BREAKING News Out Of Southern California…
Spread This EVERYWHERE Officials in California's Orange County
have voted to fight the state's "sanctuary city" laws and join in on President Trump's
lawsuit against California's decision to protect illegal aliens and block the efforts
of ICE.
This comes on the heels of the Orange County Sheriff's Department's announcement that
it will provide public information on when inmates are released from jail.
Fox News reports that the Orange County Board of Supervisors voted 3-0 to join the U.S.
Justice Department's lawsuit, which argued three recent California laws deliberately
interfered with federal immigration policies.
One of the laws bars police in many cases from turning over suspects to federal immigration
agents for deportation.This legislation prevents law enforcement from removing criminals from
our community and is a threat to public safety," Supervisor Shawn Nelson said before the vote.
The county moved earlier this week to improve communication with federal immigration agents
by publishing the release dates of inmates online.
The sheriff's department used to screen inmates in the county's jails to help Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents identify those subject to deportation but had to stop
after the state law passed.
The Orange County Sheriff's Department, whose leadership opposes the new California
sanctuary law that limits cooperation with federal immigration officials, announced Monday
that it is now providing public information on when inmates are released from custody.
As of Monday, March 26, an existing "Who's in Jail" online database includes the date
and time of inmates' release – a move agency officials say will enhance communication
with its law enforcement partners.
"This is in response to SB-54 limiting our ability to communicate with federal authorities
and our concern that criminals are being released to the street when there's another avenue
to safeguard the community by handing them over (to ICE for potential deportation),"
Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes said.
Orange County and the cities of Aliso Viejo and Buena Park to consider adopting similar
measures against California's sanctuary law due to Los Alamitos making a stand against
Jerry Brown and his band of lunatics.
"Los Alamitos new ordinance claims the new state law placed by Jerry Brown in January,
is in direct conflict with the Federal Law and the Constitution.
Therefore, the council finds that it is impossible to honor our oath to support and defend the
Constitution of the United States of America, unless we opt out of the law that violates
Federal law and the Constitution."
Meanwhile, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra would not rule out taking action of
his own against officials who fight the laws, including the sheriff, FOX News reports.
"State law is state law.
It's my job to enforce state law and I will do so.
We want to make sure that every jurisdiction, including Orange County, understands what
state law requires of the people and the subdivisions of the state of California," Becerra said
at a news conference.
When asked if that meant an arrest or lawsuit against the sheriff, Becerra responded, "I
think I just answered that."
Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes told Fox News in an interview that Becerra's
comments "were threatening," but the sheriff's office was not doing anything that the law
did not allow.
"My hope would be that he would read the language of the law that was passed," he
said on "Hannity."
"It very clearly says in there what we can and cannot do."
Barnes added that the law has put Californians at risk by returning dangerous individuals
back into the communities and that by making this information public, the sheriff's office
was trying to help the community be safer.
"They're very serious crimes and they're being return back into the community, and
quite honestly back into the communities in which they preyed upon and committed their
crimes to begin with."
That's great news!
Let's hope that more departments do the same!
For more infomation >> BREAKING News Out Of Southern California… Spread This EVERYWHERE - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
End Money Bail in California - Duration: 3:20.
wanna know how a corrupt system operates? Follow the money. That money trail will
lead you through a criminal justice system that disproportionately targets
people of color and vulnerable families -- and at the center of it is the bail bond
This industry shackles people to a relentless, life-consuming debt,
perpetuating a system of racial and economic inequality, all the while raking
in about two billion dollars in profit a year. Right now there are more people of
color under correctional control than were enslaved before the Civil War.
The use of bail is one of the biggest violations of civil rights in the
history of the United States. Here's how our current money bail system works and
what Californians can do about it. When a person is
arrested and goes to jail, a bail is set. That person stays behind
bars until they can come up with the money,
whether they're guilty or not. The median bill in California is $50,000. When you
can't afford bail money you don't have a lot of options: you can decide to stay
locked up until your trial, risking your job, your kids, your whole life. Or you can
confess to a crime you didn't commit and take a plea just to go home.
You're forced to live on probation, pay fines that keep piling up, and live with a
criminal record that will follow you for your whole life. Or you can take a loan
from a bail bondsman. A bail bondsman loans money to people who can't afford
to make bail -- but at a terrible price. Privatized, for-profit bail bond
companies trap people in a cycle of debt that can bring their whole life crashing
down. Even as you struggle to make those payments, interest piles up and the debt
grows and grows. And while these high interest loans are ruining the lives of
people who never got a trial, the bail bond industry gets paid.
Lots of money means lots of influence. The bail bond industry needs jails stuffed to the brim
if they're going to make a profit --- and that's exactly what California is giving
them right now. One in three people jailed in California are never found guilty of a crime
California can change that.
Right now there is a new law being considered.
SB10 will make California's jails use risk assessment to decide who
stays behind bars. When a person is arrested instead of asking does this
person have $50,000, California would ask is this person a threat. California's
judicial system must no longer be the tool of a racist and corrupt industry
California AG Threatens To Arrest Sheriff Hutchens, Trump Drops Brutal Warning - Duration: 5:00.
California AG Threatens To Arrest Sheriff Hutchens, Trump Drops Brutal Warning
Communist California's Attorney General Xavier Becerra has threatened to arrest Orange
County Sheriff Sandra Hutchins for helping ICE catch criminal illegal aliens.
Now, President Donald Trump has a warning for the blue state buffoon.
You don't want to miss this.The story of heroic Orange County Sheriff Sandra Hutchens
continues to roll out like thunder over the headlines as California's deranged Attorney
General Xavier Becerra threatens to make an example out of her for helping Immigrations
and Customs Enforcement agents capture dangerous criminal illegal aliens.
Sheriff Hutchens shocked the nation on Monday, March 26, 2018, when she began publishing
every single inmate's release date with the exact time of day, according to Daily
Sheriff Hutchens hasn't been shy about why the Orange County Sherrif's Department decided
to make this change to their existing online database known as "Who's In Jail."
An official statement published on the Orange County Sheriff's Department website read
in part, "Sheriff Hutchens joined law enforcement leaders across the state in opposing SB 54
when the legislation was first proposed in December 2016, as provisions in the bill hindered
collaborative efforts to remove serious offenders from the community.
Additionally, the law is inconsistent with widely accepted best practices of open communication
amongst all levels of law enforcement.
Both Sheriff Hutchens and Undersheriff Don Barnes actively engaged with legislators to
encourage defeat of the bill.
While these efforts resulted in the removal of some harmful sections of the bill, the
final version limited communication in a way that puts the public at risk."
Sheriff Sandra Hutchens said, "SB 54 makes local law enforcement's job more difficult
and requires bureaucratic processes that could allow dangerous individuals to fall through
the cracks of our justice system.
My department, however, remains committed to cooperating fully with federal authorities
in all areas where I have discretion to remove serious criminals from our community."Earlier
in the week, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra publicly rebuked Sheriff Sandra Hutchens
during a press event and warned that he was willing to engage the sheriff in a legal battle.
Becerra didn't stop there, he also confirmed his threat to arrest Sheriff Hutchens when
questioned by a reporter.
"State law is state law.
And it is my job to enforce state law.
I will do so.
And we want to make sure that every jurisdiction including Orange County, understand what state
law requires of the people and the subdivisions of the state of California," Becerra said.
A reporter then asked Becerra, "Does that mean a lawsuit of the sheriff's department
or the arrest of the sheriff?"
Becerra replied, "I think I just answered that."
This nasty threat from California's Attorney General against Sheriff Hutchens has now caught
the attention of President Donald Trump, and he isn't happy about it.
On Wednesday, March 28, Trump rang out his support over Twitter for the people of Orange
County and their embattled sheriff which also served as a warning to Becerra and all of
the up-state pricks in Sacramento.
"My Administration stands in solidarity with the brave citizens in Orange County defending
their rights against California's illegal and unconstitutional Sanctuary policies.
California's Sanctuary laws release known dangerous criminals into communities across
the State.
All citizens have the right to be protected by Federal law and strong borders," Trump
wrote.I think it's safe to assume that President Trump has Sheriff Hutchens' back on this
one and that he supports the constitutional rights of those who live in Orange County,
The fact of the matter here is that California's leadership is trying to fast track the left's
plan to replace their voting base with illegal immigrants by any means necessary.
It's only when someone like Sheriff Hutchens stands up to the dictators in Sacramento and
makes the decision to honor our federal immigration laws that we see the left's ugly head appear
so prominently.
Becerra will undoubtedly continue to threaten and intimidate the Orange County Sheriff's
Department for doing what is lawful, and in return, Trump will answer back with the full
weight of the federal government and millions of American patriots behind him.
Please pray for Sheriff Hutchens as she continues to blaze a trail in California like a new
age pioneer for the rest of America to follow.
SCANDAL! $17 Billion for mental health spent on - Duration: 5:53.
BREAKING News Out Of Southern California… Spread This EVERYWHERE - Duration: 4:34.
Наркота в Калифорнии. Минусы Голливуда. California On Drugs. Why I hate Hollywood boulevard - Duration: 18:51.
Being on Hollywood Boulevard for 4 minutes reminded me
of what annoyed me about Los Angeles last year
Victoria came to pick me up
I told you
This them let's talk shortly about the drugs in California
*famous jingle*
Hello there comrade
It's been a while since we last saw each other
Winter is almost over here, spring is coming
In a couple more of those cycles we'll be dead
Bye for now let's go back to autumn
Jo guys check this out
My relatives ordered me bunch of iPhones
I squinted at cops, because of the old habit
Also my suitcase broke, and I have to buy a new one
They cost four times last over here
So I'm heading to Hollywood Boulevard
Guys I'm finally at Hollywood Boulevard, it took me four hours to get here
But it was worth it, now I can buy everything really quick
Here in La La Land everything is pretty cheap even though it's downtown
Also at night you can buy here
Any type of drug you want
Also in downtown because for some reason cops don't seem to arrest dealers over here
I don't know why
I'm not going to buy it though, cause
We stand for HLS
Truth be told I'm running out of ideas to talk about regarding US
I mean California because I cannot talk for other states
Each state is its own thing
But let's shortly talk about drugs in LA
California is one of the most liberal states in US
They are so liberal they wanted to separate themselves from the rest of the country
When the Trump was elected
So the drug regulation is also very liberal
Almost everybody here has some weed on them
Even though it is officially sold only by prescription
Half of the stories in Instagram is related to it
And everybody is bragging about how they are chilling in the evening
The most popular way of spending the leisure time is to get high
Order a pizza and watch Netflix
Looks fairly similar to the Russian way
Of watching a football with a beer
Somebody who loves comics will love it in here
I can't get out of here
Because when I come in stores and I see something with superheroes
I immediately get it all
But hear everything is related to superheroes
Close are covered with them
First place in the whole America where I found spinners
I had a shoot in Roosevelt Hotel last year. It didn't work
They make parties on weekends, with a pool and some hip hop
Pretty ugly people are partying there
Nothing similar to Moscow parties
Most of the tourist exist here
It's weird not to see thousands of them here tonight
This must be my heaven
These two big boys are looking at me
This little thing crawling over here
Is in the size of my pinky
I like just how much passion the crazy people have when they talk
Just listen
Being on Hollywood Boulevard for 4 minutes reminded me
of what annoyed me about Los Angeles last year
Bums run into you from every angle
Those big black dudes talking to themselves
It doesn't make you feel very comfortable
And pinky-sized cockroaches
This is just f**king crazy
And too many tourists
That are really into my shoes for some reason
Asking where I bought them
My introvert self is in pain right now
And can't handle it all
By the way there is a building somewhere over here where all the viners live
Which are now vloggers
You must've heard about Logan Paul and so on
I wasn't able to make it to the Apple Store
But I might be able to make it to CVS
Because my father believes that in America
Aspirin is better
Self service
Victoria came to pick me up
That girl from under the glitter
She has just washed it off
I still find it everywhere
So finally she's in California, let's see what it's going to turn out into
I didn't recognize you with black hair
Also don't think that you're constantly surrounded with druggies
No everybody's very adequate
Mini smoke weed just like cigarettes
Because they developed tolerance
In terms of getting used to any stimulant overtime
There are many rich people and nerds in California and that are also into biohacking
Just like some of your friends... Vloggers
They went even further with their love to Canabis
Everybody knows that smoking is bad
Resins, fumes and so on
So they carry in huge bags
Huge vaporisers that are plugged into outlets
It looks like something in the middle between a hookah and a vacuum cleaner
And they vaporise the weed
So they turned smoking weed
Into some eco-friendly ritual
Of course to us seeing this psychedelic stuff around is weird
Keeping in mind that the third of our prisoners are imprisoned for storage and distribution of drugs
I'm getting slightly annoyed by this eavesdrop
The snow is starting to melt
Let's take it as a hymn of warm weather
So with time you get used to this smell
It doesn't make you nervously check if cops are anywhere around
And you start to associate it with the general feeling of freedom over there
Proper Malibu
Last year we were shooting Dasha over there
I left the model and went for a rock climbing
Russian tourists are trying to receive the Darwin Prize
You want to get to the other side? We might try swimming.
See those pores? You can grab them
And crawl. But I don't think you will like it
Let's try this
You want to climb over here?!
It gets worse over there
-Ok ok, that's for sure?
-On those rocks it will look so cool, with the water
-Let's go?
You want to get over there?
Go ahead
You lost the ring?
Move your butt back and forth
-This ain't a soft bed!
More on me, fall on your elbows
Bend as much as you can, get on your toes
-Did you get it?
A little
-Are your cameras waterproof?
Can you move the sand around your butt
Turn to the sun
-Is that a photo or a video?
Let's wait for the wave
Pull the body up a little
Let's do it with the wave, on the count to three
And now very slow...
Just move your hands upwards
Right from here, but wait
Other drugs in exist there as well
In huge volumes and big diversity
South America is right over there
With their cool lianas and so on
But those drugs are officially illegal
Which doesn't stop local youth from taking it
Which isn't all that different from Moscow
On my first trip people were trying to sell me coke right in the middle of Hollywood Boulevard
Although at night but nevertheless
And even when I tried to joke it down, saying I don't need it for tonight, he said
Maybe for tomorrow
Other types of drugs are also easy to find
Good thing that you don't travel into the prison for having a drug as fast as you do in Moscow
And people over there are separated into two groups
First ones are heavy criminals and bums sitting on crack
In general public smoking Weed maybe taking tabs
"ah, let them have a little fun, have fun and pay taxes"
And that is in the state where it is forbidden to sell alcohol after two in the morning
Other states, if you don't know that, can differ heavily
In terms of substances, in terms of weapons, gay people
So it's hard to compare them
At least with Central states
Although Brittany said they have pride parades in Texas
Go on the round rocks
Right where the splashes are
Fall on the rock
Do it a couple more times
Go slow
One more time
Lean on it
Look away
A couple more times
My camera is all wet
Why did you go over there?
Do you realize the first big wave will knock you off your feet?
So what is this?
I told you
-It's about to wash me away!
I won't recommend a bad thing
Just like the last year. Went to California - threw my shoes away
Finished the shoot, went to the beach
Because going to blow, blow (famous jingle)
-And you aren't?
I never take drugs, cause I live in Russia
I'm starting to get used to wavelike increases in views
For our vlogs
But, just for fun I'll tell you
The vlog on yacht went on the main page
But vlog with babyface and guns is something new, it attracted
Crazy attention of Indian people
Who came to it from videos like this
Maybe neural networks of YouTube
Decided that the girl looks Indian
I don't know
So by the end of this blog I proudly announce that...
Maybe saying it publicly will make me dedicate myself to it better
I changed my regime a bit
And dedicated a lot more time to vlogs
I don't like when they lag behind for a couple of seasons
From today
Sue I'll be working on them more seriously
Until I get tired of this regime
And I will also tell you about this regime
And all of the planning in the future
Because America is going to run out soon
So we might be going back to psychic stuff or maybe something new
Wash the cups
Now the Victoria
BREAKING News Out Of Southern California… Spread This EVERYWHERE - Duration: 4:24.
BREAKING News Out Of Southern California…
Spread This EVERYWHERE Officials in California's Orange County
have voted to fight the state's "sanctuary city" laws and join in on President Trump's
lawsuit against California's decision to protect illegal aliens and block the efforts
of ICE.
This comes on the heels of the Orange County Sheriff's Department's announcement that
it will provide public information on when inmates are released from jail.
Fox News reports that the Orange County Board of Supervisors voted 3-0 to join the U.S.
Justice Department's lawsuit, which argued three recent California laws deliberately
interfered with federal immigration policies.
One of the laws bars police in many cases from turning over suspects to federal immigration
agents for deportation."This legislation prevents law enforcement from removing criminals
from our community and is a threat to public safety," Supervisor Shawn Nelson said before
the vote.
The county moved earlier this week to improve communication with federal immigration agents
by publishing the release dates of inmates online.
The sheriff's department used to screen inmates in the county's jails to help Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents identify those subject to deportation but had to stop
after the state law passed.
The Orange County Sheriff's Department, whose leadership opposes the new California
sanctuary law that limits cooperation with federal immigration officials, announced Monday
that it is now providing public information on when inmates are released from custody.
As of Monday, March 26, an existing "Who's in Jail" online database includes the date
and time of inmates' release – a move agency officials say will enhance communication
with its law enforcement partners.
"This is in response to SB-54 limiting our ability to communicate with federal authorities
and our concern that criminals are being released to the street when there's another avenue
to safeguard the community by handing them over (to ICE for potential deportation),"
Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes said.
Orange County and the cities of Aliso Viejo and Buena Park to consider adopting similar
measures against California's sanctuary law due to Los Alamitos making a stand against
Jerry Brown and his band of lunatics.
"Los Alamitos new ordinance claims the new state law placed by Jerry Brown in January,
is in direct conflict with the Federal Law and the Constitution.
Therefore, the council finds that it is impossible to honor our oath to support and defend the
Constitution of the United States of America, unless we opt out of the law that violates
Federal law and the Constitution."
Meanwhile, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra would not rule out taking action of
his own against officials who fight the laws, including the sheriff, FOX News reports.
"State law is state law.
It's my job to enforce state law and I will do so.
We want to make sure that every jurisdiction, including Orange County, understands what
state law requires of the people and the subdivisions of the state of California," Becerra said
at a news conference.
When asked if that meant an arrest or lawsuit against the sheriff, Becerra responded, "I
think I just answered that."
Orange County Undersheriff Don Barnes told Fox News in an interview that Becerra's
comments "were threatening," but the sheriff's office was not doing anything that the law
did not allow.
"My hope would be that he would read the language of the law that was passed," he
said on "Hannity."
"It very clearly says in there what we can and cannot do."
Barnes added that the law has put Californians at risk by returning dangerous individuals
back into the communities and that by making this information public, the sheriff's office
was trying to help the community be safer.
"They're very serious crimes and they're being return back into the community, and
quite honestly back into the communities in which they preyed upon and committed their
crimes to begin with."
That's great news!
Let's hope that more departments do the same!
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