Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 5, 2018

Auto news on Youtube May 28 2018

BREAKING: What Just Happened To President Trump Means FULL BLOWN WAR!!!

President Trump blasted the "Criminal Deep State" early Wednesday, suggesting things

have "turned around" in "SPYGATE," following revelations of a reported FBI informant

snooping on the Trump campaign, Fox News reports.

"Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State.

They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught

in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before!

What goes around, comes around!"

~ President Donald Trump

"SPYGATE could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!"

~ President Trump

The Presidents comments come after reports that an FBI informant communicated with at

least three members of his campaign—Foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, Trump

aide Carter Page and campaign adviser Sam Clovis.

During a Tuesday appearance on 'The View', no less than the former Director of National

Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper described what was done by the Obama administration

to Donald's Trump campaign as "spying."

"With the informant business, well, the point here is the Russians.

Not spying on the campaign but what are the Russians doing?

And in a sense, unfortunately, what they were trying to do is protect our political system

and protect the campaign."

What's more, Blake and Clapper attempting to spin idea that the Obama administration

was spying on the Trump campaign for "friendly" purposes is beyond laughable, and we know

this was not the case for the reasons Hume points out: the Trump campaign was never informed

of this counter-intelligence operation for the simple reason that this counter-intelligence

operation had been launched against Trump and his campaign, Breitbart reported.

Chris "Badger" Thomas is a Veteran who served our country as an Army Combat Medic.


God Bless.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: What Just Happened To President - Duration: 14:52.


What the Heck Is the Paleovedic Diet - Duration: 4:45.

What the heck is the Paley of the debt diet

you surely heard of calio the diet that shuns grains legumes

dairy and all refined processed junk in favor of foods that are more in line with what our

ancestors eighth the real pale yo diet was super gross if you were wondering

and maybe you've heard of your vide of five, 00 all year old system of medicine from India which categorizes everyone into one of three

DOS was or mine body types which then guide you on what to eat

but what if these two old school ways of eating sacked up and made a baby well

they did meet the Paley of the debt diet a new book by integrative medicine Physician Michael

Powell an EISA me ND that's being released this January

sure it sounds a little gimmicky

and my first assumption was that it was simply trying to ride the coattails of calio but after

chatting with the author this way of eating make some serious sense

here's why one it's way more personalize them pay Leo as someone who follows a mostly pay Leo diet I've come to understand that it's more

of a starting point than the realistic long-term way of eating you have to tweak it based on what your body truly needs

which often requires some experimentation

and that's the basis of pal anise amaze book

I was seeing patients who were following calio but doing themselves harm by eating foods that weren't right for their body type or following

a diet excessively low in cards says pal an EISA me that's when I started combining it with the principles of your Vida

so how exactly does your view to complement pay Leo for each tossup in the book there's a checklist where you configure a out your

dominant DOS hall based on physical and emotional characteristics Pelletier Sony makes

recommendations on how to tweak the pale you style diet

what to add in and what to cut out to meet your needs

for example if you're that a witch is characterized by being light of cold and a little bit frazzled or anxious you'll want to eat

warming and grounding foods such as meat fats like key a clarified butter and spices such as ginger and turmeric

to the science is finally starting to catch up

for both calio and your vide the research is finally beginning to catch up to the claims

calio diets are beginning to be linked to reduced inflammation

stabilized blood sugar

lower LTL cholesterol

reduced risk of diabetes us and improvement in symptoms for various autoimmune conditions

while Pelletier semi says that studies are now beginning to show that the three DOS has are associated with differences in specific genes

supporting the idea that altering your diet in a way that makes those genes more active or inactive can be health promoting

three it focuses on more than just protein

fat and cards in the book Pelletier some a dull steep into nutrient rich herbs spices and

detoxifying fruits and veggies that are staples in your Viet medicine

and which help reduce inflammation

warm or cool the body

and support the liver by improving its ability to rid the body of toxins

for example beet greens happen to be one of Pelletier some ease favorite detoxifying veggies

so unlike pay Leo it's not simply a matter of avoiding refined cards added sugars

and other whole food groups and hoping for the best

four it might be easier to stick to than plain all pay Leo because the Paley of the deck diet is highly personalized and places a huge

emphasis on maximizing intake of fight and nutrients vitamins

minerals and antioxidants of Pelletier Sony says it's more realistic for anyone to keep up with in the long-term compared to strict calio

and because it still eliminates and number of aggravating foods it similarly beneficial for

people suffering from digestive and autoimmune disorders

bottom line while I'm not saying this diet is the be all and end all of healthy eating I find the premise pretty darn intriguing

and it might be worth a shot if you've yet to find a way of eating that makes you feel truly awesome

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