senior officials of North Korea and the US could meet next week at the
inter-korean truce village of Panmunjeom to thrash out the details of their
leaders second summit according to Politico US Special Representative for
North Korea Stephen vegan is likely to take part in that meeting around next
Monday at this point it's unclear if his counterpart will still be then all spies
foreign minister chess on he after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said
beigen met his quote new counterpart in Washington some speculate the North's
envoy might have been changed to Kim hak Cheol the regime's former ambassador to
For more infomation >> N. Korea, U.S. to talk summit details next week at Panmunjeom: Report - Duration: 0:44. -------------------------------------------
FOREIGN Interference in US ELECTIONS!!! - Duration: 27:33.
Hey, everybody, this is Deb with Truthification Chronicles and in this video
we're going to talk about the report on foreign interference in the United
States election now this is the executive order that Trump's signed on
September 12th of 2018 again as always the links will be down below in the
description if you're working off of a mobile device of some kind a tablet or a
cell phone or something along those lines there may be a small arrow that
you need to click on to let it open up the description but then you should be
able to find it somewhere around there click around you'll find it eventually
and it'll have all the links there and you can just click on those then anyway
this is the executive order by authority vested in me as president by the
Constitution and the laws of the United States of America including the
international emergency economic Powers Act the national emergencies act and
section 212 F of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 I mean he always
has to put these things and so he put specifically what they are that he's
addressing and then he says I Donald J Trump president of the United States of
America find that the ability of persons located in whole or in substantial part
outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in
United States elections including through the unauthorized accessing of
election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda
and disinformation constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the
national security and foreign policy of the United States although there has
been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation
in any United States election foreign powers have historically sought to
exploit America's free and open political system in recent years the
proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has
created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the
threat of foreign interference as illustrated in the 2017 Intel
community assessment I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this
threat so did you know that there's a national emergency declared on this yes
there actually is anyway here's the part that I wanted you to look at not later
than 45 days after the conclusion of the United States election the Director of
National Intelligence that's Dan Coates currently from Indiana by the way in
consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and
agencies shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a
foreign government or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign
government has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election
okay I'm not gonna read a lot of the rest of it but that's very important so
it says not later than 45 days after the conclusion of the United States election
now the United States election was November 6th of 2018 45 days from
November 6 so let's check that out so we start on November 6 2018 we add 45
days and we come to Friday December 21st well if you've watched my videos for a
while you probably heard me say I don't know where the report is I haven't seen
any of it I don't know what's going on it was supposed to come out on December
21st or 22nd what's the deal okay well let's go back to the executive
order and here we go section B within 45 days of receiving the assessment and
information described in section 1a of this order the Attorney General and the
Secretary of Homeland Security in consultation with the heads of any other
appropriate agencies and as appropriate state and local officials shall deliver
to the president the Secretary of State the Secretary of the Treasury and the
Secretary of Defense a report evaluating with respect to the United States
election that is the subject of the assessment described in section 1a
and then it goes through and it talks about the things that are supposed to be
included in that report so what they're saying is they had 45 days to conduct
the investigation the assessment and then within the next 45 days they were
supposed to prepare a report and deliver it to the president
the Secretary of State and so forth so let's add 45 more days here we have 45
days and this time instead of being November 6th we're going to take
December 21st and look what it comes up with Monday February 4th of 2019 and the
State of the Union address is when February 5th huh
isn't that interesting so this report is either in POTUS hands or is going to be
in POTUS hands in the next few days that could be very interesting now it goes
through and it talks about all these different things about what extent to
which any foreign interference that targeted election infrastructure
materially affected the security or integrity of that infrastructure and
also that any foreign interference involved activities targeting
infrastructure of or pertaining to political organization campaign or
candidate the extent to which such activities materially affected the
security or integrity of that infrastructure including by unauthorized
access to disclosure or threatened disclosure of sounds kind of like if you
don't do what we tell you to we're going to disclose this bad thing about you or
alteration or falsification of information or data as it goes through
it talks about some of the different things and lots of the legal bases that
had to be covered here with it but there's very interesting it will have
this report that's supposed to be in the president's hands now whether he puts
that out in the public or not that's up to him but he has that information I
suspect he has the information now and he's probably putting
together and likely we'll be using it for his speech however I don't want to
get your hopes up okay this does not necessarily mean that it's going to be
oh look at all these people who cheated look at how the Democrats cheated and
they rigged the election and I don't know that that necessarily is going to
be addressed by this because there's a heavy focus on the foreign influence and
so I don't know if this is going to really be addressing any of the local
ones having to do with within states or anything like that unless there was some
connection with a foreign entity so I wanted to point that out to you I don't
want you to get your hopes up and say oh this is going to just reveal all the
voter fraud that's been going on it could it might but it might also prove
connections with different foreign entities and foreign persons and that
might even play into a better role than the local ones and I know it's very
important to get the statewide voter fraud exposed but I think it's also
important to know if there are foreign governments foreign entities foreign
persons who are channeling money towards certain campaigns in the United States
you gotta remember the very important concept of psychological projection now
I have a video on that if you've not seen this it was about Nancy Pelosi and
psychological projection but you have to understand the concept when it comes to
the entire Democrat Party whatever they accuse the Republicans of that's what
they're doing so it's really important to keep that in mind as we talk about
this because the whole Russian narrative was that Trump colluded with the
Russians and we know that's not true and the reason that they were doing that
it's projection they're accusing Trump of what they themselves have done if you
recall when Trump and Putin met in Helsinki Putin said that there was a big
bunch of money that had been channeled into the Clinton campaign
by US intelligence officials there's another lease to position and this the
kind of effort should be a mutual then we would expect that the Americans
reciprocate and they would question officials including the law enforcement
and intelligence services of the United States whom we believe who have
something to do with illegal actions on the territory of Russia is devious and
we have to to request the presence of our law enforcement for instance we can
bring up the will just mister Browder
have earned over they never paid any taxes in the United States and yet the
money that is the millions of escaped countries play will transfer to the
United States yet if it's only done they sent huge amount of money 400 million be
has a contribution to the campaign of Hillary case it might have been legal
unless he's just know in your contribution itself but the way the
money was earned was illegal so we have a super solid reason to believe that
some intelligence officers company and guided in these transactions so we have
an interests of question I wanted to remind you of that because that was very
significant and you know it got no air play at all in the press why not well
because it was pointing at Hillary Clinton colluding with Russian entities
and the press had to take the heat off of that comment so what did they do
that's when they focused on Trump and Aussie he was in there by himself with
Putin and what did he say and we don't know when he's a traitor and this and
that and that's why they were so vocal about it because they were trying to
hide that little fact that Vladimir Putin slipped in there in the press
conference I mean it was like whoa he just really said that and
everyone ignored it I mean all of the news I can't believe that really nobody
picked up on it and did much with it because it was like whoa that's kind of
big so let's get back to this so we have this report that's supposed to be coming
out and it's gonna be talking about you know when they talk about entity they
mean like a business entity they're dealing with all of these different
things persons any of this connection and if you look down here they're gonna
be blocking and prohibiting all transactions in a person's property and
interests and property subject to the United States jurisdiction export
license restrictions under any statute or regulation that requires the prior
review and approval of the United States government I mean these are the things
that are going to happen prohibitions on United States financial institutions
making loans are providing credit to a person restrictions on transactions in
foreign exchange in which a person has any interest prohibitions on transfers
of credit or payments between financial institutions I mean this is really
cutting off a big source of revenue look at this one prohibitions on United
States person's investing in or purchasing equity or debt of a person so
this is really limiting what these people can do that means that if there's
outside money coming in to influence our elections those people they're gonna
find that their source of income has dried up and they're not gonna have
access to that money anymore this is going to be huge I mean when
we're thinking about this the picture is so big because of the corruption is just
so huge that I think most of us don't really comprehend what's happening but
there has been a systematic maybe call it even surgical precise targeting of
the finances of the global cabal that's what Trump has been doing all along
he's been cutting off these individual sources of income that are really
crippling the Cabal because they're losing their finances and that's why I
think in my previous video I did about the Roth's
child and they were liquidating their last land holdings in Austria I don't
think that's by chance I think they're running out of money they needed to
liquidate for a reason because Trump and his people have been cutting off their
sources of income they've been blocking it and so there's
less money for them to work with and they're having to do some things to gain
working capital but anyway if you go on in this it goes down and it talks about
different things that they are doing where they would have the receipt of any
contribution or provision of funds goods or services from any such person that's
the people that have been blocked because they were found guilty of doing
this and look what he says here in Section six I hereby find that the
unrestricted immigrant and non-immigrant entry into the United States of aliens
whose property and interests and property are blocked pursuant to this
order would be detrimental to the interests of the United States and I
hereby suspend entry into the United States as immigrants or non immigrants
of such persons such persons shall be treated as persons covered by section
one and it has here the travel ban type things if foreign entities have been
caught doing this and trying to influence our elections or giving money
to certain campaigns they can be blocked from coming in to the United States and
that can be huge so it's trying to block things they're
making sure that all the little loopholes are closed up and of course
any conspiracy form to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order
is prohibited and then in this where it says the term United States person means
any United States citizen permanent resident alien entity organized under
the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States
including foreign branches or any person including a foreign person in the United
States so that could definitely open up to some of the illegals who voted
being caught and having this imposed on them at least to me it seems like it's a
possibility with that and then if you go on down here it defines foreign
interference with respect to an election includes any covert fraudulent deceptive
or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government or of any person
acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government undertaken with the
purpose or effect of influencing undermining confidence in or altering
the result or reported result of the election or undermining public
confidence in election processes or institutions so that's kind of broad
really what they will be looking for and what they should be working on but again
notice the emphasis on foreign I'm really not seeing a lot of it being an
internal investigation and more of an external investigation it goes down here
to section 9 I really want you to see this because I think this is kind of
interesting for those persons whose property and interests in property are
blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence in the
United States I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other
assets instantaneously prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken
pursuant to this order would render those measures ineffectual I therefore
determined that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national
emergency declared in this order there need be no prior notice of a listing or
determination made pursuant to section 2 of this order so in other words they can
do it all at once before these people even know it's going to be done to them
so before the report becomes public I'm assuming that there are going to be some
instances of this happening where people have suddenly had their assets frozen or
they have had their property taken whatever the case is it's going to
happen quickly and those who are guilty aren't going to know about it in advance
and I think that set us up with the same mindset as the
sealed indictments this is why I really do believe that we have a massive number
of sealed indictments out there because this is how they're working they're
saying we can't let these people know ahead of times because of the
instantaneous transfer of funds they could easily be swapping out funds
putting them in different places and so if they do it quickly and they arrest
them and they they take them out before it all becomes public they're going to
have a better advantage they're going to be able to seize more of the funds I
assume from this that probably before the arrests come that they're going to
already have the assets frozen so if they have not frozen them already but I
don't think they want to tip their hand I think it's gonna pretty much happen
simultaneously they've been cutting off the different arteries but they haven't
really gotten to seizing the assets yet or freezing them so I think that's
probably going to happen simultaneously with the arrest that's my opinion on
that it makes sense to me because again you don't want to give them a heads up
that hey you're going to be arrested so I can't say that's for sure that's just
my opinion that makes the most sense to me so I think it's just interesting
that's what we have there will be some things come from this report I'm just
not sure exactly what the results going to be and I tend to think it's going to
be more focused towards foreign entities than it is going to be focused on the
illegals voting or the voter fraud that we have within the country however there
are some things that may come from it this is an article from back in 2016 now
somebody asked me in the last video a couple of things that I had in that
video were old yeah they are but part of the problem we have is that our press
has such a stranglehold on the American people's minds that people have not seen
the truth before and they are just now waking up to some things for instance
I've actually been aware of a lot of things going on but yet I miss the thing
about the car back in 2017 I have so many people of so
many different knowledge levels watching these videos that I don't know if you've
been awake for a while or if you just woke up and if you just woke up - hey
the media isn't telling us the truth what have they left out then I'm going
to include some of these things like the thing about Nancy Pelosi in the insider
trading yeah she has been doing that and sadly it seems she's not the only one
but you may not have heard of that and so I wanted to include it I found the
clip I knew about it but I found the clip that supported it so I wanted to
put that out there so you could see it if you are already very familiar with
these things that's great but I want to also include things for people who might
not be aware and might just be coming to the realization that hey the media has
been deceiving us all this time well this article came out from the
Daily Caller back in 2016 October 2016 and it talks about the Smartmatic voting
machines and they has deep ties to George Soros if you've been following
George Soros you understand that he's had ties to these voting machines and
this did kind of come out a little bit before the 2016 election but just in
case for those who might not know that or who might have missed it along the
way I wanted to point this out to you yes the voting machines look at this in
16 states including battleground zones like Arizona Colorado Florida Michigan
Nevada Pennsylvania and Virginia other jurisdictions affected are California
District of Columbia Illinois Louisiana Missouri New Jersey Oregon Washington
and Wisconsin hmm think about those think of the 2018 election and think
about how many of those had questionable election results kind of corresponds
doesn't it this talks about a flowchart that they had and it had 57,000 voting
and counting machines deployed and 35 million voters assisted now if you go to
the website it doesn't have it it's been removed but you can go to this link from
the wayback machine and you can see what it looked like so
this is what they did have on their website but they took it off but they
had 30 million voters assisted more than 50 elections and 50,000 voting and
counting machines deployed 307 jurisdictions in 16 states 392,000
electoral devices configured now think about that impact if all of this was
impacted by this company and notice this company is based where the UK so would
that fall under the foreign aspect of the executive order it very well might
so this might be how the voter fraud part is going to come out Trump had a
voter fraud commission that was looking into all of this voter fraud within the
United States and the Democrats kind of sabotaged it because the Commission
wanted to get voter rolls and they wanted to compare it with the government
immigration files the Democrats went ballistic on that they did not want that
to happen and it ended up stopping the Commission and the Commission was not
allowed to go on however just the other day like two days ago I saw an article
where in Maine they were asking for some information from that Commission so I'm
not sure if the some of the results are gonna be used for purposes of uncovering
some things I don't know but it was interesting that it did come back out
because it ended in 2017 since that Commission was active anyway I'll leave
this article down below you can read it on your own again this is from 2016 but
I think it's very pertinent especially if this has to do with foreign persons
or entities influencing our election and of course since this is uk-based that
could have a significant impact that's what I've got for you this time I
thought it was kind of interesting and hopefully this report will come out I
don't know when we'll get to see it or if we'll get to see it because according
to the executive order it doesn't sound to me like it has to be given to us but
it does have to be given to the president
and so he will have access to that and as we said with the date he will have
that before February 4th when his State of the Union addresses on February 5th
so I tend to think he's going to use some of those statistics and some of the
things they found in his speech I hope so
it's kind of interesting having Trump as a president because you never know
what's going to happen I mean it's a surprise all the time it just keeps you
on your toes right you just don't know what this man has up his sleeve but he's
got something he definitely has a plan he thinks on so many different levels I
just can't keep up with him sometimes I could not multitask like he does but I
really think the man is an actual genius I'd be interested in finding out what
his IQ is because I think it's stellar ok so before you go make sure that you
click that subscribe button because I've got a goal set in about 70 days I think
it is I have a birthday coming up in April and I want to hit 60,000
subscribers it's gonna be a stretch and I understand that but I really would
love to see that happen the more subscribers you have the more views your
video actually gets because they tend to promote it more when you have a bigger
channel so again it's all about getting the word out there getting this
information to people so let them know about this executive order is it
something that's going to be important I think it is I think there was a reason
it came out I don't think it was by coincidence that this report was
supposed to come out about the time as the State of the Union so I think Trump
had this planned all along that this is the timing he put this out on September
12 so it came out right around now was he expecting the shutdown to last this
long very possibly so it's gonna be an
interesting few days and I can't wait until the State of the Union it's gonna
be exciting to see what he has to say last year's was tremendous but I tell
you what he puts tip top in this you're going to hear all the
in the world have a collective read out there so anyway I did want to point that
out to you listen for it I don't know if he's gonna put it in there an anon asked
for it last year for the so - but he didn't put it in there but he did put it
in for the Easter at the White House so it has been confirmed in that respect
but it sure would be wonderful if he put it in this so - we would all love it so
that's what I've got for you I want to thank you for stopping by and I'll see
y'all later
For more infomation >> FOREIGN Interference in US ELECTIONS!!! - Duration: 27:33. -------------------------------------------
11 People INDICTED In This State For Smuggling Drugs In Prison - LOOK How They Did It! - Duration: 4:56.
For more infomation >> 11 People INDICTED In This State For Smuggling Drugs In Prison - LOOK How They Did It! - Duration: 4:56. -------------------------------------------
31.01.2019: Oil traders waiting for US-China talks (WTI, BRENT, USD/CAD, USD/RUB) - Duration: 2:19.
Today crude oil is trading higher on the back of
the latest EIA report.
The official data showed that the weekly stockpiles of crude oil in the United States increased
by 919 thousand barrels while experts predicted a much higher rise of 3 million barrels.
Such a slow increase was contributed to a fall in supplies from Saudi Arabia.
Last time, this country shipped just 442 thousand barrels that was the lowest value for the
past nine years.
WTI prices were trading near the level of 54.60 dollars per barrel, adding about 0.6%
since the previous trading session.
Experts say that OPEC's restrictive measures have a profound impact on the oil market.
The Brent crude benchmark also advanced, but then retreated slightly.
After reaching the level of 62.60 dollars per barrel, it slid towards 62 dollars again.
The price is falling despite a disruption of supplies from Venezuela that came under
the US sanctions.
The upcoming meeting between Beijing and Washington absorbs attention of market participants.
The outcome of this meeting can influence both the oil market and the commodity currencies.
Meanwhile, these currencies benefit from the weaker US dollar that lost ground after the
FOMC monetary policy meeting.
The USD/CAD pair plunged by over 1%, having settled near the level of 1.3120.
Today Canada will unveil the GDP data that can change the dynamics of this currency pair.
At the same time, the Russian ruble managed to increase profits against its American counterpart.
The USD/RUB pair fell by 60 pips to the area below 65.40.
Analysts anticipate that the ruble may end this trading week in the positive zone against
the US dollar.
However, the upcoming US-China talks can change the current market situation.
The results of this meeting will set the tone for trading next week.
For more infomation >> 31.01.2019: Oil traders waiting for US-China talks (WTI, BRENT, USD/CAD, USD/RUB) - Duration: 2:19. -------------------------------------------
Obama's CIA Chief Just Shredded Trump For Claiming He's Smarter Than U.S. Intel Leaders - Duration: 2:29.
For more infomation >> Obama's CIA Chief Just Shredded Trump For Claiming He's Smarter Than U.S. Intel Leaders - Duration: 2:29. -------------------------------------------
11 People INDICTED In This State For Smuggling Drugs In Prison LOOK How They Did It! - Duration: 5:00.
For more infomation >> 11 People INDICTED In This State For Smuggling Drugs In Prison LOOK How They Did It! - Duration: 5:00. -------------------------------------------
Bulletproof + U.S. Ski Team - Duration: 2:51.
For more infomation >> Bulletproof + U.S. Ski Team - Duration: 2:51. -------------------------------------------
Spend US Military Defense Budget ($716 Billion) In 24 Hours or Lose It All - CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:01.
Hello Infographics fans, and welcome to another special challenge episode of The Infographics
Today we're taking on the US defense budget, and asking you to find a way to spend every
penny in 24 hours.
As usual you're not allowed to give anything away to charity, and you have to spend all
of it or return everything you bought and pay back everything you spent.
Just like last time if you fail all the money goes instead to an organization dedicated
to kicking kittens- but this time we're adding some innocent puppies into the mix too.
So think you can do a better job then us?
Stay tuned and let us know after the video!
For fiscal year 2019 the US Defense budget stands at a whopping $716 billion, largest
it's ever been.
Yet while this figure may seem astronomical, in reality it's only a few percentage points
of the US's total GDP, and a far cry from World War II when the US spent almost 50%
of its GDP on defense!
Ever since the decline of the Soviet Union the US's defense budget has steadily decreased
from 6.8% of GDP to about 4.5% today- so while the figure has grown in dollars, it's largely
stayed pace with US economic growth.
So how can we blow through $716 billion in 24 hours?
We here at The Infographics Show are big fans of space exploration, and while sending robots
and drones to the outer reaches of the solar system are a great and safe way to gather
data, nothing compares to the achievements of the US's Apollo space program, which brought
us the first human visitors to a heavenly body.
Our first item on our list is thus going to be a resurrection of the entire Apollo space
program- that's right, we're going to do what the US and governments around the world have
been reluctant to do for decades: we're putting humans back in space.
None of this low-orbit hanging around nonsense either, we're looking at the moon and then
after that, Mars.
We've got places to go, and aliens to meet!
But getting humans back into deep space after our decades-long hiatus isn't going to be
easy, we're gonna have to take it easy, so first we're going to return to the moon a
few times in order to try out new technologies and make sure we still know how to survive
past low earth orbit.
At a cost of 25.4 billion dollars in 1973, re-launching the entire Apollo Program today
would cost about $144.3 billion.
But on second thought- we've been to the moon, why are we going back to old stomping grounds?
Let's skip the moon instead and just head straight to Mars!
Due to a severe lack of vision on our elected leaders behalf, costs right now for a mission
to Mars are difficult to ascertain- but it's estimated that a Mars mission by 2035 would
cost $230 billion dollars.
Because Mars is so far away and could take up to a year and a half to reach, our crew
won't be flying in a regular space capsule- instead we'll be building a multi-hubbed traveling
space station, complete with living and research facilities.
Therefore our $230 billion price tag would cover the costs of multiple launches of NASA's
new space workhorse, the Space Launch System, all to get the pieces of our spacecraft into
Nine months later we'll be touching down on the lonely red planet and planting our Infographics
flag on mankind's new frontier!
That's $230 billion down, and $486 billion to go!
Putting humanity back on a path to the stars though is going to require some smart thinkers,
so we think the smartest thing to do is to invest in America's students.
For years the US has debated free higher education for its millions of students, with considerable
pushback from those who view the cost as too great to bear.
Lucky for us, we've got hundreds of billions to give away for free and think that investing
in education is a pretty smart bet- so we're going to pay for four years of college for
all American students.
With an estimated $75 billion a year cost, that brings the total figure to $300 billion
for four years, which we think is a small price to pay for the influx of new engineers,
scientists, and economists that we'll receive in 4 years.
Truthfully though we're just following in the footsteps of US history- after World War
II the MGI Bill provided free college education to returning war veterans, seeing a whopping
8 million service members earn their degrees.
The MGI Bill in many respects helped build the foundation of scientists, engineers, teachers
and thinkers who created the information age and catapulted the United States to its position
as a global leader.
That puts us at $530 billion, leaving us with $186 billion to go!
The UN estimates that nearly 800 million people don't have enough to eat every day- that's
about 10% of the world's population.
In order to combat world hunger, the UN wants to bring individuals around the world up to
the World Bank's poverty line of $1.25 a day- which would cost the world $116 billion a
However, just feeding people isn't solving the problem, and in order to radically change
the conditions of hundreds of millions of impoverished or working poor people around
the world the UN sees a need for an aggressive program of expanding irrigation, infrastructure,
and creating credit facilities and cash transfers via aid programs to help farmers and workers
get access to tools they need to help themselves.
That would cost the entire planet an estimated $151 billion a year, or right around .15%
of the total global GDP.
To us, investing in people so they can help themselves is far more attractive option than
just a hand out, so we're going to put up the $151 billion needed for the first year
of the UN's program to help the global poor.
That brings our total expenses so far to $681 billion, leaving us with $35 billion.
For our next few purchases, we think we've been more than charitable already- it's time
to spend on us, and boy have we got a special purchase in mind.
Move over, Queen Elizabeth, cuz your fancy digs are now officially ours.
With 775 rooms and sitting 5 stories across 828,821 square feet, Buckingham palace is
the most iconic residence in the world, and at a value of 2.7 billion US dollars, it's
practically a steal for our oversized budget.
But why stop with the Queen's home?
What's a kingly castle- or queenly in this case we suppose- without the bling that goes
along with it?
Spanning a collection of over 140 objects that range from crowns to swords, to altar
plates and fancy robes, and encrusted with 23,578 precious stones, the Crown jewels of
the United Kingdom are the most expensive collection of jewelry in the world.
This collection includes items such as the Cullinan I, the largest clear cut diamond
in the world at 530 carats, and the coronation spoon used to anoint the monarch as Supreme
Governor of the Church of England way back in the 12thcentury!
Estimates vary, but run as high as 6.3 billion US dollars for the whole collection!
That brings our total to $9 billion for our fancy new digs and our serious world class
bling, for a grand total of $690 billion, and $26 billion left over.
Next up we're going to indulge a little bit in our love for soccer and basketball both.
In 2018 the most valuable soccer clubs in the world were Manchester United at 4.1 billion,
and Real Madrid at 4.09 billion, with each team pulling in $737 and $735 million in revenue
every year.
At a combined price of 8.19 billion dollars, buying up these two soccer heavyweights- or
football as they are known literally everywhere but the US- is a smart investment, but we're
not done.
You have to spend money to make money, and we're going to go ahead and spend another
6.9 billion to buy two of the most popular basketball teams in the world: the New York
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So how would you spend the entirety of the US defense budget- $716 billion dollars?
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Thanks for watching, and, as always, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
See you next time!"
For more infomation >> Spend US Military Defense Budget ($716 Billion) In 24 Hours or Lose It All - CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:01. -------------------------------------------
US Warns Americans To Stay Out Of Venezuela - Duration: 7:40.
For more infomation >> US Warns Americans To Stay Out Of Venezuela - Duration: 7:40. -------------------------------------------
U.S. House proposes bill to stall U.S. pullout from S. Korea - Duration: 2:22.
lawmakers in the US House of Representatives have proposed a bill to
send a message to North Korean leader Kim jong-un before his next summit with
President Trump our Park Jiwon has more a bipartisan
group of eight US lawmakers proposed a bill on Wednesday aiming to preemptively
stop the trim administration from withdrawing US forces from South Korea
the bill titled the United States and Republic of Korea lines the port app
lays out stricter conditions that would have to be met to justify a withdrawal
something that could tip the balance of power in Northeast Asia the bill says if
the administration decides to reduce the number of US troops to below 22,000 the
Secretary of Defense must report to both the House and the Senate the expected
impact on North Korea as well as the expected military and economic impacts
on US relations with both South Korea and Japan the bill also requires the
Secretary of Defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Joley
certify to the relevant congressional committees the South Korea is fully
capable of defending itself and of deterring any military conflict on the
peninsula they would threaten US interests the lawmakers apparently made
the decision in view of the next summit between the North Korean and American
leaders tentatively scheduled for next month we think it's important to
establish before the next meeting between president Trump and Kim jong-un
that the United States is not about to leave South Korea at least not before
there's transformational progress on the Korean Peninsula our presence there has
prevented war for more than 60 years it would be reckless we think to abandon
this commitment on the basis of paper promises from the North Koreans while
they continue to threaten the region with both nuclear and conventional
weapons the bills released came a day after a top US intelligence official
testified to Congress that North Korea's complete denuclearization seems unlikely
president Trump has also hinted in the past and
holding some US forces out Korea because of the cost of maintaining them Park
Jiwon Arirang news
For more infomation >> U.S. House proposes bill to stall U.S. pullout from S. Korea - Duration: 2:22. -------------------------------------------
U.S. House proposes bill to stall U.S. pullout from S. Korea - Duration: 2:44.
Anticipation builds as we are expecting a summit between Pyeongyang and Washington to
take place next month.
Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives proposed a bill.... to send a message to North
Korean leader Kim Jong-un before his next summit with President Trump.
Park Ji-won gets us up to speed with the developments.
A bipartisan group of eight U.S. lawmakers proposed a bill on Wednesday... aiming to
preemptively stop the Trump administration from withdrawing U.S. forces from South Korea.
The bill, titled the "United States and Republic of Korea Alliance Support Act," lays out stricter
conditions that would have to be met to justify a withdrawal,.. something that could tip the
balance of power in Northeast Asia.
The bill says... if the administration decides to reduce the number of U.S. troops to below
22-thousand,... the secretary of defense must report to both the House and the Senate the
expected impact on North Korea,.... as well as the expected military and economic impacts
on U.S. relations with both South Korea and Japan.
The bill also requires the secretary of defense and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
to jointly certify... to the relevant congressional committees... that South Korea is fully capable
of defending itself and of deterring any military conflict on the Peninsula... that would threaten
U.S. interests.
The lawmakers apparently made the decision in view of the next summit between the North
Korean and American leaders... tentatively scheduled for next month.
"We think it's important to establish before the next meeting between President Trump and
Kim Jong-un that the United States is not about to leave South Korea at least not before
there's transformational progress on the Korean Peninsula.
Our presence there has prevented war for more than 60 years.
It would be reckless we think to abandon this commitment on the basis of paper promises
from the North Koreans while they continue to threaten the region with both nuclear and
conventional weapons."
The bill was announced a day after a top U.S. intelligence official testified to Congress
that North Korea's complete denuclearization seems unlikely.
President Trump has already signed a similar defense act restricting any U.S. pullout from
South Korea.
That bill,.. signed last August as part of the defense budget,... restricts the use of
the fund to reduce the number of U.S. forces in South Korea below 22-thousand,... unless
the secretary of defense certifies that such moves are in line with U.S. interests.
This week's new bill would tighten those rules.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> U.S. House proposes bill to stall U.S. pullout from S. Korea - Duration: 2:44. -------------------------------------------
US NEWS | Trump facing historically bad numbers for re election in 2020 Politics - Duration: 2:50.
US NEWS | Trump facing historically bad numbers for re election in 2020 Politics
His net approval rating approval rating minus disapproval rating has consistently been negative.
But that figure on its own doesnt necessarily mean Trump will be defeated in 2020. As conservative commentators like Newt Gingrich and have correctly pointed out, President Ronald Reagan had at this point in his presidency before going on to a blowout victory in his 1984 re election campaign.
New polling finds, however, the depth of the opposition against Trump is considerably deeper than it was against Reagan. This suggests Trump could have a much more difficult job turning around his bad ratings than Reagan or really any president in the modern polling era.
An astounding 56 percent of voters said they would definitely vote against Trump in the 2020 general election, compared with 28 percent who said they would definitely vote for him and 14 percent who would consider voting for him,
Compare that with a Garth Analysis Survey in February 1983 for Reagan i.e. right around this same point in Reagans presidency . Just 32 percent of voters said they would definitely vote against Reagan, 31 percent said they consider voting for someone else and 26 percent said theyd definitely support Reagan.
In other words, by a margin of 24 points, more of the public say now that they are definitely voting against Trump in 2020 than those who said they would definitely vote against Reagan in the 1984 cycle.
Interestingly, Reagan and Trump had similar size core bases. The 26 percent who say theyd definitely vote for Reagan is only 2 points below the 28 percent who say theyd definitely vote for Trump.
Reagan, though, had a slew of potential supporters who Trump seems to be lacking. More than double the percentage of voters were at least open to voting for Reagan 31 percent than say they are open to voting for Trump 14 percent . Another 10 percent said they didnt know about Reagan, while just 1 percent say that for Trump. Together, those who would definitely vote for Reagan and who would consider voting for him hit 57 percent . For Trump, it reaches only 42 percent .
Indeed, for all the presidents for whom this question was asked, Trump clearly has the firmest opposition.
Just 32 percent said in a January 2003 Ipsos poll that they would definitely be voting against George W. Bush. A plurality of 40 percent said they would definitely vote for him, with 25 percent considering voting for Bush. Combined, 65 percent said they would at least consider voting for Bush.
For Obama, the highest "definitely vote against" I could find for him in 2011 was 47 percent in a . Even in his worst poll, 52 percent said they would either definitely vote for him 27 percent or would consider voting for him 25 percent . Again, that number for Trump right now is 42 percent , 10 points lower.
Now before we get too carried away, I obviously should note were still almost two years away from the 2020 election. A lot of things can potentially happen to change these numbers.
But these stats paint a very grim picture for the President. Anyone who thinks it will be easy for Trump to persuade his doubters is sorely mistaken.
The ABC News/Washington Post poll is just the latest to suggest that Trumps opposition is considerably more locked in than approval ratings alone would suggest.
As , a record 47 percent of Americans already say they believe the Trump presidency will be unsuccessful. This means Americans dont just disapprove of Trump in the moment but believe they wont ever change their minds about him. That 47 percent is higher than any poll taken at any point for any presidency in the last 25 years. This includes well into the second half of George W. Bushs second term, after Hurricane Katrina, the bad 2006 midterms for Republicans and an Iraq War that had gone south in Americans minds.
An found that same percentage 45 percent of Americans think Trump is doing a poor job on a scale that goes from excellent to pretty good to only fair to poor as President as thought Richard Nixon was doing a poor job two weeks before he resigned.
For more infomation >> US NEWS | Trump facing historically bad numbers for re election in 2020 Politics - Duration: 2:50. -------------------------------------------
US NEWS | Rare seismic event called a frost quake may have happened overnight - Duration: 1:28.
US NEWS | Rare seismic event called a frost quake may have happened overnight
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa KCRG Extremely cold air like we have this week can cause lots of creaking and snapping sounds, but on rare occasions, it can cause a boom or bang. If you heard one, you may have heard a cryoseism, or frost quake.
There are few things that need to be in place for frost quakes to happen:
• First, the ground has to saturated with water. Soil moisture in Iowa is running very high because of the wet fall and early winter.
• Second, the temperature has to have a big drop in a fairly short amount of time. Temperatures on Monday were in the lower 20s and are now some 40 degrees colder just a couple of days later.
• Third, the snowpack shouldnt be very deep since that can insulate the ground. Snow depths in the region are generally around a foot, which may be deep enough to limit frost quakes.
When the moisture in the ground freezes, it expands and puts pressure on the things around it. If that stress gets strong enough, it may only be able to relieve that stress in a sudden, explosive way as a frost quake.
Frost quakes can be strong enough to make the ground to shake over a very small area and even crack at the surface.
Viewers with disabilities can get assistance accessing this stations FCC Public Inspection File by contacting the station with the information listed below. Questions or concerns relating to the accessibility of the FCCs online public file system should be directed to the FCC at 888 225 5322, 888 835 5322 TTY , or .
For more infomation >> US NEWS | Rare seismic event called a frost quake may have happened overnight - Duration: 1:28. -------------------------------------------
U.S. Midwest Freezes, Australia Burns This Is the Age of Weather Extremes The New York Times - Duration: 0:32.
U.S. Midwest Freezes, Australia Burns This Is the Age of Weather Extremes The New York Times
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In Chicago, officials warned about the risk of almost instant frostbite on what could be the citys coldest day ever. Warming centers opened around the Midwest. And schools and universities closed throughout the region as rare polar winds streamed down from the Arctic.
At the same time, on the other side of the planet, . Soaring air conditioner use overloaded electrical grids and caused widespread power failures. The authorities slowed and canceled trams to save power. Labor leaders called for laws that would require businesses to close when temperatures reached hazardous levels: nearly 116 degrees Fahrenheit, or 47 Celsius, as was the case last week in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia.
This is weather in the age of extremes. It comes on top of multiple extremes, all kinds, in all kinds of places.
When something happens — whether its a cold snap, a wildfire, a hurricane, any of those things — we need to think beyond what we have seen in the past and assume theres a high probability that it will be worse than anything weve ever seen, said Crystal A. Kolden, an associate professor at the University of Idaho, who specializes in wildfires and who is currently working in Tasmania during one of the states worst fire seasons.
Consider these recent examples: Heat records were toppled from last year. In parts of Australia, a drought has gone on so long that a child in kindergarten will hardly have seen rain in her lifetime. And California saw its most ruinous wildfires ever in 2018, this week by the states largest utility, Pacific Gas and Electric.
Is it climate change?
Heat and drought extremes are consistent with scientific consensus: More greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere bring a greater likelihood of abnormally high temperatures. Also, broadly speaking, scientists say, a hotter planet makes extreme weather more frequent and more intense.
The real life numbers bear out the climate models. Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher than they have been in 800,000 years, and average global temperatures have risen. The last four years have been the hottest on record, , and the 20 warmest years on record have all come in the past 22 years. Ocean temperatures several straight years.
As for the extremely low temperatures this week in parts of the United States, they stand in sharp contrast to the . They may also be a result of warming, strangely enough.
Emerging research suggests that a warming Arctic is causing and pushing polar air down to latitudes that are unaccustomed to them and often unprepared. Hence this weeks atypical chill over large swaths of the Northeast and Midwest.
Friederike Otto, an Oxford University climate scientist who studies how specific weather events are exacerbated by global warming, said that while not all of these extreme events can be attributed to climate change, the profound changes in the earths atmosphere raise the likelihood of a large number of extreme events.
This means it becomes crucial to understand well where your community is vulnerable and this can be something that was not on the agenda without climate change, she said.
Take Chicago, for instance. It woke up to the hazards of heat two decades ago, when a five day heat wave in the summer of 1995 killed hundreds of people, particularly those who lived alone. The city developed a heat action plan. It planted thousands of trees, set up neighborhood cooling centers and created a text messaging system so residents could request that city officials check on vulnerable people.
Now comes that a generation of Chicago residents has never experienced, with Wednesday night temperatures that dipped to minus 21 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 29 Celsius the citys record low is minus 27 Fahrenheit, recorded in January 1985 . The city said it would send out five buses to cruise the streets as mobile warming centers for homeless people. It has issued instructions on how to warm pipes so they dont freeze.
Even on a day when it is colder than average where you live, the world as a whole is frequently warmer than average. You can even see it for yourself.
Extreme heat, though, is the bigger problem overall.
in the United States since the 2000s.
One recent projected a fivefold rise in heat related deaths for the United States by 2080. The outlook for less wealthy countries is worse; for the Philippines, researchers forecast 12 times more deaths. Extreme heat is already devastating the health and livelihoods of tens of millions of people, especially in South Asia.
Extreme heat also affects the nutritional value of many crops. Even some of our most precious indulgences, , are in danger as temperatures rise.
This year, heat has been a problem in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In Alaska, warmer than usual temperatures forced the , while cities in New Zealand, where the weather is generally so temperate that most homes dont have heating or air conditioners, broke heat records. On Tuesday, Wellington, the capital, soared past 87 degrees Fahrenheit, the highest since record keeping began in 1927, and Hamilton topped 91 degrees, the highest since record keeping began in 1940.
Bob Henson, a meteorologist at Weather Underground, a forecasting service, said that in preparing for how climate change affects the weather, we have to be prepared for a wider range of possibilities.
Chicago will be as cold as the Arctic on Wednesday. Well show you why.
Some preparation is connected to resiliency. Mayors promise to make their cities more resilient to climate change after one disaster or another. Scientists experiment with crop seeds that are more resilient to the vagaries of extreme heat and drought.
Dr. Kolden, the fire specialist, noted that as a species, we pride ourselves on being resilient. But that human trait can also have a downside. Its why, often, even when officials tell us to evacuate from a fire zone or a flood plain, we dont. We think well make it, because weve made it before. Or that the forecasters are wrong.
In our DNA, weve got this extreme resilience baked in, Dr. Kolden said. That ends up being our downfall when it comes to the changing conditions.
Livia Albeck Ripka and Charlotte Graham McLay contributed reporting.
For more news on climate and the environment, .
For more infomation >> U.S. Midwest Freezes, Australia Burns This Is the Age of Weather Extremes The New York Times - Duration: 0:32. -------------------------------------------
US NEWS | When its this cold, Chicago sets its train tracks on fire - Duration: 1:42.
US NEWS | When its this cold, Chicago sets its train tracks on fire
Chicago residents are a hearty bunch. They know how to keep things moving when the weather turns cold.But what about when its this cold? Lik...
Chicago residents are a hearty bunch. They know how to keep things moving when the weather turns cold.
But what about when its this cold? Like wind chill of 50 below zero cold? Getting around is lot tougher. When that happens, the folks who keep the commuter trains running in the Windy City employ a hot idea: They set the train tracks on fire.
Flames were seen sprouting from the tracks of Chicagos Metra commuter rail system on Tuesday.
Metra isnt literally setting the tracks ablaze, spokesman Michael Gillis told CNN. The flames actually come from gas fed heaters that run alongside the rails and keep them warm. Metra also uses a tubular heating system and hot air blowers to heat up cold track.
"Anytime its below freezing were using these," said Gillis, who said other rail systems in North America use similar systems.
Why? Tracks are affected by extreme cold in two ways.
In some cases the tracks experience whats called "pull aparts." This kind of rail defect occurs when two rails separate at their connection. The extreme cold shrinks the metal and the rails literally pull apart from each other, Metra said in a recent Heating the tracks with fire expands the metal until the two rails can be put back together again.
Railroad switch points can also become clogged with ice and snow in subzero conditions, so the heating system is used to unclog them. Maintenance crews light the heaters by hand and can control the flow of the gas, Metra said. The crew members, working 12 hour shifts, remain in the area when the heating systems are being used so they can monitor the flames.
A few railroad ties are sometimes damaged by the heat, but this method is a lot safer than the one the rail system used to employ to thaw frozen tracks. Crews previously used pots filled with kerosene, stuck them in spaces between the track ties and lit them by hand.
"We all used to carry this stuff. I called it skunk oil," John Meyer, Metras director of engineering, said on the . "We poured it in a 2 gallon can, poured it out, and threw a match in it, and itd start a fire along all the rails. Were talking in the mid 70s. Nowadays youd get in big trouble doing that."
Metra says its safe to run the trains over the flames because the diesel fuel in the trains "combusts only with pressure and heat, not open flames."
2605 Yeager RoadWest Lafayette, IN 47906 USAMain Phone: 765 463 1800
For more infomation >> US NEWS | When its this cold, Chicago sets its train tracks on fire - Duration: 1:42. -------------------------------------------
OFF SCRIPT: Tracking hate crimes in the United States - Duration: 2:25.
For more infomation >> OFF SCRIPT: Tracking hate crimes in the United States - Duration: 2:25. -------------------------------------------
US NEWS | When its this cold, Chicago sets its train tracks on fire - Duration: 2:04.
US NEWS | When its this cold, Chicago sets its train tracks on fire
Chicago residents are a hearty bunch. They know how to keep things moving when the weather turns cold.But what about when its this cold? Lik...
Chicago residents are a hearty bunch. They know how to keep things moving when the weather turns cold.
But what about when its this cold? Like wind chill of 50 below zero cold? Getting around is lot tougher. When that happens, the folks who keep the commuter trains running in the Windy City employ a hot idea: They set the train tracks on fire.
Flames were seen sprouting from the tracks of Chicagos Metra commuter rail system on Tuesday.
Metra isnt literally setting the tracks ablaze, spokesman Michael Gillis told CNN. The flames actually come from gas fed heaters that run alongside the rails and keep them warm. Metra also uses a tubular heating system and hot air blowers to heat up cold track.
"Anytime its below freezing were using these," said Gillis, who said other rail systems in North America use similar systems.
Why? Tracks are affected by extreme cold in two ways.
In some cases the tracks experience whats called "pull aparts." This kind of rail defect occurs when two rails separate at their connection. The extreme cold shrinks the metal and the rails literally pull apart from each other, Metra said in a recent Heating the tracks with fire expands the metal until the two rails can be put back together again.
Railroad switch points can also become clogged with ice and snow in subzero conditions, so the heating system is used to unclog them. Maintenance crews light the heaters by hand and can control the flow of the gas, Metra said. The crew members, working 12 hour shifts, remain in the area when the heating systems are being used so they can monitor the flames.
A few railroad ties are sometimes damaged by the heat, but this method is a lot safer than the one the rail system used to employ to thaw frozen tracks. Crews previously used pots filled with kerosene, stuck them in spaces between the track ties and lit them by hand.
"We all used to carry this stuff. I called it skunk oil," John Meyer, Metras director of engineering, said on the . "We poured it in a 2 gallon can, poured it out, and threw a match in it, and itd start a fire along all the rails. Were talking in the mid 70s. Nowadays youd get in big trouble doing that."
Metra says its safe to run the trains over the flames because the diesel fuel in the trains "combusts only with pressure and heat, not open flames."
1751 Highway 52 NorthRochester, MN, 55901 USA112 N. Pennsylvania Ave.Mason City, IA, 50401 USA135 East Williams St.Albert Lea, MN, 56007 USARochester MN 1 800 323 4883Albert Lea MN 507 369 0256Mason City IA 641 423 2540
For more infomation >> US NEWS | When its this cold, Chicago sets its train tracks on fire - Duration: 2:04. -------------------------------------------
As Polar Vortex Freezes US, Satellites Track It from Space - Duration: 2:31.
For more infomation >> As Polar Vortex Freezes US, Satellites Track It from Space - Duration: 2:31. -------------------------------------------
US NEWS | The science behind tossing boiling water into minus 14 degree air Los Angeles Times - Duration: 3:12.
US NEWS | The science behind tossing boiling water into minus 14 degree air Los Angeles Times
Most articles about physics dont need to start with a disclaimer, but this one does.
Please for the sake of your well being, reputation and the U.S. healthcare system . If you read this story and suddenly feel inspired, please take two seconds to think about your surroundings and about whether you really want your buddy Instagramming what youre about to do.
As a polar vortex brought subzero temperatures to much of the Central U.S. on Wednesday, Midwesterners have once again embraced a cherished internet era tradition of throwing boiling water in the freezing air and posting videos of the results a spectacular white cloud on social media. Its the Arctic version of trying to fry eggs on car hoods during heat waves.
Now this is a real cold weather science experiment. At 14 F/ 26C, boiling water quickly condenses into a cloud of microdroplets. These can freeze due to large surface to volume ratio. Never throw hot water towards anyone. Being hit by boiling water is unpleasant.
Provided you dont hurt yourself or others near you like dozens of people did last time it got this cold , the boiling water trick is nice a do it yourself physics experiment that can be a useful lesson about the properties of heat and water. The Times talked to a couple of physicists about whats really happening.
Is the water freezing midair?
A lot of people say boiling water freezes immediately, but thats not whats happening, said Jeff Terry, a professor of physics at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. Its not an instantaneous freezing of the water.
In a video he tweeted Wednesday, Terry threw a pot of boiling water into minus 14 degree air, creating a big white cloud that drifted away, with dozens of small contrails streaking toward the ground.
The big cloud is condensate, or water that has quickly condensed into tiny droplets, which is the same reason you can see your breath when its cold outside. The smaller streaks are from condensate coming off falling water droplets not water that has frozen midair.
The air is not quite cold enough to freeze water immediately, which happens at about minus 42 degrees, Terry said.
Its not snowing down, he said. You dont see ice crystals falling to the ground. Theoretically, if it were colder, you could actually see that.
Does it really matter if the water is hot? Minus 14 degrees is pretty cold.
Boiling water or hot water evaporates much, much more rapidly than cold water, said Jonathan I. Katz, a professor of physics at Washington University in St. Louis. The amount of vapor increases very rapidly as the temperature goes up.
For that reason, throwing boiling water into the air will look more impressive than throwing room temperature water. More of it will evaporate, making a bigger cloud.
Nor do you get the same effect when its warm outside. Cold air cant hold as much moisture as warm air.
Ive heard that hot water freezes faster than room temperature water. Is that whats happening?
No, the important principle in the boiling water trick is how fast the water evaporates, Katz said.
Any advice?
Try and disperse the water as much as you can, to maximize evaporation, Terry said.
Oh, and another thing: You never want to throw it into the wind.
You gotta think this through just a little bit before you do it, Terry said. It is kind of a cool science experiment, right? If you do it carefully, you can do this without really a tremendous amount of risk to yourself. But thats always the problem, that people dont do things carefully.
For more infomation >> US NEWS | The science behind tossing boiling water into minus 14 degree air Los Angeles Times - Duration: 3:12. -------------------------------------------
U.S., China kick off 2-day high level meeting to end months-long trade war - Duration: 1:56.
top officials from the United States and China kicked off a critical round of
talks on Wednesday aimed at ending their six-month trade war that which really
has caused chaos in the global economy for more on this and other news from
around the world let's turn to our know Adam so Adam what are we hearing thus
far well mark negotiations are underway as you said but as of yet we don't know
what has been said between both sides the two-day meeting is taking place next
door to the White House it is the highest level talk since President Trump
and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping agreed to a 90 day truce in their trade
war at the end of last year the US delegation is being led by trade
representative Robert light Iser and Beijing's vice premier Liu her is
heading the Chinese side resident Trump plans to meet with mr. Liu at the
conclusion of the talks on Thursday the discussions come as both countries face
a March 2nd deadline to reach a trade agreement if they don't then the Trump
administration will raise tariffs on 200 billion u.s. dollars of Chinese imports
and Beijing will likely retaliate the meeting also comes just days after the
US Justice Department snapped a slew of federal charges against Chinese telecoms
giant Huawei and its chief financial officer mingwan Hsiao the White House
insists that issue is separate from trade talks
but given Beijing's heated reaction it is hard to imagine that Chinese
officials will not raise the issue during the meeting meanwhile the US side
will likely bring up its claim that China is stealing American intellectual
property rights it is also pushing for China to end policies that Washington
says force US companies to transfer technology to Chinese firms Beijing
denies the allegations and may not be willing to address these issues on the
whole hopes for the negotiations to end well are high but expectations are low