You kill people. That makes you a murderer.
That's true. But what does that make you?
Still working that one out.
For more infomation >> Lara Croft: The Dark Essence - TV Spot (Lara and Atlas) - Duration: 0:47.
Dark humorous movie made in Chong Qing, China. Funny, Happy. Prank. - Duration: 1:45:37.
The subtitle is made only for the friendship between Felix and Abby. I hope she could be happy by watching the movie.
Besides the constant urge and inability to pee...
Are there other symptoms?
I'll just have a look.
God is so unfair.
I take the cable car every day, (My home is not far away from the cable car, Abby^^)
but I've never seen you.
Maybe I've been paying too much attention to the scenery.
What can I say? ...I'm a photographer.
My name is Xie Xiaomeng.
You can just call me Charles.
Every time I look at the city from this angle...
I feel, so strongly,
that the city is a mother.
And we're living inside her womb.
I was just thinking about that when...
I looked up and saw you.
Something about you touched me deeply.
You know what it is?
Maternal spirit.
The glorious aroma of maternal spirit.
Miss Li, is this the jade tiling we originally used?
Of course, You were prejudiced
All the men's room had to be built entirely with jade.
Bring it down, bring it all down!
Bring this stone to Master Zhang
so he can examine it.
Hurry, hurry, bring it all down!
all down!
Hey, hey
Get moving! We don't want any trouble.
Ah, Xie.
You're really something!
They haven't been paid for eight months straight.
Now it's still impressive!
What is it?
Chairman Feng understands your situation.
He knows you can't pay back the loan
Seeing as you already mortgaged the land to us,
Chairman Feng has drafted a contract,
So sign it, and we'll call it even.
I'm telling you,
Lay everyone off early,
Give them time to find a new job.
Now that would be a good deed.
Don't we still have another twenty days more?
Not a big deal.
What're you hollering about?
Bring it down!
Watch out!
My suit
Beg me
You're so useless, really
I'll just nuke you!
I'm really gonna do it!
What are you looking at?
Is that your truck?
You can't park here.
Your driver's license, please.
And your business registration?
They... They're in the car
No, thanks.
We're moving house.
If we can't park here,
Where can we park?
We really have no idea.
C'mon, give us a break.
Rules are rules, even if you're moving.
This job is fucked.
Some people got to learn the hard way.
Pull down your ass
Son of a bitch!
(03 09 10 14 15)
You won't win until you got struck 8 times by lighting
Forget about it!
The doctor said you shouldn't even ride a bike,
What are you doing, driving a car?
Hey, don't tell anyone that
I'm practicing with the factory car.
A precious jade stone was found
in a local handicraft factory...It's an extremely rare type of jade...
they're talking about us!
Are you nuts?
American dollars don't just fall from the sky!
Bao! Up there!
Cable car!
Why don't you just drop dead inside there!
Or jump to your death!
You must be looking for trouble
May your son be born with no asshole!
Gutsy! Very high-tech!
Auto pilot!
Can't you see?
Don't touch me (BMW means don't touch me in Chinese alphabet) (BMW is expensive, so it also can be translated as you bump me, you weep. I hope you can understand, Abby. ^^)
Don't drive if you can't
you retard!
Hey! Mind your manners. Don't scold me!
I'm scolding you, so what?
So bloody what?
You smashed my car,so I'm scolding you.
And I'll beat you up!
San Bao!
- Help! Help! - San Bao! San Bao!
Officer, they hit me.
They smashed my car and hit me!
You want to handle it officially or privately?
Privately, privately.
Privately, that'll do.
This will cost at least 8,000 RMB.
The headlight alone is 5,000.
Give me the money!
Hurry up! Hurry up!
That's all I have.
I've only got 3,000 RMB.
3,000! What if you run away?
Give me your license.
I'll return it once you've paid in full.
(We have a police report)
(A number of gang break-ins have taken place recently)
That's all we have for today.
(The following is a residential property surveillance camera screen)
I only have 2,000 on my credit card.
(The thieves disguised themself as movers in broad daylight)
(Carry other people's belongings out liberally)
(We hope that the general public will be more vigilant)
What are you drawing?
Think it through yet?
Think it through your ass!
All these butts don't add up to one decent cigarette.
Besides, you don't even pay us.
Why should I bother to think about it?
Look at .
this jade
The one in the Palace Museum pales
Is not better than ours
Without Master Zhang's sharp eyes,
It'd still be in the toilet
I'm planning a big exhibition,
The jade on a podium, a song-and-dance number.
f the show turns out successful...
The jade will sell for a great price
You're our only police academy graduate.
The future of 200 factory workers lies in your hands
It's do or die.
You've got to hang in there!
I studied to be a detective...
Not a security guard.
You should go to an insurance company.
But the premium would cost a fortune.
I'd rather save on that and pay the staff more.
Isn't that better?
4,800 yuan, 8 months' wages
I'll pay! I'll pay everyone!
It's a hoax!
Even a gallstone God shits out
isn't worth 18 million.
Cheap tricks!
Don't get mad. Don't get mad.
Look, I took his driver's license.
I don't care how you do it,
I want that piece of real estate.
What if that stone suddenly disappears?
Fly, baby, fly
What a consummate marksman!
A real master! So low-key, so discreet!
A tailor!
No, costume designer.
Let's get to the point: How much
100,000 US.
Should I book you a room?
A car will do.
An exhibition should be held in an exhibition hall!
Not in a dump like this.
This is a tourist spot.
Too many people is high-risk.
Detective work 101. Get it?
you're just a security guy
watching over a stone.
So what are you yapping about?
Detective work.
What we need is tourist business.
This way
you even save on advertising.
Yes, you save on advertising.
A rundown temple, its doors don't even close.
How can we make this place secure?
If we were doing this in the Great Hall of the People...
we wouldn't need you, would we?
Stop this! Stop this arguing!
We're all here for one thing.
We're here to keep our jobs.
Bao, we've so many guys hanging around doing nothing,
Go on, put together a security team.
What now?
Well! I got in an accident!
All you do is make my life difficult.
Ouch! Ouch!
Quit hitting it!
The bones are all right,
but not the muscles.
I crashed Xiao Si's car
into a wall.
Xiao Si is still in the hospital.
Another great job you've done!
Go ahead, hit me!
All you know is to hit me!
Xiao Si's still in the hospital!
Please give me some money.
You good-for-nothing!
No money! Get lost!
Xie! Xie!
Don't get so angry with your son.
Dad, it's life and death.
If he dies,
it's more than a matter of money.
Sooner or later you'll drive me to the grave.
How much?
How about 5,000 RMB for starters?
I'm not a money-printing machine!
That's all I have.
That's all? It's not enough.
How about the credit card?
Credit card! I'll chop your head off!
Xie, Xie! Don't use force!
Okay, I'm going, I'm going.
He's lost his mind.
Are you done?
Romancing a girl takes money.
No money, no girl.
If you need money, ask your dad.
Tell your dad...
That you've been kidnapped.
I can't imagine he'd abandon you.
Fighting with your father - what fun!
Okay, gotta go.
I'm in a meeting.
I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
Help! Someone please help me!
I'll kill you!
Watch it, will you?
Sorry, Bro'!
Can you tell me what it says here?
Jackpot of 50000RMB
Hey man, you won! 50,000 RMB!
Oh, I won!
How do I claim the prize?
Look here.
It says right here... Beijing!
I've never been to Beijing. What should I do?
You can sell it to me.
I've got, let's see... 5,000 RMB.
What do you say?
Hey, comrade...
He wins fifty grand,
and you give him 5,000...
That's a rip-off.
Hey, brother...
I'll give you 10,000 for it, deal?
But it says 50,000 here.
Let's get off. I'll get you the money
I have my credit card. 20,000!
No credit card, I want cash.
I have some cash here.
5,000 RMB.
Lady, I don't have enough on me.
Let's be partners.
To buy it off
Then we claim the prize
and split it 50-50.
A whole morning's scamming and nothing to show for it.
We're not pros at this.
It's not working.
Screw this play-acting!
Like you said before...
We could just do "snatch and run". Screw this!
Or we go back to the moving business.
Move! Move! Move!
We'll end up moving to jail!
I still can't believe it.
Next stop...
What? Why me again?
Big Bro'.
Guess who I am? You have 3 chances.
I think you've got the wrong person.
Wrong. 2 chances left.
Mister, take your hands off me please.
Alright, but don't open your eyes!
Stick it up your lungs! (Cantonese dialect, it's as same as "what the fuck" in English )
Robbery in broad daylight.
Heroic police officers injured...
Young police officers lack experience.
No experience at all.
I say...
You can't be "civil and enlightened"
dealing with bad guys.
Carry a stash
of ashes with you.
When you catch him...
Throw them right in his face.
He can't escape
Bao, where should we set it up?
Facing the stage.
Do we have high voltage electricity?
Who says we need electricity?
Use your brains!
The thief who can outsmart me has yet to be born.
I asked you for a floor plan,
Not a work of art!
Hang it up.
Bao, it's ready.
Hey! Can we have some order here?
Stand in line!
This thing may work for a toilet,
But as a security device, it's somewhat lacking.
You believe that someone would really come to steal it?
Can you open it or not?
It's professional.
I almost believed you.
Come out for fun
I don't have time,
I'm working
All you do is work.
You completely ignore me.
I'm in the middle of something.
You promised to take me to Hong Kong for shopping.
I already got my visa.
You women
just don't get it...
My career is poised to take off.
I can't just walk away from my work!
Here. Stop all the fuss.
Such a nice briefcase.
A pity!
What a pity!
Bro', look.
Bro', look.
Awesome! 007!
Or even 008!
Hey - same line of work as us!
He came here for this.
It's so clear!
We're back in business.
Open it.
8 million
like winning two lotteries - after tax.
Here it's only worth 4,800 RMB.
I'll give you 8,400 for it.
You are totally obsessed!
Look at you. You're blind!
You almost screwed up big time.
What's the matter?
It's okay.
There's something wrong
with this light.
San Bao, get us that room over there.
Now that's what I call surveillance.
Zhao, take them to the room. 607
Told you, no toilets.
Look at that fancy shirt,
trying to be sexy, right?
A rookie should keep a low profile, ya know?
Low profile.
It's Baleno.
A famous brand. See how it stretches.
You can't tear it.
You want these skates?
Command your army from a height,
and all is within your grasp
This is called...
Know thine enemy, know thyself, and ne'er a battle lost.
I thought it's "every battle won."
Same difference.
Wireless transmission,
guarantees a clear view.
Starting tomorrow, throughout the exhibition period...
We'll keep a 24-hour watch
Keep your eyes open even when you're sleeping.
Ours is not a difficult trade.
But to move up, you've gotta be intelligent.
Exactly 10 meters. Quality guaranteed.
Want a receipt?
Three tickets.
Okay413 00:22:52,361 --> 00:22:53,475 you stand here.
You, here.
Wait! Let's take some pictures first.
Wait a moment.
Only one camera.
Bro', which one is infrared?
You've seen too many movies! Can't have so much hi-tech stuff.
Why don't we just do as I said?
Give him a hammer... Whack it,
take the money and run.
No one can react that fast, right?
Put it down! Put it down!
Behave yourself respectably!
My name is Xie Xiaomeng. You can call me Charles.
The nude portraiture text I wrote
for the HK Royal Art Academy.
I'm also studying some very serious subjects.
At the moment I'm researching...
The city as mother and womb.
In fact, when I saw you...
A long-lost sensation came rushing back.
A strong creative impulse.
So, how about...
You give me your phone numbers?
What're you doing?
I see no need for that.
(I love you my dear girl)
(I'm nervous to see you)
(the hairs flow with the wind)
(Stroking my bewitched eyes)
You don't know me.
Hang up the floor plan.
Aha! Right here.
Masculine, yet impotent.
First we penetrate the periphery.
Here... here... here... here.
They're all guarded.
This entrance facing the always busy with people.
He's easily exposed.
What's happened to respectable behavior?
Hammering in the middle of the night!
I'll check it out.
Let it go.
A little impatience spoils great plans.
Listen to me.
This security, this...
Where was I?
Easily exposed.
Right, easily exposed.
The back wall.
This here is the weakest point.
High voltage? Easy.
You're sure there're no security guards?
I'll check it out
There's no one there anyway.
Just go ahead and make your move! Stop wasting time.
What are you looking at?
You Peeping Tom!
To kill without spilling blood.
When I was creating this work.
I felt intermittently that beauty, like a dagger...
Pierced my soul in swift flashes.
You got some nerve!
My boyfriend will kill you.
He doesn't have to kill me.
While I created it...
I expired in your embrace...
your boyfriend
is no obstacle.
If love be everlasting,
why worry about transience?
What an awful picture!
Bro', do I look like Batman?
What Batman?
You just look like a bat!
It's too tight!
Bro', these clothes don't fit you.
Stop this high-tech shit! Get lost!
Do I look like the guy
in Counter-Strike?
Do you know...
Why they haven't torn this old place down?
For centuries this place was a mass grave.
When night falls, there are all these strange noises.
Like a big army approaching;
it's so eerie.
And people've even hanged themselves on this beam.
Are you scared?
Who's scared?
Then why'd you pinch me?
Get out of here!
Really! Hear it?
Don't be stupid. It's a police siren.
Fire engines!
Fire engines.
Where's the fire? Let's check it out.
What's so interesting?
Hey, punks, go away! Get out of here!
Who's in charge of this temple?
Who reported a fire? Where's the fire?
Where's the fire? You tell me!
Here. Where they make kebabs.
I'm warning you, false fire reports are illegal.
We'll investigate this incident.
Investigate! Investigate your ass!
You won't find anything.
It's only kebabs
Fire engines showing up,
that's too much.
We've arrived at 21 Dong Shan Road.
There's no sign of fire.
We request to return to base.
We request to return to base.
Close the main door!
Block the back courtyard!
Yes sir
Split up and chase them!
Would these shoes give me smelly feet ?
Be careful going down.And take this coat.
Be careful... Son of a bitch!
Easy... easy.
Fire service?
The Lo han Temple's on fire!
Fire engines!
Fire engines!
Where's the fire? Let's go.
What're you doing?
Why are you here?
What're you looking at?
What's wrong with you?
The fire engines are coming.
I just called them on cellphone.
Lord Guan...
Please answer my prayers.
If I succeed...
I'll worship
and feed you every day.
Split up and run!
Split up and chase 'em!
Don't let 'em get away!
Search carefully!
San Bao, this way!
That way!
There! Over there!
Don't panic! It's me! Me!
Flashlight! Flashlight!
They won't get very far.
That way! Go!
Damn it!
Are you stupid? Over here! This way!
Bao, the switchboard was pried open,
that's all.
Weld it shut!
Where are we? Where...
Are you stupid? You want to stay there?
Don't push me!
Isn't this the temple door?
We crawled forever and only got this far.
Excuse me, sir.
Sir, can I borrow your ointment?
What'd you say?
Can I use a little?
That looks pretty serious!
Fought with my wife.
How about you?
Hit myself on the doorframe.
Here. Let me do it for you.
Damn it!
This bathhouse is unbelievably cheap.
Why else would they install voice-activated lights?
If you can't sit down you could at least clean up after you're done!
I'm used to this way. Squatting's more healthy.
You mind closing the door?
Xiao Jun
we've got to hurry up
and get this done.
That "professional"
has already made his first move.
It's definitely in the line of fire.
I told you they're hi-tech! You believe me now?
Told you I could run pretty fast.
Xiao Jun, you ran pretty fast too,
like a desperate dog!
I don't know about you...
But I was a sprinter in middle school;
100 meters in 12.5 seconds.
Come to think of it,
why am I wasting time with this stuff?
I could just take a hammer, whack it,
Take the damn thing and run.
Screw the alarm.
No one could catch me anyway, right?
You're so full of shit.
Who's in charge here? You or me?
My sword unsheathed, victories abound
......... 634 00:40:44,541 --> 00:40:47,292 ..........
This one's 50
this 120.
Quality fakes are 200.
(Emulated jade is cheap and affordable)
It goes through to the other side.
Every fart leaves a whiff of something
But there's nothing besides our footprints
Maybe he knows Kung Fu
Walking without footprints
You read too many books of bullshit.
Stop talking nonsense!
Criminal psychology tells us, because of...
The "high voltage" sign,
they weren't able to climb over it.
Forensic science shows us
the cover has been tampered with.
This is evidence.
With evidence
comes logic.
And this.
It reveals their identity.
Dumb ass!
What kind of people carry such things?
They moonlight as movers by day,
and strike at night.
The punks at the door last night
were lookouts.
How dare they!
move in on us!
Only on you
Block the cover with something.
No problem, Bao.
What's the matter?
What happen
Turn it off.
Sound wave alarm.
How's it?
Highly sensitive technology.
Nice work, Bao.
The great Engineer Bao!
Hey Xiao meng
You make lots of money each time you take a picture, right?
Not much
Barely enough for a meal.
I wouldn't be here if it was just for money.
My dad's director of the factory, you know
He dragged me here to take some pictures.
I studied portraiture
in Hong Kong.
Now I'm reduced to working as a small-time reporter.
I've been forced to prostitute my art!
Are they making camera now?
Bao, it's not good
Can you open the lid?
There's a reflection!
Nobody dare to open it without your dad's order.
- C'mon, Bao. - What's the big deal?
My dad's an old bureaucrat,
but we're young.
We can't do things his way.
Besides, you're right here.
Who would dare steal it?
Don't mind him
Open it
Even if I guard it myself...
The thieves just don't give up.
Go easy on the publicity
and I'll have an easier time.
Hurry up! Don't let your old man see.
Bao, hold the reflector for me.
Which way?
Towards the light
- Open it. - Okay.
Aim it at the light.
That's right.
Sorry! Sorry!
One more.
Let's buy something.
We can't go there empty-handed.
Are you driving me crazy?
Damn! Only 5,000 RMB!
I'm not going anywhere.
That way.
If we all stick together, we'll weather the storm.
I'll get straight to the point.
I invited you guys here
to discuss something.
It's about the temple - I'd appreciate your help.
I've prepared some small presents as a token of respect.
But I won't be nice to anyone who
doesn't help me out here!
Police officer
plainclothes officer, civilized law enforcement!
Sure, we'll definitely cooperate.
my birthday.
I want to give you a rare, precious gift.
A splendid jade for a great beauty,
an expression of my feelings.
This jade represents my heart.
Bro', I really can't drink any more.
Damn it! I said drink and you drink!
Now drink!
Killing's against the law.
(Give me a cup of water)
(from a sadness life)
Stop, I'm dying
Talk! Did you do it or not?
Ouch, I can't remember,
I was drunk
Now I remember!
No, I didn't!
No? You were in the same bed!
You said you didn't do her
You think I'm an idiot?
Yes I did! I did!
So you really did her!
God damn, you really did her!
What exactly do you see in him?
Is he better than Bro?
Or better than me?
How could you do such a thing?
Is it fair to Bro?
Fair to me?
don't touch me.
Sleeping with him is not fair to bro
But how about us? Is it fair to the Bro that I slept with you?
Keep it down!
Yes, it's not fair to Bro.
But we're all his people,
that was "all in the family"
No harm done...
But, with him?
After all,
he's an outsider
Someone slept with my wife, and no one's lifting a finger!
No, we're not married,
but we have true feelings for each other.
Cuckoldry goes unpunished!
Where's the law?
And you call yourself a lawyer?
Okay, then.
I'm taking the law in my own hands.
Bro, please forgive me!
I just hate men who cheat women.
And you used this cheap fake...
To cheat my wife!
But it's the real thing!
- It's real!
It's real! Say it again, you son of a bitch!
It's really real!
Just take it!
First you insult my integrity,
then you insult my intelligence.
It's fake! Fake! Fake!
Fake means that you cheated my woman.
Fake means
You cheated my woman
It's real! I didn't cheat her!
Real! Real, then you cheated me!
Real, and you cheated me!
It's fake, Bro!
So, is it real or fake?
Bro, please spare me!
Tell me, real? Or fake?
Let me tell you, it's simply a question of morality.
Fuck off
I don't know what to say about you.
The situation has changed now.
There're no good men left.
Hei Pi,
you were so right
Don't get so upset, Bro.
This fake looks so real.
You really can't tell the difference, can you?
Fake means not real.
Let's switch them!
All we need to do is switch them, right?
Switch them.
Are you nuts? Who needs so many glasses?
That one's chipped. You have a new one?
Xiao Jun, the wheel broke!
Hey, how ya doin'?
Well Let me help you.
No, it's okay.
It's alright.
You eaten?
Bro', have you eaten?
I just ate.
Wow! Why's it so heavy?
Just some old junk.
Since I met with those punks,
it's been pretty quiet.
Knock the mountain, scare the tiger away, right?
Bao, this suction therapy will really help you.
As the Ancients say,
external treatment for inner illness.
First you've gotta remove your inner heat.
In this weather? "Remove inner heat?"
I don't have much inner heat left anyway.
Sooner or later you'll drive me nuts!
If you ever win the lottery...
I'll run 3 laps in my bare ass.
You believe me?
Hey, that tea's delicious!
Leave me some.
If you win 5 million,
first lend me 5, get back my driver's license
Won anything?
No way.
3 numbers off!
I asked you to leave some tea for me.
Bao, the door's locked.
The door's locked.
It won't open.
What the?!
Let me try.
Hey hey hey
- Wait... we'll have to pay!
Hold it right there! You! The one in black!
You have to pay for the damage.
Are you sick or what?
It's him. I saw him.
Something happened
What did you see?
Saw you with my own eyes.
Are you guys looking for trouble?
Is it looking for trouble?
So what?
Did something happen?
Forget about it
Go over to the next room and see if it's locked
Be careful!
Who's a punk?
Who are you calling a punk?
Insult me?
You got a problem?
Take your hands off me!
Hey you! Come, come.
This stone doesn't belong to you.
don't lean against the case.
Anybody home?
Hurry up!
Zhao, where's the key?
- Hurry up!
Wait here for Hei Pi
A vase was broken.
Only worth about 100 RMB.
How could you let him get away
in broad daylight?
That guy runs faster than a dog.
We can't catch up with him
It's okay. Go check the place.
What's up?
Where's San Bao
Isn't he staying with you in factory?
Bao, will you
Bao, are you helping me claim my medical bills?
Three month's worth, over 500 yuan.
Soon, soon.
He's not here.
Tell San Bao, don't come back.
He must be busy for the work in factory.
San Bao must have switched the stone.
Stop smoking! You've lost your voice!
I knew something wasn't right about him.
All he thinks about
is winning the lottery.
Why didn't I think of that myself?
Here I am "scaring the tiger", installing surveillance stuff...
And I just let that son of a bitch get away.
Why don't you call the police?
Call the police?
San Bao will be finished.
His family'll be finished! His granny'll be finished!
Who do you think he'll sell it to?
I got to find that son of a bitch!
Even if I have to go to Beijing!
Are you pushing me to death?
It's only 5,000 RMB!
I won't run away!
You don't have to do this.
Aren't you tired? At this rate you'll drop dead in that car!
Who's that?
You guys come with me.
Turn it off.
Son of a bitch!
Last time we saw him was yesterday.
Two nights ago.
We were watching that soccer game, remember?
Round about midnight...AC Milan vs. Inter Milan, 3 to 1
AC Milan, absolutely. They haven't won in seven years.
The forward, Gilardino. Saw it with my own eyes.
Not Gilardino.
AC Milan.
- Don't worry. - Shevchenko
Stick it up your lungs,
goddamn crooked salesman!
Oh, so it's you!
Long time no see!
Give it back!
This stone doesn't belong to you.
Give it back!
- Hey, give it back! - A real professional!
You want this?
Then I'll put it back 974 01:06:22,392 --> 01:06:23,803 Go!
Search the place!
Think this is a public toilet?!
You can't just come and go
as you please!!
You can't even piss,
you stupid piece of shit!
Stick it up your lungs!
What's going on?
Hei Pi's out of range.
Where'd he go?
Wherever he felt like, I suppose.
what's that sound?
Are you nuts?
Do you also have prostate problems?
Some professional!
Won't even answer calls!
Said he'd deliver it today.
He's really unreliable!
Be patient, alright?
Wow! Great!
"East meets West"!
Good thing you're not a designer.
If you are
You'd run all the others out of business.
Is this Mr. Qin Fengshou
assistant to the Chairman of the Big Fat Group?
Who are you?
That's not important
I have what you want.
Are you interested?
This guy said
he has what we're after.
An old man.
Next time
figure things out first before coming to me.
What's going on?
12 minutes 26 seconds.
- 12 minutes 45 seconds. - Stop!
What are you looking at?
Peking duck, want to try some?
Where'd you go? Where?
Where'd you go?
Stop it!
Where'd you go?
Do you know that
You goddamn ruined me!
Stop it
Maybe they wanted to talk down the price by saying it's fake.
by saying it's fake.
I've been with you for a long time. You should know me well by now.
Have I ever stolen anything?
Have I ever stolen anything of yours?
Where did you get
the stone?
I don't know.
Ouch! The exhibition hall.
I bought a fake,
and then I went to take pictures.
And I switched them.
They let you take pictures, just like that?
The... the factory manager...
he's my dad.
In other words,
you gave the real stone to Jing Jing.
And we swapped the real one
for the fake.
Son of a bitch spends real money on chicks.
So, why did you say it's a fake?
I told you it was real,
but you hit me.
Sure I hit you...
Fucked my woman!
Switched my stone!
Bro! No use beating him up.
Let's just get the real stone back.
Get it back.
Yes, we'll get it back.
Call your daddy.
Tell him to bring us the jade within ten hours.
For you
you're a dead man.
This is new for us! Kidnapping?
We're not professionals.
I'll show you what's professional.
I'll show you! I'll show you!
Now that you're back,
give it back
Son of bitch
Cost me 1,000 RMB to go there.
The jade!
The jade! I want the jade!
What jade
- Jade - What jade?
Did you lose it? The jade's gone missing?
Give it back! Give it back to me!
Bao, stop it! Come, look.
It's Xie Xiaomeng!
This is actually the real stone.
That 'expert' hasn't still made his move.
Expert! Expert! Expert! Expert! Expert!
Where the hell is that expert you hired?
We've lost contact.
You can't even handle a piece of stone!
I'm telling you...
I've put money into this thing for two months now,
And I haven't even seen a damn brick.
If I don't get my money back,
You'll be the first to go.
I'll go find it. - Find my ass!
Fighting's not allowed!
Now you tell him!
I'm also looking for him.
Tell me when you find him,
So I can hack him to pieces.
Why are you looking for him?
To kill him.
I just got a call from Interpol,
Mark the Master Thief has entered the city.
They don't know what he's up to.
- Let's call a meeting. - ok
Sit up.
who did this to you?
Mind your own business.
Can you help me find him?
That missing guy Xie Xiaomeng, who is he?
Son of the factory director.
His family hasn't reported it.
What's your angle here?
Will you stop asking me
all these questions!
Just tell me if you can help me find him.
You think Hei Pi's okay?
He won't snitch on us?
He wouldn't dare!
C'mon prince,
give your daddy a call.
Dad, dad, dad
- Help me - not this one
I've been kidnapped!
- Dad...
Say something!
He hung up.
Call again!
cry and call him!
Are you Xie Xiaomeng's father?
Listen, I have Xie Xiaomeng with me here.
You bring the jade in exchange for him,
or I'll...
Kill him, right? I know. Thank you very much.
I don't want to see him anymore.
Hello... hello...
Maybe I didn't make myself clear?
-Director Xie? - Who's this?
This is the police station.
Someone's reported that your son's missing.
You can stop all this play-acting.
I know every trick
in the book.
the contract doesn't take effect for 10 more days
Xie, I know...
I know
how much that piece of stone is worth.
Okay, look,
I'll buy that too.
What you really want is my land.
If I pay off my debt to you,
then I don't have to sell it.
You think that makes any difference?
You'll still be left with just an empty shell.
Who says it's an empty shell?
There are 200 workers in our factory.
That's 200 mouths waiting to be fed!
If you don't feed them, they'll turn around and devour you!
These days
you can't even trust your own son.
Wolves eat meat, dogs eat shit.
Survival of the fittest.
Work with me...
And from this floor up,
it's all yours
Looks like you'll gobble up my factory no matter what.
I'm not talking takeover.
I'm talking collaboration.
What kind of a father is he?
Abandoning his son!
Not even fit to be called human.
No, wait...
He thinks I'm chicken.
He looks down on me!
No, let me try again.
Let me.
Xie Xiaomeng!
Where are you?
Bao, help me!
Listen to me very carefully...
I have Xie Xiaomeng.
Bring the jade in exchange for him.
You call the cops...
You bear the consequences!
The jade!
Tonight at 1 o'clock, under the lamppost outside Lohan temple.
Bring the goods.
Someone will meet you.
I'm warning you:
Come alone.
Son of a bitch drank Coke!
I told you to flush the toilet!
Come back here!
Oh God, oh Buddha, have mercy on me.
Hello... hello... Bro'!
I got stuck down in the manhole. I can't get out.
My mobile can't get a signal, I can't reach you.
The battery is dying, I...
I haven't eaten for several days. Find a way to save me.
Find a way yourself!
Me? What way? Bro'?
Hello... hello... hello...
Never seen people making out?
Never seen people making out?
What are you afraid of?
Don't you think we're going too fast?
Too fast.
I've been waiting for so long.
Someone might see us.
What? Who?
There's someone outside.
What do you want?
Teach him a lesson!
Mister, mister...
That... I didn't do it on purpose.
You gotta vouch for me.
- Hello. - I didn't do it on purpose.
Sir, please don't go! Sir!
(it's a lucky day today)
Don't go bro.
(wolf buy chicken's treat)
(I don't answer your phonecall)
(what for to dial the numbers)
(what for to dial the numbers)
I did it, so what?
You beat me, you nearly killed me!
Xie Xiaomeng, was it you who took the jade?
Damn the friggin' jade!
I'll kill you... I'll kill you...
I found it in this place.
You like the suitcase, huh?
I kill you
Xie Xiaomeng,
did you switch the jades?
Yes I did. So what? So bloody what?
I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
Stop it!
Bao, what do we do now?
Take him to the police!
Okay, go.
I'll kill you! I'll kill you
This is called... returning what?
Returning the jade intact to its rightful owner.
Wow! We were so lucky!
We got back our jade, and the factory will be saved.
Bao, I want to keep this.
What? - This...
As a souvenir.
Let's go.
That guy was on his bike,
About 250 meters away from me.
I turned around,
leaped and kicked him off his bike.
He fell to the ground,
then crawled up and ran off.
Bad luck for him, though:
He got run over.
Bao, your kung fu kicks
are really lethal.
what're you doing?
When will you pay me for the headlight?
I see
you're this factory's...
Head of Security
No wonder you've got such a hot temper!
I'll be your boss from now on.
Don't worry. I'll take good care of you.
Hold on a minute!
What do you mean by that?
Xie! Xie!
Xie Qianli!
What's the matter?
Did you sell the factory?
I'll talk to you later.
I'll notify you all.
Now Mr. Feng Hai,
President of the Big Fat Group,
will say a few words.
Thank you.
Hello everyone,
and welcome to our friends from the media -
I'd like to make two announcements.
First: Our company has acquired the precious jade,
The Soul of China,
for 8.5 million yuan.
a rare piece of jade
And second: We're entering into a joint venture
with Sunrise Handicrafts...
To develop this valuable piece of real estate.
Soon a block
of luxury service flats
will spring up from this spot!
Turn it off! Turn it off!
Bao! What do you think you're doing?
what are you doing?
Xie Qianli,
damn you, you old bastard!
What did you tell me? What did you say?
You said you were selling the stone to save the factory.
Everyone was hoping to get their job back.
But instead, you sold us all down the river!
What happened to your conscience?
Move aside
I knew.
The old man would give in sooner or later
He can't slip out of our grasp.
Our grasp?
Thanks to you, a 2 million RMB deal is now costing us 10 million
Why are you still here?
Get out of my sight!
There's been a minor mishap,
but everything's under control.
A "minor mishap"?
And you call yourself an expert?
My motto is "sincerity and trust".
Tell your boss:
I will get the job done.
I'm out of this now.
You go talk to Feng yourself.
You've ruined my investment plans.
How dare you come to me for money?
All these years I've toiled in obscurity
I've suffered and
sweated for you, Chairman Feng.
Please give me another chance.
Give you another chance!
I think I've spoiled you by treating you too well
I know everything about you.
Enough to send you to jail forever.
I know you down to the mole on your ass.
You just sit tight here
and wait for the police.
A consummate marksman!
Don't move!
Stand up slowly,
turn around slowly.
Stick it up your lung! Shit!
Mr. Qin is no longer with us.
I'm here to see Chairman Feng. He has my driver's license.
Do you have an appointment?
I'm just here to give him his headlight and get back my license!
I'm sorry, you can't go in without an appointment.
C'mon, I give back your headlight, you give me my license!
You must have the wrong guy.
Stop pretending!
I recognized you right away.
The earring's a dead giveaway.
You waited for me every day outside the exhibition hall, right?
This spirit is worth learning
Brave for the good citizen bao shihong on the stage to receive the prize
Bao shihong receive the prize on stage
Bao shihong receive the prize on stage
Bao shihong
Fake one
Bao shihong
Where has he went?
slow and easy...
Steal bread, run
Run to 60 m/h already.
Thanks for watching, Abby, Do you like my gift? ^^
THE BEST INTRO EVER .. (The Dark Matter) - Duration: 1:46.
it goes around the world goes around and you still in one round son you cant handle a 1000 pound
I keep continue even if someone step me from back
I will say okay just stay back I will never look back
No worries where is the menu I will continue you not my mind yo you just Aey yo
the sounds controlled you just leave it is not for you
my words is bigger than your grandfather age where is the cage
let me put this bird inside the cage
and after that I will turn this page in to ice age
night is coming you can't run the dark matter in everywhere my son
covering all the matrix take a large X
suck my left finger be careful is not
it is a knife code from the matrix take tha XXX
sounds the truth in front is not around just look in front
dont let them play you and smoke you
And smoke you like a blunt
Stay in the right path and dont be the hunt
be the humble & strong and act like cunt.
A Plague Tale : Innocence - Ep2: Dark Ages | PS4 - Duration: 3:23.
From the start, we asked ourselves:
what period do we rarely see explored in videogames,
or has room for us to express it a little differently?
We arrived at the Middle Ages.
Our heroes encounter different aspects of this period.
At the beginning they have this comfortable, noble life.
Beyond that, they encounter the realities of a battle-scarred country,
poor settlements of the 14th century,
the Inquisition, and its hierarchical structure.
Regarding the environments, we wanted to stay as true to the period as possible,
relying on one of our strengths as a French studio based in Bordeaux.
Every day we walk the streets here, of which many were built during the Middle Ages.
We wanted to do justice to this unique architecture with winding streets,
rickety houses, things patched up, and built with very simple materials.
Typically, these villages are portrayed as being made up of only
half-timbered houses with jutting corbels.
It's the classic thing you see everywhere.
We tried to break this convention.
There are plenty of examples of villages in the Bordeaux area that date back to the Middle Ages,
without having only these 'agreed upon' archetypes.
We did a lot of research
to really bring the flavor, the feel of that time,
in architecture and the rendering of the universe.
For example, we often came back to this notion that at the time the streets were extremely dirty,
Dirt was everywhere, the notions of hygiene were not at all those of today.
In terms of lighting, we worked quite a lot with master paintings
to try to emulate natural light as much as possible.
We avoid the impression of having
an unnatural spotlight somewhere that illuminates the scene.
For example, we keep in-game sources of light very raw,
in the style of a Vermeer or Bruegel painting.
Claude Lorrain is a painter of the 16th century.
There is a color, a tone in his paintings,
with slightly orange and soft skies that bring
a romanticism to the image, a sweetness, something a little dreamlike.
We wanted to have that in our game.
What I love about what we've done so far
Is that it's actually very close to the initial vision,
what we wanted in terms of mood and feelings
We speak to the type of player who wants to live this kind of experience.
As a result, we have enormous freedom.
It gives us the opportunity to make a game even closer to what we think
some players search for and love today.
Of course, we also made a game that we would have liked to play ourselves.
Cùng chơi Dark Souls III - #24: Archdragon Peak và vị thần chiến tranh cổ xưa. - Duration: 1:04:50.
Rep. Jason Crow Introduces First Bill To End Dark Money - Duration: 0:48.
🐍 [ FREE ] Trippy Beat Weird Psychedelic Dark Type Rap Beat || BadTrip - Duration: 2:52.
Trippy beat instrumental
trippy music
trippy type beat
psychedelic rap beat instrumental
trippy rap beat
psychedelic music
Purple Six Beats
Weird rap beat instrumental
dark beat
Free type beat 2019
A Plague Tale: Innocence - Ep2 – Dark Ages - Duration: 3:26.
From the start, we asked ourselves:
what period do we rarely see explored in videogames,
or has room for us to express it a little differently?
We arrived at the Middle Ages.
Our heroes encounter different aspects of this period.
At the beginning they have this comfortable, noble life.
Beyond that, they encounter the realities of a battle-scarred country,
poor settlements of the 14th century,
the Inquisition, and its hierarchical structure.
Regarding the environments, we wanted to stay as true to the period as possible,
relying on one of our strengths as a French studio based in Bordeaux.
Every day we walk the streets here, of which many were built during the Middle Ages.
We wanted to do justice to this unique architecture with winding streets,
rickety houses, things patched up, and built with very simple materials.
Typically, these villages are portrayed as being made up of only
half-timbered houses with jutting corbels.
It's the classic thing you see everywhere.
We tried to break this convention.
There are plenty of examples of villages in the Bordeaux area that date back to the Middle Ages,
without having only these 'agreed upon' archetypes.
We did a lot of research
to really bring the flavor, the feel of that time,
in architecture and the rendering of the universe.
For example, we often came back to this notion that at the time the streets were extremely dirty,
Dirt was everywhere, the notions of hygiene were not at all those of today.
In terms of lighting, we worked quite a lot with master paintings
to try to emulate natural light as much as possible.
We avoid the impression of having
an unnatural spotlight somewhere that illuminates the scene.
For example, we keep in-game sources of light very raw,
in the style of a Vermeer or Bruegel painting.
Claude Lorrain is a painter of the 16th century.
There is a color, a tone in his paintings,
with slightly orange and soft skies that bring
a romanticism to the image, a sweetness, something a little dreamlike.
We wanted to have that in our game.
What I love about what we've done so far
Is that it's actually very close to the initial vision,
what we wanted in terms of mood and feelings
We speak to the type of player who wants to live this kind of experience.
As a result, we have enormous freedom.
It gives us the opportunity to make a game even closer to what we think
some players search for and love today.
Of course, we also made a game that we would have liked to play ourselves.
BATMAN VS SPIDERMAN - Into The Spider-Verse vs The Dark Knight - Duration: 3:57.
Batman vs Spiderman
Thank you for watching my Epic Superheroes Battle Series video
Subscribe my channel for more Superheroes Battle video
Evening - Indulge - Dark Chocolate - Duration: 1:10.
- [Narrator] If you're looking for a sweet treat
with a side of health benefits,
it doesn't get any better than dark chocolate.
Eating it regularly can help reduce blood
pressure and cholesterol,
drive down the risk of heart disease
and diabetes and even
improve insulin sensitivity.
Dark chocolate can also help protect the skin
against sun damage,
improve brain function and it's a good
source of antioxidants,
which can help reduce the effect of aging,
and of course it tastes great,
which can boost pleasure chemicals in your brain.
If you're going to indulge, though,
make sure you're getting dark chocolate
with at least 70% cocoa,
and keep it to about an ounce per day.
Any more than an ounce and you'll have
to consider the excess calories
you'll be taking in,
which may undo a lot of the benefits
of eating dark chocolate.
So, the long and short of it,
enjoy in moderation.
And dark chocolate may improve your health.
Click on an option to continue.
(light music)
And if you have any health questions
make sure to reach out to your local
HCA facilities for more information.
(light music)
Dark Web Tech Update - Duration: 10:00.
Hi everyone! We are the Russian Hacking Squad group in Professor Durcikova's
cybersecurity class. My name is Brennan Parken and today we are going to discuss
the dark web we are going to talk about what the dark web is the main players of
the dark web how it works how it relates to us and additional information such as
policing the dark web what is the dark web the dark web is the part of the
internet that is invisible to search engines and requires the use of a
browser called tor to be accessed the dark web has both a legitimate side and
an illegal side the legitimate side can contain various things such as a chess
club a dark web social network and even Bitcoin commerce platforms the illegal
side can contain the illegal purchasing of drugs weapons credit card numbers and
other criminal acts it is relatively far-reaching but does include multiple
main players. This section is on the main players of the dark web. Starting with the Software, there are many out there but Tor is the
mainly used browser there are others like I2P and Unix Tales which is an
operating system tor can be recognized by the onion
domain and must on and all of this depends on layered encryption
let's say you want to buy something from the dark web you wouldn't use your
normal credit or debit card but you would use a Bitcoin and as most of you
know it is most of what currency used for the dark web and it is a
decentralized cryptocurrency moving on to the people so the dark web was
originally funded by the Department of Defense for military intelligence and
law enforcement purposes however a lot of people nowadays use it like
journalists whistle blowers and just people in
countries where they have hostile governments but they
want to use the dark web to voice their information without their identity being
being known and what you see here is a graph of this shows the result of
research that was done by two companies namely Intel young in darksome and these
wanted to map out the Tor based that website so they sampled about 30,000
websites from Tor and as you can see they wanted to prove if the reputation
that was out there about the dark web was in fact true that the data contains
illegal information and without the price it is true and this is just a
better depiction of the same graph showing us that the percentage of the
dark web and the main one is file-sharing then leaked data which is a
big one because companies filter information that they want you to see in
the surface web but there is so much more information that they don't want
you to see and some people post this in the dark web so this concludes section
next Jacob is going to talk about how it works so typically when we imagine the
web we imagine it as the surface and the surface web is anything that you can
access through either a link or a quick Google search your common sites such as
Google YouTube reddit Facebook Twitter anything you're just Amazon search and
really most of the information on the web is hidden within the Deep Web and
the deep live includes everything from private emails Dropbox public records
things that you would need a password to be able to access or some kind of login
credential to verify that you have privileges to access secure information
and then within the Deep Web and kind of the most hidden part of the web's
dart and the dark web includes content that's typically illegal and/or you want
hidden from the NSA or just general people discovering what you're searching
and so the dark web has to be accessed through a special browser called tor
multi-disc in a second so both the surface web and the deep web can be
accessed through sites or your browsers such as Firefox Chrome Opera
you know Internet Explorer whichever your preferred browser is but the dark
one is special because you can't access the dark web through your typical
browsers it requires the tor browser which uses a
dot onion link at the end of it to be able to access what are known as onion
websites which are web sites and it's recommended that you use a tails
operating system which is usually loaded on a CD or USB Drive and it secures your
computer and make basically protects your computer from things such as
Trojans and malware as well as allowing people to access information on your
computer so here's an example of a tor browser so we're on deck deck so the
DuckDuckGo tour version uses and also includes HTTPS how does this relate to
us currently we have covered several topics in class that directly relate to
the dark web the first is the dark web is accessed by a browser commonly known
as tor as well as other possible browsers a browser requires a computer
which has a CPU and other required hardware such as a screen and keyboard
also some software including an operating system
second we've learned that browsers generally run on a three-tier server
client architecture the client which is the computer holds the presentation
logic the application or the browser contains the application logic which
accesses the data and storage at other locations which contains the data logics
third we know that the same protocol lodges use as in browsing common
websites pertains to the dark web as well HTTP IMAP and other common protocol
languages are also is when accessing the dark web in the future we will learn
further information about some topics that directly relates the dark web as
well the first being IP addresses many people
hide their IP addresses or do not want to be found when they're accessing
information on the dark web we will learn more about how the IP addresses
can be routed at different locations and hidden and how every device has an IP
address that connects to the network second the security and privacy we will
learn about how people try to secure their data and privately transmitted
data as well not only illegal activity happens in the dark world as are also
agents in other countries and foreign matters that connect to the dark web
distance secure and private messages back to their intelligence agencies at
home base third is operating systems we knows little information about operating
systems now but one common operating system used in accessing the dark web is
tails tails is a way to not have the data
transfer translated back to your home computer on the home operating system
but can otherwise be written on the DVD and use to securely access the dark web
in the fourth being a large part of the dark web is malware and threats there is
many malicious and dangerous software packages inside the data on the dark web
we'll learn more about the malware and threats and how to stay away from them
and keep ourselves secured so they do not harm our devices and now to Grant on
policing the dark web up next is policing in the dark web so
four billion websites are accessible to everyone about five hundred times more
it's accessible through the dark web that means less than a quarter of a
percent is accessible to us but everyone else has the other ninety-nine point
seven five percent Craigslist and Backpage have been used to make criminal
activity but they're pretty easy to track since they're not using tor other
ways to keep you anonymous and because they dark web can't be tracked
you know tor is whole thing is to be full autonomy so it's really hard to
find people when they commit criminal activities online so officers and
detectives need to be informed over some simple terms like what is
cryptocurrency what's an onion address and what store if you hear those out on
the beat and you wouldn't know this person might be existing the dark web we
might need an expert involved and on that note every station should have an
expert on step on staff and what if one is enough then get multiples this
problem is growing so you might need more thank you
New Study Suggests That Dark Energy Might Not Be Constant After All - Duration: 3:38.
Evening - Indulge - Dark Chocolate Vs. Red Wine - Duration: 0:31.
(soft upbeat music)
- [Woman] Click on an option to continue.
Click on an option to continue.
Click on an option to continue.
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror - Fails and Deaths - Duration: 8:17.
Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror - Deleted Episode 1 - Shaitaan's Canyon - Duration: 5:55.
Royal Az - Chanel Iman Was Kept 'in the Dark' About Fyre Festival as She Recalls Being Terrified by - Duration: 5:02.
As two documentaries — Netflix's Fyre and Hulu's Fyre Fraud — expose the disastrous unraveling of the highly publicized 2017 Fyre Festival and continue to captivate the internet and spark new lawsuits, model Chanel Iman (who starred in the event's promotional commercial and was supposed to attend) reveals she was kept "in the dark" about the demise of the Bahamas-based festival
"I was actually on my way to the Fyre Festival because they had promised the talent that we all could have tickets and villas," Iman, 28, tells PEOPLE exclusively as we caught up with the model for the launch of Uniqlo's new clothing line
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"So my flight was booked to the Fyre Festival. And thank god me and [now-husband] Sterling [Shepard] didn't hop on a flight because that was in our plans
We would have been stuck with everyone else," the model continues. Iman says like all the attendees who shelled out thousands of dollars on tickets to the festival — which was once touted as a luxury experience on the Bahamian island of Great Exuma with performers like Blink-182 and Migos and high-profile social media influencers including Kendall Jenner — she was disappointed with the failed outcome of the event
"I think it was very frustrating because we were looking forward to something that didn't happen," the model tells us
She adds that she and the other models who promoted the event and were featured in the promotional commercial, like Bella Hadid, Emily Ratajkowski and Hailey Baldwin, were never aware of Fyre Festival co-founder Billy McFarland's financial troubles that ultimately led to Fyre's cancellation
"To be a part of the whole Fyre Festival commercial, we had no idea what was going to happen
We were all told the same exact thing as everybody else was told," Iman says. "I saw the documentary on Netflix just flipping through and I said, 'I didn't know there was a documentary
' Like, I've kind of just been in the dark the whole time." The model also recounted her terrifying experience shooting the Fyre Festival commercial on Great Exuma island on a beach with wild boars
"I don't like going to that island to see those pigs cause they really, really will bite you," Iman says
"If you see the Hulu documentary I am like running, I am jumping in the boat because I don't want anything to do with getting bit or getting hurt by the pigs
" "I know a lot of the girls are picking up the pigs, holding them, but like it just wasn't something that I wanted to do," she adds
In the wake of the Fyre Festival documentaries, models who received money to help promote the event may be forced to reveal information about how much they were paid for their services, according to a new court filing reviewed by multiple reports
On Monday, a judge granted an ex parte order in favor of Fyre Festival trustee Gregory Messner — who is overseeing the bankruptcy of Fyre Media — to issue subpoenas to many celebrities who appeared in a buzzy promotional video shot in the Bahamas or shared Instagram posts positively advertising the festival, the Daily Mail reported
IMG Models, which represents numerous models who promoted the festival, including Iman, Hadid, Baldwin and Victoria's Secret Angel Elsa Hosk, was among the list of organizations that will receive subpoenas, as will DNA Model Management, which represents Ratajkowski
The trustee has said IMG received $1.2 million from the festival's founder Billy McFarland between November 2016 and February 2017, and DNA received $299,000 from McFarland in March 2017, according to Billboard
DNA did not immediately return PEOPLE's request for comment, while IMG Models had no comment
دارك ديسبشن الشبتر الأول : رهينة في متاهة وحشية Dark Deception - Duration: 21:06.
Where is God in the Dark Places of Life? - Duration: 2:12.
In the expected and the unexpected places of life
is how David is describing it.
Yes, we might say the expected places are the heavens.
Well of course when I'm feeling heavenly,
I can be transparent, and God is with me
because I'm having a great day, a great season,
a great chapter of life.
I'm sensing that I'm riding high,
things are going well, yes, God is present with me.
But what about the unexpected places of life?
Which is so often a part of our journey as well,
if we're honest.
And here David paints a really stark picture.
He uses the word in the depths,
where if I make my bed, in verse eight.
If I make my bed in the depths, he uses the word sheol
in the Hebrew, sheol.
If I make my bed in sheol, is the place of the dead.
David said even if I am experiencing life
that I would describe it rather hellish
I'm in the place of the dead, God, you are there.
And isn't that real picture pointing towards Jesus?
Jesus literally went to the place of the dead to rescue us.
And David was experiencing that,
even to a limited degree in his relationship with God
in this particular Psalm.
Or in the darkness, surely the darkness will hide me.
And in the Hebrew, the darkness often
referred to, most often referred to,
places of chaos and tragedy, not that the room was dark.
But darkness meant that things were out of control,
things were chaotic, things were unexpected.
Tragedy had occurred.
Even in darkness, you are there.
In all of those experiences of life, God is present.
He doesn't abandon us, he doesn't leave us alone.
Florida school used dark room and whistle to torment autistic kids - Duration: 4:46.
A teacher and two aides at a Florida school for autistic children have been arrested and charged for allegedly punishing autistic children
It's alleged that the trio would lock children up in a dark bathroom or blow whistles in their ears as punishment
The antics only came to light after another aide who was so disturbed by the repeated abuse at the Silver Sands School in Fort Walton Beach that she reported it to a school police officer, sparking an investigation, the Okaloosa Sheriff's office said
The students were aged between 8 and 10-years-old.Okaloosa Sheriff Larry Ashley said that police learned of the abuse towards the end of 2018 but that it had been going on for some time and believe there may be other victims
The Sheriff said teacher Margaret Wolthers, 48, and aides, Diana LaCroix and Carolyn Madison could have called the principal, the school resource officer or even the children's parents when they became difficult to handle
Instead, children were places alone in a pitch black bathroom on at least three occasions and were 'intentionally and maliciously' punished
'Classroom aides who witnessed the incidents say the victims would scream and cry when placed in the bathroom, and that one was contained for up to 90 minutes,' Ashley said
'They considered it an acceptable practice,' he said.Wolthers and the aides are alleged to have placed three students 'on separate occasions, individually,' into her classroom bathroom, turned the lights off and closed the door
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Embarrassment for Apple as major iPhone FaceTime bug lets. Share this article Share According to a witness, the children would 'scream and cry' when placed in the bathroom
If the victims turned the lights on or opened the door the teachers would then extend the time the child had to stay in the bathroom
One child had a loud whilst blown in his ear despite the youngster wearing headphones specifically to protect him from loud noises
The whistle blowing 'was done while holding the victim's arms down' so that the child could not protect himself by covering his ears, the arrest report as seen by nwfdailynews states
'We in the School District will not tolerate actions like these nor inaction where it impacts the health, welfare and safety of our students,' School Superintendent Marcus Chambers said
Wolthers, LaCroix and Madison also threatened the child with the whistle 'to correct his behavior,' the reports said
The child was able to verify witness accounts, they said. The teachers and aides have been with the school system ranging from 13 to 21 years but have now been placed on been on paid administrative leave since the allegations surfaced
Wolthers is the wife of an Okaloosa County deputy. The first-degree felony charge Wolthers, LaCroix and Madison are facing carry a maximum prison sentence of 30 years and a fine of up to $10,000
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