Hi guys it's Cal here happy Monday so wanted to quickly pop in and do a quick
video for you guys about how to build a raving fan because after the weekend
where we had we ran a half-day workshop oops where we ran a half-day workshop
called five steps t any of your first 10k as a beginner coach but six people
in the room and for me will sign up actually out of those six five of them
one of them has already signed up to our 10k Elite Squad starting in January
and then we've got four sales conversations happening this week to see
whether or not they qualify and they're a good fit I reckon they are they're
awesome awesome people and it became apparent to me that you know what I
we've developed a strategy that builds raving fans because I actually asked
them in the room with them with the 10k it's what it was all about and then I
asked them the question of guys do you want to be a raving fan of mine and
they're like yes and I was like okay awesome and it was so much so that I
just knew that they were a great fear they'll at Dellen what I do clients
pretty much all all of them what I deal quite well
probably most of them what ideal clients and I was like okay this strategy that
I've created really really works so I wanted to create this video for you
guys today about how to actually build a raving fan because building a raving fan
is one of the modules in my five-step process so it's one of the five steps in
earning your first 10k is if you can go just so many people skip this bit so
many would think that the moment you find a lead or you meet someone at a
networking event and you have a copy ketchup that boom instantly they're
gonna become a client and then as often you get discouraged because you're like
why don't they buy like why is it so difficult like Cal I just bought your
things straight away like I actually had a client in she's like Cal I bought your
thing on that first sales call we had and I was like look we you didn't buy my
thing just because we had a sales call we actually knew each other 18 months
ago before you purchase the program and I'm
not saying that guys that you need to spend 18 months to build a relationship
but you need to be willing to see it as I'm building a relationship not I'm
getting us out because the south will naturally take care of itself
if you build the relationship up well and it's kind of like dating guys um if
you go to a bar and you see a guy that you're attracted to do you go up to him
and say hey will you marry me no no if you don't because how come because it's
too soon you need to get to know each other more or first and foremost it
doesn't even know you exist yet until unless you first attract each other so
first step is attraction like they actually need to know that you're even
that you even exist and then the second step is nurture so what I want to do is
I'm gonna create we're gonna draw some stuff on my whiteboard and I'm gonna
show you guys how to build a rain event I trust that this will be a value for
you now if you have any questions throughout
any of this video guys please post any questions key learnings for me so that I
know what's resonating what's not cuz I'll constantly tweak this material
until it lands with you guys alright because my job here is very simple it's
to help you guys get your first 10k month and become also thought leaders in
the community because guys our community needs more leaders it really really does
all right I'm gonna switch look humber or go bananas let's have these textures
where so guys if you think now often people will refer to it as a sales
funnel I don't and they start at the top and then you move them down into your
program I actually don't believe in that because psychologically they should be
moving you should be moving for the relationship up knock down and I'd like
to see this more of a trust building exercise so if you see it
like these guys and every step of the way you're building the relationship and
here you are taking someone from zero to ten zero is there a complete stranger
and you know what guys I'm just gonna complete jump on my facebook page so
that I can see any comments that you may be posting for me I just want to make
sure that I don't miss it because I've turned my camera around so hang in there
for just two SEC's guys epic awesome Rach hey Rach cool bananas so stranger
they don't know you yet so the guy doesn't even know you exist yet ten is
there a reigning fan of yours all right so a lot of people think they're just
straight away when you meet each other and you have a coffee catch up the day
boom let's get married too soon right so before they even know
you right you need to start building relationships so if you if you weren't a
tour guiding me nothing about you and you just said hey do you want to go on a
date do you think he would want to go on a date with you or vice versa if you're
a guy a sketchy cat probably not but if you may be asked her hey so what do you
do who are you here with you know get to know each other you give them an
opportunity to start a conversation and foster that so what we want to do is
create an opportunity for us to actually start a relationship so this is what
you'll hear a lot of people call and opt-in it is free all right cuz that way
you can start building relations you because what do I actually want from you
guys is an email address or a contact number where you can follow up and build
the relationship because guys the first step here in building a relationship
is awareness they need to know that you exist
and the second step is actually now on a scale of zero to ten probably up to a
good seven is Newark shot you're getting to know each other now a lot of you will
skip this nurture and they go from awareness to boom engage which is where
they pay you to work with you and some people think that when you engage that
that is like getting the sale that's it that's a rate in fact know when they buy
that's when the real work begins guys because raving fans will only raver
value if they love what you do and they get results from the work that you do
together I for example I work on like beautiful health coach Jess Louise Jess
you're amazing now when we work together initially I had met her at a conference
and then we got to know each other and so throughout getting to know each other
and we're good on hike together got to understand her better um and then we had
a conversation and it seemed like based on what she was telling me she
understood my problem better than I did because emotional eating was something
that she had experienced years ago and actually overcome herself so she knew me
better than I knew myself so instantly that builds so much trust and rapport
with us and that took me to a point where I was like you know what I really
want to work with you let's let's really work together and then um or that's
funny over the past three months we've been working together she's been
absolutely amazing the stuff that we've been doing together really works in AI
for the first time a couple weeks ago I actually said to her I'm like you know
what Jess for the first time that muffin that I felt like I had to eat I had no
choice but to eat it was such a long time ago for the first time I really
feel I don't need to eat it I feel so in control ever so detached and it was so
freeing and liberating and
results of that I'm now a reigning fan because I know that the work that she
does works similar to a Miranda you guys may or may not have seen her pose we've
been working together for about three months now now she knew about me maybe
about 18 months ago in the over the past 15 months she'd see me do post on
Facebook I shared my results she knew I was
walking my talk I was been consistent I knew I was talking about what I was
doing wrong we had a sales call I identified a problem better than she did
so we got job where she engaged we worked together and then after the
engagement after doing the work together now she's actually got a first think
like which is so awesome now she's a raving fan cause she's like count what
you do actually works just telling other people about it that's how you build by
raving fans so over the weekend when I had three past clients in the room so I
did one-on-one personal coaching with them back then now I do purely business
coaching they were already raving fans in the room because the stuff that I did
with them helped one of them you know end a 35-year marriage they officially
divorced and she was able to move on with her life
another one completely changed careers and moved out to Tasmania
the other one is now embarking and starting up her own business so all of
them have taken action from the work that we did together so I know that
works so when they were in the room they were just raving on and all of that like
the work that we've done together so what you need to know guys is it that
took time it wasn't just it wasn't just you know we got to know each other we
had a great chat and boom raving fan it was we went to something that was for
free so maybe it was like a conversation or a chat or maybe they downloaded
something and then they came along to something that's paid but it's a low
cost so generally I would say 47 to $97 and for me my workshops has been a
really really great strategy workshops because you're in the room with them
they get to experience you they know that you're
real I get to hear testimony was I get to see and feel your values are that's
real that's room I have found thighs wrote workshops for one of the most
effective ways to build relationship say someone who is like maybe a two or three
to a seven very very quickly provided that you know you're consistent and you
walk your talk you're authentic or a person of integrity you know you've got
a good values it's a very great way to build up a relationship and I presume if
you're watching this video or if in this group you are that type of person anyway
and then the next step is boom they buy your program which is maybe you know
between 1k to 10k whatever it is but that's how and then you gotta deliver
you actually need to do
that's a fist looks like a chicken but it's a fist you actually got to do the
work guys you need to do whatever you can to deliver those results for your
client you don't know how figure it out educate yourself that's what I do like I
built the program but I'm constantly tweaking it based on what my clients
problems are and how we can better to solve it so that's actually how you
build a rating there now and the reason why it's actually this is the the
thinking behind obviously we're not going to go into detail today into
actually how to do each of these components that is in the 10k elite
squad program which if you guys want to apply for it and if you want to inquire
about it personally send me a Facebook message and let's have a chat about it
because we're only got actually I'm not saying still I've only got five spots
left um in the 10k leads quad mastermind
program starting January next year we'd love to have you in it if you think it's
a good fit for you so guys this is how you build a raving fan this is
fundamental to your business if you don't master these you don't have a
business period because business is relationships so you need to understand
how build for normal relationships in your
business so that people will rave and refer people to you you want to become
referral that's how you become an expert in your field alrighty so here's the
video for today do post for me what your biggest learning is I would love to hear
that and also any questions that come out of this video that you wanna ask me
thank you so much guys have a phenomenal day and I'll speak to you guys really
really soon bye guys oops oops
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