well unfortunately this isn't quite the case and this is where the first

mistake is made if you look at the yin-yang it's very clear black and white

but yet good and evil isn't actually der allistic it's arranged it's all

grayscale why because it depends on your opinion and you can be manipulated light

as light and dark as dark but good and evil okay let's take the Wizard of Oz

the Wicked Witch that chases Dorothy she was evil right okay but then if you've

ever seen the theatrical production wicked well why was she trying to get

Dorothy well because Dorothy crushed her sister under health under house dorothy

was not murdered but it was manslaughter and so she was annoyed and so she was

chasing it so who's the good and who's the evil the

same with for example the typical story of Sleeping Beauty and Maleficent was

you know if you've seen the film Maleficent was Maleficent this super

evil character or was she just attacked and wanting to defend herself but she

actually just predicted her own and that was it

so good and evil is too manipulated opinions bias filters playing on your

fears that isn't light and dark now we move on to let's say angels and demons

now angels and demons cover religion and they come up in magic where angels are

good and demons are bad take open mind here think our history basically okay

there's sort of a little bit of thing about Egyptians and stuff like that but

known history sort of basically starts around two three thousand years ago it

sort of when history was rewritten and everything else before that got knocked

away and from there that's what we got the good and the bad that you have to do

good in life to get to heaven or you'll go to hell the Christian thing but it's

in many other religion and and they're also three of the major religions will

act more than three of the major religions actually were born out of this

period so something big happened in this period

and it's also a period where women got degraded to an inferior status from men

it's also it was also a very masculine cycle energetically when 2012 came along

that you know people say oh it's the end of the world well no it was actually

just the end of a thirteen thousand year cycle of the Mayans that a lot of people

are saying coincides with the start of the Age of Aquarius now it's debatable

whether the previous cycle the Pisces is male or female and the Aquarius is male

or female as well however it does make sense if you say the previous period was

male the dominance of the male side we're not talking men and women we're

talking male and female the dominant male side the intellectual side was well

pronounced and so now if this is the case within now coming into a female

side now in a male side take let's take for example the typical Kitty stories

when you're talking about especially dealing with magic the evil ones tend to

be women evil witches the feminine side is evil the scorn of a woman bla bla bla

bla bla bla bla

if you look at Angels & Demons and you actually go and study I've gone and I've

studied in this time that I'd be making these types of videos I've been studying

mister and one thing becomes apparently clear

to me when they talk about angels they're talking about something very

intellectual that you need to give them sort of not direct orders but very clear

step-by-step information and then it can work very well where the demon side is

way more emotional negative feelings very powerful they're emotional the

female tends to be more emotional the male is a more intellectual and this is

the balance between them male is intellectual female is female female is

emotional now again we're not talking about men and women because some people

was oh yes but there are angels that are men and angels are two women and demons

that are men and demons little women okay if that's how you see it but that

doesn't matter it's talking about emotional and intellectual now I

mentioned demons and I've said all they are are female emotional energy so any

religious people right now or probably be making negative comments or clicking

that dislike button saying oh well could you say this in blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah fear

fear has been installed the good and the bad has been installed in you from very

young age in virtually all the films you watch it's about good and bad television

series it's good and bad good triumphs over evil blardy blardy blar so it's

very very deeply installed within your core beliefs so you have to ignore them

to actually get this if you're not already open to this now

so if you take the idea that the dark energy the demon energy is not an evil

energy it's an emotional energy and yes there

it goes oh yes but demons are they play tricks on you and they do negative

things and no they work emotionally and if you think about it if demons and

angels are intellectual higher beings if you had been demonized pun intended for

three thousand years to three thousand years would you want to get your own

back a little play a couple of games on people test them well yeah you probably

would you probably be a little bit annoyed by that so

you know people who say this happens well there's a reason for it

I came up with this theory by myself I then went out and I started it and I

found corresponding evidence to say the same thing

but I also interstage further I have been out on social media in group

specialized groups talking about magic talking about spirituality talk about

angels don't let demons the light the duck and actually just asking people

and especially asking people who have had a long knowledge of this they're not

people that are just waking up recently and I've been having conversations with

a lot of people yes I've got banned from a lot of chat rooms because of

fear-based people being the moderators and but at the same time there is an

underlying factor the vast majority of these people have said that yeah from

around 2010 2012 the darker images the female images have been growing in

strength so this would actually correspond very

well with the theory Age of Aquarius into a feminine area the dark is

becoming more dominant now obviously it's not going to reach as dominant peak

in our lifetime because it's a thirteen thousand year cycle but it is starting

to grow if you're a fair person then things are

only gonna get worse for you but the vast majority of people have said this

and I've also noticed there is a lot of people out there that actually agree

with the point that dark is not evil only fear is evil so if you're

manipulated by religious beliefs and by Hollywood beliefs of good and evil then

you're gonna be living in fear and you're never gonna find the truth

because the truth lies in balance the yin and the yang so all those

lightworkers out there all these people's channeling the light saying you

find balance in the light you find the truth in the light it's all about the

light light light light light light light the dark is evil the dark is

dangerous the darkest okay they're never going to find the truth they're never

going to find the balance and I feel very sorry for people who were so stuck

in their ways and so controlled by their fears that they go that way

because you have to have balance of the truth balance of the light balance of

the doll you have to merge them together now here is the big trick

it's been found it's been said in philosophy even in psychology of the

journalistic nature of life and we are stuck in this matrix in this dualistic

matrix correct my because fear stops us embracing the

dark and so you're either stuck in limbo or

you should go towards a light and you'll notice a lot of people who go extremely

towards the light they actually reach a point that if you look at them and you

watch them they actually seem rather almost mentally unstable now I'm not

saying they are mentally on sale they just seem that they're going to the edge

to the extreme one side and obviously extremes are not good for anything

so if you can embrace the doll because let's face it you look at the universe

is there more light or is there more dull there's more dull is intellect more

powerful than emotion what creates depression negative emotional cycles

caused by stress so there are obviously emotions that are good for us and their

emotions are a bad race and I'm going to talk about emotions in another video but

yet there are also good dark emotions for example passion passion one can

consider a very powerful emotion and it is a darker emotion it comes from the

lower half of our body I've talked about this in other videos

but if you embrace that passion and you use it in a healthy way you can

accomplish much in your life and you can have all the success you want thanks to

that passion passion gets out of control goes to an extreme

obviously it then becomes negative and that's when you get again instability in

people or it can go towards depression again again again it's all talking about

balance so if you think stop for a minute

light and dark isn't good needle there's more dark in the universe penetrated by

very very powerful points of light and that creates a balanced universe

balance enough it's still not balanced is still cycling it's still flowing but

it's fairly balanced at least from our lifetime perspective so then forget good

and evil let go of your fears embrace the dark not completely not a hundred

percent embrace the dark 50% embrace the light fifty percent the dualism

and then within you you marry the two and you marry the two and it forms the

yin-yang and when you marry two things together a

new thing can be born from it can be created from it and hence you get the

trifecta the Holy Trinity sorry if I offended any religious people out there

saying oh it's light and dark great but if you look at ancient philosophies

where in ancient systems where angels and demons were not separated they were

not considered good and evil think about early Christian architecture

the later architecture that talks about angels for protection but the early

architecture used gargoyles for protection gargoyles were seen as almost

demonic and they were using them to protect

their buildings the energy from evil spirits

so even in the Christian religion in the architecture it's there go and see go

and look at some older churches you might have to go to Europe to see this

stuff but you will see gargoyles on buildings on religious buildings and

they were there put there for protection goggles then turned into angels

so there was a balance and before this historical change about from two three

thousand years ago all the good spirits and bad spirits

they weren't good and bad they were just light and dark and they were treated

equally and they were used equally so if you within yourself can wash away

your bias and your programming you can embrace the dark in a good way

embrace the light in a good way 50/50 marry them together then something

new can be born from it and if something new is born from that could that be a

major step in human evolution most definitely when it comes to being

spiritual to growing your energy because if you're trying to get energy from a

battery just from the positive side you're never gonna get very far or from

the negative side but when you marry a battery negative and positive you create

electricity and you can use that electricity for many many things you

need the positive and the negative you need the light and the dark

married together yes but demons are evil and the Satan or Lucifer or F whatever

you want to call it okay says who says who regions those

western-style religions the eastern ones don't say it the western-style religions

that we use to manipulate people to control people before there were police

forces they have been tests done that this is very effective psychologically

they have put people in a room giving them a difficult task to do and then the

examiners left the room and basically the experiment is to see whether the

people cheat to get to say they get better results than they actually did

and they record it with cameras and they the vast majority of people cheat

then they repeat the experiment and they put an antique chair it doesn't even

have to be God just an antique chair saying oh this chair is haunted it was

in a haunted house so they might be spirits sitting in the chair or this is

a throne from a saint or whatever you want to do you can say anything there

and you repeat the test they've done this thousands of times and as soon as

that chair is in there as soon as the mine thinks there's a different power a

different energy a higher power whatever you want to call it there then the cheap

level drops substantially so it is a very effective tool to create and

control people and it works for about 80% of the population

so then if you take that extreme and you said okay there's a saint sitting in

that chair right so all the people that are moving

towards you've got them but then you got the the attainments but then you've got

the aversion so then if you create this evil place a hell you can catch another

80% of the 20% so you're now controlling a good 90% of the population with no

police no forces just with the power of good and evil powerful stuff as I said

good and evil is within us it's so programmed into it now the problem here

lies if you've got this far and you've been open-minded enough

to actually stay with this and open your beliefs to this point then now comes a

point of how to go about this because let's say you are open-minded

enough to say okay I've done a little bit of research into magic they talk

about angels they talk about demons I'm going to go about embracing demons

okay when you stopped and then you feel as

though you're being attacked oh why wife is gonna happen because of

your fear based programming you have to release all fear how do you release fear

I've got a guided meditation for it letting go releasing fear yeah go and do

that guided meditation help yourself release all your fears you can go

through them one by one you can start generally however you want to do it

repeat it repeat it repeat it you will get over your fears in the vast extent

then the last step is just taking that leap of faith

you can then embrace the truth you can embrace the feminine the emotional side

of spirituality of power and use that married with the power of the light to

increase your consciousness level exponentially so have a go with that and

also I've talked about magic because of the power of consciousness series that

I'm running and I'm doing guided meditation or these meditations here is

to help you through that I'm not going to do the over anymore I just don't have

time to do it but go out there if if you want to look

into a little bit of magic I haven't got if you wanna look into how magic works

there's a great set of authors that I highly recommend you go and do some

reading on them they're called the gallery of magic they're books if you

have a Kindle their books are you know five six dollars each that's it they're

cheap they're practical they're straightforward they're clear they're

easy it's great for beginners there's no mess of having to have candles and

altars and all that junk you because you don't need it all that stuff in magic is

simply there to create context and context creates emotion and that's why

there's more paraphernalia dealing with dark magic because it's more emotion

because dark magic is emotion it's female if you want to have a play with

that if you want to have an investigation I would highly recommend

to start there there are many ways to start but that that's a good basic one

to start with and they are the gallery magic they have

huge experience they can tell you stuff that does work that doesn't work didn't

speak to people directly but their books are very very clear so if you are

interested in that side of it go read some of their stuff we'll get to it

later when I get to the point in my channel to talk about it more

but for now the steps are realize it realize how are you controlled you are

by the good and evil concept understand how controlled you are by

fear then work on releasing your fears so you can embrace wholeheartedly that

feminine emotional energy that has been increasing in power for about seven

years now so it's becoming more easy help to balance it with the light and

then use that to increase your power I will go into this in more videos in

the future but this I hope has been a very good introduction on the subject if

you've liked the video please click that like button please comment on this video

and please share this with your friends on social media and subscribe if you

haven't already thank you very much and I will see in another video

For more infomation >> Increase Spiritual Power - The Secret Truth about the Light and the Dark!!! - Duration: 25:16.


'Horrific' Hillary Clinton Snuff Film Circulating On Dark Web - Duration: 2:26.

An "extreme snuff film" featuring Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin raping and mutilating

a prepubescent girl is circulating on the dark web, according to sources familiar with

the material.

The video, code named Frazzledrip, has been circulating on the dark web since Monday,

according to reliable sources who have viewed the material and confirm the content is "worse

than any nightmare."

"The people who are coming back from viewing this tape are just not the same.".

Many people are unable to watch the video due to the horrific nature of the content,

according to sources familiar with the tape.

In the video, they take a little girl and they fillet her face, according to reports,

and then they take turns wearing the little girl's face like a mask.

It is believed they were terrorizing the young girl, deliberately causing the child's body

to release Adenochrome into her bloodstream before bleeding her out and drinking the blood

during a Satanic ritual sacrifice.

Adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline (ephinephrine, norepinephrine) that is extracted

from a living donor's adrenal gland.

According to those familiar with the elites' drug of choice, the high is "intense"

and "exotic".

It is understood the file was recovered from Anthony Weiner's laptop, located in the

"Life Insurance" folder.

Reliable sources familiar with the dark web claim the snuff tape was dropped by an unknown

user and began circulating early last week.

The dark web is a part of the World Wide Web that is only accessible by means of special


In theory the dark web allows users and website owners to remain anonymous and operate untraceably,

however due to the highly sensitive and illegal nature of the video content, extreme caution

is advised before dealing with the file.

Ownership and distribution of a video of this nature is illegal and could result in jail

time for those attempting to spread the word about the sickening discovery.

"This is a nightmarish snuff film featuring the mutilation and rape of a young girl.

If you come across this video, do not download it and do not forward it to anybody.

You could be punished severely by the law.

Is this a trap for those among us who are desperate to bring HRC to justice?

Anything is possible at this point.

But from what we can see, the video is real.

But you must be very, very careful."

For more infomation >> 'Horrific' Hillary Clinton Snuff Film Circulating On Dark Web - Duration: 2:26.


After Dark Clean Ultimate with Me 🌙 | Cleaning Motivation 2019 - Duration: 12:13.

Hey everybody!

Welcome back, if you're new my name is Shannon and I make lifestyle, mommy type videos.

And today I am doing the After Dark Clean with Me.

So if you want to see how I clean up after everybody is in bed just keep watching.

So of course I have to turn on Friends because it is just like my ultimate show that I go

to no matter what.

So I am just turning that on as I clean up.

Usually our house does not get this bad but I had the kids alone all day and I just did

not want to do the fight of making them clean up before bedtime.

So I just sent them to bed.

But yeah.

So right now I am just like tidying up and trying to get everything back in its place.

I absolutely love this bookshelf.

I get it off wal-uh no I think Amazon.

And um it just shows them the books and they definitely gravitate towards the books a lot

more than the typical bookshelf that um they have like in their room.

So I just want to take this time and talk to you guys about my channel a little bit.

I appreciate you clicking on this video and watching.

Please make sure you are subscribed if you enjoy this video and check out my other videos.

I have a really fun video coming up soon so make sure you are subscribed to see that.

Um I am a mommy vlogger so I share just about our life and things that I do throughout my

day, like cleaning or about my kids or grocery shopping, things that just involve mommy hood


Um so if you have any requests definitely comment below and let me know of any those.

Also let me know your favorite place to get bargains from because I am such a bargain


So drop a store name down below of your favorite bargain store.

Does anybody else's children just throw toys in every little spot that they can find?

My one year old is obsessed with just finding the small little spaces to put all of the


And as you can see we do have a container that is for pretty much each toy has its container.

and that usually is super helpful for when the kids do help clean up.

They know where everything goes and they can put it away right away.

Make sure if you thumbs up this video if you want um to see how I get them to clean up

and with generally a happy heart.

Not every time.

Then what I

use to clean um our surfaces is just a vinegar and water uh mixture and its super cheap and

super easy to always have on hand and it works really well.

I love this.

I know you can add essential oils to that mixture, I haven't yet.

Anyway if you any favorite um essential oil mixes that you like to use for cleaning definitely

leave it in the comments below and let me know.

I am definitely looking for something.

Am I the only one that struggles with saran wrap?

We lost the box somewhere but I still struggle with it.

I just hate it so much.

And yes I did save the very little crumbs from those jalapeno chips because they are

so good.

I totally recommend the Doritos Jalapeno Popper flavor I think.

It's so good.

Short people problems.

Of course I had to go to the other side to get it because I couldn't reach it.

Does that happen to anybody else?

Or is it just my five foot self that has this issue?

And I am cleaning our highchair for the last time.

We are finally doing away with it.

Asher is officially in a booster chair and I am so excited to get this out of my kitchen.

It is just a nuisance having it in there.

And that is it.

This is the finished look of our cleanish house.

There is a few things, my pop that I was going to finish and the laundry that needs to be

put away still.

But everything is back in its place where it should be.

Ok I finally got our house clean.

Oh that feels so good.

That took about an hour which isn't too bad because the house was a disaster.

It was so bad today.

So I just need to put these clothes away.

The highchair is out because I am hoping Cade can take it out to the garage at some point.

Because Asher is in a booster seat now and our easel stays in our kitchen for Zeke to

color and play with.

And our library books have to stay on the counter because Asher is a monster and rips

all of them.

But yeah everything is put back in its place.

Make sure you like and comment and definitely subscribe for more videos.

I will see you in the next one bye!

For more infomation >> After Dark Clean Ultimate with Me 🌙 | Cleaning Motivation 2019 - Duration: 12:13.


Clyde, Dark Bowser Jr., and Dora revives Dark Bowser and gets grounded (Season 2 Opener) S2 EP1 - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Clyde, Dark Bowser Jr., and Dora revives Dark Bowser and gets grounded (Season 2 Opener) S2 EP1 - Duration: 5:47.


Monsta X's Jooheon Debuts New Dark Hair In Shirtless Workout Video & Fans Are Freaking Out - Breakin - Duration: 2:55.

Monsta X fans, this isn't a drill — Jooheon has DARK HAIR! See his transformation in a new shirtless video of him running on a treadmill! Warning: You may be emotional after watching this…

Jooheon, 24, debuted new dark hair and he looks amazing! The Monsta X member, (whose real name is Lee Joo-heon) made fans swoon over his hair transformation in a now viral, SHIRTLESS video on January 28! In the video, which was tweeted by a fan, Jooheon is running on a treadmill as his six-pack abs and toned arms flex with every stride. — Watch him working out in the below video and see his epic hair transformation!

"2019 BEAST MODE ON," the video caption read, along with a fire emoji. The South Korean rapper and songwriter is clearly motivated to make this year is best one yet. And, did anyone notice that his new hair remained perfectly styled, despite his intense workout? — Now, that's impressive!

Jooheon's new look is a complete 180 from his usual icy, platinum blonde locks. Not to mention, he swapped his usual spiked hair for a more flat do', which appears more tamed down in the video. If you ask us, Jooheon can pull off either look with ease. What do you think? — Let us know in the comments!




— shar (@ultsmx) January 29, 2019

The fan who tweeted the video noted that Jooheon apparently changed his hair from light to dark after 650-plus days. — That's almost two years, and a moment that clearly called for a major "PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT," as seen in the tweet. And, fans are loving his new hair! In fact, they're "screaming" and "crying" (with joy, of course) over it. "I still can't move on from Jooheon's dark hair someone hold my wig pls," one pleasantly surprised fan tweeted.

But, if you can recall, Jooheon had dark hair a while back, and fans who remember are so emotional over it! "I still can't believe Jooheon's dark hair is really back I'll probably talk about this for a long time cause I love his dark hair and I missed it so f–kin much and that's it," another fan reacted on Twitter.

For more infomation >> Monsta X's Jooheon Debuts New Dark Hair In Shirtless Workout Video & Fans Are Freaking Out - Breakin - Duration: 2:55.


Dark Souls II - Монгерштерн на море - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Dark Souls II - Монгерштерн на море - Duration: 5:30.


Cùng chơi Dark Souls III - #24: Archdragon Peak và vị thần chiến tranh cổ xưa. - Duration: 1:04:50.

For more infomation >> Cùng chơi Dark Souls III - #24: Archdragon Peak và vị thần chiến tranh cổ xưa. - Duration: 1:04:50.


BEST Bronzers + Contour Powders for Dark Skin Pt. II | Jasmine Mitchell - Duration: 6:45.

Hey y'all, it's Jasmine! Welcome back to my channel! Today, We're gonna talk about

My favorite bronzers and contour powders for dark skin part 2! If you missed the first part I did in

2016 you can catch it right up here.

But I really just wanted to come back and update you all on

all my favorite bronzers and contour powders that are actually dark enough to contour and bronze our

deep dark skin.

So first being our Ruby kisses mineral powder in a new and improved

formula. These two are

cognac and

this is ebony have swatches on my arm as I talked to you guys about this.

So you guys can see these for five dollars. I really don't think that you can beat the price

These are super smooth super life. They're not super super dark

So you're not going to get that color payoff like the Sasha or the Mac embark?

But if you're my skin tone and maybe a shade darker

These will work as a contour and they're they're matte. So they don't have any shimmer

I tend to like my contour powders and bronzers was a little bit of shimmer, but the odds are against us

We don't have a lot of options

Unfortunately, hopefully these cosmetic companies will change that but these are nice. So these are the Ruby kisses

Mineral powders and these are I guess powder foundations. Um, but I say you can use them as

Contour powders in bronzing powders. The next one is super cheap. I

Found this at the beauty supply, but the color path is beautiful. This is very shimmery

This is a clean color bronzer in the color Luna

Super shimmery, and it's very warm

So if you like your red tones, if you like that the tone that covergirl Queen gives off. This is your girl

She's super shimmery though. So I would just take her and this is how I take her I'm gonna show you guys I

literally tap

Just a little and I'm gonna take her

Kind of contour highlight with her

Especially on the rim of my forehead so get that nice little perimeter burn


She's cute next I have a black radiance pressed powder in black coffee. This is a new

Shade, I think thanks. Well, they extended their range there Shane range

And this is the darkest color and it's in black coffee

I used to use evany I think but evany is not as dark

As I like it to be and so I'm so glad they extended their Shane ranging this baby right here

Abbey in the star and blush palette volume one

super rich, it reminds me of

Mac's sketch or


It's another blush by Mac that's super dark brown, but it's more purple

This one is more Brown super warm get in there and contour with it should just chorus my little double chin out

Honey, and I go in here. This is what I use to contour

I wouldn't bronze with this because it is very rich and it's on the darker side. So

The abbey color from the Sahara Bush palette this blush palette already about 20 bucks

I'd say it's worth it because you have your highlighters and your blush in here. And then this one this is just a winner

It's just absolutely a winner

Next is not a powder but like honorable mention seriously

This is the donessa Meyer X beauty cover cream or bronzing cream in the shade deep

Y'all will see this watch but god it's creamy it's just bomb for those of you who like to go in and

Contour after you've set your highlight you can use it like that or before you set everything when you highlight. Um,

And do your foundation glowing and cream contour? This one is bomb. It's worth the price you get a lot of products for the price

And you can find this on donessa. My rick's beauty calm or donessa my respect

I'm afraid got which one but, you know, I'll link it down below

Bom Bom Bom, this is like a hidden gym


this is the city mini palette by Maybelline and the color rooftop bronzes and

So you have all of these light shades in here?

But then you have these two darker shades and you see that I use them because they're bomb

And if you see in this swatch, these are actually very deep shimmery shades

but they give you like oh it like a an

Illuminating look so it's not gonna be too shimmery. It's like super illuminating. So this is marina Butte

This is a Swedish brand Swedish black owned brand by the way, and although they're based in Sweden

They do ship worldwide and only took me like maybe hmm a week to ten days to get my stuff

So the first shade is gonna be Ben and this is a super one Brown

It's gonna give you the bronze

It's gonna give you the warmth and you can contour with this if you if you would like as well

This is a powder foundation. But of course I use this as

a contour powder and

Last but not least we have marina Butte Chocolat

This shade as you can see from the swatch has the gold shimmers in it?

It's warm like um Ben but it has gold shimmers in it

So it's gonna give you that

Illumination that you love is gonna give you the warmth and you're going to be able to contour with it

So you cannot beat that you just you just can't beat it

If you have not checked out marina beyou, please please please go check it out. Alright, y'all so those are my updated

Contour powders and bronzers for a darker skin. I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope you found a new baby

I always layer my bronzers and contour powders play around with it

Makeup is not just like a one way sure you can do anything you want you can make you can layer do whatever you want

Um, but I hope you guys found

And learned something new. I found a product that you want to try out if I miss one. Um, let me know. What's your favorite?

Contour powder bronzer for dark skin. I would really appreciate it. So maybe I can do a part three one day

I hope this video found you incas we and I'll see you in the next video. Peace

For more infomation >> BEST Bronzers + Contour Powders for Dark Skin Pt. II | Jasmine Mitchell - Duration: 6:45.


Another X-Men: Dark Phoenix Test Screening Bombs - Duration: 4:22.

When it comes to X-Men: Dark Phoenix, it seems that things aren't looking too bright.

The sequel to 2016's X-Men Apocalypse, Dark Phoenix is finally nearing its June 7 launch

after stumbling through multiple delays and an in-depth round of reshoots.

Sadly, whatever it was they filmed during those reshoots may not have done much to improve

the movie's fortunes.

In fact, the most recent Dark Phoenix-related news could spell even more trouble, serving

as what could be a fatal blow for the flick.

According to journalist Skyler Shuler, studio 20th Century Fox recently held a test screening

for Dark Phoenix to collect audience's reactions to the latest cut and gauge how well the film

might do upon its wide theatrical release this summer.

What Fox likely hoped would be a successful pre-premiere showing apparently turned out

disastrous, as the screening is said to have completely bombed.

This is now the third Dark Phoenix test showing that has garnered an unsavory response from


Shuler alleged on Twitter: "Another X-Men: Dark Phoenix test screening, and guess what?

I now have talked to 6 people who all went to 3 different test screenings, and all of

them have told me the screenings were BAD."

"Don't you say that!!"

One fan responded:

"I went to one of the screenings.

Everybody LAUGHED SO HARD in a scene supposed to be so serious."



And Shuler replied: "I think I know what scene you're referring to."

And this isn't even the first time the movie has failed to wow test audiences.

Earlier this month, Shuler relayed that Dark Phoenix was shaping up to earn a spot in the

lower echelon of Fox's superhero films.

That would put it right alongside the slapped-together, incoherent, 2015 Fantastic Four reboot, which

is better known online as "Fant4stic" because of the film's, uh, questionable marketing


Tweeted Shuler on January 2:

"Based on what I have heard, this movie [could] be Fant4stic level BAD."

"She's gone…

She's gone…


Of course, this movie's been in trouble for a long, long while, if reports are to be believed.

The very first crummy Dark Phoenix test screening apparently took place sometime before March


That's when Collider published an exclusive report claiming that writer-director Simon

Kinberg and Fox executives had screened Dark Phoenix for a test audience, quote, "to see

what was working and what wasn't," and that the response to the movie pushed the Dark

Phoenix team to delay the movie's release and order additional photography.

While a movie going on with reshoots doesn't always indicate poor test screening response,

it seems to be the case with Dark Phoenix.

ScreenRant reported at the time, quote, "Dark Phoenix's delay has been heavily influenced

by reshoots in response to test screenings."

Metro UK followed up in September 2018 that the reshoots were a direct response to, quote,

"devastating test screening reactions."

Fox's plans for reshoots were made even more difficult because of the logistical headaches

involved in re-assembling a cast full of Hollywood A-Listers, actors like Sophie Turner as Jean

Grey, Michael Fassbender as Magneto, James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, Jennifer Lawrence

as Mystique, and Nicholas Hoult as Beast, among several others.

As a result, the reshoots were scheduled for fall of 2018, pushing Dark Phoenix from its

intended November 2018 launch to a February 14, 2019 one.

Reshoots reportedly began on August 31, 2018, but may not have wrapped before Fox rolled

out the first trailer for Dark Phoenix at the end of September.

That footage revealed that Dark Phoenix had been delayed a second time, moving from Valentine's

Day 2019 to June 7, its current and unlikely-to-change debut date.

From there, it looks as though Fox conducted the second test screening for Dark Phoenix

after releasing the first trailer, holding it at the tail end of 2018 or the start of


But judging by the Tweets and fan-reports that have come out since then, it doesn't

sound as if the reshoots have done much to help the film's reception among test audiences.

"No… noooo."

If Dark Phoenix turns out to be as rough as test screening attendees say it is, it would

be a sad way for the X-Men franchise to go out before the characters shuffle over to

the Marvel Studios wing of the Walt Disney Company.

Check out one of our newest videos right here!

Plus, even more Looper videos about superhero movies are coming soon.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel, and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.

For more infomation >> Another X-Men: Dark Phoenix Test Screening Bombs - Duration: 4:22.


Bizarre Things That Happen on Dark Web - Duration: 8:56.

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The Dark Web can be considered "dark" for a variety of reasons.

It is dark in the sense that it is largely hidden from public view.

It is made up of encrypted networks that can only be accessed with special browsers such

as Tor.

This encryption allows users to have an anonymity that keeps their identities mostly but not

completely in the dark.

And then there is its dark content.

While the Dark Web contains harmless and helpful websites, it is better known as a black market

for illegal items and a breeding ground for other criminal and inhumane activities.

We will present five strange stories from this part of the Internet in today's episode

of The Infographics Show, "Most Bizarre Dark Web Stories."


Red Rooms The existence of "red rooms" is the most

popular myth about the Dark Web according to journalist Eileen Ormsby.

A red room is a website that offers "pay per view" live streaming of someone being

tortured and/or killed.

Red rooms can be interactive too.

Paying viewers have the opportunity to "type in torture commands in a chat box."

Red rooms are generally thought to be an urban legend due to a lack of solid evidence that

they exist.

According to a Washington Post article, there is not much more proof of their existence

other than people on Reddit, 4Chan, and Hidden Wiki "trading second- and third- and fourth-hand

accounts of red rooms opened and closed."

In addition, the article points out that red rooms and "such operations have never been

busted in the FBI's increasingly frequent Dark Web raids."

What also makes people doubt the existence of red rooms are the fake ones that have popped

up over the years such as one that created a stir amongst 4Chan and Reddit users in 2015.

According to a Motherboard article, the site's owner humorously promised "there would be

bacon," but the live torture turned out to nothing more than footage of a man being

forced to eat bacon.


The Human Experiment A bizarre Dark Web website that seems like

an urban legend is called The Human Experiment.

The website presents the chilling story of what these experiments involve.

Test subjects, who are "usually homeless people that are unregistered citizens,"

are taken to one of four warehouses where doctors and medical students perform brutal

and unethical experiments such as vivisection, sterilization, and drug trials.

There are even tests for "neonate and infant tolerances to x-rays, heat, and pressure."

The test subjects usually don't live very long, and the website goes into gruesome detail

about what happens to them after they die from the experiments: "The bodies of the

dead are dissected and then disposed of in dumpsters of meat shops where their bodies

will not be found."

The Thought Catalog cautions that "we may never know whether 'The Human Experiment'

is real or just an elaborate hoax."


Cannibal Victim "Ad" In 2018, a 21-year-old Texas man named Alexander

Nathan Barter went on the Dark Web on a horrifying mission.

His plan was to find a young girl he could rape, kill, and eat.

According to a Daily Mail article, he allegedly wrote a Dark Web posting for "anyone willing

to let him eat a young girl and then have sex with the corpse."

Instead of finding a victim, however, he caught the attention of an undercover agent.

The agent pretended to be a parent willing to offer up his daughter to him.

Barter and the agent set up a meeting by email.

Authorities were able to "trace the dark web posting to Barter by subpoenaing subscriber

information and IP logs," so they were able to arrest him outside of his home on the day

of the meeting.

He was found with "a plastic trash bag and a knife."

Barter was jailed and charged with several felonies, including "criminal solicitation,

attempted capital murder, conspiracy to commit capital murder, and attempted sexual performance

of a child."


Church Man Hires Hitman on Dark Web A 44-year-old Minnesota man named Stephen

Allwine wanted his wife, Amy, dead.

In February 2016, he attempted to hire someone to kill her on the Dark Web, choosing Besa

Mafia for the job.

Months passed, and Amy was still alive.

According to Fox 9, the FBI eventually informed Stephen and Amy Allwine that "agents had

shut down a phony murder-for-hire operation on the so-called Dark Net called Besa Mafia."

They also learned that "someone with the name 'DogDayGod' had transferred $12,000

in untraceable Bitcoin in an attempt to hire a hitman" to kill Amy, although some sources

say the amount was $6,000.

Despite this setback, Allwine would not give up.

He came up with another plan to kill her.

This time he would do it himself.

A Washington Post article reports that he "got a permit for a 9mm Springfield XDS

handgun" in August 2016.

This did not raise any suspicion because local law enforcement suggested they get "increased


It would be the same gun found near Amy's body on November 13, 2016.

She died in her bedroom with a single gunshot wound to her head in what initially appeared

to be a suicide.

However, a growing body of evidence pointed to Stephen Allwine as her murderer.

According to the Washington Post, there was physical evidence.

For instance, there was no gunpowder and blood found on Amy's hands, but "gunshot residue

was found on Stephen's right hand."

Another important piece of evidence from Amy Allwine's autopsy was the discovery of a

"large amount of scopolamine, a nausea treatment that can incapacitate someone who takes high


She "had no prescription for the drug."

Digital evidence linking Allwine to his wife's murder also emerged.

Fox 9 reported that "computer forensic expert, Mark Lanterman, discovered a 34-digit Bitcoin

address on Allwine's computer."

Lanterman found "it matched the same address obtained when FBI agents shut down Besa Mafia."And

apparently Allwine was dumb enough to purchase scopolamine under the same alias he used to

hire the hit on his wife.

A detective "discovered 'DogDayGod' also attempted to buy the anti-nausea drug

Scopolamine on a Dark Net site called 'Dream Market.'"

In February 2018, Allwine was found guilty of his wife's murder and sentenced to life

in prison without the possibility of parole for his crime.

Some of the circumstances leading Allwine to kill his wife are just as bizarre as the

killing itself.

Before the murder, Allwine was a church elder at the United Church of God in Cottage Grove,


One of his church duties included acting as a marriage counselor to troubled couples in

his congregation.

After learning about the infamous adultery website Ashley Madison from his marriage counseling

sessions, he ironically began using the service himself.

According to the Washington Post, he allegedly "had affairs with at least two women he

met on the site."

He wanted to end his marriage, but he had a high position in a conservative church that

looked down upon divorce.

In his twisted mind, killing Amy seemed to be the best solution to his problem.


Sad Satan Sad Satan is a video game that was supposedly

discovered on the Dark Web in 2015.

One horror news website called the 13th Floor describes it as a "weird, semi-abstract

horror game made up of black and white visuals, obscure ghost children, and a soundtrack of

famous serial killers like John Wayne Gacy and Charles Manson."

It also features disturbing images such as "Satanic and Nazi imagery" and creepy

"backwards speeches and music."

Oddly enough, while there seems to be a message about child abuse in the game, the children

are the ones who abuse the player in Sad Satan.

According to TV Tropes, they eventually follow and harm the player in some versions of the

game, leading to the player's demise.

Sad Satan may seem like an aimless and badly made walkthrough game, but it is far from


The game was featured on a YouTube channel called Obscure Horror Corner (OHC).

The owner of OHC told gaming website Kotaku that he downloaded it from an Onion site on

the recommendation of a subscriber, but OHC's owner eventually had to delete the game because

it "came with a file that freaked them out."

According to TV Tropes, OHC's owner also eventually admitted that he posted the wrong

link to the game on his YouTube channel after he discovered the game contained illegal images

of minors and "actual snuff" that he did not want to spread on the Internet.

Different versions of the game have been made over the years.

There are some "clean" clones, but others are not.

Besides "graphic and horrific content," TV Tropes states that "some versions of

the game are downright dangerous to play because they mangle your computer."

There has been a lot of speculation about why the game was made.

The 13th Floor states that some people believe it is a "sting from police" or a "recruiting

tool for cults."

One news website presents the possibility that the game might have been the "starting

point for an alternate reality game" or "part of some narrative project or viral

marketing scheme."

According to TV Tropes, another theory is that the game was part of a "publicity stunt

to popularize OHC."

We may never know if this theory is accurate.

While the game has remained in the spotlight, OHC's owner has disappeared along with the

original version of the game.

The Dark Web can be home to some pretty bizarre stuff, but did you know that right now it

might also be home for your personal data, up for sale to the highest bidder?

Thankfully with a tool like Dashlane and its free dark web scan, not only can you know

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Do you know of a bizarre Dark Web story that we missed?

Let us know in the comments!

Also, be sure to check out our other video called How To Access The Dark Web!

Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.

See you next time!

For more infomation >> Bizarre Things That Happen on Dark Web - Duration: 8:56.


Can You Really Order A Mystery Box from The Dark Web? - Duration: 9:23.

This episode is brought to you by Dashlane; Try Dashlane Premium free for 30 days at

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If you've seen our previous shows on the dark web you should now know what you can

find there and how to find it.

As you know the dark web can be accessed through what's called the Tor browser.

Once you are in you should have complete anonymity, meaning no one can track your IP address.

What kinds of things can you find there?

Well, as you also likely know the dark web is full of people selling illegal things such

as drugs, but there have also been reports of people even hiring hitmen through the dark


People might also just go there to talk to other people about their illness, their strange

habits, their darkest secrets.

Today we are going to unravel something a little more mysterious, in this episode of

the Infographics Show, Can You Really Order A Mystery Box from The Dark Web?

Let's first explain a phenomenon known as "unboxing" as not all of you follow the

same trends.

Around a decade ago people would appear on YouTube literally taking things out of boxes.

This might be just people unboxing tech products, and then explaining how that product works,

reviewing it, playing around with it.

This became such a hit that companies would soon start doing their own unboxing videos

or sending their products to popular channels to be unboxed.

It's not all about How To videos, though.

One of the most popular channels is Ryan's Toy Review, in which a 7-year old kid opens


Simple perhaps, but Forbes reported that this channel made in the region of $11 million

in 2017.

We bet you wish you'd have come up with that concept and perhaps hired your But for

some people the thought of watching people take things out of boxes and talk about what's

inside is quite dull.

But what if what was inside the box was a little more exciting than an iPhone iteration

or a miniature plastic Tyrannosaurus Rex made in China.

That's where today's focus comes in.

You see, a new trend is people allegedly ordering mystery boxes from the dark web and then opening

them up on YouTube or other video platforms.

As you can imagine, what's inside is generally not suitable for 7-year olds and often doesn't

come with a digital personal assistant.

The media tells us that in 2018 hundreds of YouTubers have been unboxing stuff they bought

in marketplaces on the dark web and millions of people have been tuning in.

Just search for this on YouTube and you can find lots of videos, mostly containing young

men expressing their shock while taking things out of boxes.

"Oh my God, there's blood on it", one man says in one particular video while a car

baby chair is being taken out of the box.

The question is, how real is all this?

Could you not just set that up from your own home, using ketchup-bloodied props or bags

of baking soda you'd bought from the brightly lit supermarket?

The Australian media tells us that indeed people anonymously sell these boxes on the

dark web and they go for anything from one hundred to one thousand dollars.

Those boxes have included girl's backpacks, bloodied screwdrivers, and at times they have

even been empty.

In another video on YouTube one unboxer finds a note that reads, "Dear Friend.

Life is a mystery — a very, very dirty mystery at times you never know what you are touching

or what you are leaving behind."

He is then told to wear gloves while he opens the box and he subsequently takes out the


Those contents are bag of white powder, a tool with a biohazard sticker on it and a


He plays the CD and hears children's voices, through which he hears the sound of a voice

saying, "I see you."


Well, that depends on your disposition and perhaps if you can suspend belief, because

maybe all of this is just fiction.

But the fact is, if you have a look in the dark web you can certainly find these mystery


Have a look if you don't believe us.

The fact this is possible is rather unnerving, given that the box is untraceable.

There is likely a very small chance that something horrible could turn up in a box, rather than

a Hello Kitty school bag.

Mashable tells us this, "Although a lot of this may sound alarming, there's also a

strong a possibility that some of these unboxing videos are faked as means of getting views

and obtaining ad revenue."

Yep Mashable, we think most people are aware of this.

It's seems fairly obvious to most of us that if someone really did buy one of these

boxes on the dark web and then video the contents being opened, if those contents could lead

to a criminal charge or at least start a criminal investigation, then that video would not appear

on YouTube.

Sometimes the opening of these boxes is called The Deep Web Challenge, but one must always

be skeptical regarding how challenging the unboxing really is.

Perhaps the biggest challenge is acting shocked, shamed, surprised, disconcerted, while making

some creepy form of entertainment.

Now we go over to Reddit, where one person writes this in the intro to a long piece of

writing, "I don't know why I didn't realize a clear majority of these videos are

fake and staged for their scare factor, but I didn't."

Lo and behold though, when he finally gets around to purchasing a box, he is shocked

to find something that chills his bones.

It's a book, he says, that contains photos of the house he grew up in.

Each numbered page contains polaroid photos of places, things, but one page he says contained

pictures of "a mask, handcuffs, a gag, and a bottle of some sort of drug it looked like."

He sees his own parents tied up, himself as a kid…Oh, and then he throws the book away

and sees a hooded figure looking through his window.

It turned out by ordering his box he got his parents killed.

What this is of course is an old trope used in horror movies wherein an added bit of realism

is used in the form of skepticism, i.e.

I don't believe in the boogeyman, but then this happened to me.

It's basically the camp fire ghost story, and the best ones use realism to get you listening

and then throw in the scare.

Other stories have appeared on Reddit that are similar, and it seems that some people

believed the tale.

"That is terrifying!

I would contact the authorities right away.

Wish you the best and please keep us posted!" writes one person after reading a wicked tale

of a mystery box.

We can only congratulate the writer of the post and hope that he or she has a great career

in fiction writing.

Are we being too skeptical?

We don't think we are, but that doesn't mean some of those videos are well made, well-acted

or well told.

We agree with this person writing on Quora, "The whole idea behind mystery box is all

scam, I have watched many videos on YouTube about mystery box but later come to conclusion

that no sane human-being will be willing to buy a piece of garbage."

That's not to say you can't buy a mystery box on the dark web.

We haven't ordered one at the Infographics Show, so we can't say for sure.

We can, however, go on videos and research and conclude that people are unboxing to create

an audience.

It's a show, nothing more and nothing less.

Sure, you can find media, mostly of the tabloid ilk, all over the world talking about YouTubers

opening these "sinister" boxes; videos "guaranteed to freak you out", "100

percent genuine", that "you won't believe are real", but those media are just getting

on the bandwagon and generating their own audience.

You might also accuse us of doing this, but we are at least trying to give you an informed

piece of entertainment.

We are calling these videos out as fake, but at least well-made videos for the most part.

This isn't to say of course that you can't find white powder often grown in Colombia

on the dark web.

It doesn't mean you wouldn't find that in one of these mystery boxes.

One very real journalist writing for the Independent newspaper did explore the dark web and did

buy illegal things.

But when he talked about mystery boxes, he too was skeptical.

"There were dozens of videos with millions of views, yet there was something that didn't

seem quite right about them," he said.

"The contents of the boxes seemed to fit the stereotypes of the dark web so much that

it seemed staged."

What did he do?

Well, he tried to order a mystery box of course.

Finding one wasn't that easy, and he had to do a lot of searching.

He writes that he finally found one trusted vendor willing to sell him a mystery box.

He not only sees that others that had bought such a box gave them a thumbs down, but the

seller wanted around $1,500 for the box he wanted.

That is a bit out of the price range for a journo, so he asked the advice of someone

who has written two books about the dark web and has spent years going through it to see

what she could find.

Her name is Eileen Ormsby and a quick search will show you that she is certainly an expert

on the dark web.

This is what she said to the journalist.

"Mystery boxes are just silly.

The ones on YouTube are primarily total hoaxes invented by the YouTubers themselves for the


She did add, though, that now such boxes are popular no doubt someone is taking advantage

of that and selling them, but they are just "full of junk."

They don't contain murder weapons or possessed dolls; it's all just a great big hoax, as

we said.

During her investigations into the dark web, that lasted years, she failed to find many

of the gruesome things that supposedly exist in this place.

While arrests have been made of people doing horrid things in the dark web, it's not

something all over the dark web as we are sometimes led to believe.

As for mystery boxes, the only mystery to us is how some people believe those videos

of them are real.

As you've seen Mystery Boxes are really nothing more than a scam, but the fact that

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concern for any internet user.

With Dashlane you can store passwords and credit card information across any device,

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coupon code 'infographics' you can get 10% off a premium subscription today!

But of course we'd love to hear your thoughts on this?

Tell us in the comments.

Also, be sure to check out our other video How Can Hackers Steal Your Identity?.

Thanks for watching, and as always, don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

See you next time.

For more infomation >> Can You Really Order A Mystery Box from The Dark Web? - Duration: 9:23.


Things Are Not All Dark - Robert Anton Wilson (2004) - Duration: 12:50.

I first met Ken Campbell in the pages of a book.

Ken, and the Science Fiction Theatre of Liverpool he co-founded

are the dedicatees of comedic philosopher

Robert Anton Wilson's first 1977 volume of memoirs

'Cosmic Trigger'.

Ken also makes cameo appearances

in Wilson's novels the 'Schrödinger's Cat' trilogy of 1979

and 'Masks of the Illuminati' of 1981


Well, Bob was forever grateful to Ken and his anarchic gang

for their stage adaptation of the

monumental conspiracy epic 'Illuminatus!'

that he'd written with Robert Shea.

This celebrated production which premiered on 23rd of November 1976

is now something of a legend.

Its transfer to the Royal National Theatre

came at a time when Robert Anton Wilson was traumatised

and deeply depressed by the

murder by thieves

of his young daughter Luna.

On returning from seeing and participating in the show in England

Bob at last started to write again

'Cosmic Trigger' was born.

Through Ken I met and interviewed Bob

in the early 1990s for Fortean Times

We corresponded from then on

and he was always generous and encouraging.

In the last few years of his life

Bob was demoralized by the death of his beloved wife and muse

Arlen Riley Wilson

and the return of his agonizing and crippling polio symptoms

In November 2004

I wanted to get Ken and Bob together for one last time.

But Ken balked at the prospect

of flying to California.

The next best thing

was to film Ken at his home in Essex

and take that film to Bob in Santa Cruz.

Bob was a wonderful host

Buoyed up by the visit

and the prospect of a revival of 'Illuminatus!'

which was mooted at the time

But he was reluctant to grant an interview in his frail condition.

On 11th of November 2004

the last day of my visit

he finally relented.

"I better put my teeth in!" he said.

I first asked him if

like William Burroughs

he had any advice for young people.

Yeah, don't give up! Young people tend to give up too easily.

They tend to think the world is against them,

the world is hopeless and so on.

The longer you live

the more you realize

no matter how much they take away from you

there's something they can't take away.

Hang on to what they can't take away

and don't worry about the rest of it.

That's my advice to young people.

I was very suicidal in my 20s up until I got married

Then I couldn't afford to be suicidal any more!

I tend to think a lot of young people are suicidal. A lot of them are.

Especially since George Bush just won the election!

So marriage was one of the things that. . .

In my case. In my case.

Or a good partnership shall we say?

A good partnership. Yeah. Let's be more general about it.

What would you say were the most important messages

that people should get from your books?

If we all said "maybe" more often

the world might go stark staring sane!

Can you imagine Jerry Falwell going "Maybe Jesus is the Son of God!"

"and maybe he hates gay people as much as I do!"

Can you imagine every minaret in Islam resounding with

"Maybe there is no god but Allah!"

"and maybe Mohammed is his prophet!"

That would be the beginning of sanity wouldn't it?

That's one of the ideas.

Another idea is every power structure has bad communication.

The only way to make our communication as accurate as possible

and therefore make our behaviour as intelligent as possible

is to spread information around —

spread communication as much as possible.

Everything that makes communication

faster and more accessible

I regard as good.

Everything the blocks communication

whether that's monopolies or censorship

I regard as bad.

Well, that's two major ideas in all my work anyway!

Hey, how about that!

I could think of two of them right away!

We've been talking over the last few days

and you've said that

one of the most important developments

is the internet.

Yeah, well internet is making it possible

for more and more people to dialogue

with more and more people.

It seems to me that wonderful ideas of anarchism in the 19th century

about voluntary association syndicates

rather than coercion

well that's more and more happening on internet.

I think as time passes

we'll get more used to doing everything on internet

and ignoring the government until it goes away!

I really think that's going to happen,

and Buckminster Fuller thought so too

and he was no dumbbell!

"You never try to persuade anybody. You don't try to sell anything. You see what needs to be done and you do it!"

I started reading your books I think in my early 20s

and I think I was pretty suicidal as well at the time.

Yeah, you see what I mean?

A friend of mine told me once everybody tries to commit suicide at 23!

That was before I got fascinated by the number 23.

Maybe he said 22? I'm not sure. . .

You know, I remember at 22 and 23 I was really. . .

I thought the whole goddamn world was such a mess!

What's the point of trying to do anything?

I couldn't get a good job that I liked

there was nothing in politics that seemed hopeful

the whole world seemed to be getting ready for an atomic war.

And look at it now!

It's not much better, but it's certainly not any worse!

It just seems worse if you're new to it.

What I got from your books was a real sense of optimism

particularly books like 'Cosmic Trigger' and 'Prometheus Rising'

gave me the message that change was possible

that it was possible for me to change myself

and I wouldn't be stuck.

Yeah I believe that.

I believe we have more capacity for growth than we realize.

And especially we have more courage than we realise too.

Courage is very important in my philosophy.

I don't think emphasize it enough in my books.

You've got to have the guts to go on struggling.

When you do that, you find it's easier than you thought.

The hard parts aren't going to destroy you, they're just hard parts.

People are too afraid of the world, I think – young people.

That's what I mean to convey – optimism and hope.

What's the sense of writing a book and telling people to be

more pessimistic than they are already?!

What's the point of that!

Most people are so damned pessimistic these days

that they . . . you know.

We lives of quiet desperation, as Thoreau said.

Everybody's on one dope or another!

There's the legal ones and the illegal ones. It doesn't make any difference.

Everybody's either on tranquilizers or pot or something or other.

It's the only way to survive this brutal environment.

Certainly you gave me both the idea that it was

possible to reprogram myself

and some of the techniques of how to do so.

And one of the reasons I wanted to come and say hello

was to thank you really.

Well, thank you for travelling all this way to tell me.

But one of the things that impressed me the most

was when I was really down a couple of years ago

you sent me an email

and what you said was

"Always remember that every dark night of the soul is followed by a golden dawn."

I wrote that?! That sounds rather extravagant for me!

Oh well, I guess if you say so I must have written it!

You did — and it really meant something to me.

Yeah, well that's true.

The most common form of depression

is the bipolar thing. And that always ends, you know.

It's just part of a cycle And you can smooth out the cycle

so the rough parts are less rough, you know.

And as for the world situation actually most people in the world

are better off than they ever were before. Really they are.

Just read Dickens. Just read Dostoevsky

if you want to know what things were like 100 years ago, 150 years ago.

Read Dante if you want to know what things were like 600 years ago!

And the poor are much better off than the poor were even 100 years. . .

even in Roosevelt's day.

Things are not all dark — it just seems that way from certain angles.

Yeah. And, er, I don't know. . . As I've got older older I think I've. . .

I have changed and found ways to be pretty optimistic

Oh good! Good. You're more creative if you're optimistic.

Just a couple of questions to end on about 'Illuminatus!'. . .

I remember. . . I think you wrote in 'Cosmic Trigger'

that you took part in the production

when it transferred to the Royal National Theatre.


And you took part in the Witches' Sabbat scene

Is that right?

That's right, yeah.

I was one of the people running around in robes.

And you took great delight, I think, in mooning the audience!

I didn't moon the audience!

Heathcote Williams lifted my robe from behind to moon the audience.

Heathcote Williams — the playwright, actor, etc.

Have you any reminiscences of that production?

Because you travelled to see it with Bob Shea as well?

That's right yeah.

Well, I remember I liked Ken a lot.

I liked Neil Cunningham who played Hagbard Celine.

I liked the whole cast.

I liked Prue.

I remember I gave an interview to one journal and I was stoned. . .

. . . the next day I was astounded to see in the paper

I was quoted as saying

"'This is nothing to do with art. It's too late in the day for art.

"This is magic!"

I figured I had said that! Boy was I stoned when I said that!

'Illuminatus!' is a very rich and complex book. . .

Do you have any advice for people coming to it fresh

who've never read your work before?

Read something else first!

I'm very fond of 'Illuminatus!' I like it a lot, but. . .

over the years I've realised how hard it is for newcomers.

Read an easier one of my books first

to persuade yourself I'm worth reading

and then plunge into 'Illuminatus!'

And a lot of people plunged into 'Illuminatus!' and liked it

but still I keep hearing these types of people

who can't figure out whose voice. . .

I figured if I changed the style for each speaker

then they'll know who's speaking

But most people don't listen that closely to what they read —

they don't know who's speaking.

If you read it out loud I think you have a clearer idea who's speaking, and every. . .

I don't just change in paragraphs

sometimes I change in the middle of a sentence.

You know, for the hell of it!


If you follow the tone and the intonation and the vocabularies and so on

you'll know who's speaking and then it's easier to follow

I don't care. . .

I'm not discouraging people from reading it

I just mean if you do find it hard

read something easier by me.

Try 'Schrödinger's Cat' first.

'Schrödinger's Cat', yes! One of my favourites.

Or better still try 'Prometheus Rising'

Nobody ever had any trouble with that!

Yeah. . . I'm very fond of

'Masks of the Illuminati' as well.

Yeah, me too. Yeah.

There's a scene with

Einstein, Jung and Aleister Crowley

towards the end which is fantastic.

Of course Ken Campbell,

who adapted and directed

the first production of 'Illuminatus!'

the stage production

he appears as a very minor character.

As a wrestler, as a matter of fact!

As a wrestler yeah.

I wish he'd do a production

of 'Masks of the Illuminati'.

I always thought that would

work on the stage better than. . .

Very easily. . .

It doesn't need much adaptation really.

Well, his daughter Daisy is, as you know

working on a new production of 'Illuminatus!'

Yeah, I know, I know, I know! I'm thrilled!

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