Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 6, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Jun 27 2018

Hi there, I'm Eric Bakker, naturopath.

Thanks for looking at this video.

I have a question here from a lady in America, who's asking me, "Eric what were your Candida

symptoms and how long did it take you to treat them?

How did you cope with these symptoms before they went away?

What professional help can we seek to get a correct diagnosis and treatment plan for

our specific symptoms or body part?

Well, questions, questions.

When I got Candida, it was a long time ago.

It was back in the 80's.

There wasn't a lot of help around, I can tell you now.

Doctors were totally hostile to the whole idea of a male having Candida, and many of

them still are today.

My symptoms were basically a bad, well, male area.

You know, jock itch kind of thing.

But I also had Candida on my skin.

I had white patches, fungal patches on my skin, also had poor immune function.

I had bad chest infection.

Now when I think back, it probably was fungal.

It was probably Aspergillus.

It was very bad.

I used to work in a flour mill, and I received antibiotics, and I'm very, very sick.

I was depressed.

I'm very depressed.

I lived in a crappy, crappy little home that was prone to flooding.

There was black mold growing on the walls.

Back in the 80's, nobody paid any attention to black mold.

Yes, I was sick continually, probably for about a good six months until I started to

seek help.

I had to basically help myself because there was nobody really around that could help me.

Apart from the odd naturopath, that had read some articles previously on Candida.

It's something I had to work through myself.

It took about a year to recover.

It was pretty devastating, especially the depression side.

The loneliness side.

I coped because I think I'm a strong person.

I managed to pull myself through it.

Many people can't do that.

It's quite tough for them.

And that's why I'm pleased I've created now these videos and this channel, this resource

for people.

This is exactly what I would've liked when I was in my twenties, to be able to view this

kind of information, because I thought I was crazy.

How I coped, basically, was spending time outside.

Spending time in the garden, like I normally do.

Cooking good foods, listening to nice music, that's how I coped, but it was tough.

And also talking to some friends.

Spending some time with some of my good friends, that helped me through it as well.

I certainly didn't get any encouragement or hope from any healthcare professional people

that I knew, none at all.

There was no internet back then, there was no mobile phones even, there was nothing.

There was no technology to speak of.

There were libraries, but that's as far as it went.

So, yeah, I had to basically do all the research myself, and find out how to get better, which

really allowed me to think, "How can I help other people?"

Then I became a naturopath.

And of course then, the rest is history.

I wrote a book in 2013, and here I am today.

What professional help can we seek to do get a correct diagnosis and treatment plan?

Well, professional help, you can go to someone, and most naturopaths today understand about

Candida, parasites, and see about bacterial problems.

Back then, they didn't.

Most naturopaths were interested in healthy eating and fasting, but many of them didn't

have any kind of treatment plans for gut problems, apart maybe from specialized diets.

Back then not even many people were using probiotics or antimicrobials when it came

to gut problems.

So the professional help you can seek is someone who is experienced in treating digestive disorders,

Candida problems, parasite problems, irritable bowel syndrome.

There are plenty of healthcare professionals out there today who actually are very good

in this particular area.

A correct diagnosis, in my opinion, is a stool test.

So, if you go in to see someone, ask them that you wanna comprehensive stool analysis

that includes parasitology, and also that includes a yeast culture.

That's going to give you very good information.

The treatment plan depends on the practitioner, but again, if you follow the Candida Crusher

treatment plan, you're going to be following a plan that tens of thousands of people have

followed so far.

So you're probably going to get a good outcome.

The only thing is you may need to get some professional help when it comes to interpreting

the stool test result.

But you can self treat this problem, if you stay on track, it's not a problem at all.

What treatment plan for specific symptoms, body type?

Well, that really depends on the kind of symptoms you've got, depending on the kind of help

that you need.

But, yeah, check out the information on, have a look at our quiz.

Have a look at the over thousand videos on this channel.

I've created a ton of information for people to read and to become as enlightened about

this area.

More importantly, to take these kind of matters into their own hands, and self treat, because

going to a medical doctor is going to give you no real answers for most functional gut


In many cases, in fact, you'll only walk away with a prescription for an antibiotic, which

will create more problems.

So, don't go down that path.

Look for a functional medicine doctor, so a medical doctor with natural training experience.

Or look for a naturopathic physician, someone like me who's had training and specializes

in these types of problems.

Generally, then you'll get the correct diagnosis and the correct treatment.

But check out Candida Crusher, it's a good book.

It's been around for five years.

It's easily available online.

It's got all the information in it that you need to help you recover.

I hope that answers your question.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> What Were Your Candida Symptoms and How Long Did It Take You To Treat Them? - Duration: 5:50.


Life is crazy what do I do? - Duration: 5:45.

Hello everyone, welcome back to....


This week there is nothing special

But there is just one thing that I want to say

In life, have you ever felt like you are just too busy?

Well, life gets crazy

Life itself is crazy

But, you know there's a saying

When life gives you lemon

Make a lemonade!

The thing is, to make a good lemonade, if you want it to be nice

You need sugar

You need to mix it with water, not just the lemon

So there's a lot of things needed to make the lemonade

In this situation for me

This past week I was sick and I don't have time to make video

What I've been trying to do

and what Grace often told me

I need to make a plan

a solid plan and not just a plan in my head

I'm a very visual person, so.....

I need to look at something tat I can refer to

So today I'm going to try and make

DIY calendar from a whiteboard!!!

So yeah, here we go!!!

Okay, so a few things that you need

to make the DIY calendar

of course you need the whiteboard itself

and then

depending on how big the whiteboard is

you need a measuring tape

and...what I found out is

ahh, I forgot what is this called

Okay soo

and washi tape

so washi tape is basically like

sticky tape but it's easier to peel off

and it doesn't leave any mark

and you can choose what color you want

there's a lot of colors here

so the colors there and measuring tape

and the whiteboard itself

so I've started making it halfway

this is what I've come up with at the moment

and I still need to continue this

and the measuring tape is for measurement *d'oh"

Even though I think this is still uneven

and the most important

while you are doing all these

there are two things

One, we need coffee while doing the work

and also we need snack

and today I have

Bika Ambon!!!

So yeah, I'm going to continue the work

Hopefully it will turn out good

Okay there is one important thing that I forgot to mention

to continue this work we need cutter

to cut the extra lines that we don't need, but...

I don't have a cutter at home

and we have to make do with whatever we have

so I have this small scissors

what kind of scissors is this?

I usually used this to trim my nose hair


Do you know what kind of action is lying to your friend?

That is a very....

despiteful action *indo pun alert*

Guys...another intermezzo

Do guys know an old Britney Spears' song

not "Hit me baby one more time"

there is another one that is quite famous

You don't know?

Here, let me sing it for you, the song is

*lame pun alert*

Okay guys, after quite a while

it's finally done

This is how it look like

and the good thing about this is...

so if we had change month

we can easily change it

we can erase it

then we can change the date and month

we can put my "to do list" here, here and here

and this is probably the important stuff

or whatever, I don't know

what to do with this space

but yeah, basically it look like this, it's not perfect

but I think it's good enough and probably...

I need colorful marker so that it looks prettier

so yeah that's it for this week

and hopefully this will help

for my planning stage going forward

of things that I wanted to do and things that I can do

I have a lot of things that I want to do

But can't do due to my poor time management, hopefully this would help

and yeah that's it

Alright, see you guys next week, byeeee

For more infomation >> Life is crazy what do I do? - Duration: 5:45.


What Is Loneliness Doing to Your Brain? - Duration: 3:54.

Today we're talking about loneliness; not to be confused with introversion,

or social anxiety, while those subjects are worthy topics.

Loneliness actually has been defined in many ways:

"a state of solitude or being alone," "inability to find meaning in one's life...."

Okay, this is already a downer, so look at a picture of a panda.

Aw, it's cute! Now I want a panda.

I'm gonna overnight one to my crib. I'm gonna do that.

Of course, we're not the only generation to experience loneliness,

even though listening to The Weeknd really does make it feel like that.

Health insurance provider Cigna recently published a study citing that 18-22 year olds

have the highest "loneliness score," followed by millennials,

then Generation X... so yeah, young people, we just killin' it right now.

Generation Z cited that they feel people are around them but they aren't really with them,

feel shy, and they feel like people don't know them very well.

The old man in me really wants to say, "these kids right now are out here spending too much

time on the Twitters and the Fortnites!", but that's not exactly what Cigna found.

Cigna cited lack of an IRL social life as part of the problem,

saying that "levels of in-person interactions,

physical and mental wellness, and life balance"

are better predictors of loneliness than social media alone.

So, if your IG game is on point but you like to hang out with your friends, you should be good...

but if social media IS hanging out with your friends, go outside! Humans are social mammals

and need social interaction to survive; that's part of why solitary confinement in prisons

is so torturous. Why do that to ourselves on the outside?

"Y'all best go out to the quarry for some stickball and a swim!"

You know, I'm not doing this voice again.

One study breaks down three types of loneliness.

Situational loneliness is when unpleasant events or circumstances cause us to retract from society.

Developmental loneliness can hinder our capacity to balance individualism and intimacy.

(Psychological disorders like depression or schizophrenia could cause developmental loneliness).

And finally, internal loneliness,

when a self-perception of worthlessness intensifies the feeling of being alone.

This got dark again, bring in another panda pic.

Lifestyle influences our neurophysiology,

so lonely people perceive the world very differently.

For instance, people suffering from loneliness

tend to see benign events as more threatening, living in self-defense mode…

even in their sleep. Some research suggests that lonelier people have more restless sleep patterns,

which could impact cognitive development.

Research suggests that there are neural correlates for loneliness.

A 2009 study revealed that lonelier people showed less activation in brain centers

associated with reward when viewing pictures of people in pleasant situations,

and less activation in parts of the brain linked to empathy

when viewing images of people in unpleasant situations.

Other researchers also discovered that neurons in the dorsal raphe nuclei are sensitive to social isolation.

Those neurons in question, taken together with the ones from the ventral striatum,

deal with the reward neurotransmitter dopamine.

So, it's possible that low social interactions

= less dopamine = less feeling good. Of course, the latter study was run with mice,

so more research is always needed.

On top of that, a meta-analysis from 1980 to 2015 found that

loneliness and its accompanying depression was as bad as smoking 15 cigarettes a day,

and is a risk factor for mortality. This is so dark; bring in the pandas!

Please, don't leave, don't leave! I'm not gonna leave you on a downer.

Loneliness is a social epidemic, yes, but there are remedies.

Don't replace friendships and happiness

with likes and text messages. Go out and meet people!

Humans need social interaction in real life – it's developmentally necessary.

Easier said than done, but remember, you're not alone in feeling alone.

And if you'll excuse me, I have a panda waiting for me at home.

I did order one, and I can't wait to play with it.

Yo, thanks so much for watching. If you're like, "ooh, I need a little bit more loneliness content!"

watch this video about what solitary confinement does to your brain.

And if you're like, "that's a little bit too dark for me," watch this video about pandas watching...

watching porn? Watch this video about pandas watching porn.

Thanks for watching my video, and also, subscribe to Seeker for more videos!

Pandas watching porn? I'm definitely gonna hafta watch that.

I gotta find out what's going on with pandas.

For more infomation >> What Is Loneliness Doing to Your Brain? - Duration: 3:54.


I Was Afraid To Come Out Of Home - Duration: 4:55.

This is the story about how my pet lobster has changed my life.

I know it sounds absurd, all the parts of it, but believe me or not.

Let me tell you how this happened from the very beginning.

To start with, I'm Tony and I am kinda agoraphobic,

which means I don't feel comfortable staying outdoors.

I have several years of therapy behind

and in the meantime have learned to live my life peacefully with this condition.

I can even come out to shops nearby, not far from home though.

All the other time I'm home freelancing,

surfing web and being visited by my two best friends who are more like bros for me.

The only thing that freaks me out is that

I can't travel and travelling has always been my dream.

Well, you need to be happy with what you have.

I have a soft spot for fish and seafood.

I eat a lot of fish and as far as I can't go out I prepare my food from scratch.

It means I have a healthy working relationship with my local fishmonger.

Every single trip, he will have some wild caught, exotic, fancy, or otherwise intriguing catch.

That day was no different.

I walk in looking for some fresh fish when the fishmonger is like

"Ah my friend! Only the best for you? I have the special stock out back"

Of course I want the special stock.

So he goes out back, and brings back this little fella, a lobster, beautifully blue, with just one antenna.

He puts it on the table.

It wiggles that little antenna at me...

And in that moment, I decide that the lobster in front of me is special.

I look into the lobster's eyes and feel that that moment I emotionally connect with a bloody lobster.

I decide that I don't want to eat it but to have it as a pet.

I've even got a name – for me he is Walrus.

So I take him home and find myself in a hard position.

I can't eat it – you don't eat pets, right?

Otherwise what should I do?

I search on web looking up lobster information, trying to work out how I will keep Walrus in my room.

Eventually I realize that there is no way of keeping him.

I try to find someone who wants a pet lobster - nothing.

So I come to a conclusion that I need to set Walrus free back into the sea.

Problem is that sea is around 200 km away from me and I'm not the most mobile of all people.

Suddenly I notice that Walrus doesn't look very lively

and realize that without a water tank our friendship will finish very soon.

So I go on panicked frenzy calling my friends and giving then an incoherent explanation on my new pet.

They both fully understanding, like "Save the lobster? I'm in!",

pick me up with a car and we head off to the supermarket to buy a water tank,

sea salt, ice, water and cod and carrots

(I've googled what lobsters eat and got pretty confused so we take both).

As soon as I fill the tank with iced salty water and put Walrus in it,

I see that he feels better.

It's not ideal, but should keep him hydrated.

Now we are supposed to bring him to the sea as quickly as possible.

So we start off.

I'm around my pet lobster all the time,

trying to feed him and thinking only about how to keep him alive for 2 more hours.

It goes ok for 170 kilometers towards the sea but when it's only 30 to go I notice he has become unresponsive.

I try to get him to do stuff, gently brush his eyes, click his claws.

But to me it's clear he is dead.

So there I am, a big man, crying over a lobster.

We think it would be anyway nice to bury him in the sea

where he belongs so we make the rest 30 km in solemn silence.

When we come to the beach I find some seaweed,

wrap Walrus in it so it would be like home, and ease him into the wash.

We contemplate him for a couple of minutes as I grief over my pet friend's body

when I suddenly realize his antenna starts slightly moving.

I rush to him and stay by his side while he slowly comes into life.

Hell, this is one of a resurrection story!

After some time when he seems fully operational again we push him into the sea and I see him off gladly.

I am still looking at the sea dreamily when suddenly I'm like

"Wait, am I 200 km from home without a single panic attack?"

I am shocked.

Seems that I was so focused on saving Walrus ASAP

that I completely ignored myself being unable to travel far from home.

Well, this is something I need to analyze!

And you know what?

This episode obviously hasn't healed me

but something happened and my phobia has become less fierce.

I now start making small trips even outside the city, not far but still.

I'm now OK with them and I am thinking,

maybe, one day I would even be able to plan a trip to one of the countries

I have always been dreaming about.

And each time I am thinking where to go next

I also imagine my lobster friend running free deep in the sea

and feel that Walrus was a special fella!

For more infomation >> I Was Afraid To Come Out Of Home - Duration: 4:55.


What Immigration Detention is Like at Age 14 | NYT News - Duration: 3:11.

Saul Martinez spent six days

at a border patrol detention center in 2014,

after a month-long trek from El Salvador.

He was part of the surge of children

who arrived at the southern border alone,

mostly from Central America.

And back then, like now, the government wrestled

with how to handle thousands of children caught up

in the immigration system.

"We now have an actual humanitarian crisis on the border

that only underscores the need to drop the politics

and fix our immigration system once and for all."

Images like these led to public outcry

on the treatment of vulnerable children.

But he did tell his story when he testified

before members of Congress.

The panel wanted to hear why he had come.

He wanted to tell them what had happened

once he arrived.

He remembers the rooms being filled

with children and mothers waiting

for their names to be called.

After six days, he was flown to a shelter in Miami,

run by a separate government agency.

He says it was very comfortable.

And on Mother's Day, he was finally reunited

with his mother.

Four years later, Saul has a green card,

a job and one year left of high school.

And there is a new crisis unfolding

at the southern border.

But for kids like Saul, it feels like history is repeating itself.

For more infomation >> What Immigration Detention is Like at Age 14 | NYT News - Duration: 3:11.


What Jorge Sampaoli asked Lionel Messi midway through Nigeria 1-2 Argentina - Duration: 2:55.

It's been a long time coming, but Lionel Messi has finally arrived at the World Cup

Tuesday night's 2-1 victory against Nigeria saw Argentina finish second in Group D and just about progress into the last 16

Messi's stunning 14th-minute opener put Argentina ahead, with the Barcelona man cushioning a through ball and steaming through on goal before applying the finish

Nigeria later equalised through a Victor Moses penalty but in the 86th minute, Manchester United's Marcos Rojo grabbed the all-important winner with a volley

Cue scenes of wild celebration as Messi launched himself at Rojo and Argentina's players swarmed the corner flag

They knew they had done enough, with Messi saying in his post-match interview that they were always confident of reaching the knockout stages

"I knew that God was with us and would not leave us out [of the competition]," the 31-year-old said

"I don't remember having ever suffered so much, because of the situation and because of what was at stake

It was a huge release for all of us."We had been through tough days because of the result in the previous game, the situation we were in and because of a lot of things that came out

"But fortunately we were able to achieve our objective.We knew we would do so.We were confident that we would get through

And thank God it happened." Messi delivered a passionate half-time speech to his teammates - you can read the details of that conversation here - which undoubtedly changed Argentina's fortunes

One other moment during the game epitomised Messi's importance to Argentina, though, and it involved the manager, Jorge Sampaoli

In the video below, it's claimed by Argentine publication Ole that Sampaoli asked his star man if he should bring on Sergio Aguero, who was eventually introduced in the 80th minute

Unbelievable.It says a lot about Sampaoli's confidence in his own decision making that he needed to ask Messi whether to make the substitution

For more infomation >> What Jorge Sampaoli asked Lionel Messi midway through Nigeria 1-2 Argentina - Duration: 2:55.


Germany 0 - 2 South Korea: What is VAR? How is it used in the World Cup? - Duration: 3:00.

 The crushing blow sees Germany exit the tournament at the group stages for the first time since 1938

 Hopes were high after the German team were victorious at the Brazil World Cup in 2014 and won last summer's Confederations Cup

 If it weren't for the VAR - Video Assistant Referee - system, they might've reached the knockout stages

  Kim Young-gwon's strike had initially been ruled out for offside, but it was later given as a goal when VAR showed the ball had come off the legs of Toni Kroos

  South Korea scored their second goal which also went to VAR, but it didn't matter

Germany were out. What is VAR? VAR is football's first use of video technology to allow more accurate decision making

  The system was trialled in the FA and Carabao Cups last season, as well as the German and Italian leagues

  It was approved for use in the World Cup after the unanimous support from the International Football Association Board in Zurich in March

 This is the first World Cup to use video replays. What are the rules for VAR? VAR is only called upon in the course of a match when the officials have made a "clear and obvious error" in one of these four areas:  Goals: A close offside decision is the most common reason for VAR being called upon, as Germany has learned the hard way

  Penalties: They can be awarded or rescinded using VAR if there has been a 'clear and obvious error' in the original decision

    Straight red cards: Violence and dangerous tackles can be penalised using VAR

  Mistaken identity: Just in case the referee sends off the wrong player. This is a fairly restricted use of VAR to minimise disruption

  The system is operated by a team of four officials in a central operation room.  They have access to all 33 broadcast cameras in the stadium, plus two additional cameras dedicated to possible offsides

   Their role is to check for "clear and obvious" errors, as well as review footage if instructed by the referee

  There have been mixed reactions to the implementation of VAR, with some claiming it is particularly useless when it comes to red cards

 On Twitter the Liverpool midfielder James Milner called it an "absolute shambles", adding the hashtag #beautifulgamespoilt after the Portugal vs Uruguay game

  However, it has received praise too, with Spain's Sergio Ramos saying: "VAR didn't save us, it just told the truth," after VAR correctly awarded Spain a 90th-minute penalty against Morocco


For more infomation >> Germany 0 - 2 South Korea: What is VAR? How is it used in the World Cup? - Duration: 3:00.


3 Reasons Why "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim" Is Coming Out On Top - Duration: 6:13.

 tvN's "What's Wrong with Secretary Kim" has been keeping up the buzz lately. The drama recently broke its own personal best record in viewership ratings, ranking No

1 among all TV channels including the public broadcasting stations. It also topped the recent content power index rankings and get chosen as the most buzzworthy drama for three weeks in a row

 Here are just three of the many reasons why "What's Wrong with Secretary Kim" is so popular! Soompi

Display.News.English.300x250.BTF Soompi.Mobile.English.300x250.ATF 1. Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young's chemistry    The biggest reason would be the leading actor and actress, Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young

The chemistry between Park Seo Joon, known to be a "romantic comedy expert," and Park Min Young, who is less experienced with the genre , is unbelievably real

 You can feel the synergy of the two simply by watching their conversations in the drama

There's so much tension between Park Min Young and Park Seo Joon exchanging lines that it's almost like watching a ping-pong game

 Acting with their eyes is one of the many things that keep the viewers glued to the screen

Both Park Min Young and Park Seo Joon deliver their characters' complicated emotions through their eyes

While Park Seo Joon keeps up his straightforward, honest attitude, Park Min Young's eyes constantly waver, reflecting Kim Mi So's confusion

The eye contact between these two fully shows the complex yet romantic relationship they have

2. The power of the supporting characters    Park Seo Joon and Park Min Young aren't the only attractive characters in the drama and that's what makes it so fun

The employees of Yumyung Group, as well as the family members of Lee Young Joon and Kim Mi So, add energy and tension to the drama

 Some of these charming supporting characters include Park Yoo Sik (Kang Ki Young) who functions as a cupid between Lee Young Joon and Kim Mi So, Bong Se Ra (Hwang Bo Ra) who's impossible to hate, and Go Gwi Nam (2PM's Chansung) who's hilariously popular

 Other characters such as Kim Ji Ah (Pyo Ye Jin), Yang Chul (Kang Hong Seok), Jung Chi In (Lee Yoo Joon), Lee Young Ok (Lee Jung Min), and Park Joon Hwan (Kim Jung Woon) are also so realistic that viewers have no problem relating to them

3. The detailed directing    "What's Wrong with Secretary Kim" doesn't miss the essence of the webtoon the drama is based on but rather improves upon it by embracing its form as a drama

This is all due to producing director (PD) Park Joon Hwa's detailed directing. Using the light and the camera angles to the fullest, he has been perfectly portraying the little changes in Lee Young Joon and Kim Mi So's relationship

 For instance, the elevator scene in episode 5 where Lee Young Joon took a step back to stand next to Kim Mi So who was standing behind him showed Lee Young Joon's decision to approach her

Lee Young Joon and Kim Mi So walking alongside each other in episode 6 also implied that they were no longer a boss and his secretary but rather a man and a woman developing a new relationship

 The drama being a romantic comedy, the PD also employs sound effects to create hilarious moments

His attention to the unique traits and personalities of each character is reflected in the drama as well

 "What's Wrong with Secretary Kim" airs every Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30 p.m

KST.  If you haven't already, start watching the drama below!  Source (1)

For more infomation >> 3 Reasons Why "What's Wrong With Secretary Kim" Is Coming Out On Top - Duration: 6:13.


paying attention is important - Duration: 0:16.

He's loading in


For more infomation >> paying attention is important - Duration: 0:16.


Diego Maradona issues health update: Argentina legend on what really happened at World Cup - Duration: 2:42.

 Diego Maradona made plenty of headlines as he was seen watching his country play their final Group D match

 Argentina secured a dramatic 2-1 win against Nigeria to book their spot in the last-16 of the tournament

 Maradona had cameras on him for most of the match and was seen passionately cheering on his country

 However, he landed himself in hot water after he was spotted swearing at fans in the immediate aftermath of Marcos Rojo's late winner

 Fears were quickly raised after videos emerged on social media showing the 57-year-old being assisted from his seat to the hospitality area, while pictures also emerged of him with paramedics

DIEGO MARADONA SWEARS AT FANS  Reports suggested he was taken to hospital but Maradona has cleared matters up, insisting he did not have to seek further medical advice after a brief check-up

 Explaining what was wrong with him, Maradona said on Instagram that he was suffering from neck pain at half-time and had ignored medical advice to go home before the end of the game

 "I want to tell everyone that I am fine, that I am not [ill], neither was I [admitted to hospital]," Maradona wrote

 "At half-time of the game against Nigeria, my neck hurt a lot. I was checked by a doctor and he recommended me to go home before the second half, but I wanted to stay because we were risking it all

 "How could I leave? I send a kiss to everyone, thanks for the support!" Maradona has followed Argentina's journey in Russia so far and will be in attendance for their Round of 16 clash against France on Saturday (3pm)

For more infomation >> Diego Maradona issues health update: Argentina legend on what really happened at World Cup - Duration: 2:42.


Football fans can't get over what Lionel Messi did in the 92nd minute v Nigeria - Duration: 2:59.

Argentina needed a performance from Lionel Messi against Nigeria - and boy did he step up

The 31-year-old produced a man of the match performance as Argentina sealed their place in the knockout stage of the World Cup with a 2-1 win

Messi set them on their way by opening the scoring in the 14th minute.It was the 100th goal at this year's World Cup - and it was a beauty

He controlled Ever Banega's pass with two superb touches before firing the ball into the net with his right foot

Messi is now the only player to score at a World Cup as a teenager, in his twenties and in his thirties

Victor Moses set up a tense finish when he scored a penalty shortly after half-time but in the 86th minute, up stepped Marcos Rojo - yes, really - to score the winner

Argentina, who needed to win to have any chance of staying in the World Cup, defended for their lives in the closing minutes

And that included Messi, who showed great desire to help his team.The 31-year-old failed to control a through ball in the 92nd minute and Nigeria's Bryan Idowu stole a yard on him in the race to win the ball

But instead of giving up on the ball, Messi chased after Iwodu and blocked his clearance

Having played an entire match, and no doubt tired from what was an emotional contest, Messi was still willing to give it everything

His efforts went down really well with football fans on Twitter.Messi showed his leadership skills by leading a team-talk just before the second half resumed

The Barcelona ace is known for being a quiet leader.Rarely will you see him delivering an impassioned speech to his teammates

But Messi understood the importance of the occasion and, with belief in Jorge Sampaoli wavering, decided to speak up

Click HERE to watch that video.Next up for the two-time World Cup winners is a meeting with France in the round-of-16

Saturday's affair promises to be an intriguing one, with neither nation producing their best football so far in the tournament

For more infomation >> Football fans can't get over what Lionel Messi did in the 92nd minute v Nigeria - Duration: 2:59.


The 'Younger' star shared with fans that she was expecting a daughter earlier this month. - Duration: 3:17.

 Hilary Duff really can't wait to meet her baby girl!  The 30-year-old actress took to Instagram on Tuesday to share a sweet video from her gender reveal party

Duff shared with fans on June 8 that she and boyfriend Matthew Koma were expecting a daughter -- but revealed on Instagram that she found out she was having a girl on Mother's Day

  "A few months ago we had one of the most exciting Mother's Day! Filled with amazing friends, family, mothers, and neighbors❤️ It was such a fun surprise! " she wrote alongside a short video of the group blasting pink confetti

"I can't think of any other way to find out what was cooking in my belly than this

the anticipation was brutal but the pay off was huge! I basically jumped 3 feet off the ground lol 💖 #hurryuplittlegirlwewanttomeetyou

" Duff opened up about her gender reveal party during a recent interview on KIIS-FM's On Air With Ryan Seacrest, calling it "the most fun day

" The Younger star -- who shares 6-year-old son Luca with ex-husband Mike Comrie -- also confessed that she was "so nervous" she might have another boy

  "I have a boy already -- which would have been great, and I'm obsessed with Luca -- but I just wanted one of each," she explained

  "It was funny that I cared so much," she said with a laugh. "My sister has girls and I feel like I'm really girly

But obviously for the past six years, I've bought, like, monsters and trucks and planes

Luca is into all the boy stuff, so everything is blue and green. I was just ready for pink and purple stuff

I was so excited. It was really fun." See more on Duff in the video below.  

For more infomation >> The 'Younger' star shared with fans that she was expecting a daughter earlier this month. - Duration: 3:17.


Diego Maradona issues health update: Argentina legend on what really happened at World Cup - Duration: 2:17.

 Diego Maradona made plenty of headlines as he was seen watching his country play their final Group D match

 Argentina secured a dramatic 2-1 win against Nigeria to book their spot in the last-16 of the tournament

 Maradona had cameras on him for most of the match and was seen passionately cheering on his country

 However, he landed himself in hot water after he was spotted swearing at fans in the immediate aftermath of Marcos Rojo's late winner

 Fears were quickly raised after videos emerged on social media showing the 57-year-old being assisted from his seat to the hospitality area, while pictures also emerged of him with paramedics

DIEGO MARADONA SWEARS AT FANSDIEGO MARADONA INSTAGRAM  Reports suggested he was taken to hospital but Maradona has cleared matters up, insisting he did not have to seek further medical advice after a brief check-up

 Explaining what was wrong with him, Maradona said on Instagram that he was suffering from neck pain at half-time and had ignored medical advice to go home before the end of the game

 "I want to tell everyone that I am fine, that I am not [ill], neither was I [admitted to hospital]," Maradona wrote

 "At half-time of the game against Nigeria, my neck hurt a lot. I was checked by a doctor and he recommended me to go home before the second half, but I wanted to stay because we were risking it all

 "How could I leave? I send a kiss to everyone, thanks for the support!" Maradona has followed Argentina's journey in Russia so far and will be in attendance for their Round of 16 clash against France on Saturday (3pm)

For more infomation >> Diego Maradona issues health update: Argentina legend on what really happened at World Cup - Duration: 2:17.


What is Doki Doki Literature Club and was it linked to boy's suicide? - Duration: 5:06.

  The father of a 15-year-old boy who committed suicide has warned about the psychological impact of the online game Doki Doki Literature Club

 Police and a coroner have also urged parents to be vigilant amid growing concerns about the free-to-play game, which officials describe as a "risk to children and young people", says the Manchester Evening News

 The game was released last September by producers Team Salvato and is believed to have been downloaded more than two million times in the following four months alone

What is Doki Doki Literature Club? Doki Doki Literature Club is an online game that warns that it is "not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed", although "its aesthetic could appeal to youngsters, as it displays cute characters and its premise is based on a writing club", says the i news website

 Described as a "visual novel", the story follows a male high-school student who joins a school's literature club and interacts with its four female members

 Players read the game's story and are then prompted to create their own endings. Darren Walmsley, whose son Ben killed himself in February after playing the game, believes this feature played a part in his son's death

 It "starts as a dating simulation before one of the girls dies", reports The Times

Other unsettling events then take place, "including characters who self-harm or kill themselves", adds the paper

 "Characters suggest things and you decide what to do. It drags you in and they make it very real

Ben did not speak about it, but parents need to be aware of this game and other similar games," said Walmsley, from Bury

 "It is free to download but once you get into it, it will not leave you alone. The characters befriend and love you and give you tasks to do but if you do not do them, they turn nasty

" A review of the game by tech website Polygon last year, described it as "uncontrollably horrific", praising the game's metafiction narrative as an "innnovative scare"

The review concludes: "Team Salvato has unearthed a new way of terrifying us by ripping apart our expectations of how interactive media should work

Doki Doki Literature Club is a game that played me, and somehow, I'm content to let it take control

"Is it linked to suicide? Although there is no evidence to suggest the game is directly linked to Ben Walmsley's death, schools and councils have been alerted by the Manchester Coroner's Office, which is investigating his death

Awareness messages are also being shared on Facebook. The warning, signed by the senior coroner for North Manchester, says: "I believe the information is so concerning that this warrants my writing at this stage to make the local authorities aware of the issue so appropriate information can be disseminated

 "This has arisen due to the fact I am conducting the inquest into the death of a 15-year-old-boy who died earlier this year

Evidence obtained suggested he had used an online game called Doki Doki." Team Salvato has yet to comment on the claims

For more infomation >> What is Doki Doki Literature Club and was it linked to boy's suicide? - Duration: 5:06.


What Is Neurophobia? - Duration: 1:15.

So neurophobia is a term which was coined here in the United States about

20 years ago. It was coined in the medical profession and it relates to

students' fear of the neural sciences and clinical neurology. For some

reason, both medical and veterinary students see neurology as a complex

subject—there's a lots of neuroanatomy that they feel they have to master

before they can start to treat their cases. They find it difficult to see a

logical progression through learning neurology. And for that reason, they

develop this almost irrational fear and a bias towards avoiding neurology cases.

We're trying to teach the methods to approach neurology cases, logical,

systematic, and easily practice methods that they can apply in the clinics which—

will they won't get it right every time in making a diagnosis—but even if I can

help them to get it right 90% of the time and to start to enjoy the subject a

bit more, that would be a real step in the right direction.

For more infomation >> What Is Neurophobia? - Duration: 1:15.


Where is Emmerdale's Adam Barton and what happened to Adam Thomas' character? - Duration: 5:25.

 Adam Thomas left fans heartbroken when he confirmed he was set to leave his role on Emmerdale after over a decade on the ITV soap

 Fans came up with several theories regarding Adam Barton's exit, though he ultimately ended up leaving as part of the dramatic Emma Barton murder plot

 With new dramatic storylines emerging for his family, including Matty Barton's arrival in the village, viewers have questioned what really happened to the character

 So where is Adam Barton now? And what's happening to his wife Victoria? Here's everything you need to know about the Emmerdale character

What happened to Adam Barton on Emmerdale?  Having taken the blame for Emma Barton's murder to save his mum Moira, Adam Barton was seen being taken in a prison van to be sentenced for the crime in court

 However, the Emmerdale character never got there as the van he was in was hijacked in a sudden turn of events

 With the chance of freedom, Adam stepped out of the abandoned van to find that it was Aaron and Cain Dingle that were behind it all, as they urged him to flee and start a new life abroad

Where is Emmerdale's Adam Barton?  Though Adam's exact location isn't known, it's thought that he is working in France

 Explaining his route out of the UK and away from the police at the time of the van hijack, Cain revealed that he was going to have to start a new life there

 "Go to Amsterdam and then you head to France. There's a lad there that Aaron knows and he'll give you labour and cash in hand," he told him

Related Emmerdale: Cain asks Matty to stay in the village Emmerdale: Matty tells Victoria about his transition Emmerdale: Lachlan considers hitting Freddy with ROCK Emmerdale air HUGE baby twist as Charity Dingle's 'dead' son is still ALIVE Emmerdale: Charity Dingle's son's real identity REVEALED amid shock twist What is happening with Adam Barton's wife Victoria Sugden?  Adam and his wife Victoria had been set to reunite on Emmerdale before he was forced to flee the villa

 Now, she's been tipped for romance with his brother Matty, formerly known as Hannah Barton, who recently returned to the village to reveal his gender transition

 After scenes of Matty catching up with his old friend Victoria aired, fans speculated whether the two could embark on a romance in the future

 Taking to Twitter, one suggested: "An idea: Matty x Vic. Could they work do we think? He's a Barton and they have history

Also that could be super interesting when Adam finally comes back (if he ever does) #Emmerdale

"  While another wrote: "I am totally shipping Matty and Victoria @emmerdale #Emmerdale #Vatty

" What is Adam Barton actor Adam Thomas doing now?  Adam is yet to announce his first post-Emmerdale role, though he has been busy with his family life

 Adam and wife Caroline Thomas welcomed their adorable baby daughter Elsie-Rose Thomas earlier this year, who's a younger sister to their son Teddy

 The couple announced they were expecting their second child in December 2017, telling OK! Magazine: "We always wanted another baby but we weren't planning for it to happen so soon after getting married

"  Emmerdale continues nightly at 7pm on ITV.

For more infomation >> Where is Emmerdale's Adam Barton and what happened to Adam Thomas' character? - Duration: 5:25.


Germany 0 - 2 South Korea: What is VAR? How is it used in the World Cup? - Duration: 2:59.

 The crushing blow sees Germany exit the tournament at the group stages for the first time since 1938

 Hopes were high after the German team were victorious at the Brazil World Cup in 2014 and won last summer's Confederations Cup

 If it weren't for the VAR - Video Assistant Referee - system, they might've reached the knockout stages

  Kim Young-gwon's strike had initially been ruled out for offside, but it was later given as a goal when VAR showed the ball had come off the legs of Toni Kroos

  South Korea scored their second goal which also went to VAR, but it didn't matter

Germany were out. What is VAR? VAR is football's first use of video technology to allow more accurate decision making

  The system was trialled in the FA and Carabao Cups last season, as well as the German and Italian leagues

  It was approved for use in the World Cup after the unanimous support from the International Football Association Board in Zurich in March

 This is the first World Cup to use video replays. What are the rules for VAR? VAR is only called upon in the course of a match when the officials have made a "clear and obvious error" in one of these four areas:  Goals: A close offside decision is the most common reason for VAR being called upon, as Germany has learned the hard way

  Penalties: They can be awarded or rescinded using VAR if there has been a 'clear and obvious error' in the original decision

  Reuters  Straight red cards: Violence and dangerous tackles can be penalised using VAR

  Mistaken identity: Just in case the referee sends off the wrong player. This is a fairly restricted use of VAR to minimise disruption

  The system is operated by a team of four officials in a central operation room.  They have access to all 33 broadcast cameras in the stadium, plus two additional cameras dedicated to possible offsides

  Getty  Their role is to check for "clear and obvious" errors, as well as review footage if instructed by the referee

  There have been mixed reactions to the implementation of VAR, with some claiming it is particularly useless when it comes to red cards

 On Twitter the Liverpool midfielder James Milner called it an "absolute shambles", adding the hashtag #beautifulgamespoilt after the Portugal vs Uruguay game

  However, it has received praise too, with Spain's Sergio Ramos saying: "VAR didn't save us, it just told the truth," after VAR correctly awarded Spain a 90th-minute penalty against Morocco


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