CLOSED CAPTION BY YOUTUBE! hey what's going on with going out today we're talking about what is the next big
living so we're bringing it back to basics if you have been following me for
a while that you know we talk about the lesson ho selling here
you know we're talking about real estate that's a home business here you know
those things and today is another exciting session
I will take a few minute to define what an estate flipping is exactly and even
if you it doesn't matter if you're starting from scratch if you have some
experience if you're intermediate no matter what level you are even if you're
hearing it for the first time now it doesn't matter you're gonna take a lot
away from this session today what I want you to do is every time I say something
that makes sense to you I want you to please click that thumbs up okay
if you know anybody that can benefit from this session maybe have a family
friend somebody who was into this and you really enjoy this feel free to use
the share button to share this on your social media so they can see it as well
and then also if you have any question as you go along hopefully use the
comment area and to drop your questions even if it's just thoughts of
contribution or you know or something you have against something I said Wow
please I would like to engage with you and see how we can help each other here
okay so this is gonna be a lot of fun I always try to make it fun because the
first step what I try to do is I try to have fun okay and my simple formula to
making sure that you have fun this if I have fun okay so I always have fun with
this stuff and and of course I and of course it's my way of building my
business as well too so the way this goes is that I'm gonna be making life
calls okay as we're going along and sometimes if you're leaving a voicemail
people may you know that voicemail bomb to interrupt us I will take a sip of
water or sometimes if somebody come online if somebody actually picked up
this phone you know you will you will see me you
see us get interrupted as well so we can't speak to this person and see how
we can help them okay so that's how it goes but before we get started with the
live session calls we go about 90 minutes of call session
once-mighty means of causation is up then we run up okay that's how we do it
LaRhonda we will call it a day all right so now we call people who Joe's here
okay we hope people who just up till today but today the first session was
gonna run we're gonna test out some for sale by owners and which is Facebook
something we refer to that as feasible we use a block phone call the red X okay
they're working on my landing pages for speech so you can support my business
and you can sign up to us the red X but well that's the same system that I use
it stores my database they keep track of all the disposition not interested in
trans Ted call back appointment it keep track of everything and plus it's the
actual dialogue it actually does all the numbers out
thousands of numbers automatically without me having to Dow which is why I
get to talk to you as I'm doing it okay so it's a really fun session okay so I
want you to hang around and see how it goes down this is how we'll make 15 20
30 up to $82,000 okay by simply reaching out to homeowners who need to sell the
house that means need to sell the house now we
want to sell the house people won't want to sell the house they know how to get
to a return they call the realtor from a yellow book to list the house at top
dollars okay but people will need to sell the house is it's they have
motivation well therefore motivated seller and this is how we're able to
pick up properties at discount why do we need to pick up the properties at this
town that's some of the things I want to be talking about today when it comes to
the actual topic which is what is real estate the opinion is that legal is it
not legal is there some things you should watch out for
you learn a lot of that over the next 90 minutes section okay so with that being
said let's review our data before we get started today now our data essentially
were able to review how we've done so far you know since we'll be calling okay
and we like to focus on the effort to put it in because that's the actual
change that that turns the results okay the other new share success stories and
results with you I mean really know you need to know about success story is that
the vibe caused any feel before yes I have closed upon some tears I post over
40 deals myself personally and and when the market in 2008 crash that crashed
with our business but we're back in the business now and the same strategies to
work okay the only thing that's a little bit different is the cost of marketing
the cost of acquisition of a customer a client it's a little bit more expensive
but the method I'm sharing with you here is going to help you keep cost extremely
low okay my highest that my average I was averaging between 2025 $14,000 per
deal when I caused all those views that's net income net profit yeah I did
in my first two years I did over three million dollars and transactions and
sales the highest net per deal that of course is $82,000 okay so I know what
I'm talking about and I have experienced both bad negative positive and good ok
all of that I have experienced and I have tons of stories that I will be
sharing with you as we go along ok so with that being said here's our
data or that was called so far we're averaging about 66 or 68 we're calling
about average 68 meters per day or we'll call made in 1974 19 seconds which is a
deal about 90 seconds per day about 130 calls are made on an hour
but day five contact average per day we leave about 33 average voicemails for
day and you know our callback set average of one per day and we have about
one hour forty performed in it I try to do ninety minutes we just one hour on
thirty minutes okay but sometimes it goes over you know so today I try to
keep two time so I don't because I like to keep the time to have other things to
do like taking care of the existent view that we have going on existing customers
and clients we have I have to sort of things so but as a commitment I have 19
minutes per day to do this call sessions and you get to come and live with me and
hang out with me as I do it okay so that's how that works okay so with that
being said without any further ado let's start today's session
the way this watch is as the calls are being made in the background I continue
to teach today we're starting with what is realistic looking okay and then and
then I have two questions that came in that I'm gonna answer okay and then uh
then we're gonna take it from there now if you're listening to me on the iTunes
you're gonna still learn a lot okay but obviously you get a lot more when you
watch this when you finish listening to this maybe you're driving or something
go back on youtube and watch this we broadcast okay it's called what is
real estate clicking that's a title so you can simply google my name what is
realistic living a life outside the building this video will come right up
on YouTube okay even on Google okay so that's how it works now with that being
said or make sure you download the book okay the book is at Empire my Empire that's my Empire for the phone you can see the link on the screen if you're
listening to me and forecast is my Empire
alright so I'm gonna start the dialing right now so we're starting the dial in
about 10 minutes in so let's see so like I said today we
have we have a new campaign that I'm gonna test out like for example this
Fizbo has 120 needs in it okay and then we're gonna dig a little bit deeper into
saying if he can finish so we make an average call you know I don't know why
60 cents means per day so maybe we can fall off of that today and we'll see how
the conversation goes okay so I'm gonna put it down and they start in the storm
right now you do not complete your videos don't contain would you like to
use your mate okay yes right yes Oh a china doll this new campaign though
let's see how that goes okay you know what no I actually want to
test this out yeah I won't just this 2003 child wanna test this first it's
family its physical campaign you're gonna call today so say no okay
no disposition I don't wanna call I want to call all moving numbers
yes I'm gonna call all those good unders so out of all 120 leads it's only have
access to 54 numbers to call 50 for these and 51 number to call like I said
that some numbers on the DNC list do not call it haha will not call them okay
that's to keep you safe from a legal standpoint and we're gonna
click go let's see how this call goes today spot and then our phone is gonna
that's one to continue alright so the first number is darling that would take
it from there
all right so let's be here line user now we're down on all right so what is
realistic slippin slippin means that voicemail unless because it means
quietly what is realistic flipping is what we're talking about
it means you buy and sell real estate and you want to do that as fast as you
can hello can you hear me yes I I'm looking
to speak to a Devika no no II them so we hit that one another let's call them and
just know right away alright so here we go so yes I am yeah can you hear me I'm
looking to speak to the right thing yeah hi I'm calling about your house for sale
okay yeah do you mind you have a few minutes now catch it a good time
I'm a buyer I'm looking I'm looking to get some information about the property
from you I'm a buyer I'm an investor
okay did I catch at a good time though you have a few minutes
is this still available is this still available yeah okay all right good
does the house need any work no nothing means yeah what do you mean nothing made
you okay why are you selling uh it's relevant man and I know you probably
have been getting getting some calls all day right you just listed it for sale
yeah so not motivated it's okay I'm not interested
you gotta keep it moving today's my first time calling for sale by owner in
this particular session so my energy is still a little bit off too you know but
in addition to that this down hello hi can I speak to Leo now or fire Roosevelt
are you looking to sell you selling the trailer yeah oh you selling the mobile
home what's your asking price okay what is your asking price
the asking 23 okay me you need something bigger that you got you have you done
any kind of a prism on it every since I'm okay but you don't have you have any
idea of what is worth is that what is worth $23,000 at again oh you think
that's without it
okay so you didn't really do any kind of a freezer or evaluation of the problem
okay okay well what's the least you're willing to work through it we have a
number you know yeah but I don't want to disrespect your property if I know what
you're willing to work away with then I can't see if I can work with it you know
my name is Ola and and actually I live very close to where you are I live in
Avenel so we're like on the same border so so I'm very familiar with your trail
is but just I was I really like to get an idea of what they what is worth I'm
an investor so the reason why I put use those things is so I can maybe put a
little bit of work into it you need some work and then I can resell it so I'm
looking to make profit does it need any kind of work okay so maybe meet some
painting okay so here's what I'm going to do okay when is a good time to call
you all of them at night like 7:00 okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna I'm
gonna set this here I'm going to try to call him back I'll try to call him back
like later on tonight and so I can get some more information
and see if it's gonna work together what's your name oh gee all right thank
you I wish I was not me thank you
so it's a trailer I typically don't deal with trailer to be honest with you but
since I already had our on the call so I decided to have a conversation okay but
I typically don't deal with which trailers now what is realistic flipping
I'm like I just explained so far I'm looking to buy low and I want to sell
high and essentially they're very simple to my offer an automaker an offer is
just that which you couldn't tell me what the properties were so I'm looking
for two numbers after repair value of the property I want them to tell me when
I'm on the phone with them I would still do my due diligence but I'm wanting I
want to have a good idea what they think that property is worth okay because
that's going to tell me how motivated they are like for example the previous
guy is not motivated it's probably looking to just he doesn't want to talk
to retards it's just looking at the market he's not desperate okay well I
don't like to use the word desperate for more like motivated it's not motivated
so we look for motivated sellers there are multiple reasons like looking
motivated it could be divorce to BP foreclosures debt relief they need some
money okay or they have too much assets that they don't really need the
inherited of property that you don't really want there's very many there are
many reasons why people are may be willing to sell a property at the
discount at the 65% discount is what we're looking for we're looking for 65
present or the after repair value manager repair cost is essentially gonna
be our offer that's the offer that we can pick up the property and we're able
to flip it okay we're able to flip into an end
buyer and investor at 75% okay my not to repair cost and the spread
between 65 and 75 percent minor the repair cost is essentially my theme for
being a wholesaler and if I wanted to fix it myself
and sell it then that's what you call fix and flip
okay so I'm gonna resume this content is called here yeah hold on so I have a lot
more room to talk to you when I'm calling people gorgeous as you can see
me so we'll see how this goes to be today were public these balls I'll say
that if I ask somebody why do they want to sell and you're not willing to answer
that question you can find that the man would read a student so that's a sign
that you're not motivated Furion okay I asked why you wanna start me go
unanswered but they think is irrelevant and the question that's a sign hello oh
yeah can I speak to I'm into it oh yes hello
hello hello yeah yeah that's because I muted the
line let me down oh yeah I'm it yeah yeah I'm calling about the property you
have for sale in Orange Street in Edison yeah my name is Ola good good that got
you had a good time yeah okay I'm calling because I'm an investor and I'm
looking to purchase something in your area and I wanted to get some
information about your property how long has it been on the morrow I'm
an investor my private investor I'm looking to buy do you have a reservation
you need you have preferences on walking by
not prefer someone like you like to living there why is that not necessarily
to rent it out depends on depends on decision depends on the information you
give me right now buy the property doesn't need any work okay you did some
work in it already you're asking 359 thousand dollars yeah what is it worth
did you do a recent I prism yeah call me at this number
my name is Ola alright so as you can see he has reservations okay
this are my reservations about calling for sale by owner doesn't mean you can't
find it deal in it okay it's just a different type of
conversation entirely okay and you know there's some type of for these that I'm
more that I resonate more with and typically is people holders okay because
of the motivation behind it three in a given short sales if doesn't mean chosen
has a degree in it they have a reason why they want to sell because they
wanted definitely but so by owner and somebody typically want to avoid a new
tone but they maybe they're not really in a rush you know so I'm still gonna
set the callback for this person for four let's see for tomorrow
yet tomorrow he says he wants to call me back tomorrow I doubt it I think he's
just intimidated I mean he already feels like it's not a real life so I am a real
buyer that's a mistake that dimly but let's keep going here yeah see how many
okay so we have another house here that's listed yeah for $900,000 oh yes
hi oh yeah um hello this is did I call on Michigan I think
yeah I'm trying to speak to Bala Krishnan yeah hi how are you I'm calling
I'm calling about your property let me see here something but let me call you
right back if you don't mind a bit
something happened with that number and it switched back to the something happen
with that number and it and it switched back to being to the previous person
let's see here
two two two two let's go back here okay that's all yeah
okay waiting for disposition
mr. Kovak okay one step is to call that set to tomorrow so every technology has
issues that's what you saw
yes reading for this position already for this position there about this guy's
eye so I think I explained what is real estate flipping already I do have some
questions to answer so I want you to stick around with me because this is
still gonna be fun policy exchange I made this good I can
take a PDF distribute was promised morning yeah something is definitely
wrong let me end this session to produce - man hello yeah I was hours let me let
me let me I think I was caller you have a property for sale correct all right
let me let me use your number to fill out the thing is that it disappeared for
my screen and I'm like what is going on I can use your number to retrieve your
name is Bala Krishna and your property's ad ever Boulevard oh good good good
you're looking to sell this property for $900,000 what is it worth oh you're
looking you're looking for a good price I'm a buyer I'm a buyer you looking to
work in the realtor okay put it in Excel doesn't mean any kind of work oh you
live in supporting baby okay and you feel as well to it man hundred thousand
dollars right now okay we are moving with them to the College okay all right
um yeah I mean he's been listed for a long way now
okay so it's pretty fresh okay listen I'm an investor okay so and
automatically I don't buy at retail price so I don't know if it to be if
it's what my hundred thousand dollars are you looking to sell at $900,000 it
won't be a fish but you can keep my number in case there's a situation I you
need to offload it I mean you can always give me a car make a cash offer right
away and we came literally close within days I'll give you an offer within
little like minutes okay but it needs to be obviously needs to be discounted
because the only way I buy this property is so I can sell for a profit
selling it cool I totally understand man thank you so much for taking my call all
right so that would be not interested this is why I don't you know I don't
call for sale by owners but I'm testing it out again with testing out in
marketing okay we list it as a realistic home seller or you have a part would be
your primary job is marketing okay and if you want to succeed the other
test you can't just use people's opinions a goon say something and you
just want to say hey let me jump at it if you can't we test it if you can't
test it then you shouldn't be getting distracted of what you already do okay
I was able to test this literally for free okay
so that's why I'm able to you know are to test and I've seen how this cause
well as you can see a lot of these people are not motivated okay they are
just they want to sell they don't need to sell and I'm glad that you guys are
experiencing this live right now game big job my job as a real estate flipper
is to find properties I've discounted I mean from motivated sellers it could be
facing divorce they own too much money on it um the big stock payment because
they can't afford it the bankruptcy are they inherited a property that they
don't we didn't want right little of it things that would make somebody want to
sell to me at 65% in this town he flees says that this robbery is what $900,000
essentially are we willing to pay maybe around five hundred thousand dollars
five maybe six hundred thousand laws if he needs absolutely no work okay and
then I can flip it this kind of property can be five by four six hundred thousand
dollars and it needs no work will clean it off let's paint I don't know then
three to five grand to clean it up and then we'll put it back on the market for
an additional one hundred grand and then you know you can make a hundred grand if
this if it caused me and I give them a lot of the six hundred thousand dollars
and it takes it I will make it easy to 100 grand on this party okay how where
do I get this money from first of all it's not just by myself I
have a network of private investors that I have access to and so do you
if you're looking to get into a real estate flipping it's just a matter of
you deciding that I want to find deals like this and investor the half the cash
will be happy to partner with you all day long and they'll be they'll be
willing to split that on a bottle with you all day long so let's say all you
made was a hundred grand on this deal and you split it with somebody who
brought the cash to the table let's say they gave you 40 percent of that hundred
nine you just made 40 grand a mere 60 grand for bringing the cash to the table
they didn't a cystogram because they're able to sell the property at 850 right
800 850 makes sense and then you know they sit on a house for three months
before it sells is still good profit for pulling up several hundred eight hundred
thousand seven hundred eight hundred thousand dollars for doing nothing okay
there's no you cannot make that kind of money you can't make that kind of
interest back on that money you put it into a savings account is that making
sense so it's essentially putting money to
work and then flipping money and gives making money from it just for me being
the middleman okay that's how that works okay so let's go here let's continue
we're gonna go back to the view am I should I continue calling
facebones for sale by owners or I think we should go ahead and at least do a
piece about thirty means maybe even call the whole day you know I see how it goes
like but I think you guys are picking up hopefully you're picking up some really
cool things right there so I'm gonna dialing into the session again then it's
gonna call us yes all right we got about forty six more holes to go extremely
slow but it is what it is so
wait well on to the next person
okay so let me see it's about helping people by the way that's me let me move
on to the next light here realistic flippin people remember that all right
so real estate flipping is about healthy people well in other words if your
health is not wanted right so she can see okay somebody help me all the
caramel was like hey no I'm moving my like my kids we're going to carnage and
whatever be good that's what I'm gonna go I'm not really desperate I'm not
looking you know I'm just looking for anybody wants my on the popping see
hello yeah that's what some lawmakers wanted
yeah are you doing I'm calling about your
property you have a property listed on Smith Street no yeah
is this still for sale okay good good you have a minute can I ask you a few
questions about the party okay good good I'm a buyer I'm a biopic are you selling
or your route oh okay yes sir are you an investor oh you're an investor gotcha
gotcha well I was called and you is this house fully renovated or something
we gotta confront okay so a totally renovated Oh
this property is a 1927 I mean how many bedrooms are on each floor oh it's a
single family that you will read it why and you're looking for 195 oh wow
yeah did you do a recent up Lisa yeah how
much is it one 208 okay so yes you have a tenant moving already
did you break down the numbers lock is this is this uh is it will this cashflow
1750 a month oh the pain the pain 1750 a month right
now oh yeah is this section eight Monica it's not circular okay
1750 a month 197 tu-tu-tu-tu-tu all right here's what I'm
gonna do I'm an I'm an investor but I'm also a root or I'm gonna I'm gonna call
you on the side outside of my calling down in session and see how we can work
together okay maybe I can find you a buyer for okay all right all right all
right so that is an investor who reinvented the house that's not my
candidate or property you know he has my number if you want to reach out later if
you can feel free to reach out so he listed it for sale by owner he said the
property is pulling in 10th 17:15 per month 3-bedroom 1-bathroom
not my cup of tea keep moving all right so not looking good so far
you know I like the other type of course better because simply because obviously
this a solution is a problem to solve that's what I said real estate flipping
is really about helping people and you need to position yourself when you're
making this for two people
you have a very good okay okay I'm an investor you know I'm looking to
buy stock and sell at some point that's why
so okay your zeroes estimate is your zeroes estimate is showing 526 how did
you come up with
so well I'm definitely interested but it looks like you have some options here
what I'll tell you is keep my number okay I'm a cash buyer I make all cash
offer and and what that and if I'm paying cash for the property it's
typically because you Bobby you know you probably need to be out of
it or something like that well right now it sounds like you have some time and
some options to play with you already have two offers on the property well
keep my number in case you are in the situation and you really need to just
move you know
I'm not accepting it and if they are not giving the number that I'm looking for
but anything which actually matters then you actually know if you if you really
or maybe you have your I mean yeah I mean your private I'm gonna tell you I
know you have this property listed at five forty five forty five zero is
saying 525 and you're saying it doesn't need any kind of work all right
right so my I don't want you don't take my offer has been disrespectful I'm just
telling you what you can hold on to if you ever need to call me okay I will
literally close within five to seven days or cash my offer because I'm an
investor would be 345 okay so you can hold that in your left hand and you're
saying hey he's not serious but is useful if I ever need that you know then
you know three three three $45,000
correct yep correct all-cash offer close within five to seven days yeah so
my name is Ola and you know I'm gonna keep that on your left hand and you know
save my number if you ever need that
I respect that and oh that area so that's why I'm able to give you like
that you know so but thank you thank you so much for your time though all right
all right so you see how that went um you know from five forty five to
three forty five thousand dollars what would that off of three forty five
thousand dollars on the property that they said it works by for the client why
would I wanna set that hey here's a thing that's why I'm calling
Colin Colin you never know you just never know okay you just never know and
you know sometimes you have every sometimes you just don't want to deal
with it anymore to just you know you just never know where you're doing it
okay and that's why we're able to make such offer if he came back and say no
way no one if you are talking 380 then we can have a conversation guess what
how long have the conversation okay and I will probably go take a look at the
party and yes we can still do an all-cash offer okay
they were four hundred okay but I went in straight for five twenty six and I
did the sixty five percent of that immediately and that work that came out
to Aqaba for you and that's why I gave it a number okay and that number is not
solid you know you just see you know if you will bite and if he doesn't bite it
has my number and it's caller ID you just never know okay that's how that was
um keep going that wasn't a bad
conversation actually all right so that's real estate flipping for you okay
hi can I speak to Ellen uh please
is this is this Ellen I know I am NOT a real tour I am a buyer are you looking
to sell
you looking to sell Helena would you like to interview me first
good one all right so she's she's in love she's no motivation whatsoever
yeah so you gotta keep going don't waste your time okay somebody's already like
that you see the previous conversation and then we just two different type of
conversation okay I already told her I'm not a puto if I was a root or it
wouldn't be an issue I would still have to hang on
anyway so even married that wasn't a real talk she just wasn't the right
person okay that's it all right
all right so I saw was sane let's go onto the mist-like here this a person
has technology hello hello hi how I I'm calling while property you have listed
and cram for is a Crystal point great Oh Jeanette I meant to continue net by
Hawaii you have a property listed here is it still available
osode thank you continue the call okay so that won't be was so so I'll tell you
something right now about
yeah so you don't have so say for me you look at the seller 900 knows but you
think is worth 1.2 is that what you're saying
well if you look at the different numbers different resources of how they
get their comparable to see what it is some are saying one thing the Zillow is
saying another thing another person thing another thing so it all depends on
what criteria you're looking at what I mean okay I hear you
I can respect that yeah I do see that you listed acquire
two times at different prices and stuff
all right I'm an investor so when I buy this kind
of things it needs to make sense as far as maybe meet some okay it doesn't need
repair whatever you know yeah I'm looking at zestimate this I'm like you
said these numbers are not good just opinions right um he's estimates the
same it's worth 822
okay yeah I mean actually like I'm looking at the pictures I like what I'm
seeing but quick question for you you don't seem that you want to bet on
that price at all you want your price I guess that you can rent it out like you
okay this is an investor as an investor ro as an investor I don't do single
families for or by an oath to rent I don't simply because of the there's
not there's no room for error it is weekend to the minimum I do for rental
the minimum I do is 20 units so what I'm going to tell you is keep my number just
keep it never know it could be Messier it could be two years I'm gonna make it
I'm gonna make it better for counties that I concentrate on that I typically
do work in and that's Middlesex Somerset Union and Essex
so um I personally I personally be from Middlesex so so this is my zone this is
my hood for the past 20 years no I'm pretty familiar with you say
you have or you leverage you just borrow and leverage from for single families we
buy and straight out cash so we can you know what is the number you're looking
for William I know okay any many thousand dollars now is there from what
you sing so you think we can justify a value
there's nothing there because it's cyclical the average in order to appear
resources and it gives you a breakdown for investors and it tells you exactly I
just checked it this afternoon and it was a million twelve yes yeah yeah you
know sadly unfortunately your roto so you understand this the zero number is
what the general public is looking at unfortunately even though you and I know
it's not always accurate right so but unfortunately we're subjected to that if
I put if I buy that property from you for nine hundred thousand dollars and
then I turn around I tried at least before one point to I want to have an
average buyer come to me and say but the property is what 826 you know that
doesn't that's a powerful force
two minutes away the elementary school is 10 minutes away
look at the chrome they just build the condo right Phil Street there's a bar
are to change the name I don't know you know Street is it's like a block away
it's the next street over on high side of the street that's something like that
ah listen uh ah I feel your pain here you know I definitely feel your pain
what I'm gonna do I'm actually gonna stay in contact with you too but again I
said cash as a cash buyer here it's not looking good for us
absolutely I'm just want text message away if you
text me information like on this number I'm just one text message away you know
any time if you see anything I'm always looking at you make sense
the reason why we're able to do this is because again it's all cash deals and
we're able to make profit where we come in at the place where we know that we're
going to be profit if I believe your number is against me it's just like that
and different like that well yeah let's take let's let's pray thank you so much
for your time Ellen all right Sam did nothing there mister the property that
Zillow is saying is worth eight twenty twenty-two for $8.99 for $900,000 when
you're buying okay yeah because of a team okay because the investor you're
going to be trying sell to will be conservative okay that's
just the way it goes all right they'll be conservative and you need to come in
you mean determinant the number that by the way no matter what happens at the
end of this call at the end of the session I'm going to go go to thee yeah
by Colin pre-foreclosures I have enough time to talk to you directly but I'm
gonna still cover this today this was this was fun testing it out
not bad actually alright can I speak to Dorothy
my name is Ola and followed by property you have listed I think I guess W not be
more dirty what's your name yeah it looks like you're scared of rules over
there I'm not a real toy and it's like you're scared of Realtors I said I'm not
a real so what is this a condo okay I don't see the asking price
once on 5 ad I did see like I'm like where is it the game all right you said
have you done any because it was listed on with the realtor before what you
didn't okay if you don't mind me asking what was it
a please for well you don't remember what do you think it's no our flexible
you on the prize I used strong on the 125 law can you take a little bit lower
than that I'm an all-cash buyer and the reason why I'm an all-cash buyer because
I'm an investor so I look to buy these properties so I can do some Adams and
you know maybe some repairs and then put it back on the market that's why I do
this so sometimes before business so it needs to make sense from a financial
standpoint and that's why I'm asking like how much room I'm not I'm not like
I'm not a route or that which are charged for sentier or anything like
that I just need to know what you
but if I do so
so you say maybe like my cosmic cosmetics you need some cosmetics we
need some some few cosmetics here and there cosmetics we need okay I mean
based on what you guys tell me what I'm going to tell you is I want you to
understand you of circumstance and you spend some money and I do it looks like
you is been on the market for like what 89 date like a week right so I mean you
could let us sit a little bit maybe you can maybe get a full offer you never
know somebody that made like a retail buyer and I can fall in love with it
right away I mean you will get enough exposure
officer by owner but I want you to keep my number in case you guys really need
to get rid of it at some point and it's not maybe because of the work that
needed their number guys you know because I'm gonna make me cash offer you
consider listing it for flat fees I mean there's some route was out there they're
like flat fees they don't charge you for something you know we consider those
because it will create more exposure for it with the rooters and it looks just
like listing it on a regular market we wrote oh I don't know to create a lot
more exposure for it they can't be can they can essentially show it like a
typical listing well you don't have to worry about them digging into whatever
you want to work later all right that may be something you would you like
to consider that okay my name is Ola like I said thank you so much for your
time and keep my number you know if it gets to that point you have those two
choices those are two things that can help with you know if I make a cat
all-cash offer I can't go over 90 K on that if I if you want to do the flat fee
situation I can't have my realtor take care that's for you yeah yeah and you
can still get the same thing that's you know like a typical rotor that will
charge it because after sunshine Thank You Christian bye alright so that is a
not interested situation we just like a lot more faster not interested so I
don't waste too much time on those balls but just not doing badly you know it's
not too badly to stop the conversation you never know any of these policies
would be 218 you just never know you never know where somebody is that I
think it just came to getting ready to get pushed over the fence you know so he
said this property is let's see it's a condo you know I typically shy away from
condo and trailers and things like that you
know but if you do it with the numbers and the numbers you know like for
example the offer I just gave a 90k was essentially 65% of the number I saw on
the Zestimate which is one 36% and that wasn't me I
was gonna pay that it just means the Great Lakes to start from to know if
she's motivated and she wants at least one $15,000 okay that's what she wants
you know what can I say so we're gonna say nothing trusted we're
gonna set that that's not interested and I'm gonna still already got the notes in
there and we're gonna close that soon so we can continue so with that being said
how does the contracting work process work do you tell the seller you want to
buy the house on contract how does it work specifically so this president's
asking when you say you put a house on the contract let's say for example we
still put this house under contract with me for $90,000 what do I tell them I
tell them what I just told them I want to buy the house
okay I want to buy the house now so I'm gonna put it on that contract and you
know and then I can assign the contract to any investor on one because I will
put up a sign or in the contract which means it allows me to assign the
contract to anybody I want for your feet they are to move to people in my network
private investors in my network which you too can have access to by simply
being engaged in the business of real estate investors all right whose cash
they don't care as long as it's - but it's all kind of
all right so it would spouse I mean whose cash do I use it doesn't matter to
the seller as long as they get the cash the fact that it's all cash we can close
within five to seven days automatically she cut off some discount of the D step
times okay and she can see she asked me I might be qualified am I getting that
FHA loan I mean didn't they put all these houses on the market so yes you
can tell those are calling these people to this competition out there
but it doesn't matter okay competition means it works okay
that's what it means it means it works if there's competition out there a lot
of people put up the phone and they say your route or your buyer if you're
following my lead you are a buyer because you're both okay if you're
licensed you're both okay you're not licensed you're just a buyer you cannot
just be a realtor okay you can't say that you can also buy it all right so
you are in buyer now you are if you're if you're licensed brutal in New Jersey
you are obligated to disclose we're signing the contract and you are also
licensed okay but on the phone you're doing a profile you just saying you're a
buyer so you can get it to the conversation all right
so hello yeah nice peak to you huh I'm trying to speak to you oh yes
how you doing I'm calling about your property you have listed a Somerset is
this still available okay did I catch on a good time I'm an
agent are you looking for an agent you want to do with the buyers I'm the buyer
I'm an investor so as you can see he hasn't spent up already
you gotta keep moving don't worry about it how does mean you know if I was
prettier than I would have done down the first sentence and then well you gotta
keep going but things are looking like by tomorrow
I'll be back to calling my three four fingers okay I wanna do that and just
you know yes hi Chris Chris I'm looking at your property are listed on wait
Avenue no I would pretty much walk with you and watching that but yeah I'm an
investor but are most all license you looking the other route oh you're
working with the ready yes much all of the above it depends on what it depend
what kinda numbers are looking for depends on what you want and you know
that's what I work with very much but I have all I mean my name is Ola
I think I can tell you that answer in about two seconds here you said right so
what I do what I do on this course is essentially to qualify for that you know
people whatever they want but you just never know what's going over them that's
why we still call anyway we just don't qualify because enough
that's right I mean we don't be judged based on the numbers but um what you if
I wait I mean I'll give you my honest opinion right now I just looked at your
Zillow page for that property and he says for 15 and I know that that's just
an opinion based on algorithms from from zero I know but the general public is
looking at that number okay so if I were you I would definitely list
it below that and then I would look for some kind of bidding war that's what I
would do okay and I know that is a wrong number but unfortunately the public is
looking at it and they use it for negotiation you know so but like I said
I will use it at least to attract I will use your listing price to attract people
and then I will find we can get the bidding war that's what I
will do because a house that's already ready to go you know as for me I
personally like three properties okay and I've done over 40 personally okay
I've been good you said in Cranford I've done a mystery in comfort I've done at
least three in cramp oh my zone
I'm saying are you just an investor oh
you live in the house I see okay yeah I mean if you already have a router you
want to work with sure the other solution the only solution I bring to
the table as a road tour which is not me just my father is a flat fee we don't do
we don't do like listing where which argue for sense idiot like that we pay
you you pay a flat fee and is that supposed to everybody else on the MLS
like everything else okay and if you want it to be staying on any tighter
the flood see the proxy is somewhere around $4.99 something like that if you
want that number no I'm just I'm just I'm just keep my number you want to
reach out you can text me anytime you have the question is you know which
yeah no problem man thanks for your time Chris so Chris it's
not interested nice conversations not leaving anywhere you know we gotta keep
moving forward right so let's see you catch another one here this is a new
house no let's see if persons look it's a
three foot I think family house yeah hi I'm calling about the property on 3rd
Avenue and what ago property north broad broad is it row Street and 3rd Avenue
are you are you a realtor yeah oh yeah Bluto is coming up on a for silver owner
that's why I was calling yeah thanks a lot man off on that
property I'm Justin say previously sold all right calling the nest number in
Montclair New Jersey Montclair New Jersey so what I notice is that this is
all the counties from Middlesex to you know into assets hi Stuart
yes I stood how are you I'm calling about our young property are you doing a
good I mean give me a call back I'm interested in the crockery and this is
my dad line he's gonna call me at a better time
daba nice George that's why I'm an investor all right so
he's in clawback he was set time for 7:00 p.m. it's fine call back all right
so you never know um yeah let me let me just take a closer look at this property
is listed for 649 yeah so one of those scenarios mister for 649 I mean
typically you don't want to use zero number I'm using it only because I'm
negotiating with it okay that's why I'm using it it's very close
it can be very close at times okay so if you're in a mode of buying you know
you're not bullish or bearish okay you're using everything you can use beat
the number that okay yes that's just the name of the game all right
so hello hi yes I'm calling I'm calling about a property up for sale
I wish your name I don't have your name sorry what's your name hi booty Hawaii
um you have this property listed for to $35,000 okay are you you might if I ask
you a few questions I'm an investor I'm looking for cheese
okay it's a condo correct okay did you have you done any appraisal recently
oh he did upgrade I was asking about appraiser I was asking about appraisal
like the evaluation of the value of the property have you done any in the movie
this is current I just wanted to have an idea what you think the property is
worth I know you're asking 235 is that what you think is worth I was hoping you
dummy as was a lot more I was hoping that you tell me it's what a lot more if
you think it was a lot more how much more all right
I'm an investor I do all cash buyer and because of that I really don't pay
retail price just so you know upfront are you you are you flexible on that
price I mean I'm a cash buyer investor or buyer okay I need to know into
inflexible first I don't want to be disrespectful I don't want to give you a
lowball offer are you flexible my my offer my offer will be dependent on once
I see the property of course well based on what I'm looking at right now for a
cash buyer I can't be more than 150 for the property
okay okay keep my number all right thank you for your time so the energy not only
down the energy that call is the see was a little bit off from the beginning so I
just want to give it to us straight up okay sometimes so it's a lot of ups and
downs in the midst of your session and you
sort of feel on it you wanna mimic get on okay
that's essentially what you want to do they're not interested you gotta keep it
moving probably ending this session just a little bit here let's see here man fat
I'm gonna handle and let's see how much more session we get about that write the
script let's see so I'll tell you right now if I have somebody dedicated to call
in my for sale by owners it's it doesn't look too bad
okay so far today with 121 minutes and so let's do about nine more minutes okay
to do about nine more minutes and then then I can review what I wanted to cover
today we do some of the lessons I wanted to share with you today let's see here
are digital - yeah and storm download just coming up so if you're interested a
users tom dowel I can do any of this is how you find deals if you can dedicate
one hour to 90 minutes per day you can make thirty forty fifty thousand dollars
randomly okay not random B obviously you would have put in the work but this it's
a lot of fun when you're looking at data at the way I'm looking at data here okay
it's just a lot of fun all right we have about 27 more members to column are for
sale by owners here actually
it's following session right well cut in Verona so back to so the contract so
here's a hello hi I was trying to speak to the person in charge of Oak Lane in
Verona I have a property for listed on there that's you okay you said case the
name I'm seeing is Wilfred is that you
simpering okay cool no problem I'm interested in talking about this
property that got you a good time okay I can respect that
I'll give you a call back if I don't call you back feel free to ring this
number back to okay thank you alright so it's a callback so I'm gonna
set it as call that call back right
resume right okay so right now we're calling clock 359 thousand hours on
hello hi I'm look I'm calling about the property up for sale for us to drive
okay did I catch you at a good time hi my name is Ola I'm taking a look at your
property on here and I was wondering if you were flexible on the price you have
listed 316
okay what is the property worth have you done a recent appraisal
well I was will be attorneys what a lot one made me feel bad about myself or
something okay all right I'm looking at I'm looking at the listing on Zillow but
the same is worth only 338 I know that's not researched under pressure ah okay it
looks like you're looking for full price on that
you're not bent on that price at all
that would be nice actually can you can you text me attorneys information to
this number okay I can call you back in about an hour so then the right person
email that interview he is not here when I my sister's not here right now
um that's why I wanted to
okay okay thank you
all right so that is a not interested situation okay you gotta keep moving
okay yeah keep motivations what you're
looking for interesting something ended my calls I wonder what
that is maybe he heard me you know something I don't know
it doesn't matter let's keep going here okay here let's see we have eight more
minutes to go here guys you gotta use up the time values at the time all right
I'm just calling me all right one to the next all right so are we
making sense I had a court denied on the screen that you're looking at or to
answer that question about how it goes when it comes to putting houses on the
contract right hello hi I'm calling about balcony on Kelly Drive Edison my
name is Ola yeah oh you wrote oh you're sending by yourself
oh you didn't wanna thank you gotcha all right you haven't listed here for for 10
is that price oh you think the mark is one I didn't get them my name is over
yeah that's correct who are they yeah this property I'm
looking at this property on on Zillow and I'm not was built in 1994 the okay
yes I am well you need list a property I'm an investor and you must get why is
this question public if I was a real time I begin I have to tell you that
back state laws I have to tell you that so I'm not a real time okay but I'm an
investor so I'm a professional investor so yes I do have some questions okay
okay um the property's the same is worth four
thousand dollars on Zestimate can you tell me why you think is worth 4/10 okay
you said something about the market is hot what do you mean
I'm gonna mark that as not interested we're gonna fit more in as a matter fact
as a fifth qualification right now anytime somebody sell you a realtor or
buyer I'm gonna say I'm a buyer but you know you know I'm gonna use that to
eliminate them so we can move on faster okay so there's typically ones they ask
that question that fences up already you know too much swimming against the trend
okay just so you know so if you're learning this stuff just know that if
you're a real toy you're calling obviously you know didn't want to walk
with the water they asked that question if so I'll tell you I know record your
message when you have finished recording you may
hang up I
I definitely resonate with calling people who's a better for multiple
reasons I have experience in it and most of my deals are three coached over 40 of
them has been to prefer closures okay for sale by owners I've never really
done one just just straight I've been honest with huge Hollywood I say that's
swell up and down about it I could see how you know so quite a few what I could
have done good you know but
you know a lot of contact you know making a lot of contact percentage-wise
compared to the number of calls hello hello yeah
I'm it yeah yeah I'm calling about the property you have listed instead of you
okay is it still available okay good this is a condom
the tower is it down yeah yeah yeah a flexible are you on that price 310 okay
what do you think the my own evolution is coming up at three hundred thousand
three hundred thousand dollars my own evaluation of what your property is
worth is coming up at three hundred thousand dollars okay
how desperate are you to sell this puppy
how desperate how how soon do you need to sell it you say you have a tenant in
the random last year Oh
Oh gotcha so is uh so you were using an investment property okay gotcha
so if I was you know if I was in a cash offer would you accept 224 pounds all
cash offer will soon arrives close within five seven days all cash
would you accept 220 not not 220 220 is too far from three on there I can
respect that I can respect that but keep my number I'm an investor so when I buy
these things I buy them so I can put some work in put some add-on on GE
appliances and then I can excel I
understand I understand yeah I understand but yeah thank you for your
time okay so a lot more pleasant call it's not interested we got to keep
moving yeah the most general calling in the
middle of all that but yeah we'll go with another phone there's a bunch of
condos Manchester and condos hello
alright so that's a handoff am i interested in that keep going to see
what you catch okay this is a good house right here Q side new side
all right yeah hi I'm calling about our a condo you have inevitable how you
doing like at you had a good time okay good
property listed a 133 500 I'll try to are you on that right no I have not
spoken to you today I don't not on evergreen road it's my first time
calling for this property I am the buyer but why are you asking
that question akin my ass and I ask why do you ask
well I'm not a route oh well why didn't you lead - with the route Oh may I ask
that question I am NOT a realtor but I was I'm curious right why did you do
with the route oh okay you want to save money on the Commission okay that makes
I'm an investor and I buy all cash only okay so this this property is listed at
133 have you done anything with an appraiser any recent that prison okay
I mean because my evaluation is I mean I could be wrong I mean tell me if I'm
wrong that those properties are okay I'm an investor more cash okay
I don't want to waste your time not just let it out I don't let out one condoms
like I can't make out one condo it's not profitable for me that way the only way
I can do this is if I'm buying I'm putting some work put some new
appliances some add-ons and stuff and then and then I sell it okay for full
price that's how I do it my offer for your house if you want me to come and
take a look at all my offers gonna be 9,000 all right thank you for your time
what I'm not interested so we're going to call that the day after that session
and that is all I hope but you got a call from me um one second let me see
you have a property for sale
do you have a problem listed for sale yeah okay let me see if I can pull up
your property with your number I call this number right okay let me see what
loading loading let me try that again six four six okay let's see is that
yesterday what to dig well half an hour you go okay Oh
a stored right where I store at Montclair right yeah yeah
you're looking for the house
I mean was still in the last one second can you denaburg you know one back see
he does it does it does say range 502 589 don't say that so well how flexible
are you on this right yeah how flex and you are you on the sprite so it's on the
MLS right now and it's gonna be 649
between five okay all right I'm an investor so I do all cash buy and and
and you know we close within five to seven days
well my price is typically lower it's definitely gonna be lower so what I'm
gonna tell you because I'm looking at your number right here it's on the high
side I'll tell you to keep my number you know
and let the root or see if they can find a good number for you at the market but
if you need to sell quickly need to get out or something my number is the right
number to call thank you for attending
so no big deal if they're not interested in not interested you gotta keep it
moving that's how that works so right now let me tell you what the
post is today let's look at the numbers today and I'll go back in and finish up
this session with answers to this is you know this is a this was an interesting
session over here this is my number today okay so you can
see I've done one hour and thirty six one hour and 36 oh now I'm 36 minutes 27
seconds we've called only we fought only for silver owners today okay and let's
see here total of forty beans called booty calls were made twenty one contact
so you can see the percentage for contact is a lot higher some people say
that and say hey twenty-one contact Bobby means that you know you can close
the deal faster not necessarily you don't know you never know if you have
the resources I'll be calling everybody for sale by owner for rent by owner
we've apologized we call everybody okay I will recharge everybody onto a close
the deal to close the deal on the next deal and
do anything so I and you can see this call the callback set was actually
higher to the theme voicemail was left not bad actually you know not bad
actually so I'll tell you like this
it wasn't as bad as calling expired listings okay it wasn't as bad at least
I learned a couple of things in just in one session
I learned that if somebody's doesn't want to talk to a Ruto you know I just
relax a little bit and and see if they're if the fence is too high I'll
just call up the call by saying thank you for your time you know I just get on
the line but the last call I said why don't you want to talk to Luther I said
I don't want to skip my commission that's all okay if you want split your
commission if you don't want to speak Commission's then that's just one of
objection on the side I'll just make sure you never pay commission I can keep
talking to you okay I can simply ask and say hey so if you never paid Commission
ever are you open to talking to me right okay all right good
you don't have to pay commission let's keep talking let me know let me let me
learn about your property tell me the story about your party okay and that's
what I've been doing all the essentially and that's why I was able to have those
many conversations so we left some 13 voice news not back okay so we see how
those let's see yeah we see how there's somebody who's texting me this time but
anyway yeah thank you so much for hanging out with me let me let me meet
this quote from the answer for you know we got cold and there was a question
that came in and I'm gonna read that cold and then we'll call it a day it's
been a lovely session actually learned a lot myself and hopefully you learned a
lot yourself I don't forget to download the book at my Empire flow calm it's a
free book tells you my mindset prepares you for this kind of scenarios but also
if you have a sizable budget you don't have to do or you don't want to this
there are marketing strategies out here that I cover in the book before I would
hope for cocoa to me is just another social marketing so it doesn't matter
and somebody doesn't want to talk doesn't matter just exposure is
everything that's what my book is salon so the more exposure you create the
better okay you get better but also the closer you get to a deal okay and the
only law tomato is closing the deal okay so with that being said let me so this
was the question how does the contracting process work do you tell the
seller do you want to buy the house of contract how does it work
so this was the quote that I have for you yes it's okay for them to know that
you and/or one of the investors in your area network will be the Empire there
are tons of them in your local area so as far as if you're worried about
maybe you don't have to cash are you lying - no you're not like two people if
you know how to secure deals and secured contract at 65% after repair value you
will be buying a house for cash why because people will give you cash to buy
the house they will pay you your fee they will pay the money for the house
and they will take the house and they will flip it for a bigger profit okay so
that's the way it works okay so you're not lying
you have every intentions to close this deal okay your primary job is to market
the message we buy houses relentlessly okay that will find motivated sellers
that are willing to sell their house at discount of 65 million or more
- repurposed due to personal issues such as not willing to fix repairs too much
debt divorce okay divorce at the Colin America 350 400 on 110 inheritances
right it's a reason why somebody may be willing to get rid of a house at
sixty-five percent or more less than the value of the property then they will
agree on a price in writing aka the signed contract so the signed
contract is nothing other than them signing them and saying yes I want to
sell this house in written form at a price that's 65 percent or lower
- they repair cost okay then you can assign the contract to the end buyer
for a fee you know typically 10% okay so you can assign it an empire buy a meal
offering the property at 75 percent of the accurate value -
okay all using strategies recommended by your no food and festive friendly are
turning or closing it here so the way you're gonna close the deal is dependent
on your local area there are investors already in your area reach out to them
by certain on and be a part of the community and they will tell you
how to closes dues your job is to market the message you buy houses we let lesson
that's really your job the rest of it the legalities of it it's none of your
business that's the job of a person agent or an atoning okay find one that's
investor friendly in your local area and let them do the rest of the map okay
there's another question here that came in a same quick video I don't see you
talking about taxes out of the taxman factor into this especially in flipping
when you flip it properly you're making capital gains you're making profit you
can't act like a regular business okay typically when i make money i expect
that forty to fifty percent of that money is not mine so i target higher
that's all I worry about when it comes to taxes just like I don't worry about
legalities I don't worry about how much I pay taxes I just want about making
money and playing the offense game when it comes to making money I make as much
as I can I go after making as much money as I can and I don't think you'd be fans
by worrying about lower taxes or ink like that well if I get to pay lower
taxes my cock will talk only that I didn't hear it okay before that I don't
worry about that I just play the offense game okay and that's the same thing I
recommend that you do so I am NOT giving you a tax advice because I am not lying
sense to do that and I'm not giving you a legal advice that's why they always
he's an attorney here's another content okay we drop the
Cepeda opens game with making money okay with that being said go to will get the
book free book and then that will also give you access to a free course called
the smart business empire okay that will give you access to that as well and at
my empire calm my mindset about marketing prospecting in general
attraction marketing you get all of that from a book okay
and we some have used to create millions upon millions of dollars of sales over
the years and you can and plus all the mistakes have made but that not a lot of
money to okay I've lost a lot of money for making
stupid mistakes and you can learn all about that in the book as well too okay
so with that being said I couldn't give a thumbs up if you liked this session if
you learn a lot from this session give me a thumbs up I really really
appreciate that and share this video we'll see a lot
once you know that you think me benefit out of this anyone can make money in
real estate it doesn't matter if your credit is bad you don't have any cash
all you have to do is learn my skills or in the book of how to market we buy
houses and relentlessly and then you can lick 2030 my highest say $2,000 from the
street simple to a deal like didn't even put I didn't even touch the door okay
$82,000 okay so it's doable and you do it again and again and again you just
have to be consistent in the business and that's why I essentially teach here
primarily the business is marketing this is marketing business okay well we'll
just take yourself on top of the product okay and you don't make money because of
what it's so good you make money because you're good at marketing okay and that's
what would cover extensively here um with that being said hopefully you can
enlighten and educate and entertain hopefully okay
and I'll see you on the next one
For more infomation >> What is Real Estate Flipping? - Duration: 2:19:16.-------------------------------------------
एरिया 51 में एलियन है ? | What is Area 51 ? Secrect of AREA 51 in HINDI 2018 - Duration: 4:49.
How Futuristic was the Monsanto House of the Future? - Duration: 6:33.
The Monsantos House of the Future!
Some of you have heard of it.
Some of you have been there!
What was it and more importantly, did it live up to its name?
In June of 1957 Disneyland opened the Monsanto House of the Future right at the front of Tomorrowland.
It was a project primarily developed by architectural and engineering faculty from MIT, and the
chemical company, Monsanto.
It was, as the name implies, a house of the future you could walk through.
But you see Monsanto didn't want just any old house of the future.
They wanted a house of the future that focused on one thing.
Just one thing.
There was a great future in plastics.
Today for many of us of a certain age or younger, it seems crazy, but in the late 1950's the
plastic industry was still coming of age.
It wasn't new by any stretch, but the real explosion of plastic manufacturing didn't
happen until after World War 2 was over.
It was this perfect merging of the development of new plastics along with the industrial
power that was developed during the war.
And so Monsanto wanted a plastic house of the future, and that's just what they got.
The House of the Future was designed to give guests a peek at what life might be like in
just ten years time.
So what was in this plastic house of the future, and how much of it ended coming true?
Let's start in the kitchen.
First up cooking food.
According to the House of the Future, food would be cooked rapidly in ovens that utilized
microwave technology.
Sounds about right.
Microwaves did exist for a decade by that point, but they stood at around 6 feet tall,
weighed 750 pounds, and cost, in today's dollar, around $55,000.
So a home kitchen microwave was still a dream, but it's one that ultimately came true by
the late 1960s.
The kitchen would also feature an ultrasonic dishwasher, which would essentially use high
frequency sound waves to agitate water which would in-turn clean the dishes.
This technology exists today, but it's largely used on an industrial and professional scale.
Not to much in the average home.
The home also sported a touch-tone telephone with hands-free speakers.
The concept pre-dates the House of the Future, however it wouldn't really find its way
to the masses until 1963 when Bell Systems would display their first touch-tone phone
at the Seattle World's Fair.
This one is interesting.
They were right, touch-tone phones did become commonplace in homes of the future.
However that's changing again.
According to the center for disease control, which oddly tracks phone ownership, less than
50% of American households currently have a landline telephone, and that number keeps dropping.
As for lighting, the House of the Future featured lights that you could dim to a level you preferred.
Again, this was an instance where the technology existed long before the attraction opened,
but wasn't really popular for use in homes yet.
It would be the Lutron Electronics Company in 1961 that would invent a dimmer based on
a diode and a autotransformer, allowing the dimmer to be installed in a normal wallbox.
Today I wouldn't go as far as to say every home has dimmable lights, but it's common enough
that I'd give them the point.
Some other features of the house included flat screen televisions, which are fairly
common today.
Retractable hanging "cold zone" refrigeration spaces.
Uh, not so much.
Room specific climate control.
It exists.
Room specific smell control.
No, unless you count those glade plugins or something.
Wall security with CCTV that show you your front door.
I mean this one exists. It's not everywhere, but it's not rare either.
Sinks with motorized height adjustment for children.
This one actually exists as well. It's mainly for accessibility, but it's definitely not something that I
would say is commonplace in the modern home.
Then of course there's the plastic home itself.
Smooth, shiny, plastic walls, floors and roofs.
Sure we might utilize plastic in building homes, but this?
Obviously the biggest failure of the House of the Future, which ends up being the biggest
failure when it comes to most of these "of the Future" showcases, is the aesthetics.
Can't really blame them though.
Sometimes it's hard enough to guess where stylistic taste is going in the next year
or two, let alone the next decade or two.
Perhaps my most favorite miss when it comes to the House of the Future though is, well,
the house itself.
You see, beyond being a showcase for plastics, the Monsanto House of the Future was an example
of modular construction.
The idea was that eight U-shaped plastic prefabricated units would be attached to a central core
unit, and then closed off with glass.
For the attraction it was built in a simple cross shape, but in theory you could mix and
match these core units with the prefab extensions to build all sorts of shaped and sized homes.
Since the same prefab extensions and cores could be built, and just rearranged, you could
lower the cost and effort of making a custom house.
Today it's not the norm to build houses that way, but modular construction is occasionally used.
Funny enough it would be used over in Disney World to build the Contemporary and Polynesian
resorts, however it ultimately caused more trouble than it saved.
1967 eventually rolled around, marking the year the House of the Future was supposed
to predict.
Some of the technology by that point was indeed finding its way into homes and some was not.
In any case Monsanto shifted their attention to their new sponsored attraction in Tomorrowland,
Adventure Thru Inner Space, and the House of the Future would close that December.
For as fun as it is to look back on these predictions of the future and laugh at what
they got wrong, I love that they still exist.
That endless optimism of a better future is not only an ideal that Walt Disney followed
himself, but it's one that pushes us all forward, even if we only get it right half the time.
If you would like to learn more about modular construction over at Walt Disney World
I have a video all about the Contemporary Resort and all of the issues that construction workers ran into
when trying to build it. Thank you all for watching, and I'll see you next time!
TRUMP WAS RIGHT! Trey Gowdy Just Leaked What a Top Democrat Admitted Doing to Trump - Duration: 15:17.
Trey Gowdy Just Leaked What a Top Democrat Admitted Doing to Trump
As the Trump-Russia "examination" keeps on going into disrepair, it's winding up
progressively evident this was all only a hostile to Trump witch chase.
Presently, Rep. Trey Gowdy, just passed the entryways over the entire thing.
Gowdy joined Maria Bartiromo and uncovered his Democratic associate, Rep. Adam Schiff,
who is driving the examination in the House Intelligence Committee.
Rep. Gowdy uncovered what Schiff revealed to him just before the "examination" began.
"Some of my Democratic associates, to be specific Adam Schiff, said he had confirm,
more than incidental 'confirmation of agreement,' BEFORE the examination even started"
Fox Host Maria Bartiromo was stunned when she heard this, and Gowdy underscored it once
again to make it clear how absurd it is.
"The positioning Democrat on the House Intel Committee (Schiff) had confirmation of conspiracy
BEFORE we met our first witness!?!"
Maria Bartiromo said "this is maddening" as Gowdy uncovered this Trump-Russia test
for what it truly is.
"Very nearly 60 Democrats voted to push ahead with indictment.
As of now!
Before Bob Mueller's discharged a solitary finding, before the House Intelligence or
Senate Intelligence Committees have discharged a solitary, singular finding, very nearly
60 House Democrats think the president should be expelled from office and Adam Schiff says
he has proof of arrangement,"
As Gowdy said this, Maria Bartiromo shook
in sicken.
Sean Hannity Exposes What Was So Creepy About Anderson Coopers Interview With Stormy Daniels(VIDEO)! - Duration: 16:56.
Sean Hannity Exposes What Was So Creepy About Anderson Coopers Interview With Stormy Daniels
I took her great show as always and welcome to Hannity breaking tonight I
have said it before I will say it again and prove it journalism so-called
journalism in this country is dead and this weekend you witnessed just one more
if not the final nail in the coffin well now that the media's Russia obsession
isn't exactly working out according a plan well instead of Russia Russia
Russia all now it's stormy stormy stormy and more stormy the mainstream media's
non-stop assault on President Trump and his character and credibility has
reached an even new low and then there's creepy Anderson Cooper along with the
king of porn soon to be scandal plagued Jeff Zucker
fake news CNN they're all leading the way tonight we will show you get your
tape recorders running how this breathless hysteria surrounding stormy
Daniels exposes the blatant double standard within your mainstream media
and he'll give you our take on stormy Daniels and the much typed interview on
60 minutes last night plus despite the press in this country
telling you would never happen President Trump he is taking tough swift action
against Russia expelling sixty diplomats some of whom are spies from our borders
and closing Russia's consulate in Seattle we have that and more you do not
want to miss our breaking news opening monologue
alright so the left-wing mainstream media's contempt for this president has
now reached a boiling point and frankly a point of unhinged insanity this is
especially true for fake news CNN now for days the Clinton News Network they
have been completely and utterly obsessed with porn star stormy Daniels
and her salacious claims that she had a brief affair a one-time encounter with
Donald Trump some twelve or thirteen years ago
you don't believe me take a look for yourself detailing on national
television an intimate relationship with Donald Trump and the effort to conceal
it adult film actress stormy Daniels the White House briefing expected to begin
any moment now they will certainly face questions about stormy Daniels the
stormy saga takes a dramatic turn as the porn star speaks out on her alleged
affair with citizen Trump stormy Daniels we haven't heard from him about the
stormy Daniels affair adult film star stormy Daniels breaking her silence
about her alleged affair with President Trump we were talking I think
understandably and appropriately about the most serious legal allegations that
stormy Daniels may still mean Daniels stormy Daniels I know you've heard a ton
about that we have to see where that case goes and what this interview is
about well it is that possible to come up in the stormy Daniels lawsuit will
she be able to say hey look this lawyer is involved with a whole bunch of
different things here this could be the last nail in the coffin for me Daniel's
it's causing stormy weather Pornstar stormy Daniels claims president Trump
broke the law had her bullied the stormy Daniels had the president's number it
sure seems that way the President Trump might have met his match with stormy
Daniels how is stormy weather in this stormy speaks we're hearing quite a bit
from stormy Daniels Stormies in her own words isn't going anywhere
stormy Daniels has a good lawyer the pornstar stormy Daniels was telling the
truth stormy Daniels is on a tear quick preview is stormy Daniels interview this
Sunday breaking news there stormy Daniels stormy Daniels stormy Daniels
stormy Daniels Torrey Daniels is stormy Daniels stormy Daniels stormy Daniels
the reason he can't engage with stormy Daniels is because she's got his number
now of course the whole network CNN isn't just focusing in on stormy Daniels
well the network is also giving ample airtime to the claims that are also made
by a former Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal capped with a particularly
frankly creepy interview with Anderson Cooper on Thursday listen listen to
these questions and we got a lot more coming would he would he call you he
would call me I would call him vice versa so you had his phone number when
he called did his numbers show up on the phone were you attracted to so the sex
was consensual did he actually try to hand you money did he bring up his wife
would he talk about his child his son were you in love with him I was yeah
and do you think he was in love with you did Donald Trump ever say to you that he
loved you did he have any nicknames for you what do you think of the apartment
and he showed you around the apartment how did you feel being in his apartment
did he ever compare you to any of his kids did he ever use protection now
meanwhile last night on 60 minutes Anderson Cooper sat down for his
much-anticipated interview with stormy Daniels but despite all the buildup and
all the unverified over-the-top claims made by her lawyer and all the constant
obsessive compulsive media obsession Cooper's interview did fall flat and
once again came off sorry Anderson this is creepy
take a look you told don't Trump to turn around and take off his pants yes and
did he yes so you turn around and pull his pants down no he had underwear on
stuff and I just gave him a couple swats this was done in a joking manner yes did
you two go out for dinner that night yeah he had dinner in the room yes
what happened next and you had sex with him yes you were 27 he was 60 were you
physically attracted to him no not at all no did you want to have sex with him
no but I didn't I didn't say no I'm not a victim I'm not it was entirely
consensual oh yes in an industry where condom use is an issue did he use a
condom no did you ask him to now after you had sex what happened he definitely
wanted to continue to see you Oh Fisher it wasn't at that point of business
meeting it was just watching sharply yeah one time consensual relationship
alleged and if you find those questions disturbing wait until you see the
interview footage that didn't make air from 60 minutes overtime I guess that's
the extra tape that they had nothing to do with it was posted online and yeah
this is tabloid trash take a look they wanted me to make a
movie and I'd any of you having sex with somebody who looks like tonight and I
said no repeatedly watch to there you know what physically you've seen him in
ways that other people haven't correct and if need be I can describe that his
private parts the Anderson really consider this hard news journal
now despite claims from Stormies lawyer that his client was ready to disclose a
mountain of evidence about Trump's misconduct the only potentially
newsworthy moment from the interview was when Stormy's claims that she was
threatened by an unidentified man following her alleged affair with mr.
Trump a one-time affair but even that claim wasn't backed up with any evidence
no evidence whatsoever so instead we just got the embarrassing details of a
suppose it or alleged one-night stand from over 12 years ago even some in the
mainstream media they are there expressing their utter disappointment
about Henderson's interviewing and hard-hitting journalism take a look so I
think people thought there was going to be like a smoking gun here did we miss
something as a young lawyer I remember being told never over-promised
under-promise over-deliver and the jury will look positively on you we have an
attorney that's done just the opposite he over promised he sent out tweets with
pictures of a cd-rom suggesting some big explosion he told us two weeks ago that
she was threatened with assault and we would find out more on 60 minutes when
in fact we found out nothing new on 60 minutes so what are you waiting for what
is the trigger that has you releasing the physical evidence I asked you
whether there was any evidence documentary evidence text messages photo
evidence that that verified that story Daniels had the affair she claims that
she had you said to me that's a question that miss Daniels will have to
ultimately answer cut to last night she's asked directly about this on 60
minutes and she says my attorney has instructed me not to answer so does she
or doesn't she have this evidence all right hell's frozen over I agree
with liberal Joe and the Today show Savannah Guthrie now four days right
here on this program we have been questioning if CNN's soon-to-be
scandal-plagued Chief Jeff Zucker has turned into the porn king but tonight
have two back-to-back lewd cringe-worthy creepy interviews with stormy Daniels
and Karen McDougal again allegations of a consensual relationship it just looks
like Anderson Cooper is now turned into CNN's Jerry
Springer it's a pretty compelling comparison let's take a look
you told Donald Trump to turn around and take off his pants yes
and did you yes you're young you like that fun your party girl etc so what's
the prob what the story you owe and you had sex with yes do you want to be with
her boyfriend did you want to have sex with him no but I didn't I didn't say no
you're not interested in being with him it's just a customer right well are you
interested in being with him he ended up taking me home are you work in an
industry where condom use is an issue did did he use a condom no did you ask
him to now so you had sex with it yeah I don't know watch out Jerry Springer
creepy Anderson Cooper could be coming for your job now we're not kidding look
at this CNN was running images all day long there she is porn star stormy
Daniels next to Karen McDougal we're not making this up there's a serious note to
all this and aside from Anderson's usually salacious interviews the
mainstream media's coverage of Daniels that mcdougal is revealing a huge double
standard in this country you got allegations from a porn star about a
one-time consensual relationship with Donald Trump gets round-the-clock
coverage CNN NBC ABC CBS conspiracy TV MSNBC and others now according to a
study this is where we get serious from news busters between March 7th and March
25th the evening newscast from just NBC ABC and CBS while they dedicated a
whopping 40 minutes of airtime to Trump allegations of a consensual relationship
but for decades the mainstream media has completely ignored serious stories of
abuse Juanita Broderick Paula Jones Kathleen
Willey all women that accused a former President Bill Clinton of serial
predator like gross sexual misconduct and the media Research Center they
crunch those numbers and according to their count 1994 when Paula Jones came
forward with details about Bill Clinton dropping his pants and exposing himself
to her in a hotel room CBS and NBC actually ignored the story ABC to their
credit gave a whopping sixteen seconds of coverage and then in
1997 when Kathleen Willy's allegations about Bill Clinton became public that he
groped and grabbed and fondled and touched and kissed her against her will
o CBS and NBC gave it one minute and 34 seconds of coverage ABC didn't touch the
story but in fairness to Ed Bradley who did pass away he did do an interview on
60 minutes with Kathleen and I believe he talked to Paul but CNN's evening
newscast dedicated just 26 seconds of coverage being different CNN then and
now and in 1998 when news broke about wanita Broderick's serious claims that
she was raped by Bill Clinton in the 70s ABC CBS they didn't find a spare second
to cover it meanwhile Lisa Myers from NBC she booked the first interview with
Juanita Broderick and according to a report from the Washington Post for over
a month NBC chief Andy lack and others prevented
the interview from airing because they said they were unable to corroborate her
story right here on the Fox News Channel britt hume remember and others were
wearing free Lisa Myers buttons on air to encourage NBC to release that
extremely important interview when the mainstream media eventually did cover
the stories of Bill Clinton's accusers the reporting was often dismissive let's
take a look at some of the clips provided to us thanks to the media
Research Center yes yes the case was being fomented by right-wing nuts
and yes she's not a very credible witness and it's really not a law case
at all I think she's a dubious witness I really do
we've got an awful lot to talk about this week including the sexual
harassment suit against the president course in that one's tough to figure out
who's really being arrested is she not trying to capitalize on this ineffective
- to profit from impugning the president I have to profess complete confusion
over this entire case why this is even a case what do you think of mr. Broadrick
story oh I don't believe it at all anybody waits 21 years the surface of
charge like this there's no evidence to back it up that you know other than it's
very circumstantial what she may or may not have told some of her friends at the
time has sworn in in the deposition that had never happened and all of a sudden
comes forth from this story the story doesn't deserve to be dignified by being
broadcast and displayed he'll meanwhile matt drudge on the
Drudge Report had up on his website today that this 1998 op-ed in the New
York Times dismissed claims against Clinton writing quote publicly
humiliating anyone for consensual adultery is draconian and it's wrong
I guess that's changed too and let's not forget that ABC is very own former
Clinton sycophant Georgie Stephanopoulos he once threatened to end a person's
career if they dared to go public with Clinton's affair allegations take a look
at this threat what his name suggests I can send you a fax with names addresses
phone numbers of who you had an affair with it wouldn't make it true
it is completely if you went on the radio and said that Bill Clinton is the
father of illegitimate my child you would be laughed at you would think
you're crazy I guarantee you that if you do this you'll never work in democratic
politics again maybe you don't want it I'm not saying it matters you will be
embarrassed before the national press corps people will think nobody will
believe you and people will think you're scum now the point of this is the
appalling double standard of the media continued all throughout the 2016
election the liberal press essentially they covered for then candidate Hillary
Clinton all while throwing her husband's accusers under the bus we've got the
videotape a trio of women who say Bill Clinton made unwanted sexual advances in
the 80s and 90s mister Clinton denies it two of the cases were plagued by factual
discrepancies when it was Bill Clinton's problems almost in the moment
Republicans tried to make it an issue and it didn't work so why is it gonna
work twenty years later with his wife I just don't see it the biggest I would
like to apologize to those tramps that have slept with my husband
she could have said that the rape accusation is decades old and
discredited it's Hillary Clinton who is the candidate here not Bill Clinton she
was not implicated in any misconduct she was not someone who was accused even of
doing anything untoward with regard to these women
it's about groping and fondling and touching against the woman's will and
rape and rape Donald Trump using that word unprompted during an interview last
night with Fox News's Sean Hannity bringing up a discredited and long
denied accusation against former President Bill Clinton dating back to
1978 when he was Arkansas Attorney General oh that's pretty pathetic and in
that last clip that we showed Andrea Mitchell NBC actually edited the online
version to remove her using the word discredited now what we just showed you
is appalling in just a few minutes by the way Paul Jones Juanita Broderick
they will react to this double standard right here in studio to shed some light
on how they have been treated by the liberal media but it's very clear the
mainstream media shrouds itself in moral superiority in order to just slam Donald
Trump but they can get down in the gutter to defend all things Clinton they
take accusations about 12 years ago about an alleged consensual encounter
between Trump and stormy Daniels and they turn it into weeks and weeks long
scandal but even up until November 2016 they were totally timid as it relates to
Bill Clinton's serial predatory behavior almost ignoring all the allegations
think of this rape groping fondling touching kissing against one woman's
will exposing yourself you know when it comes to Bill Clinton okay they're not
going to fixate on any of it but every detail of an alleged consensual
relationship as it relates to Donald Trump over a decade ago journalism is
dead and every day gets very deeper and deeper thank you god bless you and God
bless america
Discoveries That Changed What We Believed! - Duration: 11:41.
Here are some discoveries that changed a few things we believed!
9 - Secret void The mystery surrounding the construction of
the pyramid of Giza has marveled experts and fans alike throughout history.
Now, a new mystery has been added to the list.
According to experts, there's a secret void inside the Great Pyramid of Giza!
It's rare that Egyptology and particle physics mix, but back in November of 2017, scientists
made a truly baffling observation using cosmic particles blasting Earth from outer space.
For centuries historians have known that the inside of the pyramid is made up mainly of
halls and pathways, but never an inaccessible space.
Described as a long narrow void, the space is believed to measure at least 100 feet long,
and is located on top of the area known as "the grand gallery".
Although there's no certainty as to what was the purpose of the space, the mere existence
of this chamber has helped experts understand a little better the process that went behind
constructing the pyramids.
Experts still don't know what's inside the void, but they haven't ruled out finding
potential materials such as funerary items and treasures that are almost 5,000 years
old What do you guys think is in this void?
Something cool, or it's just a big empty space?
Let us know in the comments!
And oh yeah, do us a favor and hit the like button, right here!
8 - Tanzania Discovery When it comes to the timing of when humans
first appeared on Earth, there's a wide disconnect, as many experts have differing
But one discovery that was found in the northern Tanzania, has helped to understand how and
when humans first came to be.
The Olduvai Gorge, a steep-sided ravine, has become one of the most important and interesting
archaeological sites in the world, mainly because of the fossils found on the site and
the evidence it confirmed.
Stretching 30 miles across the Serengeti, Olduvai Gorge became a milestone for understanding
human development, based on the results of the excavations performed by British and Kenyan
Research indicated that the homo habilis species first populated the area around 1.9 million
years ago, a date that preceded the presence of homo erectus, and of course, the species
everyone knows, homo sapiens.
This fact, which was widely unknown to many people, served as confirmation that the human
species first appeared on Earth at a prior date than previous reports stated.
Depending on who you ask of course!
7 - Alien Planet Amazingly, only a few decades ago, the thought
of any alien planets existing was just a completely hypothetical idea.
Nowadays, we know of thousands of such planets.
However, what's even more amazing is that scientists may have discovered the best candidate
yet for alien life!
That candidate is an exoplanet orbiting a red dwarf star 40 light-years from Earth.
The international team of astronomers who discovered it have deemed it a "super-Earth."
Although the planet orbits a faint red dwarf star ten times closer than the Earth is to
the sun, that's not an issue because red dwarfs are much smaller and cooler than our
sun is.
The super-Earth lies in the middle of the habitable zone and receives around half as
much sunlight from its star as the Earth does!
The planet is about 6.6 times as massive as Earth and is probably made of rock with a
dense iron core.
For life to exist, a planet has to have liquid surface water and retain an atmosphere.
When red dwarf stars are young, they're known to emit radiation that can be damaging
for the atmospheres of the planets that orbit them.
However, this planet's large size means that a magma ocean could have existed on its
surface for millions of years.
This seething ocean of lava could have fed steam into the atmosphere long after the star
has calmed to its current, steady glow, replenishing the planet with water!
What do you guys think?
Are there aliens walking around on this planet?
Let us know in the comments!
6 - Machu Picchu Treasure The land of the Incas has been home to numerous
The allure of the South American jungle has prompted many explorers to try and find new
treasures and historical objects.
It all adds up to the captivating image the world has of Peru.
A recent discovery by French historian Thierry Jamin points to the existence of a hidden
treasure chamber that lays under the historical Machu Picchu.
Of course, there's no way a finding like this would go about without some controversy.
According to Jamin and his team, their electromagnetic equipment unearthed what they believe is a
secret door that, if opened, will reveal a chamber that they're certain contains treasures
in gold, silver and other precious metals.
When the Peruvian Ministry of Culture heard their intentions to excavate the historical
site, they denied all permit applications.
According to them, Jamin doesn't seem to be interested in the historical advancement the
excavation might bring to the site but was more concerned about the treasures they may
They were also worried that the excavation project could jeopardize the stability of
Macchu Picchu.
Although other archaeologists have also studied the site and confirmed that they believe the
door is a passage to a burial site filled with treasure, there hasn't been any excavations
allowed by the Peruvian government.
5 - Zealandia Have you guys ever heard of a place called
It's a big landmass almost entirely submerged underwater in the southwest Pacific ocean.
The highest mountains of Zealandia make up, you guessed it…...New Zealand.
Early in 2017, scientists made another push for the landmass to be recognized as a continent.
Roughly 94% of the landmass is underwater with only a few islands and three major areas
sticking out above the surface.
New Zealand's North and South Islands, and New Caledonia.
After a two-month drilling study that was performed 800 miles underwater, researchers
presented a report where they recognized the continent had a close proximity with the tectonic
plates of Australia and Antarctica.
This suggests that there were pathways or "natural bridges" in which animals and
plants could move around and populate the now submerged Zealandia.
Should textbooks start recognizing Zealandia as the 8th continent?
After all, just a few years ago, Pluto got the boot off the list of planets, changing
what had been taught in schools for decades.
There's no scientific body that formally recognises continents.
Maybe there just needs to be a push for it?
What do you guys think?!
Should Zealandia be a continent?!
Let us know in the comment section!
4 - Oldest Fossil Reef We've heard the stories of cities that no
longer exist.
Essentially after a couple million years, the places submerged underwater and disappear
into history.
But this is the case of something that's quite the opposite.
And it was quite the discovery!
This discovery pushed back the earliest known animals by some 90 million years.
From afar this formation looks only like simple rocks, part of the Flinders Ranges, South
Australia's largest mountain range.
But when closely inspected, it's actually a huge fossil reef that's ten times taller
than the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef!
Princeton University geoscience professor Adam Maloof said he was looking for evidence
of early life in the Flinders Ranges when he stumbled upon the rocks.
He realized that they contained small red fossils of quote "some sort of organism".
Further analysis revealed the three-dimensional shape of a "sponge-like animal".
Multiple fossils found on the site indicated the presence of some of the oldest animals
ever found on Earth.
Previously, the oldest known fossils of hard-bodied animals were from two reef-dwelling organisms
that lived about 550 million years ago.
3 - Faster Craters A new study has found that new craters are
forming on the surface of the moon more frequently than scientists had predicted.
The discovery raises concerns about future moon missions, because I mean, it's pretty
dangerous when spacecraft and astronauts face an increased risk of getting hit by falling
space rocks!
The moon is dotted with a vast number of craters, some billions of years old.
Because the moon has no atmosphere, falling space rocks don't burn up like they do on
Earth, which leaves the moon's surface vulnerable to a constant stream of cosmic impacts.
These new findings also suggest that a number of young features on the moon's surface, such
as recent volcanic deposits, may in fact be even a bit younger than previously thought.
Although the odds of something on the lunar surface suffering a direct hit by asteroidal
or cometary debris is still very small, these new findings illustrate the potential dangers
posed by the rocks kicked up by these impacts.
2 - Antikythera Anty-kuh-ther-ah wreck Back in 1900, a crew of sponge divers discovered
what has become the most popular shipwreck in Greece: the Antikythera wreck.
Numerous objects were found on the site, including a set of statues that are believed to be dedicated
to philosophers and gods such as Ulysses, Hercules and Apollo.
For years, many researchers have studied the wreck and the area surrounding it, searching
for pieces that will help them understand ancient Greek society better.
One of the most significant findings was a piece of bronze with an interesting embedded
gear wheel.
To this date, this finding from 1902 is considered to be the most advanced artifact from the
era, as it turned out to be an ancient analog computer!
It's come to be known as the Antikythera Mechanism.
New explorations and research has uncovered new objects that indicate the intricacy of
ancient Greek engineers.
Subsequent excavations of the wreck delivered new finds from the ship.
One extraordinary find is an ancient weapon known as a dolphin, a 220 lb lead bulb tipped
with an iron spike, intended to be dropped from the ship's yardarm through the deck
and hull of an attacking vessel.
Perhaps the most intriguing artifact found since the Antikythera Mechanism was a small,
bronze disk.
Punctuated with holes and decorated with the image of a bull, it's unclear what the disk
was used for.
Who knows what they'll find in further expeditions!
1 - Armadillo Skull If you guys found a giant egg, would you almost
think that it may be a giant dinosaur egg?!
This is essentially what happened to Jose Antonio Nievas of Argentina!
He was taking a stroll outside of a farm in a town near Bueno Aires.
Much to his surprise, he saw a large shell-like object in the middle of a puddle near a riverbank.
After some preliminary examination of the object, experts believe it's the shell of
an armadillo-like prehistoric creature, the glyptodont.
A glypto-what?!
This prehistoric animal once roamed the swamps of South America, supposedly between two million
and 10,000 years ago.
Glyptodons are the ancestors of modern armadillos.
They're characterized by a large, round armored dome on its back, with squat legs
and a short head and neck.
They were herbivores that weighed up to a ton and could grow up to ten feet long!
The finding comes as no surprise to many experts, given how glyptodonts were an endemic species
of South America.
Who knew you could still find old shells from a giant armadillo back in the day!
Here's what's next!
Arthur Allain - What is Home (Lyric Video) "2018 Soca" (St Lucia) - Duration: 2:39.
Arthur Allain - What is Home (Lyric Video) "2018 Soca" (St Lucia)
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