Hi everyone its Dennis here, on today's video I'm gonna be talking about the
announcement from DJI as of today the 28th of March so I'm gonna be watching
the new video the DJ has published and probably provide my thoughts on what
this announcement is all about found out about this event a couple days ago by a
DJ or Twitter account actually did DJ our enterprise Twitter account now
there's been a lot of news or rumors around that DJ I will be announcing a
massive protrude today or the you know there's gonna be the phantom 5 that's
gonna be announced now I strongly believe the today's announcement it's
not all about consumer drones like they've already done that with the magic
year a couple months ago and DJ Enterprise is a different entity and
they focus more on industrial commercial drones so looking at the image of the
tweet pink or the picture that they tweeted you know has a couple you know
words they do well the world of work is changing evolve with us March 20 and it
has like two circular things in there which I suspect it's like a lens you
know could be a smaller lens in a bigger lens in there I mean I'll show you
future here and yeah again a lot of people be commenting oh yeah it's a
macro to factor form that let's D bump that not
any of those consumer drones it came from a DJI Enterprise Twitter account so
yeah it's more commercial now I'm saying that definitely looking
forward for maverick protein which hope will be out later this year again
there's plenty of rumors in there I'll probably link it down below couple notes
on what the average pros two could look like and also some of the specs of the
of the phantom 5 so I'll link it down below anyway further ado let's go watch
this new announcement
two years ago DJ I teamed up with flair the world mayor and innovative imaging
systems to bring thermal data to a new generation of pilots the partnership
gave rise to the zenmuse xt a highly sensitive thermal camera that enabled
drone operations for every day firefighters emergency responders
agronomists inspectors and more to enhance the capabilities of these new
pilots DJI and FLIR are back again to bring you the zenmuse XT - the ultimate
thermal imaging solution that packs twice the power through a dual sensor
configuration pairing a radiometric thermal sensor with a 4k visual camera
the XT 2s dual sensor setup lets pilots do more in less time collecting easily
comparable visual and thermal data in a single flight utilizing the XT 2 we're
able to rapidly assess every solar panel on our project while simultaneously
monitoring structural components and the environment as well the dual sensor
capability is a game-changer it provides all the data we need the schedule site
maintenance in one flight significantly increasing our productivity working
behind the dual sensors is a set of processors that enable the XT twos
machine intelligence this onboard intelligence gets pilots a host of smart
features that turn the XT to s vast stream of thermal data into actionable
insights even while the drone is flying never miss the heat with temp measure
allowing pilots to get detailed temperature data in real time quickly in
terms of this complex thermal information with clear MSX technology
and isotherm controls letting you overlay visual data on top of thermal
imagery and fine-tune your real-time view it's very important for us to be
able to confirm quickly what we're seeing on the thermal view with these
new real-time visualization settings we can immediately interpret this aerial
data and quickly make detailed tactical decisions on how to proceed with our
rescue operation
maintain safety in challenging fight scenarios the XT to automatically locks
on to the highest temperature within the frame with P track or any desired object
with quick track giving you the freedom to focus on the mission at hand
immediately identify what's important with temp alarm alerting you of any
objects exceeding a set temperature limit when inspecting our equipment it's
important that we identify overheating components prior to failure with the XT
2's advanced radiometric settings we were able to fly in close and scan the
area in detail for any potential hazards after a few adjustments on the DJI pilot
app the X t2 will alert us if there's a component that requires maintenance fly
in more situations than ever before when combined with an N 200 series drone XT 2
pilots can see in low-light conditions and fly confidently despite a strong
breeze or light rain search-and-rescue often comes down to finding a needle in
a haystack using these machine intelligence
features we're able to pick out things that are above 95 degrees in this case
its body temperature and we're able to find those things and have the alarm go
off and alert us
the xt2 allows us to save time and when we save time we save lives whether it's
flying high for inspections of solar panels or saving lives on the ground
with rescue teams the xt2 sets the industry standard through a combination
of powerful sensors and onboard machine intelligence to give you meaningful
results welcome to the next generation of aerial imaging it's not one of those
new consumer drones so stop thinking about maverick pro 2 for now ok
so introducing the DJI send use xt 2 a dual sensor thermal imaging solution
that sets the standard for the next generation in aerial imaging so that's
did you our enterprise that's what they tweeted today I'm not too familiar with
the commercial drones I mean I'm primarily more consumer ones
but yeah that's definitely something to be exciting it's definitely something to
be excited about especially if you are looking to buy definitely helpful for
say firefighters or for for you know checking solar farms as such I mean as
you can see in the video that's really for me yeah very exciting for an
exciting time so getting exciting times for DJI they are dominant player in the
drone game so yeah really excited for them and there's plenty of things that
they're working on fingers crossed we'll get an update on the DJI maverick
pro 2 and/or the phantom 5 very very soon that's probably the next consumer
drone that I'm excited that everyone's excited
there's a lot of news coming up or rumors news and rumors coming out it's
some pieces about what's gonna look like and everything so anyway today's event
prove them wrong it's not maverick Pro - it's not 9 to 5
is the zenmuse XD - well that's really about it I hope you enjoyed this video
give it a like I really appreciate it and subscribe to my channel for more
videos oh by the way do follow me on my social
media accounts Facebook Twitter Instagram and more for news updates and
exclusive content again this is Dennis and I'll see you in my next video bye
For more infomation >> DJI Evolve With Us - What is the DJI Zenmuse XT? - Duration: 7:59.-------------------------------------------
What is Real Estate Wholesaling? - Duration: 2:12:46.
CLOSED CAPTION BY YOUTUBE! all right what's going on welcome back welcome back this is all our today we're
talking about what is real estate wholesaling
I got a some coats here for you we're going to go over that but before we dive
into that let me first before tell you how it goes down here first before you
want to make sure that if you can't open a new browser go to your laptop on a
browser go to my Empire lucam and make sure you download the free book
because everything I'm sharing with you here
my concept my method of thinking that we are thinking about business marketing
and lead generation and traffic generation and creating revenue
everything I think about isn't that 200 pages book as a book you need to
download you need to read it 13 to 15 times in order for the concept to become
a part of you so you can enjoy the same kind of success I've enjoyed over the
years my name is Ola have been in the business of marketing okay I've been in
business and marketing since 2004 and in 2005 let you see a little bit of a
decade okay and a lot of stuff I'm gonna share with you is coming from strictly
from experience I've closed over 40 deals in real estate I've done over a
million dollars multiple times over in online marketing in civils okay and
personally I've built teams and things like that so when I share whatever I
share with you here they're educated opinions they're professional opinions
and but also please take it with a grain of salt but you can learn a lot from my
experience and everything I'm sharing with you well on top of that what I do
here is that I like for example I will answer this question of what is domestic
bull seven here in the second but also I'm moving dab into I'm gonna actually
start calling real prospects and you're gonna be able to listen to me live as I
talk to process when they come online I call about a couple of different types
of all these and you understand why I'm calling leads here in a second it's cold
calling okay but it's cold calling from a perspective of attraction marketing
I don't stress myself when I'm talking to them the first rule to cold calling
honestly is to have no expectation okay and that's part of my attraction that's
part of Law of Attraction no expectation whatsoever not being attached to the
outcome whatsoever that's part of what we do so on this session right here once
I'm done going through the codes because I noticed that when I'm calling for
silver owners the phone calls get a lot more busier okay so so you know I don't
want to be interrupted so the first thing I want to do is I want to share
with you the probably the reason that put you on this video which is you wanna
learn what we listed all seven days but of course it's gonna be a heightened
bonus you've been able to stick around with me here and see me in action
talking and looking for deals and looking for qualified 25ma be able to
understand why I am qualifying these people and why I am giving them the kind
of offer and giving them if I do end up having to give an offer over the phone
but it's gonna be a lot of fun so it's about a 90-minute session on the phone
call itself is about 90 minute session you know and then we will talk about
that so with that being said the first thing I want to do before I dive in into
the call session to Diamond session is to first of all talk about what is real
estate wholesaling okay but again before I dive into that make sure you go to my
Empire food comp and get that book as I'm talking to you right now we are
migrating service so if it's down a little bit that's okay just bookmark it
and come back to it later but I think my Empire food comes should be off my other
website something down for a few hours because we're in the middle of migrating
service okay all right so with that being said let's get started with this
one right here so what is real is the whole selling in order to define that if
I have any additional higher on to it I should go along to in this session but I
try to keep it simple okay so here's the definition then I have it is a business
model of strategy that allows a person to make new creative profits by simply
finding motivated sellers and discounted properties for real estate investors
okay so for real estate investors cash buyers okay and things like that okay so
your job is really a marketing job okay we find motivated sellers will find
discounted properties you find distressed properties and distress
ownership that's the whole point of real estate oh seven now real estate investor
or investing essentially is you buy something though and you sell high okay
however some sometimes you buy low you fix it okay you do some adults you do
some repairs right and then you flip it right fix and flip right that's the
full-blown real estate investor ship under that's a word but you get it right
that's a full-blown thing but for rehabbers and people that we have houses
and fixer fix us fix up flippers people like that they may not have the time or
they just can reach out to the whole market and sometimes they are looking
for deals maybe they haven't marketed for a while maybe they just find your
deal to be a lot more lucrative and attractive and you found the deal they
don't pay you look pretty fees just to find them these deals okay just to find
these properties how you find discounted properties by looking for motivated
sellers okay so that's why we call we call people like for sale by owners we
call people with expired listings we're looking for a motivation to sell for
less than what the property is worth okay now that's a whole composition
around that it's a whole marketing skills and prospecting skill around that
today you're gonna see me in action okay in a little bit here and maybe in about
four minutes you're gonna see me an action looking for these views 90
minutes a day we spend together and we do this all right
so let's see here use the real estate wholesaling anyone can engage in real
estate investing without needing his or our own cash or credit so anytime we
hear people say I you know it's you know you invest in real estate without cash
without money it's real okay and it should make sense to you right now
really you should have your own cash ideally right but the idea of not having
your own cash is if you can bring something else or value into the
business so something of value you can bring into the business is help the
people - finding deals okay they bring the cash
to the table you find it do they pay your fee for finding the dealer so you
approach homeowners and you market the message we buy houses we let Leslie you
market that your job is to market that your job is to find these homeowners and
to find this this motivated sellers they have one reason or the other to sell
their house for less than what it's worth a lot of time it could be because
at least at the property on the market for two month and you know it's not too
high prices or it expired on the market or somebody inherited a property that
they don't really want or somebody's and pre foreclosures they're behind on their
bills right which is one of my favorites or for sale by owners somebody looking
to avoid paying commission to a realtor right however they need a little bit
motivation beyond that because if you look at the same 3% chances are they're
not gonna be interested in selling the house to you at thus 35% discount off
right so but that's all part of dynamics okay so doing this live session I'm
going to go like and do life as frightened as the gateway to real estate
wholesaling for massive profit you're gonna see me do that here right real
estate wholesaling basically starts with putting houses on that contract at 65%
office after repair value okay so - estimated cost of repair okay so if a
property is worth $100,000 after its repaired if it's brand-new everything is
good to go is polished it is worth $100,000 as a hotel or as an investor as
a wholesaler you want to put the house under contract for sixty-five percent as
an investor you want to put the house on that contract for seventy five percent
but now you as a wholesaler you gotta create some room okay as long as
possible in the equity for you to get paid a fee all right so you put the
property on the contract for sixty five design but the after repair value
- estimated cost of repair and you sell the rights okay - the equitable interest
you have equitable right interest in the property by simply putting on that
contract right this is the homeowners in here and give you the right for 10 days
or whatever is on the contract fifteen days or 30 days I give you the
right to purchase this property at $65,000 the property is worth a hundred
thousand dollars if the property needs ten thousand dollars worth of work
that's gonna be sixty five thousand dollars - ten thousand dollars that's
fifty five thousand dollars okay so you turn around you sell the right to that
contract okay you have the right to the contract now you sell the rights to that
contract to an end buyer at 75 percent of the after repair value minus the
repair cost okay so in this scenario that will be
$75,000 - the ten thousand dollars what that is needed
okay that's sixty five thousand dollars so your fee is gonna be the ten thousand
dollars between 65 or 55 thousand dollars that's your fee
so the higher the value of the property be higher and money you can make goes
okay so if this was two hundred thousand dollars you could make $20,000 so just
$200,000 home you could make $20,000 just like that you could make somewhere
around ten percent and this flexibility depends on how good to deal this how bad
deal is you can make anywhere from $500 to $82,000 at least from what I know my
highest I've made from one deal it's a be $2,000 just for wholesaling okay so
that's how that works okay the spread between 65% and 75% of
the after if a value becomes your fee as a marketer you're a marketer okay that's
why you don't have to bring any money to the table you might have you may have to
spend money pin on it strategy you pick to market you can spend you will spend
money on Marquis okay but there are ways that you don't have to spend money on
marketing that make sense I see here
interesting all right one second guys
hello yeah I'm on a live session what's up wait one second
so sure about that that was the the wife called from Nigeria she's out of time
all right so so like I was saying let's get back to the session here
wait the spread is pretty much about 10% plus - it could depends on how good's
deals okay if you make $500 I'm a deal you you remember you invested nothing
all right you didn't bring any clarity to say well that is still return on
investment infinity depends on of course how much time you spend on the deal but
typically you'd make money for creating results okay so it's not about how much
money you make on the deal it's your responsibility to use
comparable cops or the color comes to determine the after repair value of the
property and to estimate the cost of repair I have a very quick way of doing
an estimated estimate your numbers are solid until actual closing okay so it's
just speed is everything in the business as well - but you'll see me working here
in a second why would anyone want to sell you these properties at 65 percent
are lower well there are three reasons I can think of right now but this
definitely a lot more the property is discussed the property ownership is
distressed it could be divorce it could be pre foreclosure they owe money
expired listings they've already moved they pay into mortgages right they
inherited the property they don't really want okay all the above a motivation to
get rid of the property they are motivated they need to carry that
property okay it could be in the boon that property is bad on their books and
they need to get rid of it okay because it's bad on their books doesn't make it
look bad on your book your job is to secure it deal because win-win for
everybody okay the first step to real estate who seven is to find this deals
okay that would be this deals okay this is one of the most effective and
cost-effective strategy and and you know it's cold calling okay
and we're prospecting we're calling distressed homeowners that are listed in
public records such as pre foreclosure probably tax defaults and more but also
I do today like for example today are calling for sale by owners is actually a
test yesterday was all right I've chosen to continue to call to finish calling
them to extract some data out of there what I know this one calling for sale by
owner is a Marty talking to a lot more real people from the real numbers okay
however I did not ask motivated okay and I'm spending a lot more time on the
phone but who knows maybe you know maybe if you knock one deal that will be
totally worth it so I'm gonna finish calling the least of these that I have
on here with that being said don't forget you want to go through you want
to go to my Empire cool calm download the free book and also doesn't give you
instant access to a free course or the smart business empire okay
that's something you want to leverage in this business or in business from home
in general I preach building a business and informational business around your
passion but I also preach investing in real estate those two things right there
of one average person you can create wealth okay you can create a lot of cash
and you can build wealth from that and you can escape the right place or the
copy world by simply focusing on you know sharing what you know from your
passion standpoint and something you already know you can leverage that on
the Internet as well as real estate wholesaling and realistic the best and
anyone should be more than that okay so with that being said let's go ahead and
let's get started with today's call all
right it's gonna be fun it's gonna be fun see
so today I'm calling first of all the first thing I wanna do is I'm gonna I
want to show you the cause of my dialogue okay my dollar is automatic
okay so that makes it good quality a lot more easier to add off to dial numbers
manually everything is dialed in the background I
stopped talking to you I said move along okay what I'm gonna do is we have time
in between I'll go through the slides again all right
probably I'm probably like digress a little bit further into each one of the
slides until we're done with calling all our lives today okay
I use a a platform called the Redax it's called strong dollar with the red
where that's created based on the our and my database when it comes to these
needs are stored on on on a platform called vortex right and
to be honest with you I wanna be calling everybody okay it depends on what kind
of deal it is depending on depending on if it's it could be expired listings it
could be to be for sale by owner okay it could be pretty foreclosure and it
could be for rent by owner these are landlords you are trying to
rent some of them are tired landlord as well alright so those those those type
of deal like that is what I thought before today I want to finish the
campaign I started yesterday which is falling off for sale by owner and but
the first thing I want to do again I'm gonna show you the pause of my dollar
and then we switch back to the screen let's see all right all right if you're
hanging out with me congratulations to you for hanging out with me life
therefore the ask questions let's see here so the dollar as of today with I've
called 12 hours worth of calls for 55 leads in total code it's not really
three cause I've been named how well I'm not the machine is dialing as I'm
talking to you but I just you know we could get interrupted by calls in
between or leaving a voicemail in between but that's the fun part of this
okay I've made 53 in contact I mean actually spoke to a person okay and and
then voicemail left 215 voice most the voicemails serve as marketing messages
out there as well - you got a voicemail on somebody's phone may listen to it
today tomorrow they may listen to it a story there they may have a listen and
they want to wait until they exhaust the market before they call you to sell the
house to you for 65 percent but that's another way to find deals people call
you after the fact you know while you become the last result you take
advantage of that by simply being in the game the only way to win in the game is
to be in the game okay then call back sets that means when
somebody saying a combat of this kind of said about 16 of them and if actual our
store average daily call is about we do about
90 minutes per day okay and we call make about 100 calls per day an average so
far 50 links all right so those are the data so when we're done with this I'll
come back here and I'll show you some more I'll show you what we've done today
so far okay when we're done today so let me switch on back to our slides that way
I can go back and and once we'll have some breathing room in between the calls
you've been learning as I'm talking to people okay
you will learning the language is what I'm listening out for typically when I'm
calling people I don't have no expectation okay that's not one I'm not
attached to the outcome okay and that shows in my voice okay
people are gonna ask you intimidating questions like you know something for
silver owners you're gonna hear if some of you were here yesterday you hear
things like are you a realtor or are you are you a buyer that's an intimidating
question and if you wrote or or you start shaking or even if you're an
investor you know they have a fence up already I don't necessarily stop there
but I put a fence up at that moment - okay
and I'm like Armand well do you have a problem talking to us why don't you want
to walk with rules and I asked them that question so they can tell me their real
reason usually is because they're trying to avoid paying commissions okay and I'm
saying okay is that's the only reason why you don't wanna walk with rules away
alright good I'm an investor anyway but I wanna have some questions about your
party and that's pretty much my conversation goes along that way and
they get comfortable with me okay I my goal is to make them comfortable with me
and then at some point after they've done caught one you tell them listen I'm
a cash buyer okay that means I don't buy at retail
price do you have a problem with that would you like to hear my offer all
right please don't take an offense to my offer
but this is my offer I'm typically at that point I'll throw
65% or whatever zero say the property is especially in the already on the fence
if you know I'll just do that are them to get them off the phone so I can move
on to the next part but I want to finish this act before also as a stand right
now I've for hauling pre-foreclosures it's a lot
more numbers that are not good but when the number is good is good okay and
pre-foreclosures s my zone is where I've closed most of the Foley deals I told
you about and you know it's just my zone but again there's nothing wrong with
testing new things but the worst thing you can do to yourself and
entrepreneurship and in life in general is to be close to my day so I'm it's a
very difficult thing for me but I tried to be as open minded as possible it's
difficult for me just like an average human being but I try to be as
open-minded as possible okay we have been said it's for 56 right now and
we're going to start dialing and my dollars little call my phone do you want
to continue in the last one pay yes and when I says we have 17 calls to make 17
numbers to down see and my form will default by the dollar come on oh I think
quick start it's a so when the person puts a Google Voice number so dropping
voicemails here is that's good that's wonderful
yes yes yes so it doesn't Ken Ken I'm a wholesaler you almost as well
I would definitely love to link up with you this is your number here then I just
called yeah that's that's about the same time I started but you don't mind
texting me your number like text me so I can link up with you later I'm in the
middle of our call session I'm just following means right now no and I will
talk later appreciate that man Thanks all right so
so he's another wholesaler wouldn't disturb the property or silver owner and
he puts us on the contract as another move to you that people are actually
doing the business he has two other properties reason why I would like to
link up with him is that we can partner together okay definitely can partner
together and make some money together so that's some of the beauty with this type
of business you there's no such thing as really a competition if somebody sees
you as a competition they just a loser okay sometimes that happens as a matter
of fact one of the first mentor that I had saw me at one and you know that's
just what it is sometimes that happened but a real winner we will see no
competition and choose choose for collaborations rather than see you as a
competition as a threat you know so I want to choose this ass I'm gonna mark
his number I say agent I'm just gonna just and then keep and keep going
you're what worthy hung up you see here
on to the next year you go so all right so wait not doing too bad so far
hi can I speak to I'm not sure I'm looking for the person that has an
information about their property no would me yeah you'd be set a property
for sale you
okay this is available it's on the contract okay I wish it now you're an
agent by any chance oh yeah also okay yo I'm a wholesaler we
should we should definitely connect man do you mind
sense enemy you're a text message I'm in the middle of a cross session if you
send me if that's message with your name so I can reach out later we'll talk
about collaborations I pretty much do all of the above is from brokerage to
wholesale in to invest in to fix and flip you know but most of what I do
people like useful aberrations if you have properties for sale we just
collaborate them we do definitely I'd like to know about that I definitely
like to know about that so send me it test me so I can reach other planets
conversation Thank You ru mood and so that's your name
okay all right cool I'll look forward to it man thanks a lot
so my love today is being with ho sellers all that force that was good
aesthetic properties for sale so when you put a property on the contract
some people list it as a for sale by owner and that's why you have seen that
I personally I I'm done that before I prefer to honest with you I prefer to
see here one second here I prefer I prefer to have a private network and
least an ascending to people I'll figure it off right away without having to list
it on the market but sometimes that's a viable solution and that's okay too okay
so now unless I will be talking to a real owner here in Mauro
all right so nothing too badly don't do bad let's see here all right so back to
arm the slides here we're gonna talk about it's like to see here right all
right so I saw a saying it's a business model and a strategy right that allows a
person to make new creative profit hello yeah it can I speak - yeah hi I'm
looking for the person we listed the property in Eric Court
how are you Eugene yeah very good very good
what's the story with your property
what's the story what you listed this property at 665 thousand
my name is Ola no I'm not a realtor you don't want to work with the realtor okay
not yet okay you're trying to see if we can sell yourself wait okay all right
that's understandable I see that it's listed for six $65,000
okay all right does the house need any work by any
chance know what needed okay and what do you think the property is worth
oh that oh one okay all right sounds good to me all right um Russell
do you need to sell this downsizing I can understand that I'm an investor I'm
an all-cash investor so I'm looking to pick up a property we close within five
to seven days and pretty car deal with your area for Middlesex myself so I was
already I was wondering for all cash but are you
flexible on that June on 65 okay good question you I know you I know you
don't want to pay a commission on this property
we just want you're trying to sell by yourself would you mind giving me
exactly what you're looking for as far as how much you wouldn't go beyond below
650 on a $600,000 well that's at $15 movement all right so you okay I mean
obviously you don't want to hang too much because then you affect the value
of the body let me start asking you why is it not
selling well as a cash offer out right now we're close in five to seven days if
you're willing to sell it for 500 is that something you would do no okay I
can I can respect that absolutely if you don't mind
my number in case you have friends or anybody I'm a cash buyer I'm looking to
buy all the time but but um you know I have to be honest with you I don't buy
retail that's the whole point of me being an investor and bring in cash so
keep my number and anything comes up right now thank you so much that was a
lot okay so another reason why you should never ever tolerate negativity on
the phone okay well as people who are well reached will still give you the
ears and understand where you're coming from and you see how she said pray
enough that's a spin you know if I'm bringing in cash to the
table and I'm closing in five to seven days as opposed to closing at 45 deals
looking for loans all over the place then then it makes sense for me to give
an offer five hundred thousand dollars almost $700,000 home that needs no work
I need a quick math so I did a quick math essentially zero is the next one
all right so and well since 93 so I did I saw hello hi I'm looking to speak to
someone in charge of the house
inevitably having you to I had a new set that's why you hang yeah you the owner
Edison property
is under contract I appreciate that thank you man thank you
all right so on the contra not interested next on to the next all right
so looks like this one is what is this a condom give it here in the condom
condoms so even though I'm not a big condom fancy what I would do give this a
zoom in this kind of situation I would essentially I would I would still talk
to them and then find somebody will specialize in that to partner with even
if I find things that don't understand okay
but typically for a condo house the only difference would have to be a home
Association here not each part the demand may be a little bit different
man the supply is a little bit different for condos to a single-family home so
you just drop that voicemail this one is a property management company trying to
sell this never know oh yes okay you hear me hello I'm calling I'm calling
about the property and Sonny made yeah I'm calling needed to find out some more
information about it is it still available
okay I'm a buyer but I was I'm curious now what why don't you want to work with
the rhythm I'm curious now Oh same commission okay so you've
already saved permission is all good I
like it yeah yeah this property is it Howell I need repair or is completely
you listen you listen on for sale by owner
that's how funny I'm seeing it everywhere
well I know okay is there you are you are you an investor or something okay
all right and that's understand you can understand why I'm calling you as well
there I'm an investor so that's why I'm calling about this Bobby I'm just
looking for beans that's why I mean we know each other man that's okay man so
so it's a new University are you looking for full price on it so it depends on
the numbers I do all of the above I have experiencing all of the above
including brokerage as well too so but primarily I'm gonna lead with my
whole 7th part of me that's that's what I am but okay quick question before I
hand off y'all definitely like to connect with you actually be on this
causation is estimate the same 460 and I know that's not right how would you
justify let me what's an answer Frank okay Frank I have your number here and
I'm gonna scribble it on the side here I gotta reach out to you later or
something and if you don't mind you know if you can I know I know you're
always looking for properties you can stick to it yeah I mean exactly yeah
does that make I make a 90 minute call session like this every day
I'll reach out soon okay thank you right so there you go ah networking networking
networking all day long and I'm gonna mark him as agent here and we're gonna
keep moving hang go on to the next quad yeah alright
so you always networking you're gonna find people with jose los impuestos
another way to yesterday I'm not sure okay
are you an investor on this you used to be a user okay okay so I'm asking you
got you got you alright my evaluation is showing that this property is worth
about $10,000 thinking you justify your bright the original sale of the property
I mean yeah if you want me to send you an email with that information how to do
that you know but I'm just asking you well now have a good woman yeah so I'm
struggling with even understanding him on the phone so and I could tell already
that he's not motivated so keep it moving okay you gotta keep moving guys
no time when I get signal of any sort even neither is coming from them their
ability or not okay so on to the next all right yeah hi I'm call
about a property in Pinelli drive yes I did sir this property at 260 you want
for it you just drop the price from 260 to 255 on this property right okay my
estimated value here is still showing 240 K justify 250 by my name is Ola I'm
the guy that Wow I'm Devas gonna take this property away
from your hands if that's what you want but I'm not what you want to know this
new asset for this property 252 is the lease you asset for this property
no I'm a cash buyer I mean I need a better deal you want me to give you an
offer arena right on you need to rent it back for me are you serious about that
okay my offer on that property let me ask you does it meet any repair or is
complete in a minute no I mean you know as you I see some nice pictures right
but you know some houses more than just nice pictures that's why that's I always
ask that question is all cash my offer is 116 your party won 6-0 okay all right
no problem thanks for your time keep my number all right all right
so there you go not interested he's listed at 255 260 drop the price to
255 comes in the area by this way of simple estimation okay people say Zillow
estimation is not good I agree when I'm negotiating that's why I start from okay
and you know I when I calculated 65% of that came out to about 116 unless the
offer given I don't want to waste this time is that really that helps that's
that's the whole plan of that essentially is just prequel fictional
Google kitchen to want to find the right house okay let's go on the next one here
looking to speak to Senesh looks like is the townhouse as you know a lot of
townhouses smooth in this county new jersey starting back tomorrow definitely
going back to the backs of Colin are pre fuckin jokes
took the boys now all right see here all right
so lucrative profit could be anywhere from 5,000 to I can say $82,000 is my
highest I think I made one five thousand dollars one time I've really just around
I'll be just around 30 40 thousand dollars sometimes 20 okay
21,000 plenty to things like that if spin was an average here in leaders
okay so if you're in the place where you know properties are seventy eighty
thousand dollars would be a little bit different okay so it's all percentages
you're looking at the estimate of the average you should be looking at this
hello hello yeah hi I'm calling by the property Hillcrest whatever yes okay I'm
seeing something about 1 million dollars but I think I think I'm clear on that
you said new homes right a 1 million dollars in that area I'm looking at the
property you listed at Hillcrest Boulevard Warren okay yeah I see that
524 oh did you drop the price yeah
well okay you didn't drop the price I'm quick question are you an investor or
something okay are you a homeowner okay I'm interested
in this property I'm a cash buyer and I was wondering how flexible you are on
the price not at all so so no so you're saying if you if you
find a buyer for $500,000 you're not gonna do it okay okay I can respect that
man I'm a cash buyer meaning a mix more cash offers meaning it would be
definitely less than that so keep my number thank you for your time so good
luck to them you know it depends on we make people's homes and their voice as
well if I smell that they're not motivated I'm just gonna throw my offer
of them and keep it moving okay there's too many leads to sit down
one situation of me pounding it alright so looking at this property right here
in Bridgewater suppose it's a house that should be so for $200,000 and no opinion
but they're listening for 3:28 who knows let me know let me see if I can talk to
let's see
Lauren Road and the action listed above what the area is one and let me look at
the pictures here well it doesn't pending offer as a matter of fact oh all
right so they call ended my post session ended oh yeah that was the end of the
leads we finished out the for silver owners okay so let's take it this was 26
minutes in any imagine man it's a lot temple
because it gives me ten points for every 30 minutes are spent sucks alright so so
so far today we've made 15 calls 250 leads and contacts about six contacts so
the the contacts percentage is definitely higher for for sale by owners
but they're not necessarily much more motivated okay just a numbers game
lights and everyday exposure is everything that's what I believe in
as well that's what has worked for me in the last 12 years so with that being
said we we're now gonna jump on pre foreclosures because we have another 104
for one hour and four minutes okay we have another 64 minutes that we can
spend on cold calling okay this is but now with quality foreclosures I'll be
able to talk to you a lot more it's a lot more in between okay so we gotta
send this down just give me one second okay
okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay
so so what I'm hearing is that you're not let's burn up right so what I'm
hearing if I'm correct is that you're not going to burn up right
I can respect that man thanks for your time
alright so that was one somebody was he called it while I was trying to try to
go to the nest list here he's not interested
it's okay you gotta keep moving you gotta keep on going to the next so let's
go on to pre foreclosures and let's go cause some people who use rather call
that then they will this the approval poll shows there are some that says
auction there are some that are pre foreclosure just so you know let's see
here so we see something here status date alright so what we're gonna do is
we're gonna go let me see I'm gonna sorted by my lead
for that date in each lead paint is 327 oxygen date is 418 see and I'm trying to
see the options to sort this okay this one is P for boys your date is 8th 2015
Wow let's see status beat up now option date is five nines okay so we're gonna
start from top to bottom essentially is
it's you know I'm going from just in this moment and go from motivation top
to bottom okay alright so down down down
alright so it's showing I'm really calling number that we don't have at
this position for many would never call them before and right now we're showing
two thousand four fifty three leads and it's gonna call five thousand five sixty
numbers okay so one of the things that attract me to people closure because
there's just a lot leads okay it's a lot of liens Allah not
know quality numbers okay but that's okay you know but he created a piece
that doesn't get so tiring and I'm calling okay
and all I'm doing is just waiting down to somebody actually come on the phone
and we leave the ton of voicemails okay so we're gonna we have another to
the next alright so let me move the line all right
so as I was saying um lucrative profit is anywhere from you know my highest SAT
does not but here it says by simply finding motivated sellers and discounted
properties or real estate investors uh you know in any business I always tell
people you want to narrow down you want to narrow down your your process your
funnels right you want to narrow it down to the most important thing I would
suggest that you pick like a book called one thing by Gary Keller and it displays
listen to more details when it comes to resource management
a lot of times people say hey this is too difficult this business is too
difficult it's just so hard that's because people have complicated these
things in their mind we wrapped it around their mind that is difficult they
already believe is difficult right and then they wonder why it turns out to be
just difficult right and you know I think I'm gonna bring this down to one
thing okay I'm so realistic wholesaler okay
your job is to find motivate ourselves okay so real toast wine cellar spirit
okay Utah's fine sellers and when people say hey you know I don't want to pay
commissions the job is to sell them on paying commissions like in the brokerage
that my father is a father they have a flat fee program right to be that to
essentially beat that objection or twice a whole server right you're looking for
more every seller museum all right you're looking for motivated sellers
like you listen not discounted properties per se okay you have to find
a motivated seller in order to find a discounted pathway
okay and sometimes you find a discounted property they already discounted by
themselves based on maybe the house needs work
but they need to get rid of it maybe sometimes you get lucky like that but
the best way to get lucky is to be know hello hi can you hear me yeah sorry
about that can you hear me yes I'm calling about a property in Thompson
Avenue Roselle it's a Roselle I'm actually looking to speak to a Gladys
Gladys is the 712 Thompson Avenue yes are you Ruth oh okay maybe that's why
your number came up here is that a property listed in the
it's on the counter right now okay thank you so much more time so number one
that's our agent number that's an agent number but also I need to mark this as
on the contract okay so the property has an auction date for April 18 my family
is under contract already so we're gonna keep it moving see here I wanna say
previous facility then we're gonna go on to the nest nest lead this particular
lead by here has one two three four five six eight numbers which two DNC do not
call this numbers but since numbers that I can call in somebody's trunk folder
send them to voicemail all right so so this counter motivator sell us is really
what you're looking for if you don't find a minute salary for zero in Spanish
I think so ladies six when is that so yes yeah all right
so discounters properties of course that's the end goal you need to but a
lot of time oh I hope okay you're trying to make sure that you can hear me I hope
you'll be hearing me by the way discounted properties is it's the end
goal of finding a month yourself most pieces you're gonna find a seller
you gonna find out what their motivation is and you're gonna sell them on sending
you the
all right
yes I cannot speak a nice trick the comment please thank you wrong number
- all right one number all right so let's go on to the master slide here
little one
alright so as you can see here using using user we left a pro 7 anyone can
engage their real-estate investment without needing these or own cash or
credit that's for real for real ok I had no credit whatsoever right and and guess
what after folding something views I still have never used my personal credit
on my time ok why because I got very very good in
marketing and in finding dealers and then I used other givers money B
ultimate goal of ultimate goals and investing in life is to use other
people's money right because it creates leverage and leverage creates a higher
cash on cash returns so I value use my own cash to market and yes if I use my
own cash to pay for my tunes like for example this dollars yes of course okay
but that's the way it works ok nothing works here so so yes without your own
cash without your own credit are you gonna find your own personal credit use
when this visit at some point yes ok but you building a business is different
from buying a home ok College the Florida current automatic
voice message system 9 0 8 3 8 0 1 5 3 2 is not available
at the tone please record your message when you are finished recording you may
hang up or press 1 for more options
so you live in a business way and and giving the business is different when
you find her hotel essentially what you're trying to do is its do a business
okay if china be a marketer primarily okay well you're not even within an
investor okay you are serving investors okay investors
are the people that pull up the cash to actually print you go party
you don't have to do that being a realistic whole set up you make money
like that investor yes but it's not that's not primarily what you do oh my -
your job is market alright so you notice that I'm not doing a lot of talking
because this numbers some of them are real some of them are work some of them
are not expecting this cause these are just people full of people that are
three months or more behind on their payment
specifically the ones that corner right now says option that says product yes
hi I'm looking to speak to the owner of Ryan sweet new site
the owner of Ryan streets it's a property on Lyon Street inside Ryan well
I must have fallen letter thank you so there's a long number flash that number
yes and now you boy so also mp4 bullion you find a lot of wrong numbers okay the
key is to keep dialing on to you find a right number right
persons okay that's the key okay and also the keys to leave a ton of
voicemails this is voicemails say something sent to me I'm interested in
buying a property give me a call so it's just marketing okay some of them will
hit the right numbers among them we keep bond on people and that can bring
telling me 10:1 okay no oh yes okay alright so yes it's absolutely possible
without cash and that that work so here doing this live session I'm gonna call
life as a get to it to real estate wholesaling for massive profit yes so
like I said primarily a job is marketing a prospecting as a wholesaler
okay that's your job that's that's really what you're in the business for
and finding deals is you know this have somebody just you call somebody and
they're just ready to go and they just so he will give them y'all give you
their house at the 65% discount it's dark can happen as possible okay if
you're in the game long enough you're gonna get lucky like that one day and
I've got some lucky like that laugh I let me tell you a quick story I
was fixing our property was a trick simply okay we have an original Jersey
as a way in front of the house you just having a conversation I think was me my
father and and the contractor were using who's Jeremy pulled up and he was
looking at was showing his house hi I'm looking to speak to Kirsten I say refers
to the property on 2nd Avenue in Garwood
yes I was I was it's not you guys nervous okay thank you
not interested they tell you straight up novel for sale
just keep moving okay all right so let's see here all right so I guess that was a
voicemail I didn't even know it but when I heard the beep I knew right all right
so let's go back here the Gateway to realize it was selling for massive
profit okay the Gateway is not just prospecting like
this it's also marketing which is something like over extensively in the
book but if I have fool.com okay my favorite is marketing
I do prospecting because it's a part of my business that I've chosen that I have
to do even though I don't necessarily enjoy it okay you're gonna hear a lot of
good talks and to change don't do only what you enjoy out there that's extreme
ideology okay sometimes you have to do what you're gonna enjoy them because you
want something out of it okay because you know these works sometimes you have
to do that okay and sometimes would buy into the BS that you shouldn't have to
do anything you don't enjoy that's not a little life anyway okay a lot of us are
not exactly where we wanna be but we'll still read live with of everything a
week life right so fundamentally speaking it doesn't make sense to say
hey if I don't enjoy it I'm not gonna do it even though you know that the end
result of it is your desire is all that make sense if it makes sense please give
me a thumbs up okay always give me a thumbs up
right so so that making sense so the Gateway to any of this Oh frankly any
business again I that's a fax number one number obviously the Gateway is
marketing no customers no clients no money are we making sense somebody
calling back send it to voicemail all right
no money okay very simply no no marketing no leads no traffic no people
no customers no clients no money from our really in real estate home selling
the only thing you really should be worried about before you worry about
contracts before you worry about the legalities before you worry about how to
do double closings before you worry about how to do assign closes before you
worry about how to do these options right furnace time to focus on okay
it simply be on the wanted to focus on is gonna be generating leads okay
marketing prospecting talking to weeds reaching out to homeowners and
pre-foreclosure in divorce tax defaults right these are the best people to these
are the best things for you to this is the only things you focus on if you
haven't placed your first deal once you find somebody who's willing to sell your
property okay that flexplay enough you want to get rid of the house that's it
please record your message when you're finished recording you may hang up or
press one for more options so that's why I like people who just
because I can simply ask them a very simple question that hey if I if I pay
em how much your own on the property it's that a good enough offer are you
willing to walk away I can ask that question and they won't look at me crazy
like I'm giving a lowball offer okay that's what I like about people who yeah
I think all liens are fantastic all these types are fantastic because
somebody has closed the deal from one of these needs or the other right but pre
foreclosures you're calling a lot more numbers and me somebody picks up you're
saying hey yeah you have this property and there's a people photo are you
considering selling it listen I like to buy the house right oh hello hello yeah
yeah I'm calling about yeah I'm calling about a property on 2nd Street in
Elizabeth property on 2nd Street Elizabeth are you Sanchez thank you all
right thank you all right so as we continue to the call all right
so hello hello yeah hey can I speak to not connected to Nora Nora Sanchez wrong
is it the wrong number oh thank you no you call Elizabeth that's what happened
a lot of spanish-speaking people okay that's okay
of course such deals before I have a friend Joe that I bring to the table
would help someone find a motivated seller will speak Spanish I have a big
deal but of course I have to now get through the language but we have to see
if they're motivated or not the best ones are the one that called in okay the
one that call in as a response to direct mailing or direct marketing - response
marketing digital call them and say hey you know so you know that million
minutes we still you know it's uh its own the best marketing source for this
okay but when you're doing it just in make sure that you're not giving
yourself an ultimatum which are you're doing it indefinitely
okay on to your clothes your first deal before you count how long you been in
milling the slabs okay that's how it works so let's go into this light here
who tested wholesaling basically starts with putting houses on that contract at
65 million of its after repair value okay so I think I think this earlier but
I'm gonna do it again it doesn't get old okay because you learning how to
identify good deals is your job okay and that's what I mean by finding motivated
sellers a motivated seller by definition is somebody who is willing to sell their
property a 65% of the after repair value okay
that's the ultimate motivated seller okay but before they get there sometimes
they have to go to a process sometimes a lot of times is how you talk okay how
you talk if somebody's calling you or you make a call out to them because they
have backed off with payments number one you have the posture okay because you
know the first rule in there is feeling they already admitted that
they are looking to sell this property right it's just a better position to be
right when they call you now that doesn't mean you can't cook well I'm
just saying I get to go cause a lot more people then I get the same letters if I
was send me letters I think a lot of our next 47 cents or 40 nights and each
files done it myself I spent some time on the envelopes but in addition to that
I mean I I mean it gets with $200 a month I get to send about 400 meals okay
so about 400 millions I get the scent so it's a little bit more laid back you're
waiting you can set yourself up like this make sure you send your letters
every week you can pick up dude okay and the call you like that all right
that's what that is all right so in 23 minutes so far 28 cons I've been made 13
liens I've been called to contact none of them did I speak to at all ten ten
pieces of voicemail I've been left left for ten voice mails and they've they're
42 points on this course okay all right so 65% of is after repair value -
estimated cost of repair so your property so here's an example a property
is what $200,000 okay it's worth $200,000 and it needs work $25,000 okay
my offer on that property is going to be 105 how because I can only pay
hello hello okay look that way sir I can only play 130 minus the repair cost
113 65 percent of $200,000 okay so that's 65 percent mileage $25,000 repair
costs so 130 minus 25 is 105 that would be my maximum we call it the maximum
allowable offer okay so 125 105 yeah it's my offer for the
property okay so if I was building with them I would offer them I don't know
$95,000 and see if they say hey you know you can come up to 105 thousand depends
on circumstances for bass that's the deal you're looking to identified as the
motivated seller you're looking to identify so now when I put it on that
contract and now have the right of an equitable interest in the property okay
and I can sell that light a piece of paper at that contract I can sell it by
with a simple cross I can sell that contract I can we assign it to an end
buyer for your feet why would somebody want to buy that for there's a good deal
and point of equity I just created I just created over 30% of equity into
that property and a fixer and we have a want a piece of that you want to make
money from that okay so I essentially would turn around and remember the hello
yes I hi I'm looking to speak to the owner of Islander Drive we darling be
humble to be patient
please leave your message for the voicemail on keep it moving all right so
I have a right to epidemic interest in the property okay and let's see here all
right yeah equitable rights to probably I have right so I'm gonna sell it or
somewhere I'm gonna mark it off and I don't want to call it mark it up but my
fee is gonna be a long ten percent of the after repair value at the bottom
it's gonna be around that okay so listen
so let's use the number let's use the cell what is said by percent off of
$200,000 that's 150 right so - $25,000 care costs that's 125 okay
so I can sell the property okay after fee I can sell the apartment for 125
thousand dollars so that means my fee is gonna be 125 - $5,000 at least $20,000
so comes out to around $10,000 so the 10% of the after the fair value and of
course depending on what number that is that's gonna be real okay so that's what
that's basically wholesaling good job as a wholesaler is to find this property
and identify good dude identify motivated sellers and extract the big
deal never shit equip you so this skill that you distill that you really need
it's marketing skills and perspective skills and never shit in skills okay so
if you find somebody on the line magazine skills is nothing more than
just on good a very polished and good ability to listen to a prospect okay ah
you have to let them do the talking okay if you notice what I've done so far
today I basically allowed them to do as much talking I don't want to do okay and
that's really what all you have to do you know let them do as much talking at
the light until you smell that denominated so this is this is a little
bit of of a heart and there's also science to this okay
ultimately we're looking for sixty-five to then hi I'm looking I'm looking I'm
looking to speak to the person in charge of Fremont place in the Elizabeth hi how
are you I'm calling about the property and I was wondering if you consider
insanity you're not certain what are you gonna do about the option beat let's
don't know it's on it's on Fremont place in Elizabeth yeah okay are you aware
that is in people who you oh you don't want it and you don't need them okay all
right no problem did you used to live there by any chance
yeah yeah the dance is before the UV you have the LAN loads number by any chance
I'm interested in buying the property
you are thank you that's a wrong number show this thing the script raised pics
of tenants number sometimes and if you detect anything like that all you have
to do is before you hang up ask them if they know the number to the groundhog
okay but really do that okay all right we just got 10 points because we're 30
minutes in into our 64 minute session here
all right so let's go back to what we're talking about here so yeah that's how
you make your money you know $200,000 home expect to leave about plane it'll
be plus or minus three hundred thousand dollars oh my spend to me about $30,000
plus or minus okay on the 3/3 $300,000 on I'm looking to pay - 10 - dili pepper
okay and I find 7x to the opponent I'm looking to pay let's see I got that
about 235 okay to sell it for about 235 - repair pot okay those are the numbers
you're looking at right there now let's see here let's go to the next slide here
the spread between the system five percent and 75 percent of the after
repair value becomes your fee as a marketer for securing this type of be
useful relative investors with active investors essentially they pick up
properties seventy-five percent of the value okay so for example so for example
$300,000 home right you would pay 235 I saw I saw flipper okay that's a rehab
art will pay 235 for it right and then you know - repair pot let's say it's 225
does not okay so you know you're paying to ten for it okay you put in the work
okay closing costs will be around for your closing cost to be around twelve to
fifteen thousand dollars okay oh so you spent to ten plus fifteen
thousand dollars that would be about 25 and
repair cost in fact I like you too far right so you
paid to ten thousand cost about fifteen thousand dollars maybe a little bit less
right I think I just made about five percent
from there yes hi I'm looking to speak to the owner of Morris place inside oh
hello all right so they never hang up okay so we gotta just in case I've
dropped the phone on the side someone
all right we're looking to speak to Bobby
okay so two point on to the next line let's not a lot deal lead has three
numbers to it or calling the third number now alright so let me repeat that
you paid to ten for the property remember the property is $100,000
afterwards if you spent $25,000 on you paint to ten you spend $15,000 and
closes code maybe a little bit less and then you spend $25,000 on there you're
up to 250 in cost you put it back on the market you sell it for 300 you just make
$2,000 okay I so we never okay now you paid it to
ten for the party okay now as a whole seller how much you love think for the
puppy right you would have paid let's do the math okay
sixty-five sixty-five sixty-five six five one 365 you paint - 15 - to $25,000
you paid one idea as a wholesaler okay then we have a painter
yes I can you gimme yeah I'm looking to speak to grassy miss
Harrison somebody misses in the owner of Clark Street in hillside I'm interested
in that property you consider a nice element
is your number Ellison once once once you have a property is public record and
your numbers to be attached at any time
all right so he's my interest I don't need the conversation all right
it's no need to have just tell them have a good day and keep it moving okay all
right so I'll surely find a buyer to set so you never know again they're gonna
being somebody else with a different demeanor and but that was a real number
so you know some wrong numbers some good numbers okay yeah all right so here we
go by the way remember we do not the system do not call the system does not
fall do not fall numbered the unlisted on tomorrow okay the system just doesn't
do that okay all right so let's keep going here so - so you paid as a
wholesaler so as a wholesaler the property is you have to pick it up at
this number okay that's gonna be 65 is it a $300,000 that's what you are - 10
okay - to $25,000 closing costs but that would be 185 okay you have to put it
under contract at 185 and then you can turn around and
sell that 185 at 75% - $25 not so 75%
75% of $300,000 that's 225 okay - 25 $200,000 okay
65 presents well putting on a table is 195 see I'm doing the math all wrong -
25 so you pick it up for 170 and you sell it for
okay so you pick out for 170 you pick it up for 170 right
and you sell it for 200 okay can 75% is 225 - turn back time so typically the
number you're looking just you see that the numbers consistent is 10% of the
after repair value your fees okay for a $300,000 home you can make $30,000 it
can be more it can be less so that's the ballpark number you're looking to me
okay why are dynamic $82,000 positive people really very nice - because you're
not locked in on ten students but you're not a realtor
okay you're not locked in on ten percent you can make a lot more than that okay
okay all that we have somebody falling back right I feel like I've spoken to
this guy but he's calling back never enough I'm gonna call him back once your
job like I spoken from our for silver owner you see I think I've spoken to him
by the way way down - oh boy so like dialing as we're going to 35
yeah yeah I spoke to this guy of the guy who said we drop the price from 216 to
255 and I offer them let me see what I offered him was fairly low let's see -
42 zestimates offered him 150 and he said no but he's calling back you never
all right so right now we have 42 minutes in on the second session we have
remember we have 64 minutes more to go so we're 42 minutes in on that right now
which means we are like 22 minutes ago we've called 23 leads that's 53 calls
okay that's multiple numbers per person
and we've made three contacts 23 voicemails the score is 94 okay we're
pounding on on you know just try hello hello yes I I'm calling about the
property and Elizabeth are you doing huh
yeah you know willing to sell my name is Ola ma Sydney okay do you have somebody
else selling it okay I understand thank you all right so
sunny is the familiarity they're not interested because so what you want a
German person I'm trying to use the familiarity of Indian but in a work
sometimes you got to pull out the weapons so you gotta keep moving without
it all right some people you end up on a call with that they smell the family
attended said hey let me talk to this person maybe they can talk to me right
and it goes like that sometimes
see here let me read out this number the number here that hung up right away no
chatter me doubt it alright so like this house I'm calling right now as an
auction date of April 11 you would think that this move should be motivated to
want to do something about an optional date that's literally right there but it
doesn't work that way that's why you don't prejudge anything all right so
that's a hung up tube I'm gonna say no answer we're gonna keep
moving all right so you don't be judged people could be three more three years
away from closure and be motivated people could be one day with a
foreclosure and not be motivated people in general are flaky and just never know
so don't prejudge just exposure exposure exposure just keep pounding the call
keep calling and just keep calling until your client yes all right once you find
your first deal and you close the deal that's ten twenty thirty thousand
dollars my first deal was ten thousand dollars my second G was the Bucs won
$1,000 okay when she was finding that ton of you and
it goes yes I am looking to speak to Tracy Tracy I'm calling about the
property in Sheridan Avenue Noel
Sheridan Avenue dealer anything about it alright thank you
alright so that's a long long and I always dig in and see if there's more on
board all right so
all right let's go on to the next light here see if we can dive into that a
little one it's your responsibility to use comparables comms comparables I
essentially houses that confess to the subject property in the area we didn't
want my videos sold within the last three to six months you need comparables
- that's how you measure the value of the property so part of your
responsibility is to determine the value of the property okay
the first number I uses the Zestimate if you got an interest then I'd dig in a
little bit deeper consisting it can be off Zestimate is the estimate of the
value that zillow.com are creates okay create the number opinion from there
Abaddon's it comes over the number as the value of the property it is maps
it's close so but as a buyer that I'm people to find a property and are multi
and a seller I start with this estimate okay and I will use it as part of my
question for them hey listen this is probably higher then what I think the
value is can you justify that and then you notice the other gentleman kept
telling me about this house there are cons in these areas that's what's in 68
and things like that right so you're gonna get that you know and but that's
the first number that I use if there's an interest then I would probably dig a
little deeper you have more accurate evaluation properly and when we do that
it's true comparables the sold properties in the area within
the last three to six months within a one-mile radius not the listed
properties this zone want one actually somebody is actually paid money
for okay that's what we look at the determining the value of the property
the other thing we do is we estimate the cost of repair of the of the property so
depends on what area will determine how elaborate or how but in depth that
estimate need to be one ship we have some experience in this game you can
actually create you can create a estimate of based on your local area
find out how much a whole kitchen in your area cost might not how much ammo
bathroom first and then find out how much it is to repair a square footage in
your area as far as company is concerned but also as far as painting painting
carpeting teaching run the kitchen run new bathroom you can create very quick
with their estimates okay on a property when you notice numbers you can also go
through a Home Depot calm and see what they have calculators on their websites
to help you come up with the local cost of these things in your area that's a
great tip for you and you can come up with their estimate on the fly like that
said okay my repair estimate is rounded off to around twenty five fifty seventy
thousand or one hundred thousand dollars depending on what I observe in if
somebody says it means carpeting me needs painting and they tell me just
like that I would instantly estimate between five
to ten thousand dollars for the work okay it did timely like oh man he needs
me in solitary use a new roof maybe some coffee beans in that's twenty five
thousand dollars okay it needs some people in the kitchen
needs to be completely upgraded and new appliances new bathroom right if you
tell me something like that yeah if you tell me something like that that's
that's easily fifty thousand dollars okay if they tell me a little more than
that $17,000 the term is completely done at work so if they tell me that people
are any broken and stovepipes and things like that
that's one hundred thousand dollars if you
okay but of course again those numbers are just opinions and depending on how
deep you are into the deal you may have to do a lot more elaborate and detailed
report on the estimate okay but as far as a wholesome is concerned you need to
have to make very quick estimate on details like that and the numbers you
get miss becomes of eighteen so you can have a lot a lot of room for error and
and then you need to create a good deal for your gelatin thrusters yes hi I'm
looking for the owner of a maple avenue in new site all right I'm calling
because I'm interested in that property if I were you absolutely
absolutely I'm very interested in the property you have is showing that you
have a yeah can you give me oh he's showing you sure knock some people yeah
I'm showing an outside date for info on the house obviously me back for every
phone definitely interested my number money and even the that's okay you know
as soon as you already just give me a call my name is my name is my name is
Ola all right what about now I miss you
can you hear me now okay yeah my name is Ola alright my name so I want you to
save my number and give me a call once once you're ready all right do you what
was the story with the house you owe a lot of money on it
Oh is paid on okay but but you're definitely open to selling yeah
definitely give me I know I know my name is Ola Ola Ola my phone number is seven
three two three zero nine three eight three four all right
and yeah give me a bar how do I get the number I mean once you once you sell me
the house I'll give you that secret how about that
that'd you bye-bye I'm an investor I buy houses all the time so we have our ways
you know all right I'll look for you maybe she'll write yourself yeah when
you say you're trying to get him to move up what do you mean oh I know I know I
know but what do you need just just one of you someone just tell me this New
Jersey or not that's all I'm asking a union mistake okay all right that's all
that's all I was asking in here you son you sound like you're in a kind of air
something like that that's what
Oh was blinking give me give me a good number web and follow up with you living
like a month okay alright thank you
okay so she says she's interested but she gotta get her father out I'm gonna
mark interested and I'm gonna say I gotta get GABA out so that was a good
call right again you just never know when
somebody's ready she wants a cell we haven't talked about number there's some
kind of pre foreclosure foreclosure auction date of April fourth on that
house okay and just never know gotta get your father out in and then all mine
ready anything so I'll leave a note on there on my on my database and then I
will get to later all right so we have got nine more minutes to go here not too
bad see if I had quit at twenty minutes I
would not catch that interested call there will be days where I think only
interested to call that number I just called it a landline so I don't know if
there's a chance that whoever picked that up again but who knows
you never know she may decide to just call me herself later on right but I
have a good idea of what area they are in and the relic is very good obviously
with the way they skip trace this number so because she was wondering why how did
they find this number well I don't know so every time also when you
talking to people if you have a little bit of sense of humor you need to use
that okay you just sense a few months and you know it works okay it brings
down fences and get people to relax it gets the modules to relax they feel a
lot more comfortable you know so if you can do that that's a plus okay well you
have to force yourself to be a convenient I'm just saying a little a
sense of you want it so it would be all you need to be in this game okay this is
a people in business so if people are comfortable dealing with you you will
close a lot of deals okay my face is not the most friendly you know my wife tell
me all the time I face looks too strong you know I look like I'm too serious all
the time it's just who I am but I try my best to be relaxed hello hi I'm looking
to speak to Jose Diaz
Jose Dizzy Dean has Jose yes hi you own the property and are we not gonna go
sell you know you only know you don't own it
oh you're the son I'm looking I want to buy the property is your father open the
seven will call you back an ear o'clock yeah
okay no problem somebody says call them back at eight o clock
don't don't argue with it yes just yes okay family may have other things going
on whatever but the topic is showing that it's an auction ding for today ok
father owns he is out of country
who knows maybe leave a standard it already but as an option date showing
for today March 28 2008 een we don't know okay just don't know what you don't
know let's just keep you moving on to the next one
again it's just it's a numbers game it's uh you know equals one deal ten grand 20
grand 30 grand you can even complete me if you want you
can add admit the idea of code calling and just to strictly because I mean just
think that you pay for the whole year okay of directly we wanted to okay and
all right see here okay so hopefully this was a very enlightening time for
you I had a good time covering this with you so cost of repair I just told you
how to estimate that why would anyone want to sell you their property at 65
percent or more of what in work okay III categorize the different reasons of the
three as ice as you see here the property is distressed Lee's repair and
they don't want to repair it right cuz for you to put a property on the regular
market to sell at retail you need to stage it
you need to the property is an emotion of buying like which are transaction so
the property needs a makes sense and this would look good right yeah
the property need to make sense and it's booted that's the bottom line
so if the property needs repair a lot of people just don't want to put in their
work let's see here
why why let's see the code this session ended by itself and to see why okay I
here this is Owen oh very good
how many help you hold you let me check let me check okay
Hosea Cruz oh hi you have a property on West Seventh Avenue
okay then it's not you I'm looking for the owner of West Seventh Street nephew
yeah all right thank you I mean somehow this thing ended my oh my
call you know weird I'm gonna try to refresh and I don't see the data showing
here the data for my call today is not showing all right so it's showing that
I've made 95 calls a day but he's showing that the duration was 27 minutes
so that's weird definitely very weird let's see yeah let
me just see something real quick dial
and all right we're almost done guys we're almost done
it's been a fantastic session today we worked hard
yes would like to continue the poll China see if I can capture that data of
how long we've been on the session because somehow that data was not
recorded you know the system you started with starting by itself randomly and
it's calling the next line right now Bo's a key and then I'm going to call
this one last call then I want to hand a call and then we'll see if you came for
able to capture the data of the last cost that we need it looks like you
captured a number of Falls what's not the number of minutes so hold on
technology always show my social longus is working as long as the numbers I
actually dropped is all good I'm sure so you're gonna get a lot of no answers
when you're calling people who yeah you're gonna get a lower right handed
hello okay so somebody picked up and hung up Wow
yeah this is probably gonna be in notes as well
minutes 39 seconds let's go back here
right so the property ownership is distressed a landlord who is tired of
fixing stuff that's one and I will be above when you need a motivation it
could be three four hold your divorce inherited property didn't want probate
that's default these are different motivation so again these are different
motivations that can that can get somebody to become
distressful okay so these are reasons why people may want to sell okay I'm
gonna hand off angular call of the day we end up in this session and I'm going
to look at the data so we lost some data here but looks like let me switch
screens real quick so we can we do that together some we lost the number of men
because the system shut down okay so as you can see March 28th here record 15
for silver owners we called 42 pre foreclosures not bad call 57 leaves
altogether 94 calls were made what's in contacts were made we left 33
voicemails and one car back on set of course we spent 90 minutes here but
somehow is only showing 29 ly it's okay the big deal no biggie biggie deal
okay all right so so far we've done it looks like we've done about 13 13 hours
and a half okay so this number will be off a little bit but that's what I will
content to concerts to use this number here so you know but that was the day
okay so we that is said let me switch over a real quick and let's round this
session up I had a lot of fun hopefully you were able to pick up a lot of market
essentially we do this every day of the week five days a week
okay I do that for 30 if you want to join me live okay so if you ever wanna
join me like this for 30 that come here maybe sometimes five minutes late you
know 10 minutes late the task I do can change you know if it changes I'll let
you know depending on what city was think I'm in on different projects okay
right now I'm home in Jersey so that's why I'm able to do 4:30 okay in the
afternoon so every we depend so right now again I want you to go get my book
it's my empire foo.com that's where you want to go grab the book and then to
give you instant access to this seven series course on smart business empire
and how to run a business in the digital age it's a fantastic module there anyone
who doesn't how much time of money you have can can build a million-dollar
business from home okay if you choose to be at home if you want to use it in a
regular mom's and for business for my office it works just as good if not
better okay so you get access to that with myapi AFRICOM if you like this this
session give me a thumbs up make sure that comes up is little blue okay
whatever that picture is lit okay you know and share this video with anybody
you think may benefit out of this this is what it takes
okay if you have 90 minutes a day you can absolutely do this business okay as
you can see we almost found one person you know but almost it's going to become
a deal at some points you make ten twenty thirty eight two thousand dollars
per deal okay that's the way it works okay so if you know somebody do that
there just share the video with them give me a
thumbs up if you have any questions comments please post them in the comment
area below and hopefully even enlighten and educate it and I will definitely see
you on the next one and
Arthur Allain - What is Home (Lyric Video) "2018 Soca" (St Lucia) - Duration: 2:39.
Arthur Allain - What is Home (Lyric Video) "2018 Soca" (St Lucia)
Trey Gowdy Is Disgusted Of Watching What Is Happening - Duration: 18:56.
Trey Gowdy Is Disgusted Of Watching What Is Happening, And Decided To Breaks His Silence
For FBI And "Witch Hunt" Investigation
Witch hunt investigation led by Special Counsel Rober Mueller has become more biased and sinister,
and people learned already about this.
Americans getting furious because their taxpayer's money is going to waste, while Robert Mueller
and his team trying to impeach and destroy our President Donald Trump.
So far, Mueller's team has spent almost $7 million dollars, far more than the Benghazi
committee, and has been proven, multiple times, to be anything BUT non-partisan.
Peter Strozk, an FBI agent and member of Mueller's investigation team, was fired after revelations
surfaced that he sent anti-Trump text messages to another member of the team, with whom he
was having an affair.
Trey Gowdy has had enough of the foolishness, and spoke, out, calling out the FBI for their
bias, and laughing at Democrats who believe that President Trump actually obstructed justice.
"Comey's memos would be 'Exhibit A' for the defense [in the hypothetical event
of a trial,]" said Gowdy, who also pointed out that President Trump said he DIDN'T
"want anything bad to happen to Hillary Clinton," asking, "Was that obstruction?
Gowdy further mentioned his disappointment with the now-disgraced FBI, which, under Obama's
administration, became a shadow of its former self.
Many disappointed people including and South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy is sick and tired
of watching this corruption, disgusting, a farce of an investigation dragging on, which
obviously led to who else that Deep State whose main goal is to take down our President.
American people fed up with the political elite and their games, not to forget their
terrible squandering of OUR hard-earned tax dollars, which are being wasted to fund
Was Corey Feldman STABBED For Exposing Child Abusers?! | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 4:19.
Corey Feldman was in the hospital overnight after being attacked in his
car. Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm Shira... Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm
Martine Beer... Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm Anna... Mitch! It's Mitch the
editor. Hey, subscribe for more trending and social media news every single day.
The actor tweeted in all caps: "I'm in the hospital! I was attacked tonight! A man
opened my car door and stabbed me with something! Please say prayers for us!
Thank God it was only myself and my security in the car, when three men
approached! While security was distracted, with a guy a car pulled up and attacked!
I'm ok!" According to police, Feldman was at a
stoplight at the corner of Reseda and Ventura in Tarzana when someone opened
his door and made a "stabbing motion with an unknown object." That's heavily in
quotes. We don't know. Whatever. Though Feldman was says in his tweet that he
was stabbed, police say: "There [was] no laceration or stabbing to his stomach."
Even though there's no laceration, no marks, he feels like he was possibly
stabbed with a syringe and injected with something, so that's why he went to the
hospital. Just to be checked out for you know safety. Feldman's attorney told The Blast
they have "filed a formal police report that three young Hispanic males jumped
out of their vehicle and attempted to instigate a fight." TMZ says there is a
mark on Feldman's abdomen where he may have been stabbed with a needle. Investigators
say it was likely the result of a road rage incident, but Feldman disagrees. He
tweeted: "LAPD are currently investigating the case is an attempted homicide! I have
had mounting threats on all SM platforms by this vile 'wolfpack' and this I'm sure
as a result of those negative actions! I have reason to believe it is all
connected! Enough is enough! How sick are these
people?" He's talking about the "truth campaign" he launched in October 2017 to
expose what he calls a ring of pedophiles operating in Hollywood. And he
thinks he's being consistently targeted by these people to silence him. I had a
near-death experience last night where I felt like I was almost gonna be killed.
Two trucks came speeding at me at the same time on a crosswalk. Feldman has
successfully raised several hundred thousand dollars through a crowdfunding
campaign to make a documentary film exposing at least
six men in Hollywood who he claims abused him and other children. Those men
included actor John Grissom, who appeared with Feldman and fellow child star Corey
Haim in the film "License to Drive" and "Dream A Little Dream." Grissom does have a
previous sex offender record. He served time in 2003 for "lewd or lascivious acts
with a teenager." He also went on the Dr. Oz show to reveal another abuser, Alphy
Hoffman, who was the son of a prominent casting director. The parties were relatively
kid-friendly, but interestingly that's where I met you know the guy that ended
up molesting Haim. Okay so that's what he thinks. Is that all this stuff is tied
together and he's being targeted for outing all these people, they're sending
people after him to hurt him and inject him with poison. Makes sense. But the LAPD
says they're not investigating these claims because the statute of
limitations has expired. And even people who agree with Feldman's actions to
expose sexual abusers in Hollywood, they're not happy with him. Feldman
previously said that Haim was repeatedly abused and even suggested he may have
taken his own life over the matter, but Corey Haim's sister Cari recently
tweeted: "It's a shame that Corey Feldman's message to change the statute
of limitations for child victims included lies about my brother.
As CF is well aware, Corey Haim died of pneumonia, did not 'take his own life' as
he euphemistically and erroneously stated." Alright. Pretty big story. Let's
see what uh some of you people gotta say. Jenson Karp said: "Do you know how crazy
your life has to be so that "possibly faked a syringe stabbing" his on-brand?
Congrats the Corey Feldman." Hey, man. He's been through a lot.
Let him think whatever he wants. @ShaunFlembo: "Corey Feldman exposes the
pedophile ring in Hollywood and someone attempted to murder him, surely that's
not a coincidence." It's not a coincidence. It's all part of it.
Shaun Flimbo. You believe it. Shaun Flimbo's in. He's in. I'm in. I'm in.
Shaun's in, Jonathan's in, Shira's in, Martin... we're all in. Corey, we got here back. Okay,
so what do you guys think? Was he attacked because he's exposing all these
sexual predators or was it just a coincidence or was he attacked at all or
what do you think? Let us know in the comments. For more go to
whatstrending.com. Follow us. Goodbye.
Trump says there's good chance Kim Jong-un 'will do what is right' - Duration: 0:35.
U.S. President Donald Trump has responded to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's recent
trip to Beijing by tweeting that he and Kim "look forward" to meeting each other.
Trump appeared optimistic about the upcoming U.S.-North Korea summit set for May.
He said he believed there was a "good chance" the North Korean leader "will do what is right
for his people and for humanity",... and move towards denuclearization.
President Trump added that "in the meantime",... maximum sanctions and pressure will be maintained
on Pyongyang.
SHOCKING NEWS!!! George Michael's 'secret childhood trauma'- What Is The Reason?!!! [SEE DETAILS] - Duration: 4:05.
George Michael had a secret childhood trauma, his former Wham! manager has claimed.
Simon Napier-Bell believes the late music legends creativity was triggered by an issue during the Careless Whisper hitmakers younger years which he didnt tell the public, and he may have even repressed in his own mind.
While the record producer admitted George - who died of heart and liver disease on Christmas Day 2016 aged 53
was devastated by his mum Lesleys death in 1997 and his partner Anselmo Feleppas passing four years earlier, he claims the singers real upset occurred years earlier.
Simon, 78, said: He was very open about the fact that he was upset by his mother dying and Anselmo dying. That wasnt the problem, that didnt cause George Michaels creativity.
It was childhood trauma that happens well before youre 12 or 13. He obviously looked very much inside himself but he never told anybody whatever it was that triggered it.
He didnt tell the public and he may not have even told himself, because thats another thing that happens to people, they feel a huge disquiet and they want to not look at it..
Simon believes George - who was arrested for possession of Class A drugs, including crack cocaine, in 2008, but didnt face any charges - was semi-suicidal during his drug-taking days.
He said: I knew there were a lot of drugs about and if somebody is doing drugs at a level which could kill them, I suppose it is semi-suicidal. Youre flirting with it.
Its like somebody who drives at 130mph when theyre drunk.
Theyre not trying to commit suicide but if they thought logically for a minute they would have to say they dont really care much for life if they are doing that..
George was airlifted to hospital after he fell out of a moving Range Rover on the M1 motorway in 2013, and Simon has insisted the One More Try star must have been doing something damn silly to have such a scrape with death.
Speaking to the Daily Mirror newspaper, Simon - who has been looking into the premature deaths of music stars such as Amy Winehouse and Kurt Cobain in documentary 27: Gone Too Soon - added: You dont fall out a Ranger Rover going 80mph by accident.
It might be an accident but you must have been doing something damn silly to make the accident happen.
You knew there was an instability there that one day would go just an inch further in the wrong direction and something would happen.
Which is probably what did happen. I dont for one second think its suicide in the conventional idea of what suicide is.
SHOCKING NEWS! Drew Barrymore 'survived' Carrie Fisher's parties What Is The Reason? [SEE DETAILS] - Duration: 3:50.
Drew Barrymore is proud she survived Carrie Fishers parties.
The Santa Clarita Diet always enjoyed visiting the late actress - who died in December 2016 - at her Los Angeles home but admitted her bashes could be wild. She said: I loved going to her house.
It was like a hacienda type of like beautiful home off of Coldwater Canyon, very Los Angeles. She just had a very open home. Id been there for parties, her office in the daytime.
It was classic, Spanish, California - sunshine, orange groves and creativity. Hell yes, oh yeah! They were [legendary parties]!.
Im proud to say I came and went because I feel like a lot of people stayed. I remember Garry Shandling being weird in the driveway.
And I was like, Im so glad Im going home! Im so glad Im surviving these kind of nights. .
The 53-year-old actress - who has daughters Olive, five, and three-year-old Frankie with ex-husband Will Kopelman - also recalled one of her wild nights out with Hole rocker Courtney Love in the 1990s.
Speaking on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, she said: Courtney and I were at the backstage of a Seattle club. Wed just come from seeing Green Day.
We were going to see Beck play at coffee house and the bouncer said, Im sorry, you cant come in, you dont have a backstage pass.
And Courtney looked at him and goes, My face is a backstage pass.
And then swept him aside and just walked in and I was still left there standing and I said, [Thats] kind of awesome! .
Meanwhile, Drew admitted she and Adam Sandler - who previously teamed up for The Wedding Singer in 1998, 2004s Fifty First Dates, and Blended in 2014 - text all the time about working together again.
She said: Heres the thing. Adam and I have done a movie every 10 years three decades in a row. You cannot mess with that. We just havent figured it out yet.
Were like, Were so fat. Were so old. What the f**k?. Like, literally, the last thing I suggested to him was [a remake of] On Golden Pond.
I had just watched it on a Korean flight home. Its really boring though, Im into [a remake of] Planes, Trains, and Automobiles with me and Adam on Netflix.
OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING IN 2016!! #letstakeaselfie - Duration: 3:47.
When Jason was at the table
I kept on seeing him look at me when he was with that other girl
Do you think he was just doing that to make me jealous?
Because he was totally texting me all night last night
And I don't know if it's a booty call or not
So.. ...like what do you think? Did you think that girl was pretty?
How did that girl even get in here?
Did you see her?
She's so short and that dress is so tacky
Who wears cheetah?
It's not even summer, why does the DJ keep on playing Summertime Sadness?
After we go to the bathroom,
can we go smoke a cigarette? I really need one
But first, Let me take a selfie
Can you guys help me pick a filter?
I don't know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia I wanna look tan
What should my caption be? I want it to be clever
How about "Livin' with my bitches, Hashtag live"
I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes Do you think I should take it down?
Let me take another selfie
Let me take a selfie
Wait, pause, Jason just liked my selfie What a creep
Is that guy sleeping over there?
Yeah, the one next to the girl with no shoes on That's so ratchet
That girl is such a fake model She definitely bought all her Instagram followers
Who goes out on Mondays?
Ok, let's go take some shots
Oh no, I feel like I'm gonna throw up
Oh wait, never mind I'm fine
Let's go dance
There's no vodka at this table Do you know anyone else here?
Oh my god, Jason just texted me Should I go home with him?
I guess I took a good selfie
Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie
Wanna take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
SHOCKING NEWS!!Joan Collins' germ fear - What Is The Reason?!!! [SEE DETAILS] - Duration: 3:40.
Dame Joan Collins will only fist bump with people when she greets them - because she doesnt want to catch their germs.
The 84-year-old actress refuses to shake hands and hug her friends and co-stars anymore after she was struck down with influenza in December, and she cannot bear it when people try to plant a sloppy kiss on her cheek.
She said: I try to avoid shaking hands - instead offering my jaunty closed fist for a gentle bump, which is usually met by a puzzled expression unless the recipient is approaching puberty - much less this ghastly fad of kissing and hugging strangers.
The bane of my life is the bear hug followed by a sloppy kiss on the cheek from total strangers.
As I was born and brought up at a time where you didnt kiss or hug anyone except your family, and it was the norm to seldom receive much affection from your parents past the age of ten, this is a fad I cant adjust to.
The former Dynasty star felt as though she might be dying when she was struck down with the flu virus on a plane to Dubai late last year, which left her bed-bound for two weeks.
She said: I took to my bed like a Victorian lady with a case of the swoons - legs shaky as spaghetti, ribs aching from a hacking cough.
Bed-bound for a fortnight, I almost felt that the end was near. (Im an actress - you have to expect some drama.).
After being struck down with the infectious disease while she was in the air, Joan went to extreme lengths to protect herself from germs while on a recent flight, on which she put duct tape over her air vent and swabbed her seat with disinfectant wipes.
In a piece for the Daily Mail newspaper, she wrote: I have upped my one-woman war against germs.
A few weeks after my illness, on a flight from London to LA, I was adamant on blocking the airvent above me with duct tape and swabbing my seat and media screen vigorously with disinfectant wipes.
I had armed myself with enough hand sanitiser, nose-blocking gel and baby wipes to stock a corner chemist.
I was protecting myself from the zillions of invisible germs that lurk inside aeroplanes, as they do on every surface from door handles to lift buttons and supermarket trolleys.
Indeed, while Ive long worn gloves as a fashionable accessory, now I wear them whenever possible to protect myself against virulent germs..
Caroline Sunshine Joining Trump Administration - What Is The Reason?!!! [SEE DETAILS] - Duration: 4:09.
Caroline Sunshine Joining Trump Administration - What Is The Reason?!!! [SEE DETAILS]
The 22-year-old is best known for her work in the Disney Channel series Shake It Up.
Carolyn Sunshine already knows what it's like to be in the spotlight, but the 22-year-old Disney star is getting a new level of viral fame after the surprise announcement this week that she would be joining Donald Trump's administration.
And the internet seems to notice her striking similarities to another close member of Donald Trump's inner circle — his daughter, Ivanka Trump.
The actress was announced as the newest addition to the White House press team, Variety noted.
While the headline came as a shock to many that someone so young — and known mostly for her work on the Disney Channel — would earn a spot in the White House, the Variety report noted that she is actually quite qualified.
Sunshine studied international relations and economics at Claremont McKenna College and had already put in work as a White House intern.
She also worked her way up the ranks within the Republican Party, serving as an intern for House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and later for the California Republican Party.
But until the announcement, many knew Carolyn Sunshine largely for her part in the Disney Channel show Shake It Up, the project that helped launch Zendaya and Bella Thorne to fame.
In the wake of the announcement, pictures of Carolyn Sunshine spread across the interent as people tried to place the Disney star — and took note of her resemblance to Ivanka Trump.
Carolyn Sunshine's breakout actually came before her time on Shake It Up.
In 2010, she made her film debut in the movie Barbara Winslow and also appeared in the live-action version of Marmaduke.
Those projects helped her land a lead role on Shake It Up, with IMDB noting that her role as Tinka Hessenheffer earned praise from People magazine as "the best performance on the show." Sunshine also used the project to showcase her dancing and singing abilities, the site noted, with Sunshine collaborating on albums that the show produced.
She then took a break from acting and performing and went to college, where she took a focus on public service.
Sunshine participated in a number of volunteer projects while buidling up her resume on the political side as well.
In the wake of the announcement, the biggest reaction from the interent was the striking similarities between Carolyn Sunshine and Ivanka Trump, Donald's eldest daugther and a close White House adviser.
It is not clear what role Caroline Sunshine will play in the White House, though the more entry-level position means she likely will not be in the spotlight again in Trump's administration.
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