"You want me to worship a god, but you don't want to tell me his name?
What are you talking about? There are many gods, okay?
There is Shiva; there is Lakshmi; there is Hare Krishna. There are many gods!
What is the name of your god?"
"His name is God!"
"You don't know the name of your god?"
"It's just God!"
For more infomation >> Trevor Noah - Afraid of the Dark (2017): 16:19 - 16:44 - Duration: 0:26.-------------------------------------------
'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' to Get Major Reshoots as Simon Kinberg Tweaks Script | THR News - Duration: 1:45.
What's going on with X-Men: Dark Phoenix? The film is set to get some major reshoots
as director Simon Kinberg tweaks the script.
This episode is brought to you be The Americans.
The final season premieres tonight at 10pm on FX.
Late Monday, the release date for the latest installment of the X-Men series was pushed
from November 2, 2018 to February 14, 2019.
Now, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that Twentieth Century Fox's mutant film
will undergo some reshoots as it heads towards a new opening release date.
The movie was in post-production and insiders say it had come in slightly under-budget.
But sources say that the third act will need some reworking, leading to the reshoots.
The extent of the new material isn't known as Kinberg, the X-Men franchise writer-producer
who is making his directorial debut with Dark Phoenix, has yet to write anything.
But one insider expects the shoot to cost under $10 million
and to take place in late summer/early fall.
Now, this isn't necessarily a bad sign for the movie. Some form of reshoots,
additional photography or pick ups is slotted for most big-budget productions of this type.
One insider said Kinberg and the studio had been looking to move Dark Phoenix
for some time as the November 2 date had the movie going up against Disney's
Nutcracker and Four Realms.
The new February date gives the movie its own opening, away from other studio tentpoles
like the Nutcracker and Four Realms, and puts in on Presidents' Days weekend.
Given the success of Black Panther and Fox's own Deadpool, that weekend has become
one of the prime dates to launch a superhero movie.
Next up for the X-Men on the big screen, Fox's Deadpool 2 hits theaters on May 18.
For the latest on the X-Men movie universe, head to THR.com's comic book movie
destination, Heat Vision. Until next time,
for The Hollywood Reporter News, I'm Tiffany Taylor.
Dark Souls 2: Demon of Song - Duration: 7:01.
Fighting through all aggressive servants of the Shrine of Amana,
we finally come to the Demon,
who was kept in detention here.
He was imprisoned for the fact that he ate people, and at first
he lured them with his charming voice and songs -
made himself a playlist hits of Kirkorov and some poor people
went to listen to him.
There is nothing more about him,
but for his abilities he was called the Demon of Song.
And now he broke free
and continues his chants
hoping to dine someone.
You can call two phantoms on this boss -
Hunter Schmidt in the second hut, after the ogre,
and Felicia the Brave - near the third bonfire.
That's the Demon will be pleased just three carcasses :-)
Looking ahead, I will say that Demon of Songs - this is a giant frog
and he sits there in the water,
so this boss has big resistance to fire.
But to all the rest types of damage, resistance are very low.
Well, go into the fog, look at this singer.
As I said - a giant frog, in whose mouth
creepy face - sits, singing an angelic voice, lures music lovers
When we approaching, appear bony hands
and cover the frog costume.
I do not know what it's made of,
but pierce the frog skin will not work.
But the skull and hands of the demon are very vulnerable.
Therefore, we follow such tactics - we stand at a small distance
and wait until he gets out of his armor,
let's go so that we do not get punches
and after two misses boss stops
and we can approach to beat in the answer.
Sometimes he will jump away back - we just need
again come closer and wait when he gets out
from his own skin.
With a distant attack, you need not even to wait when he waves his hands -
depart for the radius of defeat and start shooting.
Boss of course does not appreciate our impudence and will begin
jump and in every way reduce the distance.
Well, with magic comes very good damage.
Therefore, the battle can be very fast,
but let's see what else he can do.
That's how he spreads his arms out and makes hugs - very
dangerous attack if you get caught. I'll try again.
Boss protrudes and does not exactly what is needed.
We are waiting for two blows, we throw our two and repeat.
This is a new attack - the boss straightens up
and spanked from all height, stretching the entire length of the arena.
So, what now...
Here they are - hugs.
Suffices for the hands and slam, slam on the ground three times -
nice that I had almost complete band of health.
In general, this is not the type, with which you can so fraternize.
And the boss in the meantime typed distance and preparing to throw out
one more action - something there puffs up, rests
and makes a powerful jerk.
Well, of course, given its dimensions,
completely dodge is quite difficult,
but it's good that this attack does not do much damage.
And then he repeats again: jumping, head, hands and so on.
Interestingly, this frog there is a tail, when it rises
very clearly seen hefty tail.
Unfortunately chop it off is impossible, but if someone wants
to try, then the boss can carry out a tail attack,
but this is an extremely rare phenomenon - usually he just turns his head to us.
So we forget the tail, and return to the main limbs.
In principle, this is almost all of his attacks,
he also knows how to shoot bursts of water balloons -
this he does in those who far away.
Therefore, run from him it's not necessary, it's enough to stand
in the right place.
The main thing - to understand in time what is happening,
jump back and slightly to the side.
Well, if we dodged well, then conduct a counterattack.
At this end the story Demon of Song -
sitting, sitting in the lock, broke out, walked, had dinner and enough.
In general, I do not understand the meaning jail one, who
will outlive many times and those who planted him and the jailers.
Well, at least he was appointed some corrective work -
let it benefit society.
Well, don`t know... would clean the sewer, would dig up the fields.
And so that's it, the demon died.
We get the Soul of the demon and the Key to the Embedded.
Well, as usual, the soul is exchanged on the weapon - Spotted Whip.
Very poisonous whip.
And the Key to the Embedded not just a key, it's both
a big sword, and very light of big swords,
with good damage.
But he looks really as a great key,
and they really can open chains Embedded in the Drangleic Castle,
and release the Milfanito.
This one Embedded when infected the curse of zombies,
understood that his case was bad, started himself in a chain and began to wait,
while someone comes and pierce him by key.
Why did he lock up the Milfanito, and how the key came to
Demon of Song - it's not at all clear.
In general, further we can pass and visit the actual
the Shrine of Amana and collect the gifts.
But, to open gate to the shrine, you need to be hollow.
And we go to the following location look for Vendrick - Undead Crypt.
Near the first bonfire we will again appear talking stump
Aldia, with his elusive philosophy.
I will not even try to convey the essence of his mutterings
because he will not tell nothing important for the story
just chunter about the meaning of my existence,
obviously preoccupied with senselessness his own being.
The most valuable thing to us here Aldia say is
Vendrick is somewhere here close, so go to the depths
Crypt of the Undead.
This is the resting place for the various undead, it's dark
and no one happy with the bright light.
Making a short pass to the bonfire and getting ready for a meeting
with the most faithful defender King Vendrick -
Sir Velstadt.
Dark Souls II: The Movie | The Lost Crowns Trilogy Trailer - Duration: 3:42.
Seeker of fire, coveter of the throne.
Find the crowns, and your own answers.
The crowns hold the strength of lords from times long past.
Seek adversity, and they will be yours. And your wishes, granted.
Many monarchs have come and gone.
One drowned in poison, another succumbed to flame.
Still another slumbers in a realm of ice.
But the question remains... What do you want, truly?
Galaxy With 'Little to No' Dark Matter Spied by Hubble - Duration: 4:19.
We all know what a galaxy looks like, right? It's a huge
collection of stars and other matter that's shaped like a
spiral or an ellipse, and if you're an astronomy fan you
probably know that most of the mass is from invisible,
mysterious material called dark matter. Well, NASA's Hubble
Space Telescope just took an image of a galaxy that is none
of those things. For the first time, astronomers have strong
evidence for a galaxy not having a significant amount of dark
matter. Most astronomers currently believe that dark
matter plays a fundamental role in our universe and the
formation of galaxies. This is because galaxies seem to have a
lot more mass than what we can account for based on just the
stars we see. How much mass is in a system is determined by
measuring the speed at which galaxies rotate or individual
stars in a galaxy move. Without the gravity from that mass, a
galaxy would fly apart if everything in it is moving as
quickly as we observe it moving. Decades of research have led
astronomers to the extraordinary conclusion that 85% of the mass
in our universe is invisible in all wavelengths of radiation,
and that it's composed of matter that does not contain protons or
neutrons or any type of particle we've detected before, AND that
this invisible material is all around us, passing through us
without interacting with regular matter except by gravity. For
some, that's a tough pill to swallow, and a minority of
astronomers wonder if maybe we just don't completely understand
how gravity works. If that were the case, and it was an inherent
property of gravity that causes galaxies to move the way they
do, then we could expect all galaxies to behave the same way.
In other words, they would all seem to have about the same
portion of "dark matter." But with the galaxy in this Hubble
image, astronomers looked at the velocities of ten globular
clusters in the galaxy, each a spherical collection of hundreds
of thousands of stars, and calculated that their movements
can be accounted for entirely by the mass of the visible material
in this system. That means this galaxy has little to no dark
matter. Strangely, this absence of dark matter actually provides
evidence that dark matter is real. It shows that dark matter
isn't always coupled with regular matter – that it's
something separate. You can have regular matter without dark
matter. This galaxy is really weird even beyond the dark
matter thing. You may have noticed you can see straight
through it. That's because this galaxy is what's called an
"ultra diffuse galaxy," which as the name implies, is extremely
low density. This galaxy is about the same volume as our own
Milky Way galaxy, but only has about 0.5% the amount of stars.
Though astronomers have known about ultra diffuse galaxies
since the early 1980s, they can be difficult to find since
they're so faint. A team of astronomers is using an array of
telephoto lenses called Dragonfly to seek out these
ghostly-looking objects. They obtained observations from
Dragonfly, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Gemini Observatory,
and the Keck Observatory, then requested time on the Hubble
Space Telescope to take a closer look at this unusual galaxy.
Having images and data from multiple sources allowed the
team to determine that this galaxy does not have a
significant amount of dark matter. This was definitely
surprising to find. No other galaxies so far have appeared to
be so lacking in dark matter. In fact, other ultra diffuse
galaxies seem to have an overabundance of dark matter.
The same team who studied this galaxy discovered a different
ultra diffuse galaxy in 2016 that they calculated was 99.9%
dark matter. Yet another weird thing about this galaxy – the
globular clusters used to measure the galaxy's rotation
are way brighter than normal globular clusters. The
researchers have written a different paper that focuses on
just these oddball collections of stars. So, this is a very
strange galaxy in several ways. Astronomers will be looking at
Hubble observations of other ultra diffuse galaxies to see if
there are any other examples of galaxies with unusually low or
high amounts of dark matter. With more samples, astronomers
will be able to better understand the nature of dark
matter, the formation and evolution of galaxies, and the
overall structure of our universe.
www.nasa.gov/hubble @NASAHubble
Hubble Views Galaxy Lacking Dark Matter - Duration: 4:19.
We all know what a galaxy looks like, right? It's a huge
collection of stars and other matter that's shaped like a
spiral or an ellipse, and if you're an astronomy fan you
probably know that most of the mass is from invisible,
mysterious material called dark matter. Well, NASA's Hubble
Space Telescope just took an image of a galaxy that is none
of those things. For the first time, astronomers have strong
evidence for a galaxy not having a significant amount of dark
matter. Most astronomers currently believe that dark
matter plays a fundamental role in our universe and the
formation of galaxies. This is because galaxies seem to have a
lot more mass than what we can account for based on just the
stars we see. How much mass is in a system is determined by
measuring the speed at which galaxies rotate or individual
stars in a galaxy move. Without the gravity from that mass, a
galaxy would fly apart if everything in it is moving as
quickly as we observe it moving. Decades of research have led
astronomers to the extraordinary conclusion that 85% of the mass
in our universe is invisible in all wavelengths of radiation,
and that it's composed of matter that does not contain protons or
neutrons or any type of particle we've detected before, and that
this invisible material is all around us, passing through us
without interacting with regular matter except by gravity. For
some, that's a tough pill to swallow, and a minority of
astronomers wonder if maybe we just don't completely understand
how gravity works. If that were the case, and it was an inherent
property of gravity that causes galaxies to move the way they
do, then we could expect all galaxies to behave the same way.
In other words, they would all seem to have about the same
portion of "dark matter." But with the galaxy in this Hubble
image, astronomers looked at the velocities of ten globular
clusters in the galaxy, each a spherical collection of hundreds
of thousands of stars, and calculated that their movements
can be accounted for entirely by the mass of the visible material
in this system. That means this galaxy has little to no dark
matter. Strangely, this absence of dark matter actually provides
evidence that dark matter is real. It shows that dark matter
isn't always coupled with regular matter – that it's
something separate. You can have regular matter without dark
matter. This galaxy is really weird even beyond the dark
matter thing. You may have noticed you can see straight
through it. That's because this galaxy is what's called an
"ultra diffuse galaxy," which as the name implies, is extremely
low density. This galaxy is about the same volume as our own
Milky Way galaxy, but only has about 0.5% the amount of stars.
Though astronomers have known about ultra diffuse galaxies
since the early 1980s, they can be difficult to find since
they're so faint. A team of astronomers is using an array of
telephoto lenses called Dragonfly to seek out these
ghostly-looking objects. They obtained observations from
Dragonfly, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Gemini Observatory,
and the Keck Observatory, then requested time on the Hubble
Space Telescope to take a closer look at this unusual galaxy.
Having images and data from multiple sources allowed the
team to determine that this galaxy does not have a
significant amount of dark matter. This was definitely
surprising to find. No other galaxies so far have appeared to
be so lacking in dark matter. In fact, other ultra-diffuse
galaxies seem to have an overabundance of dark matter.
The same team who studied this galaxy discovered a different
ultra diffuse galaxy in 2016 that they calculated was 99.9%
dark matter. Yet another weird thing about this galaxy – the
globular clusters used to measure the galaxy's rotation
are way brighter than normal globular clusters. The
researchers have written a different paper that focuses on
just these oddball collections of stars. So, this is a very
strange galaxy in several ways. Astronomers will be looking at
Hubble observations of other ultra diffuse galaxies to see if
there are any other examples of galaxies with unusually low or
high amounts of dark matter. With more samples, astronomers
will be able to better understand the nature of dark
matter, the formation and evolution of galaxies, and the
overall structure of our universe.
www.nasa.gov/hubble @NASAHubble
Homemade Under Eye Gel For Dark Circles & Puffy Eyes||Use this Eye Serum rid of Dark Circles in Urdu - Duration: 5:32.
Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips
Dark matter is a no-show in ghostly galaxy - Duration: 1:38.
Astronomers Baffled By Distant Galaxy Void Of Dark Matter - Duration: 2:00.
Fight Dark Spots on Your Neck with 5 Natural Remedies - Duration: 9:54.
Fight Dark Spots on Your Neck with 5 Natural Remedies
Do you know how to fight dark spots naturally? Darkening of the skin around the neck is a problem that arises when the cells that produce pigmentation are out of control.
The appearance of these spots is a result of direct exposure to the sun and toxins in the environment, although it has also been associated with hormonal changes and a condition known as acanthosis nigricans.
While it's not considered to be a serious health problem, the people who suffer from it tend to lose self-esteem thanks to the thickening of the skin and those notorious spots.
In addition to excessive dryness in the area, it also causes the skin to look slightly dirty, preventing sufferers from wearing certain types of clothing.
Fortunately, there are some natural treatments that can remove these dead skin cells and generate new ones, to give your neck a more uniform tone.
In today's article, we want to share five interesting options with you so you can try them at home.
Check them out!.
1. Plain yogurt, lemon, and sugar
The lactic acid contained in yogurt binds with citric acid from the lemon to form a complete treatment for dark spots.
Both products benefit from the exfoliating effects of sugar, removing dead skin cells and revealing healthier skin.
5 tablespoons of plain yogurt (100 g), The juice from 1/2 lemon, 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar (24 g).
Pour the yogurt into a bowl and mix in the juice from half a lemon and the sugar.
Once you have a gritty paste, you can proceed to apply it.
Mode of application.
Rub this treatment over your neck using a gentle circular massage.
Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse.
Repeat this two to three times a week for the best results.
Note: only use this treatment at night because exposure to the sun could have unwanted side effects.
2. Tomato and apple cider vinegar
A natural mask made with tomatoes and apple cider vinegar can help lighten your skin while antioxidants repair it.
This will moisturize any dry areas and minimize that pigmentation that causes such an unsightly appearance.
1 ripe tomato, 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (20 ml).
Mash the ripe tomato and mix in the apple cider vinegar.
Mode of application.
Apply this mask to the skin of your neck and leave it on for 30 minutes.
Rinse with cold water and repeat its application at least three times a week.
3. Baking soda and coconut oil
An exfoliating cream made with baking soda and organic coconut oil will help minimize dark spots while reducing drying and cracking.
2 tablespoons of baking soda (20 g), 2 tablespoons of coconut oil (30 g).
Mix the baking soda with the coconut oil until you have a homogeneous paste.
Mode of application.
Apply this product to the skin of your neck, focusing on any pigmented areas.
Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse.
Repeat its use two to three times a week.
4. Oatmeal and olive oil
The mixture of oatmeal and olive oil gives you a natural exfoliant with properties that will lighten your skin, which is ideal for those pigmented areas.
2 tablespoons of oatmeal (20 g), 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g).
Mix the oatmeal and olive oil together in a bowl.
Mode of application.
Apply this product to your skin and leave it on for 30 minutes.
Rinse while using a circular massage to remove any dead skin cells.
Use this three to four times a week.
5. Onion and lemon
Thanks to the high content of sulfur compounds, onion is one of the best ways to reduce the appearance of dark spots.
Lemon juice will be used to enhance this treatment, to eliminate dead skin cells and obtain a more uniform skin tone.
The juice from 1/2 onion, The juice from 1 lemon.
Extract the juice from half an onion and mix in the lemon juice.
Mode of application.
In the evening, rub this treatment on any spots on your neck and let it act for 30 minutes.
Rinse and repeat it every night before going to bed.
Note: thanks to the lemon juice, you should only use this treatment at night.
Be sure to put on sunscreen the following day.
As you can see, you don't have to spend huge amounts of money on expensive treatments to get rid of those dark spots on your neck.
Choose the one that catches your eye and use it regularly to get healthy tone back in this area of your skin.
The Long Dark | Controls Walkthrough - Duration: 6:13.
The Long Dark is a first-person survival game. In this video we're going to be
having a look at the controls and also a few of the features that you can use to
help make the game a little bit more accessible. There is a story mode and a
survival mode. In survival mode one of the main ways that you can help make the
game a little bit more accessible is to customize some of the features. There are
several difficulty levels. The first one is "Pilgrim" which is a more passive way
to play the game as animals don't attack you.
Although the challenge of the game is still based around survival there are
several different difficulty levels within the game and you can customize
these further. The first difficulty setting is Pilgrim this makes most of
the survival elements a little bit more forgiving and also the animals will only
attack you if they're provoked. There are similar difficulty settings
within the story mode. For example, you could select Green Survivor which is
similar to the Pilgrim setting from the survival mode. In survival mode you can
also customize difficulty levels by changing certain settings such as how
quickly your character will lose health from the cold or from hunger or from
thirst for example. There are lots of settings that can be
changed so it's worth having a look at these. Another way to customize the
difficulty level within the game is by the region that you select to start in.
Some parts of the game have more shelters resources and wildlife for
In this video we're playing the PC version of The Long Dark whilst using an
Xbox One controller. The controls are the same for whichever console you're
playing on. As with many first-person games you use left stick for walking and
the right stick for aiming the camera. You also have to use the camera to
look around for when picking up items for example and you do have to be quite
accurate to do this. Many of the interactions involve pressing the "A"
button on the XBox controller or the "Cross" button on the PlayStation
controller. For certain actions you do have to hold a button down. So here we're
having to hold down "A" to open the door. If holding down buttons is difficult
there's a way that you can change this to a button press within the settings.
Although the menu does say that you can convert all press and hold actions into
press actions, there are some other parts of the games where you do still have to
hold down buttons or triggers however. Now that we have changed this setting,
you'll see that we only have to press the A button to open the first aid box
for example.
One example of an area where you do still have to hold a button down is
for the item wheel where you have to hold down either "LB" or "L1" and then use
the left stick and the "A" button to select an item so with the lantern that
we've just found, you do need to hold down "RT" to ignite it and you do need to
hold it down throughout the action to ignite the lantern.
So with some items that when you pick them up you can press X to equip them
straight away. If you want to use them there and then this would save you
having to go to the item wheel to find it. If you have a stone then you can
select it from the weapon area in the item wheel. Use the triggers to aim and
throw. There's no cursor so you do have to
aim quite carefully by aiming with your hand. So here we've managed to stun
a rabbit you have to then press the interact button to pick it u,p but you do
have to be quite quick to be able to grab it before it gets up and runs away.
There are also other weapons that you can find and you will need to be able to
react quite quickly if you're under attack by an anima.l
The weapons include bows and rifles that you can use to either hunt or to defend
yourself. To shoot the bow, aim and hold the right trigger to draw back the bow
and then release the same button to shoot. You can scavenge meat and other
materials from the animals but you do need to check how long this will take as
you can still die from hunger thirst or the cold.
Some animals such as wolves and bears will attack you in the game. When a wolf
attacks, if you press the "A" button at the right time you can quickly fight them
off. If they manage to attack you successfully then you need to rapidly
press "A" to fight them off you can turn these types of attacks off in the game
by choosing a more passive game mode. Another button is to use the right
bumper which you use for sprint this is a button that you're not going to have
to use too often because you do run out of energy very quickly and it takes
quite a long time for your energy to come back up so you're gonna want to
have to save if when you need it in the game you will have to light fires quite
regularly. To do this you can select fire from the item wheel and use the right
stick to aim and find a suitable place. Press the right trigger to select a
place and then press "A" to start the fire. Once you've selected what material you
want to use you then have to wait for the fire to light. You don't have to hold the
button down or press anything whilst this is happening. Sometimes the fire
won't start first time and you need to start the process again once you started.
You can add fuel to make the fire last longer you can use the fire to cook meat
and also craft water from snow once crafted you will then need to boil it to
make sure that it's safe to drink.
Another way to access some of the more commonly used items on your item wheel
is to use the D-Pad. Left on the D-Pad brings up the fire. Up on the D-Pad
allows you to cycle through your light sources.
Right on the D-Pad lets you cycle through the weapons and down
on the D-Pad lets you drop the decoy. If playing the game with mouse and
keyboard, it is worth knowing that you can remap the keyboard bindings. A nice
feature is that you can use a standard controller alongside the keyboard. This
can be especially helpful if you're using a switch interface that emulates
keyboard presses, such as a Don Johnston. Thank you for watching this video and
there's anything that we can do to help, then please do get in touch.
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