Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 29 2018


Seventy million acres

of wide-open possibilities.

Nevada is untouched...


a place where the desert comes to life.

The ground holds the history,

and nature perseveres.


"I've been camping all my life,

"and these are the kind of places

"where I feel free and feel like a whole person.

"This is where I feel at home."

I get a ride with Nevada's most notorious

outdoorsman, Jim Boone.

"They discovered gold,

"and hence the name became Gold Point

"which is what we live with now."

I stop at Gold Point

for one-of-a-kind mining history.

"It was meant to look like a watchtower,

"a wonderful watchtower

"looking out over this valley."

In Austin I explore the history

behind Stokes Castle.

"All right, so we're gonna race.

-We're gonna race, and you're gonna go down.

-Drake, you know I like you,

"but you're talking smack.

"I'm gonna have to put you in your place.

-We'll see."

And I get some air at the Nellis Dunes.


"Pretty spectacular, isn't it?

"Nevada is like that."


I'm John Burke.

Join me as I explore the seventh-largest

state in the nation

here on Outdoor Nevada.


Any visitor to Nevada will quickly find

that one of the state's greatest treasures

is its people and today I found a gem

in Jim Boone, an ecologist who knows

all of Las Vegas' nature secrets.

(John Burke) Nevada's favorite son. Jim, good seeing you.

-It's nice to meet you too, John,

and what a great place to do it.

-Yeah, no kidding.

If I described you as an outdoorsman

and an environmentalist, would that be accurate?

(Jim Boone) Yeah, it would be. I spend most of my time

these days working on protecting the landscape,

both to keep it open for recreation

so we can continue to go out here

and also keep it safe for the plants

and animals that live here.

-And you're very successful at that.

Give me some of the places you've worked on,

where you've succeeded at that.

-Well, we helped get Basin and Range

National Monument established.

We helped get Gold Butte

National Monument established.

And I've been very active on the mining claim

marker project too where we're taking down

old historic markers that are trapping

and killing birds out here.

-Why do you love it so much?

You take it to the next level of action.

How come?

-You know, I've been camping all my life,

and these are the kind of places

where I feel free and feel like a whole person.

This is where I feel at home.

In 2002 Jim started,

a passion-driven website that details

all the hikes around Las Vegas

and gives tips on how to optimize birdwatching

and hiking experiences in the area.

What are we going to see today?

-We're going to start here at Pahranagat

headquarters, and then we're going

to drive out into the Desert National

Wildlife Refuge, a big wild country,

and hopefully see some petroglyphs

and those spectacular sand dunes out there.

-I'm excited. I got this feeling

like it's going to be a great day.

Shall we go take a look? -Let's do it.

-Are you driving? -I am.

-Let's go. -All right.

At Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge,

9.2 miles of hiking trails cross over meadows,

marshes, lakes, streams and desert habitat,

and 264 bird species have been recorded here.

That's half of all birds documented

in the entire state of Nevada.

Well, I gotta say, Jim, that I find this

to be kind of unusual out here to see this.

What do we know about this?

-It turns out we don't know a whole lot.

We think it was probably built about 1870,

but just not a whole lot of information about why.

The place, the exact site seems to be

confusing to people, to historians.

-How would the role of the Southern Paiutes

or the Native Americans in this area

play into this building?

-Well, the stones that were used to build it

have petroglyphs on them so the native people

would have been doing something

like sitting up on the hill behind us

and maybe watching for deer or something

coming down to the water

and just maybe doodling in their spare time.

It's hard to say.

But making petroglyphs on small rocks,

and then people came and gathered the rocks

and built them into this building.

Though it may not offer the comforts

that appeal to you and me,

this modest home has become

a critical environment for local bats.


A short hike off of Alamo Road

brings us to something pretty special.

What is it?

-These are some really old petroglyphs here

we can see on the rock walls behind us.

-Now, who would have put these here and when?

-The Southern Paiute people or perhaps

the people that lived here before them

because we can tell these are old

because they're all abstract designs.

On these we don't see any bighorn sheep

or representations of people.

That tells us this is some pretty old artwork.

-Impossible to answer, I know,

but I'm going to ask you anyway,

what do you think it says?

-Yes indeed, impossible to answer

because we weren't part of that culture.

But we can look at some things,

for instance back here we see

a lot of dots on the rocks.

This suggests to me that somebody

was counting something and it's the longest

nights of the year, shortest days,

and the Sun is low on the horizon.

These dots with that shadow cast across,

that could actually be a solstice calendar.

We might have to come back on December 21

and see where that shadow lies

relative to those dots.

-I'm struck by how you're able to read the land.

It talks to you like a book,

and I don't have that talent.

How many hikes have you taken in your life?

-You know, that's like asking

how many is infinity.


-People look at me and they say

you've hiked everywhere, haven't you?

And I say no, there's one more ridge,

there's one more wash.

I haven't been up every one.

That's an infinite number of places here,

and you look in every one

and you're going to find something exciting.

With a Ph.D in ecology

and a lifetime spent in the outdoors,

Jim has some of the richest knowledge

of Nevada lands.

Ask him about flora and fauna,

geology or anything outdoors,

and Jim likely has the answer.

There's nothing I like more

than an interesting landscape in Nevada,

and this certainly has that.

Tell me about these sand dunes here

because you don't see that very often.

-Well, certainly not in this part of the world.

These sand dunes are probably

100 to 120 feet high back here,

and the sand comes from this big open

expanse out here, this big dry lake.

Prevailing winds blow it this way,

the winds hit up against the mountains

and drop their load of sand.

The wind keeps going,

and the sand dunes build here.

-How long has the dry lake bed been there?

-It's hard to say how long it's been dry.

We know that about 10,000 years ago

when people first came, it would have been a lake

with reeds and tules and ducks and everything

you'd expect to find around a lake.

-One thing you notice out here

besides how quiet it is, there's not too many

roads out here. -No, there's not.

In fact, this is the largest

roadless area in the Lower 48.

These sand dunes spread over 15,600 square miles

within the Desert National Wildlife

Refuge's 1.65 million acres of land.

You're a man who knows about the outdoors,

who certainly knows about Nevada.

One of the challenges I have in my job

is to explain to people how beautiful it is

in a place like this.

How do you describe this?

Can you help me with that?

-You know, that's a big question.

It's hard to say.

You have to come here

and see it to understand it.

But what do I feel? I feel at home.

I feel like this is where I belong.

This is peace and quiet,

and this is where my brain slows down.

I feel calm and content out here.

-I gotta say, I know you had to take a day

out of your life to spend it with me

but I have really benefited from this,

and I hope the audience does as well.

So Jim, thank you so much for this,

and I appreciate it. -Thanks for having me,

and thanks for your interest

in our public lands.

People like Jim spend years of their lives

preserving the most precious landscapes

and life forms of Nevada.

Their endless dedication makes the state

the treasure we know today.

Although these sand dunes have been in motion

for thousands of years, they've left this land

relatively unchanged, and that's in part

because of guys like Jim, a true Nevadan

who knows all the great hiking spots

and cares deeply about this land.


The Silver State is full of mining history

and old ghost towns in the middle

of absolutely nowhere, but today I think

I found something a little different.

Welcome to Gold Point, Nevada,

population five, or maybe six,

depending on who's in town that day.

This place is like a living museum,

and if you're feeling it,

you can even stay here overnight.

About 180 miles away from Las Vegas

and frozen a half a century in the past,

this defunct mining town may be

tapped out of gold ore, but it's still producing

incredible memories to this day.

Walt, how are you? -Great, John.

How are you doing? -Good, good to see you.


-I got a thousand questions for you.

-One at a time, though.

-All right, it all begins here.

When was this town founded?

When did this all begin?

(Walter Kremin) This started back in 1868

when it was called Lime Point originally

where they used to come up here.

That hill over there was a lime deposit,

and that's how it got its name,

by people coming up here doing prospecting.

Then in '08 they came up here

and found silver, hornsilver,

and renamed the town Hornsilver.

"Hornsilver" is an informal name

for silver chloride that's been exposed

to desert air and polished by the elements.

The resulting patina is said to resemble

the color of a cow's horn,

thus the name "hornsilver."

In the late '20s,

in '28 they discovered gold,

and hence the name became Gold Point

which is what we live with now.

-And back in the day at its height,

how many people were here?

-As many as coming and going 1,200,

mostly around the 800 level

during the heyday of the town.

Unfortunately mining is a boom

or bust industry, and Gold Point

eventually hit hard times.

But in the late 1970s,

Walt and his partners stepped in.

What are you trying to do out here?

-We're trying to make it something

that people can come up and enjoy

and get a feel of what it was like

back in the day when people had to live

this hard life that it was up here.

-I just got here, but I can see

you're doing an awesome job.

What is this building behind us?

-This one is the post office right here

which also has an adjoining residence

next to it which we've made

into part of our bed and breakfast.

The post office has been closed since 1964.

Ora Mae, which was the post mistress,

lived on here until the '80s.

When she passed away

is when we acquired the building.

-And it's like a time capsule.

You're maintaining it but nothing has changed.

-Nothing. In fact, I keep

some of the buildings exactly like that.

I haven't even removed or put anything

in there for 35 years.

-You're really preserving it.

-Yeah, absolutely.

We left all the dust from the '70s in there.

But Walt isn't just saving

on housecleaning bills,

he's capturing a remarkable slice

of American history.

You're looking at the Ohio Mine

which was closed in the late '30s

just before the war for the war effort.

The Ohio Mine wasn't the only gold mine

that closed for World War II.

In 1942 the War Production Board

issued Order No. 208

deeming gold mining "inessential."

After that all the mines shut down,

and the miners went to war.

How deep does this mine go?

-About 1,000 feet.

-It looks like it's in great condition.

Did you fix it up or was it like that?

-No, it was like that, and pretty much

what you see there is the way it's stayed

since they removed the equipment in the '60s.

The only thing that changes it

is the panels start disappearing

because the wind takes them.

The mine reopened on a smaller scale

after the war but in the 1960s,

a cave-in closed the Dunfee Shaft for good.

Since then the town has been

pretty much frozen in time.

I think American history really never dies,

and when you've got a curator,

somebody that knows it and can show it in 3D,

it's a whole new experience.

When people stay here,

where do they stay in town?

-We have the bed and breakfast,

and that would be the rooms that we have

which are eight, and they go anywhere

from renting a whole house to a cabin that suits two.

We have the dry camping

which people put up tents for that matter,

and then we also have the trailer park.

-And where do they eat?

-They eat right by the saloon there;

we have a full kitchen.

-A saloon? Now you're talking my language.

Can we go take a look at that?

-Absolutely. Let's do it.

At its peak Gold Point boasted 13 saloons.

After all, mining is a thirsty business.

But now the town only has one,

so a Gold Point pub crawl starts and ends right here.

So Walt, this is the saloon.

I'm guessing this is the big gathering place.

-Yeah, it's the focal point of the whole town.

It's nice especially when evenings

cool off a little bit.

We start a fire and in the morning

when we have breakfast, it's nice and welcoming

especially if you're camping.

-What would you say is the busiest time for you?

-Spring and fall.

Usually spring is the best time I think

because people love that freshness

and the earth hasn't had a chance to warm up.

As it warms up during the summer,

it retains a lot of that heat,

and spring is usually so much more refreshing.

-I gotta tell you, this place has character

and I think you're a character

in the best way. -Yeah, thank you.

-I don't know how many people come here,

but it's not enough.

Everybody should come here, meet you,

get a drink and spend the night

and get some mining history.

Thank you for this day. -Thanks for being here.

You have a good trip back.

No matter what time of year,

Gold Point is a refreshing way

to slip out of the present

and into Nevada's mining history.

I guess it seems this little town

is frozen in time and I suppose

that's probably true,

and that's why people come here.

But that's not the end of the story.

See, Walt has big plans.

It turns out he wants to build a mining museum

right here at the end of Main Street.

Until then come on out to Gold Point.

You look like the kind of folks

that fit right in.


On the Loneliest Highway in America,

Austin hold on to the memories of times past.

Founded in 1862, the mining town

was once the second-largest city

in the state, but that's not all.

This little town keeps something else

to be remembered by:

A western castle you gotta see to believe.

Robyn, how are you doing?

-I'm doing fantastic. How are you?

-Come on, look where we are.

-I know, it's wonderful up here.

Thanks for coming up and sharing

this Saturday morning with us.

-You're really passionate about this area.

-Yes, I'm very passionate about Austin.

-And you just got here, right?

(Robyn Veach) I just got here. April 7 I drove

through Austin for the first time,

and that was this year.

-Now you're working for the Chamber of Commerce.

-Working for the Chamber

and keeper of the keys to this castle.

I bought a home, buying a business,

and I just love to share how amazing

and quirky wonderful this place is.

The 1860 silver rush brought venturers

of all kinds to Austin, including one prospector

who would unknowingly give the town

its most noteworthy feature.

His name was Anson Phelps Stokes.

Anson Stokes was a mogul: A banking mogul,

a mining mogul and a railroad mogul.

In the 1890s, that's what was

happening out here was banking,

mining and railroads.

There was a project he was working on

that ended up being the Central Nevada Railway.

He saw this location and there were mines

on the property and mining equipment,

and he bought it.

-He had a little bit of money?

-He had a lot of money.

When he passed away in 1913,

his estimated net worth was about $20 million.

-Yeah, that would do it. -That would do it.

-So he comes out here, he's figuring,

I'm thinking, maybe a summer home?

-Yes, this was meant to be a summer home.

He was a well traveled businessman,

had traveled through Europe,

and outside of Rome he had seen

a castle that he loved so when he landed here,

he could build whatever he wanted

so he built this castle,

which they referred to as the "Tower."

They did not call it a castle.

It had a battlement on the third floor,

on the roof level, so it was meant

to look like a watchtower,

a wonderful watchtower

looking out over this valley

and watching everything below it.

In between each hand-hewn stone,

a layer of clay mortar and wedged rocks

have held this structure together

for over a century.

It took about a year and a half

for the Tower or the castle to be built.

It was done all by local miners and craftsmen.

The granite is native to the area,

so as they mined out these stones and rocks,

they could use them for the castle.

-You said it's three levels,

and then there's these beams coming out.

-Yes, these are the balconies.

This was an opulent palace.

It had balconies that could look out

over the valley.

It had plate-glass windows and fireplaces

and the fanciest indoor plumbing for the day.

-How many bedrooms?

How many kids did he and his wife have?

-He ended up having nine children

with his wife together.

We believe at the age they traveled here

and were here for that one summer,

there were a few children that traveled with them

and that was it, two to three.

The Stokes laid their roots in New York City

where Anson ran multiple prospering businesses

in mining, banking and even real estate.

At the time Austin seemed to give

the Stokes family a much-needed escape.

Oh, my gosh, I'm seeing it. I'm seeing Italy.

-Can't you picture it? -Yes.

-It was very Italian, very opulent.

If you imagine this building

with the fresh plaster walls

and possibly wallpaper, they were not camping.

This was a vacation home for a very wealthy family

in the 1890s.

-We're talking candelabras...

-We're talking rugs and furniture,

tapestries and china and silver.

All of that was here.

-And I could see where the stairs went,

so there were three levels.

-Three levels, very Victorian

with the 12-foot ceilings.

You can imagine what it looked like in the 1800s.

-And three fireplaces?

-There were three fireplaces,

so we're on the lower level.

This would have been the first floor,

and it would have the kitchen and dining area.

The second floor would have most likely

been the parlor and the gathering area,

and the third floor would be two bedrooms.

Each of the second and third floor

had a balcony and plate-glass windows

that you could go out and enjoy

the Reese River Valley view.

-If these walls could talk, what would they say?

-Oh, gosh, they'd talk of an amazing spot

and a home that wasn't lived in

or loved enough, I think.

It was too short-lived, I believe,

for as beautiful as I imagine it was.

-It certainly deserved a little bit more.

-I think it did.

The Stokes family spent a full month

in the castle in the summer of 1897.

They came back for a few days in October

of the same year and made their final

visit in the summer of 1898

when they sold all their property in town.

Robyn, thank you for everything

you're doing for Austin, for Nevada

and for taking me out here today.

-Thanks for coming to visit us.

To call it a short-lived vacation home

barely scratches the surface of what

Stokes Castle represents to this community,

a time stamp of its history

and the pride of the town.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

Stokes Castle, a perfect example

of Nevada history standing tall,

waiting for you to come and see it for yourself.


When the world tells you

there's some place you aren't meant

to drive, a high-torque,

adrenaline-fueled buggy says

"try me."

Look behind me through the haze and dust,

and you might see Las Vegas.

Now, on the outskirts of Las Vegas

is Nellis Air Force Base.

Out here there's not much,

but you know the people in Nevada,

they usually do something with that land,

wondering why nothing's going on.

Oh, but there is.

It's called Sunbuggy, and this is my guy Drake.

How are you doing, pal? -How's it going?

-Good. How many of these buggies have you got?

-We've got 90.

-And then you've got ATVs?

-Oh, yeah. We've got roughly 50.

Today I'm on the north side of town

for a high-octane adventure.

Drake will be my guide over the dunes today

and maybe even some good-natured competition.

He's a Vegas native

whose father was once a pilot

in the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds.

Needless to say, speed runs in this guy's blood.

What are the ages that can come out here?

(Drake Hickey) We've got kids as young as four years old

or as old as 90-plus. -No kidding!

How many people can go out at one time?

-At one time we can have nine buggies

with between four and two people per buggy.

-Okay, tell me about your courses.

You have different kinds of courses?

-We can do Nellis, which is a slower pace.

We're still going over the dunes

and it's more sand.

Then we also have the Baja Chase.

On that I go as fast as I can

and you guys try to catch up,

but it's kind of hard.

-Oh, that sounds like a challenge,

but we'll get to that in a second.

How long are these courses?

-We have a 30-minute and an hour.

-And you also have an evening ride.

-Yes, at 7 p.m. where we put some lights on here

and you can follow us through the dark.

-Dude, that's insane! Is it all year?

-All year-round, 365 days.

-What about conditions,

like today it's a little breezy.

Is that going to slow you down any?

-The wind has no effect on the engines.

Buggies rose in popularity in the '60s

after the introduction of the Meyers Manx.

Air-cooled engines and wide tires

make them fast, stable and able to rip across

all kinds of sandy, rough terrain.

So how does this work today between you and I?

-First we're going to get strapped up,

be nice and safe and we're just gonna hit it.

-All right, so we're gonna race?

-We're gonna race, and you're gonna go down.

-Drake, you know I like you,

but you're talking smack

I'm gonna have to put you in your place.

-We'll see, we'll see.

-Let's have at it. -All right.

Drake and I get in position for a classic

hotrod-style race, only today instead

of shredding the blacktop,

we're crashing through the sand.

Call me delusional, but I like my chances.

Here we go!

(engines roaring)


Whoo! This is like fuel-injected fun

to the max out here, and here's the thing:

There's like 100 people out here,

this is the place to be,

but there's 15,000 acres of BLM land.

These tracks are endless.

I gotta go join them!


When the dune buggy became popular

in the '60s, it represented

the non-conformity and free spirit

that was the signature of the decade.

Today that spirit lives on as the modern buggy

still races us into the great outdoors

towards freedom and adventure.


Drake, you totally owned me on that, man.

-You almost had me but then at the end,

I got you.

-Yeah, you're being kind.

I got one more word for you:

Rematch! -Done!


Support for Outdoor Nevada

comes from Jaguar Land Rover Las Vegas

and Jaguar Land Rover Reno,

inspiring the spirit of adventure

with confidence in any terrain or conditions.

Information at or

For more infomation >> Outdoor Nevada S3 Ep3 | The "Sand" State - Duration: 26:31.


IT'S HUGE! US Church Has Voted Unanimously To Support BDS! - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> IT'S HUGE! US Church Has Voted Unanimously To Support BDS! - Duration: 3:20.


'EU was set up to take ADVANTAGE of US!' Donald Trump launches SCATHING attack on Brussels - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> 'EU was set up to take ADVANTAGE of US!' Donald Trump launches SCATHING attack on Brussels - Duration: 2:16.


KY's Hepatitis A Outbreak Worst in U.S. - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> KY's Hepatitis A Outbreak Worst in U.S. - Duration: 0:34.


24Hrs After Nancy Pelosi Calls For 'Uprisings' Across U S , Her Plan Backfires On Her At Home - Duration: 13:21.

24Hrs After Nancy Pelosi Calls For 'Uprisings' Across U.S., Her Plan Backfires On Her At


House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has taken her "anything Trump does must be awful"

show on the road for an encore performance.

Attempting to downplay decades low unemployment and record highs in consumer confidence was

apparently to difficult from home or Washington.

As one of the most disliked politicians in America with a bevy of just flat ignorant

commentary to cite for exactly WHY Americans feel the way they do, Nancy just cannot seem

to help herself.

Keeping her mouth closed in order to not prove herself a fool again and again seems to simply

be too great a challenge for the California Democrat.

Now she has made comments sounding as though she is attempting to incite a rebellion against

the Trump administration.

It seems Nancy is concerned.

That concern centers around a former government policy of separating illegal migrant children

from their illegal migrant mothers and fathers when they are detained for crossing the border

into the United States without permission.

Yet for reasons known only to Nancy, she has never voiced any of these concerns over the

past 20 years or more that the policy of not detaining children in a government facility

has been going on.

Nancy's concern centered around the government policy of separating children from their criminal

parents when they are detained illegally entering the country.

Oddly, she has never voiced any of these concerns in the past 20 years… which is how long

the policy of not detaining children in a government facility has been in place.

She maintains it is "barbaric" to separate illegal migrant children from their illegal

migrant parents after they illegally enter the country to seek asylum.

Nancy, calling for protests, said she does not under "why there aren't uprisings

all over the country" of people expressing outrage about the policy.

Trending: Trump Warned Maxine Waters And She Didn't Listen, Now He's Sending In The


"First of all, this was act of the administration.

They had been planning this for a while," Nancy said at her weekly press conference

on Thursday.

"As a mother of five children, grandmother of nine, I'm sure any parents here, mother

or father, knows that this is barbaric.

This is not what America is.

But this is the policy of the Trump administration.

I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country.

And maybe there will be, when people realize that this is a policy that they defend."

Illegal migrant children were separated from their illegal migrant parents after illegally

crossing the border into the U.S. in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017,

and all of sudden out of the blue people like Nancy just decided to start caring in 2018.

This issue has been going on for years…long before current President Trump or even former

President Obama.

With virtue signaling all over the place, a truckload of overly emotional hysteria,

and a complete void of historical fact and context, this was not a sudden change or a

new policy.

The border did not magically move.

Yet for some reason, almost like a coordinated attack, folks all of sudden decided they "cared"

about the children of illegal migrants being with their mothers and fathers.

How very nice that Washington progressives, politicos, sycophants, and talking heads have

suddenly found their"compassion" and concern themselves about children having mothers and


Nevermind the government has legal limitations on detaining illegal migrant children that

prevent children from being detained with their parents.

Family separation arises out of policy changes that require the detention of adults either

in criminal or immigration jails.

There are, however, existing legal limitations on holding children in custody, notably the

1997 Flores Settlement Agreement and legal prohibitions against holding children in adult

criminal facilities.

As a result, the child is taken from the parent and placed into the custody of the Department

of Health and Human Services (HHS) in HHS facilities.

In addition, according to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, there has also

been a 314% increase in adults showing up at the border with children they are not related


These are not parents and families.

These are pimps and traffickers.

So what these people are actually saying with their misplaced "compassion" is they do

not want to separate children from their abusers.

They are literally asking…no, demanding…that vile, repugnant scum that see children as

a commodity to be bought and sold, used at will…as chattel, be catered to and accommodated.

All with plenty of media propagandists and lackeys on both the left and the right, throwing

in their "SEE, I CARE TOO!" nonsense.

Now Nancy is seeing her lemming supporters and future Democratic congressional candidates

backing away from their support of her.

Some are even outright attacking her in the hopes it will help their own chances of winning

at the polls.

Gil Cisneros (D), who is running for the soon-to-be-retired seat of Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) issued a statement

on his decision to not support Pelosi if his party retakes the House and Pelosi attempts

to run for Speaker yet again – "While I respect Leader Pelosi's years of advocacy

on behalf of California and the Democratic Party, it's time for new leadership."

as to his decision not to support Pelosi if his party takes back the House and she runs

for speaker.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Democrat Andrew Janz, who is running against

GOP Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Tulare), has also stated he would not support Pelosi.

Janz states – "I think it's time for a new generation of leaders to go to Washington,

and this is with respect to both Democrats and Republicans.

I think the country, and my district in particular, is hungry for change."

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and

is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

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For more infomation >> 24Hrs After Nancy Pelosi Calls For 'Uprisings' Across U S , Her Plan Backfires On Her At Home - Duration: 13:21.


美國高中School Routine Compilation United States Part 5 – Taiwanese Morning Routine for USA High School - Duration: 3:28.

美國高中School Routine Compilation United States (Part 5) – Taiwanese Morning Routine for USA High School Life

For more infomation >> 美國高中School Routine Compilation United States Part 5 – Taiwanese Morning Routine for USA High School - Duration: 3:28.


US Seeks to Install $1B Missile Defense Radar in Hawaii - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> US Seeks to Install $1B Missile Defense Radar in Hawaii - Duration: 0:58.


The New S60 and US Factory Inauguration 2018 • 60fps Limitless Quality - Duration: 4:04.





ladies and gentlemen please welcome poor

councilman song president and CEO Volvo

car group


is really a historical milestone for our

company today I would officially declare

the rich will plant open for business


they are looking great and who better to

reveal in u.s. 60 than the people who

build a car to me Volvo coming to

Charleston is growth for our community

so on behalf of the C shop I want to say

thank as a father of two small children

I'm very proud to work for Volvo cars

building cars safer for our roads and a

cleaner environment for our future

generations to me the importance of

Volvo coming to Charleston is the

diversity that's been brought to this

area this is a moment that I'm truly

proud of and something that I'll

remember for the rest of my life and now

we'd like to show you guys what we've


we are delighted to call South Carolina

the home of Volvo the combination of

Sweden and America and South Carolina is

as strong as it gets



I'm very glad that with today you have

come to the point where we can

inaugurate finally a factory in the US

because this makes Volvo a truly global

company and we will now have a strong

foundation for our further growth


For more infomation >> The New S60 and US Factory Inauguration 2018 • 60fps Limitless Quality - Duration: 4:04.


US Military Joins Search For Youth Soccer Team Trapped In Thailand Cave - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> US Military Joins Search For Youth Soccer Team Trapped In Thailand Cave - Duration: 0:17.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit Pyongyang next week: report - Duration: 1:40.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will reportedly fly over to Pyongyang next week.

Despite it coming later than first expected, the Trump administration is hoping it can

keep pressure on North Korea to speed up the denuclearization process.

Cha Sang-mi reports.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will reportedly visit North Korea next week, according to

the Financial Times.

Citing four unnamed U.S. officials,... the newspaper on Thursday said Pompeo has cancelled

a planned July 6th meeting with his Indian counterpart in Washington... in order to fly

to Pyongyang.

The officials added that the joint declaration signed by U.S. President Donald Trump and

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on June 12th,... stipulated that Pompeo would hold "follow-on"

talks with an unnamed senior North Korean official "at the earliest possible date",...

but had given no timeline.

The visit will be the first senior-level meeting between the two sides since that historic

summit in Singapore.

The U.S. State Department wouldn't confirm the Financial Times' report.

Pompeo traveled to North Korea twice before the Singapore summit, the most recent in May,

when he returned to the U.S. with three American hostages who had been detained in the North.

The report comes after Pompeo testified to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday,

where he stated that contacts with North Korea are ongoing,... with him in charge of the


Pompeo said he was sure the regime knows the scope of denuclearization the Trump administration

is calling for.

He had also confirmed that no remains of U.S. soldiers killed during the Korean War have

been handed over by the North, but said he was optimistic they will be "in the not too

distant future."

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to visit Pyongyang next week: report - Duration: 1:40.


CDC: Only 23% of US Adults Get Enough Exercise - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> CDC: Only 23% of US Adults Get Enough Exercise - Duration: 0:31.


S. Korean, U.S. defense chiefs reaffirm ironclad alliance and watertight consultations - Duration: 3:22.

Our top story this morning... The defense chiefs of South Korea and the

United States have agreed the Korean peninsula sits at a crucial diplomatic juncture as talks

continue on bringing North Korea into the international fold.

The two were meeting in Seoul on Thursday for their third face-to-face following previous

sit-downs in Hawaii and Singapore earlier this year.

Park Ji-won reports.

In their opening statement before their closed-door meeting,... the two defense chiefs reaffirmed

their steadfast and ironclad alliance,... vowing that they will continue (quote) "watertight"

consultations,... at a time when major changes are happening on the Korean peninsula.

"We're standing at a turning point between the dark shadow of conflict and confrontation

that hung over the Korean peninsula for the last 70 years, and the brighter new history

of peace and cooperation. This is a precious opportunity made by President Moon and U.S.

President Trump's vision and decisions. South Korea and the U. S. pledge their utmost effort

to ensure that this opportunity not only leads to the peace and prosperity of the Korean

Peninsula, but also Northeast Asia and the world."

They also confirmed the decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise,... originally

scheduled for this August. Mattis said the suspension of the joint military

exercises will create a better environment for diplomats to negotiate with the North.

"The recent decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise creates an increased opportunity

for our diplomats to negotiate, increasing the prospects for a peaceful solution on the

Korean Peninsula. At the same time the U.S. and ROK forces remain united, vigilant and

ready to defend against any challenge."

The suspension of the Freedom Guardian exercise, however, doesn't mean that the two countries

will suspend all future military drills. Military sources told Arirang News that the

two defense chiefs agreed that the two countries will decide the timing, scope and scale of

future joint military drills and announce the details together,... considering the North's

progress in denuclearization and the military's combat readiness.

Mattis also stressed that the U.S. will maintain its current troop levels on the Peninsula.

"U.S. commitment to the Republic of Korea remains ironclad and the U.S. will continue

to use a full range of diplomatic and military capabilities to uphold this commitment. This

includes maintaining the current the U.S. force levels on the Korean peninsula."

The two leaders also shared a common view that international sanctions on the North

should remain in effect,.. until Pyongyang takes concrete and irreversible steps for

denuclearization. The two defense chiefs also briefly discussed

the transfer of wartime operational control to South Korea,... but didn't reveal many

details of those discussions. They stressed that this year marks the 65th

anniversary of the signing of the bilateral mutual defense treaty and 50 years of close

consultation through annual joint security consultative meetings,... and they vowed to

further strengthen the alliance,.. in pursuit of the shared goal of peace in the region.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korean, U.S. defense chiefs reaffirm ironclad alliance and watertight consultations - Duration: 3:22.


US Citizenship Test 2018 Free for everyone - Duration: 32:17.

What is the supreme law of the land

The Constitution

What does the constitution do

Set up the government

Defines the government

Protects basic rights of Americans

The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution

What are these words

We the People

What is an amendment

A change to the Constitution

An addition to the Constitution

What do we call the first ten amendments

The Constitution

The Bill of Rights

What is one right

Or freedom from the First Amendment





Petition the government

How many amendments does the Constitution have


What did the Declaration of Independence do

Announced our independence from Great Britain

Declared our independence

Great Britain

That the United States

It's free

From Great Britain

What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence



Pursuit of happiness

What is freedom of religion

You can practice any religion

Or not practice a religion

What is the economic system in the United States

Capitalist economy

Market economy

What is the rule of law

Everyone must follow the law

Leaders must obey the law

Government must obey the law no one is above the law

Name one branch or part of the government





The court


What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful

Checks and balances

Separation of powers

Who is in charge of the executive branch

The president

Who makes federal laws


Senate and House of Representatives

Us or national legislature

What are the two parts of the US Congress

The Senate and House of Representatives

How many u.s. senators are there


We elect a US senator for how many years


Who is one of your State's US senators now

Answers will vary

District of Columbia residents and residents of US territories should answer the DC

Or the territory where the applicant lives

Has no US senators

The House of Representatives has how many voting members


We elect a US Representative for how many years


Name your US Representative

Answers will vary

Residents of territories with non-voting delegates or Resident Commissioners May provide the name

Name of that delegate or commissioner also acceptable is any statement that the territory has

No voting representatives in Congress

Who does the US senator represent

All people of the state

Why do some states have more Representatives than other states

Because of the States population

Because they have more people

Because some states have more people

We elect a president for how many years


In what month do we vote for president


What is the name of the president of the United States now

Donald J Trump

Donald Trump


The name of the Vice President of the United States now

Michael R Pence

Mike Pence

If the president can no longer serve

Who becomes president

The vice president

If both the president and the vice president can no longer serve

Who becomes president

The Speaker of the House

Who is the commander-in-chief of the military

The president

Who signs bills to become laws

The president

Who vetoes bills

The president

What does the president's cabinet do

Advises the president

What are two cabinet-level positions

Secretary of agriculture

Secretary of Commerce

Secretary of Defense Secretary of Education

Secretary of Energy

Secretary of Health and Human Services secretary

Sorry of Homeland Security Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Labor

Secretary of state Secretary of Transportation

Secretary of the Treasury

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Attorney General

Vice president

What does the judicial branch do

Refuse laws

Explains laws resolves disputes disagreements

Decides if a law goes against the Constitution

What is the highest

Courtney United States

The Supreme Court

How many justices are on the Supreme Court


Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now

John Roberts John G Roberts jr.

Under our constitution

Some powers belong to the federal government

What is one power of the federal government

To print money

To declare war

To create an army

To make treaties

Under our constitution some powers belong to the states

What is one power of the state

Provide schooling and education provide protection

Police provide safety

Fire Department

Give a driver's license

Approve zoning and land-use

Who is the governor of your state now

Answers will vary District of Columbia residents should answer the DC

He does not have a governor

What is the capital of your state

Answers will vary District of Columbia

Residents should answer that DC is not a state that does not have a capital

Residents of US territories should name the capital of the territory

What are the two major political parties in the United States

Democratic and Republican

What political party of the president now

Republican Party

What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now

Paul D Ryan Paul Ryan

There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote

Describe one of them

Citizens 18 and older can vote you don't have to pay app

Poll tax to vote

Any citizen can vote women and men can vote

A male citizen of any race can vote

What is one responsibility that is only for United States


Serve on a jury vote in a federal

Election 91

Right only for United States citizens

Vote in a federal election

Run for federal office

What are two rights of everyone living in the United States

Freedom of expression freedom of speech

Freedom of assembly freedom to petition the government

Freedom of religion the right to bear arms

What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance

The United States

The flag

What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen

Give up loyalty to other countries

Defend the Constitution and laws of the United States

Obey the laws of the United States

Serve in the US military if needed

Serve do important work for the nation if needed

Be loyal to the United States

How old do citizens have to be to vote for president

18 and older

What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy


Join a political party

Help with a campaign

Join a Civic group

Join a community group

Give an elected official your opinion on an issue

Call senators and representatives

Publicly support or oppose an issue or policy

Run for office

Write to a newspaper when is the last day you can see

Send in federal income tax forms

April 15th

When must all men register for the Selective Service

At age 18 between 18 and 20

Hockey sticks

What is one reason Colonists came to America

Freedom political Liberty

Religious freedom Economic Opportunity

Practice their religion

Escape persecution

Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived

American Indians

Native Americans

What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves


People from Africa why did the colonists fight the British

Because of high taxes

Taxation without representation

Because the British army stayed in their houses

Boarding quartering

Because they didn't have self-government

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

When was the Declaration of Independence adopted

July 4th 1776

There were 13 original states name three

New Hampshire


Rhode Island


New York

New Jersey

Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland


North Carolina

South Carolina


What happened at the Constitutional Convention

The Constitution was written

The founding fathers wrote the Constitution

When was the Constitution written


The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the US Constitution

Name one of the writers

James Madison

Alexander Hamilton John Jay


What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for

Us diplomat

Oldest member of the Constitutional Convention

First Postmaster General of the United States

Writer of poor Richard's almanac

Started the first free libraries

Who is the father of our country

George Washington

Who was the first president

George Washington

What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803

The Louisiana Territory


One War fought by the United States in the 1800


War of 1812

Mexican-American War

Civil War Spanish-American War

Name the US war between the North and the South

The Civil War

The war between the states

Name one problem that led to the Civil War

Slavery economic reasons

States right

What was one important thing that Abraham

Ham Lincoln did

Freed the slaves

Emancipation Proclamation


What preserves the union led the United States during the Civil War

What did the Emancipation Proclamation do

Freed the slaves

Freed slaves in the Confederacy

Freed slaves in the Confederate States

Freed slaves in most southern states

What did Susan B Anthony do

Fought for women's rights

Fought for civil rights

Name one War fought by the United States in the 1900s

World War II

World War II

Korean War

Vietnam War

Persian Gulf War

Who was president during World War 1

Woodrow Wilson

Who was president during the Great Depression and World War II

Franklin Roosevelt

Who did the United States fight in World War II

Japan Germany and Italy

Before he was president Eisenhower was a general

What war was he in

World War II

During the Cold War what was the main concern of the United States


What movement tried to end racial discrimination

Civil Rights Movement

What did

Martin Luther King jr. do

Fought for civil right

Worked for equality for all Americans

What major event happened on September 11th 2001 in the United

Red State

Terrorist attacks in the United States

Name one American Indian tribe in the United States

USCIS officers will be supplied with a list of federally recognized American Indian tribes





Choctaw Pueblo

Apache Iroquois


Blackfeet Seminoles Cheyenne

Arawak Shawnee









Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States

Missouri River

Mississippi River

What ocean is on the west coast of the United States

Pacific Ocean

What ocean is on the East Coast

List of the United States

Atlantic Ocean

Name one US territory

Puerto Rico

US Virgin Islands

American Samoa

Northern Mariana Islands


Name one state that borders Canada


New Hampshire


New York


Ohio Michigan Minnesota

North Dakota



Washington Alaska

Name one state that borders Mexico

California Arizona

New Mexico


What is the capital of the United States

Washington DC

Where is the Statue of Liberty

New York Harbor

Liberty Island

Also acceptable are New Jersey

Near New York City

And on the Hudson River

Why does the flag have 13 stripes

Because there were 13 original colonies

Because the stripes represent the original colonies

Why does the flag have 50 stars

Because there is one star for each state because each star represent


Because there are 50 states

What is the name of the national anthem

The Star Spangled Banner

We celebrate Independence Day

July 4th

Name 2 national US holidays

New Year's Day

Martin Luther King jr. day Presidents Day

Memorial Day Independence Day

Labor Day

Columbus Day

Veterans Day



For more infomation >> US Citizenship Test 2018 Free for everyone - Duration: 32:17.


US Diplomats Hit by 'Sonic Device' - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> US Diplomats Hit by 'Sonic Device' - Duration: 1:02.


U.S. Forces Korea officially moves to Camp Humphreys on Friday - Duration: 0:37.

U.S. Forces Korea will hold a ceremony this morning to mark the opening of its newly-built

headquarters in Camp Humphreys.... located in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi-do Province.

Along with U.S. Forces Korea,... the ROK-US Combined Forces Command is scheduled to bid

farewell to Yongsan Garrison in central Seoul by the end of the year.

The opening of Camp Humphreys comes more than ten years since groundbreaking began in late


The USFK Command is leaving Yongsan 61 years after its official establishment.

For more infomation >> U.S. Forces Korea officially moves to Camp Humphreys on Friday - Duration: 0:37.


S. Korean, U.S. defense chiefs reaffirm ironclad alliance and watertight consultations - Duration: 3:14.

The nation's defense minister met with his American counterpart James Mattis today in

Seoul. During their third meeting following sit-downs

in Hawaii and Singapore earlier this year... the duo agreed, now is a significant moment

for the Korean Peninsula. Park Ji-won has our top story.

In their opening statement before their closed-door meeting,... the two defense chiefs reaffirmed

their steadfast and ironclad alliance,... vowing that they will continue (quote) "watertight"

consultations,... at a time when major changes are happening on the Korean peninsula.

"We're standing at a turning point between the dark shadow of conflict and confrontation

that hung over the Korean peninsula for the last 70 years, and the brighter new history

of peace and cooperation. This is a precious opportunity made by President Moon and U.S.

President Trump's vision and decisions. South Korea and the U. S. pledge their utmost effort

to ensure that this opportunity not only leads to the peace and prosperity of the Korean

Peninsula, but also Northeast Asia and the world."

They also confirmed the decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise,... originally

scheduled for this August. Mattis said the suspension of the joint military

exercises will create a better environment for diplomats to negotiate with the North.

"The recent decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise creates an increased opportunity

for our diplomats to negotiate, increasing the prospects for a peaceful solution on the

Korean Peninsula. At the same time the U.S. and ROK forces remain united, vigilant and

ready to defend against any challenge."

The suspension of the Freedom Guardian exercise, however, doesn't mean that the two countries

will suspend all future military drills. Military sources told Arirang News that the

two defense chiefs agreed that the two countries will decide the timing, scope and scale of

future joint military drills and announce the details together,... considering the North's

progress in denuclearization and the military's combat readiness.

Mattis also stressed that the U.S. will maintain its current troop levels on the Peninsula.

"U.S. commitment to the Republic of Korea remains ironclad and the U.S. will continue

to use a full range of diplomatic and military capabilities to uphold this commitment. This

includes maintaining the current the U.S. force levels on the Korean peninsula."

The two leaders also shared a common view that international sanctions on the North

should remain in effect,.. until Pyongyang takes concrete and irreversible steps for

denuclearization. The two defense chiefs also briefly discussed

the transfer of wartime operational control to South Korea,... but didn't reveal many

details of those discussions. They stressed that this year marks the 65th

anniversary of the signing of the bilateral mutual defense treaty and 50 years of close

consultation through annual joint security consultative meetings,... and they vowed to

further strengthen the alliance,.. in pursuit of the shared goal of peace in the region.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korean, U.S. defense chiefs reaffirm ironclad alliance and watertight consultations - Duration: 3:14.


Supreme Court of the United States Justice Kennedy's 5 Word Reason For Retiring, During Trump Era Ha - Duration: 4:34.

Supreme Court of the United States Justice Kennedy's 5-Word Reason For Retiring, During

Trump Era Has Dems Fuming.

Just after announcing his retirement, vital swing Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy

revealed 5 remarkable words that explain why he chose to retire during President Donald

Trump's term — and liberals couldn't be more outraged.

In an era in which the opposition specializes in social justice, it's crucial to combat

such passive resistance with actual legal justice.

So, while the left is marching in the streets, wearing pink knit hats and chanting repetitive

vulgarities, conservatives are winning elections, passing bills, and implementing legislation.

On Wednesday, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy made an unexpected announcement that

he will decidedly retire under the current administration, handing President Donald Trump

the opportunity to pick his second judge to inevitably tip the SCOTUS scale to the right.

While addressing Justice Kennedy's announcement, President Trump not only honored the 30-year

SCOTUS judge, he also revealed the real reason the moderate justice chose to step down during

his term instead of that of any other president.

According to Trump, Kennedy feels at peace leaving the open seat for him to fill because

he wants the president to "carry on his great legacy," The Daily Caller reports.

Trump further explained that Kennedy has faith in him and trusts that he will uphold the


"Great man.

And I'm very honored that he chose to do it during my term in office, because he felt

confident in me to make the right choice and carry on his great legacy, that's why he

did it," Trump said of Kennedy's retirement.

While speaking in North Dakota, Trump recognized that incumbent Democratic Sen. Mary Kathryn

"Heidi" Heitkamp will likely deny any nomination he chooses, although he expressed

optimism that he will be able to convince the Senate regardless.

"And remember this, so we have a pick to come up, we have to pick a great one.

We have to pick one that is going to be there for 40 years, 45 years.

We need intellect, we need so many things.

There are so many elements, go into the making of a great justice of the Supreme Court, you

gotta hit every one of them.

Heidi will vote no to any pick we make for the Supreme Court," Trump continued.

However, Heitkamp did accept Trump's SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch in 2017, showcasing the

president's ability to gain support from both sides of the political aisle.

Gorsuch was nominated and confirmed in just over 2 months, giving Democrats a legitimate

reason to worry about Trump's promise to "immediately" begin searching for a replacement

for Kennedy ahead of the November elections.

His pick will undoubtedly sway the Supreme Court toward conservatism, as the remaining

8 justices are evenly politically split.

Expectedly, leftists are lamenting the world's end, arguing that a conservative Supreme Court

will result in Nazi-like legislation, a phobia they justify in their trivializing comparison

of President Trump to Hitler.

Senator Chuck Schumer incited panic in the left, equating the restoration of conservative

American values to the abolition of human rights, The Washington Post reports.

"Nothing less than the fate of our health-care system, reproductive rights for women and

countless other protections for middle-class Americans are at stake," Senate Minority

Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a floor speech, calling the Kennedy vacancy

the "most important . . . in at least a generation."

"Millions of people are just months away from determining the senators who should vote

to confirm or reject the president's nominee, and their voices deserve to be heard now,

as Leader McConnell thought they should deserve to be heard then," Schumer said.

"Anything but that would be the absolute height of hypocrisy."

For far too long, the left has wielded the Supreme Court as a weapon against individual

liberties, reducing our constitutional rights to rubble in order to satisfy their desire

to topple Western values.

Now that Trump has the opportunity to swing the Supreme Court, major issues such as abortion,

illegal immigration, LGBTQ privileges, and gun control are in danger of a much needed

legal overhaul.

No longer will the fringe minority be allowed to bully the benevolent majority.

Social justice will soon take a back seat to legal justice.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Supreme Court of the United States Justice Kennedy's 5 Word Reason For Retiring, During Trump Era Ha - Duration: 4:34.


Trump Threw A MAJOR Temper Tantrum When Meeting With US Allies - Duration: 3:47.

Well, it's been a few weeks since Donald Trump's G7 meeting, but we're still actually finding

out more and more information about some of the stupid things that he did at that meeting.

The latest actually comes from a transcript from one of the officials there who was taking

notes on everything that was said at the meeting, and it revealed that Donald Trump threw a

massive temper tantrum over the US' involvement in NATO.

According to the transcript, Donald Trump is absolutely pissed off about the fact that

the US is paying more to NATO than anyone else.

Technically, some European countries have not been paying what they were supposed to

paying for NATO, but so far that really hasn't hindered the organization whatsoever.

If the US is paying more than everybody else, it's because technically, as people always

like to brag, aren't we the richest country in the world?

Aren't we the best?

Aren't we the brightest?

Why would you not expect us, with all of our boastful bragging, to be the ones to have

to shoulder most of the responsibility for this organization?

But according to the transcript, Donald Trump went off on a tangent, said NATO is as bad

as NAFTA 'cause the US pays in all this money and we get absolutely nothing in return, which

that is completely false.

The US is not getting nothing in return for NATO.

Those are our very close allies.

We need them and that is why we are a part of it.

It is supposed to be to help us keep the peace, but in reality it's morphed into something

that's more like just a bunch of buddies who wanna go to war whenever they wanna go to


Now, I'm not trying to defend NATO in any way.

I understand they do a lot of crappy things all over the world and they're currently involved

in them.

However, the United States does depend on them.

Donald Trump is attempting to blow up that alliance.


Well, it actually has nothing to do with the money that we're paying because later on he

actually revealed the real reason.

He believes that we need to just hand over Crimea to Russia.

He's really mad that our NATO allies over in Europe haven't just done that.

Why not give it to Vladimir Putin in Russia?

Now, this was part of the meeting.

This is what the man said.

As most people who've been paying attention to the situation understand, Russia has been

weaken and undermine NATO for quite some time now.

Basically, Donald Trump showed up at this G7 meeting, threw this temper tantrum in an

attempt to do Russia's bidding here.

Now, this is not Russiagate hysteria.

This is not new Cold War talking points.

This is literally what happened at the meeting that is easily verifiable.

There is no way to juggle around these facts.

This actually happened.

Donald Trump is out there advocating for these countries to hand over Crimea to Russia.

If they don't, he is going to go to a NATO meeting in just a few weeks and basically

make the whole thing about money so that they can't get anything else accomplished.

Donald Trump absolutely on at least this issue, most likely more, is doing Russia's bidding

for no reason, at least on the surface.

We have to assume as rational, thinking human beings that there is a reason why Donald Trump

is out there trying to advocate for Russia to our allies and alienating the people closest

to us.

Hopefully, somebody like Robert Mueller is gonna be able to figure out what that underlying

reason is.

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