Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 30 2018

 Princess Charlotte, three, and Mia Tindall, four, have vastly different lives, despite both being grandchildren to Her Majesty the Queen

 The two youngsters are second cousins, as Princess Charlotte's father Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, is the cousin of Mia's mum Zara Tindall – who has just welcomed her second baby with her rugby player husband Mike Tindall

 Although all of the royal youngsters share a close bond – Prince George and cousin Savannah Phillips stole the limelight with their cheeky antics at Trooping the Colour this year, there are some vast differences between the children's lives

 While Princess Charlotte and Mia, who doesn't have a royal title, are both important members of the young royal family, there is one big difference between the two tots – the way their mothers dress them

 Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, only dresses her daughter in floral dresses and Zara chooses to dress her little girl in more comfortable outfits such as leggings

 Mia is frequently spotted wearing leggings and jeans when she is spotted out with her mother and father, usually at horse events

 Although this could be because she likes to run around playing on the lawn, it may also be due to the fact Mia isn't an attendee of important royal engagements like her cousin Charlotte

 Meanwhile, childrenswear designer Rachel Riley, who has dressed Prince George, has a theory Catherine puts Charlotte in traditional dresses so the look stays classic

 Speaking to The Telegraph she said the choice of wardrobe is aimed at looking 'timeless' in official photographs

 Rachel said: "The reason why I design clothes that way is because if they wear very simple things, it's about the child, and it's timeless in that you can't really date a specific photo or put them in something that seems out of date

"  Mia doesn't have to appear in as many royal photographs as her cousin Charlotte, as the four year old doesn't have a royal ranking

 Princess Charlotte is more frequently in the spotlight, due to the fact her father is second in line to the throne

 When the Cambridges attended the Maserati Royal Charity Polo Trophy, Kate knew all eyes would be on her family so decided to dress her brood in very smart ensembles, despite the fact they were running around the grass playing all day

 While George was dressed in a dapper navy polo shirt and beige chino shorts, Charlotte wore a beautiful pink floral dress

For more infomation >> Princess Charlotte and Mia Tindall: The one huge fashion difference between the young royal cousins - Duration: 3:09.


HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 05 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 09 AM - Duration: 1:00:01.


HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 11 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 11 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:00.

For more infomation >> HSN | Diane Gilman Fashions Celebration 07.29.2018 - 08 PM - Duration: 1:00:00.


Fashion-Frust: Paola Maria passen ihre Kleider nicht mehr - Duration: 2:29.

Erst vor Kurzem gaben YouTuberin Paola Maria (24) und ihr Schatz Sascha Koslowski bekannt, dass sie ein Baby erwarten

Dadurch dass ihr Bauch so schnell gewachsen ist, konnte sie die tollen Neuigkeiten auch nicht lange für sich behalten und ließ die Baby-Bombe schließlich in den sozialen Netzwerken platzen

Grundsätzlich ist die Influencerin über ihre runde Murmel überglücklich, allerdings bringt die wachsende Kugel auch einen großen Nachteil mit sich: Paolas Kleider werden ihr rasend schnell zu eng!"Dieses Kleid hier wollte ich heute tragen

Letzte Woche habe ich es noch einigermaßen zu bekommen, jetzt kriege ich es gar nicht mehr zu", murrte die hübsche Brünette in ihrer Instagram-Story

Der Auslöser für ihren kurzen Frustmoment: ein silbernes Kleid mit funkelnden Pailletten, das sie ihren Fans in dem kurzen Clip nur noch auf dem Bügel hängend präsentieren konnte

Doch auch der Rest ihrer Garderobe scheint der Schwangeren langsam, aber sicher zu klein zu werden: "Das heißt, ich brauche irgendwie einen Plan X!", lautete Paolas Fazit aus der Fashion-Misere

Schon vor etwa einer Woche machte die Mama in spe ihrem Frust darüber Luft, dass ihre Klamotten immer komischer an ihr aussehen würden

In ihrer Insta-Story seufzte sie: "Ich habe nirgendwo zugenommen, halt nur am Bauch und ich passe theoretisch noch in meine Kleider herein

Nur am Bauch ist es zu eng und ich kriege sie an der Seite nicht zu!" Klingt, als wäre Paolas Schrank bereit für eine ausgiebige Shoppingtour!

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