Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 29 2018

You Won't Believe How Many Trump Supporters Mueller May Indict

Robert Mueller had overstayed his welcome.

Even those who initially supported his investigation have turned on him.

And now he just admitted when his investigation will end.

It's no surprise to anybody paying attention that Robert Mueller's investigation into

Russia collusion during the 2016 election isn't going well.

So far he's overblown a meeting held in Trump tower that turned out to be a waste

of time.

He has indicted a number of Trump officials on non-Russia or Trump campaign offenses.

And now he seems to be out of cards to pull.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the entire investigation is a witch hunt meant

to harm President Trump and Republicans.

Now the New York Post is reporting that Robert Mueller is looking to end his investigation

by this fall.

He is supposedly planning to indict 13 people association with Donald Trump's campaign

who had suspicious contacts with Russians.

Those mentioned include Attorney General Jeff Sessions, former national security adviser

Michael Flynn, Donald Trump Jr., and a number of others.

The timing of the indictment is important in this case.

If it is released just before the election, it opens up the possibility that the entire

investigation is nothing more than a ploy to hurt Republicans.

Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani has stated that if the investigation affects the outcome

of the election, Mueller could find himself being investigated for election interference.

Democrats have already created precedent with that claim because of former FBI Director

James Comey.

Democrats have used the harsh words that Comey used against Hillary Clinton and her use of

a private email server as an excuse for their loss against Donald Trump.

If Mueller releases his report on Russia collusion close enough to the election that there is

no time to review it, it will mean bad news for him.

Giuliani has told him to complete his investigation by September to avoid being investigated.

If he doesn't, it could end badly.

Russian influence in the 2016 elections will be extremely relevant during the upcoming

midterm elections.

Democrats have been threatening to impeach Trump over rumors of Russia collusion since

the day he was elected.

If they gain control of the House and Senate they very well could do that.

There has been no president in history that has been as much trouble for the left as Donald

Trump has.

His election killed the Clinton dynasty and created turmoil among the left.

He brought the injustices that have occurred at the hand of government institutions front

and center, questioning the FBI, Obama Administration, and countless other government agents.

Robert Mueller is their best chance to put a stop to all of the progress President Trump

has made.

But Trump supporters will continue to stand with him.

There has been no President besides George W. Bush, post 9/11, who has higher approval

in his own party.

His approval rating is climbing.

It will be an uphill battle to defeat Republicans aligned with Trump in 2018.

Do you think Republicans will do well in the upcoming midterm elections?

Let us know your thoughts


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