Hey awesome ones... today we're just going to warm things up a little bit. I'm going
to show you my top 10 tips for fashion for spring. So let's spring into it!
Hey everyone....how about a little window-shopping and maybe even some real
shopping for spring and summer...let's go. So what I did was I went through the
mall I looked at sunglasses.,I looked at.... oh look at those beautiful necklaces, I
looked at purses....I really wanted to get this top ten list right and even the
shoes. So let's get into it let's take a look at the list. So my
number one item for spring would be, get yourself one of these they're calling them
'statement necklaces' and I found this one and I actually found this
first and I would suggest that you find even a necklace first, because I worked
the rest of the outfit which I'll show you later....all around this necklace and
who isn't pretty in pink anyway, but so when you look at this necklace what
you'll find is that it looks like rose gold and actually and maybe even some
semi-precious stones, but it's just costume jewelry and you know, I really
don't mind the costume jewelry because hey maybe you can get a couple of them
and in my hands here if you're going for I don't know if you can see this but if
you're going for.... this is pink if you're trying to go for maybe a more blue kind
of look I also found this one.... I found this one last year actually and again it
just it's costume jewelry but it's really really quite beautiful. Okay so
the thing about this look also is that you can dress it up for work but you can
also wear this with a pair of jeans or I mean the new statement jewelry it's
going with almost everything, so there you go....the number one thing I would buy
for the spring.... start off with a statement necklace. So one thing that
you're going to notice with the items that I'm showing you is that you could
probably match a lot of these things with things that are already existing in
your wardrobe right now, so that makes it a little bit easier as well.
So my number two item would be.... Statement Earrings. Now you can see these little
statement earrings and actually their costume jewelry again and these ones
aren't too heavy I think that if they were real gold they'd be kind of wearing
me down a little bit, but these are really quite quite lovely and quite
light. Now you notice that with a statement necklace and these earrings it
actually works, but if I were to have dangle earrings or
something the same as the necklace it would just really overpower everything
else I'm trying to do and this way I think the earrings are kind of accenting
the necklace more than out shining it. So my third item would be get something in
pink you know everywhere I was looking it just seemed that everything was so
pink and I thought wait a second I'm not really a pink person I'm usually going
for the lavenders and the blues and the greens, but you know once I put this pink
jacket on....I really felt like spring....it just kind of awakened everything...you
know that new life and everything else and this is a very
lightweight jacket you could also buy yourself a blouse or something I just
paired it with a very thin white blouse underneath and of course some some black
pants with it, but this is going to get me oh it's going to get me through
spring, it's going to maybe even get me through some of the cooler summer nights....
and get yourself something in pink be in the pink. So my number four....well how
about a beautiful spring purse. Again I went for pink....I just love this and
of course, awesome over fifty, I had to pick one that said love life on it. The thing I
like about this purse is again if you.....it's very small and because it
doesn't have a zipper on the inside I just put one of those cosmetic bags in
it so that I can make sure that my wallet and everything is tucked in
quite nicely there, but I just....I just loved the way that this....this purse was
and I gotta apologize though I....I really tried to find it, I just bought it and I
really tried to find it from the store online and I don't know maybe this is a
discontinued one or something I couldn't find it but..... as you know in the first
comment of every video now we're putting a link back to our blog and I'll try to
find something similar for you and all of the items that I'm showing you I'll
try to find something similar and if you do get something from the link,
thank you very much for supporting the channel, we really really appreciate that,
but find something that's you this was definitely me and my message for really
going on a journey to be awesome over 50. I just thought that love life was
perfect. Now another thing that I love about this
purse is it's pretty small and if you have seen the video.....I'll put it up there
somewhere, of having a smaller purse....like why did I
lug around a great big purse with all kinds of junk in it for so many years oh
my aching net my aching back, so yeah go for a smaller purse in the summertime
and that link that I just showed you will really help. So the number five item is
get yourself a pair of cropped pants. Now I'm so proud of Bill. Look at this
split screen that we have.... and these pants are stretchy and also you'll
notice that they are shorter and they're supposed to be and also....I also got them
in a white pair, but you know matching kind of the white with the white pants
was a little too matchy-,matchy for me so I decided to go with the black ones with
this....but alright we're sticking with that split screen sort of thing....so my
number six item is.... get yourself a pair of.....I don't even know
how to describe them. Okay I'm gonna call them Statement Shoes, but you'll notice
that these ones are pink and they go beautifully with my outfit you can also
get a pair of really cool blue ones which would be fantastic for blue jeans
or you know the whole blue look that you might be putting on.....also red shoes, why
not. Red shoes are really really popular right now and so are metallic....so some
people are going for the gold. So my seventh great item for spring....I
just found this....I absolutely love it. Get yourself a spring-like scarf and I
just I love the colors that this one has and it's got a little fringe and that
sort of thing and all I did was...this was a square....I
put it into a triangle....no sorry.... I yeah put it into a triangle and then
rolled it up and you can see I've got a little bit of a triangle at the back
here and then because these were rolled up they they went nicely into a little
little knot here I could do it higher if I wanted I could
do it lower and hey, guess what? I did a video and I actually showed in the
video.....I'll put it up there somewhere, 20 different ways to wear scarves so
that's gonna help you out a great deal and scarves are the Wardrobe extender,
absolutely....So my number 8 tip for spring is get yourself a cool pair of glasses. I
don't know if you can see these but these are blue glasses and they're the
aviators style......hey they are so cool....I can wear them at night.....I wear my
sunglasses..... anyway maybe that's not a good idea to
wear your sunglasses at night but anyway.... no I just
love these cool blue sunglasses and they've got mirrored ones out there....they
even have pink ones.....you know I always did want to see the world through
rose-colored glasses. So we're getting to the end here.....
My ninth item is.....get yourself one of these exercise wrist monitors. Now let me
tell you about this.....these are absolutely phenomenal.....when you tap them I don't
know if you can see this, but it tells you the time, it tells you how many steps
you've taken, not too many so far, it tells you your heart rate, it tells you
how many kilometers you've been going and also your exercise, how many
basically minutes you've been doing some strenuous exercise and I just love this
because first of all if I do my 10,000 steps it vibrates like crazy it says
basically congratulations and all these kind of fireworks kind of go on the
wrist and it really makes me feel a sense of achievement. Now not every day
am I going to do 10,000 steps but it reminds me to get up and go so maybe I'm
at my desk and I've just got to run down the stairs and up the stairs a couple of
times or maybe it's a beautiful day and instead of sitting at my desk having a
lunch maybe I'll go out for a walk or something along those lines and
have a smoothie at my desk, but it really is fantastic and then after I got it I
realized something else.....this particular one and I will link it back in the blog
also is in sync with my phone which means that you know when your phone is
in your purse, you're not too sure is it me....am I ringing..... this vibrates and it
actually sort of tells you who's calling you.... so....and it also tells you if you have
text messages.... I mean it's all Bluetooth....how great is that I just
absolutely love this so as I say there's what it looks like and you can get it in
different colors for the bands as well just get yourself one.... get up and move
hey it's spring and summer let's go. So my tenth item....hey it's spring.... it's going
to rain so for my number ten item....look down....it's gotta be my rain boots and
look I even left the mud on them to show you that I'm actually wearing these
babies. They are so cute these ones I picked with the polka dots
and I also picked the ankle ones but you can also get them up to about here, if
you want to do some extra splashing around and the thing that I love about
these boots now is they really speak to me they really say fun.... you can get them
in red, green, flowers, geometric.... of course polka dots like what I picked out and
they say go jump in some puddles and have some fun.....isn't that what life is
all about anyway one of the main things I believe. Talking about fun....it's
time for the cuteness factor. Hi Hurricane how are you? Yes yes yes and
little Hurricane he's getting ready for spring and summer and now he's got his
hat on and you might say oh come on Heather that's kind of silly....you know
what....this hat is actually quite smart because there you go.....when he goes for his
walk it flips down and he actually gets his eyes covered a little bit and since
we live near water....a lot of times we're walking near a beach and that sun is
just beating down on him so, Hurricane are you ready for spring now? I think
he's....I think he's getting ready for spring and summer and all your walks
and everything....we'll take you for a walk really soon
and oh good lots of kisses this dog gives us, but and talking about wonderful
things....you guys are just so amazing our subscribers, thank you, thank you so much
for subscribing and you're really encouraging us, do you know we're doing
videos now twice a week Tuesday nights are lifestyle and Friday nights videos
are coming out for beauty and fashion and we're so enthusiastic and
happy to do this because of the community and if you want to join us and
be a subscriber and there's a button down there to join the community come on
down, spring on down and join us we'd love to have you part of us....so in the
meantime keep it awesome and keep a spring in your step we'll see you later.
Everyone's invited to subscribe and join us on our videos
For more infomation >> My Top 10 Tips for Women's Spring Fashion & Style, mature over 50 - Duration: 14:04.-------------------------------------------
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Hina Khan Partying with Sunny Leone at Dubai Fashion Week 2018 Bigg Boss 11| World Celebrities TV
Hina Khan Partying with Sunny Leone at Dubai Fashion Week 2018 Bigg Boss 11| World Celebrities TV
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dudes it has that book cover for your phone I tried to rock the book cover
after while I'm like what am I doing here with this extra step I got to open
up a book to get to my phone I like it because I forget things a lot so like I
don't like having a wallet and a phone when I leave somewhere like especially
even in a house I leave the house is my phone but I don't have my cash on the
cards so I got a solution for you it's called that's right you're cool dude
you're cool enough to rock one of these like are you cool enough to get past the
social pariah aspect of this bag that you wear around your waist I don't have
that much shit with me most of the time it's not that much shit there's a lot of
shit in here but this is a weird day I've like keys and I have a knife in
there and stuff but most of the time it's just light a travel light with that
look at that whose get who that blood quavo from me goes I've no idea who you
just said popular rapping but that is a ridiculous I'm an old man who listens to
the Allman Brothers alright but that one that he's got on is preposterous you
might as well have a laptop hanging around it's way he's also get like holes
in his jeans yeah that's ridiculous would you get attacked by Tiger sir
jewelry all that jewelry in the 80s yeah he's kind of ridiculous looking go but
but make that make that bigger again so I gonna take a look at this gentleman
light version 2 I pray I could have found a better place he's got a lot
going on those pants are preposterous that's the most preposterous thing like
I guess the shoes if you're like you want to go out but you also want to go
bowling you might wear those shoes this is a roast vest let's go I can't say
anything bad about the jewelry I'm not into the jewelry I mean I mean that's
not my thing but he looks like he's well-appointed I guess two watches on
though fuck yeah ballin hashtag ballin I think the one on the right is probably
just is that a Ray slit bracelet yeah it's just a fancy ass bracelet but the
pants are ridiculous I don't know how the fuck did that ever get started where
people were ripped up pants I try to talk to Brennan shop about that that
dumb motherfucker wears those music videos just like what are you doing
it's like Pat Benatar I don't have any fashion taste don't listen to me but
when I mock some shit you might want to listen to me
WindMax® 34" Fashion Lines Stainless Steel 5 Burner Built-In Stoves Gas Cooktops Cooker - Duration: 0:45.
WindMax® 34" Fashion Lines Stainless Steel 5 Burner Built-In Stoves Gas Cooktops Cooker
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Keiki Easter Fashion - Duration: 7:05.
Ensaio Fotográfico Infantil - Megan 4 anos - Book Kids Fashion Photoshoot - Duration: 5:30.
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