Sif, forgive me, for I have availed you nothing...
Long ago, in my homeland of Oolacile, I was beset by a creature from the Abyss.
I would have perished then, were it not for the great knight Artorias.
Long ago, the knight Artorias traversed the Abyss.
If you can find him, and learn from him, the Abyss may prove surmountable.
The legend of Artorias art none but a fabrication.
Traversing the dark? 'Tis but a fairy tale.
Have thine own respect, go not yonder knocking for nothing, I say!
Believe it or not, Oolacile has brought the Abyss upon itself.
They upturned the grave of primeval man, and incited his ornery wrath.
From my home I was taken, and banish'd to a plane of distortion.
It was there, that thou came to my rescue. Long after I had relinquised all hope.
That was Oolacile, many centuries ago.
Farewell, human. Lead thy life as thou seest fit.
For more infomation >> Dark Souls: The Movie | The Legend of Artorias Trailer - Duration: 2:10.-------------------------------------------
►XAVERIA◄ DARK ATMOSPHERE STORYTELLING FREESTYLE STREET {FREE} Rap Instrumental ☯️Sacred Beatz☯️ - Duration: 3:03.
The Bold and the Beautiful - In A Dark Place - Duration: 3:44.
NIVEA Fairness Formula & Dark Spots Removal Day and Night Cream|Get Spotless & Fair Skin in Urdu - Duration: 4:00.
Please SUBSCRIBE Rani G Health & Beauty Tips
The Left's Hypocrisy on Dark Money | Hayden Ludwig - Duration: 2:24.
Double standards are nothing new in politics.
For example, politicians' responses to other politicians' sexual misdeeds often differ
according to whether the accused is a member of the same party.
Here's another example of double standards: many people on the Left crusade for what they
call "campaign finance reform."
As part of those reforms, they attack so-called 'dark money' – the ability of a donor
to give money anonymously.
But some on the Left denounce conservative "dark money," while ignoring the millions
in dark money dollars that go to their own favorite causes.
One of the biggest "dark money" groups in America is the Tides Foundation.
It took in over 152 million dollars in 2015 alone, and passed on 147 million dollars to
other groups that same year.
But while Tides legally has to disclose its grantees, it doesn't reveal which donors
supported which grantees.
That's the very definition of a dark money group.
And who does all that cash go to?
Millions go to some of the Left's loudest attack dogs against right-of-center donors
who give, and nonprofits who receive, "dark money."
For instance, Media Matters for America, a Left-wing advocacy group, received a six figure
grant from Tides, yet their website hosts a lengthy article with the provocative title,
"The Conservative Dark-Money Groups Infiltrating Campus Politics."
Worse, Media Matters was founded by David Brock, a political operative infamous for
his ring of activist organizations that give and receive "dark money," including Media
Matters' own affiliate: the Media Matters Action Network.
Tides has also given a five-figure grant to the left-leaning Center for American Progress
Action Fund, whose partner organization, the Center for American Progress, attacks right-of-center
dark money on its website.
One article headline even claims, "dark money is poisoning American democracy."
Media outlet Democracy Now received a six-figure grant from Tides, then gave left-wing conspiracy
theorist Jane Meyer a 45-minute platform to showboat her discredited book entitled, "Dark Money."
Whether "Dark Money" is good or bad is a question answered in our previous video,
"Is Dark Money Dangerous?"
But groups on the Left that call dark money corrupt while taking dark money donations
aren't only wrong – they're hypocrites.
To learn more, read the full article on our website.
I'm Hayden Ludwig, thanks for watching.
PewdiePie Amnesia The Dark Descent Playthrough 4 #15MFLᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:09:31.
jew-jew otherwise a Jew
who plays so you missed the drain sewers as a means of transport yes they were
built to divert water from an underground spring and are quite
spacious it seemed of their natural to
incorporate it into the overall structure but we won't be using it today
I really wonder when something is seasonal and when the civilian run has
dried the jammed tunnels produce a rather poisonous title oh I wonder if I
take damage there is an antidote of course but we won't be bothering with it
today it's not scare me when it's very sad
we're almost there I guess I gotta get up somewhere there maybe I'm down here
it's dark
what does that mean
even water nothing is everything is standing in my way
alright let's confuse him
take the stairs them
maybe I can jump on it
if I jump really hard
why do I even bother trying
get from there and it repeats its I can't go down there
so yeah at least me confused first time playing this game
go breathe maybe I missed
Greece let's read the notes to enter the sewer it must first be
drained well I don't maybe I don't want to enter that's so
restless needed to camp out
go sit there and we got a grease three is lightning
all right I like this place well it up
fuck you
off you go
and you're going down bitch yes I am that's every day you climb ladders in
this game
wonder where I should go all right oh I feel tall
Alexandra knew that near there must be a way to finish a ritual before it was too
late he had to teach his friend to harvest the bite
kind of foggy in here just let's see
in a room there and this has a skull on it let's leave that for later
this looks like a puzzle part
yeah it's definitely a puzzle place I got 20 tender muxes that's insane
what's going on here I do exactly I lift that up what's that's good for
uh-huh we got to lift up
at three lift up it's down here and didn't wait for something to happen
well I think mmm
oh this how to shine bright and light to it let's give this
what was that
spare me look a beard Oh tender bucks and a note
I don't know if though bucks
all right
I guess al Anthony
it's stuck is as well another one of those
fucks you
let this sit monster I bet he's like a bro it's just trying to help me
this way during King's doubt that it's done
guess we gotta off to the scholar room
I got a feeling I'm gonna need these
all right there is the way out good irena horrible
okay so another room another challenge
another one of these thank you
back to you later young man all right mocks machine there are finally some
clue what the hell I'm doing the 13th of 13 of January night 1799 the work I put
into this machine is unequaled by the reasoning of any man the thought that
generations of men have passed away since I first attempted to reconstruct
the design is most tiring the limitation of this world have made my work
incredibly difficult it has forced me to build a thing almost a hundred times
larger than the delicate contraption it tries to emulate not to mention the flow
of tamed lightly crudely replaced by pressure steam pushing its way through
pipes and turbines it shames me to think of what the inventor would have thought
of my monster where he works with a magnifying glass to carefully fix all
the Parts I first five men to erect all erect a tower of wrought iron in the
hope it will have even the tiniest hint of power found in a traveler's locket
okay I didn't leave me much and
I thought it was blood there is blood why not
I think they're right she got the other rooms
why the fuck not
same shit name see what you can find though we got fuck is that wouldn't
crank or use wooden cranks for a crank for a machine
all right these rooms are almost identical
all right
it's gonna be
hustle salt
oh it did solve a puzzle what do you know
I wonder if animal assault is that crispy
another deaf machine
as there's an exit like exits why
both for pendants okay
no that was exit that came from man I'm stupid all right
oh I don't feel like scared anymore these muscles are making it all
is that a cogwheel
get down here I need you near that cog wheel
probably not
so we got a combination of stuff here and
as soon we're gonna replicate that for this stuff we just pick up so let's do
that why the fuck not I hope three is enough
I'm sure how many
fuck scared me a little bit I'm so easily scared
because scared of anything
all right so we got three parts let's just begin with it
slip this up because I don't like going insane oh it does have mathematically
that's not fun I thought it was a puzzle I need one more though
it sucks
that made no sense but whatever see if I miss it maybe I could pick one
of these so I'm just a bad idea problem
one more I wonder what I didn't have
I don't want to waste my land and wouldn't
all right
in these two rooms
what is this I am we need a
it's lost part let's check this just
and no I am anyway but let's get on no god damn it
yeah where is the lost pipe I want to find the loss of my goods I
want to get their laude what is this
all right about it when the camera moves for me it's a
yeah it must be in beginning that is it out there maybe no this can't be right
it's got to be somewhere here
why do I waste oil I have 19 fucking tender impulses
can't move those or yes it annoying
it's like probably like an obvious spot that I missed
it's gotta be here somewhere why would you hide these fucking parts
make sense
there's a hustle to get it
or maybe you don't only have those parts and you have to use a different
combination make it work probably not or they've been there like a million times
it's weird really weird
so nice and quiet like that oh fuck that's too much spinning
make sure I don't miss it should be
check these sup
what's up where is it tired of this bullshit
I'm tired I tell you does he
good idea
I don't get what I wouldn't crack this
I wonder what I'm gonna do with that thing and really see what else I needed
right I'm confuse feud is confused
I can research right
that like this like that
how do I know which combination it is
No No
how do ice
I guess like this
come on what alright like this then
that bet I tell you
Oh goddammit
oh never mind soon I knew that of course
doing what
what I'm not doing anything Oh mind me
don't mind me mr. Alexander brennenburg that will kick your ass
and then working
it's stuck let's use the crack nope
how do I make understand
our rights we already lift these
I'm guessing that's about
I move nice now also very very big don't know what to do
maybe fight jump fucking hurts my head I do
it's out of ideas again I like being out of ideas crank for a
machine Frank for my
being something their cookies
might as well
is it supposed to be like the same
same eye that's one is good
it's just about to go over that
this one should be down there
all right let's try that problem that reward supported the shot
no they're not even identical what am i doing what am i doing
it's our stupid view time
just enjoy don't mock me for it okay and these
it's not being stuck stop it
we'll be doing Daniel boxes
I guess I'm out of ideas for what I should do dinner really takes
the puzzle over there it's gotta be the song
thank you thank you very much help absolutely nothing at all stick to share
with me
understood no it doesn't mean
like shit
it's not being stuck it's done very good everything is stuck
in this game my brain will beat soon as well
and stupid
can't even so they are right I can't even move
so there's obviously something m-miss fuck you
but I mean
I just say it's stuck when it's not oh that
what did nothing that's fear
that is his commute
that was a piece of the puzzle just it was dickless I guess we got one side
done now
I think
I don't know this I would say it's working
well I guess something really weird really weird
and no idea what I just did Oh
did I do that we
wanted back is broken beyond repair
that's good
I wanted to go back stuck no Uranus
I can jam you all day that's what she said
can't go back and get over it
weird I thought it was done
what else
fuck you
to the fucking
I'm gonna try these stupid ideas
then what
I seriously guess I'm gonna try for months
it's No
a dance
let's climb this ladder
it's not were never a few day that was a bad idea but it would have been cool
it does look like one of those that you Wow
at least I think it is
but I mean where should I go then
as this site working
all system also stuck
just trial and error seriously
hasn't got a fund a new car will maybe
I haven't seen one
sorry that was my steam
it's gotta be some way to lift that
it was that simple goddamnit
so typical means like Oh
all right I just gonna run all the way through
for the action oh it was only one door
so now we can head back to the sewers it's why the fuck not that a red
detained burst from the walls as if they had begun to bleed he cried out in fear
as a spectacle began to consume
one of very few pleasantries
three-sixty jump shot that was stupid all right
I think I need any more oil there's no need to fill it again I think that
answered it pretty well
what the hell that I drained you you're telling me I'm not done there
well there aren't I an idiot I had to miss something
maybe there's like an on and off switch I tend to miss those
setback I wanna see so tall when I walking
back to the controller the blue light blinded him as he had
done inside the murky I mean now Gary it was just an odd thing Unni tried to
approach it but the barest firm hand
oh there is we're not completely busted closest to
the door system oh I forgot about this still stuck
not done
but but I thought things
other ones are stuck why are they stuck why I'm gonna be outside that'd be great
there's definitely nothing more I could
definitely done
we start down again it is polite are you guys down how about bringing you
all right
why are you stuck
ah annoying annoying
all right
and I solve it
I don't know
I mean if I had really had solve it these two were identical then these
steering wheels should look exactly the same
yes these stairs but they armed I'm pretty sure I solved it anyways so
let's just hit back it did sound like something great
the beautiful while or Kidman seemed a testament to innate to nature strength
being able to grow inside Brendan Byrne Alice it was Alexander studies and
carrots which enabled the flower to blossom yay
hope it's drain now otherwise I'll look really stupid
come to do a 360 camera shot this
GLaDOS shot 360 so awesome if the brutal monster was
there I'd be like um and it's not drained mother of the fuck
ah right
don't know what I'm supposed to do walking in circles maybe I am done here
I mean what was I supposed to do I forgot I redirected all the water maybe
I'm dumb let's head it back and see
all right
I'll log out of seam meanwhile
oh shit
I doubt this gonna work
got them it can you climb any jump shot
ya know it's clear I don't really want to go down here though whoa what the
fuck oh it's poisonous shit I can't go here
I didn't take any damage though I think I need to clear the poison somehow
I'm gonna just supposed to rush through now that can't be
get up they Danielle I know don't see the point in these
fucking bridges but whatever if you want alright we're back
let's see if I can suck goddamnit up
No what the hell
oh I get it I get it I get it was delays I saw that shit
and I will go like 360 all right
I think I got this
all right front run Danielle rut
today not our goddamn it
get up
there we go
we we all right 360 I can do this
oh fuck what Oh God what I keep doing that
it's so stupid
just a fucking waste of time
all right second attempt
not used to this sense
yeah I got it now
what the fuck was that alright gonna try it again
alright I got this your alpha oh Jesus I made it awesome told you fucking told
you morg yeah you wanted to go into the
fucking morgue
because that's not creepy
all right I wonder how a medieval what more it looks like do you see Daniel
the shadow yieldeth has for now
let's get this out of here so we can get some peace yes
let's wait just down the corridor to the mall I don't want to go to the morgue
you did well Daniel let's get going
oh fuck I guess we're back to the creepy parts yay that bodies everywhere
that's creepy
all right to pick you up pick me up before you go go
yeah nice room explaining quite badly Academy
three day
I read the share who's gonna come there don't go there
it's not great my everything father take me in my sleep slip that up
and go no this is where it came from codicil retarder going in here I get the
feeling I'm gonna bump in the my bro
oh that's nice
you have a small dick
thou you changed your mind
what is stiff from rigor mortis and it can be older a day
let's cut his penis off you're not gonna do that
oh another one of those I don't like those
take this up first
come on yes perfect Nina that it's all good all
vaccine enabling my men to work in funky ridden sewer as Oh sunny the vaccine to
go to the sewers basically I get
what what let's leave that alone don't trust
that out Oh dead bodies why not
ah seriously why the war
huh children screaming why not
oh this place is horrible Oh
who knows
what the hell this place flowers
what tell us up with that noise ah there is nothing in here
baby screaming why not
it's going here
oh fuck stiff
oh sorry
the fine cartoon looks like a part of our surgical tool so I'm going to
prepare oh I might be able to use it on him
it cannot penetrate the skull
oh wait I got this yeah that's fucking disgusting
no yeah are you kidding me it's fucking gross
there's the thing in your head dude it looks happy though
a tourist then I was a but nothing enough to penetrate
my skin my skin is he talking to me you're dead dude
are you kidding me that actually worked oh did I just inject myself with his
blood after
I did dude
it's gross
I guess I'm done there I should be able to go to the basement
now all right I'm glad oh fuck fuck
hi Daniel I don't know if this is a good place to hide what am i doing
company corner captain your corner fuck I thought I was gonna get away you
don't come in here please don't come in here
fuck fuck you he sounds weirder now it's like he's pissed at me what I done
fuck don't go in air please
get away
ah is he gone
hey there oh I'm insane now god damn it
seriously oh oh we got the creepy corridor left uh
uh row
from I'm just gonna run for it
of great back in the sewers
that was creepy I hate that guy such a douche I done
all right down here
let's bring this with us now we can't sad face
down in the sewers because why not
what oh I'm out of oil I have plenty of tinderbox inside
ah this looks creepy
I get the feeling he's close
I'm a kind of fool Oh mushrooms delicious
oh oh oh oh fuck already
oh he's there I see you oh that's great fucking awesome
oh this places
it's here
Oh Oh don't shake on me
all right it's gonna go in here nothing creepy about that
oh come on
oh well well well
dude where's that coming from seriously hate that sound
no way don't tell me the water monsters bike
sounded like him
that come from here
oh thank god we need oil awesome an apostle
so we got to stuff with three different combination didn't get any moment on
what does that do
it's gonna try every combination
I'm confused
oh well back in the water god dammit oh nice
is this where he came from
oh shit I thought it was a water monster
what's up at this place I don't get it
all right so we've got a pipe I'm not sure would we need that for Oh
what is that I don't care
oh shit
all right Oh Tina bucks awesome it's pretty well lit up for a sewer have
to say that
oh shit the fucking thing scares me all the time
let's go yeah
try I don't know what to do this again yeah
that's gonna work
it's gotta be momento cookies sorry my voice cracked the two levers controlled
the noisy machine
all right let's sit back here
ha they're all right that didn't work
think I need to pass that Oh cut see
oh really should I go in there not a good idea
oh fuck I thought I saw something
hmm what am I supposed to do
there's got to be like some combination that shuts up the machine
oh maybe I can jam the pipe in it
spinning too fast
I thought I'd put them in the lowest I hope they put them in the highest
they're both in the lowest Oh bigger cogwheel means slower speed
does isn't it
oh shit
this way
and now we should be able to know it's still spinning fast
Oh ah well okay well I'm confused
it didn't change anything I'm really confused
maybe one should be big and one should be small let's try that
fuck I hate that you have to run so far run Daniel rain and the disc
same speed right
let's try the other combination them and it's not a lot of ideas
Oh it sounds really quiet now I should have
used that as a hint whoa no no no no no no no no what have I done you see there
uh-oh no don't come here for fuck's sake I
should have closed the door holy fuck
it looks like fucking et hey too
fuck is he gone or what
check this out bro
all right to think of a good where the fuck did it go though
hey get a nice nice
though you laughing at
all right
did it it a muscle solved all right we're good
think we can get out of the sewer now thank you very much unless the sámi
wants a pair once more that would be fucking great why the fuck not
okay I think we're good
and oh we're not done oh no what what what's going on here no no no no take
them Oh what the fuck
no no no are you kidding me turn around
why why are you so disgusting right here
where's your job bro seriously
who kill that guy
who killed him you see dead
ah no no no no no no no no what do my memento say I buried gate was torn down
by that creature ah it's not dead fuck that oh thanks
I got an arm
oh fuck fuck sorry to hide oh my god did you see me
go away oh my god
ah fuck
oh there was nowhere to hide is it gone
bro hello
I hate that guy
all right I would really want to make a run for it
oh great he's still out there
where is a good question though
I guess there cuz that's where I'm going
what is he doing there
my god
what Baird gate are you kidding me oh fuck
oh fuck
don't tell me I have to run past him that's ridiculous I'm not doing that
is he just gonna stand there
oh god I hate him so much
I want to make a run for it I mean I've quite fast can it be there's got to be
some way to distract them
scattery some way
creepy room
let's try this maybe doesn't like arms for what I know is I mean it's this has
gotta be his friends on row I have a present for you
oh fuck let's hope that worked
run run run run for fuck sake oh fuck
why is he climbing so I want to look down seriously
oh god I'm taking him alright welcome back to whatever part I lost count a
long time ago we came from that well climbing that ladder and was not
pleasant here she really was horrible I'm glad we're down with done with it
super and but let's see this this looks just as creepy to be honest so looks
like we're in some kind of Tower yeah this looks really really bad I got
a feeling the monsters gonna show up here as well that makes me sad face
tell I'm not supposed to do with this budge won't budge
I don't even know that means
oh it's pusle yay 18:39 I can't stop sweating why was that Daniel he sounds
weird the warding ritual was not something of a sane mind I did not even
realize the dungeon was still in use Alexander had his servants bring one of
the prisoners a murderer he told me Alexander made all the arrangements me
he said I had to perform the ritual in order to have the right effect the
shadow could be led astray by the blood of another killing the man would provide
us precious time what else could I do Alexander said it had to be done he is
saving my life I don't have the luxury of argument ah
poor Daniel he's screwed I'm really curious about this ritual
whatever oil again I already got oil now some working something must be wrong
with the machinery yeah why not is everything is working so well in this
goddamn castle god damn it
dead-end all right creepy corridor why not
this looks scary I don't want to go down there
not at all Wow creepy
'X-Men' Pic 'Dark Phoenix' Pushed to Prime February Launching Pad | THR News - Duration: 1:55.
Fox has shifted the release date for its next film in the X-Men movie franchise
starring Jessica Chastain.
The release date of Simon Kinberg's X-Men: Dark Phoenix has moved from
November 2, 2018, to February 14, 2019 — that's roughly the same date
as past successful Presidents' Day weekend openings for Disney's Black Panther
and Fox's Deadpool. Marking February as a destination for superhero tentpoles,
the film will open Thursday in hopes of taking advantage of Valentine's Day as well.
The old date of November 2, 2018, will now be filled by Queen biopic
Bohemian Rhapsody, which stars Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury,
the legendary frontman of the rock group. The film had initially been
set to release December 25, 2018.
Kinberg is making his directorial debut with X-Men: Dark Phoenix,
which stars Chastain and aims to retell the defining Dark Phoenix storyline
from the early 1980s comic book.
Sony's Spider-Man spinoff Silver & Black opens on February 8, 2019,
one week before Dark Phoenix.
And the release date for Fox's The New Mutants has also moved from February 22
to August 2, 2019. The New Mutants is Josh Boone's horror-tinged take on Marvel's teen
heroes. It stars Anya Taylor-Joy, Maisie Williams and Charlie Heaton,
and had earlier jumped from a April 13 release date to February 22, 2019.
The studio has also moved Joe Cornish's The Kid Who Would be King two weeks back
from February 14 to March 1, 2019. And The Force has been taken out of the release
schedule, after being set for a March 1, 2019, release. Spies in Disguise has moved
from January 18 to April 19, 2019, and Roxann Dawson's Breakthrough,
starring Chrissy Metz, is getting a wide release April 12, 2019.
For more on this story, head to and let me know if you're looking forward to
seeing Jessica Chastain in Dark Phoenix in the comments. Until next time,
for The Hollywood Reporter News, I'm Tiffany Taylor.
2 Idioms containing dark (adjective) - Duration: 0:55.
2 Idioms containing dark (adjective)
a dark horse
1 (British English)
a person who does not tell other people much about their life, and who surprises other people by having interesting qualities
2 a person taking part in a race, etc. who surprises everyone by winning
keep something dark
(British English, informal) to keep something secret and not tell people about it
He's got two children? Well he's kept that dark, hasn't he!
Fanimation MA6721DZ Spitfire Dark Bronze Ceiling Fan Motor - Duration: 0:47.
Fanimation MA6721DZ Spitfire Dark Bronze Ceiling Fan Motor
Covers mechanical and electrical breakdowns. No deductibles or hidden fees. Free shipping on all repairs.
Easy claims process online or by phone 24/7. If we cant fix it, we will send you an Amazon e-Card for full replacement value. Coverage begins at the end of the manufacturers warranty. Plan is fully refunded if canceled within 30 days.
Plan contract will be emailed from Asurion within 48 hours of purchase. This will not ship with your product.
dark (noun) - Duration: 1:07.
dark (noun)
no light
1 the dark [singular]
the lack of light in a place, especially because it is night
All the lights went out and we were left in the dark.
Are the children afraid of the dark?
animals that can see in the dark
2 [uncountable] an amount of something that is dark in colour
patterns of light and dark
Extra examples
I fumbled for the light switch in the pitch dark.
I hate getting up in the dark.
Many small children are afraid of the dark.
The girls weren't allowed out after dark.
We could just make out some figures in the gathering dark.
We'd better try and finish this job before dark.
4 Idioms containing dark (noun) - Duration: 1:17.
4 Idioms containing dark (noun)
after/before dark
after/before the sun goes down and it is night
Try to get home before dark.
Don't go out alone after dark.
in the dark (about something)
knowing nothing about something
Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company.
She arrived at the meeting as much in the dark as everyone else.
a leap in the dark
an action or a risk that you take without knowing anything about the activity or what the result will be
I didn't know what the new job would be like—I just took a leap in the dark.
a shot/stab in the dark
a guess; something you do without knowing what the result will be
The figure he came up with was really just a shot in the dark.
dark (adjective) - Duration: 3:51.
dark (adjective)
(darker, darkest)
with little light
1 with no or very little light, especially because it is night
a dark room/street/forest
What time does it get dark in summer?
It was dark outside and I couldn't see much.
opposite light
See related entries: Sky
2 not light; closer in shade to black than to white
dark blue/green/red, etc.
Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains.
opposite light, pale
3 having a colour that is close to black
a dark suit
dark-coloured wood
The dark clouds in the sky meant that a storm was coming.
brown or black in colour
Sue has long dark hair.
He was handsome with dark eyes.
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun.
See related entries: Hair colour, Skin
5 (of a person) having dark hair, eyes, etc.
a dark handsome stranger
opposite fair
6 mysterious; hidden and not known about
There are no dark secrets in our family.
7 evil or frightening
There was a darker side to his nature.
the dark forces of the imagination
without hope
8 unpleasant and without any hope that something good will happen
the darkest days of Fascism
The film is a dark vision of the future.
9 (of a speech sound) produced with the back part of the tongue close to the back of the mouth.
In many accents of English, dark /l/ is used after a vowel, as in ball.
opposite clear
Extra examples
As it grew dark, they gathered round the fire.
It gets dark at about six o'clock.
It's only three o'clock and it's nearly dark already.
Suddenly the whole sky went dark.
Darker colours are more practical and don't show stains.
He stumbled along through the dark forest.
He was dressed in a dark suit and a plain white shirt.
It was dark outside and I couldn't see much.
Mahogany is a dark-coloured wood.
My mind was full of dark thoughts.
The theatre stayed open even in the darkest days of the war.
There are dark forces at work here.
They stepped into the dark room and shone the torch.
The Long Dark | Controls Walkthrough - Duration: 6:13.
The Long Dark is a first-person survival game. In this video we're going to be
having a look at the controls and also a few of the features that you can use to
help make the game a little bit more accessible. There is a story mode and a
survival mode. In survival mode one of the main ways that you can help make the
game a little bit more accessible is to customize some of the features. There are
several difficulty levels. The first one is "Pilgrim" which is a more passive way
to play the game as animals don't attack you.
Although the challenge of the game is still based around survival there are
several different difficulty levels within the game and you can customize
these further. The first difficulty setting is Pilgrim this makes most of
the survival elements a little bit more forgiving and also the animals will only
attack you if they're provoked. There are similar difficulty settings
within the story mode. For example, you could select Green Survivor which is
similar to the Pilgrim setting from the survival mode. In survival mode you can
also customize difficulty levels by changing certain settings such as how
quickly your character will lose health from the cold or from hunger or from
thirst for example. There are lots of settings that can be
changed so it's worth having a look at these. Another way to customize the
difficulty level within the game is by the region that you select to start in.
Some parts of the game have more shelters resources and wildlife for
In this video we're playing the PC version of The Long Dark whilst using an
Xbox One controller. The controls are the same for whichever console you're
playing on. As with many first-person games you use left stick for walking and
the right stick for aiming the camera. You also have to use the camera to
look around for when picking up items for example and you do have to be quite
accurate to do this. Many of the interactions involve pressing the "A"
button on the XBox controller or the "Cross" button on the PlayStation
controller. For certain actions you do have to hold a button down. So here we're
having to hold down "A" to open the door. If holding down buttons is difficult
there's a way that you can change this to a button press within the settings.
Although the menu does say that you can convert all press and hold actions into
press actions, there are some other parts of the games where you do still have to
hold down buttons or triggers however. Now that we have changed this setting,
you'll see that we only have to press the A button to open the first aid box
for example.
One example of an area where you do still have to hold a button down is
for the item wheel where you have to hold down either "LB" or "L1" and then use
the left stick and the "A" button to select an item so with the lantern that
we've just found, you do need to hold down "RT" to ignite it and you do need to
hold it down throughout the action to ignite the lantern.
So with some items that when you pick them up you can press X to equip them
straight away. If you want to use them there and then this would save you
having to go to the item wheel to find it. If you have a stone then you can
select it from the weapon area in the item wheel. Use the triggers to aim and
throw. There's no cursor so you do have to
aim quite carefully by aiming with your hand. So here we've managed to stun
a rabbit you have to then press the interact button to pick it u,p but you do
have to be quite quick to be able to grab it before it gets up and runs away.
There are also other weapons that you can find and you will need to be able to
react quite quickly if you're under attack by an anima.l
The weapons include bows and rifles that you can use to either hunt or to defend
yourself. To shoot the bow, aim and hold the right trigger to draw back the bow
and then release the same button to shoot. You can scavenge meat and other
materials from the animals but you do need to check how long this will take as
you can still die from hunger thirst or the cold.
Some animals such as wolves and bears will attack you in the game. When a wolf
attacks, if you press the "A" button at the right time you can quickly fight them
off. If they manage to attack you successfully then you need to rapidly
press "A" to fight them off you can turn these types of attacks off in the game
by choosing a more passive game mode. Another button is to use the right
bumper which you use for sprint this is a button that you're not going to have
to use too often because you do run out of energy very quickly and it takes
quite a long time for your energy to come back up so you're gonna want to
have to save if when you need it in the game you will have to light fires quite
regularly. To do this you can select fire from the item wheel and use the right
stick to aim and find a suitable place. Press the right trigger to select a
place and then press "A" to start the fire. Once you've selected what material you
want to use you then have to wait for the fire to light. You don't have to hold the
button down or press anything whilst this is happening. Sometimes the fire
won't start first time and you need to start the process again once you started.
You can add fuel to make the fire last longer you can use the fire to cook meat
and also craft water from snow once crafted you will then need to boil it to
make sure that it's safe to drink.
Another way to access some of the more commonly used items on your item wheel
is to use the D-Pad. Left on the D-Pad brings up the fire. Up on the D-Pad
allows you to cycle through your light sources.
Right on the D-Pad lets you cycle through the weapons and down
on the D-Pad lets you drop the decoy. If playing the game with mouse and
keyboard, it is worth knowing that you can remap the keyboard bindings. A nice
feature is that you can use a standard controller alongside the keyboard. This
can be especially helpful if you're using a switch interface that emulates
keyboard presses, such as a Don Johnston. Thank you for watching this video and
there's anything that we can do to help, then please do get in touch.
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