Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 7, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jul 30 2018

so hello people here you gone just gonna just have a little bit of a talk now

someone asked me how many coin videos or banknote videos could I actually do well

as you can see here if I was to do a video on every single coin like this

Portuguese coin here do all the Portuguese coins do all the Taiwanese

coins fijian Moroccan French Soviet Union Vietnam Japan the Straits

settlements Australia Nova Japan Russia Russia the United States if I was

actually to do a video for all these coins I could easily make a few million

videos like with the Roman coins by themselves each emperor has a at least a

few thousand coins of different varieties different denominations so

with Roman coins at least probably make at least a million videos just there

then you've got the ancient Greek coins it's probably same amount now at the

Indian subcontinent they have a large variety of coins but

here here I'll probably have at least 100 videos here definitely see I've got

got Austrian coins here I've got Portuguese so Portuguese Mozambique and

Angola got India of God Germany I'm Austrian Austrian South Korea United

Kingdom Israel over there oh and they sort of modern coins you

know and then I'll have some banknotes and I have New Zealand I have these

Straits settlements yeah I'm pretty sure it is oh is it

yesterday not Malaysian currency so yeah I have a hell of a lot of videos

that you can make just on coins not I need that here I have some fake coins

and some real coins so I can make videos about coin collecting so different

topics not related to any specific coin but related to counterfeiting related to

fakes that are made for collectors error coins and also how coins get damaged so

these are damaged coins here so how coins get damaged yeah so it's

just a hell of a lot of coin videos that I can actually make and obviously

two-dollar coin here it actually looks like it is a kennefa coin let's focus

looks like it's a counterfeit coin is actually real it's just being well

circulated unlike this two-dollar coin which is actually counterfeit mm-hmm so

how many videos could I make I can't actually get answer that topic but I'll

answer that question but if you have an answer can you please leave it down

below because I actually would like to know how many videos cuz I make the

coins and banknotes we're also talking about commemorative coins and not

circulating so please leave a comment down below and have awesome coin and

banknote collecting time people because this is an awesome hobby learn about

history linguistics the current culture of the time and lots of it ever awesome

things so please like and subscribe and have an awesome coin collecting time

people bye bye

For more infomation >> How many coin videos can I do? - Duration: 4:11.


How many languages can you learn as an adult? - Duration: 9:47.

Hi there, Vladimir here with another video on how to learn English

Can you be fluent in 2 foreign languages as an adult?

No, you can't

Can you be fluent in 2 foreign languages as an adult?

No, you can't and here is why

First we need to make a few clarifications

the word Fluent

Fluent is the most misused and abused word

among language learners and language teachers

Cambridge dictionary says:

Let us agree that:

"Fluent" doesn't mean being able to "Get by"

Simply introduce yourself in another language,

order food at a restaurant

or ask how much something is.

To me,

fluent is about being able to speak a foreign language

almost the same way you speak your native language.

To understand 99% of what you hear on TV

To make grammatically correct sentences

not necessarily use idioms or slang,

but construct grammatically correct sentences 99% of the time

Not speak in a perfect native accent,

but still clearly

speak a language easily, well, quickly, and without many pauses

Plain and simple

to understand foreign humor

How about that for fluent

A new definition of fluent

Fluent is a person who understands humor

You understand Louis CK you are fluent

You understand comedy central roasts, you are virtually native

You understand Cris Rock, you are native

You understand Frankie Boyle, you are uber native

To me fluency and mastery mean more or less the same thing

Answer me this simple question:

Why would you waste time learning a few words in a foreign language?

The word "dabble" comes to mind

Why would you dabble in a foreign language?

I love how people refer to it as


Russian is my next project


what are you talking about?

What is the pleasure of learning a few words?

How can you communicate with such limited vocabulary?

Language is not a project, language is not a hobby.

Language is not snowboarding

When it comes to snowboarding, you don't have to be Shaun White

to enjoy going down the slopes

but language, the most human of skills

There is no communication with 500, 600 words

and do you have any idea how much time it takes to feel comfortable 500, 600 words

what kind of project are we talking about

My next challenge:

Chinese in 3 months

The time it takes to became good at something

All that Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking

I love movies

I must have seen at least 1,000 movies

add to that sitcoms like Seinfeld, Friends The big bang theory

to name but a few.

TV series like the Wire, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones

to name but a few

countless chat shows

That is at least, 6,000 7,000 hours of just listening

And that's not counting audio books

And don't get me started on my Reading

It takes time and repetition to become good at something

I can hear you say: but I don't want to reach the highest level.

And my answer is:

with language there is no other level, but the highest level

everything else is a torture,

a torture for you and the person you are talking to

you don't need to be a F1 driver to enjoy driving

with language is different

I speak from experience

my Japanese is not all that good

and it's a struggle for me and the person I am talking to

English and my native Bulgarian no problem whatsoever

a shear bliss

All those so called polyglots and their gatherings

All presentations are in English


Why not in French or German or Spanish or Chinese?

Because English is the only language they truly know, feel comfortable using

What is the point of learning all those other languages

if you are not going to use them?

It takes 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to master a foreign language

At 3 hours a day it works out to 10 years.

It is virtually impossible to be fluent in more than 1 language.

Which brings as to the second point I want to clarify:

The word adult

By adult I mean somebody past 23 years of age

Because at that age people graduate universities, people start working, join the real world

start thinking about bills, mortgage, rent and all that jazz.

Children can become bilingual, no question about that

they have all the time in the world,

I doubt you can be trilingual, but bilingual Yes

I grew up bilingual: Bulgarian and Russian

Russian was a mandatory subject in Eastern Europe

Was, not anymore

Plus we had tons of Russian movies and TV

I remember very well Friday was Russian TV day in Bulgaria

fucking communists

I was almost bilingual


My Russian has deteriorated quite a bit

I can still get by, more than get by but that's not fluent

My listening is OK, I understand 90% of what I hear in movies

but not the humor. I used to understand Russian humor, but not anymore

My speaking is shit, I make lots of grammatical mistakes

I can still get my message across, but with no sense of grammar

it's no fun

Another reason why you can't be fluent in more than 1 foreign language as an adult

With language: if you don't use it, you lose it

Language skills are not like riding a bicycle skills

Ok, let me wrap this up

I strongly believe that

you can be fluent in 3 languages 2 as a child, and 1 as an adult

And please don't bother with exceptions

you are not an exception

I would very much question people's claims to language fluency

I would look at their childhood for clues

The main takeaway point from this video is:

Make sure you know English well before you take up a new language

your next language "project"

We live in a time where you need to ask yourself:

Do you really want to talk to somebody who doesn't speak at least a little bit of English?

I am fluent in 2 languages: my native Bulgarian and English

English a language I learned as an adult

If you want to know how to reach my level then you need to read my book Virtually Native

which is available on Amazon and

For more infomation >> How many languages can you learn as an adult? - Duration: 9:47.


[ENG/한글] PD48/NGT48 Yamada Noe - How many times has a guy asked Noe out? - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> [ENG/한글] PD48/NGT48 Yamada Noe - How many times has a guy asked Noe out? - Duration: 4:29.


How much Water Drink Daily For Getting Healthy Weight | Water And Weight Loss - Duration: 2:05.

how much water you should drink in a day for weight loss here is a way to know

how much water we should drink in a day to lose weight take your weight into

consideration the general rule is the heavier you are the more the amount of

water you need to drink obviously people water needs differ from that of one

another convert your weight into pounds roughly

1 kg is equal to 2 point 2 0 pounds multiply your weight in pounds by 2 by 3

so if you weigh 200 pounds then multiplied 200 by 2 by 3 that gives you

an approximate figure of 133 you should be drinking around 133 ounces of water

every day now is when we take into consideration the amount of exercise you

do if you workout for 30 minutes a day then you should drink an extra 12 ounces

of water keep in mind that these calculations are done based on a very

large and generalized sampling of people there are three rules that you must

follow drink water even when you are not

thirsty feeling thirsty means your organ systems have sent a signal to the brain

and that means you are already a little dehydrated so drink water consciously

all through the day you can make use of mobile apps that remind you to drink

water every hour if you workout you need extra water just make sure never to gulp

a water right after working out just sip water and let it to wet your mouth if

plain water bores you use lemon mint or even citrusy fruits for flavoring thank

you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos

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