I want you to all remember this video as the one where I came into the shot and sat down
to make it more of an interesting video.
Please never forget that.
You promise?
My name is Danny Burke, this is Whats Good - the reccomendation show for the busy viewer,
I like really like video likers - todays video is called How Dark Patters Trick You Online
and its from the one and only Nerdwriter.
Ahhhh part of me hates this guy because of how good he really is - its disgusting.
I keep thinking maybe hell make a bad video one and then I will magically become the Nerdwriter
- but no, Im here today to report hes bloody done it again - this is an amazing video all
about how companies trick you online.
Have you guys ever tried to delete an account online before?
Have you ever thought its insanely hard to do?
Its almost like they don't want you to delete your account … Ive done found this a few
times with sites like Facebook but I had no idea just how bad Amazon is.
They make you go through a maze of links to finally delete your account - there is no
way you would know which ones were the right ones to click on unless someone told you or
you spent all day trying every single route.
Or route.
But perhaps the most mental part for me comes right at the end - the final step involves
a live chat with an Amazon employee - you basically have to beg for your account to
be deleted - its their job to convince you to not
do it.
Can you imagine if thats how things worked in real life?
Imagine if you wanted to cancel your gym membership? - which is something Ive never done, ahem.
And when you get to the gym, the only way to cancel your membership is to walk into
the gym backwards, tap the ceiling twice and tell the the employee youd like to activate
order 42.
If you didnt do any of that - sorry you cant cancel - if you somehow managed to find all
of that out and do it - you still have to have chat with them to convince them its a
good idea for you.
How about no mate.
Nerdwriter goes on to explain the whole theory of dark patterns online - this is something
that all of you have seen before but you probably didnt know there was a term for it - at least
I didnt.
Using the email there is an example I can relate to - it took me a long to figure out
that spam emails hide the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email in tiny font that
is usually in a light shade - something that wouldnt really stand out to you.
He goes on to use other examples of how games and websites use these tricks of different
font size, colour, shading as well as text hiding to keep you right where they want you.
My favourite example he showed was this ad from chatmost which literally has fake speck
of dirt on it so that you will try and wipe it off and then accidentally visit the site
… sigh … I may start using that for all my videos.
Its annoying that this companies do this right?
It feels kinda dishonest, a bit misleading - but is it illegal?
Can the government outlaw companies from using psychological tricks and hiding techniques
to stop us from using their services?
The Nerdwriter goes into that in the rest of the video - he does a better job of exploring
it that I could and the rest of the video as always, is mwwwah - tasty.
Its a tasty video.
Go and check him out if you havent done so alreadyyyy, let me know if you think everything
weve talked about today is totally cool and legal or like really not cool and illegal.
In just a few seconds you are gonna see another Whats Good video pop up on your screen - if
all of you watching this tapped on that next then it would get like, it would get, the
video would get, that video would get like, the views would be, the views would go, it
would get like 7 more views.
At least.
My name is Danny Burke and thats … (get up) … Whats Good.
For more infomation >> WHAT'S GOOD - How Companies Trick You - DARK PATTERNS - Duration: 6:11.-------------------------------------------
"NADA" Dark Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:34.
"NADA" Dark Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL
We Just Found a Galaxy with Almost No Dark Matter - Duration: 5:31.
[ ♪ Intro ]
Galaxies are all over the news this week!
Galaxies near, galaxies far, galaxies wherever you are … and, yes, that does mean the Milky Way.
But first, in a paper published this week in the journal Nature, an international team
of astronomers discovered that a distant galaxy has almost no dark matter, throwing our expectations
straight out the window.
Dark matter isn't so much dark as it is invisible to all current methods of detection.
It doesn't interact with light at all, so we can't see it, but it does have mass,
so we can see the effects of its gravitational pull.
In most galaxies, dark matter is more abundant than regular, or baryonic, matter.
In our own Milky Way it outnumbers baryonic matter roughly 30 to 1, but in dwarf galaxies,
that ratio is over 10 times greater!
So to find a small galaxy with almost no dark matter at all would be super weird.
So, obviously, we found one.
It's called NGC1052–DF2, although we'll just call it DF2 for short.
To figure out how much dark matter it has, astronomers needed to compare the mass of
the matter we can see to the galaxy's total mass.
They were able to determine DF2's stellar mass, or how much of its mass comes from stars,
based on its brightness and distance.
The team estimated that it's around 65 million light-years away, which produced a stellar
mass of about 200 million times the mass of the Sun, which is roughly 250 times less than
that of the Milky Way.
Then they calculated the mass of the halo surrounding the galaxy, which should, theoretically,
be chock full of dark matter.
To do that, they measured the velocities of 10 different star clusters at distances between
1300 and 25,000 light-years from the center.
Since a more massive galaxy will make stars orbit faster, they used those clusters'
velocities to calculate the total mass for the whole galaxy.
Then they subtracted the stellar mass they'd already accounted for, which left them with
the mass of the dark matter halo.
Which turned out to be less than 150 million times the mass of the Sun.
Now, that's not zero dark matter, but current models say the number should be closer to
60 billion solar masses — 400 times more than what we're seeing!
Since it's such a unique oddity, we still don't know how a dark matter deficient galaxy
like DF2 came to be.
The team proposed a few ways it might have formed from regular matter that wouldn't
have taken much dark matter with it.
For example, from gas that was flung out of merging galaxies, or that was streaming toward
a neighboring galaxy but ended up splitting off.
Until we find more galaxies like this one, it'll be tough to come up with a solid origin story.
But the discovery does help show that dark matter and baryonic matter are not inexorably
linked to one another — in other words, the amount of one does not determine the amount
of the other.
And, it helps put another nail in the coffin for hypotheses that dark matter isn't real,
and that what we call dark matter is actually just our own physics equations being wrong.
Because if that were the case, we wouldn't expect to find random galaxies with very little of it.
As for when we'll finally pin down what exactly dark matter is, only time will tell.
Much closer to home, astronomers have finally solved a mystery involving a galactic tug
of war and cannibalism on the outskirts of the Milky Way.
The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are irregular dwarf galaxies about 160,000 and
200,000 light-years from our own.
They both orbit the Milky Way, but as they do so, they also orbit one another.
The gravity involved in that system means that one of the Clouds has ripped away some
of the other's gas, and sent it spiraling toward us in a fragmented arc roughly half
the length of the Milky Way!
The question is: which Cloud is siphoning gas away from the other?
That's been a mystery for some time now — although admittedly not as long as the
arc has been around, since it's roughly 2 billion years old.
Obviously we weren't around back then to ask these kinds of questions.
Thanks to a paper published last month in the Astrophysical Journal, we may finally
have an answer.
Astronomers call this arc of gas the Leading Arm, because it's "leading the motion"
of the Magellanic Clouds.
It kinda looks like this arm starts out in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
But to confirm its real galactic parent, the team used the Hubble Space Telescope to analyze
some of its composition, and compare it to both dwarf galaxies.
Specifically, they looked at the light from seven quasars, incredibly bright cores of
galaxies powered by supermassive black holes.
Based on where they're each located in space, the light from these quasars had to travel
through one of the Magellanic Clouds or the Leading Arm on its way to us.
And depending on their composition, the molecules in the Clouds and Arm would have absorbed
different wavelengths of the light as it passed through.
By analyzing which types of light were absorbed, the team was able to match the Arm's composition
with … the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Large Magellanic Cloud, you are not the father!
Or mother.
But you did kind of gravitationally tear off part of your galactic partner and allow the
Milky Way to cannibalize it and make new stars, so it's complicated.
Of course solving this mystery wasn't just to satisfy curiosity.
Understanding how gas falls - or accretes - into galaxies is an important step toward
better models of how galaxies grow and evolve.
But most galaxies are too far away for us to detect the light we'd need to study.
So the fact that we have an example of this galactic gas accretion right on our own front
porch is a huge benefit.
Between that and DF2's missing dark matter, we've got all kinds of galactic mysteries to solve!
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News!
For more on galaxies with weird amounts of dark matter, you can check out our episode
on Galaxy X, which is almost entirely made up of dark matter.
[ ♪ Outro ]
Hello friends have found themselves for a little reaction
on dark polo gang cavalini feat sfera ebbasta so I propose you all started
dark side ok gang, calini, sfera ebbasta did not have his red hair yet there he
is the sound already, with a very simple shot in a house apparently
, and in the yard, ect ... ok its not bad I like it all, ok that's his, ok
, so the music triter know dark polo gang and the rapper la, has cavallini I
think, what this rapper has pierced by what's next is what's other music from
cavallini? the ganja I understood that? polo ralph lauren
, the shirt of paris saint germains, ok, its not bad at all, the sound, good I
still prefer the sound, that it does now will be ebbasta in any case, a lot
more modern, in addition with experience extra, it can only be better
but this one is not bad, for a sound from his start, know well, great music
, polo ralph lauren, super, frankly a beautiful sound a beautiful music I discovered
cavallini well friends on this I you said left a I like and subscribe you and all
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