shadow fight 3
shadow fight 3
Dark Souls: The Movie | The Legend of Artorias Trailer - Duration: 2:10.Sif, forgive me, for I have availed you nothing...
Long ago, in my homeland of Oolacile, I was beset by a creature from the Abyss.
I would have perished then, were it not for the great knight Artorias.
Long ago, the knight Artorias traversed the Abyss.
If you can find him, and learn from him, the Abyss may prove surmountable.
The legend of Artorias art none but a fabrication.
Traversing the dark? 'Tis but a fairy tale.
Have thine own respect, go not yonder knocking for nothing, I say!
Believe it or not, Oolacile has brought the Abyss upon itself.
They upturned the grave of primeval man, and incited his ornery wrath.
From my home I was taken, and banish'd to a plane of distortion.
It was there, that thou came to my rescue. Long after I had relinquised all hope.
That was Oolacile, many centuries ago.
Farewell, human. Lead thy life as thou seest fit.
►XAVERIA◄ DARK ATMOSPHERE STORYTELLING FREESTYLE STREET {FREE} Rap Instrumental ☯️Sacred Beatz☯️ - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Olheiras: Home Treatments that Lighten Dark Circles Naturally - Duration: 4:35.Dark circles make our face look old and tired.
Not everyone is prone to this problem, however, when they appear, they can
much with a person's self-esteem.
There are some factors that cause dark circles and "bags" of swelling, such as:
- Fatigue - Insomnia - Stress - Genetics - Allergy - Side effects of
some medicines.
If you do not eliminate the swelling in time, he can only be treated with surgery,
so it is best to take some measures to prevent this situation from getting worse.
There are great natural and homemade recipes to address and prevent this problem:
Sweet Potato Sweet potato starch has properties bleaching agents.
This vegetable has a high water content and can moisturize skin and fight inflammation.
Cut a sweet potato into slices, then light to the refrigerator for ten minutes.
Then, take two slices and put in the eyelids and below the eyes, letting
for 15 minutes.
It has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can produce surprising effects when
putting it over your eyes.
All you have to do is cut slices cucumber and put them over your eyes until
that they become lukewarm.
Then replace them with new slices.
Repeat this for 20 minutes and you will notice improvements immediately.
Green tea
Green tea has the ability to prevent fluid retention, eliminate toxins
of the body and prevent inflammation.
What happens is that the region below eyes stores fat and fluids,
to inflammations that develop dark circles.
Therefore, we recommend that you drink two cups of green tea daily - one
morning and another at night.
You can also hydrate two bags of green tea with a little hot water and,
then remove excess water to put them over your eyes.
You should put an apple in the refrigerator and when it is already very cold, peel off
and cut into slices to blend together with a spoon (soup) of oats to form
a thick paste.
Cover your face with this folder and let it act for 15 minutes.
Then rinse with cold water.
The apple has the ability to relax the muscles.
So it will help you relax your tired face and tense after a long day.
Any of these recipes are very good to make your look lighter.
However, some steps need to be taken, as:
- Have a quality sleep and rest well: fatigue is considered as the main cause
of this problem.
- Avoid anything that promotes retention of fluid, such as salt consumption and sedentary lifestyle
(smoking and drinking).
- Drink plenty of water, at least two liters per day.
A body that is well hydrated can eliminate toxins easily, improve skin health
and prevent fluid retention.
- Consume diuretics such as green tea, salsa, pepino, chuchu, etc.
- Protect the face from exposure to the sun.
- Avoiding chemical beauty products in the region eyes, especially those that you
does not know the origin.
- Avoid the habit of rubbing your eyes continuously, as it may irritate and
the delicate tissues around the eyes.
The Bold and the Beautiful - In A Dark Place - Duration: 3:44.-------------------------------------------
The Left's Hypocrisy on Dark Money | Hayden Ludwig - Duration: 2:24.Double standards are nothing new in politics.
For example, politicians' responses to other politicians' sexual misdeeds often differ
according to whether the accused is a member of the same party.
Here's another example of double standards: many people on the Left crusade for what they
call "campaign finance reform."
As part of those reforms, they attack so-called 'dark money' – the ability of a donor
to give money anonymously.
But some on the Left denounce conservative "dark money," while ignoring the millions
in dark money dollars that go to their own favorite causes.
One of the biggest "dark money" groups in America is the Tides Foundation.
It took in over 152 million dollars in 2015 alone, and passed on 147 million dollars to
other groups that same year.
But while Tides legally has to disclose its grantees, it doesn't reveal which donors
supported which grantees.
That's the very definition of a dark money group.
And who does all that cash go to?
Millions go to some of the Left's loudest attack dogs against right-of-center donors
who give, and nonprofits who receive, "dark money."
For instance, Media Matters for America, a Left-wing advocacy group, received a six figure
grant from Tides, yet their website hosts a lengthy article with the provocative title,
"The Conservative Dark-Money Groups Infiltrating Campus Politics."
Worse, Media Matters was founded by David Brock, a political operative infamous for
his ring of activist organizations that give and receive "dark money," including Media
Matters' own affiliate: the Media Matters Action Network.
Tides has also given a five-figure grant to the left-leaning Center for American Progress
Action Fund, whose partner organization, the Center for American Progress, attacks right-of-center
dark money on its website.
One article headline even claims, "dark money is poisoning American democracy."
Media outlet Democracy Now received a six-figure grant from Tides, then gave left-wing conspiracy
theorist Jane Meyer a 45-minute platform to showboat her discredited book entitled, "Dark Money."
Whether "Dark Money" is good or bad is a question answered in our previous video,
"Is Dark Money Dangerous?"
But groups on the Left that call dark money corrupt while taking dark money donations
aren't only wrong – they're hypocrites.
To learn more, read the full article on our website.
I'm Hayden Ludwig, thanks for watching.
PewdiePie Amnesia The Dark Descent Playthrough 3 #15MFLᴴᴰ - Duration: 54:41.all right welcome back to amnesia the Dark Descent I I helped loaded a video
to YouTube just now and I realized it's pretty pretty dumb like dark you
couldn't see much I'm just gonna light it up a little bit it's gonna be a
little less scary for me as well and I feel like I kind of need that let's say
in the light wow it's it's got to be more difficult though cuz I only gonna
go insane for sure I got a slight headache way I got that
in real life as well that's weird oh yeah I was here and I I couldn't
figure it out but I think I figured out when I did the butter then I forgot
about it oh wait I can did that that's awesome okay because there were
something called Trinity yeah so that's got to be that one and there was someone
called for a face that's gonna be that one and Flo that's got to be that one so
I it's weird that I remember remembering this and then forgetting about it in the
next video yeah see now it's working I feel I feel weird forgetting about
I thought one way which was the correct way and then I forgot about this pretty
weird but I'm actually gonna leave this place if I can find exit which I really
hope I do by walking here because I apparently missed the part that's
supposed to be really scary so what the fuck not
you know
because this place is the only puzzles anyway but they weren't that tricky
because I don't think it was I feel stupid not figuring that one out but I
figure it out figure it out when I wasn't playing so I feel like it doesn't
care who gives a shit let's see if he leaves me more presents he says it tends
to do that all that body's gone oh it was the last
time also I think it's in the guest room I am not too sure there was something
really creepy about it fucking hate his fucking presence why
would I want this idiot doesn't even work what am I supposed to you set forth
strange letters frighten him but it was also the only one which offered some
comfort I already read that oh wow I hope it's in here otherwise I feel
something about a painting I think I know
I already seen this these paintings maybe it's not even here I don't
remember someone just sold me there was creepy part in the guest room or
something what's the study I don't remember I
think these are actually the only only rooms unless I'm missing a room
I feel stupid wasting time on stuff like these
yeah there's another key I wondered picked up the key that's
pretty weird and now the keys gone weird oh that's
alright let's head out I think it's it study let's check that out I don't want
to go in there take a study is much much much more creepy least I remember it but
let's do it anyway
wait I gotta make sure my mic yeah it isn't you guys knew that you
were laughing at me fuckers no I'm kidding I love you
well the left if your name is Jeff I don't like Jeff I'm sorry sorry Jeff
just kidding I like Jeff's as well right I think there was
shake it out yeah might find some other stuff there I
don't remember yeah I've been here I remember that
someone left the door closed that's not creepy at all
is it in here nope
I wonder if it's a yeah cuz I never went in here
oh this room is creepy bunch of dead stuff see I knew I missed
something let's see what you have to haul I already know that dogs the show
douche I really want to kill him now douche honey I wish I could pick this up
she's always fucking ass Oh doggy love you beauty can we can we kiss yeah
sure I was weird that's the stuff to read animal
experiment Canis lupus familiaris 1658 April 2nd 12 of April April 12 I don't
know fucking American system after a short
study it's is it is clear that they are gay I like how did I say that
agitation found among humans can be found in the dog oh fuck is agitation
fare and pain induced stress we seem to trigger an endogenous response causing
the animal to burst with energy I believe that the catalyst is produced in
the brain it is difficult to determine exactly where and what it is but I can
sense it and it reeks of cosmic Genesis there is an inherit problem in
harvesting the energy since the creature is bound to die from the exercise
I must refine this process of torture to enable any real work to be done more
experiments must be performed but it seems that only human beings are able to
produce the amount necessary it might be their ability appreciate the server
sovereignty of the process that ultimately I meant their experience of
terror that's really horrible so knowing that they're gonna die helps
the process apparently we found out that like
hundreds of people have been keeping that kidnapped in this castle and never
seen up again so I apparently we didn't find out why like they needed to kill
people but apparently they needs the AG consist of it was called fucking hate to
all here subpoena it's nothing creepy about it
it's a book I hate that guy fucking Alexander hey
does he pick okay Ana Tommy frontiers six 1658
January the 9th of January or something further disappointment the antiquarians
laters finding yield nothing I'm still unable to grasp the inner workings of
life and its relation to power I sense within it I shall pursue more books on
this on the subject but I suspect it will be endangered since no research has
been made in my particular interest I must attempt to fill that void myself
clearly humans and men ate more of the energy I seek but I hope animals will
suffice as they would prove less of a hassle to acquire what a douche or a
douche you know that Oh which is your fun mother of God
fuck fuck you fuck you Nestle Jesus Christ fuck you fuck you fuck you burn
motherfucker burn huh who's laughing now I motherfucker Jesus Christ you have a
small dick
oh thank you
all right Oh oh my god fuck you making making funny faces that me that's
not that's not cool fucking cool bro I hate you I hate you so much I wish I
didn't go in here fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I'm not going there
fuck you I'm out of here buckle your fuckin fuck ah hate this game hate that
fucking Alexandra okay I'm not gonna bother reading that ah
I'm fuckin pissed and scared now that's not a good combination fucking douche
okay so back down and fucking the machine room I guess done
monsters there I'm gonna be sad and it's cuz I'm fucking tired of that fucking
loss I wish I could just fucking kill it he's okay yeah yeah
yeah kind of pop up when you don't even expect it yeah I'm a mess yeah stop
doing that fuck fuck okay I'm done with the two
parts I think it's the elevator should be running though but I still want to
check out this place yeah it's probably maybe there's like an almond and off
switch somewhere who knows fuck you box oh this has a nice glide in
it oh all right maybe the monster is here hey there bro
fuck you I hate you I hate you you should know this oh I knew it
they're down another I know how to oil wait I got some more
don't waste it though alright it's another passel let's read
this 17th of July 1839 powers this escaped me they're all dead
their limbs scattered head split down the middle their skin flayed as it boil
I feel like I'm falling into myself what's happening
so William Smith professor Taylor now dr. Tate is it following me oh how can
it not be it's the damn thing I brought from Africa something is after me no no
I have no choice but to trust the Baron he'd better know what he claims if he is
wrong I suspect he'll regret it as well but he already said that
you mean we got there are missing cog wheels to
be fit but it every time there's a postal douchebag
appears it's not my bro anymore whoa
more work all right
are now I have to find the parts missing cogwheels was a cogwheel
is it oh it's one of these this is common
we got to find those here's one
it's pretty laggy I'm being a pussy I'm not playing in
full-screen anymore is this too much I can hear you bro it's not cool I know
you're there
arrey fits gay bro I'm gonna come after you now Ryu fucking douche yeah I can
hear you moan you're a douche I know it great I refill my fucking oil
fuck you fear if he appears I'm gonna slam his fucking face you better run
like a goddamn pussy like I always do
is there there is no cogwheels here we got a refill of oil wait I got it
it's I bet it's underneath
is it this is work there's got to be something I thought
they were gonna be underneath I'd be awesome if I sold that muscle doesn't
seem like it I don't know how you did
the rocks
all right did I do that I'm confused right now all right
all right
dude the shovel fucking haunts me alright you go go
I mean it's still the screen still covers most of it I was going to think
about screaming and that's why she promised
all right
so we need to get fines on cogwheels maybe there were some more upstairs
more laggy I know if it lags for you that's one fuck you yeah all right one
more there it is no yeah what's there I saw you and then when I put them to
place the monster will yeah all the lights will go out and I will piss my
panties as usual even though I'm ready for it
it still scares me that's why I don't like this game
usually when you play a scary game or whatever there we go it stops being as
scary as the first minutes of you playing it this game has been a fucking
nightmare from the first second to the last and
apparently I'm not even close to finish so that's fucking great I was hoping I
was downing that after the fucking elevator but no the game continues what
else fucking work do you need to go down the elevator well I really don't
what-whatever miss
oh yeah that we're seeing like this
there we go there's nothing in the burner
I need to fill in the code that's what this was thought it was like
my births tire er something
all right I wonder how many it's kind of picking three years there's always a
good number so many hits you need to kill bosses in
the old days fuck you Shelley Shelly
and we're good let's see head on the burner
now elevators should be working all right so let's have down the creepy
fucking elevator it's why the fuck nuts in this game as
I hate you thank you oh fuck you do that's cool
oh they're one of those damn that I do I just said fucking stop preparing front
of me
like a girl
I want to read that he flipped through the book of Monarch looking at looking
for each Kings and counted nine different Kings are how during the red
Oh creepy cutscene is fucked up I feel like this is one way
my trip and I feel like it's gonna be really dark down there because otherwise
I'm gonna let me refill my fucking oil I guess it's better than no one
but I guess I'm gonna in an episode here even though it doesn't really fit
because I feel like this is a good part to end an episode so you're in part to
whatever welcome to part whatever is head down the fucking elevator I'm
fucking pissed at this game so it was meant having mark there was no
way for him to know that they are well the other day costs such terrible
share of shadow all right heading down there - later
that can only be good means witty things right
oh I've been there
all right
well good thing we use the fucking elevator the morning sun flickered
between the pine trees and the carriage approached the castle a faint memory of
reflection in the window look up no don't quit on me now Danielle we're not
nearly done with this bullshit
all right that's it come this way I wonder what's up with those who give
me I should have warned you one of my responsibilities as a parent
that of a prison warden this is where criminals are loaded up like a dungeon
very much so come don't linger linger what does the linger mean all these
fancy words
all right come on
it's gonna be some way yeah there we go I'm a strong motherfucker
I'm gonna kill you Alexander I see your face I'm gonna shop it off as you did
with that dog that is not cool killing dogs
dog wanted to kiss me that's gonna sound weird he said look
didn't Washington losses all right I think we're good this
and remove the lock and then we can no block at the door oh oh no oh I've seen
this part internet livestream just just like a minute or so
so I don't know what and when or whatever but I know the monster will
appear fuck
yeah yeah yeah you're not my bro anymore
scaring your bro consistently it's not this make you not gonna let this up cuz
I get a feeling I'm gonna come back here do you know those man fucking so dark I
can lift those yeah fuck I hate you I hate I fucking hate you you're not my
bro you're not my bro you're not my bro bro no no no no no
right I knew it I'm so sick of him oh
how do I know if they will here
I don't want to die I don't want to go in the same
there bro
can't really hurts
okay let's
Jesus Christ that's a shot
oh yeah yeah you're scared of the fuck is it
this fucking bed fucking ass Flay
all right got our hammer maybe we can stone into death that would be fuckin
Pleasant I don't know why how he stoned someone
let's use our hammer to bang this fucking shit oh I still had that one
though there you go
nope nope nope not going in there
down what's up with this it's like delay it's annoying
stop it oh that's why I'm insane
pick it up Daniel fine so hard to the delayed
who if he had been behind ago I would have pissed my pennies
so our just stop being such a bitch whose isn't
scared Danielle I got a hammer this fucking lock so
fucking hard solid methyl in good shape this is no
use fuck you I'm gonna do it anyway
worked no I'm insane oh come on Danielle you come on don't quit on me Danielle
and you know we're in this together you fucking douche get up
yeah head and pounding hands are shaking your douche Daniel fucking quitter
that's what oh wait I got this and either
what am I put my dick in it or what seriously that doesn't work I'm out of a
fucking idea I guess I gotta find something
Jesus surprise your quitter Daniel you don't work for the team just fucking do
professional maybe I can use something
I'm stupid for any trying this I just
hey there
but see I don't want to leave without you Torito
you must go we don't have time to make the hole any wider hole in her vagina
it's coming hurry I'll cover the hole with the bed oh it's
under the man I promise where's the door I don't like
good Oh enough it's too narrow
so I don't have to take a diet see
but I have to why do I keep this stuff you know if I can use them pretty
useless yeah yeah as mice
fuck he's after me close the door
please don't come in here what have I done bro you're not my bro fuck you
am i doing i'm just gonna call my cafe in the corner
all the weeks always works
even the mice are scared got them twisted I don't feel like I have the
right to call anyone a pussy - so scared playing this game is it gone or what
hate em hate you alright
yeah yeah
yes it has to she
right so there were like nothing here
I feel like I'm gonna run out of oil if I keep using it like this
so dark
so dark it's in here more businesses
our Unitas
the lock is very corroded so many prison cells
No what am I fuck keep funny dead ends and nothing to
break that ends wow they're just making things worse look this is no place for a
young girl all by herself she could be hurt it was there's no telling what
horrors await down there oh oh maybe that wasn't a douche after all
mom was here we go he always appears over the cool bro just picked up a shit
fare okay we're cool
maybe is a bro after all
see use the shipper made no sense
I get to refill my oil it's good oh it was only a little whatever
so there was that was it
oh wait I can go back to the other room
too bad against financial everyone we're walking
or what oh yeah I could just follow
something tells me I shouldn't go there let's do it anyway
I don't remember closer oh yeah I can use this now
I got a feeling the bros gonna come up
it was here right no it was here
ah I don't want to go down there however it's the fucking do it moving that orb
was like pushing a star in the night sky out it yeah it wasn't supposed to happen
the shadow isn't some vengeful spirit it is the universe catching up with itself
well what do you know oh this is narrow where did I come from
there's a light coming from
answer appeared here I would have liked oh oh of course
one is a certain death and the other one is wait what's that rhyme oh it's in
Swedish Oh Ladue Ladakh king kill karna cough cough
Elana oubli Donna through a tough okay it's left I was probably wrong anyway
but it doesn't matter oh well that was useful that house
fucking dead end
as long as that disgusting goo doesn't appear out cool
all right
alright fuck move
and we're cool all right what a fuck are we we are at storage why
not I'm gonna run out of are you
like one of these up so I remember where I came from
what is that
oh is that so scary oh there's someone up there
where's that kitchen
already too late up already lit up means you're dead never good news
never ever all right
oh fuck haters gonna hate runs home love
is he safe well it's for his own good
nice bed by the way all right let's read this second of
August 1839 I have arrived at the village of altstadt it's a haven in the
midst of a vast forest of the last stop before my final destination castle
brennenburg it's late in the evening and the
outrider who has been with the coaches it's Bremen advised me to wait until
morning before I venture further I've arranged for a bed at deir mula the
villages own Angela and am now waiting for the Sun to rise I tried to sleep but
as I close my eyes I see the man who fell victim in London my fear and shame
forces me to witness the same scenes over and over they are dead because of
how's my son doing there'll be enough time bro be cool
oh my god oh my god oh my holy fuck fellas jesus fucking christ
oh my god oh my fucking god oh Jesus Jesus oh my holy Oh
this game is gonna give me a heart attack
that was the most horrible thing ever holy fuck I can't do this anymore oh my
god oh my god oh my god ah sorry no no I got a
welcome back it's 5:00 in the morning and you know what that means
fuck fuck fuck I had to take a really really long break after that that was so
horrible I I watched it then I couldn't even
couldn't even comprehend words you know I could comprehend that's not the right
word I couldn't even say words I just said oh
my god oh my god oh my god cuz that's really all I thought at that
moment I I went into the fucking room I was so sure he wasn't there and then I
was like what the hell I can't move backwards and then I returned around and
there he is hitting my face and I'm like fuck it's like he spent so many hours
playing this game trying to avoid the fucking monster and then he's right
fucking behind you when you think you're fucking safe it's like I just I wasn't
ready for that at all I was hoping in this game wouldn't you know do this to
me anymore now that I played it so many hours but it still does this doesn't
doesn't stop getting scary it's so annoying and the thing is when I log in
now when I play select and play that monster is gonna be there behind me and
it's gonna I got to start running and it's gonna start chasing me and I knew
it I had to have something that wouldn't you know
something that made me want to continue this play playing this game because
right now as it isn't right now there aren't many reasons for me wanting to do
this so I do come prepared now I gotta click continue
yeah I'm gonna pause it alright when it goes in it's gonna be so fucking
horrible I just ah sitting in a dark room with a headset
phone song there that was a great idea
fuck load already mother fucking I don't want to hear that moaning oh okay okay
I'm gonna since he's gonna chase me I don't know
if you guys can hear it since it's gonna chase me I'm gonna put on some fading
music for it
Oh Oh fuck-you was quick it was much quicker than I thought
where am I it's a prison cell I never died before
I was hoping I'd never do that I'm so horrible oh no I don't know where I am
that was I was intense no doubt no doubt
storage yeah this is where I died I died in the same room where he was that's
weird so I got all this stuff apparently there was like nothing useful in here
oh geez so scary cell area five four Oh down there or
I bet I can break this
no no I don't know why I even try that I know it's not gonna work
storage why the fuck not
some dark
you're there already lit up why not dead mice nice right
it's got to be something in here lots of stuff I like that thank you
don't know why I keep wasting that what is this
then break oh Jesus Christ
so now I know he's fucking quick as well that's great
I don't know no I can't run when I see him because I'll be dead otherwise
fucking great everyone keep telling me story she's like the most scariest part
so I
like I'm glad this is almost almost over oh there is
I don't know if you can come in here
I'm so sick of you
if he comes in there I'm gonna turn the fucking computer off
hmm I should have just went in there I just I should have just ignored him
my stomach fucking hurts I'm so fucking stressed from this play in this game
I hate this I really she's me I honestly thought I
could get away from him sorry that was my steam
people watching this video and they keep thinking nurse it's their scene I should
turn it off I keep forgetting it's like 5:00 in the morning so I didn't think
anyone would message me I think it's safe or is it thinking it saves never a
good idea when you played this game obviously
holy fuck all right we're good he walked so weird he's like strut that
ass strut that ass strut that ass strut that ass you both had Arsenal and the
padlock what the fuck's a padlock
I guess
I gotta continue my journey from where I saw the monster
is there something I'm missing here let's check notes cuz I feel kind of
boss no that's great so we're in hair lost for the monster is
this a padlock
don't slice up my bro bro
yes you are a cockroach yes no one like see this is where I came from
fuck don't talk Daniel supposed to be quiet
sorry that was my steam again where did I come from I come from here right
yeah probably forgot something
kitchen let's head in there sorry my steam again he just won't fucking type
to me
alright let's lift this up so we don't forget where we came from
am i walking back now I kinda feel like I am
yeah this is where it came from look what's over here that it's another way
to the kitchen
what budge
it won't go away let's try picklock no let's just try all this stuff and get
this over with what the fuck I'll ask your I really
expect that to work am i that's stupid all right I don't know why I keep trying
that I know it's not gonna work I think it's we're gonna head to the
kitchen actually all right I haven't been here
Wow totally not creepy I don't want it to him to sneak up on me
alright 18:39 I feel like I have fled the world and all it worries oh that's
nice so he's a majestic creation perched upon a forest clad Hill
with towers reaching well above even the highest pine tree following the winding
road leading to the gates gives the impression of discovering something
forgotten as if journeying with Marco Polo to the Hidden Xanadu Alexander the
Baron is a peculiar but gracious man and he sounds all versed in worldly matters
and is not at all as eccentric as I assumed my room is exquisite and I'm
confident that no hotel for miles could even hope to match it oh wow the Sun
sets on brennenburg it's fairytale varnish turns to an eerie gloom
Alexander's strange servants are never far away they are a quiet lot and their
behavior could only be described fucking skull King King Alexander seems pleased
by my presence of course he has come about great view it seems like I got
here just in time to but drape
okay that didn't tell us much I think we already knew that I bet there's
something I gotta find oh geez
oh dude I'm turning this game off he is he found if he finds me here
oh this was not a good hiding spot
it's got to be better hiding spots fuck oh why did I picked this hiding spot
oh this not a good idea but he's gonna go for the pigs I don't want to see even
again fucking at the goosebumps fuck why those
things games stop creeping the hell out of me
I can I'd read my fucking notes alone it's your fucking problem I think I'm
safe I hope am but I'm not checking until the
fucking music stops
oh I need that Jesus Christ ah
are we good be cool bro
all right
guess I gotta pick this up you're cool bro
all right
pigs and shit maybe this can like I don't know what
it's called in English but destroy the lock I don't know what you call it
probably will run gonna end this part cuz I don't this is too much for me my I
gotta take a break or something I don't know it's gonna take a split second for
you either way alright welcome back fuck am i oh yeah I got my glass jar of
acid we're gonna use that on the lock hopefully hopefully I'll make it there
alive I have died in once now it was not
pleasant am I supposed to go in there again no can't go back there's no going
back Daniel that's our fucking sure all right
I wouldn't be surprised if he'd pop out one more time before
that's the price at all I think it's downstairs somewhere
so dark
Oh already not scared yeah great think it's down here
nope right there wasn't down there all right
I think it's over here though am I out of oh god I thank God have plenty of oil
don't worry you got this no problem yeah here it is
hopefully we can use this fuck
I'm out of ideas
I'm really out of ideas here
confusing really is
confusing say the least
have you been in the kitchen
don't forget being here
Oh God that is a dead body
oh geez
it's fresh and shit
nice ass that ass
here's a bucket your poo bucket sorry bro
those not cool all right it's a shaky and cut scene
never good news
service requests I mean it can't be do I deserve this yeah it wasn't my
fault what was it why did you have to go in
there true let's wait for him to growl Oh turnin box honor I might have missed
they're so sneaky
into the darkness because why not
a note fuck you
let's read this get up Danielle hookahs 1839
nightmares woke me in the early morning and for a moment I forgot where I was
shortly after there was a knock on my door Alexander had heard my screams and
asked me to join him in the parlor as in a drank sounding badniks andhe began to
tell me what he knew it seems like the all I found casts a long and dark shadow
it's not only a powerful item but a dangerous farrelly simply by touching it
you invoke the powers within and if you are too weak to control it will devour
you the shadow is a sluggish thing lagging behind the wielder killing
anyone or anything in its path to reclaim me more I said I didn't care
about his powers and I should throw it away
Alexander advised against this as I'd still be a part of the path to the orb
and eventually suffered death having the or I would at least have the chance to
fight back when the time came I asked Alex Allah Jesus meant when he said he
could protect me and he answered the things can be done oh that at a price
and whenever that is you're gonna moan at me fucker
hate him so much well this didn't really help us get through that door or
anything so that's kind of annoying I don't why I had this up yeah
and set steamy Oh
okay I still know
do you see him
everything oh if he had been behind me once more F I wouldn't have played this
game anymore
you see there I can't see
no way he's being moaning so much lately it's
like he's on his period or something usually it just pops up like to one or
two type other areas yeah no thought I saw something
well I'm not going out there now any protection
got bread okay
read first
I bet that somebody's gonna be gone
hmm I gotta fill in a big scare is coming
I confused I don't know what I'm supposed to do
all right
let's get out of here sick of this place oh you can lean
cool and forgot about that
there is a lock somewhere not down there though I don't run over out of oil while
I do this
I think I found the strong lock so that's why I you know
didn't work I used it on a strong law it's supposed to use it there's a long
right and this is a strong one I think very poor all right
oh fuck you dude get the hell out of here
yeah relic love protecting the orb Alexander reached I'll pick it up and
held it up against the light cover it he said keep it
Revealing The Dark Secrets Behind Bollywood Relationships - Duration: 10:45.Revealing The Dark Secrets Behind Bollywood Relationships
In India, we have a special connect with our B-town celebrities, as we all love to know about everything that is happening in their lives, on screen as well as off-screen.
Away from their romantic personas and their love towards their better halves that makes us swoon over them, Bollywood time and again, presents a picture that makes us question their ideas of love, commitment and fidelity in their relationships!.
Bollywood, which has been the centre of hero worship and dream girls for over a hundred years, has no dearth of affairs, linkups, infidelity, break-ups, scandals and controversies, when you dig beneath the beautiful, glamorous surface.
Let us take a look at this unknown side of what love and marriages mean to our beloved Bollywood celebs.
Different Side of Love: Secret Affairs and Break-ups.
Even today, the most interesting news is about "which actor hooked up with which actress" or "who broke up with whom".
This interest in the love life of celebrity couples began years ago, perhaps since the times when superstars like Nargis and Raj Kapoor, and Dilip Kumar and Madhubala were romantically linked.
As Raj Kapoor was already married, he refused to divorce his wife.
After waiting for 10 years for him, and even requesting, the then Politician, Morarji Desai to make provision of second marriage in the Hindu Marriage Act, Nargis went on to marry her Mother India co-star Sunil Dutt.
Well, it seems that already married men seem to have a special magnetic charm when it comes to wooing stunning Bollywood divas.
Years later, the Disco Dancer Mithun Chakraborthy and Sridevi were linked together.
There was a time when people believed that the two continued their affair even after Mithun da tied the knot with Yogita Bali.
What's more? There were numerous reports that suggested that the two stars had secretly tied the knot as well.
But, when Yogita Bali attempted suicide, Mithun broke all ties with Sridevi, who went on to marry another already married man, Boney Kapoor.
Speaking of tying the knot secretly, how many of you know that even Hema Malini and Jeetendra almost got hitched in South India? Of course, no one ever confirmed the story, but it is believed that they were stopped in due time by Jeetendra's wife (then, his girlfriend) Shobha, and Dharmendra.
The inner world of B-town has numerous tales of such second marriages, secret weddings, and alleged affairs over the years.
From the infamously-famous Amitabh-Rekha, Shatrughan Sinha-Reena Roy, and Akshay Kumar- Raveena Tandon- Shilpa Shetty to the latest bunch, Hrithik Roshan- Kareena Kapoor and Aditya Chopra- Rani Mukerji, the list is ever growing.
The Newer Ones Keep the News Rolling.
Talking about the new bunch, we fast forward a couple of years to throw some light on the famous second marriage and linkups that have rocked Bollywood in the last decade.
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor, Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao, Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra, and many more, joined the list of those who "married the already married". .
Latest, to join this list are Rani Mukerji and Aditya Chopra, who shocked their not-so-surprised fans by secretly tying the knot in Italy in March, this year.
The break-ups of B-town couples too have been no less than a shock for their fans, because you never know when an "in love couple will suddenly spring the surprise of being no longer together.
Of course, there could not have been a split worse than Karisma Kapoor and Abhishek Bachchan.
While everyone hoped that the first families of Bollywood would become one big happy family, things went amiss.
No one ever knew the real reason, although some rumours blamed the Kapoor ladies for the fiasco.
But, who knows?.
One of the latest news of break-ups that shook the nation was that of Hrithik and Sussanne Roshan, who decided to go separate ways after a 13-year-long relationship.
Well, this love marriage was one that most B-town and other couples swore by while professing their love, but then what happened between the two, again, who knows? .
News of devoted Bollywood husbands cheating on and divorcing their wives are also things that leave their fans startled about the truth behind their 'love stories' and idea of 'devotion and commitment'.
Underworld Connections and Illegitimate Affairs.
We all know of Sanjay Dutt's alleged underworld connections.
But apart from that, even love affairs between Bollywood divas and underworld dons have been doing the rounds time and again.
The Ram Teri Ganga Maili star, Mandakini had caught the attention of the most wanted, Dawood Ibrahim.
The two were linked up extensively and the reports of a secret marriage surfaced too.
And, not to forget, the more recent love affair of Monica Bedi and Abu Salem.
Monica was even rumoured to be living in with the don in Portugal, before the two were deported to India.
Even the 90s diva Mamta Kulkari was allegedly in a relationship with underworld don Chhota Rajan, and even used the connection to intimidate big producers to sign her for their films.
Love and Children.
Stepping up on the scandal quotient are stars who introduce their love children to shock their traditional fans and countrymen.
Aamir Khan, it was rumored, had a love child with British Journalist, Jessica Hines.
However, there are only a few who ever truly accepted to have a child out of wedlock or were pregnant before marriage.
It was Sridevi who acknowledge that she was expecting her first child before she got hitched to Boney Kapoor.
Apart from her, it was Neena Gupta who had a child, Masaba Gupta, with cricketer, Sir Vivian Richards out of the wedlock.
Even actress Sarika had two daughters with superstar Kamal Hassan while they were in a live-in relationship, before officially getting married.
Well, we do certainly wonder if there are more.
Kiss and Tell.
Another thing that Bollywood celebrities are fast becoming famous for are their kiss and tell tales, that is the secret MMS and sting tapes of their private moments coming out in public.
Well, who remembers the infamous Kareena and Shahid lip lock MMS? The question actually is who doesn't remember!.
If all this wasn't enough, starlets like Ashmit Patel and Riya Sen were caught amidst MMS controversies.
It seemed like 'kiss and tell' became a style with many younger lot of strugglers and starlets, who were either looking for quick publicity or just met with the case of "bad timing".
While the celebs continue to make all sorts of headlines, there is one thing that we can expect irrespective of the degree of truth- Entertainment, Entertainment, Entertainment!.
2 Idioms containing dark (adjective) - Duration: 0:55.2 Idioms containing dark (adjective)
a dark horse
1 (British English)
a person who does not tell other people much about their life, and who surprises other people by having interesting qualities
2 a person taking part in a race, etc. who surprises everyone by winning
keep something dark
(British English, informal) to keep something secret and not tell people about it
He's got two children? Well he's kept that dark, hasn't he!
Dark Money - Duration: 0:30.Hi, I'm Lauren Arthur. Dark money organizations leave voters in, well, the
dark. They can accept unlimited contributions, spend money in unlimited
ways, and influence the outcome of elections without voters knowing who is
responsible. I filed House Bill 1766 to address this and required disclosures of
major donors. We can't allow dark money organizations to undermine our democracy.
dark (noun) - Duration: 1:07.dark (noun)
no light
1 the dark [singular]
the lack of light in a place, especially because it is night
All the lights went out and we were left in the dark.
Are the children afraid of the dark?
animals that can see in the dark
2 [uncountable] an amount of something that is dark in colour
patterns of light and dark
Extra examples
I fumbled for the light switch in the pitch dark.
I hate getting up in the dark.
Many small children are afraid of the dark.
The girls weren't allowed out after dark.
We could just make out some figures in the gathering dark.
We'd better try and finish this job before dark.
4 Idioms containing dark (noun) - Duration: 1:17.4 Idioms containing dark (noun)
after/before dark
after/before the sun goes down and it is night
Try to get home before dark.
Don't go out alone after dark.
in the dark (about something)
knowing nothing about something
Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.
She arrived at the meeting as much in the dark as everyone else.
a leap in the dark
an action or a risk that you take without knowing anything about the activity or what the result will be
I didn't know what the new job would be like—I just took a leap in the dark.
a shot/stab in the dark
a guess; something you do without knowing what the result will be
The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark.
dark (adjective) - Duration: 3:51.dark (adjective)
(darker, darkest)
with little light
1 with no or very little light, especially because it is night
a dark room/street/forest
What time does it get dark in summer?
It was dark outside and I couldn't see much.
opposite light
See related entries: Sky
2 not light; closer in shade to black than to white
dark blue/green/red, etc.
Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains.
opposite light, pale
3 having a colour that is close to black
a dark suit
dark-coloured wood
The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming.
brown or black in colour
Sue has long dark hair.
He was handsome with dark eyes.
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun.
See related entries: Hair colour, Skin
5 (of a person) having dark hair, eyes, etc.
a dark handsome stranger
opposite fair
6 mysterious; hidden and not known about
There are no dark secrets in our family.
7 evil or frightening
There was a darker side to his nature.
the dark forces of the imagination
without hope
8 unpleasant and without any hope that something good will happen
the darkest days of Fascism
The film is a dark vision of the future.
9 (of a speech sound) produced with the back part of the tongue close to the back of the mouth.
In many accents of English, dark /l/ is used after a vowel, as in ball.
opposite clear
Extra examples
As it grew dark, they gathered round the fire.
It gets dark at about six o'clock.
It's only three o'clock and it's nearly dark already.
Suddenly the whole sky went dark.
Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains.
He stumbled along through the dark forest.
He was dressed in a dark suit and a plain white shirt.
It was dark outside and I couldn't see much.
Mahogany is a dark-coloured wood.
My mind was full of dark thoughts.
The theatre stayed open even in the darkest days of the war.
There are dark forces at work here.
They stepped into the dark room and shone the torch.
Emmerdale spoilers: Graham's dark secret FINALLY revealed – and it'll break your heart - Duration: 4:41.Emmerdale spoilers: Graham's dark secret FINALLY revealed – and it'll break your heart
Graham (Andrew Scarborough) has been a closed book since joining the Emmerdale cast last year.
He was introduced as Joe Tates (Ned Porteous), then Tom Waterhouse, right-hand man and confidant.
Graham has seemed more fair than Joe, often holding him back in his most diabolical moments.
And viewers finally got to know him a little more in tonights episode, when he opened up to Debbie Dingle (Charley Webb).
He decided to try and get Debbie to accept that she loved Joe, after he started blackmailing her to get back with him, threatening to reveal the truth about the acid attack on Ross Barton (Mike Parr).
Graham confessed he and Joe met when he worked at Joes school as a groundsman, though said he was drunk most of the time.
He explained: I met a girl, got her pregnant.
She was kind and sweet.
Her parents were delighted.
So I did the decent thing.
I got leave for the birth.
Her friends were doing a baby party.
Cheryl, my wife, made me drive her so I could meet all the girls.
I was dreading it.
I was fond of her, but not enough.
"I killed my wife and didnt even love her" Graham Foster She knew I was drunk – she was used to it.
But she didnt want to make a scene, so she got in the car with these presents and balloons, all in pink.
The baby was a girl. With Debbie picking up on the word was, Graham confessed: I lost control on a bend, turned the car over.
Killed her, both of them. Thats when his life began to unravel, as he added: The army discharged me.
I found a groundsman job, swept leaves, burnt rubbish, then one night I set my hut on fire too. Graham explained that Joe found him and they told the school it was an accident, saying Joe is a good man.
But he stressed that even Joe doesnt know everything and Debbie was the first person hed revealed it all too.
He said: Even Joe doesnt know most of it – that I killed my wife and didnt even love her, not the way you and Joe do.
What you and Joe have is real.
You make him happy.
I can understand youre scared – but a life spent on regret is worse. But will Debbie completely get back with Joe, despite his destructive actions towards her family? Emmerdale airs weekdays at 7pm on ITV.
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