Welcome to Cuisine Celine
And... I am Celine...and this is my Cuisine
I come from France and I'm going to cook...with you
...or for you whatever you prefer.
My idea is that nowadays food is so loaded with guilt,
about...is it ethical? Is it vegan?
Is it healthy? Is it sugar free?
Is it fat free? Is it matching my diet? My detox, my whatever body target I have or whatever?
And actually...didn't we lose the flavour of food?
I think we kind of did.
I studied food my whole life. I had eating disorders and
I used to be very very big, and I lost 60 kilos
and I learned everything about cooking, about healthy eating...
about dieting...about all sorts of recipes
but what I enjoyed the most was learning about how
our elders were cooking. And...I watched a lot of cooking programs...
from France of course but also from the whole world and...
I learned a lot from them.
and what I noticed is that the food before was really...loaded with everything...
And you even wonder how the f*** did people survive this?
So... I decided to recreate it again.
To try these recipes again, because
the difference between the way we cook nowadays from the way we used to cook is so huge
that you're going to be surprised. And I'm going to be surprised too...
Because...I have to tell you I didn't try any of these recipes beforehand
So this is going to be like a full experience
We're just going to give it a try and...taste it.
and maybe we can compare it too?
with how we cook the food nowadays.
and yeah, maybe we'll see a difference.
And maybe we'll taste a difference as well.
My recipes are going to involve
...quite a lot of alcohol...
some fat, some sugar, some salt, whatever
but yeah...sometimes it's just good to indulge.
To just enjoy something and to go all the way
and yeah, taste it and enjoy it
So that's what we're going to do in Cuisine Celine.
We're going to try old, vintage, crazy recipes,
loaded with booze
...and we're going to see if it's better.
Thank you!
For more infomation >> What is Cuisine Celine? - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
What is a circadian clock and why is it so important? - Duration: 4:10.
[Rhonda]: Can you explain to people who've never heard what a circadian clock is, what
it is and why it's so important?
[Satchin]: Yes, so all lives on this planet evolve under a rotating Earth.
So that means for 12 hours, approximately 12 hours they had access to light and for
another 12 hours they were in darkness.
So, that environment, that changing environment put a tremendous pressure for them to come
up with a timing mechanism so that they can anticipate when it's going to be evening or
when it's going to be morning so that they can time their activity and sleep accordingly.
So that's why almost every organism on this planet have this internal clock that help
them anticipate time.
And why this is important is if you think about a diurnal organism, an animal that's
active during the daytime, the animal has to anticipate when evening is going to come
so that he can rush back to the cave or somewhere, some hiding place.
So similarly, just before the dawn, this animal has to wake up before even light hits, and
then go out and get the first grub.
So that's why there is this tremendous pressure to have this biological clock or internal
timing to essentially anticipate what is going to happen.
So for most people, we know when we go to bed, maybe after six to eight hours, we wake
So our clock actually tells us, "Yes, it's going to be morning.
Get up now."
So similarly, almost every part of our body has clocks that help us to anticipate when
the food is gonna come or when we are supposed to run, when we are supposed to take rest.
So, what we are learning is almost every organ in our body has a clock and it helps this
organ to be at peak performance, peak activity, at certain time of the day, and then to rest
and rejuvenate at the other time of the day.
[Rhonda]: So, is this internal biological clock, the circadian clock, it's not something
that we're just immediately born with, right?
It's not something that just...
[Satchin]: Yes.
So when we are born, we, kind of…when babies are born, they actually don't have this daily
24 hours rhythm in activity or sleep.
They don't to bed for six or seven hours.
So what we suspect is although they have a clock, those clocks are not wired together.
And at the same time, babies also need a lot of food, because that's their growth phase.
So, during the first maybe four to six months, the babies wake up in every three to four
hours, cry, eat a little bit, and go back to sleep, and then wake up again, and do that.
Then after 8 to 12 weeks, they actually begin to have some kind of consolidated sleep.
So they go to sleep and wake up at the right time, wake up after a few hours, but it's
not tied to light-dark cycle.
So they kind of drift.
So that's the phase many parents may not notice because we now live in a very artificial environment,
but that's the time when there is a clock but it's not tied to outside light and dark
So around six months of age, that's when the whole development process and the clock is
functional, it's tied to light-dark cycle, it's wired properly, so the babies go to bed,
hopefully, in the evening and then sleep for nine to ten hours, wake up.
So when we are born we do have clocks, but they are not connected together until about
four to six months of age.
What If Cupid Was Real? - Duration: 7:33.
Love is in the air… people snogging everywhere… ahh… love.
Aint it the best.
While it can be beautiful, it can also seem hopeless and random and difficult.
There is no better feeling than being in love, but no worse feeling than loving when it isn't
The most powerful human emotion.
But what if love wasn't always up to us mere mortals – what if there was something
or someone else that could control it at whim?
what if it was as simple as being shot with cupids arrow….
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions – that channel that loves to answer
all manner of questions from science to science fiction, history to pop culture, legendary
to just down right whimsical.
I am your host Rebecca Felgate and today we are celebrating love….or lust… as we ask
What if Cupid was Real?
Before we get into this video I just want to talk about a fun and flirty next generation
dating app called "Quiz Date Live!"
Basically, there's a live game show featuring a beautiful Bachelorette and anyone who downloads
the app can participate.
You answer all the trivia questions about the Bachelorette correctly you will win a
Michelin-star dinner or a helicopter ride date with her.
It starts from a series of multiple-choice questions, just like HQ Trivia".
They will test you on the compatibility with the Bachelorette.
For example, *** here I am going to give example questions provided by you.
Then, there will be a free text question.
People who answer wrong will be eliminated.
3 finalists will be invited to the live stream and asked to impress the girl.
And finally she picks the winner, who as we mentioned before will get a Michelin-star
dinner date or a helicopter ride with the Bachelorette.
If this takes off then Quiz Date Live will be playing with Bachelors, too!
If this sounds like your thing, I have put the link to the app in the description box
below, so check out the trending app "Quiz Date Live!"
Okay, so…….back to Cupid!
Firstly, anyone wonder why cupid is portrayed as a chubby little kid cherub with wings and
a bow – let me tell you!
And lovers… listen up!
So Cupid is winged because lovers are flighty, he is boyish and immature because love is
irrational and he has a bow and torch because love can both wound and ignite the heart.
If Cupid were real, wouldn't we be like….
Woah…winged naked boy, what are you doing here… want to put some pants on mate?
Maybe for that reason he would fly above us and try to remain concealed?
Perhaps occasional cupid sightings would lead to local headlines about freak birds or UFOs?
If Cupid were real?
I wonder how he would make his selection process of who to shoot with his arrow?
Is it random, or does he observe people and decide who to make fall in love?!
I don't know how comfortable I feel with the notion that love is at the mercy of a
flying pre-pubescent?
Would this not fundamentally change our understanding of what it is to be human?
I'd like to love someone by choice, not because I was struck by an arrow… wouldn't
we all then question whether love was real or not?
Although maybe If cupid was real and we all only fell in love at his bidding, it would
be kind of refreshing to know about it!
We could all relax and stop chasing love, because we don't have any control over when
it happens to us anyway.
If that were the case I personally would feel liberated.
Perhaps if cupid was real, though, he would only exits as a mischief.
Love as a human emotion would exist but the false love, the spiked love, he offered would
be to mess with us.
Maybe cupid is actually kind of evil.
The devil fools with the best laid plans and all that.
Cupid is said to have two arrow heads, one golden arrow filled with desire and one blunt,
lead end that is filled with aversion and encourages those hit with it to flee.
If Cupid were real, does that mean that all the ghosts out there were actually the victims
of a savage arrow attack and like… they wanted to text us back.. but..uh oh, arrow.
I guess the whole cupid's arrow thing could be used to explain how some people seem to
fall in and out of love so quickly.
If Cupid were real, I really hope he would reveal himself to us because like, how great
would a cupid reality TV show be?
I am for it!
Okay, maybe not for everyone, but if cupid was real and we knew about it wouldn't he
become the worlds number one most wanted?
And I mean everyone… has suffered some form of heartache.
If there was a kid with magic arrows that you could point at someone to make them love
you…or stop loving someone else…do you not think that would be pretty damn lucrative?
Love is more valuable than oil…
I imagine big businesses would try and harness cupids power for the greatest power mankind
knows… capitalism.
BUT ….if we could buy and trade in love… wouldn't the world become like… total
and utter chaos?
Beyond the shallow and greedy, how about we negotiate with cupid and get him to use his
arrows on people for good?
Or is the brand of love – aka pure desire - ever a force for good?
Can we get him to water it down a bit and make people like Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump
bestie mates for the sake of world peace?
Or would that annoy the God of war…
OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT – Cupids parents are the Goddess of Love, Venus, and the God
of War, Mars….Cupids clearly messed up psychological upbringing is probably the reason he wants
to mess with human relationships so much… what happens when love and war meet?
Lust in the best case, jealousy in the worst?
If cupid were real would it mean other Roman gods were real too?
That would be a whole other can of worms that would include there being a Goddess of Door
Okay, we have had our fun, but maybe cupid does kind of exists today in the form of dating
The algorithm is the modern day cupids arrow, connecting two random people and suggesting
that they fall in love… or.. you know… something shorter term.
Which brings me nicely back to Quiz date live!
Thank you "Quiz Date Live!" for making this video possible.
Don't forget to check out this trending app.
It's so much fun that anyone can participate and win a luxury date with a beautiful bachelorette.
Find the link in the description box below.
So that is that for this video….
What do you think would happen if cupid were real?
Let me know…and let me know how you get on with Quiz Date Live!
LIKE AND SHARE ETC Thanks for watching this video.
I am your host Rebecca Felgate…
I just want to remind you all that the greatest love of all is the love you have for yourself,
so if you are single, or even if you are in a relationship…don't forget to be good
to yourself and realise how great you are.
I'll catch you guys in the next video, but until then, do stay curious stay alert, keep
your hearts open and never ever stop questioning!
Hi, everybody
I'm here! Province of Kapchagay in General.
I can't say for sure! Specially.
Here we have such lands, stones.
I want to find the gold!
This is a very gentle search.
Let's look and see what we find.
Many different stone
Here the river flows near
And here, the accumulation of sand
And let's see.
What's good?
When you looking for by brush?
You will not miss the nugget of gold.
She gently removes the sand
First nugget
He's beautiful!
Oh, beauty
Fine! 50 grams found
Here is so on the sly search for, we collect, we search.
Another nugget of gold!
Handsome what, and
We continue and I put it in my pocket
Moving on!
We look carefully
Sometimes you look and see a nugget.
Look, I see a beautiful gold nugget, as if waiting for me.
Just lay and waited!
-So That's it.
Here it specimen
Here it specimen
I'll see still!
What if there's more nearby?
Need to look carefully and not rush
So look, something and you can find.
Something very curious!
Can't see anything yet.
What's this?
Not bad wow!
Well well!
You are my dear!
Words can not find the gem found.
Straight breathtaking
like so
Just take your time, and then you can find this.
Province Of Kapchagay!
Sands Of Kapchagay!
like so, guys
And precious stone
Looks like a stone opal!
Shimmers with different colors
Wow, now I will show you this gem closer.
I'll put it in my pocket.
And let's look further.
That's great!
I noticed it with the naked eye! lies here and waiting for me!
Handsome nugget
- Just like that?
We are looking for! He who seeks finds.
In the sand, in the sand, they hide
Precious stones
You see? What is this?
Something flashed!
Wow! Diamond
I look! flashed handsome!
Incredible how beautiful he is
How he shimmers in the sun, madness
You do realize
Found the diamond
Diamond and gemstone
like so, guys
I only have time to search such finds.
You look at it!
Literally one meter from me, another handsome.
Just so I raise these treasures.
I'll put it in my pocket.
It's a miracle!
Here is the sand
And here you can find treasures of nuggets.
You see
Here's another piece of gold
Is waiting for me!
In place lies and does not touch anyone
Just, OPA
And he i have!
I'll put it in my pocket.
Here are collected the most valuable
Another nugget of gold
Would you look at that, huh?
Lucky day
This nugget is pretty big, good.
I'll put it here until
These riches
Gold nuggets
And precious stones
Again engaged in the search, look
No need to hurry, the main thing to look carefully
So look and you find something?
We are looking for gold as archaeologists
There is such here is pits
Need to check it out, all
Nothing yet.
And here is the nugget
And maybe not one, you look
like so
Easy! Easy yes
Looking, see?
Two more nuggets of gold
And here's another one!
You see
I'm getting rid of sand
Very neat, and the nuggets of gold are freed.
You see? One
Three! And everyone is so good, big
Mother dear
What a big
Sixth nugget
I'll put it here
I want to see
Another nugget
Uh-oh! There is a lot of gold here.
I should say!
Big enough
We look and do not rush
lot gold, look! Ahhh
Here it is
Look, it's a cluster.
What's that?
Again one precious stone
Dang it!
Oh my God!
Still one precious stone
Wow, what a gorgeous stone!
Here is this finding
I'm just in shock!
Still one precious stone
Mom dear! You see how much I have already found.
I raised
Vast fortune
Just beauty
There are still nuggets, a lot of them
Let me show you what I found here.
At this end
That's how much wealth I have found.
Precious stones
Gold nuggets
I will seek and receive
This is beauty!
Just can't put into words this beauty.
Precious stones
I'll show them to you now.
Let's see how they let the light through.
Yes, is that something?
Looks like opals!
They are reflected in different colors, it is green.
Red, here is a burgundy, blue!
I'm sitting in the shade
But they
Not very well are passed light through itself.
Gems just gorgeous
Two diamonds
Diamonds Guys
It is generally a beauty
Two diamonds
It's not bad too
Diamonds shimmer and shine
Amazing cleanliness
They are smooth and beautiful
Just super, no words
Kapchagai Province!
Gems and gold
The nuggets!
This is the end
Who was interested, put like
Subscribe to my channel, there will be many interesting things.
And I will continue to search and show
I will not impose anything on you, you have the right to believe in it or not.
How can I make you believe it?
At it impossible to force believe!
You make your own choices!
Gold nuggets
Here is such good
Here are a lot of them.
Whole heap
One kilogram or more I have gathered nuggets gold.
How can we be sure with you!
These stones are precious.
Just a miracle
Just takes your breath away from their splendor
Not bad, a plate is very heavy!
Good luck to all
And bye!
Gold very much
Even gems come across.
like so.
What is Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott's relationship really like? - Duration: 4:02.
Every theory that may explain what Timothee Chalamet was reading at the Sag Awards - Duration: 2:09.
SAGs on Sunday, test on Monday? (Picture: TNT) Timothee Chalamet left SAG Awards viewers rather confused on Sunday night when he was pictured with his head in a book during the ceremony
As the cameras panned to Emily Blunt and John Krasinski, Timothee – who was sat next to John – was seen not paying attention to what was happening on stage and was instead having a good old read
But what was he reading? Was it a school book and a case of Sag Awards on Sunday, big test on Monday? Was it a script? Perhaps the sequel to his breakthrough film Call Me By Your Name? Or was he the only person in the world to actually read the programmes that you are handed at events such as the Sags? @EW @timmyisabunny list of signatures in a petition to sue the Oscars— Nohemi (@Nohemi_Madrid) January 28, 2019 @EW He looks like he's last minute studying for SAT's
😂— Sassbox Grand Supreme (@MissSassbox) January 28, 2019 @EW The script for @CMBYNFilm sequel...— Ryan (@SneakyMitch127) January 28, 2019 @EW Dune script— Infinity War of the Roses (@OscarPurgatory) January 28, 2019 In a perfect world, Timothée Chalamet would be reading the script for the Call Me By Your Name sequel
twitter.com/EW/status/1089…— 𝔻𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕕 ℝ𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕 ℙ 🏳️🌈 (@DavidRP91) January 28, 2019 The 23-year-old actor was snubbed by the guild who awarded the win for best supporting actor to Mahershala Ali for Green Book
Advertisement Advertisement More: Film Keala Settle slays Rent Live! in only second performance after suffering mini stroke Crazy Rich Asian sequel is going to be lit, director teases Rent: Live wasn't completely live after Brennin Hunt break foot hours before performance Timothee was also snubbed from the Oscars, as he failed to pick up an expected nomination for the Steve Carell-led Beautiful Boy
Got a showbiz story? If you've got a story, video or pictures get in touch with the Metro.co.uk Entertainment team by emailing us celebtips@metro.co.uk, calling 020 3615 2145 or by visiting our Submit Stuff page - we'd love to hear from you
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What are social media impressions? What is social media reach? NOT the same thing! | #ChiaExplains - Duration: 5:55.
What Is the difference between Impressions and Reach?
And where can you find a Social Media Reach calculator?
I'm Chia and I'm going to explain all this inside this video.
Hey, it's Chia again, and today I want to look at Social Media Impressions and Reach
- and I will also show you where to find an automatic Social Media Reach calculator.
Anyway, first things first, what are Social Media Impressions?
Well, your Social Media Impressions are basically the number of times that your post is SHOWN
to someone, like in their social media feed.
So, then, what is Social Media REACH and how is it different?
Well, to put it really simply, your Social Media Reach is the number of PEOPLE who will
see that post - or, actually, it's more like a super close estimate.
Now, there are a few factors that will affect your Reach, like the number of followers you
have, and what percentage of them actually SEES the stuff that you share on any given day…
but, it basically all comes down to how many people will see your post.
And that is another thing to keep in mind: Social Media Impressions and Social Reach
refer to individual POSTS or pieces of content - NOT people.
And your number for Social Media Reach is almost always going to be lower than your
number of Impressions, because one person can easily be shown the same post more than
So, for example, let's say you publish a new post on your Facebook Page.
And one of your fans sees it.
This counts as ONE impression and ONE person Reached.
But then, when they're scrolling through their feed, they see your post again because
it was shared by one of their friends.
Now, that same post has TWO Impressions - because it was seen twice - but it still has ONE for
Reach, since both times it was shown to the same person.
So, hopefully, the difference between Impressions and Social Media Reach is a little clearer now, but I do have
a little quiz for you guys, just to keep you on your toes.
So, again, let's say you share a new post to your Facebook Page, and this time, 5 of
your followers see that post TWICE.
How many Impressions and how much Social Media Reach does that post have?
You should see a tiny pop-up in the corner right about now - so click on it to take the
quiz - you can pause the video and then hit play again when you're ready.
OK, so... if 5 people see the same post twice, that means it had 10 impressions and a 5 for
Social Media Reach... remember, the post may have been SHOWN 10 times, but that was to
the same 5 people.
So how'd you do?
That wasn't so bad, right?!
If you have any questions now, you can ask away in the Comments section, or feel free
to just let me know how you did! I'm really curious.
So, to recap: your Impressions are the number of times your post is SHOWN to people, while
your Social Media Reach is based on the number of PEOPLE who see that post.
So, these terms kind of overlap, and some people even refer to Social Media Reach as UNIQUE
Impressions, which makes sense.
Now, as far as social media metrics go, your Social Media Reach is a really big one - and it's
something that usually varies for each platform - and that's totally normal.
Assuming that you're not trying to be just as active on Twitter, LinkedIn, and everywhere
else, all at the same time - and you're focusing on the best social media sites for your business
(which is great!), this is why your Social Media Reach can be really high on one platform,
and really low on another...
So, hopefully, it's HIGHER on the platforms that you're actually working on - and you can definitely check
So, Brand24 has an automatic Social Media Reach calculator - it actually shows you a bunch
of social media metrics - but I'll show you guys another time.
To check the Social Media Reach of your posts, you can track your content in Brand24, and
then see everything from the dashboard.
So, here, we have a chart that shows us the Social Media Reach of posts about the Balenciaga
Triple S - you know those weirdly popular "old man sneakers" that Instagrammers
really love - and we can see the Reach of these posts on individual platforms, like Instagram - and
we can also look at Reach over a period of time.
I find it helpful to see if the Reach of a post is increasing or decreasing over time,
and this also lets me observe patterns, like seasonal or weekly peaks and valleys in Social
Media Reach, and what may have caused this.
So, it's a really good idea just to check up on your Social Media Reach, since this is a metric
that will have an impact on pretty much all of your social media marketing activities
- which means that it's actually a good common factor for gauging your KPIs
(your key performance indicators).
For example, we can use our Social Media Reach to see how much of our audience is really
engaged by our content.
So, just take one of those social media metrics that you're really interested in - If you're
working on getting more interactions, then you're probably looking at your number of
And if you're trying to spread a message, then you're gonna be more excited to see
'retweets' and 'shares'.
Either way, just make sure the metrics that you're focused on line up with your goals - so that
you measure your progress the right way.
Now, let's say we're interested in interactions - and what part of the audience commented
on posts about Balenciaga's Triple S sneakers (these are NOT the real numbers for them,
just an example) - so, just take the number of comments and divide it by the Social Media
Reach (yeah, this can be a little scary), but this is the percentage of the audience
that's engaged with your content for THAT goal.
You can apply this formula to your other metrics of engagement to see how you're doing in
other areas.
And this was just a quick look at the difference between Social Media Reach and Impressions!
I hope I managed to clear up any confusion between these terms.
If not, you're welcome to leave any questions you have in the comments section, and I will
definitely answer them.
And if you found this video helpful, feel free to 'like' and 'share' it so that
we can answer this question for even more people.
And you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel, where I'll be explaining how you
can do even more in social media & digital marketing.
Thanks for watching - and I hope you learned something new - see you next time. Bye!
What is the 'master clock' or Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)? - Duration: 4:36.
[Rhonda]: Your work, you've done a lot of research on what regulates these different
[Satchin]: Yeah.
[Rhonda]: There's a master regulator clock, and there's other clocks in different organs.
Maybe you can explain.
I read somewhere that something between 10% to 15% of the entire protein-coding human
genome is actually regulated by these circadian clocks, and anywhere between around, like,
40% to 50% of those genes are actually involved in metabolism.
[Satchin]: Yeah.
[Rhonda]: So, there's, there's a wide variety of processes that are regulated by these clocks.
[Satchin]: Yeah.
[Rhonda]: Maybe can you explain a little bit about the central master clock and...
[Satchin]: Yeah.
[Rhonda]: ...what regulates that?
[Satchin]: [laughs] Yeah.
So this is a field of study that is actually not driven by a disease but pure curiosity.
So for a long time, people thought that there might be a master clock in the brain because
we always connect circadian clock to sleep-wake cycle.
And fortunately, there was actually a master clock.
And in fact, almost 40, 45 years ago, people who are working on different parts of the
brain…because at that time, 40 years ago, people thought that different parts of the
brain regulate different behavior.
So they are defined like cubic millimeter area of brain that regulates something.
So we're systemically taking out parts of the brain in mouse, rodents, and different
larger rodents, and then figure out that when they hit this small part of the brain called
suprachiasmatic nucleus, so that means we know that our eyes send optic nerves that
crisscross and there is a part of the brain called optic chiasma, so it's above the optic
So that's why suprachiasmatic nucleus.
So that's...
[Rhonda]: Say that 10 times fast.
[laughs] [Satchin]: Yes [laughs].
Suprachiasmatic nucleus or SCN, it's composed of around, say, 100,000 neurons, I guess,
in humans, really small, maybe one millimeter by one millimeter.
That's the size of this brain part.
If you remove that brain part in a hamster, then this hamster doesn't, will not have any
sense of time and go to sleep at random time and will wake up after two or three hours
and it continues.
But what is most exciting is if we take SCN from another hamster and transplant, it's
like a brain transplant experiment, then this hamster will get all the rhythms back.
That's the earliest example of neural transplant transferring behavior from one animal to another
And that essentially established that there is part of the brain that accesses master
circadian oscillator or circadian clock because it orchestrates this daily rhythm in waking
up and going to sleep.
And just imagine, only when we are awake, we eat, or we exercise.
So that's why all other organs related to eating, for example, our gut, our liver, our
fat, all of them are driven by this feeding behavior.
Similarly, our muscle is driven by when we run.
So that's how the SCN acts as the master circadian oscillator.
So if we damage the SCN then we lose all circadian rhythm.
So what happens in some of the neurodegenerative disease, like very advanced stage of Alzheimer's
disease dementia, if the SCN, this part of the brain is affected, then people lose their
sense of time in terms of when they go to bed or when they stay awake.
So this presents slowly, they turn into a state where they don't have a sense of day
or night.
They stay awake throughout the night and may be sleepy throughout the day.
So that's why this master clock is so much important for our health.
[Rhonda]: And that might also have a feed-forward loop because then, you know, if your master
clock is thrown off and you're awake when you're supposed to be sleeping and sleeping
when you're supposed to be awake, that's also been shown to affect hippocampus and long-term
So, you know, you've got this, sort of feed-forward loop.
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