Absolutely Stunning Open Concept Tiny House for sale in Ramona, California
VW T6 California - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
California podría perder entre 19 y 41 metros de acantilados por el aumento del nivel del mar - Duration: 5:25.Peligran propiedades millonarias e infraestructura por el desgaste de los acantilados en California
Además de las playas, el mar que avanza sobre California está destruyendo los acantilados costeros
Una evaluación científica, dirigida por el Departamento Geológico de los Estados Unidos, advirtió que en el sur del estado se podrían desmoronar más de 40 metros de riscos —y de todo lo que hay sobre ellos: casas millonarias con vista al Pacífico, infraestructura pública básica—si las aguas continúan aumentando como hasta ahora
"Es una cifra bastante grande", dijo a Los Angeles Times Patrick Limber, un geomorfólogo costero y autor principal del estudio
"Esperamos que este modelo dará a los gobernantes de estas áreas una idea en gran escala de cómo podrían responder los acantilados al aumento del nivel del mar, así pueden comenzar a hacer planes para el futuro"
Estos apartamentos, en la ciudad de Pacifica, tenían bella vista. Pero quedaron al borde e inhabitables por el efecto del aumento del mar en los acantilados
(Noah Berger/Reuters) Las consecuencias de la erosión podrían afectar seriamente rutas principales en la península de Palos Verdes
Y en Malibu, Pacifica y otras ciudades costeras, conjuntos enteros de edificios, al igual que parques y otras instalaciones públicas, se podrían perder por la acción del mar
Ya se vio un ejemplo el año pasado, cuando los desprendimientos sobre la Ruta 1 la cortaron, y hubo que reconstruirla sobre los restos
El estudio utilizó un modelo sofisticado, que unió datos existentes y estimó el impacto posible desde San Diego a Santa Cruz
Analizó escenarios de aumento del nivel del mar desde 0,5 metros a 2 metros, y concluyó que los riscos se erosionarían en promedio entre 19 y 41 metros antes del fin del siglo XXI
Los caminos y otra infraestructura básica están en peligro en la costa sur de California
(Reuters) "Es una cantidad de erosión importante, y es algo para lo que nos tenemos que preparar ahora, no más adelante", dijo al periódico de Los Angeles Heather Cooley, del Instituto Pacífico, una fundación que estudia los efectos socioeconómicos del aumento del nivel del mar
"Estamos hablando de propiedad inmobiliaria de mucho valor, de infraestructura pública, de caminos, plantas de tratamiento de agua y desalinización
Todo estaría en peligro por la erosión". Limber advirtió que las proyecciones podrían ser conservadoras, dado que actualmente las autoridades de California consideran para sus modelos que el nivel del mar podría aumentar hasta 3 metros, en lugar de los 2 que fijó como máximo el estudio
La protección de los acantilados podría causar la desaparición de las playas sobre el Pacífico
Los propietarios de inmuebles con vista al mar han creado rompeolas o paredes de piedra temporarias, que hoy alcanzan a la quinta parte de la línea costera inferior del estado
Pero esas formas de protección impiden la natural creación de arena y, sobre todo, al sostener el risco permiten que el agua penetre de todos modos, lo cual sumerge las playas, que se podrían reducir a la tercera parte de lo que son hoy en California del sur
El estudio, que confirma la tendencia, advierte a las autoridades sobre la inminencia del daño, para que las decisiones no se limiten a salvar los riscos a costa de las playas o permitir que la naturaleza siga su curso y la población deba retirarse hacia el interior, con las costosas pérdidas que eso implicaría
MÁS SOBRE ESTE TEMA: Un glaciar gigante de la Antártida se derrite a más velocidad de lo que se creía California aprobó la ley de privacidad online más estricta de todo EEUU
California Reluctantly Bans New Soda Taxes In Face Of Industry Threat - Duration: 4:37.California, the state that has passed more local sugary beverage taxes than any other, has reluctantly banned any new ones for the next 12 years after a shakedown from beverage lobbyists spooked lawmakers
The legislation Gov. Jerry Brown (D) signed Friday prevents new taxes on any groceries until 2031 but is squarely aimed at the so-called soda taxes currently under consideration in four California cities ― and at the likelihood that more cities would also take a cue from Berkeley, which sparked a trend when it passed the nation's first soda tax in 2014 to combat the health threats posed by sugary drinks
But the lawmakers who introduced the latest legislation weren't going after soda taxes; they were looking for a way to combat a ballot measure backed by beverage interest groups
In response to the soda taxes up for consideration, Brown explained in his decision Friday, "the beverage industry has circulated a far reaching initiative that would, if passed, raise the approval threshold from 50% to two-thirds on all measures, on all topics in all 482 cities" in California
The proposal alarmed mayors from "countless cities," Brown said, and forced his hand on the bill
The California Business Roundtable has since withdrawn that ballot measure, NBC News reported, State Sen
Scott Wiener (D), who voted against the tax ban legislation but said he respects his colleagues who supported it, didn't hold back in excoriating the beverage industry, whose political maneuvering over this amounts to holding the legislature hostage
In a truly vile move, the soda industry aimed a nuclear weapon at CA by funding a ballot measure to make it nearly impossible for cities to raise revenue
The ransom to withdraw the measure? Requiring the Legislature to pass a 12-year ban on new local soda taxes to protect health— Scott Wiener (@Scott_Wiener) June 28, 2018 To be very clear: The soda corporations - Coca Cola, Pepsi, Snapple, Red Bull - are now a rogue industry
They're willing to burn down the house to protect their bottom line & ability to sell dangerous products that give kids diabetes
#Karma— Scott Wiener (@Scott_Wiener) June 28, 2018 San Francisco, one of the cities Wiener represents, is one of a handful of California cities with soda taxes already in place
The legislation signed Friday will allow that taxation to continue. With the beverage industry's expensive campaigns against soda taxes in cities like San Francisco proving unreliable, techniques like the one used with this ballot measure may become more common as the soda tax trend spreads nationwide, The New York Times wrote this week
In an open letter to the governor on Tuesday, American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown said she hoped he would prioritize the health consequences connected to soda consumption, which studies show may have a dangerous effect on the body unmatched by other sugary items
"These companies profit from sugary drinks ― the leading source of added sugar in the American diet ― and they spend millions of dollars marketing them to California kids," she wrote
"I have to tell you, I was shocked by reports that you would secretly negotiate such a deal to take away the ability of Californians to raise revenue that funds important community priorities and to help fight heart disease, stroke and diabetes
" RELATED COVERAGE Seattle Becomes the Latest City to Place a Tax on Soda Should You Vote For A Soda Tax? Science Says Yes Soda Taxes Win Big In California Download Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Here's how
Lydia O'ConnorReporter, HuffPost Suggest a correction MORE: Soda Tax California State Assembly Soda Industry
Rare Red Panda Cub Fighting for Life in California Zoo After Mother Started Neglecting Tiny Offsprin - Duration: 4:05.A newly born red panda cub is fighting for its life at Sacramento Zoo after being neglected by its mother
Veterinarians have now taken the female cub into intensive care where it is being closely monitored around the clock and fed every three hours, according to a statement
The panda, which has not yet been named, was born on Monday to seven-year-old mother, Pili, and nine-year-old father, Takeo, weighing just under four ounces
However, soon after its birth zoo staff noticed signs that Pili was exhibiting neglectful maternal behaviors, including leaving the cub unattended in the outside area of her den
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S. History "After roughly 24 hours of observation, the decision was made to intervene and hand raise the cub, giving her cub the best opportunity to thrive," Laurel Vincent, a zoo spokesperson, said
"Allowing a red panda mother to attentively care for her cub is optimal in most cases, but when factors including maternal neglect are observed, it is important for animal care staff to intervene
" On Tuesday the cub was hypothermic but her temperature has since returned to normal and its health is improving, although she will likely have to stay in an incubator for several months
Red pandas—which are native to Eastern Asia, including Nepal, Myanmar Tibet and south-central China—are critically endangered, with fewer than 10,000 remaining in the wild, according to the World Wildlife Fund
The cubs have high mortality rates with only around 50% surviving to the one-month mark
In fact, the zoo's most recent red panda cub died after just two days. Altogether, there are more than 200 red pandas across zoological institutions in North America
"Red pandas are generally shy and solitary, except during the breeding season," Vincent said
"Females give birth in the spring and summer, typically to one to four cubs. Highly sensitive red panda cubs remain in their nest for at least 90 days with their mothers
Male red pandas take little to no interest in their young, as the pair separate shortly after breeding
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