Hello and welcome back to My Channel. In
this video I am gonna test how many
continuous hits from the turret can
saber withstand. Like always I will first
test it when saber is on level 1. I will
test the damage from the inhibitor
turret as by the time I reach level 15
the exterior turrets may not hold. Here
we go for the first test 1 2 3 4 Saber
can withstand four hits went on level 1
now let us test it on level Fifteen 1 2 3
4 5 on level 15 saber can sustain 5 hits
from the turret. As you saw Lolita hit
saber, but the damage was negligible so 5
hits is the final result. Thank You for
watching this video please leave a
thumbs up if you liked the video
subscribe for future contents, for
suggestions please contact me on the
links provided in the description.
I shall take my leave now until next
time and remember to stay SLOTHY and
SLEEPY every day
For more infomation >> How Many Hits From Turret Can Saber Sustain | Mobile legends | Slothy Sloth - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
Eng)크무새가 몇마리야? How many Diciple of C'thun 3.26 Livehigh Hearthstone - Duration: 13:42.
(talking about previous match)
And I burned all of the kabal talonpriests
And there left potion of madness, divine spirit, inner fire,
and a power word:shield...
18? 18 damage was possible in 1 turn.
But I had enough hp, though.
I was okay anyway.
Is he the one I've just met?
No he's not.
What should I take?
Ahh.. I'll put them all.
Was the potion of madness burned at the last minute?
Was it? Then none of them was left.
cause he used one early.
Is that a combo priest also?
Should I play doomsayer?
Hey, what's that card back?
Never seen a one like that.
Quite new to me.
Let's play the doomsayer next turn.
To substitute zola the gorgon...
Mimic pod(will work)
Oh, you can get (that card back) if you purchase WOW?
Battle-for-Azeroth-card back?
(answer to the chat)I started laddering three days ago
for this month.
I was on rest till now.
Clearing the board for 1 turn~
Playing this in 4 turn and make him to play duskbreaker will be great.
Drakonid operative is unbearable, though.
But I can kill that with fan of knives.
My deck is embarassing, hehe
All of these C'Thun cards...
But he already knows it's C'Thun deck anyway.
I don't wanna give him perfect timing for duskbreaker.
Plus it's good to make a combo with these 2 cards.
(answer to the chat) It's hard to figure out what deck is it
since there are tons of decks for priests.
I feel the same thing, too.
Let's hit that in advance since its hp is high.
(answer to the chat)You removed all the C'Thun cards?
You couldn't bear that time?(before it goes to wild)
Ah... It's getting creepy.
(answering to the chat about priests choosing the card with glimmerroot)
For this turn...
Let's transform to DK.
I wish him to play twilight drake
that coldlight-vanish combo will work.
Hey, you crazy dude.
I'm gonna encounter divine-divine-divine spirit and inner fire.
I should not play this one, either.
Hey, I missed what has just burned.
I checked shadowstep was burned but missed his.
If I play doomsayer, it's perfect to be stolen...
Long time no see, fan of knives-backstab combo.
There goes sap.
Ah, I missed that again.
Ugh... It's so irritating that can't play the doomsayer.
(answer to the chat)
fan of knives-backstab combo is so natural now
so that I realize it after you mention that in chat.
Only one left.
Is that divine spirit?
(answer to the chat)
The original plan is playing the doomsayer,
raise the C'Thun freely in the clear board,
and shooting with C'Thun Dadadada-
Or, when The C'Thun's grown well already,
clear the board for 1 turn with doomsayer
and deal with C'Thun...
But I can't play the doomsayer, it's dangerous.
(because that's a combo priest)
Play that one more, that's the only choice.
I warn you... if you don't kill that this turn~
Oh, he does
At least, one survived.
That survived, so
Copy that with zola the gorgon,
Should not play C'Thun, unless it's perfect lethal.
Calling desperately that name...
Oh, yeah~
It's 30, no, 31... can't make it.
Then... let's copy again with Sonya, haha
(laughing out of breath)
So... so funny
I could play one more? Oh, with using mine instead~
So that's same damage, 1 more mana,
1 more damage for C'Thun. That's right.
Such a genius.
If he surrenders, he's a monster, not a man.
Woah, Yes, that's it.
31, 34
Let's go(Gazua~)
In the King of Fighters,
if you choose the team 'art of fighters'
their utli are all the same. Oraoraoraoraora~
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