Hi, I'm Maureen Francisco, and my character's name is Heather.
So, I saw an ad posted online, and I'm someone who is terrified of horror films.
So I thought, you know what? This is my time to overcome my fears.
And I thought, you know what? Why not be in a film?
And I had no idea that I would be one of the lead characters.
I loved playing Heather because she has no filter.
And I love not being able to think before I speak and just be blunt.
And, with me sometimes,
I do think before I speak because you always want to be polite,
I was raised properly, but with Heather anything goes, and I love that.
So, the love triangle between Dean and Lacy,
I thought was well orchestrated, is because during the film, I started to really despise Lacy.
And Lacy is played by Melissa.
She's a good friend of mine.
So, on set, I forgot that we had this friendship,
and towards the end of the filming,
I really came to resent her. I really, really did.
But, we are good friends, so years have gone by.
But I thought the love triangle was played well
Earlier today, we found a cave outside the Cascade Ski Lodge.
My favorite part is probably all the blood,
the actual killings, because I, once again,
am afraid of horror films,
and to actually watch it, and be in the moment and feel the fear,
And know this is all make-believe. I love that. I love scaring myself to death during the process.
For more infomation >> Eyes in the Dark - Featurette - Maureen Francisco - Duration: 1:59.-------------------------------------------
Intro//Dark King// - Duration: 0:29.
Fler ft. Logic Type Beat 2018 - Flizzy 2.0 ☠ | Dark Hard Trap Instrumental - Duration: 4:06.
[SOLD] Sinister Dark Beat Hip Hop Rap Instrumental 2018 #165 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:21.
Distant Galaxy Defies Science By its Lack of Dark Matter - Duration: 0:55.
After Dragonfly 44: Astronomers Now Find Galaxy with NO Dark Matter - Duration: 5:59.
Hello Space Fans and welcome to another edition of Space Fan News.
In this episode, the case for proving that there is no such thing as dark matter just
got a lot harder.
After announcing the discovery of an ultra-diffuse galaxy made up of 99.99 percent dark matter
called Dragonfly 44, the same team of astronomers have now found another galaxy with almost
NO dark matter.
A while back, around 2015 or so, astronomers had announced the discovery of a faint galaxy
that had almost no stars but contained a lot of dark matter, in fact, almost the whole
thing was made up of the stuff.
This galaxy was so strange that astronomers have been looking for more like it: faint,
diffuse and has roughly the same size and mass as our galaxy.
They named the galaxy Dragonfly 44 after the telescope that observed it and you can learn
much more about it in the video I made about it and posted a couple of weeks ago.
Well this week astronomers looking at a galaxy first recorded back in 2000 and has the catalogue
name NGC1052-DF2 have announced that they think they've found another ultra-diffuse
galaxy that appears to have no dark matter in it.
So to be clear: the same team of astronomers have found an example of an ultra-diffuse
galaxy that's almost entirely dark matter to one that doesn't seem to have any.
Now I know just what you're thinking, 'How in the hell can astronomers possibly know
if a galaxy has 99.99%, 50%, 10% or no % of dark matter in it?'
It all comes down to how galaxies rotate.
Galaxies with lots of dark matter have stars that travel quickly around the galaxy's
core while galaxies that don't have that much travel slower.
Think of it this way: if our Sun were to suddenly get four times more massive, the Earth would
have to move twice as fast to stay in its orbit.
Same thing here, if a galaxy is rotating fast, it must have lots of dark matter in it or
else all the stars would fall in toward the center.
Adding up all the stars we can see, and include the gas, dust and any supermassive black hole
that might be there, still isn't enough to explain the rates at which these stars
are travelling.
Something else we can't see is adding mass to the galaxy and causing the stars to rotate
Nobody knows what dark matter is, but this is one way astronomers can find out if it's
there: by looking at things we can see, like stars going around a galaxy.
Dark matter is a crappy term: we could just as well call it transparent matter or WTF
matter or unknown matter or clear matter but the point is, we can't see it directly but
astronomers think it is an actual thing that galaxies have and not just some misunderstanding
about how gravity works.
Well this discovery of a galaxy with almost no dark matter strengthens the case that dark
matter might actually be a thing, a particle or something tangible associated with large
scale structures in the universe and galaxies.
Well given what I just said before, if a galaxy is spinning fast, like in Dragonfly 44, it
must have a lot of dark matter and if it is spinning slowly, like in the galaxy studied
in this research, then there must not be much dark matter.
The stars in this galaxy, or more accurately the globular clusters observed in this galaxy
(because they are brighter than stars) are moving so slowly that astronomers aren't
even sure the galaxy is rotating at all!
Remember what I said ultra-diffuse galaxies were: very faint, very spread out and fluffy
(about the size of our Milky Way) and don't have many stars.
So these ultra-diffuse galaxies are really teaching us a lot about dark matter, and as
you can imagine, astronomers are very eager to find more of them.
If you go down the road of saying dark matter doesn't exist and there is something we
need to modify about gravity to explain how galaxies rotate, well now you have a problem
because NOW you have to explain this galaxy, which isn't rotating at all.
The laws of physics you'd have to come up with to explain fast rotating galaxies now
suddenly doesn't apply to this one, so now what?
Here is a galaxy that is rotating exactly as you'd expect it to if there weren't
dark matter in it.
This discovery that the ultra-diffuse galaxy NGC1052-DF2 is barely rotating, if at all,
highly supports the idea that dark matter is a thing that galaxies have: they either
have dark matter or they don't.
And if it's a thing galaxies can have, a property of the galaxy itself, then there's
probably a particle associated with that thing.
So now it just got a lot harder to explain away dark matter.
Or rather clear matter, I think I like that term a lot better.
Sounds like a very refreshing beverage.
Maybe WTF Matter….
That's it for this episode Space Fans.
Please let me know what you think about the new SFN format and give me your theories on
what you think Dark Matter is in the comments below.
I want to thank all Deep Astronomy Patreon Patrons who are keeping the lights on in SFN
HQ, thank you all for watching and as always, Keep Looking Up!
"RIFLES" Dark Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL - Duration: 3:24.
"RIFLES" Dark Trap Beat Instrumental 2018 | Hard Lit Rap Hiphop Freestyle Trap Type Beats | Free DL
【遊戲點評】靈魂系列最終作,是糞還是神?《Dark Souls 3 黑暗靈魂 3》(中文字幕) - Duration: 7:50.
YouTube Dark Mode: How To Activate | Dark Mode for YouTube App! (Setup) | 2018 in Hindi - Duration: 7:53.
Fanimation MA6721DZ Spitfire Dark Bronze Ceiling Fan Motor - Duration: 0:34.
Fanimation MA6721DZ Spitfire Dark Bronze Ceiling Fan Motor
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An SOS from the Future! A Dark New Enemy Emerges!! - Duration: 23:10.
Hubble Views a Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter - Duration: 4:19.
We all know what a galaxy looks like, right? It's a huge
collection of stars and other matter that's shaped like a
spiral or an ellipse, and if you're an astronomy fan you
probably know that most of the mass is from invisible,
mysterious material called dark matter. Well, NASA's Hubble
Space Telescope just took an image of a galaxy that is none
of those things. For the first time, astronomers have strong
evidence for a galaxy not having a significant amount of dark
matter. Most astronomers currently believe that dark
matter plays a fundamental role in our universe and the
formation of galaxies. This is because galaxies seem to have a
lot more mass than what we can account for based on just the
stars we see. How much mass is in a system is determined by
measuring the speed at which galaxies rotate or individual
stars in a galaxy move. Without the gravity from that mass, a
galaxy would fly apart if everything in it is moving as
quickly as we observe it moving. Decades of research have led
astronomers to the extraordinary conclusion that 85% of the mass
in our universe is invisible in all wavelengths of radiation,
and that it's composed of matter that does not contain protons or
neutrons or any type of particle we've detected before, AND that
this invisible material is all around us, passing through us
without interacting with regular matter except by gravity. For
some, that's a tough pill to swallow, and a minority of
astronomers wonder if maybe we just don't completely understand
how gravity works. If that were the case, and it was an inherent
property of gravity that causes galaxies to move the way they
do, then we could expect all galaxies to behave the same way.
In other words, they would all seem to have about the same
portion of "dark matter." But with the galaxy in this Hubble
image, astronomers looked at the velocities of ten globular
clusters in the galaxy, each a spherical collection of hundreds
of thousands of stars, and calculated that their movements
can be accounted for entirely by the mass of the visible material
in this system. That means this galaxy has little to no dark
matter. Strangely, this absence of dark matter actually provides
evidence that dark matter is real. It shows that dark matter
isn't always coupled with regular matter – that it's
something separate. You can have regular matter without dark
matter. This galaxy is really weird even beyond the dark
matter thing. You may have noticed you can see straight
through it. That's because this galaxy is what's called an
"ultra diffuse galaxy," which as the name implies, is extremely
low density. This galaxy is about the same volume as our own
Milky Way galaxy, but only has about 0.5% the amount of stars.
Though astronomers have known about ultra diffuse galaxies
since the early 1980s, they can be difficult to find since
they're so faint. A team of astronomers is using an array of
telephoto lenses called Dragonfly to seek out these
ghostly-looking objects. They obtained observations from
Dragonfly, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Gemini Observatory,
and the Keck Observatory, then requested time on the Hubble
Space Telescope to take a closer look at this unusual galaxy.
Having images and data from multiple sources allowed the
team to determine that this galaxy does not have a
significant amount of dark matter. This was definitely
surprising to find. No other galaxies so far have appeared to
be so lacking in dark matter. In fact, other ultra diffuse
galaxies seem to have an overabundance of dark matter.
The same team who studied this galaxy discovered a different
ultra diffuse galaxy in 2016 that they calculated was 99.9%
dark matter. Yet another weird thing about this galaxy – the
globular clusters used to measure the galaxy's rotation
are way brighter than normal globular clusters. The
researchers have written a different paper that focuses on
just these oddball collections of stars. So, this is a very
strange galaxy in several ways. Astronomers will be looking at
Hubble observations of other ultra diffuse galaxies to see if
there are any other examples of galaxies with unusually low or
high amounts of dark matter. With more samples, astronomers
will be able to better understand the nature of dark
matter, the formation and evolution of galaxies, and the
overall structure of our universe.
www.nasa.gov/hubble @NASAHubble
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