Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 5, 2018

Auto news on Youtube May 29 2018

When Should You Celebrate Success?


I'm Sharon Jurd and welcome to my Biz Blitz video and today I want to talk about success

and when you should celebrate success.

Success is different for everyone and that's why I want to talk about it today.

Do you celebrate it when you get to a certain point?

Success is not a destination; it's actually a journey.

I want to talk about how do you celebrate and when do you celebrate today because I

think that there are a lot of times when we're in business as business owners, we're not

celebrating our successes.

You do one year, two years, five years, and ten years and then you're going, "What's


What's next?

What's next?"

but really not taking the time out to have a look at what you've actually achieved.

I hear it in highly motivated business people all of the time and I'm known to do this

as well and you go, "I haven't done too much" and people go, "Oh my God, you've

done amazing things!"

You are your harshest critic on yourself.

The things I want to talk about today is when do you celebrate success?

Firstly, it should be the small steps.

Every small step you take, you should take time to take that breath and go, "Hey, this

is a great thing."

It's very small but those small steps build up to be massive growth in your business and

growth in yourself, so make sure that even the smallest thing, you are celebrating with


If you have a business coach or a life coach, they are the ones that know what goes into

achieving all of those little steps, so find someone you can call up and go, "Hey!

Guess what just happened to me?

I've got this client I've been working on now for months and I persevered, I was

consistent and now I've got this client."

They really know the importance of getting that client for you.

The other thing is it should be often and regularly.

Make sure that at the end of the week you set some time aside and go, "What did I

achieve this week?"

"What can I be grateful for?"

"What can I be joyous about?" and really reflect on the things that you did do instead

of the things that you didn't do because it's really easy at the end of the week

to go, "I didn't get this done" "I didn't get that done".

Why don't you go, "But look at all the amazing things that I did do.

I connected with this person, I cleared my inbox, I shuffled some paper around on my

desk and got rid of some crap that was happening there."

Think about the things that you did get done.

Make some time, whether it's every day before you go home or if it's at the end of the

week, make sure you are reflecting on all those positive things.

The third thing is, reward yourself.

I like to eat sweet things.

I would normally reward myself with a dessert but not all of us are like that, but make

sure you are giving yourself a pat on the back after you get to certain goals or achieve

certain things.

Make them small; you don't have to earn a million dollars before you pat yourself

on the back.

Getting your first client if you're starting out and then reward yourself in some way.

It might be that you go out for dinner or you buy a special bottle of wine or you have

the dessert like I do.

You don't have to buy anything.

You might go, "I'm just going to take a couple of hours off and dip my toes in the

seawater or in the sand" depending on where you live.

Your reward doesn't have to be costly to you but it can be significant.

I think that we need to reward ourselves.

So many times when we're in business, particularly when we're on our own when we haven't

got a team around us, you're the only one who can reward yourself and I think it's

really, really important that you do that.

So there are my tips today.

One, celebrate all the small steps.

I don't care how small they are, you make sure you celebrate them.

Celebrate often and regularly.

Make sure you are setting a time aside to reflect on how great the week has been or

the day has been.

And thirdly, make sure you reward yourself in some way that makes you feel wonderful.

I'm Sharon Jurd.

I hope this video has been of value to you.

If you think this would be of value to your friends, family or colleagues, please share

my video because I want to help as many people as I can and I need your help to do that.

Talk soon.

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