hey guys it's your brother "Youssef"
and before we start make sure to smash that like button
and subscribe with notifications on
and I hope you like the video
today, I'll see if my workouts pay off
I'll see how many punches I can throw in 60 seconds
let me just get psyched for this
warm ups
5 seconds passed
10 seconds passed, keep it up!
this is hard
*started to back at it again*
how many punches?
I don't know, but you probably do
300 punches in 60 seconds
150 punches in 30 seconds
75 punches in 15 seconds
37.5 punches in 7.5 seconds
18.75 punches in 3.75 seconds
9.375 punches in 1.875 seconds
4.6875 punches in 0.9375 seconds
anyways, I don't know how many punches I did at the moment
you'll know!
and then I can brag about it like " oh I can do that much in those seconds blah blah..."
and that's it for now, I hope you liked the video
if you liked it make sure you like it
and if you don't make sure to hit that button
and I'll see you next time, PEACE #YoussefGang
For more infomation >> WORLDS FASTEST BOXER how many punches I can throw in 60 seconds - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Tracing the Tannery Brook: How many streams are piped? - Duration: 0:40.
Tannery Brook is a stream that is open, part of it is not covered, is not in a pipe,
and so I was very drawn to it when I moved to Kingston because I'm from Brooklyn, and
I'm not used to seeing to seeing streams just in my neighborhood, running through my neighborhood.
So I used to go, you know, sort of meditate by the stream and then I heard that part of
it was being covered over and it started making me think about how many streams are piped
underground that we don't notice, and how we could really be retaining more stormwater
if streams were reintegrated into urban systems,
and how would we go about doing that.
how many Chicken Dinners tonight? - Duration: 9:13.
180210-Jason-West-17-How-many-types-of-arthritis-are-there - Duration: 10:12.
Hello, everyone. We're going to talk about a nice general overview of the muscles
and joints of the body that can be associated with the differing types of
Hello, everyone. This is Dr. Jason West with the West clinic coming
at you have 102 years of healing and four generations of doctors. We see a lot
of patients that don't fit the mold where they are round peg that we're
trying to push into a square hole. We never see easy cases and one of the
video requests that I got was talking about regional arthritis. Now what does
regional arthritis mean? There's over a hundred types of arthritis,
there's osteoarthritis, there's rheumatoid arthritis,
there's inflammatory arthritis, metabolic arthritis I mean, it's a big big mouthful
to get all of the arthritides out there and so I just thought I'd make a video
about some regional considerations for arthritis because arthritis
basically means inflammation of the joint. It's really common, sometimes it's
not very well understood so I just thought I'd go to the different areas of
the body and start talking about what could be going wrong and the arthro
tides. I may miss some of them and so in the comments section, if I miss something
or if you want to see a specific video about arthritis, tell me and we'll make
one. So let's just start with your hands and feet and work up to the head. So the
first thing that we look about for hand arthritis is to see if we're developing
something called Heberden's nodes. so these are little osteoarthritic markers,
you get a little bumps on the fingers and basically it's a sign that we're
losing the joint space, the joints are coming closer together, you get a
deformation of the joint and things like glucosamine, chondroitin,
are really good but something that my grandfather taught my dad and my dad
taught me was that raw pecans really really help with those swollen irritated
little knuckle joints, those Heberden nodes and so a handful of raw pecans, it
can't be in pecan pie, it can't be candied pecans or chocolate dip pecans,
just raw pecans. I've seen rehab really good clinical outcomes for Heberdeen's
nodes. The other things that can affect those joints and the fingers are things
like rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Now rheumatoid arthritis has a tendency
to be a little bit more bilateral or systemic because it seems to happen in
both hands at the same time. That's not always the case but for gout, it really is
unilateral, it likes to kind of go after one joint, likes to really go after
the thumb, same thing with the big toe in the foot. Now going to the wrist and
talking about wrist arthritis, this can become from trauma, a lot of times people
will be either skiing or they'll trip and fall and they'll reach out and get
their wrists into extension and crunch that area and so it can be a traumatic
or osteoarthritis but also looking at systemic arthritis and I think it's
really important to upregulate the immune system, make the immune system
healthier before going into a bio modular DMARDs or TNF inhibitor therapy
and so many times you get people coming into the office and they're requesting
alternatives and considerations to the traditional approach and that's one of
the things that we offer. Now moving up to the elbow, see a lot of tendinitis,
sometimes you can have older nerve entrapment that's occurring in the elbow
and some metabolic conditions there but a lot of trauma associated with that. You
can have golfer's elbow which is medial epicondylitis or you can have tennis
elbow which is lateral epicondylitis and some regenitive injection therapy where
you're taking little bits of vitamins and some type of ear and mild
irritant like dextrose 5%, oxidative medicine, neural Prolotherapy
to stimulate the body to go to a healing mode are all really good considerations.
Now when your shoulder's not working, a couple things to happen. I always want
to evaluate and see if there's some type of rotator cuff, irritation. There's four
muscles that basically hold the shoulder in place and if you put someone through
the paces as far as identifying those muscles, you can determine it's a rotator
cuff, there's also a bursitis, there's also adhesive capsulitis.
There's a lot of different arthritis that can affect the
shoulder and then moving into the spine. We talked earlier about a previous video
about ankylosing spondylitis, you can have degenerative joint disease which
means the vertebrae are coming closer together, you can get a pinched nerve
that's going down the arm, you can go down in between the shoulder blades, you
can go just to the shoulder, to the elbow, to the wrist and an orthopedic
evaluation where you're doing a range of motion, you can do specific tests to
stretch the ligaments, to entrap irritated nerve roots, to determine if
there is a degenerative joint or add intervertebral discs syndrome or all
considerations. It's nice to have some plain films or x-rays you know, looking
at you from the front and the side and then doing an oblique view where we can
look down the intervertebral foramen and see if there's enough space there, it may
require some advanced imaging like an MRI and then going down
through the back into the thoracic spine, the thoracic spine is
relatively protected by the ribs so it's not as common actually it's fairly rare
to get a disc herniation in the thoracic spine but you can get some schmorl's
nodes, you can get a a biomechanical deformation called a kyphosis where you
become hinged forward or it's one of the easier places to see something called
ankylosing spondylitis. Now 80% of the population at some point will have some
type of low back episode and most of the time it's caused by improper
biomechanics or some type of trauma and you can get sciatic problems and you can
get sacroiliitis, it's one of the places where ankylosing spondylitis
likes to go is that sacroiliac joint but there are many better bollock conditions
basically you can show in the lumbar spine.Now when you go to the hips and
you think about arthritis in the hips, it can be hip dysplasia, it can be which
means that you didn't have a properly formed hip joint, we can have
osteoarthritis which that ball and socket joint of the hip just kind of
wears out instead of having a nice ice cream cone looking joint, it gets to be
square, it's like we're having a rusty hinge or we're pouring gravel into a
ball bearing joint, it just doesn't function very
well. Having people lay on their back and then you rotate, they have internal
external rotation is one of the considerations through
osteoarthritis. Hip films or x-rays where you do an AP lateral and a frog-leg so
that you can show the different spaces when the joint is moving our
considerations and then the knee. Now there's a lot of different things that
can happen in the knee. Osteoarthritis, you could have rheumatoid arthritis, you
can have a crystalline deposition disease, we can have gout but usually you
want to rule out, make sure there's no trauma and then going up and down the
stairs, if it's hurtful to go up and down the stairs,
it's a classic sign of osteoarthritis. There's a million things that can cause
knee arthritis but the joint lubrication therapy through Prolotherapy or neural
Prolotherapy or Prolotherapy are really good considerations. I'm not opposed to
any type of medical intervention, whatever helps the patient is effective
but whenever possible if we can avoid a steroid, a cortisone injection because
there was a recent paper that I read that showed that people that had a
steroid injection or people that had some type of physical therapy or
regenerative injection therapy, they all seem to have initially pretty similar
results. We start doing rehab, we start doing the regenerative injection therapy
stimulation. What's interesting is about a year or two three years later the
people that got steroid injections don't seem to hold their treatments, they have
repeat fault problems at higher levels and people that are trying rehab. Now I
think it's really important whenever possible to not put any type of
prescriptive medications in your body and less necessary. I don't like to put
in healthy things in your system or unnatural things in your system unless
it's absolutely warranted and then the last thing to talk about for just a real
generalized arthritic considerations in your feet, you could have plantar
fasciitis which is an irritation of the membrane along your feet, the spring
ligament, it starts to pull away the bone on the bottom of the foot, you can have
some achilles tendonitis, you can have a lot of metabolic considerations
inflammatory and infectious arthritis and going to a holistic provider that's
versed in nutritional considerations, biomechanic, orthopedic considerations or
to grow to an integrated medical facility like our clinic. There's other
clinics like that across the United States to get a thorough workup because
once you know the cause then we can talk about considerations of what's the best
way to put you back together. I really like humpty-dumpty medicine.
Humpty-dumpty is the nursery rhyme where you fall off the wall and you're pieces
and then someone starts to put you back together again. For me, in my office with
our providers, it doesn't matter who gets the credit as long as the patient gets
better. I know there are other doctors out there and that's just a systemic
review of the different kinds of arthritis and different kinds of
conditions for joint problems. There's tons of other conditions and in the
comment line, if you'll ask me about arthritis or a specific condition, we'll
make a video of it. This is Dr. Jason West and we'll see you on the next video.
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