President Trump Just Blew the Lid Off BIGGEST SCANDAL in US History
Trump's administration has uncovered a frightening, and deadly, fact: the Department of Veterans
Affairs has been letting its hospitals hire doctors and nurses with revoked medical licenses!
Apparently this has been happening for the past 15 years.
Clearly, and for good reason, it violates federal laws.
In direct contradiction to a 1999 law that bars any VA from hiring a healthcare worker
whose licenses had been revoked in any state, in 2002 the VA distributed guidelines that
allowed its hospitals to hire doctors and nurses that had a license in one of the 50
states, even if they had, previously, been subject to a license revocation.
A report by USA Today starts out, "Veteran patients in imminent danger at VA hospital
in D.C., investigation finds."
Among the findings:
• In February 2016, a tray used in repairing jaw fractures was removed from the hospital
because of an outstanding invoice to a vendor.
• In April 2016, four prostate biopsies had to be canceled because there were no tools
to extract the tissue sample.
• In June 2016, the hospital found one of its surgeons had used expired equipment during
a procedure
• In March 2017, the facility found chemical strips used to verify equipment sterilization
had expired a month earlier, so tests performed on nearly 400 items were not reliable
Missal said that the practices have placed patients at "unnecessary risk," though
so far, the Office of Inspector General has not determined if patients were harmed.
"The OIG's work is continuing and will include an assessment of whether patient harm
has resulted from any of these inventory practices in its final report on the Medical Center,"
he wrote.
That report goes on to explain that the conditions at the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical
Center in Washington, D.C., are so dangerous that the agency's chief watchdog group actually
put out a report alerting patients about the issues at that organization.
Apparently multiple issues were found at that location, such as lack of critical supplies,
including bone material needed for knee replacement surgeries and tubes needed for kidney dialysis,
due to an ineffective inventory system.
Worse, perhaps, than the lack of an effective system was the fact that the inspector general
found that senior VA leaders knew about the problems for months but did nothing to rectify
In addition to this finding, the investigators reviewed 25 sterile storage areas and found
that 18 of them were dirty.
These types of reports from the inspector general are, in fact, not commonly made, with
the last one having occurred in January 2015.
The Washington V.A.'s medical director, Brian Hawkins, has since been relieved of
his position and placed on administrative leave.
For more infomation >> President Trump Just Blew the Lid Off BIGGEST SCANDAL in US History - Duration: 11:09.-------------------------------------------
US Army Veteran Who Served 2 Tours in Afghanistan Deported to Mexico - Duration: 1:01.
Another Trump Victory: India Investing $500 Million in US – Here's Why - Duration: 2:10.
An exciting announcement for the United States from Mark Stevens CEO of Trévo - Duration: 5:25.
- Hello, everyone.
I'm Mark Stevens.
CEO of Trevo.
Trevo is a global company operating in over 36 countries.
We've had incredible success
with our flagship product called Trevo.
This product has transformed the way people live.
We're a lifestyle company that is impacting people
from all walks of life.
And we have something new for the United States
we are so excited about.
Trevo is only one of two
of the largest MLM companies.
They're introducing a new product category
to the marketplace.
It's called full spectrum hemp oil.
We're excited about our product
that we call simply Sync.
Sync is a product that I know is going to transform lives
just like Trevo has transformed lives.
Sync is a cannabinoid rich hemp oil
that combines all of the necessary factors
to put your lifestyle on a path
of balance and well being.
Trevo didn't decide to release Sync just on a whim.
We've spent many, many hours in research and development
and testing to make sure that we brought
the very best product to market that was available.
The market for full spectrum hemp oil
is absolutely amazing.
You know, Forbes talks about this market
of the cannabinoid growing to $2.1 billion by 2020.
That the full spectrum hemp oil will reach
over $450 million in sales very quickly.
So we're the right company with the right product
at the right time.
You may wonder, well, there's a lot of products
on the market.
What makes Sync unique?
Well, one is it is 500 milligram strength
of full spectrum hemp oil per ounce.
It has 16.67 milligrams
of pure active phytocannabinoids per serving.
It's proprietary water soluble technology
that we utilize so you get max absorption.
It's organically grown.
It's Farm Bill compliant from seed to crop to product.
It is the highest quality product in the market today.
We've made it available in two flavors.
In vanilla and in orange.
It is a product that's not only gonna change
the way you live,
but it's gonna allow you to impact
the way other people live.
Sync helps support the maintenance
of mood balance, anxiety,
memory, pain perception,
your sleep patterns.
It helps with joint health.
It helps with muscle health.
It's powerful what it can do.
This little bottle can change the quality
of life that people live.
We're passionate about what Sync is going
to do for you, but what it's gonna allow you
to do through the Trevo opportunity.
Trevo has put together with our product development team,
our marketing team wonderful tools
for you to be able to utilize.
We have a wonderful brochure
that outlines all of the benefits
and the details of our product.
It does a dare to compare of what our product looks
like compared to other products in the marketplace.
We have wonderful flyers.
We have banners.
They're available to you.
We have created presentation slides
for you to present the product.
Social media images.
We've tied together our elite retail program
along with our life and health coach programs.
They'll allow you to create a business
with the Sync product
that's gonna be absolutely incredible.
You know, Trevo is a company that is on a mission.
We're a company that has a very specific culture.
We are a culture of individuals from different ages,
cultures and backgrounds coming together
for one powerful purpose,
and that is that everyone that is a part
of the community lives an extraordinary lifestyle.
We won't stop til everyone who desires
that lifestyle reaches it.
We're about wellness, prosperity, legacy.
Making a difference in the world we live.
Becoming our best self.
And the Sync product right here
is gonna allow each and everyone of us
in the United States to expand our business.
And then as it is recognized around the globe,
take it around the globe.
United States, Sync is here.
Life and health coaches of Trevo,
Sync is here and it's ready for you.
So get ready, get ready,
because Trevo is going to a whole new level.
Thank you so much, and God bless you.
South Korea's economy grows 3.1% in 2017, per capita GNI hits US$29,745. - Duration: 2:07.
The Bank of Korea has released its revised data on the nation's GDP growth and per capita
gross national income for 2017.
The figures show the economy has been doing well,... on the back of improving exports
and investment in the country.
Kim Hyesung has the data.
South Korea's economy grew by three-point-one percent in 2017, with per capita gross national
income, or GNI, approaching the 30-thousand U.S. dollar mark.
The Bank of Korea said Wednesday that the nation's per capita GNI grew by 7-point-5
percent from 2016, marking its fastest pace of growth since 2011.
"Gross national income per capita in 2017 hit 29-thousand-745 U.S. dollars.
It grew mainly on the back of faster economic growth and a stronger won, as the Korean won
appreciated against the U.S. dollar by an annual average of 2.6 percent."
As for the nation's economic growth, the BOK's revised GDP growth reading of 3.1 percent
is on par with its earlier estimate released in January, up from 2016's 2.9 percent,...
and marking the fastest growth in three years .
Nominal GDP, a measure of a country's economic output at current market prices, grew by 5.4
percent on-year, to over 1.6 trilion dollars.
Exports, which account for over half of Korea's GDP, grew by nearly two-percent on-year in
2017, on the back of strong semiconductor and machinery exports.
In addition, construction and facilities investment contributed to the economic growth, thanks
to an increase in housing construction, with facilities investment expanding by 14.6 percent,
making a turnaround from the one percent contraction back in 2016.
Private consumption also posted on-year growth of 2.6 percent in 2017.
Services, however, rose at an eight-year low rate of 2.1 percent in 2017 due to sluggish
growth in the wholesale and retail trade sectors.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
Five New Subdeacons in United States – - Duration: 2:23.
On Saturday, March 17th, 2018, His Excellency Alfonso de Galarreta conferred the first of
the Major Orders, the Subdiaconate, on 5 seminarians.
The ceremony took place in the new North American seminary of the Society of St. Pius X located
in Dillwyn Virginia.
This particular ordination to the subdiaconate is one that stands in stark contradiction
to the standards of the world - as it is the first of the major orders as well as the last
moment a man might even consider living as a layman.
During this ceremony, at which FSSPX.NEWS was privileged enough to attend, five men
lay prostrate on the floor in silence as the community prayed the litany of the saints
imploring protection, guidance, and strength for each of these young men to make the choice
they were called to make.
Once the litany had been sung, the Bishop exhorted each candidate to consider the gravity
of their next step - reminding them that once it was taken they could never again consider
the married life or any life outside that of a celibate religious.
Each candidate was then called by name and as each stepped forward it signaled to all
present the decision that had been made and the vow that would forever set them apart
as chosen and ordained ministers of God.
This ordination of 5 men is no small matter for the future of the Society of St. Pius
X or the Church at large.
It is in these future priestly ordinands that the priesthood lives on and through which
the Sacrifice of the Mass will continue to be offered.
Every ordination reconfirms the continuity of the priesthood from the Apostles on down
to the new ordinands of last week.
Here from the newsroom of the FSSPX, and on the eve of Holy Thursday - the feast of the
Institution of the Priesthood - we offer these young men our wholehearted congratulations
and commend them to your prayers as they continue on their course to the priesthood.
For more information and analysis on the life of the Church, visit
Backdrop to the scheduled inter-Korean and U.S.-N. Korea summits - Duration: 3:28.
In about a month from now,... the world will see two summits like no other.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who's never met publicly with another sitting world leader,
will hold face-to-face talks... first with South Korean President Moon Jae-in... and
a few weeks later with U.S. President Donald Trump.
From today,... we are going to bring you twice-weekly special reports on the buildup to the historic
summits,... to give you the inside track on the rapidly-unfolding developments on the
Korean Peninsula.
First up,... our Cha Sang-mi has more on the backdrop to these back-to-back summits.
"Hopes for an inter-Korean summit took off on January first 2018, when North Korean leader
Kim Jong-un, during his New Year's address, suggested sending a delegation to the Winter
Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.
But in the same speech, Kim Jong-un also reminded the U.S. that he has a nuclear button on his
Just a month later, on February 9th, the leader's younger sister Kim Yo-jong came to the South
Korean capital, Seoul, the first member of North Korea's ruling family to do so.
Kim Yo-jong wasn't sent just for the Olympics; she also brought a message from Kim Jong-un
saying he's willing to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Pyongyang -- a call
for the first inter-Korean summit to be held in ten years, and only the third in history.
"The 2018 PyeongChang Olympics definitely played a big strategic role in setting up
the summit talks between South and North Korea.
It would have been a bit more difficult without the Olympics.
The 2018 Games, in fact, might go down as the most political to date."
And early this month, South Korea's national security adviser, Chung Eui-yong, brought
back some even more surprising news from a visit to Pyongyang.
Kim Jong-un (quote) "expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible,"
and a willingness even to halt his regime's nuclear programs.
It was an invitation Trump promptly accepted for some time by May.
But why did Kim, who last year was threatening Trump with war, suddenly suggest a meeting
with him?
Experts say the U.S.-led sanctions on the regime have seriously begun to bite.
Exports of refined petroleum products to North Korea have been cut by nearly 90 percent,...
putting a major strain on its economy.
"The U.S. felt threatened by North Korea's acceleration of its nuclear programs.
And the sanctions on the regime were intense enough that the North couldn't endure them
any longer.
That's became the main cause of the proposed U.S.-North Korea negotiations."
Experts also credit the emergence of the liberal Moon Jae-in administration in Seoul.
But although the world ultimately wants Pyongyang to give up its nuclear programs, it's unlikely
that complete denuclearization won't come so quickly.
"So the one in 300 ratio of success to failure that's fairly common in these kinds of situations.
It's not to suggest that the current process is doomed to failure, but it certainly will
face a lot of challenges.
Denuclearization would be a very substatial breakthrough if that were possible."
Whether it was the unbearable pressure from the international community or Moon's Olympic
diplomacy, experts say now is time to focus on what's been achieved -- two imminent summit
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
South Korea's economy grows 3.1% in 2017, per capita GNI hits US$ 29,745. - Duration: 2:34.
The Bank of Korea released its revised data on the nation's GDP growth and per capita
gross national income for 2017.
The figures show the economy has been doing well,... on the back of improving exports
and investment in the country.
Kim Hyesung breaks down the digits for us.
South Korea's economy grew by three-point-one percent in 2017, with per capita gross national
income, or GNI, approaching the 30-thousand U.S. dollar mark.
The Bank of Korea said Wednesday that the nation's per capita GNI grew by 7-point-5
percent from 2016, marking its fastest pace of growth since 2011.
"Gross national income per capita in 2017 hit 29-thousand-745 U.S. dollars.
It grew mainly on the back of faster economic growth and a stronger won, as the Korean won
appreciated against the U.S. dollar by an annual average of 2.6 percent."
South Korea's per capita GNI broke through the 20-thousand dollar mark in 2006.
If it exceeds 30-thousand dollars, Korea would become the seventh country with a population
of more than 50 million to reach that milestone figure, joining the ranks of countries like
the U.S., Japan and Germany.
"Given the current won-dollar exchange rate and GDP growth of around three percent, South
Korea's GNI per capita is on track to exceed the 30-thousand dollar mark for the first
time this year.
This means the economy has grown qualitatively not just quantitatively, and that it has matured
enough to focus more on social welfare and quality of life.
As for the nation's economic growth, the BOK's revised GDP growth reading of 3.1 percent
is on par with its earlier estimate released in January, up from 2016's 2.9 percent,...
and marking the fastest growth in three years .
Exports, which account for over half of Korea's GDP, grew by nearly two-percent on-year in
2017, on the back of strong semiconductor and machinery exports.
In addition, construction and facilities investment contributed to the economic growth, thanks
to an increase in housing construction, with facilities investment expanding by 14.6 percent,
making a turnaround from the one percent contraction back in 2016.
Private consumption also posted on-year growth of 2.6 percent in 2017.
Services, however, rose at an eight-year low rate of 2.1 percent in 2017 due to sluggish
growth in the wholesale and retail trade sectors.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
South Korea, U.S. reach agreement in principle on FTA amendment: White House - Duration: 0:27.
Washington and Seoul have reached a settlement on revising the bilateral trade pact.
That's according to White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders... who told reporters on Tuesday
that the two parties reached an agreement on the amendment of the six-year-old trade
deal,... adding details will be released soon.
South Korea's trade minister also confirmed the allies have agreed in principle on the
revisions to the FTA as well as the steel tariff issue.
With GOP Watching State Closely, VP Pence Visits Minn. To Tout Tax Bill - Duration: 2:23.
We're Helpless: US Congressman Complains Russian Avangard, Chinese Hypersonic Arms Way Too Strong - Duration: 1:42.
Backdrop to the scheduled inter-Korean and U.S.-N. Korea summits - Duration: 3:37.
In about a month from now,... the world will see two summits like no other.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who's never met publicly with another sitting world leader,
will hold face-to-face talks... first with South Korean President Moon Jae-in... and
a few weeks later with U.S. President Donald Trump.
From today,... we are going to bring you twice-weekly special reports on the buildup to the historic
summits,... to give you the inside track on the rapidly-unfolding developments on the
Korean Peninsula.
First up,... our Cha Sang-mi has more on the backdrop to these back-to-back summits.
"Hopes for an inter-Korean summit took off on January first 2018, when North Korean leader
Kim Jong-un, during his New Year's address, suggested sending a delegation to the Winter
Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.
But in the same speech, Kim Jong-un also reminded the U.S. that he has a nuclear button on his
Just a month later, on February 9th, the leader's younger sister Kim Yo-jong came to the South
Korean capital, Seoul, the first member of North Korea's ruling family to do so.
Kim Yo-jong wasn't sent just for the Olympics; she also brought a message from Kim Jong-un
saying he's willing to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Pyongyang -- a call
for the first inter-Korean summit to be held in ten years, and only the third in history.
"The 2018 PyeongChang Olympics definitely played a big strategic role in setting up
the summit talks between South and North Korea.
It would have been a bit more difficult without the Olympics.
The 2018 Games, in fact, might go down as the most political to date."
And early this month, South Korea's national security adviser, Chung Eui-yong, brought
back some even more surprising news from a visit to Pyongyang.
Kim Jong-un (quote) "expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible,"
and a willingness even to halt his regime's nuclear programs.
It was an invitation Trump promptly accepted for some time by May.
But why did Kim, who last year was threatening Trump with war, suddenly suggest a meeting
with him?
Experts say the U.S.-led sanctions on the regime have seriously begun to bite.
Exports of refined petroleum products to North Korea have been cut by nearly 90 percent,...
putting a major strain on its economy.
"The U.S. felt threatened by North Korea's acceleration of its nuclear programs.
And the sanctions on the regime were intense enough that the North couldn't endure them
any longer.
That's became the main cause of the proposed U.S.-North Korea negotiations."
Experts also credit the emergence of the liberal Moon Jae-in administration in Seoul.
But although the world ultimately wants Pyongyang to give up its nuclear programs, it's unlikely
that complete denuclearization willl come so quickly.
"So the one in 300 ratio of success to failure that's fairly common in these kinds of situations.
It's not to suggest that the current process is doomed to failure, but it certainly will
face a lot of challenges.
Denuclearization would be a very substantial breakthrough if that were possible."
Whether it was the unbearable pressure from the international community or Moon's Olympic
diplomacy, experts say it is time to focus on what's been achieved -- two imminent summit
meetings, and Kim Jong-un's comments on denuclearization during his surprise trip to Beijing this week,
his first trip abroad since coming to power in 2011.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
Trump suggests US military foot the bill for border wall - Duration: 3:08.
Trump suggests US military foot the bill for border wall
President Donald Trump has privately floated the idea of funding construction of a border
wall with Mexico through the US military budget in conversations with advisers, two sources
confirmed to CNN Tuesday.
Trump discussed the idea in a private meeting last week with House Speaker Paul Ryan, a
source familiar with the conversations said, as he reviewed the omnibus spending bill,
which does not include funding for construction of a border wall.
It was not immediately clear how serious Trump was about pursuing this option, but the move
would likely face steep hurdles with appropriators in Congress.
The idea is Trump's latest attempt to find a way to build the border wall he promised
supporters during his campaign as Mexico has dismissed his call for Mexico to fund its
Trump has said he would seek that payment in the form of a refund, either through trade
negotiations, remittance payments or other means
Congressional budgeting is done with very specific instructions for how dollar amounts
are spent.
Any repurposing of funds requires express congressional approval, which Trump is unlikely
to get.
The source noted that additional authorization from Congress would likely be necessary if
this option was pursued.
A senior administration official confirmed the President has floated this idea, along
with others, as alternative ways to pay for the wall.
"There's a lot of different options we're trying to contemplate.
Certainly that's one," the official said.
Another option: increasing fees that a person has to pay when they cross the border from
Mexico into the United States.
"You could always increase them and take the revenue for that for resources," this official
This official described these as the President's "musings."
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders declined to weigh in when asked repeatedly
on Tuesday at the daily press briefing about trying to get the military to fund the wall.
"I can't get into the specifics of that at this point, but I can tell you that the continuation
of building the wall is ongoing, and we're going to continue moving forward in that process,"
Sanders said.
However, no new wall is currently being built.
Funds have only been appropriated to fix current fencing or build new fencing.A Washington
Post report on Tuesday contained details of Trump's desire for the military to fund his
wall and appeared to clarify a message Trump posted to his Twitter account over the weekend,
where he exclaimed, "Build a WALL through M!The report said two advisers confirmed the
"M" was a reference to the military and that three people familiar with the Trump-Ryan
meeting noted little reaction from Ryan to Trump's proposal to have the military fund
construction of the wall.
Two White House officials told the Post that Trump saw the increased funding for the military
as a reason it could afford to foot the bill for the border wall.
The omnibus agreement Trump signed into law last week included about $1.6 billion for
border security.
South Korea's economy grows 3.1% in 2017, per capita GNI hits US$29,745. - Duration: 2:08.
The Bank of Korea has released its revised data on the nation's GDP growth and per capita
gross national income for 2017.
The figures show the economy has been doing well,... on the back of improving exports
and investment.
Kim Hyesung has the details.
South Korea's economy grew by three-point-one percent in 2017, with per capita gross national
income, or GNI, approaching the 30-thousand U.S. dollar mark.
The Bank of Korea said Wednesday that the nation's per capita GNI grew by 7-point-5
percent from 2016, marking its fastest pace of growth since 2011.
"Gross national income per capita in 2017 hit 29-thousand-745 U.S. dollars.
It grew mainly on the back of faster economic growth and a stronger won, as the Korean won
appreciated against the U.S. dollar by an annual average of 2.6 percent."
As for the nation's economic growth, the BOK's revised GDP growth reading of 3.1 percent
is on par with its earlier estimate released in January, up from 2016's 2.9 percent,...
and marking the fastest growth in three years .
Nominal GDP, a measure of a country's economic output at current market prices, grew by 5.4
percent on-year, to over 1.6 trilion dollars.
Exports, which account for over half of Korea's GDP, grew by nearly two-percent on-year in
2017, on the back of strong semiconductor and machinery exports.
In addition, construction and facilities investment contributed to the economic growth, thanks
to an increase in housing construction, with facilities investment expanding by 14.6 percent,
making a turnaround from the one percent contraction back in 2016.
Private consumption also posted on-year growth of 2.6 percent in 2017.
Services, however, rose at an eight-year low rate of 2.1 percent in 2017 due to sluggish
growth in the wholesale and retail trade sectors.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
Backdrop to the scheduled inter-Korean and U.S.-N. Korea summits - Duration: 3:29.
In about a month from now,... the world will see two summits like no other.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who's never met publicly with another sitting world leader,
will hold face-to-face talks... first with South Korean President Moon Jae-in... and
a few weeks later with U.S. President Donald Trump.
From today,... we are going to bring you twice-weekly special reports on the buildup to the historic
summits,... to give you the inside track on the rapidly-unfolding developments on the
Korean Peninsula.
First up,... our Cha Sang-mi has more on the backdrop to these back-to-back summits.
"Hopes for an inter-Korean summit took off on January first 2018, when North Korean leader
Kim Jong-un, during his New Year's address, suggested sending a delegation to the Winter
Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea.
But in the same speech, Kim Jong-un also reminded the U.S. that he has a nuclear button on his
Just a month later, on February 9th, the leader's younger sister Kim Yo-jong came to the South
Korean capital, Seoul, the first member of North Korea's ruling family to do so.
Kim Yo-jong wasn't sent just for the Olympics; she also brought a message from Kim Jong-un
saying he's willing to meet with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in Pyongyang -- a call
for the first inter-Korean summit to be held in ten years, and only the third in history.
"The 2018 PyeongChang Olympics definitely played a big strategic role in setting up
the summit talks between South and North Korea.
It would have been a bit more difficult without the Olympics.
The 2018 Games, in fact, might go down as the most political to date."
And early this month, South Korea's national security adviser, Chung Eui-yong, brought
back some even more surprising news from a visit to Pyongyang.
Kim Jong-un (quote) "expressed his eagerness to meet President Trump as soon as possible,"
and a willingness even to halt his regime's nuclear programs.
It was an invitation Trump promptly accepted for some time by May.
But why did Kim, who last year was threatening Trump with war, suddenly suggest a meeting
with him?
Experts say the U.S.-led sanctions on the regime have seriously begun to bite.
Exports of refined petroleum products to North Korea have been cut by nearly 90 percent,...
putting a major strain on its economy.
"The U.S. felt threatened by North Korea's acceleration of its nuclear programs.
And the sanctions on the regime were intense enough that the North couldn't endure them
any longer.
That's became the main cause of the proposed U.S.-North Korea negotiations."
Experts also credit the emergence of the liberal Moon Jae-in administration in Seoul.
But although the world ultimately wants Pyongyang to give up its nuclear programs, it's unlikely
that complete denuclearization won't come so quickly.
"So the one in 300 ratio of success to failure that's fairly common in these kinds of situations.
It's not to suggest that the current process is doomed to failure, but it certainly will
face a lot of challenges.
Denuclearization would be a very substantial breakthrough if that were possible."
Whether it was the unbearable pressure from the international community or Moon's Olympic
diplomacy, experts say now is time to focus on what's been achieved -- two imminent summit
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
U.S. defense chief sees partnership with John Bolton developing despite differences - Duration: 0:44.
U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis has acknowledged that he and President Trump's incoming national
security advisor John Bolton might have different world views, but he expects them to develop
a working partnership.
At an impromptu news conference on Tuesday,... Mattis said he looks forward to working with
Bolton with "no reservations, no concerns at all".
While the two have never met before,... he said he expects the former U.S. ambassador
to the UN to visit the Pentagon soon,... calling it a start of a partnership.
Bolton, who will replace H.R. McMaster on April 9th,... has previously advocated for
overthrowing the North Korean regime, possibly by force if necessary.
NC State: Black History Month 2018 - Duration: 2:01.
Having this month dedicated to black people, black culture, black contributions —
it's great because it ensures that those things get highlighted, those things get
brought to the forefront, but it's problematic in that it shouldn't be
relegated to a month; it should be part of American culture.
It's necessary to show the rest of America, to teach the rest of America the contributions that African
Americans were making to our nation. Because of racial discrimination, people
will not pay attention to the contributions. There's a saying: "I am because you was."
Well, that's a very powerful statement because what we have access to is because of
those ancestors who have paved the way for us. What Black History Month tries to
do is show there are contributions that African Americans have made to this
country — to pretty much every field of academia, black people have contributed.
We are here, and we matter, and we have a voice, and we have a distinct culture, and
all of those things are very important, and it's great. My advice is never try to
interact with a person as a representative of a group. That will
cause all those interactions to fail, if you use that as a social strategy.
It's not just Black History Month; it's African-American achievement month,
because we're constantly making those strides. All kinds of people who come to
our campus have made contributions; Black History Month is about that — and teaching
our nation, making our nation pay attention to that. The Nubian Message has given me
opportunities to interact with that community in a positive way. I think we
need to be asking ourselves why it's still necessary in our country and start
working to dismantle the systems that make it necessary.
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