The Monsantos House of the Future!
Some of you have heard of it.
Some of you have been there!
What was it and more importantly, did it live up to its name?
In June of 1957 Disneyland opened the Monsanto House of the Future right at the front of Tomorrowland.
It was a project primarily developed by architectural and engineering faculty from MIT, and the
chemical company, Monsanto.
It was, as the name implies, a house of the future you could walk through.
But you see Monsanto didn't want just any old house of the future.
They wanted a house of the future that focused on one thing.
Just one thing.
There was a great future in plastics.
Today for many of us of a certain age or younger, it seems crazy, but in the late 1950's the
plastic industry was still coming of age.
It wasn't new by any stretch, but the real explosion of plastic manufacturing didn't
happen until after World War 2 was over.
It was this perfect merging of the development of new plastics along with the industrial
power that was developed during the war.
And so Monsanto wanted a plastic house of the future, and that's just what they got.
The House of the Future was designed to give guests a peek at what life might be like in
just ten years time.
So what was in this plastic house of the future, and how much of it ended coming true?
Let's start in the kitchen.
First up cooking food.
According to the House of the Future, food would be cooked rapidly in ovens that utilized
microwave technology.
Sounds about right.
Microwaves did exist for a decade by that point, but they stood at around 6 feet tall,
weighed 750 pounds, and cost, in today's dollar, around $55,000.
So a home kitchen microwave was still a dream, but it's one that ultimately came true by
the late 1960s.
The kitchen would also feature an ultrasonic dishwasher, which would essentially use high
frequency sound waves to agitate water which would in-turn clean the dishes.
This technology exists today, but it's largely used on an industrial and professional scale.
Not to much in the average home.
The home also sported a touch-tone telephone with hands-free speakers.
The concept pre-dates the House of the Future, however it wouldn't really find its way
to the masses until 1963 when Bell Systems would display their first touch-tone phone
at the Seattle World's Fair.
This one is interesting.
They were right, touch-tone phones did become commonplace in homes of the future.
However that's changing again.
According to the center for disease control, which oddly tracks phone ownership, less than
50% of American households currently have a landline telephone, and that number keeps dropping.
As for lighting, the House of the Future featured lights that you could dim to a level you preferred.
Again, this was an instance where the technology existed long before the attraction opened,
but wasn't really popular for use in homes yet.
It would be the Lutron Electronics Company in 1961 that would invent a dimmer based on
a diode and a autotransformer, allowing the dimmer to be installed in a normal wallbox.
Today I wouldn't go as far as to say every home has dimmable lights, but it's common enough
that I'd give them the point.
Some other features of the house included flat screen televisions, which are fairly
common today.
Retractable hanging "cold zone" refrigeration spaces.
Uh, not so much.
Room specific climate control.
It exists.
Room specific smell control.
No, unless you count those glade plugins or something.
Wall security with CCTV that show you your front door.
I mean this one exists. It's not everywhere, but it's not rare either.
Sinks with motorized height adjustment for children.
This one actually exists as well. It's mainly for accessibility, but it's definitely not something that I
would say is commonplace in the modern home.
Then of course there's the plastic home itself.
Smooth, shiny, plastic walls, floors and roofs.
Sure we might utilize plastic in building homes, but this?
Obviously the biggest failure of the House of the Future, which ends up being the biggest
failure when it comes to most of these "of the Future" showcases, is the aesthetics.
Can't really blame them though.
Sometimes it's hard enough to guess where stylistic taste is going in the next year
or two, let alone the next decade or two.
Perhaps my most favorite miss when it comes to the House of the Future though is, well,
the house itself.
You see, beyond being a showcase for plastics, the Monsanto House of the Future was an example
of modular construction.
The idea was that eight U-shaped plastic prefabricated units would be attached to a central core
unit, and then closed off with glass.
For the attraction it was built in a simple cross shape, but in theory you could mix and
match these core units with the prefab extensions to build all sorts of shaped and sized homes.
Since the same prefab extensions and cores could be built, and just rearranged, you could
lower the cost and effort of making a custom house.
Today it's not the norm to build houses that way, but modular construction is occasionally used.
Funny enough it would be used over in Disney World to build the Contemporary and Polynesian
resorts, however it ultimately caused more trouble than it saved.
1967 eventually rolled around, marking the year the House of the Future was supposed
to predict.
Some of the technology by that point was indeed finding its way into homes and some was not.
In any case Monsanto shifted their attention to their new sponsored attraction in Tomorrowland,
Adventure Thru Inner Space, and the House of the Future would close that December.
For as fun as it is to look back on these predictions of the future and laugh at what
they got wrong, I love that they still exist.
That endless optimism of a better future is not only an ideal that Walt Disney followed
himself, but it's one that pushes us all forward, even if we only get it right half the time.
If you would like to learn more about modular construction over at Walt Disney World
I have a video all about the Contemporary Resort and all of the issues that construction workers ran into
when trying to build it. Thank you all for watching, and I'll see you next time!
For more infomation >> How Futuristic was the Monsanto House of the Future? - Duration: 6:33.-------------------------------------------
Arthur Allain - What is Home (Lyric Video) "2018 Soca" (St Lucia) - Duration: 2:39.
Arthur Allain - What is Home (Lyric Video) "2018 Soca" (St Lucia)
Was Corey Feldman STABBED For Exposing Child Abusers?! | What's Trending Now! - Duration: 4:19.
Corey Feldman was in the hospital overnight after being attacked in his
car. Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm Shira... Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm
Martine Beer... Welcome back to What's Trending, I'm Anna... Mitch! It's Mitch the
editor. Hey, subscribe for more trending and social media news every single day.
The actor tweeted in all caps: "I'm in the hospital! I was attacked tonight! A man
opened my car door and stabbed me with something! Please say prayers for us!
Thank God it was only myself and my security in the car, when three men
approached! While security was distracted, with a guy a car pulled up and attacked!
I'm ok!" According to police, Feldman was at a
stoplight at the corner of Reseda and Ventura in Tarzana when someone opened
his door and made a "stabbing motion with an unknown object." That's heavily in
quotes. We don't know. Whatever. Though Feldman was says in his tweet that he
was stabbed, police say: "There [was] no laceration or stabbing to his stomach."
Even though there's no laceration, no marks, he feels like he was possibly
stabbed with a syringe and injected with something, so that's why he went to the
hospital. Just to be checked out for you know safety. Feldman's attorney told The Blast
they have "filed a formal police report that three young Hispanic males jumped
out of their vehicle and attempted to instigate a fight." TMZ says there is a
mark on Feldman's abdomen where he may have been stabbed with a needle. Investigators
say it was likely the result of a road rage incident, but Feldman disagrees. He
tweeted: "LAPD are currently investigating the case is an attempted homicide! I have
had mounting threats on all SM platforms by this vile 'wolfpack' and this I'm sure
as a result of those negative actions! I have reason to believe it is all
connected! Enough is enough! How sick are these
people?" He's talking about the "truth campaign" he launched in October 2017 to
expose what he calls a ring of pedophiles operating in Hollywood. And he
thinks he's being consistently targeted by these people to silence him. I had a
near-death experience last night where I felt like I was almost gonna be killed.
Two trucks came speeding at me at the same time on a crosswalk. Feldman has
successfully raised several hundred thousand dollars through a crowdfunding
campaign to make a documentary film exposing at least
six men in Hollywood who he claims abused him and other children. Those men
included actor John Grissom, who appeared with Feldman and fellow child star Corey
Haim in the film "License to Drive" and "Dream A Little Dream." Grissom does have a
previous sex offender record. He served time in 2003 for "lewd or lascivious acts
with a teenager." He also went on the Dr. Oz show to reveal another abuser, Alphy
Hoffman, who was the son of a prominent casting director. The parties were relatively
kid-friendly, but interestingly that's where I met you know the guy that ended
up molesting Haim. Okay so that's what he thinks. Is that all this stuff is tied
together and he's being targeted for outing all these people, they're sending
people after him to hurt him and inject him with poison. Makes sense. But the LAPD
says they're not investigating these claims because the statute of
limitations has expired. And even people who agree with Feldman's actions to
expose sexual abusers in Hollywood, they're not happy with him. Feldman
previously said that Haim was repeatedly abused and even suggested he may have
taken his own life over the matter, but Corey Haim's sister Cari recently
tweeted: "It's a shame that Corey Feldman's message to change the statute
of limitations for child victims included lies about my brother.
As CF is well aware, Corey Haim died of pneumonia, did not 'take his own life' as
he euphemistically and erroneously stated." Alright. Pretty big story. Let's
see what uh some of you people gotta say. Jenson Karp said: "Do you know how crazy
your life has to be so that "possibly faked a syringe stabbing" his on-brand?
Congrats the Corey Feldman." Hey, man. He's been through a lot.
Let him think whatever he wants. @ShaunFlembo: "Corey Feldman exposes the
pedophile ring in Hollywood and someone attempted to murder him, surely that's
not a coincidence." It's not a coincidence. It's all part of it.
Shaun Flimbo. You believe it. Shaun Flimbo's in. He's in. I'm in. I'm in.
Shaun's in, Jonathan's in, Shira's in, Martin... we're all in. Corey, we got here back. Okay,
so what do you guys think? Was he attacked because he's exposing all these
sexual predators or was it just a coincidence or was he attacked at all or
what do you think? Let us know in the comments. For more go to Follow us. Goodbye.
Discoveries That Changed What We Believed! - Duration: 11:41.
Here are some discoveries that changed a few things we believed!
9 - Secret void The mystery surrounding the construction of
the pyramid of Giza has marveled experts and fans alike throughout history.
Now, a new mystery has been added to the list.
According to experts, there's a secret void inside the Great Pyramid of Giza!
It's rare that Egyptology and particle physics mix, but back in November of 2017, scientists
made a truly baffling observation using cosmic particles blasting Earth from outer space.
For centuries historians have known that the inside of the pyramid is made up mainly of
halls and pathways, but never an inaccessible space.
Described as a long narrow void, the space is believed to measure at least 100 feet long,
and is located on top of the area known as "the grand gallery".
Although there's no certainty as to what was the purpose of the space, the mere existence
of this chamber has helped experts understand a little better the process that went behind
constructing the pyramids.
Experts still don't know what's inside the void, but they haven't ruled out finding
potential materials such as funerary items and treasures that are almost 5,000 years
old What do you guys think is in this void?
Something cool, or it's just a big empty space?
Let us know in the comments!
And oh yeah, do us a favor and hit the like button, right here!
8 - Tanzania Discovery When it comes to the timing of when humans
first appeared on Earth, there's a wide disconnect, as many experts have differing
But one discovery that was found in the northern Tanzania, has helped to understand how and
when humans first came to be.
The Olduvai Gorge, a steep-sided ravine, has become one of the most important and interesting
archaeological sites in the world, mainly because of the fossils found on the site and
the evidence it confirmed.
Stretching 30 miles across the Serengeti, Olduvai Gorge became a milestone for understanding
human development, based on the results of the excavations performed by British and Kenyan
Research indicated that the homo habilis species first populated the area around 1.9 million
years ago, a date that preceded the presence of homo erectus, and of course, the species
everyone knows, homo sapiens.
This fact, which was widely unknown to many people, served as confirmation that the human
species first appeared on Earth at a prior date than previous reports stated.
Depending on who you ask of course!
7 - Alien Planet Amazingly, only a few decades ago, the thought
of any alien planets existing was just a completely hypothetical idea.
Nowadays, we know of thousands of such planets.
However, what's even more amazing is that scientists may have discovered the best candidate
yet for alien life!
That candidate is an exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf star 40 light-years from Earth.
The international team of astronomers who discovered it have deemed it a "super-Earth."
Although the planet orbits a faint red dwarf star ten times closer than the Earth is to
the sun, that's not an issue because red dwarfs are much smaller and cooler than our
sun is.
The super-Earth lies in the middle of the habitable zone and receives around half as
much sunlight from its star as the Earth does!
The planet is about 6.6 times as massive as Earth and is probably made of rock with a
dense iron core.
For life to exist, a planet has to have liquid surface water and retain an atmosphere.
When red dwarf stars are young, they're known to emit radiation that can be damaging
for the atmospheres of the planets that orbit them.
However, this planet's large size means that a magma ocean could have existed on its
surface for millions of years.
This seething ocean of lava could have fed steam into the atmosphere long after the star
has calmed to its current, steady glow, replenishing the planet with water!
What do you guys think?
Are there aliens walking around on this planet?
Let us know in the comments!
6 - Machu Picchu Treasure The land of the Incas has been home to numerous
The allure of the South American jungle has prompted many explorers to try and find new
treasures and historical objects.
It all adds up to the captivating image the world has of Peru.
A recent discovery by French historian Thierry Jamin points to the existence of a hidden
treasure chamber that lays under the historical Machu Picchu.
Of course, there's no way a finding like this would go about without some controversy.
According to Jamin and his team, their electromagnetic equipment unearthed what they believe is a
secret door that, if opened, will reveal a chamber that they're certain contains treasures
in gold, silver and other precious metals.
When the Peruvian Ministry of Culture heard their intentions to excavate the historical
site, they denied all permit applications.
According to them, Jamin doesn't seem to be interested in the historical advancement the
excavation might bring to the site but was more concerned about the treasures they may
They were also worried that the excavation project could jeopardize the stability of
Macchu Picchu.
Although other archaeologists have also studied the site and confirmed that they believe the
door is a passage to a burial site filled with treasure, there hasn't been any excavations
allowed by the Peruvian government.
5 - Zealandia Have you guys ever heard of a place called
It's a big landmass almost entirely submerged underwater in the southwest Pacific ocean.
The highest mountains of Zealandia make up, you guessed it…...New Zealand.
Early in 2017, scientists made another push for the landmass to be recognized as a continent.
Roughly 94% of the landmass is underwater with only a few islands and three major areas
sticking out above the surface.
New Zealand's North and South Islands, and New Caledonia.
After a two-month drilling study that was performed 800 miles underwater, researchers
presented a report where they recognized the continent had a close proximity with the tectonic
plates of Australia and Antarctica.
This suggests that there were pathways or "natural bridges" in which animals and
plants could move around and populate the now submerged Zealandia.
Should textbooks start recognizing Zealandia as the 8th continent?
After all, just a few years ago, Pluto got the boot off the list of planets, changing
what had been taught in schools for decades.
There's no scientific body that formally recognises continents.
Maybe there just needs to be a push for it?
What do you guys think?!
Should Zealandia be a continent?!
Let us know in the comment section!
4 - Oldest Fossil Reef We've heard the stories of cities that no
longer exist.
Essentially after a couple million years, the places submerged underwater and disappear
into history.
But this is the case of something that's quite the opposite.
And it was quite the discovery!
This discovery pushed back the earliest known animals by some 90 million years.
From afar this formation looks only like simple rocks, part of the Flinders Ranges, South
Australia's largest mountain range.
But when closely inspected, it's actually a huge fossil reef that's ten times taller
than the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef!
Princeton University geoscience professor Adam Maloof said he was looking for evidence
of early life in the Flinders Ranges when he stumbled upon the rocks.
He realized that they contained small red fossils of quote "some sort of organism".
Further analysis revealed the three-dimensional shape of a "sponge-like animal".
Multiple fossils found on the site indicated the presence of some of the oldest animals
ever found on Earth.
Previously, the oldest known fossils of hard-bodied animals were from two reef-dwelling organisms
that lived about 550 million years ago.
3 - Faster Craters A new study has found that new craters are
forming on the surface of the moon more frequently than scientists had predicted.
The discovery raises concerns about future moon missions, because I mean, it's pretty
dangerous when spacecraft and astronauts face an increased risk of getting hit by falling
space rocks!
The moon is dotted with a vast number of craters, some billions of years old.
Because the moon has no atmosphere, falling space rocks don't burn up like they do on
Earth, which leaves the moon's surface vulnerable to a constant stream of cosmic impacts.
These new findings also suggest that a number of young features on the moon's surface, such
as recent volcanic deposits, may in fact be even a bit younger than previously thought.
Although the odds of something on the lunar surface suffering a direct hit by asteroidal
or cometary debris is still very small, these new findings illustrate the potential dangers
posed by the rocks kicked up by these impacts.
2 - Antikythera Anty-kuh-ther-ah wreck Back in 1900, a crew of sponge divers discovered
what has become the most popular shipwreck in Greece: the Antikythera wreck.
Numerous objects were found on the site, including a set of statues that are believed to be dedicated
to philosophers and gods such as Ulysses, Hercules and Apollo.
For years, many researchers have studied the wreck and the area surrounding it, searching
for pieces that will help them understand ancient Greek society better.
One of the most significant findings was a piece of bronze with an interesting embedded
gear wheel.
To this date, this finding from 1902 is considered to be the most advanced artifact from the
era, as it turned out to be an ancient analog computer!
It's come to be known as the Antikythera Mechanism.
New explorations and research has uncovered new objects that indicate the intricacy of
ancient Greek engineers.
Subsequent excavations of the wreck delivered new finds from the ship.
One extraordinary find is an ancient weapon known as a dolphin, a 220 lb lead bulb tipped
with an iron spike, intended to be dropped from the ship's yardarm through the deck
and hull of an attacking vessel.
Perhaps the most intriguing artifact found since the Antikythera Mechanism was a small,
bronze disk.
Punctuated with holes and decorated with the image of a bull, it's unclear what the disk
was used for.
Who knows what they'll find in further expeditions!
1 - Armadillo Skull If you guys found a giant egg, would you almost
think that it may be a giant dinosaur egg?!
This is essentially what happened to Jose Antonio Nievas of Argentina!
He was taking a stroll outside of a farm in a town near Bueno Aires.
Much to his surprise, he saw a large shell-like object in the middle of a puddle near a riverbank.
After some preliminary examination of the object, experts believe it's the shell of
an armadillo-like prehistoric creature, the glyptodont.
A glypto-what?!
This prehistoric animal once roamed the swamps of South America, supposedly between two million
and 10,000 years ago.
Glyptodons are the ancestors of modern armadillos.
They're characterized by a large, round armored dome on its back, with squat legs
and a short head and neck.
They were herbivores that weighed up to a ton and could grow up to ten feet long!
The finding comes as no surprise to many experts, given how glyptodonts were an endemic species
of South America.
Who knew you could still find old shells from a giant armadillo back in the day!
Here's what's next!
Trump says there's good chance Kim Jong-un 'will do what is right' - Duration: 0:35.
U.S. President Donald Trump has responded to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's recent
trip to Beijing by tweeting that he and Kim "look forward" to meeting each other.
Trump appeared optimistic about the upcoming U.S.-North Korea summit set for May.
He said he believed there was a "good chance" the North Korean leader "will do what is right
for his people and for humanity",... and move towards denuclearization.
President Trump added that "in the meantime",... maximum sanctions and pressure will be maintained
on Pyongyang.
OMG WHAT WAS I THINKING IN 2016!! #letstakeaselfie - Duration: 3:47.
When Jason was at the table
I kept on seeing him look at me when he was with that other girl
Do you think he was just doing that to make me jealous?
Because he was totally texting me all night last night
And I don't know if it's a booty call or not
So.. what do you think? Did you think that girl was pretty?
How did that girl even get in here?
Did you see her?
She's so short and that dress is so tacky
Who wears cheetah?
It's not even summer, why does the DJ keep on playing Summertime Sadness?
After we go to the bathroom,
can we go smoke a cigarette? I really need one
But first, Let me take a selfie
Can you guys help me pick a filter?
I don't know if I should go with XX Pro or Valencia I wanna look tan
What should my caption be? I want it to be clever
How about "Livin' with my bitches, Hashtag live"
I only got 10 likes in the last 5 minutes Do you think I should take it down?
Let me take another selfie
Let me take a selfie
Wait, pause, Jason just liked my selfie What a creep
Is that guy sleeping over there?
Yeah, the one next to the girl with no shoes on That's so ratchet
That girl is such a fake model She definitely bought all her Instagram followers
Who goes out on Mondays?
Ok, let's go take some shots
Oh no, I feel like I'm gonna throw up
Oh wait, never mind I'm fine
Let's go dance
There's no vodka at this table Do you know anyone else here?
Oh my god, Jason just texted me Should I go home with him?
I guess I took a good selfie
Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie, Selfie
Wanna take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
Let me take a selfie
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