Hey good morning everybody
we thank you for tuning in to the Nevada arcade channel Yoshi, and I
About to bring ya looks like five
Hopefully winning scratch your tickets
From the good old state of California the Golden State
All right, let's get rolling here with five times I
Probably should scratch the
Fast spot, which is an eighteen
All right us we're looking for
You yes this word oh my either my
Silver dollar has gotten dull
Or something all right u.s.
If anybody has any good winning stories as we start the week off here
Let us know
Where one s and three use that's amazing
Alright the letter Z didn't see all right F
Now there is a season I
Sure see a lot of ease
Hey guys, we're just about to start our
groups our group of scratchers here you want to
jump in and
Contribute actually you're not contributing you're helping to buy tickets and of course you're
You're enabled to get your share back we happen to win. We're gonna scratch
We think $5 pure golds and maybe $10 emeralds
So if you're interested we have our
We have our
Pate it's PayPal address in the description down there where it says send Yoshi a dollar
anyways we
Send it by friends and family by the way five ten twenty dollars. You know no more than twenty
We don't want to get too crazy here, and then we get about hundred bucks together and all of course put in a twenty
We will do a video and we will see where we end up
All right, I got the yakan here k and VI didn't see but 1k or 1v, but we may have to
We may have to catch up all right
HX back with the program here
We haven't started with a ton of popular letters
Boy we're getting a lot of onesies all right, it's gotta be more than that
We've had
Boy not too many all right the letter R
Well little better help, let's take a double check here, I'm sure we'd miss something important
All right next next out of the chute is a B
I'm feeling we're going to spell this big word Republic. I don't know why
Wow there's so many B's this or were, hos
Alright let her see
It's getting better now three sees
Fit four five
Six seven C's call Ripley's this is a record
All right, there's a good vowel we still need more though
All right looking a little better now just take it start off very slowly all right and
Now all I'm seeing is a ton of amber. Sorry spelled our first words Inc
Let's hope we get an M because there are half a dozen the minimum
All right letter L. Revolt it may be on to something here
Republic this plotting along just need the e and the P
Okay letter G
I thought we had a G. Where is it?
Okay four more all right. That's a good one hand watch em
Two three four five
Yeah half a dozen
There's an arm fish
Okay last regular letter do you have a W or to do we?
Boy we need that e in that a big time
Alright first to the bonus match is not a good one so why?
We could still squeak out a word here
Boy look at all the A's and the ease
Hey, we have a winner and we did it the hard way
prize match letter match
All right guys. We matched the two bonuses
We still only have one here so no winner down below, but we do get this prize
which is
Is the customary four dollars now?
possible to multiply that
It might be possible we didn't do it
All right, so we have
All right we have our first winner
It's a dollar it all counts
maybe this is a
Scratcher we'll go five winners. I like lucky 13 there
All right the right digit all we need is a 1 a 2 or
3 anything else
There's a 2
So we need a 12 or 32
A three you know one or two?
No go one two or three is all that's gonna help us, but that's too big of a number
That one is too big they're all the ones twos and threes were starting with them. They're not matching up
21:03 one
Now they're going the other way one two or three oh
The top row is so good are so close I should say
Twenty-two we needed 32 or twelve
Last one
Negative okay. I thought we were gonna have a winner there. There's ones twos and threes
Let's play our signature game here
You're gold
You guys know the history behind this one we are looking for another flamer
40 for the first one is a winner how sweet it is
Alright pure gold
Take a good look guys
This is the one we want to scratch as a group
Even if you only put 10 for 5 bucks in 5 our ticket
You would be in for the share of all let's say 20 tickets if we scratched a hundred at a time
We hit that
$250,000 wow
That would be
12,500 if you had a 5 dollar investment in our
Tickets here alright first one is a winner
24 close
This is a multiplier here
Automatically triples, okay
26:42 be there number six okay, nothing in the triple game
Before the
13 all right now. This is the one we'd like to hit. There's just a five times multiplier
1831 ooh
4445 engine number nine all right, they're not gonna. Let us multiply today
Six nineteen
Thirty three
Twenty eight
Three and twelve all right, they're making us go all the way down to the last one
Twenty three got twenty two
Twenty seven
All right be there on the last one
Nope, all right got just half with this kind of a funny ticket gave us the one right away. Oh
two tickets those Dirty Birds
Those dirty guys at the California Lottery an engineering department. Well. We have two out of three tickets
Poker and we hate
All right well at least three threes is not three aces or three Queens or
Three jacks you
Know this is the only ticket guys. We've ever hit the fast chips on
And I do mean the only one ever
Roars and choose
Seven eight nine ten jack Oh Queen
Seven seven six
And you love
Anybody never get anything on this ticket. I think our biggest win was the fast ships panting
All right guys
No winter blue bear in the valley there in California this one was for you. Take a good look because
You are $5.00 friend
Us as $5 every video all right
Let's hope we get a winner here make it 3 out of 5 JT
Everybody knew somebody named JT. Didn't they
Jay T. I
Know I did I'm still looking for a j
Wd1 of each horrible all right and in any
Well I spells out lastly almost and any
There's a vowel dub. Hey, maybe this is one of those ones we're gonna spell all the little
The little three-digit words again
Good happen that a good start
Yeah, we have a good start better start
No s
Okay Frank F. Isn't Frank as I always say
Hugh and I'm gonna spend a lot of time because I don't think there was one a a okay here we go
Good feeling about these three digit ones
See well may well spell Frank for a triple
Thought I had one GS. It was an R. We could use an R actually
All right be nice letters oh
Boy X we have 1x, don't we yep we're not gonna spell the word relax
Letter P. I don't think it's gonna help us alright
No letter R. No
We didn't get the N N or the M no L
Know why?
Yikes the way that ticket started off I thought we were gonna have a winner
Unfortunately, we're gonna have to put this video to bed with pure gold and 5x
Coming right back at you guys with another group and let's hopefully
We can get some cash rather than just tickets so hey guys appreciate you tuning in if you haven't subscribed
We don't know why this is the fun Channel Yoshi, and I appreciate having everybody here. I've had arcade out
For more infomation >> 172 California Set For Life Lottery Mega Loteria Ticket Scratch Ticket - Duration: 18:39.-------------------------------------------
California Sues Over A Potential 2020 Census Citizenship Question - Duration: 0:51.
The state of California is suing the Trump administration.
The news came after the White House said it would add a question to the 2020 U.S. census
that asks respondents if they are U.S. citizens.
California's attorney general filed the lawsuit Monday night.
It claims the question violates the Constitution and argues a constitutional mandate requires
that the entire U.S. population is counted every 10 years.
California's lawsuit says noncitizens might be less likely to respond to the census, which
could lead to undercounts and wouldn't fulfill the mandate.
This could be a big deal for the state.
The lawsuit says California has more immigrants and noncitizens than any other state.
The lawsuit also argues an inaccurate count of the population could also decrease California's
federally allotted funds and lead to fewer state representatives.
BREAKING News Out Of California… THEY'RE PISSED!!! - Duration: 5:23.
United States Vs California | News at the Moment | Dineo TV ✳️ - Duration: 6:07.
how about news friends at the moment in this video I want to tell you about the
lawsuit that keep us as a country like government against california one of its
States for the issue of migrants I want to tell you also in this video
how that has affected our brothers Mexicans and I want to tell you in this
video how the government is containing of california all the actions that you
was giving the donald government trump please come with me
this is one of the fiercest battles that has never been spared in all
United States' all this lawsuit is found among executives
emblematic of conservatism and liberalism on the one hand the
administration of the president of donald trump and on the other the one of jerry brown
governor of california
the two have exchanged blows from the beginning of his term as president
don nacho after california legalized the consumption of marijuana by
example the federal government announced efforts to prevent this reform by
another side california passed a law fiscal to undermine tax reform
federal however the thorny issue it has been between the two the policy
a couple of weeks ago the conflict it reached one of its highest points
when the federal government sued the california government by pro laws
migrants that the latter approved the year past
these regulations are in dispute state that among other things by
example for you to know by assumption of what these laws are about
promigrantes these promigrantes laws prevent private companies from collaborating
voluntarily with the agency in charge to execute immigration laws or the
famously ice we do not all know them for ais the second law is that it prohibits
that state security agencies share information about people
undocumented with the federal government to unless they have a history
clear penalties and for third is the power to the state attorney general
to monitor all the centers detention of migrants thing that seems
who does not like the president of donald trump in the lawsuit to the
trump administration argues that these laws reflect an effort
deliberate on the part of the state of california to prevent the government
of the us run to federal law migratory although this is true not
clarified if it is illegal the core of the conflict is that for a
side the constitution of the usa gives you supremacy to the federal laws of the
priority and on the other guarantees the state autonomy that is the state
can do what he wants as with his laws the conflict has to do with the
federalism trump administration argues that immigration policy is
of exclusive domain of the federation the same argument that the administration of
obama successfully used in 2012 in against anti-immigrant laws
approved in arizona california answer that states have
right to use their resources as best want as best suits them or be
who can decide not to spend the money on execute federal laws and that
contrary to the laws of Arizona the theirs give them the protections of due
process to the migrants given the complexity of the matter is likely to
the case ends in the supreme court not However, within the legal community
there is a consensus that california has the of winning this legal matter is relevant
for example for mexico not only what does destiny imply for many of
our brothers who live there but because it shows where they can deliver
all our diplomatic efforts during the administration of the president
golden instead of insisting on negotiating control over issues in which
has a clear stance for example with the theme of the wall and the migrants would be worth
worth a clearer approach and honest and pragmatic with the usa and with
the sanctuary city like california illinois colorado boston washington dc and
the city for example from new york the governor of new york already told the
president of natura bissé I am illegal to see sport m so we have it in a
video here in news at the moment is more I'm going to leave the card here so that
go see maybe the federal government Mexican is not interested in doing this
because he thinks he should not talk anymore with your American counterpart or because
does not understand that in the US autonomy and belligerence of the states is more
pronounced older and real than the in mexico and is that the national executive does not
acts because he does not want to hinder the negotiation of the treaty of free
trade with north america any way fanaticism
and the fear with which the Mexicans in the US deserves an effort
arranged by our authorities to collaborate and negotiate
directly with those local administrations that are
side of migrants if california is willing to give the battle against trump
by undocumented migrants with everything that this implies in terms of
resources time and repercussions policies is unforgivable that our
government do not do what you can to support for example to california this
information extracted to you thanks to political animal and is written by pedro
I exercise he is a migratory and criminal lawyer in the bronx let's leave below this
video in the description the link to this arroba column el p
gerson we are going to do also here his twitter to give credit to Pedro that
thank you very much news friends to the moment we see you in the next note
informative and as I always say until then
BREAKING News Out Of California… THEY'RE PISSED!!! - Duration: 5:10.
BREAKING News Out Of California…
California was once a beautiful state, and many parts still are but the major cities
are cesspools with gangs, drugs, crime, illegal aliens and tons of homeless people.
The homeless problem is rampant and is a direct result of Democratic policies.
So where can these homeless people set up camp if they are unable to afford an apartment?
Well, I live in California- in a conservative area in the mountains and I'll be honest-
I don't want them anywhere near my compound.Anyways, there's a plan to house hundreds of homeless
people in a tent city near a popular Southern California park and let's just say residents
are NOT happy.
In fact the residents are raising hell which is resulting in a forced upcoming vote to
put a stop to the plan.
The Orange County Board of Supervisors is set to meet Tuesday to figure out where to
relocate people, after a federal judge forced the county to come up with a plan to house
the homeless population located along the Santa Ana River, Fox News reports.
One proposal would place about 400 people near the county-owned Orange County Great
Park in Irvine, located 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles.
The park, which is home to a farmers market and a hot air balloon ride, is popular with
families on weekends, Fox News reported.
"I hate to say this but the homeless that are planning to come here really represent
the worst of them because they're the ones that aren't following the rules, that don't
want to give up the drugs, that don't want to accept services or housing," Irvine Commissioner
Anthony Kuo told CBS LA.
"And to put those across the street from sports fields and a senior community in my
mind is just an incompatible use."
Hundreds of residents held a rally Sunday at the park to voice their opposition to the
proposal and implore the county to consider a more permanent solution to the problem.
"I'm OK with helping homeless, but we need to solve the problem, not move the problem
from one city to another," one resident told FOX11.
Besides the prospect of having a large homeless population take up space near a park, the
land officials want to use is still contaminated from its prior use as Marine Corps Air Station
El Toro, residents say.
I've been there.
There are tons of buildings that these people could stay in.
And if it's contaminated then why in the hell are you bring your children there?
It's not even a nice park- it more like a huge amount of land overgrown with weeds
and whatever.
"It's not like we're moving them into a shelter, per se.
They're basically picking up their tents and putting them on land that's actually
There's no running water, no electricity and no sewer system," another resident told
Well it's better than crapping on sidewalks in front of businesses.
Homeless advocates also oppose the Santa Ana River plan.
"We certainly wouldn't support anything that didn't include bathrooms and showers,"
Brooke Weitzman told FOX11.
"Without those, no one is better off than they were in the river bed."
Well, what do you support?
What is your solution?
Marching in the streets and blaming Trump and the NRA?
You people haven't got a clue because all you have done is line your pockets and sit
around doing nothing.
Actually, you spend all the money protecting illegal aliens and building train tracks that
lead to nowhere.
Irvine Mayor Donald Wagner said Friday the board has placed an item on the agenda for
Tuesday's board meeting to rescind the proposal, after "nonstop efforts by the Irvine community,
City Council and staff."
"Fortunately, a majority of the Board of Supervisors appears to recognize that the
Irvine location for its tent city is not fit for human habitation and unacceptably close
to homes, schools and parks," Wagner said.
"The City Council awaits a definitive vote by the Board on Tuesday, and remains as willing
as always to help coordinate a collaborative solution to the countywide crisis of homelessness
in a permanent, humane way.
The City of Irvine is eager to be a part of that solution."
While the county may scrap the proposal later this week, Orange County Supervisor Shawn
Nelson told FOX11 that without a homeless plan in place, the judge may not allow any
city in Orange County to enforce their overnight camping or trespassing laws, which could lead
to homeless people being allowed to have their choice of locations to start a new encampment.This
is what happens when you have liberals in charge.
They have no solutions to all the problems they themselves have created.
Put them all on buses and send them to Detroit.
You can buy a house for $1.
Make them work and clean up that cesspool in exchange for a box of food and necessities.
Freaking liberal morons.
Orange County sheriff fights back against California sanctuary law - Duration: 4:44.
California AG suing Trump administration over Census citizen - Duration: 3:20.
Student records California teacher's anti-military rant - Duration: 4:19.
Fewer refugees resettle in California within past year - Duration: 3:51.
How To Make A Claim In A Hit & Run Case – California Car Accident Attorney Frank Nunes explains - Duration: 2:31.
You were just hit by somebody and the person took off and didn't leave any information.
What do you do now?
Hi, I'm Frank Nunes.
I'm a California personal injury trial attorney practicing in the state of California.
Can you make a claim on a hit and run case?
Well, the answer is depending on your coverage, yes you can.
If you have uninsured motorist coverage, you can make a claim for the damage to your vehicle
and sometimes to your person for the amount of harms and losses caused by the hit and
run driver's carelessness.
The requirements are that you have no ability to identify the driver who struck you and
there must be some physical contact between your vehicle and the vehicle that hit you
and fled the scene.
You must report this immediately to your insurance company and, in many cases, the insurance
company requires that a police report be completed as well.
Sometimes the police are slow to come out because they have more pressing calls.
Many jurisdictions allow you to do a counter report, where you can go into the police station
and give the information to an officer who'll prepare a report right there for you.
Some jurisdictions even allow you to do it online.
They review the report and they approve it, but in a hit and run situation you should
always submit the matter to law enforcement and get a report as quickly as possible.
This is just as important as promptly reporting the claim to your insurance company, so they
can investigate the facts and circumstances involved with a hit and run driver.
Well, that's it for today's video on whether you can still recover in a hit and run situation.
By the way, if you found this information helpful, subscribe to our YouTube channel.
So, you can continue to get fresh new content every time we post another great educational
video and if you have questions, I want you to pick up the phone and call me.
I can answer your questions.
I answer questions like this all the time.
You can reach me at 559-436-0850.
I'm Frank Nunes and thanks for watching.
Full Press Conference: California DOJ Now Part Of Stephon Clark Shooting Investigation - Duration: 40:05.
California DOJ To Provide Oversight On Stephon Clark Shooting Investigation - Duration: 4:35.
California In Total Chaos: Residents Revolt Over Plans For Homeless 'Tent City' - Duration: 3:07.
BREAKING News Out Of California… THEY'RE PISSED!!! - Duration: 4:46.
2 West Linn women, 3 kids killed in California crash - Duration: 1:37.
BREAKING News Out Of California… THEY'RE PISSED!!! - Duration: 5:24.
BREAKING News Out Of California…
California was once a beautiful state, and many parts still are but the major cities
are cesspools with gangs, drugs, crime, illegal aliens and tons of homeless people.
The homeless problem is rampant and is a direct result of Democratic policies.
So where can these homeless people set up camp if they are unable to afford an apartment?
Well, I live in California- in a conservative area in the mountains and I'll be honest-
I don't want them anywhere near my compound.Anyways, there's a plan to house hundreds of homeless
people in a tent city near a popular Southern California park and let's just say residents
are NOT happy.
In fact the residents are raising hell which is resulting in a forced upcoming vote to
put a stop to the plan.
The Orange County Board of Supervisors is set to meet Tuesday to figure out where to
relocate people, after a federal judge forced the county to come up with a plan to house
the homeless population located along the Santa Ana River, Fox News reports.
One proposal would place about 400 people near the county-owned Orange County Great
Park in Irvine, located 40 miles southeast of Los Angeles.
The park, which is home to a farmers market and a hot air balloon ride, is popular with
families on weekends, Fox News reported.
"I hate to say this but the homeless that are planning to come here really represent
the worst of them because they're the ones that aren't following the rules, that don't
want to give up the drugs, that don't want to accept services or housing," Irvine Commissioner
Anthony Kuo told CBS LA.
"And to put those across the street from sports fields and a senior community in my
mind is just an incompatible use."
Hundreds of residents held a rally Sunday at the park to voice their opposition to the
proposal and implore the county to consider a more permanent solution to the problem.
"I'm OK with helping homeless, but we need to solve the problem, not move the problem
from one city to another," one resident told FOX11.
Besides the prospect of having a large homeless population take up space near a park, the
land officials want to use is still contaminated from its prior use as Marine Corps Air Station
El Toro, residents say.
I've been there.
There are tons of buildings that these people could stay in.
And if it's contaminated then why in the hell are you bring your children there?
It's not even a nice park- it more like a huge amount of land overgrown with weeds
and whatever.
"It's not like we're moving them into a shelter, per se.
They're basically picking up their tents and putting them on land that's actually
There's no running water, no electricity and no sewer system," another resident told
Well it's better than crapping on sidewalks in front of businesses.
Homeless advocates also oppose the Santa Ana River plan.
"We certainly wouldn't support anything that didn't include bathrooms and showers,"
Brooke Weitzman told FOX11.
"Without those, no one is better off than they were in the river bed."
Well, what do you support?
What is your solution?
Marching in the streets and blaming Trump and the NRA?
You people haven't got a clue because all you have done is line your pockets and sit
around doing nothing.
Actually, you spend all the money protecting illegal aliens and building train tracks that
lead to nowhere.
Irvine Mayor Donald Wagner said Friday the board has placed an item on the agenda for
Tuesday's board meeting to rescind the proposal, after "nonstop efforts by the Irvine community,
City Council and staff."
"Fortunately, a majority of the Board of Supervisors appears to recognize that the
Irvine location for its tent city is not fit for human habitation and unacceptably close
to homes, schools and parks," Wagner said.
"The City Council awaits a definitive vote by the Board on Tuesday, and remains as willing
as always to help coordinate a collaborative solution to the countywide crisis of homelessness
in a permanent, humane way.
The City of Irvine is eager to be a part of that solution."
While the county may scrap the proposal later this week, Orange County Supervisor Shawn
Nelson told FOX11 that without a homeless plan in place, the judge may not allow any
city in Orange County to enforce their overnight camping or trespassing laws, which could lead
to homeless people being allowed to have their choice of locations to start a new encampment.This
is what happens when you have liberals in charge.
They have no solutions to all the problems they themselves have created.
Put them all on buses and send them to Detroit.
You can buy a house for $1.
Make them work and clean up that cesspool in exchange for a box of food and necessities.
Freaking liberal morons.
California In Total Chaos: Residents Revolt Over Plans For Homeless 'Tent City' - Duration: 3:07.
BREAKING News Out Of California… THEY'RE PISSED!!! - Duration: 4:46.
What does the California Department of Child Support Services offer? - Duration: 0:51.
The following services are provided by the state through local child support agencies:
Help with locating parents Legally establishing the parents of a child
Creating an enforcing collection of court-ordered child support payment
Partnerships with other states and countries to enforce child support
orders where one parent lives outside of California
The California Department of Child Support Services
does not handle matters of divorce child custody or
visitation if you need assistance with any of these matters, please contact the
Family Law Facilitator at your local county court. Those services are
available to every parent and are offered at no cost.
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