Hi there!
In this video I will give more details about the springer fork building process
This is how I did it for my bike, it doesn't mean that it is right or not, it has just
served my needs
I am sure it can be done in many ways
The goal of this video is to show deeper the suspension building process, as well, all
used parts on it, than, you may design your own springer forks
I wanted a very stylish, functional and lightweight forks spending around $150
To match the bicycle's style, I inspired myself in the classics Harleys Davidsons springers
It had to be simple and with all parts visible
I also needed to use the fork to raise about 10cm the bicycle's front
To keep the budget, as I had installed a brand new double crowns forks, I've decided that
the suspension would be added and adapted to the original forks
I started the project, drawing all necessary parts in Adobe Illustrator and then I transferred
the parts to a 3D software to see all parts working together
The project was very similar to the designed concept and its features
Next step, print all moving parts and use a PVC pipe as a prototype
(unfortunately I have no pictures for that)
Since I knew that all parts would be made of aluminum and cut with water jet (CNC),
I had to make sure that all parts were well designed and working as they should
Any error at this stage, would increase the final production value
After few attempts, I finally found all necessary measures
I finalized all parts that would be cut using a 3D software and sent them to the CNC cutting
The front arch and the springs guide are made of stainless steel
The distance between each leg is calculated according to the rim size and it is parallel
to the original forks
For the chrome appearance, all parts are made of stainless steel and very well polished
In the initial design I used two old springs of an conventional bicycle front suspension
I'll talk more about the springs functions soon
This is the 3D model used in development stage, I'll use it to illustrate all parts in detail.
Here we can see all elements created for the suspension that will be added to the original
These are the parts designed and made especially for this project
These are the parts I bought ready or recycled from old bicycles
I'll start with the top base
This part must fit perfectly on the existing fork and offer full support for the springs
As it receives all impacts in both directions (up and down) it's made of a thick hard aluminum
To enhance the stability and eliminate any slack, I added a 4mm bolt in the backside
Springs supports
They are turned in the lathe to offer the perfect support for all springs and keep
the guide rail stability
Springs: I originally used two old springs
The lower springs are left in the original size and the upper rebound springs are cut
With the project ready and after testing around six months I had to make all springs again
with higher tension
To help the rebounding springs and reduce the noise, I added two pieces of very stiff
The rockers
These two parts have the very important function of moving and connecting all parts together,
plus raise the bicycles front up to 10cm higher
They must have the exact size to keep the suspension and the fork aligned with the very
same angle, otherwise the suspension wouldn't work well
Any inclination will impair the spring rails movement
The left side is break disks ready
The parts were lowered using a milling machine
Finally, the binder bolts
I bought four sit binder bolts, they are essential for the joints because the
threads are hidden reducing the friction between the connected parts
I had to add some washers to give the correct grip
The connection of all parts should be stable, but not too tight to guarantee the movements
Grease is required in all joints and moving parts
In the springers guides I placed two nuts to close the system
All parts are assembled under pressure, the springs are constantly pushing the base
All aluminum parts were very well sanded and polished to give the perfect chrome appearance
So, the total investment with man work, material and CNCs: is about $160
I hope this video will inspire and help you to create your own springers fork
Please let me know your opinion about this project!
Sharing ideas is always good
Thanks for watching and see you soon!
For more infomation >> HOW TO BUILD AN AFFORDABLE SPRINGER FORKS (2018) - Duration: 5:51.-------------------------------------------
Parent Hack | How to build a kids toolbox set - DIY - Duration: 3:50.
today's parrot hack is about tools kids tools and playsets
that maybe your your kids are starting to get into this just like our kids are
I know Boston is he you know started getting into the timeframe of chasing me
around the house as I'm trying to repair a chair or fix a fix a table or a door
handle or something like that he's wanting to get all his little tool sets
like this and follow me around and he just you know eats that up that time
with Daddy so I'm making go Walmart you can go to you know Toys R Us and get you
know the Stanley the Black & Decker like these guys you know I don't Black &
Decker or something little kids tool sets but those kind of
get expensive you know 30 40 50 bucks and they just don't have the same effect
that the real tools have that he always wants to grab my drill and try to use it
so we came up with you know a nifty little trick here that as I ended up
using say screws or bolts or nails from the hardware store I just gave him my
empty box and so now he can put his little trinkets and Legos and anything
else that he wants to think that he's building and working on he can put it
right in this authentic you know box that's not a toy per se here were some
drill bits from you know craftsman another little thing I don't need it
anymore gave it to him this little container here used to have a bunch of
drill bits in it twenty-nine piece drill bits from Harbor Freight I organized my
drill bits in a different way in my shop so this box was going to get thrown away
I said well why not give it to Boston let him use this and he can really think
that he's got internal bits in here and he's you know going to town drilling
holes and all the furniture around this here I upgraded how I organized my drill
bits you know select a wall you know these are 10 bucks or something but set
it throwing it away I just gave it to him he can throw some more stuff in here
again it's the real deal for him he loves it and of course you know with
every home you know maintenance project you got to have safety glasses so we
just went ahead and got him the real safety glasses and you know he wears
these all the time he'll wear them even outside in the you know to the grocery
store even though he's not working he loves them so much
a couple other pair of hacks here for his tool kit which you know you can get
this little flashlight like this you know this is cool he loves that one but
let me tell you if you can get him this two dollar flashlight you know online or
from the hardware store at the checkout line get him one like this that you know
well it doesn't have batteries now but he just goes to town on this he loves it
it's the real flashlight you know some people call these Gator Clips potato
potato chip clips or whatever again he can just clip it on the stuff cost us
nothing these were giveaways at a trade show or something and he just he loves
them he can clip them on everything had a few extra bags you know accessory bags
that I got from the hardware store you know usually you can put a few things in
here and also in your tool bag or your your toolbox or whatnot but same thing
with him so I hope you all like these parent packs and you know stay tuned if
you want to learn more subscribe actually subscribe over here and we'll
put a few links down below to where we got some of those tools if you want to
pick them up talk to you soon
How To Build A Website With Bluehost 2018 | Step By Step For Beginners - Duration: 9:25.
How to build a website with Bluehost.
Hey guys, Bryan with WP Cupid Blog and in this video I'm going to be showing you how
to build a website with Bluehost step by step in under 10 minutes.
Whether you're a newbie at technology or are a pro.
This step by step how to build a website with Bluehost tutorial video is perfect to follow
along with.
By following this tutorial video you will have your website built in as little as 10
At the end of this video, you will have your website succesfully started on Bluehost.
The first step I'm going to cover is how to choose and register your own domain name for
free with Bluehost along with providing you with a discount on their hosting.
Step 2 is choosing the right hosting plan.
Step 3 is getting your website setup.
If you don't have time to start your website right this second be sure to bookmark this
video so you can come back to it later.
I provided a link to Bluehost below in the description to get your free domain name and
hosting discount.
I do want to mention that the link is an affiliate link and I'll receive a commission which helps
support this channel and helps put out more WordPress tutorial videos.
Some things to know about Bluehost is they host over 2 million websites worldwide and
over 850,000 blogs around the world.
They are also recommended by WordPress themselves since 2005.
They instantly install WordPress for you which makes starting a site that much easier.
They provide 24/7 support via chat, email, and phone.
And they have a 30 day money back guarantee.
If for any reason you are unhappy you can cancel and get a refund no questions asked
within the first 30 days.
The first thing you want to do is head on over to Bluehost via the link in the description
if you already haven't.
You'll see the get started now button on the page.
Click the button.
This is where you can select your hosting plan.
You'll see three different options.
You'll see a Basic plan, Plus plan, and a Prime plan.
I recommend going with the basic plan and then you can always scale up whenever you'd
If you have more than one website then you'd want to choose either the plus plan or prime
I'm going to choose the basic plan for this tutorial as this is most common.
Go ahead and hit the select button on whichever plan you would like to use.
We are now brought to a domain page where we can choose the domain name that we want
completely free.
Or if you already have a domain name you'd enter it in over on the right.
For the new domain you can select if you want it to be a .com, .net, .org, etc…
.com is the most popular domain extension so I'd recommend going with a .com if you
I'm going to type in a domain here and click the next button.
You are now brought to a create your account page.
This is where you will input your information.
We have first name, last name.
Business name is optional.
Put your country address information.
Put a phone number and lastly the best email for you as you'll get emailed a receipt
of payment and a copy of your login credentials, etc.
Below that you will see package information.
You'll see account plan.
This is where you can select the term for your hosting package.
You have 12 months, 24 months, and 36 months, and 60 months.
As you can see you'll save money the longer you purchase your hosting for.
I'm going to select the 12 months package.
Setup fee is free.
Domain is free.
You'll see site back up pro.
You can unselect this as there are free backup plugins you can use for your WordPress website.
Search Engine jumpstart you can keep unselected.
This isn't necessary to have.
Sitelock security find is security for your WordPress website and protects it from hackers.
I'd unselect this as there are really good free alternatives.
Domain Privacy is an addon that I highly recommend.
It will prevent telemarketers and marketers getting a hold of your personal contact information
and bugging you with their services.
The domain privacy will show Bluehost's information for the site and not yours.
All of these addons are completely optional and up to you to get.
As you can see your saving a lot for this hosting package.
Below that you will input your payment infromation.
I'm not going to fill this out for protection of personal information.
Once your information is filled in you want to select the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's
privacy policy and terms of service.
Now click the submit button.
You are now brought to a page where you will choose a password for your Bluehost account.
Click the creare your password button.
Input the password you would like.
Click the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's Privacy Policy and Terms and Condition and
click the next button.
You will be directed to a congratulations page.
Click the blue login button to login to Bluehost.
Bluehost is also going to at this time email your dashboard login information to the email
address you provided.
You will now see pick your Theme.
Bluehost has a bunch of awesome free WordPress themes to choose from.
You can select a Theme now if you want too or below the Themes you can click skip this
If you choose a Theme now you can always change the theme you pick without any problem at
a later date.
I'll be going over this in more detail, later in the video.
Once you choose your free Theme you'll be at the page here stating all done.
Click the button that says start building to start building your blog on WordPress.
Once you click that and log in you will be at the WordPress dashboard.
This is what the WordPress dashboard looks like.
It'll ask you a few questions as you can see.
If you don't need help just click the you don't need help option.
Once you do that you will see this page.
You will see blog posts where you can add new blog posts.
You will see where you can add new pages to your blog.
If you want to change your navigation menus you can do so easily and if you are going
to sell products on your site you can install Woocommerce to do so.
On the far left you will see tabs.
Hover over them and get to learn them.
Posts is where you can add new posts.
Pages is where you can add new pages.
The media tab is where your images will show that you upload to your blog.
Comments is where you can view comments people leave on your blog.
Plugins is where you can search for and add plugins to your website.
Anything you want to be done or added to your website more than likely there is a plugin
that will make it happen.
Appearance is where you can change the look of your theme or change your theme to another
one or a Premium theme.
Select Themes when you hover over appearance.
It will showcase free WordPress themes that you can choose from.
If you select most popular it will show you the most popular free WordPress themes.
Hover over a Theme and click activate to make the Theme your WordPress theme.
You should also see add new theme on this page.
This is where you can add a new theme if you got it from another site or it is a Premium
In the top left of your WordPress dashboard you will see welcome here or your site title
towards the top of the page.
Click this to view your site.
To login to your WordPress dashboard you can do so via the Bluehost CPanel or by typing
in your domain name with a slashwp-admin.
Here's an example.
It'll bring up this page here.
Just input your login credentials to be logged into WordPress.
This is what the Bluehost cPanel looks like.
You'll see here you can login to WordPress from it.
Over on the left hand side you can click the my sites which will pull up your current WordPress
sites along with other awesome things in that menu.
A great resource I have used for several years and recommend for professional WordPress themes
that look like an award winning design agency did your blog is Themeforest.
This is their site here.
If you go to the navigation menu and hover over WordPress you can select popular WordPress
themes or themes in a specific industry.
You can also type in your industry with wordpress after it to browse Premium WordPress themes
related to your search.
Definitely check this site out.
Another great resource that is helpful and used by thousands of website or blog owners
is the freelancing platform freelancer.com.
I provided the link in the description as well.
Check them out.
You post a task or your project for free and freelancers all around the world bid on your
project and you decide who you hire.
You can pay them via hourly or per project.
You can get tasks completed as low as $10 no matter what it is.
I definitely recommend you give this site a look.
Another great resource to check out is fiverr.
I provided the link in the description below.
You can get almost any task done for $5.
And that is my how to build a website with Bluehost Step by Step video.
If you have any questions, get in touch as I'm here to help you with anything you need.
Alright guys, thanks for watching.
Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more WordPress video tutorials.
Leave us a comment; we would love to hear from you.
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