- [Aleksander] Yeah.
- And then from there we built a bit,
or I built a bit of a following on YouTube,
and then people kinda just started asking
for these videos for themselves, for their companies,
so we ended up working with some local clients,
and just from there,
kinda started bringing on different team members
who could do stuff better than I could do,
such as animation, I'm not the best animator,
but I have a team that is very good now.
So we've been just sorta,
I kind of abandoned the YouTube channel for a little bit,
and just worked on growing the business,
and then from there, yeah it's kinda grown,
and just getting new clients all the time,
and have a good network of clients
who we work with as well, so, yeah.
- Yeah, and what year did you join, what was back then DBH,
or what is now Business Insiders, what year was that,
2016 or 17?
- I think that was 2016, so towards the end of 2016
I joined what was then DBH. - Oh, OK.
And what funnels did you run then,
what did you start doing then, or what were you doing then?
- Yeah, so when I joined it was pretty much just Upwork,
and referrals we were using, and yeah then,
over the course of towards the end of 2017, 2018,
we started implementing LinkedIn,
- Yeah. - And then it's grown
substantially from there.
- Interesting.
Yeah, what I find very interesting
about your business right now,
is we were just talking before the interview,
and you said that you
have quite a large following now on LinkedIn.
I think most people don't really use LinkedIn
to build large following,
they think YouTube is more suitable for that,
and you've done both.
So what have you found so far?
- Yeah I mean, in terms of building the YouTube following,
it sorta just, every once in a while
you'll get someone reaching out and saying,
hey can we get something like this for our business?
But LinkedIn is more of a,
like people are there for business.
They were there to kinda
make connections in a business setting,
and they're there to kind of see what you have to offer,
and then they wanna talk about what you make,
and ways you can work together,
so it's definitely better to work with LinkedIn than it is,
on YouTube it's more so just people
who are looking for entertainment.
- Hmm, yeah, so you have to go through a longer cycle
before they buy on YouTube, basically,
than on LinkedIn where they're already
in the business kind of mode,
and they're probably at work while watching it right?
- Mm-hmm.
- So what kind of stuff have you done
to build up the following on LinkedIn,
'cause you have what now, 10,000 people
or something like that,
that are following your stuff on LinkedIn?
- Yeah, about almost 9000, maybe past 9000,
but yeah, it's just a following, just making connections,
and then it kinda expands from there,
so it's just an entire specific kinda industry,
we are pretty well-known, so we have a big following,
and yeah, just connecting with people,
and making, building relationships
is the main thing that you wanna be doing on LinkedIn,
is talking to people, see how you can help them,
see what they're interested in,
see what their strategies are,
and just kinda have a conversation and go from there,
and if you can help them, then by all means, work together.
- So some people on LinkedIn, I've noticed,
especially in my industry,
they've been messaging people like me
then messaging people like my friends,
and they're just saying, hey man,
do you want to buy this thing?
And that's kinda their first message,
they're kinda starting to pitch for almost from day one,
I don't know who the hell this person is.
So what would you say is wrong with this approach?
- Yeah I think it's pretty annoying.
I get a lot of messages as well on LinkedIn,
where it's just people are kinda like,
you can tell it's a copy paste message that they send out,
so I immediate end it there, long too,
so like no one, when someone sends me
a couple paragraph thing explaining just about them,
they only seem to care about what they're up to,
they don't seem to like have any interest in helping you,
they're literally just fishing for clients,
so they just send you these long copy paste messages and,
yeah I mean, easy to just sorta ignore those,
because like you know they don't know you exist,
they're just kinda going through,
they don't take any time to look at you,
any time to find out what you're up to,
and then see if they can even help you.
So I'm getting pitches for just random stuff
that has absolutely nothing to do
with what I'm involved with,
so if you're gonna be communicating with people,
first things first is,
like that's a person that you're talking to,
you know they're not just some thing
that's gonna hand you money.
It's, you know, like you want them to know
if you can even help them, and if you can't help them,
then just, yeah this is something that maybe
it's not the right time, but you have to find that out,
you can't just try and pitch your services
to absolutely everyone,
'cause a lot of people may not need it.
- Right, and I guess the industry that you're in,
which we call explainer videos,
but it's basic creative agency focused on online videos,
it's getting quite competitive I guess,
so over the past few years,
people started thinking it's easy money
or something like that, so how do you stay competitive,
how do you stay on top of things and charge premium dollar?
I think your biggest sale last year
was something like $67,000 or something like that, right?
- No it was 50k.
- 50k?
- Yeah, so that was just sort of a,
that was an Upwork lead actually,
they reached out to me from Upwork and we talked from there,
yeah, it pretty much just continue focusing on what,
how you can get better, is what we do.
So instead of just kinda trying to churn out videos,
it's like oh, I'm still the, I know thumbs are important,
I know processes are important,
but I take an approach with every video
we kinda have a nice team,
it's like how can we make the coolest thing possible,
and build it based on a certain strategy.
So it's not like we're just, here's a video,
here's a script, here's a copy paste,
pretty much template thing.
It's like, everything is built custom,
and we wanna make something really cool
every time we get a new client, so I think it shows,
because we have a lot of people kinda,
they see our stuff, they follow up with us,
so yeah, we want something like that for our company,
For more infomation >> 5 Steps To Build an Explainer Video Agency Business - Duration: 6:58.-------------------------------------------
How To Build A Sales Team - Duration: 18:58.
Thanks to need to Grow By Joe. This video is about how to build a productive sales
team. My name is Joe Camberato. as you know. And this is our VP of sale. -How's
everybody doing out there? Patrick Manning, VP of Sales, The National
Business Capital. -Cool, awesome. So. this is my sales floor. (Applauding)
So today, we're talking about how to build a productive sales team. We've got,
I think about 7 different tips that we're going to share with you guys. And
so you can get your sales to be as productive as that and to get you create
that excitement. It's not an easy task. It's taken a number of years to get to
this. I think we have over 50 sales people now. Put a hundred
people in the company. And we're going to share some really cool stuff that'll be
helpful to you. And you know, we started the sales team from absolutely nothing.
It's definitely a challenge and there's a lot of different areas of focus. And
we're going to talk about that just... -And like Joe said, we have some really
cool things to go over. So, Stay tuned. -So, obviously my goal here is to help you
grow your business and in this video is how to grow your sales team. It's taking
some time to get to that and having 50 rock star sale reps won't happen
overnight. But we're going to share some of the
tips and secrets that have helped us, you know, grow our sales team and it's a
constant attention to detail. But with some of these things, it'll help maybe
fast-forward you and building your team and hopefully get you on the path to
grow in your business even faster. So, first thing that we'll talk about is
people. I mean Pat, how important has it been to have the right people on the
sales team? -It's been it's been extremely important. Up to this point, you know,
there have been periods of time for the growth of the business that maybe that
wasn't such a focus of ours. And we've seen at times a lot it wound up taking a
step back for us. You know, something that we discovered along the way here is
to always continue hiring and trying to find the right individual. And a lot of
times in sales, that can be a tricky thing to do because it is such a
psychological game. So, finding individuals that, you know, have structure
in their life and, you know, are motivated and have a clear mindset
really help, you know, ultimately attain the end-goal and really help us to
continue to win. -Awesome. And you know, a lot of people think, "Oh, I have more sales
people I'll do more sales." And how funny is that that's not always the case. That
sometimes more people, you actually want to do in less sales because they take
away, you know, from the leads or mess up the sales process. So, I think we
found over the years that we've been up also do you know more with less. And I
think it's so important that you have the right people on the team because eat
more bodies doesn't equal more. -Absolutely. And it's a great point and
it's an interesting point. And I'm sure some people are out there sitting there
thinking, "How am I going to do more with less?" But the truth of the matter is,
you know, if you're bringing in and you're focusing on quantity over quality.
You could actually find that there are people that you're bringing onto your
team they're actually going to help drag others around them. So, having the right
individuals in place that all you know, have these same morals and same values
and understand the the greater good of the company and what it is that you're
trying to serve, ultimately will help you reach that goal a lot quicker. -Awesome. So
if they're not the right person, if they're not culturally fit, if they don't
share in those vision and values of the company, it's just not worth bringing
into the organization because it'll probably be more destructive than it
will be constructive. -Absolutely. We've seen that ourselves. -So, once you kind of
have... Once you kind of identified what that right, you know, person is. --That right
fit, it's definitely a process to bring on the right person in. But it's
better to be slower with that. Hire slow and not fast so you can really, you know,
focus on bringing that right person in. But once we kind of nail down the right
people... You know, I think the number 2 most important thing really is having
the right marketing. And you know, if you got people and you're bringing you know
more sales rep in, you're going to have to be able to fuel that sales team.
Having that right marketing in place that's going to drive qualified leads,
is super important. It's been a big focus of ours. And driving in the
right type of leads, qualified leads into the business. So, you're going to bring
people in. Step 2, that you're really going to have to have in place is going to be...
Just going to be marketing. And I think it's kind of that simple. -Yeah. Now, I couldn't
agree more. You know, every highly motivated salesperson that is coming
into the organization really looking to earn is going to be looking for
that opportunity. And if you don't have the marketing in place and the brain to
go behind them, you know, they're not going to feel like they have that
clearly laid out path of how they can get from point A to point B. And
ultimately reach that success they're looking to reach. -So, I think once we nail
down the people, the marketing, this could probably must be the
number one most important thing besides people. And it's been a big contributor
to... Contributor to our success with the company is the systems, the
process and having the right tools in place. And you know, I always talk about
this a lot in a lot of different videos. And I talk about this a lot with
business owners. And forget your sales team and your business in general. You
have to have the right systems and process in place. But how important, you
know, how would you say it's been to have the right systems and process
in place for our team? -I think you hit the nail on the head when
you said that it could probably be the most important factor. You know, you could
have the right people in place and the marketing. But if you don't have the
process to keep everything organized, it's going to be extremely hard to scale
your business at that time. You're going to find yourself get to a point where you
have the right individuals, you're bringing the business in. But you don't
have the processes in place to carry it out. And you want have actually
bottlenecking. And what that ultimately happens is it's a negative effect on the
customer experience. Which is why we show up every day is to give that high
level customer experience and ultimately, you know, satisfy our clients. -Yep.
Absolutely. Super important and customer experience definitely is everything. You
know, I guess too... I was talked about this. I mean the way to win in any business is
to be able to handle volume. You know, if you can't handle volumes and
you're never gonna be able to hit the sales numbers that you want to hit. You
have to have those systems and processes in place
in order to handle the volume. So, it's so it's super important. If you're trying to
grow your sales, you need those processes. And on top of that, I think you
having the right tools in place for your sales team to utilize is extremely,
extremely important too. -Yeah. Everything that you're talked about here really
acts as the foundation in building a piece of construction. Any
time you're gonna try to build something, you need to have the the right
groundwork implemented. So again, the process is to diligently organize all
of the data that we're bringing it in and and being able to carry out our
service in a way that our clients will enjoy. But also having the tools, the
technology to do this efficiently. Because speed is everything especially
in the in the world that we live in today. You know, people are looking for
good, fast results but also done correctly and accurate the firm.
-Absolutely. You know I think if, you know... It's really
important if you want to build an effective and productive sales team.
It's super important to bring in the right cloth buy leads. But to make
sure that you have probably someone on the team that is almost designated to
ensure that your sales team is following up with any leads that are
coming into the business and on top. To make sure that things are really be...
Things are being followed up on. -Yeah. -I mean, they really that simply put. I mean,
you know, how important would you say that is? -It's extremely important. And you
know, just because it's not a rule or a procedure, it's still very much a part of
the process. By having that backstop to really support and act as an
insurance policy to all the hard work that the other departments in the
company are putting in. You know, the marketing team is working diligently
around-the-clock. They try to help really establish that brand and
bring the traffic into the company. So, having somebody to work as a backstop
and ensuring that the sales team is on top of all of that. And that nothing is
falling through the wayside, it's extremely important. -It's hard enough to
bring the right customer, the right lead into the business. And if they're not
being, you know, worked appropriately, it can be really frustrating. -Yeah.
Absolutely. You could have all the processes in the world in place but at
the end of the day, if somebody applies with your company and they're in need of
your assistance and you know, you're not able to get to them or they feel like
they weren't treated with that white glove service, you know, that's ultimately
going to affect what type of review or or experience they have with your
company and could affect business down the road of what other people are seeing,
how they're communicating about their expense with the company. So, you know,
having that right sales team in place and the right processes in place to
make sure that every client that comes to our door is getting the same level of
treatment and it's a consistent flow is extremely important to establishing who
we are in the market place. -Yeah, definitely having some sort of
management in place that is whether you're breaking your
salespeople up into different teams or whatever. That's really... I think reviewing
those leads that are coming in, you know, it's just kind of staying on
top of what happens is happening. in there. -So, up to this point, we've
talked about a lot of really good points. And you know, key things they really
make a strong sales team. But as you and I both know Joe, you know, from having
sales backgrounds ourselves. You know, salespeople, at the end of day they show
up to the office to earn. You know, they want to come here and feel that they
are in a place that provides the opportunity where they can come in and
support their family and ultimately accomplish the goals are looking to
accomplish. I just think it's really important to have the competitive pay
plan in place for a sales team. So, when they come in, they're working hard every
day. There's a lot of pressures they're dealing with that they understand that
at the end of the day, there's a greater good they're doing this for.
Number 1 is to obviously satisfying our clients. But number 2 is also to
satisfying themselves. And make sure that they can carry out the goals
that they initially came into the company. And right alongside to that
point of a competitive compensation plan, would just be a competitive environment
in itself. And I'm you know you can have a competitive environment but still keep
it wildly positive. Which ultimately is our number one focus in a sales
department is always keeping a positive mindset. Whether it's the individuals or
the or the team in general. But having that competitive environment, you know,
it's okay to compete and have guys and women want to go at each
other and ultimately work to be at the top of that leaderboard. And you know, a
lot of cool ways to keep that competition going and keeping it
positive are different monthly competitions. You know, we do some
different things here on the floor where we have daily goals that we look to hit
as a company and anyone who contributes they're hitting that daily goal will
ultimately be able to share in that day's bonus. And then also monthly
competitions. You know, we like to break the team up into smaller
groups and have them compete against one another. And do cool team outings. And it kind of,
you know, serves as a dual purpose because number 1, you're putting a goal
in place to incentivize. But then when you hit that goal, you're actually
carrying out a team event that helps bring that camaraderie together on the
team and giving them an opportunity to kind of hang out outside of the office
because that ultimately one's a funneling back into the... -I like what
you put in place recently with it. The monthly. What with the sales goals and
the incentives but breaking it down to daily goals. And then I want to
contributed that day to that daily goal get some sort of a bonus or compensation.
And some of these things to be little, they don't need to be thousands of
dollars every single thing. Some, you know, are just little things.
Like maybe it's a gift card. Maybe it's a lunch. Maybe it's a dinner out. Maybe it's
a, you know, a show. Maybe it's a, you know, a sporting event or something like that.
But just mixing it up constantly and keeping it fresh and things been really
important. And then I think we've always found to mixing it up with some cool
little things and then always throwing in, you know, some sort of big
thing if we had a big goal that is fun for the teams to do.
-Yeah. -You got to keep it fresh. We got to keep it fun. -No, absolutely. And I
appreciate you pointing that out and you know, the truth is the idea behind that
was you know we were typically doing these monthly competitions which were
great. It creates a lot of excitement but you tend to see that excitement pick up
more towards the end of the month as the competition is closing in naturally. I'm
sure we all deal with that issue. But you know, the idea again behind it was to
to create that excitement from day one. You know, every day come in here and have
a goal set for that day to really just create that excitement and have that
kind of last all month long. Which in the end, you're right is going to help us
accomplish that end goal. By having those segments and goals leading up
to the big one. -We think we found it's good to break out to having a number of
different incentives or bonuses. So, it's not just the top one
guy or 3 guys. And if those one there being a lot of the same people who
always wanted hitting those goals. So, working it down the alley and the people
that contributed it give us the ability throughout the month for a number of
different people to participate. You know and it ultimately went... -Right, right. And
because at the end of day, we are doing this to to motivate and incentivize the
entire team. So, you never want something that you're doing with good intention to
one-up having a negative effect. So, if it is the same individuals that are winning
the competition's over and over or we're setting goals that are a little too far
out reach, it could actually wind up having a reverse effect on the sales
team. Whether it's the team itself or individuals within that team could
actually sell to become demotivated.
So, I think including the entire team and
really giving everyone the ability to really participate in these competition
is a huge added bonus and and really drives home the main point of creating
that excitement and reaching our goals. -Got it. Put together a great plan and
have some awesome incentives goals bonuses to hit
and make it fun. So, the next topic is we'll call this topic train or pain. It
is so important to not only focus on motivating the team but you got to have
never-ending ongoing training that's in place. And I think, you know, in the
beginning, we probably learned this the hard way. -Definitely. -But if you just like...
It's not you come in you get trained for a week or 2 and then you're off to the
races. You know, depending a lot of industries, things are changing products
and services are changed in constantly. The way you do business changes
constantly. And I think what we've learned is that the training is just
something that will never end here in our organization and anything
that sticks out, you know with that. -Yeah. Absolutely. And I think it's
probably a common denominator for a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs
that are out there, is it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day in
the business. There's, you know, again... There's a budget for
marketing, there's effort in marketing. These, you know, the leads are coming in,
clients need to be satisfied. So, it becomes very easy to get caught up in
that and just wanting to service everything as it comes in the door. But
what you actually want up doing at that point is you're taking your focus off of
long term. If you get out of the day-to-day of what goes on in the
business and you focus more proactively of having a trained sales team of people
who understand the company's values and morals and vision but also understand
how to carry out our processes and procedures and really satisfy our client.
You know, it really takes the pressure off of the manager because instead of
coming in and trying to handle... -Or owner. -Exactly, great point.
And trying to handle every situation as they come in the door, if you're being
proactive and building a culture and an environment of trained highly-motivated
and capable sales team, you'll actually wind up finding that you're going to need
it less help on the back end because everything was handled the right way
from the upfront. So, training is an extremely important thing on a sales
floor. It's it's truly never-ending. Even with your experienced sales team. You
know, it's very easy to get caught in habit and doing things the same way. But
as you've always pointed out, as the ownership of our company is you have to
change. You have to be able to change on a dime and innovate
and the businesses is... Every business is constantly ever going and and ever
changing. And you know it's important to continue to update that training and
have it really be, you know, really affect to what's going on today
in the business. Have it relate to what's going on currently in the
business because things are changing. And by having that training in
place and having those processes in place, you'll actually wind up finding
yourself with a more equipped sales team who can handle a lot more different
situations on the fly. -Awesome. And it's really important if you really try to
grow your business. If you're just going to continuously bring in sales reps and
don't have some sort of a training process, for sure you're going to
bottleneck, deal with more issues than you've probably signed up for. So, get the
training nailed and have some sort of a process where it's either monthly, weekly.
Maybe for different people and, you know, in your company. Whether they're seasoned
or new. Maybe they're there in some sort of a different type of process where
maybe their weekly and some of the seasoned reps are on a monthly. But put
some sort of process in place where you're circling back to training on a
constant basis. -As the leader of the sales team right now, I find... You know, we
do a lot of these things great currently where you know we are focused on
personnel. We are focused on processes and having the right tools in place. But
what I have found is really delivering the message to the team of
what we show up here to do every day, what's the what's the ultimate thing
that we're trying to accomplish? And to me that boils down to our vision of
the company and our values of how we go about treating our... Not just our clients
but also our partners that we work with. And to me, you know, when the whole sales
team really understands that, that's when you get that environment of everyone
really pulling the rope in the right direction. You know, we could have people in
here that are motivated, that are trained. That are willing to get after it. But if
they don't understand the ultimate vision of what it is that we're looking
to accomplish here which is to help business owners and entrepreneurs grow,
that's where, you know, that's where we find the most excessive. Everyone
really understanding what that vision truly is of what we're trying to
do here. -Care and initiative. -Correct. -It's super important. And I think if they
don't really understand that and result with the purpose of why you're coming to
work every day... You know, you're just not going to be as effective as you
can be. And you know, you might wind up leaving just don't
even understand why you're here every day.
-Correct. I think today, 2 people are just... It's not all about a paycheck. It's
about the ability to earn a great paycheck but also be a part of
something that's greater than you. And that's what we're trying to create
here. -Yeah. Couldn't agree more. -Great. So, we've talked about a lot of great things
here. I hope some of these tips were helpful and maybe helps you look at how
to grow your sales team in a completely different way. And I hope they're
utilized, you know, these have taken... This is years of... -In the making. -A quick
conversation here but years in the making. And you know, hopefully this can
maybe avoid some some mistakes that we've made in the past to help you grow
your business quicker. So, if you're looking to grow yourself, if you're looking to
grow your business and you need some financing to put all that stuff in place.
Hire people and lay out some payroll and different things like that, please check
out the link below. We can definitely help you with financing for your
business. And then a number of other business services. So check out that link
below and stay tuned. We'll have a follow-up video to this. We'll talk about
some other tools and some really cool things that we've utilized to either
pre-screen to bring the right people in. And some other tools that we've utilized
with the sales team to make everything and everyone here successful. Again,
thanks for watching and we'll talk soon and get back to growing your business.
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