Hi there!
In this video I will give more details about the springer fork building process
This is how I did it for my bike, it doesn't mean that it is right or not, it has just
served my needs
I am sure it can be done in many ways
The goal of this video is to show deeper the suspension building process, as well, all
used parts on it, than, you may design your own springer forks
I wanted a very stylish, functional and lightweight forks spending around $150
To match the bicycle's style, I inspired myself in the classics Harleys Davidsons springers
It had to be simple and with all parts visible
I also needed to use the fork to raise about 10cm the bicycle's front
To keep the budget, as I had installed a brand new double crowns forks, I've decided that
the suspension would be added and adapted to the original forks
I started the project, drawing all necessary parts in Adobe Illustrator and then I transferred
the parts to a 3D software to see all parts working together
The project was very similar to the designed concept and its features
Next step, print all moving parts and use a PVC pipe as a prototype
(unfortunately I have no pictures for that)
Since I knew that all parts would be made of aluminum and cut with water jet (CNC),
I had to make sure that all parts were well designed and working as they should
Any error at this stage, would increase the final production value
After few attempts, I finally found all necessary measures
I finalized all parts that would be cut using a 3D software and sent them to the CNC cutting
The front arch and the springs guide are made of stainless steel
The distance between each leg is calculated according to the rim size and it is parallel
to the original forks
For the chrome appearance, all parts are made of stainless steel and very well polished
In the initial design I used two old springs of an conventional bicycle front suspension
I'll talk more about the springs functions soon
This is the 3D model used in development stage, I'll use it to illustrate all parts in detail.
Here we can see all elements created for the suspension that will be added to the original
These are the parts designed and made especially for this project
These are the parts I bought ready or recycled from old bicycles
I'll start with the top base
This part must fit perfectly on the existing fork and offer full support for the springs
As it receives all impacts in both directions (up and down) it's made of a thick hard aluminum
To enhance the stability and eliminate any slack, I added a 4mm bolt in the backside
Springs supports
They are turned in the lathe to offer the perfect support for all springs and keep
the guide rail stability
Springs: I originally used two old springs
The lower springs are left in the original size and the upper rebound springs are cut
With the project ready and after testing around six months I had to make all springs again
with higher tension
To help the rebounding springs and reduce the noise, I added two pieces of very stiff
The rockers
These two parts have the very important function of moving and connecting all parts together,
plus raise the bicycles front up to 10cm higher
They must have the exact size to keep the suspension and the fork aligned with the very
same angle, otherwise the suspension wouldn't work well
Any inclination will impair the spring rails movement
The left side is break disks ready
The parts were lowered using a milling machine
Finally, the binder bolts
I bought four sit binder bolts, they are essential for the joints because the
threads are hidden reducing the friction between the connected parts
I had to add some washers to give the correct grip
The connection of all parts should be stable, but not too tight to guarantee the movements
Grease is required in all joints and moving parts
In the springers guides I placed two nuts to close the system
All parts are assembled under pressure, the springs are constantly pushing the base
All aluminum parts were very well sanded and polished to give the perfect chrome appearance
So, the total investment with man work, material and CNCs: is about $160
I hope this video will inspire and help you to create your own springers fork
Please let me know your opinion about this project!
Sharing ideas is always good
Thanks for watching and see you soon!
For more infomation >> HOW TO BUILD AN AFFORDABLE SPRINGER FORKS (2018) - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
8 MUST-HAVE Elements to Build A Million Dollar Business Website - Duration: 10:41.
How to Build a e-bike Battery pack from 18650 Li ion cells - DIY - Duration: 8:53.
Parent Hack | How to build a kids toolbox set - DIY - Duration: 3:50.
today's parrot hack is about tools kids tools and playsets
that maybe your your kids are starting to get into this just like our kids are
I know Boston is he you know started getting into the timeframe of chasing me
around the house as I'm trying to repair a chair or fix a fix a table or a door
handle or something like that he's wanting to get all his little tool sets
like this and follow me around and he just you know eats that up that time
with Daddy so I'm making go Walmart you can go to you know Toys R Us and get you
know the Stanley the Black & Decker like these guys you know I don't Black &
Decker or something little kids tool sets but those kind of
get expensive you know 30 40 50 bucks and they just don't have the same effect
that the real tools have that he always wants to grab my drill and try to use it
so we came up with you know a nifty little trick here that as I ended up
using say screws or bolts or nails from the hardware store I just gave him my
empty box and so now he can put his little trinkets and Legos and anything
else that he wants to think that he's building and working on he can put it
right in this authentic you know box that's not a toy per se here were some
drill bits from you know craftsman another little thing I don't need it
anymore gave it to him this little container here used to have a bunch of
drill bits in it twenty-nine piece drill bits from Harbor Freight I organized my
drill bits in a different way in my shop so this box was going to get thrown away
I said well why not give it to Boston let him use this and he can really think
that he's got internal bits in here and he's you know going to town drilling
holes and all the furniture around this here I upgraded how I organized my drill
bits you know select a wall you know these are 10 bucks or something but set
it throwing it away I just gave it to him he can throw some more stuff in here
again it's the real deal for him he loves it and of course you know with
every home you know maintenance project you got to have safety glasses so we
just went ahead and got him the real safety glasses and you know he wears
these all the time he'll wear them even outside in the you know to the grocery
store even though he's not working he loves them so much
a couple other pair of hacks here for his tool kit which you know you can get
this little flashlight like this you know this is cool he loves that one but
let me tell you if you can get him this two dollar flashlight you know online or
from the hardware store at the checkout line get him one like this that you know
well it doesn't have batteries now but he just goes to town on this he loves it
it's the real flashlight you know some people call these Gator Clips potato
potato chip clips or whatever again he can just clip it on the stuff cost us
nothing these were giveaways at a trade show or something and he just he loves
them he can clip them on everything had a few extra bags you know accessory bags
that I got from the hardware store you know usually you can put a few things in
here and also in your tool bag or your your toolbox or whatnot but same thing
with him so I hope you all like these parent packs and you know stay tuned if
you want to learn more subscribe actually subscribe over here and we'll
put a few links down below to where we got some of those tools if you want to
pick them up talk to you soon
How to build a LEGO Spaceship! - Duration: 2:15.
Hey guys, welcome to our channel,
and today we are going to show you how to build a LEGO spaceship.
the first piece we will need is this boat piece right here,
i dont actually know what its called, but it looks like this, so, (inhales for some reason) anyway
the next piece we will need is a 2x1 grey piece,
that goes right there in the middle of these six studs.
the next piece we will need is this inverted slope, that goes right there, along with a clawed 2x1 grey piece there
those go on the clawed piece
(this was where the editing got wonky, sorry)
next, we need a L-shaped clear piece, that goes on the clawed piece.
that completes that part of the spaceship.
next we are going to make the wings,
so for the wings, we will need these two grey wing pieces,
these come in most spaceship LEGO sets, they're pretty common
and also we will need two orange pieces.
we are using orange for our spaceship, but you can use any color you like.
so to make the wings, all we are going to do
is slide the orange wing under the grey wing and snap them together like this.
and it edited out that part too, i dont know why.
but, the next piece we will need is a grey 1x4 brick, with studs on the front
and next just a regular 1x4 brick goes behind it like this.
so now for the wings.
the wing that slants to the left goes on the right side, and
the wing that slants to the right goes on the left side.
and all i did here was add two 1x6 orange pieces to hold it all together.
and now i am using two orange wedges,
leaving a 2-stud wide gap in the middle.
and then i am putting a red 2x2 jump plate there, and
putting a red joystick on that.
and that completes our spaceship!
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