For more infomation >> HOW TO WEAR A SCARF WITH OUTFIT IDEAS | TRANDY FASHION 2018 - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
[KR] 남사친과 패션위크! Couple School Look to Hera Fashion Week! ft. Edward Avila | Vlog#59 - Duration: 14:36.
Easter Fashion Show | Roblox Fashion Famous - Duration: 17:06.
Hey buddies Happy Easter weekend today we are I didn't say it's irrelevant you
know who I am today we are checking out fashion famous we're
doing our Easter spring fashion show so this is future me which that's a very
interesting topic there but we're gonna try to do all these things but mixing in
an Easter flare or a spring flare because it's you know Easter and springy
I don't know the future I don't know how you're gonna make futuristic outfit this
one is probably gonna be a bit of an L this is kind of ill no not the future oh
my goodness maybe this and that's kind of springy but I might not I am am I
wearing getting bottoms I don't even think I am okay that's cute that's cute
that's cute yeah but we gotta find a way to make it springy and like cute oh look
at these bunny ears yes girl Yas okay let's get a cute face oh this is super
futuristic look at girl she is but oh my goodness look I need to get a hairstyle
okay I don't hate it I don't hate it I like the blonde hair I like it I like it
a lot now let's see what else we can get over here
oh my gosh oh my gosh time is running out I don't know what to do I think she
looks super cute future me with bunny ears
I think that's adorable I hope you are having an awesome Easter weekend shouts
everyone who checked out my mukbang video let me know if you wanted me to do
more I was a lot of fun although I was like upstate wanting to abstain from
candy but I'm addicted for like a year I'm not a year a day just a day I'm
really bad like really bad I would say this is kind
I'm gonna say it's the one I kind of feel like it's not futuristic at all and
y'all know I'm a little bit more tough I'm not a Simon when it comes to judging
but I'm like I would say like a Randy you know I'm not a polish it's two -
guys this is this is really cute I could see this being a future her okay this I
feel like could be more futuristic just because of the shoes and the necklace
okay she's starting animating like face I
should have gotten that this guy Oh robot body frickin a I'm a given before
I'm a given but I feel like he should be number one she definitely should not
have been number one he looks way more futuristic than she does but whatever
the category is brat hmm first let me go to the face I need to pick up my face
see if I can find like it yes this is a freaking cute of these I'm gonna choose
this one the bunny face is so cute look wait let me see this one
oh gosh no no no I need something a little bit more sassy so we'll go with
this one because there's supposed to be a brat what outfit with this brat where
Batman no no brats were Batman that is coolest uh okay I have fun outfit I
thought like minute one day not that is sheer as heck
ninja they gotta put some clothes on these kids bra okay let's do this this
is what the Bratz would wear alright alright so let's go we'll go we've got
our Bratz outfit let's see what a brat hairstyle would be oh my goodness I
think this is one of the brats hair stylist let me see what else would a
brat where oh my goodness she probably would have this hair yes no I'm not
really I'm not really vibing with that yes that works that works let's sit down
in the chair let's put some color in our hair
I'm too red I don't know let's do purple like I wish they had better colors you
know uh no okay we'll do brown will do brown oh my gosh okay so as a bride I
think she would have some wings we'll get rid of these like orange wings okay
although no these don't match at all so let me take those yet let me take these
wings off hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry take the wings off come on
oh my gosh take the wings off done why won't it do this what is going on this
game is being super glitchy oh my gosh thank you oh it only took you forever
put these beads on quick quick there we go she looks horrendous I do
not like her outfit at all her face I should have done one of the other bunny
faces guys this wasn't my best I am mildly ashamed because this was not my
best she's definitely not gonna win all right so let's see what the princess has
okay she looks really good she looks really good and she's crying
like a brat way I could have kept it the ears I didn't have to keep the face okay
we've got deathlok's he knows a little bit of Bravo but maybe like a male brat
I'll give him a - like if you were like gonna say there was a male version of
like the Bratz doll maybe like a - but he doesn't seem like a brat or like you
know then it's not only you know oh wow she made really looks like a Bratz oh
gosh yeah mommy - give her limbo and Jojo
both so I hit her and said wait okay so you got it you got it you got it all
right let's go power she doesn't seem like a bride at all just comes actually
extremely sweet I'm gonna give her one cuz she looks cute like the wings that
dress is not a fan of but she looks extremely sweet I don't see Bratz at all
ah look at me I'm the queen all right what's that statement on your
birthday I'll give her a three yeah I'll get worth it this is super variety I
don't know see they go can't play this game right cuz then the fishnets are
there's no child should have it in fishnet stockings okay well you are this
guy would be a male brash dude I'll give him a 4 I'll give her 4 I don't know if
it's Easter season I'm feeling a little extra a little bit more generous with my
voting like I but then I normally do but I kind of feel like yeah he's got it oh
my goodness where's my crown mummy all right all right yeah you gotta for I
don't like to stick with the bunny face that's we're not gonna make that the law
but something bunny related or spring related that will be our rule in this
game play hi Christine games let's see oh my gosh I feel like she doesn't look
um I'm gonna say where's my latte where's my latte
that was like that was that was lame and so late oh my goodness
I need 10 swimming cool all right these are the people God is like this time
they were like in character they were there and me I was just like I was
playing I was laying I'm not gonna being a brat okay it's not my fault okay I
invested in a season just like this well I'll give her three those wings scream
sweet to me they don't smell like rat or B word or like anything like that they
just scream very sweet like sugar sugar fairy let me know down below if you does
a bunny buddy and you played which name was you because I feel like my outfit
was horrendous I feel like I should not have won that a tell that at all I feel
like fellow's oh I hated my face on vacation okay that is super cute let me
see what else they got I'm gonna keep that in mind
no no no no no no no they only out but I think is great like super vacation is
that I think that's super cute okay so I think like a braid to the side would be
great hair or like a side ponytail this let me see this that's great for
vacation because you're just chilling you're just relaxing you know or maybe
that's cute ponytail and see or both we're gonna do but wait no no I gotta
take one of these off yes I think the pigtails are super cute okay look can I
do blue hair now lemme do okay chick didn't have to put our thing in my
facebook whatevs I'm really liking the blonde hair this episode normally I
would do like a bunch of different colors but I really like those blonde
hair okay so let's see oh my goodness this bunny face can I do this that is so
cute oh my gosh I think that's a super cute
face all right let me do these bunny ears she is the cutest rabbit on
vacation ever oh you need sunglasses you can't go
on vacation without sunglasses and when we were playing it on the stream I
totally forgot to do sunglasses let's do pink ah yes chick I love you
what the heck I want to do one where I have to wear that that would be so funny
I think she's cute vacationing I think better sunglasses would have been a
better choice and that hot thing I feel like they had more vacation stuff in the
non vacation topic than they did in this one which is done but what else I could
see us being on vacation like her family's at the beach and she wants to
walk the boardwalk she doesn't want to sit with her family she wants to chill
check out the guys see what guys are in this area C which QT she can talk to QT
woulda booty that's what she's doing this is not a vacation I mean okay I'm
boat crash this is not a vacation you're not on a vacation you're a beautiful
princess fairy but that is not a vacation
um I could see someone's like like it's a summer I could see someone I'm gonna
put a two on that I don't feel like that's really vacation I think that a
lot of people would wear this on a regular type of thing I can see it being
a summer outfit this is vacation this is vacation for a guy he's got the shorts
he's got this I don't know what kind of dance movie is doing but hey he's on
vacation let him dance however he wants to I gotta be ready oh okay I love
summer vacation there we go emotes cheater yeah
I don't have a lot of emails that is super cute oh she is on vacation I'm
give her four this is like very vacationing that them sunglasses so I
was best man I don't have that I had like black Kanye's I didn't have like
the the regular sunglasses okay he didn't he said you didn't have a lot of
time I would say this is more like well this like palm trees and stuff I'll give
you a three you didn't have a lot of time but at the time you had you did
find like a nice shirt that was like you know vacationing with the palm trees and
all that stuff so did you put some sunscreen on my chest I'm a gold digger
deal with it okay I'm right here i'ma give her five I like the lighthouse
like the fries whatever you put in the phrase can help when it comes to me all
right ah she looks like the other girl but
with her hair a little longer I'll give her three this is like this is like a
July fourth vacation weekend it like a lake house type of thing or where
there's like a lot of people and there's like a party and all that stuff yeah the
one the one what in first place I gave it to her the guy
I agree with this I think these people were chosen fairly and I give my hats to
them I think they did a good job last girl oh I mean I know I could have
done better but last Oprah that how does the princess trick make more than me
that'll me know six people get y'all boats together my dark side oh okay okay
okay I think these oh wait oh this is the outfit boom my dark side oh this is
kind of I really get what this outfit I like those pants those bottom pants oh
this face oh yeah that's the face that's the face we're gonna get hair and then I
want to get those on headphones let's see what what hair would a dark side
have maybe these maybe this and then I'll have it be black hair let's see oh
oh you made his whole body black oh this is this is darkside for real oh so
people would be oh she looks great actually she looks super good
I want those spiky things but before I continue let me see what else we got
did you have anything else that screams dark side oh that does this thing in
here but that's all it is a cow yeah where were you in the vacation one sir
where were you oh this is actually I think that she looks - no wait can I
have this okay wait what do I have to take off because I think this fiery
thing helps my case tremendously oh you don't even see the fire oh you can't
even see the fire it won't let me take that off I feel like the Red Wings are
the best thing for her right now or maybe those purple wings uh all right no
I'm not taking it off I'm gonna take it off kind of that kind of that those
purple wings would probably have been a little better but I know my dark side
it's like makes us a dark bunny it's like my dark bunny side so let's see
dark oh okay deathlok's is this is like the five this was like I don't think you
can really get any more dark side on that yeah she gets a three that's cute
dark side okay so I see a lot of people went for the outfit I'm gonna give her a
three I'm gonna give reports the headphones I think really to take it to
another level and she's like the wings I think she added a little bit extra that
the other person did not this is the one I saw that she's pretty really pretty
I'm gonna give her four she's got the face the dark hair the dark dress the
wings watch the shadows I will be near hello darkness my old friend don't go to
sleep Wow okay let me see my sentence there you go I must take why we'll take
over the world this is actually more sexy than Dirk
there's like Oh crops arms Whitaker done goodness I'm not back by Darkseid's I'm
gonna give them a three Kazuto your crockpot
hoodie okay now him before his close-up he looks a lot better walking down you
kind of look you know but call it close-up
he gets up or okay so she did similar to the Sun I think darkness is my old
friend don't go to sleep I'm in the shadows all
right so we're gonna give this person oh she puts on her arm that's a good
idea that's that was a good idea I would take
over the world hey you stole my thing and I came here
for MA I will kill you all what'd she say oh okay all right I'm gonna give her
for everybody did a pretty good job though breath everybody did a good job
but they didn't you know they didn't really slack on it you know whoa oh no
her eyes her eyes oh gosh come with me to the dark side you will
or you will all be my slaves then better quotes than I did I agree with this I
think they did a great job congrats to them they did a great job I didn't do
that great let me see where I'm Adam see what the final number is first before I
end this okay seven not as bad as last time but I seventh on the lower side I
like to be the first four or first five but hey something too bad I'm gonna in
the gameplay here happy Easter weekend to you guys if you like to suggest
another robots level to me please let me know down below in the comment section
if you liked this video hit that like button don't forget to subscribe and
click that notification box you're notified of when I post I love you guys
as always and until next time please Turtles
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