UNSC PRESIDENT: UNSC PRESIDENT: I give the floor to the representative
of the United States.
USUN POLITICAL COORDINATOR TACHCO: Thank you very much - thank you very much,
Minister Blok, and welcome to the Security Council today.
And I want to thank as well Ambassador Delattre for France's work on this important mandate.
We are entering a critical time for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and this vote represents
a pivotal juncture for the United Nation's mission there.
Just as the previous UN mission helped organize the first free elections in over 40 years in 2006,
this mission is now poised to help support the first peaceful transfer of power
in Congo's history.
It has not always been clear that we would get to this day.
Last year this Council said all the right things about prioritizing MONUSCO,
but throughout the year, it was clear
that the mission continued to be pulled in multiple directions.
Its mandate was too broad and unfocused.
The Secretary-General's Strategic Review recognized this lack of focus and called
for streamlining the mandate to emphasize a limited set of priorities.
We shared this view, and we fought to ensure that protection of civilians and supporting
the electoral process were at the heart of the mission.
By streamlining the number of non-priority tasks
and directing the mission to allocate resources according to the remaining tasks,
we have made clear that the mission and the Council will work to fulfill
our common purpose of elections.
After all – without free, open and credible elections in December 2018 – everything else
MONUSCO sets out to do will be complicated by political unrest and the specter of violence.
We even took the step of endorsing key benchmarks leading to elections in December.
In advancing these benchmarks, the mission must work
closely with the Congolese electoral commission,
and the Secretary-General must provide honest, accurate assessments of progress –
or lack of progress, as the case may be – toward Election Day.
Adhering to an electoral calendar will mean little, however, if the Congolese people
are denied their fundamental rights to freedom of expression and assembly
or the right to choose among a variety of credible candidates.
Free and fair elections simply cannot coexist with attempts to harass, intimidate,
or otherwise silence voters.
Beyond elections, we sought to make the mission more responsive by clarifying
that the Force Intervention Brigade operates under the command of the UN Force Commander.
This mandate allows the Force Commander to deploy the Force Intervention Brigade throughout
the entire country, rather than confine the force to the East, and ensures that a unified
command structure will respond to the needs of the Congolese people.
We also sought to improve the performance of MONUSCO troops.
Too many peacekeeper lives were lost this last year, and too many innocent civilians
lost their lives when the mission's forces failed to respond.
We must hold troops to the highest standard and demand accountability for underperformance.
The Secretary-General can make a real difference by ensuring troop performance reviews
presented to this council are clear and actionable.
That includes taking concrete steps to address sexual exploitation and abuse.
MONUSCO had more reported allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse in 2017 than any other
UN peacekeeping mission.
This cannot continue.
Ultimately, Congo's leaders must take responsibility for the future of their country.
No Security Council resolution or peacekeeping mission will bring about this incredible country's
true potential.
There must be a political will to bring about change and to see elections through in 2018.
We call on all Member States, particularly regional partners, and the UN to invest more
than troops or money; we call on you to invest your time and political capital
in promoting free and fair Congolese elections in 2018.
The people of the Congo must know that we have their backs,
and the Government of the Congo must know that failure is not an option.
I thank you very much.
UNSC PRESIDENT: I thank the representative of the United States for her statement.
For more infomation >> UNSC Resolution Renewing the Mandate of MONUSCO and Democratic Republic of the Congo - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Another Trump Victory: India Investing $500 Million in US – Here's Why - Duration: 2:10.
YOU CAN'T SEE US || Prop Hunt #1 - Duration: 8:14.
Hello everybody this is Sassagrass and welcome to prop hunt
Blue: and everyone knows,
Blue: children are my favorite >;)
today I have Adam not me the other Adam and I have the blue Spartans hello say hello guys
Adam2: hello
Thank you guys for coming
i'm stuck...
Blue: help me get Sassagrass
guys I'm stuck so you guys probably won't be able to find me I don't want to give it away though
okay maybe maybe just maybe just shoot everything just case what do we
(Sassagrass goes supersayan)
need to call you Adam just call you Adam or hello we all are humans for whoa
I politely refuse okay so who's the human oh yeah with him I see him I am
now trafficking for the box sound Russian but that's what I love about
your focus he said so Russian it sounds like that accent I was that trash can
that trash can I was that trash kid I heard your children and everyone knows
don't do that is on the right
it's pretty close to death finish him off finish him off you're lucky that I
have trouble paying attention ha ha ha
you may have got away from me a little boy the trashcan on the runner trashcan
on which there's too many people movin boy are you climbing okay Adam worried
I'm jumping okay I see you I see you be careful I want you to come over here and
I want you to hop inside okay hi watch out for he's that yeah come on
get inside no I'm I can give me something else
you made a mistake you are sleepy I am a crumpet yeah already Oh see 300 and now
now it's Abe oh hey what's that little box behind that ready the little box
alone once loved a little mushroom okay get him get him get him c-3po
DejaVu the vivillon this place before doo de
doo de doo doo de doo de doo doo I'm actually very good at mastering this he
didn't even see you you're joking right he just you just ran right behind him
and my perfect position no you ruined my perfect position I see you running
around his whistling is having a good time jump I'm not jumping at this point
the fly boy I'm to us I'm a sneaky boy I can see I
can see where everyone is and I can just funny like you know that one music like
it's going on for a long time oh yeah no guys no we should try to do is we should
try to do a video almost every day like you feel me mmm we all just need to be
the week of us like we just need to do videos of just us where's the ring
circles around him circles circles there's my sensitivity I'm a sneaky
little a abso sneaky not even the sneakiest sneakers can see my sneakers
Dec get a heart attack huh yeah might have artifact so who's still alive who
still live you and another guy I see him hmm
new Taylor is that he's on he's on top in case he's someone
trying to help you don't shoot rapidly boy mm-hmm good be careful gotta be
quick oh my god on top of him I shot you in midair
thank you guys so much for watching this if you wants to do a part two make sure
to say something in the description thank you so much Adam and thank you so
much blue for showing up for this I had a
great time and just say something real quick well I was making this video maybe
hopefully in the future we can make more, yeah
BUBYEEEEE make sure to floof the grass for power
(super sexy outro that only people who turned on the subtitles will see)
US Sending 1,500 Marines to Australia - Duration: 1:00.
U.S., EU expels Russian diplomats over UK nerve agent attack - Duration: 1:49.
Countries around the world have come together in a coordinated response to the Kremlin over
the poisoning of an ex-Russian Spy in foreign soil.
The latest to join in by expelling Moscow's diplomats is the United States.
Ro Aram gets us up to speed with the developments.
The United States has banded together with several EU nations, as well as Canada and
Ukraine, to punish Russia for the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury
earlier this month.
Their announcements were timed within a few hours on Monday for maximum effect.
Washington is expelling 60 Russian diplomats and intelligence officers, which is President
Trump's strongest action against Russia since coming to office.
Trump seems to be bowing to pressure from Democrats and some Republicans to take a tougher
stance against the Kremlin.
"The president wants to work with Russia, but their actions sometimes don't allow that
to happen.
The poisoning in the U.K. that has kind of led to today's announcement was a very brazen
action, it was a reckless action."
In total, at least 21 countries have ousted more than 135 Russians, including 23 kicked
out earlier by the UK, marking the biggest Western expulsion of Russian diplomats since
the height of the Cold War.
British Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed the show of solidarity, saying it sent the
"strongest signal to Russia that it cannot continue to flout international law."
Moscow hit back by threatening to kick out an equal number of foreign diplomats.
Russia's Embassy in Washington also asked its Twitter followers to vote which U.S. consulate
in Russia it should close.
Moscow continues to deny it used a Soviet-era nerve agent to poison Skripal.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
A Day of High School in the United States (con subtítulos en español) - Duration: 5:58.
S. Korea's presidential Blue House says Abu Dhabi Crown Prince granted US$25 bil. worth energy - Duration: 3:28.
President Moon Jae-in is in the UAE for his first official visit to the Middle East since
taking office last year.
As President Moon nears the end of his trip, the Blue House says the Crown Prince of Abu
Dhabi has ordered his aides to ink 25 billion U.S. dollars worth of contracts with South
Korean firms.
Our Moon Connyoung reports.
"The United Arab Emirates.
Although its ties with South Korea stretch back nearly 40 years, it's only in the last
decade or so that their relations got stronger.
Well, that partnership got bumped up to a whole new level... in the desert sand dunes
of Barakah roughly 240 kilometers away."
From the capital Abu Dhabi... a roughly three hour drive through endless sand dunesstands
a nuclear power plant under construction.
This is the Barakah Nuclear Power Plant.
A 20 billion U.S. dollar nuclear plant which is Seoul's first attempt to build an atomic
reactor abroad.
The first of its four reactors, being built in the UAE's western desert near the Saudi
border is scheduled to come online this year...
making it the first nuclear power plant on the Arabian Peninsula.
But, it's more than that.
It's a symbol of trust between South Korea and the UAE... according to the leaders of
the two countries.
South Korean President Moon Jae-in traveled to Barakah on the third day of his four-day
official visit to the UAE... and accompanying him Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al-Nahyan
of Abu Dhabi.
There, the two leaders declared work on the first reactor at Barakah complete.
"Crown Prince Mohammed has placed full confidence in our expertise.
He's promised to give preference to South Korean firms in future projects west of Abu
The South Korean president said the UAE has vowed to vouch for South Korea... as Saudi
Arabia is slated to prequalify several international companies next month to bid for building two
nuclear reactors.
Crown Prince Mohammed took to Twitter to thank President Moon for his country's cooperation
in the nuclear plant project... saying the achievement is historical for the UAE energy
sector and said their work together is an exceptional "model relationship."
Senior Blue House officials traveling with the president unveiled that the powerful Crown
Prince of Abu Dhabi has given his word that 25-billion U.S. dollars worth of various projects
will be given to South Korean firms.
Sources familiar with the issue say these are contracts that had been put on hold by
the UAE over its objection regarding a possible change to a secret military cooperation deal
made between Seoul and Abu Dhabi under the Lee Myung-bak administration in 2009.
If true, the 25 billion dollar greenlight from Crown Prince Mohammed may be a signal
that any kind of issues there may have had been - whether military or not - haven been
smoothed out completely during Mr. Moon's visit to the Gulf nation.
"From mending the fences to rebuilding trust and friendship between the two countries,
the two leaders... it looks like President Moon leaves under his belt what he came for.
"Al rafiq qabl al tarriq" - choosing a companion for a long journey ahead.
Moon Connyoung, Arirang News, Abu Dhabi."
Korea and U.S. reach agreement on revised free-trade deal - Duration: 13:13.
And to tell us more about the revised Korea-U.S. FTA,.... and what changes we can expect in
regards to trade with the U.S. from here on,...
Professor Lee Jae-min from the Seoul National University School of Law joins us in the studio
Welcome to the program professor.
Great to be here.
1- Korea and the U.S. have finally reached an agreement on revising their six-year-old
free trade agreement.
But I think this agreement on the revised deal came a bit earlier than expected, don't
you think so?
(especially when comparing the negotiations to the ongoing NAFTA talks)
2- This agreement is especially notable amid rising trade tensions between major economies
around the world right now.
3- Let's look at the details then.
First and foremost, the revised deal gives more benefits to American automakers.
Tell us more about this.
4- In exchange though, Korean steelmakers have been made exempt from the heavy tariffs
imposed by President Trump.
Tell us more about this.
5- Seoul's Trade Minister Kim Hyun-chong also said,.... that there will be no additional
opening of South Korea's agricultural market.... despite strong demand from the U.S. to open
up the market further.
6- The Korean government seemed satisfied with the result considering Korea is the third-largest
steel exporter to the U.S.
What's *your assessment of the revised FTA?
7- So what impact will the deal have on different sectors from now on, especially Korea's auto
and steel industries.
8- Back in January though, Trump approved safeguards against Korean large home washing
machines and solar cells and modules.
What will happen
those safeguards?
9- With the closure of renegotiations on the KORUS FTA, is it fair for us to say
that the trade risks stemming from the U.S. have died down a bit?
10- Aside from Korea, we've been hearing that the U.S.
been preparing to negotiate deals around the region.
In fact, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday, the U.S. and China have started
behind-the-scenes negotiations to improve American access to Chinese markets.
Thank you for
insight today professor.
Bodies Of U.S. Airmen Killed In Iraq Return To Long Island - Duration: 0:36.
U.S., EU expels Russian diplomats over UK nerve agent attack - Duration: 2:04.
Now for a look at stories making headlines around the world and we start with the latest
on the poisoning of a former Russian spy in the UK.
The U.S. has joined a host of other nations in expelling Russian diplomats in a coordinated
response to the nerve agent attack.
For more on this and other international news we turn to our Ro Aram…
Western nations have been pointing their fingers at Moscow for the attack, and now they joined
forces in punishing Russia….
That's right Semin…
The U.S. has banded together with several EU nations, as well as Canada and Ukraine,
timing their announcements within a few hours on Monday for maximum effect.
Washington is expelling 60 Russian diplomats and intelligence officers, which is President
Trump's strongest action against Russia since coming to office.
Trump has always avoided directly challenging his Russian counterpart, but it seems he is
bowing to pressure from Democrats and some Republicans to take a tougher stance against
the Kremlin.
The 60 Russian diplomats are part of more than a hundred of their colleagues from 20
other nations that have been told to leave their respective countries.
It marks the biggest Western expulsion of Russian diplomats since the height of the
Cold War.
British Prime Minister Theresa May welcomed the show of solidarity, saying it sent the
"strongest signal to Russia that it cannot continue to flout international law."
Moscow called the expulsions a "provocative gesture", threatening to kick out an equal
number of foreign diplomats.
Russia's Embassy in Washington also responded to a consulate closure in Seattle by asking
its Twitter followers to vote which U.S. consulate in Russia it should close.
The Kremlin also said President Putin would soon be making a final decision about Russia's
The UK and the EU have said it is highly likely that Moscow was behind the poisoning of Sergei
Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury earlier this month.
Moscow continues to deny involvement.
The risks of Trump's tariffs to the US auto industry - Duration: 4:37.
US Navy Rejects Humanist Chaplain's Application - Duration: 1:01.
US Military Developing Laser That Can Create Human Voices Miles Away - Duration: 1:00.
NJPW US Dojo Opening Day on March 24 - Kevin Kelly premier interview with Scorpio Sky - Duration: 6:37.
United States Vs California | News at the Moment | Dineo TV ✳️ - Duration: 6:07.
how about news friends at the moment in this video I want to tell you about the
lawsuit that keep us as a country like government against california one of its
States for the issue of migrants I want to tell you also in this video
how that has affected our brothers Mexicans and I want to tell you in this
video how the government is containing of california all the actions that you
was giving the donald government trump please come with me
this is one of the fiercest battles that has never been spared in all
United States' all this lawsuit is found among executives
emblematic of conservatism and liberalism on the one hand the
administration of the president of donald trump and on the other the one of jerry brown
governor of california
the two have exchanged blows from the beginning of his term as president
don nacho after california legalized the consumption of marijuana by
example the federal government announced efforts to prevent this reform by
another side california passed a law fiscal to undermine tax reform
federal however the thorny issue it has been between the two the policy
a couple of weeks ago the conflict it reached one of its highest points
when the federal government sued the california government by pro laws
migrants that the latter approved the year past
these regulations are in dispute state that among other things by
example for you to know by assumption of what these laws are about
promigrantes these promigrantes laws prevent private companies from collaborating
voluntarily with the agency in charge to execute immigration laws or the
famously ice we do not all know them for ais the second law is that it prohibits
that state security agencies share information about people
undocumented with the federal government to unless they have a history
clear penalties and for third is the power to the state attorney general
to monitor all the centers detention of migrants thing that seems
who does not like the president of donald trump in the lawsuit to the
trump administration argues that these laws reflect an effort
deliberate on the part of the state of california to prevent the government
of the us run to federal law migratory although this is true not
clarified if it is illegal the core of the conflict is that for a
side the constitution of the usa gives you supremacy to the federal laws of the
priority and on the other guarantees the state autonomy that is the state
can do what he wants as with his laws the conflict has to do with the
federalism trump administration argues that immigration policy is
of exclusive domain of the federation the same argument that the administration of
obama successfully used in 2012 in against anti-immigrant laws
approved in arizona california answer that states have
right to use their resources as best want as best suits them or be
who can decide not to spend the money on execute federal laws and that
contrary to the laws of Arizona the theirs give them the protections of due
process to the migrants given the complexity of the matter is likely to
the case ends in the supreme court not However, within the legal community
there is a consensus that california has the of winning this legal matter is relevant
for example for mexico not only what does destiny imply for many of
our brothers who live there but because it shows where they can deliver
all our diplomatic efforts during the administration of the president
golden instead of insisting on negotiating control over issues in which
has a clear stance for example with the theme of the wall and the migrants would be worth
worth a clearer approach and honest and pragmatic with the usa and with
the sanctuary city like california illinois colorado boston washington dc and
the city for example from new york the governor of new york already told the
president of natura bissé I am illegal to see sport m so we have it in a
video here in news at the moment is more I'm going to leave the card here so that
go see maybe the federal government Mexican is not interested in doing this
because he thinks he should not talk anymore with your American counterpart or because
does not understand that in the US autonomy and belligerence of the states is more
pronounced older and real than the in mexico and is that the national executive does not
acts because he does not want to hinder the negotiation of the treaty of free
trade with north america any way fanaticism
and the fear with which the Mexicans in the US deserves an effort
arranged by our authorities to collaborate and negotiate
directly with those local administrations that are
side of migrants if california is willing to give the battle against trump
by undocumented migrants with everything that this implies in terms of
resources time and repercussions policies is unforgivable that our
government do not do what you can to support for example to california this
information extracted to you thanks to political animal and is written by pedro
I exercise he is a migratory and criminal lawyer in the bronx let's leave below this
video in the description the link to this arroba column el p
gerson we are going to do also here his twitter to give credit to Pedro that
thank you very much news friends to the moment we see you in the next note
informative and as I always say until then
Will US trade relations with China improve? - Duration: 8:41.
China knows they don't want to have a trade war with us: Wilbur Ross - Duration: 4:52.
US economic growth helping drive stocks higher - Duration: 2:59.
US-China: Trade war? | IN 60 SECONDS - Duration: 1:19.
I think I need to lose a little weight.
President Trump just announced tariffs on fifty billion dollars of Chinese goods,
and half the planet seems to be screaming about a trade war. Neither the administration nor its critics are right
nor its critics are right because the tariffs will actually have little impact. The administration is
right that China coerces US companies into transferring technology, and steals
other intellectual property outright. They're also right that the WTO has
failed to prevent this and US action is overdue. But the 25 percent tariff on 50
billion dollars will only cut imports from China by about $20 billion. Imports
from China rose twice that much in 2017. We won't even notice these tariffs. For
that reason, China doesn't have much reason to act on its own to retaliate.
They will certainly threaten to do so, in part to scare other countries from
copying the US. But they need trade with the US more than the US needs trade with
China. So it's in China's interest for this dispute to stay limited. Right now,
this is a tempest in a teapot, but eventually people are going to notice
that very little has actually changed, and that "eventually" may coincide with
the start of the 2020 presidential election campaign. We're not done with this yet.
What do you think about taking a tougher stand on China? Let us know in
your comments. Also, let us know what other topics you'd like our scholars to
cover in 60 seconds, and be sure to like and subscribe for more research and
videos from AEI.
US Immigration Is US Power - Duration: 4:08.
Hey there.
So how has the United States managed to keep winning for so long?
Whether or not you like the fact that the US has done so well for the past 200 years,
it's worth asking why.
There are a million ways to look at this, and countless factors that are important,
but today I would like to look at what is probably the most important factor: immigration.
In the year 1800 the United States was a tiny country, made up of a little over 5 million
It was dwarfed and surrounded by the British, Spanish and French empires.
The US barely even had a navy in 1800.
If you had to choose the victor in the competition for hegemony in the Americas back then, you
probably wouldn't choose the US.
But the United States grew.
By 1900 the US had 76 million people and it had won the battle for North America.
It's numbers gave it the ability to dominate South America as well.
The question now was whether the United States would be able to be a big player in the world,
not just on the continent it was on.
It faced European Empires that were much more technologically advanced than they were 100
years earlier.
They now had instantaneous communication and massive battleships.
Those empires dwarfed the US population.
But the United States grew.
By 1950 the US had 152 million people and most of those grand empires were falling apart.
The question now was whether the US could prevail against its greatest threat ever,
the massive Soviet Empire.
The Soviets had over a hundred million more people than the US, and tens of millions more
in countries they controlled.
It didn't look good for the US.
But the United States grew.
By 2017 the US had 325 million people.
Even if it hadn't broken up, the United States would still be a larger country than
the Soviet Union today.
Continued immigration to the US has always given it the resources it has needed to overcome
all rivals.
But now we face a different challenge.
China isn't some flash in the pan European Empire.
From long before the Romans down to the 1800s China's population made it the most powerful
country on Earth.
It now expects to have that status renewed.
Will it happen?
Well that's up to US policy makers.
This is why I get defensive about US immigration, and why I think its opponents are nuts.
My support for immigration isn't about the kumbaya virtues of multiculturalism, or feel
good diversity nonsense.
US history shows that all that stuff fades pretty quickly.
Immigration is about power.
And those who seek to end immigration to the United States are working to undermine US
Immigration to the US is already at historically low levels and elements of the Trump administration
are working hard to get them even lower.
Congress has been been able to block their worst ideas so far, but ambitious foreign
students are all ready choosing to go elsewhere.
I spend a lot of time mocking Washington, DC's invented threats, but there is one
threat that I don't mock.
The story of the twenty first century is likely to be the rivalry between the United States
and China.
The best way to keep that rivalry peaceful is to keep up with China's growth, or at
least not fall too far behind.
The United States doesn't need to be the size of China, though our continent sized
country could easily support that.
No, it's just a question of keeping up, and staying in the game until China's period
of extreme growth ends.
US immigration, is US power.
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