Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 5, 2018

Auto news on Youtube May 30 2018

well hey there what's up it's Scott and in today's brand building tip I'm gonna

share with you three pillars to build your brand so this way here you can

dominate your market your niche or your niche and I'm gonna show you on the

whiteboard here exactly how everything fits together we're gonna cover these

three but then I'm going to show you how they work together to really round out

your foundation in your brand now if you're just starting this is definitely

something you want to pay attention to if this is something that you have

already currently running right now you might have one or two of these we need

to make sure we have all of these so it's feeding your business all the time

alright so if you're interested stick around cuz that's what we're gonna be

covering here on the whiteboard all right so now before I do jump into these

three pillars I just want to let you guys know this is exactly what I've done

over and over again and so many successful businesses if you really look

at their business have these three core pillars the other thing I want to share

with you and I'm going to share this at the end of this training is really how

we were able to do this in under 12 months and a new brand brand new just

started and we were able to get 30,000 unique visitors to our blog our website

every single month from using this right here and it's just building we've had a

few months that we've touched 80,000 depending on the times of year but

consistently 30,000 unique visitors basically traffic coming to our platform

our own platform in our business now if you're starting from scratch this is

definitely for you if you're building a business right now and you're in the the

building a business stage this is definitely definitely for you all right

so let's just dig in I think every business needs to have this and that is

a home okay they need a home to call their own okay

and what I mean by that is you need a place that you can have people come and

find your stuff and you control the traffic or as far as the experience

alright let's just call this home base all right now what do I mean by home

base well let's go over here and write a blog now a blog could just be an

extension of your website so I'm just gonna write website alright so we have

both of those things are technically the same thing home

let's call that our home base from now on okay our home base is where we can

bring people over and we can then control the experience we also get a lot

of benefits from having our own home base when we're posting things I'm going

to share with you in here how we can post things and get traffic over to our

home base happening automatically which is pretty pretty awesome all right so

that's what we need to understand okay a home base now it doesn't have to be

fancy to begin with it can be just a basic blog that you are going to be

posting information or reposting information or repurposing which I'll

share with you here in a second and how we're gonna do that

all right and that's really really powerful the second part of this is and

I think right from the beginning everyone needs one of these is an email

list all right now our email lists dead no they're not alright right now we're

still getting about an eighteen to a twenty two percent open rate which is

still really really high in the industry some of them get as high as twenty-five

so email list is still really really strong and I'm gonna share with you why

this is so powerful because we can use this email list to do more than just

send emails all right one thing that we can do is we can take this email list

and we can upload it into Facebook now and we can start targeting people that

are like our email list so we've already got these people to raise their hand

okay and then we are able to now retarget those people or find more

people like them all right really really powerful now this channel right here

that you're on this is what we will be doing especially on these Wednesday

episodes all right I'm gonna be digging into more of this here and this here

once we get to it but right now I'm giving you kind of like the over the

overview of everything that we're going to be covering but this is like the

overview that the 10,000 foot view and then we'll put everything together all

right but you need to have these components in place in order to do what

we're gonna be learning here and what we're gonna be doing moving forward all

right so email list that's really really big

so the third thing moving on is something that you can do one or you can

do two or you can do three or more but we're going to start with one and in

this example we need to think about external traffic where are we going to

get people to notice us and then we will bring them

back to our home base we will get them on our email list and then we can either

direct these people over to more of our content or we can post or we can post up

on our home base and get them there I'll show you a diagram here in a second how

that can all work all right but what I want you to start thinking of right now

is where is your market hanging out is it YouTube okay maybe they're on YouTube

a lot of people are on YouTube looking for things probably pertaining to your

brand or your market how to stuff if you have a product that lends itself to

how-to okay like how to catch more bass in a pond YouTube's probably a great

place and you can get great ideas by just going to YouTube going in the

search bar and typing in how to catch more bass and then let it fill in and

I've already done this it said in a pond in a lake in Coldwater right so all

those things could be future content for you but you need to know if that's where

they are hanging out now we started on Facebook I'm just gonna put FB to make

it easier right we started on Facebook for a couple of

different reasons our market was there and my partner in this new brand is

actually pretty good on Facebook so why not go there so we did some facebook

lives we posted some content on our fanpage we had stuff starting to get

shared we were able to test content ideas and all of that stuff but both of

these are basically the same thing we're posting content and we're getting a

response or we're getting traffic from these platforms and then once we have

these outside channels we can then start to direct them to other places

especially our home base and our email list all right so let me let me draw

something out for you here and I'll show you exactly how we can tie this all

together all right so with the magic of editing I went ahead and I paused and I

came back and I drew this out for you it's not the best drawing in the world

but you'll get the idea I wanted to do this this way I'm not wasting your time

drawing so this is one pillar that we're talking about right here this is your

home base all right this is the blog the website this is where we get to control

the full experience all right that's one thing that we want in place now this is

an example that if we're using YouTube alright too

educate people but then also get traffic from YouTube because we're posting these

how-to videos we're going to get traffic naturally right and you're going to

start to build up that you know that subscriber base and you're also going to

start getting organic traffic and this is a piece of content that will be

evergreen meaning you create it once it could get you traffic for years alright

and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna embed that video okay yet there's

a little embed code in YouTube and again I'll do more of this stuff as far as

like how to dive into just YouTube or how to dive into just the blog or how to

dive in just the email I'll do that in these upcoming videos in this brand

building series all right so YouTube we embed it here okay inside of our block

alright now by doing that we're getting a couple of benefits here number one

we're getting a link that is being pointed over here the other thing we're

doing is we're giving that that embed okay inside of here so this way here the

user stays inside of our home base right if I directed him over to YouTube which

I would sometimes I would take my email list and let them know I have a new

YouTube video that'll actually spike the algorithm just like if you're selling on

Amazon or if you're doing any type of push on a platform you might want to do

that for that reason but in this case and in this example we're just going to

say we embed the video there so now we have a video that resides over here all

by itself we embed it here and then we take our other pillar okay is and this

is our email list and we let them know that we just posted something on our

blog or our website right so now we drive traffic over here

okay which gives these people the opportunity to share this post alright

which might bring more people over to our to our blog post okay to get more

traffic and also maybe buy something and maybe email or opt-in and get on our

email list alright because on here we can create content okay which educates

them but also it can introduce them to a product okay it can also get their email

right we can also drop a Facebook pixel on that so that we can start building a

custom audience inside of Facebook again a little bit more advanced but

these are the things we can do when we own our own home base okay and we get to

create that experience the email list is another part of the equation right this

is another pillar so we have these and this would probably the order number one

number two and number three now it doesn't have to be YouTube this the same

thing can work for Facebook okay same exact thing it can work for

Instagram okay same thing now we can't you can embed video over here you can do

that if you want to but the cool thing with Facebook which you might want to do

is you might want to do maybe a highlight of a piece of content and then

direct people over to that piece of content all right

or here's another thing you can do maybe you take your email list and you let

them know about something that you did overhear on Facebook but then that's

gonna drive people back over to your home base okay but you see these are the

three pillars that you can use to build your brand and once you start to do this

you're building more momentum you're really starting to grease the wheels and

over time this can really get you a lot further than your competition because

it's giving you all of this leverage now in the beginning I talked about how I

was going to share how we recently did something similar to this and how we

were able to get 30,000 unique visitors every single month and growing and we've

actually touched upwards of 80,000 in a couple of months of unique visitors to

our home base and how we did that I'll show you that right now all right so

with the magic of editing here we go this is all drawn out so I'm going to go

through this and explain exactly how everything tied together you can notice

here we have a pillar we have a pillar and we have a pillar okay we have home

base one email list - and this here is an external platform that we're going

over to that platform knowing that our audience is there and we're putting

stuff in front of them that will then bring them over to our email list okay

one way that we did it right from the beginning is the contest all right we

ran a contest getting people to raise their hand that are in our marketplace

and then getting them on an email list and once we got them on an email list we

can then start educating them seeing what they like what they don't

like we're driving those people over to our blog we're also driving people over

to our Facebook page ok and our group and the reason why we're doing both of

these is because when we have an email list we can let people know that we just

posted something valuable and then if they share it it's going to get free

traffic back to our email list back to our blog our home base our other pieces

of content our stores and now if we have a product to release whether that's

digital whether that's physical it doesn't matter we can let our list know

what we're up to and what we're going to do all right

and so all of this stuff works really well together so we did Facebook lives

ok so we got to see what the audience liked what they didn't like we got

questions and comments and all of that stuff we did just general posts that we

thought that they would like and again some of this research was by going on

YouTube even though we weren't on YouTube and seeing what they want how to

write so we just used YouTube as a way for them or us to get intelligence on

the marketplace the other thing we did is we we started paying attention to

other groups on Facebook that were in our market and listening to the

conversations there which by the way another tip is to pay attention to what

products they wish they had or products that were better in the marketplace and

that's a great way for you to find products that you could sell to that

market but that's a side note all right and then surveys work really good again

what's your three favorite things about this get that conversation started and

then you can start to follow up with content all right and then the contest

that's something we do pretty much all the time

we'll take breaks here and there but we generally have a contest going on every

30 to 60 days it's a great way to keep building that email list and getting

people to raise their hand all right so that that is it right there there's

your three pillars all right so if I was to start all over again today this is

what I'm starting with home base starting to build an email list and I'm

picking a channel that I'm going to go out there and get attention and get them

to raise their hands so this way I can continue to build that email list then

there's a whole bunch of stuff we can do with that email list as far as marketing

to them and delivering content but then also what we can do to leverage that

email list on places like Facebook and creating custom audiences all that stuff

one other side note and this is a big one if you have this platform here

your own platform your own home base what you want to do is you want to add a

Facebook pixel on day one by adding this pixel you're able to from day one even

if you're not collecting an email list you're able to start building a custom

audience inside of your market because anyone that lands here is probably

interested in what you have to offer or to talk about and then you can start

building that custom audience and when you are ready to spend money on ads you

can then use that custom audience to either target those people or target

people that look like those people here's what I want you to do I want this

little question of the day have you started this yet and if you have let me

know how it's going or maybe you've started just one of these or two of

these let me know what are you going to be doing in your business right now

after what I just shared with you put it in the comments down below I'd love to

hear about it alright now the other thing is subscribe to this channel

alright because we're gonna be doing more stuff like this every single

Wednesday I am going to deliver this type of training on this channel but you

must subscribe to be notified and then the last thing I'm gonna go ahead and

include a couple of additional trainings on this page go ahead and click one that

you want to watch next and this way here you can continue to get this type of

education to build your brand alright take care and as always take action

we'll see

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