hello my name is Clare and welcome to Generation Calm. Today I'm going to be
talking about progressive muscle relaxation, what it is and what benefits
it can do to help you reduce your stress and anxiety. So progressive muscle
relaxation was one of the first techniques I ever learned as a
psychologist and it's the process of tensing and relaxing large muscle groups
in your body. It's often used as the first step in learning a stress relief
technique. When I was working with people who were clinically anxious this would
be a good technique to start with because often people aren't taught at
school how to relax and so you kind of have to learn from the beginning again
what the difference really is in your muscles between tension and relaxation
and so by tensing the muscles you can suddenly start to see where you might
have been holding tension in the first place and it can be kind of surprising.
So when you first of all learn how to tense a muscle you can then really
notice the difference when you relaxed afterwards and it really is the stepping
stone and the first step into stress relief and relaxation. So let's talk a
bit more about the benefits for you and the reasons why you should be trying
progressive muscle relaxation. So first of all it's a great way of learning how
to be aware of your body even before you do a body scan because it's bringing
attention to large muscle groups in your body and noticing the effects that you
have there with the tension and then the relaxation. So it's the prerequisite to
body scans it shows the difference between a tense muscle and a relaxed
muscle and you really might be quite surprised at where you're holding
tension already in your body and you may not always notice the difference until
you really tense and then realize. For those of you who don't like the
quietness and that stillness of meditation progressive muscle relaxation
is more of an active technique. You're actually doing something, moving
your body. It's also quite a mindful technique because you're bringing
attention to parts your body and really focusing on one muscle group at a time
and that focuses your mind and brings your attention to one thing at a time. So
if you've ever heard of the mind-body connection you know that if you are
feeling a certain way in your body then that will reflect in your mind so if
you're feeling tense in your body your mind will therefore feel tense but if
you can learn how to relax the muscle groups or how to relax your mind.It's
similar in a way to how smiling helps make you feel happy. So
progressive muscle relaxation is actually a no pill natural remedy for
stress relief. There are no bad side effects unless of course you don't like
feeling relaxed. Of course if you already have tense muscles I would suggest that
you talk to a GP about this first, a physician, just to check that
everything's okay and I probably wouldn't tense so hard if you have tight
muscles but other than that there really are no ill side effects to this. I think
a lot of people prefer progressive muscle relaxation because unlike
mindfulness it doesn't have any kind of
association with Buddhism. Some people might, for religious reasons, might not
want to do mindfulness because of its association with Buddhism and and this
stress relief technique has nothing to do with any religion whatsoever. Regular
practice of progressive muscular relaxation will really help to reduce
your stress level.
So next week I'm going to upload a progressive muscle relaxation video with
the audio and I'm actually going to be taking you step by step the way that I
do it that way you can try this relaxation technique for yourself out. So
thanks for watching, please share if you like this video and I look forward to
seeing you next time bye
For more infomation >> Progressive Muscle Relaxation - what is it and how does it work? - Duration: 4:49.
What If Wakanda Was Real? - Duration: 5:35.
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.
Nerds and non-nerds alike have been enjoying Marvel's Black Panther film, and were awestruck
at the wonder that is Wakanda.
But what if this fictional African nation actually existed?
Let's explore.
If this kind of thing interests you, head on over to Top 10 Nerd.
It's a sister channel, hosted by Roya Destroyaa, Kelly Paoli, and yours truly, where we talk
about all things nerd, from comic books, to anime, to Harry Potter.
I'll see you over there.
But for now, get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if Wakanda was Real?
For the purposes of this video, and to avoid similarities with our video entitled "What
if superheroes were real", this video will assume that the nation of Wakanda exists,
as well as the Black Panther, the protector of the nation, but no other superheroes exist.
Well, first and foremost, where would Wakanda be?
Well, the comics can't seem to make up their minds.
Some claim it to be north of Tanzania, while the Marvel Atlas #2 claims it to be on the
north side of Lake Turkana.
Since the movie went with option number 2, let's say that Wakanda would be found in that
position, between Ethiopia and South Sudan.
It should be pointed out that Wakanda was concealed using a cloaking device, but for
the purposes of this video we'll assume that the world is aware of the nation.
Wakanda is very isolated, and works to remain that way, almost completely untouched by outside
While it is highly technologically advanced, this technology is not compatible with other
modern tech, as it's based on different scientific processes.
It defends its borders fiercely, and this defence is made even stronger thanks to the
powerful protector of Wakanda: The Black Panther.
The Black Panther is the ruler of Wakanda, and chief of the tribes within, called the
The mantle is passed down generation to generation, although it requires that the prospective
Panther complete a rite of passage.
Upon completion of this test, a special heart-shaped herb is given to the protector of the nation,
granting a number of superhuman abilities, including strength, speed, durability, and
heightened senses.
In the movies, the Black Panther is an incredible protector of the nation.
In real life, it's rather likely that while the panther would focus more on political
actions than actual fighting.
In the comics and film, the current Black Panther, T'Challa, has a good deal of plot
armour protecting him, letting him survive at times when he probably would have died.
In real life there's a good chance that extended combat would lead to a dead Black
Panther, leaving the country without a leader.
However, there is a good chance that Black Panther would use his enhanced abilities and
senses on various covert operations.
However, the existence of the Black Panther would have a side effect.
If it was possible to give someone superpowers like this, governments around the world would
work to try to get their hands on this super solder herb.
If a serum could be synthesized from the herb, this would not only be beneficial to the military,
but could be sold to the general population for great profits, and amazing benefits.
However, there's another commodity found in Wakanda that could be even more highly
desired by other countries: Vibranium.
Vibranium is the fictional substance found in the Marvel Universe with amazing properties.
It came to earth when a meteor crashed, spreading vibranium across the earth, with a large deposit
in Wakanda.
First and foremost, it is an incredibly strong metal.
Vibranium absorbs vibration when struck, allowing it to absorb and slowly release the kinetic
energy received.
While it can be destroyed, it's capable of withstanding incredible amounts of force.
Not only that, but it emits radiation that can cause mutations in living things, giving
humans strange powers, often turning them into demon spirits, and granting special Wakandan
herbs powerful benefits.
This would be highly desired by countries around the world, and they would likely try
to purchase as much as they could, if not to use for its anti-vibrational properties,
then for the special mutation properties.
If Wakanda did not want to give up the vibranium, there's a good chance that this would lead
to war.
Particularly among the more warlike countries, this indestructible material could be incredibly
Plus, since vibranium sells for a whopping $10,000 a gram, even a country that didn't
intend to use it themselves could make massive amounts of money from its sale.
It's even possible that governments around the world would grow fearful of the potential
of Wakanda.
Given their technological advancement and their access to vibranium, Wakanda could pose
a significant threat to even the most powerful nations.
Given the isolationist nature of Wakanda, it's likely that the world wouldn't have
to worry about them as long as they weren't provoked.
However, it could be that certain countries would attempt to use fear of the country's
potential to convince the populace that war was needed, in order to get their hands on
the oil – I mean, the vibranium.
Sorry, Freudian slip.
If war did come to pass, it's difficult to determine who the victor would be.
Since Wakandan technology is largely mysterious, it's hard to say how they would go about
fighting the war.
However, in looking at the ruthless success they had in the war against Atlantis, it's
safe to say that their attacker would have their hands full.
Especially nowadays, with warfare being largely decided by technology and computers, Wakanda
would be at a significant advantage in a number of ways.
However, it's possible that Wakanda would eventually change its ways, becoming less
This could result in amazing progress for the rest of the world, particularly if the
herb and vibranium were able to be studied and used.
The Wakandan technology could also help modern scientists and engineers to improve their
own tech, even if this involved changes from the ground up.
While war would remain a possibility, peace seems a much more beneficial option, for all
parties involved.
And now we return to our question: What if Wakanda was real?
Well, there may not be a huge amount of change if this futuristic nation remained as isolated
as it is in the comics.
However, if another nation decided they wanted the valuable resources found in Wakanda, the
war would be unpredictable, and devastating.
However, if peace prevailed, and the Wakandan government decided to work with other governments,
it could propel humanity forward technologically, and even, socially.
And I don't know about you, but I'd be looking to get myself some super powers.
Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,
and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.
If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.
While you're down there, let me know if YOU would like to use the heart-shaped herb
to gain the black panther powers.
Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you
the best of luck, on your quest for answers.
Melania Just Made Surprise Visit – Popped In On Someone Who Was Definitely NOT Expecting It. - Duration: 4:47.
Melania Just Made Surprise Visit – Popped In On Someone Who Was Definitely NOT Expecting
Even though the mainstream media is dead set on attacking her for President Donald Trump's
alleged affair with the porn star Stormy Daniels over a decade ago, our First Lady Melania
Trump always seems to be able to show up to the party with grace and class.
Yesterday was no exception.
Yesterday the first lady made a surprise visit to the Palm Beach Children's Hospital in
She was wearing a very elegant and striped dress for the occasion which screamed springtime
is here, while she greeted the patients and their families as she wished them a happy
Easter weekend, and handed out gifts to the sick children.
Without of course forgetting to talk to the hospital staff as she worked herself around
the facility.
But perhaps the best part of the event was that no reporters were on hand to ruin the
visit for her, or the patients since the visit was kept off the official First Lady schedule.
Which was a welcomed fact since the media on both sides of the political aisle are hell-bent,
on gauging her reaction to the alleged affair the president had 12 years ago.
"The first lady's spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham issued a statement on Twitter: "While
I know the media is enjoying speculation & salacious gossip, I'd like to remind people there's
a minor child whose name should be kept out of news stories when at all possible."
Even the former Conservative Libertarian Fox News and The Blaze contributor turned "moderate"
after leaving the Glenn Beck network for a cushy job at CNN had disturbing words for
the first lady.
"Cupp said, "I've heard the stories swirling around, the president described in
a number of ways, scandalous, tabloid trash.
But the word that comes to my mind is humiliating.
The president of the United States is being sued by a porn star over an alleged affair
they had years ago.
It is humiliating for the country certainly that the figurehead of the Republican party—not
too long ago the party of family values—is alleged to have had another affair with a
Playmate just after his son was born is humiliating for the GOP, or it should be anyway.
But worst of all, that Donald Trump has very likely cheated on his wife multiple times.
And that this is all playing out very publicly is particularly humiliating for Melania Trump.
While it's hard to imagine she didn't know who she married, she's also just a
woman, a wife, and a mother, like the rest of us.
There's a real person in there, and she must be reeling."
She continued, "What she does next is no small thing.
It might just be tabloid fodder to gossip rags or political chum for Hill watchers,
but for a generation of young girls, Melania's next move could be formative.
It was to me.
I was just 13 when word of Bill Clinton's affairs hit the campaign trail and imperiled
his 1992 presidential run.
I had just voted for Clinton in my school's mock primary.
I was paying close attention.
Burned in my mind is the image of Hillary sitting next to Bill in a "60 Minutes"
interview trying to put a fresh veneer on her embattled candidate husband."
She added "It was, of course, just the first of many times she would endure the particular
humiliation Bill would inflict, stories of affairs, inappropriate behavior, a graphic
White House tryst with an intern, even a rape allegation, and put on a strong united front.
Over those years, Hillary became for me what she became for many women, the literal definition
of stand by your man."
Cupp concluded, "Now Melania may not have a political career to consider, but as the
First Lady, she is an inherently important figure in American politics, and women are
Particularly young women.
Melania should do for this generation of girls what Hillary Clinton did not do for mine,
and leave her jerk of a husband."
What S.E.
Cupp and most of her other pundit friends on the left seem to forget is there is a 12-year-old
boy in the mix here.
And Cupp, as a mother and wife should know better than to pose questions of this nature
to people in the limelight.
How would her child feel if he turned on the TV one day and heard a third-rate pundit who
changes political views depending who's writing the check calling for his mother to
leave his father over an affair which allegedly took place over 12 years ago?
Mrs. Cupp, I used to be a huge fan of yours before you decided to join the "Fake News"
empire of CNN, but isn't it time we all started choosing our words more carefully
and taking into consideration that just like in the 90's, some things are just none of
our damn business?
What do you think about this?
Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe
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What If Fortnite Was Real? - Duration: 4:37.
Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.
Even if you're not a gamer, you've probably heard of Fortnite.
Whether you're hearing all about it from friends or kids around you, hearing vague
mutterings about how it's lame, or gleefully scrolling through memes about it, even those
who have never played the game know something about it.
But what if it wasn't a game, but was, in fact, real?
Let's explore.
By the way, if video games are your bag, head over to Top 10 Gaming.
It's a sister channel, hosted by yours truly as well as Kelly Paoli, where we talk about
everything that is video games.
Check it out if you love video games.
Now, get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if Fortnite was Real?
Well, before we dive in, I'll give a brief description of Fortnite for those who haven't
played it.
Fortnite has two game modes, a coop player vs environment mode where you build a base
and fight against hordes of zombies, and a multiplayer battle royale mode, where players
drop into a zone and fight to be the last player standing.
Each of these would bring with it their own changes to the world.
However, we'll set aside the zombie aspect of the game, since we've already touched
on many of the ideas that would need to be covered in our "What if Zombies were Real"
video, plus most people play the battle royale mode anyway.
So, what changes might we see given the various mechanisms in Fortnite?
Of course, one factor of great importance is the many dangerous, and often ludicrous,
forms of weaponry in the game.
From shotguns to sniper rifles, this game has all the firearms you'd expect from a
shooting game.
As it happens, this would largely be the same as in real life; as I'm sure you know, guns
exist in real life, and these Fortnite ones would likely be dealt with in similar ways.
There would be some cosmetic differences to them, but they would likely be restricted
like guns are now, although each country would have their own rules, as they do now.
However, one aspect of the coop side of the game would be relevant here.
In the PvE version, these guns can be constructed using gathered materials and schematics, which
would be particularly dangerous since it would be more difficult to keep them out of the
wrong hands.
Considering the prevalence of the Tide Pod Challenge, it's likely that the number of
kids who would die trying to achieve the legendary rocket jump would be huge.
https://youtu.be/kL82C3a_QXQ?t=9 This would likely result in very strict control over
the schematics, and harsh punishments for those caught illegally building weapons.
That isn't to say that ALL of these weapons would be deemed too dangerous for recreational
For example, boogie bombs can be thrown at the ground to cause a disco ball to appear,
music to play, and the people nearby to bust out some sweet dance moves.
Frankly, I can't think of a situation that WOULDN'T be improved by a boogie bomb.
You could turn even the most awkward of school dances into disco parties with a few well-placed
Of course, these would be regulated, but would likely enjoy some recreational use.
Another mechanism in the game that would probably have the most far-reaching real world consequences
is the building feature.
This allows players to gather materials, and use them to construct anything from walls,
to platforms, to spike traps.
If Fortnite was real, that would mean you could build whatever you wished using raw
materials that can be easily obtained by smacking trees and rocks.
Not only that, but it takes very little time to construct these structures.
In Fortnite, you can build a wall in a matter of seconds.
Assuming this could be done with any building, this would drastically lower construction
times, and could usher in a new era, turning even the most rural areas into booming cities
full of skyscrapers.
However, this would bring up a few problems.
For one, this would likely result in a whole whack of ugly, unfinished structures littered
across the world.
This could be a big issue, and would require mass destruction of these structures to keep
the world organized.
Furthermore, it would probably cause mass depletion of resources, particularly wood
and stone, which could result in mass extinction of trees.
This, of course would have severe consequences.
This would bring about laws dictating who can build what, and where, likely making it
illegal to build your own structures outside of your own property.
Construction companies would be given special permissions to build, of course, but this
would limit the number of people who could clutter up the world.
It could be that people would be able to buy permits that would allow them to build a specific
structure in a specific place.
This would help to minimize the unauthorized building, saving the functionality of the
city, and saving resources from being overly harvested.
There would still be some unauthorized buildings, similar to graffiti nowadays, but the problem
would be much improved.
And now we return to our question: What if Fortnite was Real?
Well, setting aside the zombie aspect, since it was touched on in a previous video, there
would be two main changes to the world.
Given the ease of constructing guns in the coop mode, it could be that gun control would
be more difficult to achieve, since many people, even kids, could potentially build them.
Furthermore, the building aspect of the game would likely bring about new laws restricting
the building of structures, which would limit clutter and deforestation.
At the end of the day, the world would continue in much the same way…
assuming the zombie aspect didn't come to pass as well.
Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,
and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.
If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.
While you're down there, let me know what YOU would do if you found yourself in a real
life Fortnite.
Until next time, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey with Life's Biggest Questions, wishing you
the best of luck, on your quest for answers.
Hillary HUMILIATED At Who Was Just Given Better Speaking Gig! Couldn't Be Better! - Duration: 6:12.
Melania Just Made Surprise Visit – Popped In On Someone Who Was Definitely NOT Expecting It - Duration: 4:33.
Melania Just Made Surprise Visit – Popped In On Someone Who Was Definitely NOT Expecting It - Duration: 4:33.
Hillary HUMILIATED At Who Was Just Given Better Speaking Gig! Couldn't Be Better! - Duration: 5:30.
Hillary HUMILIATED At Who Was Just Given Better Speaking Gig! Couldn't Be Better! - Duration: 5:31.
Was magst du lieber? What do you prefer? - Duration: 0:26.
Do you prefer the sun or the snow?
For example - now it is the spring
and here in Arizona it is so beautiful and hot.
In Philadelphia, there is still snow
and it's really cold.
Let me know what you prefer.
See you!
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