Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 3, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Mar 27 2018

Gowdy Just EXPOSED What Was BURIED In The FBI

Within the last several days we've witnessed a more aggressive Republican Party coalescing

around the White House, as one revelation after another regarding the unprecedented

collusion of rogue FBI agents along with former heads of both the Justice Department and the

FBI integrating their efforts and attempting to bring down a duly elected president.

One of those Republicans leading the charge is 53-year old Trey Gowdy, the congressmen

from South Carolina's 4th congressional district.

However Gowdy isn't simply another politician, more importantly, he's a constitutional

scholar, an attorney and a former prosecutor and a former assistant United States Attorney

moreover chaired the United States House Select Committee on events surrounding the terrorist

attack in Benghazi.

Now the congressman from the 4th congressional district in South Carolina has just released

his concerns regarding the bombshell information from the FISA secret memo and the people's

right to know, and it's explosive!

"We need to know a couple of things.

Number one we need to know how the world's premier law enforcement agency managed to

lose five months worth of texts.

And what is also troubling in the text we do have they're discussing how to avoid

texts being captured and secured.

So what is missing is important but also what is there is important,"

"It is manifest bias not just against Trump, but against his kids, against his business


There is a text where they hope the Trump Hotel fails.

That is a level of bias that you rarely see and you never see from law enforcement officers,"

"What is also troubling to me is this text that Johnny Ratcliffe found last night about

this secret society.

Now, I have no clue what that means because it was not the phraseology I used.

But it's the day after the election and it's the same two people that were discussing

a little bit later in the text the damage they had done with the Clinton investigation

and how they could, quote, fix it and make it right.

That is a level of bias that is stunning among law enforcement officers.

For more infomation >> Gowdy Just EXPOSED What Was BURIED In The FBI - Duration: 16:22.


Trading Card Game: What is Staple? [ ENG SUB ] - Duration: 1:35.

*Some comments asking for a Staple video*

Welcome, my Brozilla, to a new video

My name is Venotrax

and today I'm going to explain the word Staple

What is Staple?

In TCGs Staple is a synonym for standard or generic

Generic means that you're able to play a card in every deck

Let's take Yu-Gi-Oh as example

There we got cards like the Mystical Space Typhoon

Which nowadays got replaced by Cosmic Cyclone and Twin Twister

But we still know "this card is good"

You may ask why we know

It's because this cards effect was always good

And this is important for Staple

We want cards that are strong and can be used in every deck

If we take a look on Cardfight!! Vangaurd

And let's take Dimension Police as example

There you play in like every deck Commander Laurel, because Commander Laurel is a really good card

He's Staple because of his skill

His skill: If the attack hits you can rest 4 Dimension Police rear guards and stand your Vanguard

And that's really nice

And again, that's Staple

If you enjoyed the video destroy the like button

I would be happy if you could write the next topic into the comments

Good night and good fight, your Venotrax

For more infomation >> Trading Card Game: What is Staple? [ ENG SUB ] - Duration: 1:35.


BREAKING: Obama's DACA Illegal Just Got Busted By Homeland Security… LOOK WHAT WAS JUST PREVENTED!!! - Duration: 2:55.

BREAKING: Obama's DACA Illegal Just Got Busted By Homeland Security…


Agents from the U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector, in collaboration with Homeland Security

Investigators, arrested an alleged smuggler and convicted felon this week bringing their

status in the United States in to question.

On March 19, U.S. Border Patrol Agents encountered a vehicle near Rodeo, New Mexico, in an area

frequently utilized for human smuggling.

Agents conducted an immigration stop due to the suspicious nature of the vehicle.

As a result, agents discovered three passengers who readily admitted to having entered the

country illegally.

The driver also admitted to knowing that the subjects were illegal aliens who had been

smuggled into the United States, and that he would receive payment for transporting


The driver and illegal aliens were transported to the Lordsburg Border Patrol Station for

further processing.

The vehicle used in the smuggling scheme was seized by the U.S. Border Patrol.

During processing, it was determined that the driver (DACA recipient) had an approved

eligibility status to remain in the U.S. until September 7, 2019.

He will be prosecuted on alien smuggling charges.

Furthermore, due to the nature of the crime, the subject may no longer be eligible to maintain

his DACA status.

So there you go.

A Daca scumbag busted for smuggling illegal aliens into the United States.

How wonderful.

In a separate case in El Paso, another subject was arrested Wednesday by a combined Border

Patrol/ Homeland Security Investigations Task Force.

Members of the Task Force discovered that the subject (DACA recipient) may have violated

the terms of his relief status by engaging in various criminal acts to include Aggravated

Felony, stemming from an incident in El Paso County.

He was sentenced to 10 years of incarceration, but had a portion of his sentence suspended.

In 2012, this subject applied for and received DACA status.

He later went on to commit crimes including "Assault Causing Bodily Injury to a Family

Member", "Driving While Intoxicated" and "Burglary of Habitation".

He was convicted on all crimes and eventually was released on probation.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is the unified border agency within the Department

of Homeland Security charged with the management, control and protection of our nation's borders

at and between the official ports of entry.

CBP is charged with keeping terrorists and terrorist weapons out of the country while

enforcing hundreds of U.S. laws.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: Obama's DACA Illegal Just Got Busted By Homeland Security… LOOK WHAT WAS JUST PREVENTED!!! - Duration: 2:55.


DEVELOPING NOW: FEDS Just RAIDED HQ!! Zuckerberg Terrified After What Was Found! - Duration: 7:52.


Zuckerberg Terrified After What Was Found!

The British political consulting firm known as Cambridge Analytica (CA) saw their London

offices in London raided by authorities.

The raid was carried out as a part of a larger investigation into the alleged misuse of personal

information by social media companies such as Facebook and political campaigns.

More than a dozen investigators from the Information Commissioner (ICO) entered the firm late Friday,

just after a High Court judge granted a warrant.

ICO spent more than seven hours at the New Oxford Street offices.

CA, known for working on President Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, as well

as the Brexit vote, is now being investigated over whether it improperly used data from

around 50 million Facebook users to target voters with ads and political messages.

The firm was also hired and subsequently fired during course of the 2016 presidential primaries

by Ted Cruz and Ben Carson.

Last fall, special counsel Robert Mueller asked CA to turn over all emails from any

employees who worked on the Trump campaign contract.

The firm complied with that request.

The Trump campaign's contact with the firm ended before the general election according

to CBS News.

CBS reported – "The Trump campaign never used the psychographic data at the heart of

a whistleblower who once worked to help acquire the data's reporting — principally because

it was relatively new and of suspect quality and value.The profiling approach utilized

by Cambridge Analytica allowed it to predict the voting likelihoods of individual people

based on personality, the firm claimed.

The crucial decision was made in late September or early October when Mr. Trump's son-in-law

Jared Kushner and Brad Parscale, Mr. Trump's digital guru on the 2016 campaign, decided

to utilize just the RNC data for the general election and used nothing from that point

from Cambridge Analytica or any other data vendor.

"The Cruz campaign also dropped the company during the 2016 presidential primaries after

the campaign discovered its psychographic models were unable to identify likely Cruz


However, the topic of illegal data mining still remains.

As a result, the UK's information commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, sought a warrant for CA's

systems on Monday evening after the company did not respond to her previous demand for

its records and data.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been in full damage control mode in trying to mitigate

the damage from the scandal.

He initially released a statement on March 21, 2018, via Facebook in which he admitted

the company's protections for user data were too weak prior to 2014 when apps were

allowed to access data on users' friends.Another startling revelation was made around the same

time from a former top staffer for the Obama administration.

The former Obama staffer revealed Obama's 2012 reelection campaign used this very same

technology to gain access to data on the "entire social graph" of Facebook — the friends

of every American user.

Yet there was no mention of this in Zuckerberg's statement.

The statement instead focuses on CA and the accusations that the firm failed to delete

user data that had been passed to them by an academic, Aleksandr Kogan, who obtained

the data via legitimate means.

According to Carol Davidsen, a former Obama staffer who oversaw the former president's

data operations during the 2012 elections, Facebook was alarmed by the amount of data

they had access to, but made a special exception for the Obama campaign because they were "on

their side."CA claims they did comply with Facebook's request to delete the data and

no Facebook data was used during the 2016 election.

Zuckerberg's statement claims Facebook "learned from The Guardian, The New York Times and

Channel 4 that Cambridge Analytica may not have deleted the data as they had certified."

However, he also conceded that Cambridge Analytica denies the media's allegations and that

Facebook has yet to independently verify them.

Meanwhile, CA's CEO Alexander Nix was suspended on Tuesday evening of this past week after

revelations he was secretly filmed offering to entrap politicians with bribes and sex

workers on behalf of a client and boasting about his company's role in Donald Trump's

2016 election victory.

The hidden camera capture Nix offering a prospective client on methods to entrap a political rival

– including bribes, sex workers and even an offer "he can't refuse."

However, CA denies any use of bribes, entrapment, or "so-called honey-traps."

Except the so-called "prospective client" was the UK's ITN Channel 4 news.

The news channel conducted a four-month undercover investigation into CA posing as potential

clients interested in affecting the outcome of the Sri Lankan elections.

This investigation revealed Nix has secretly worked to influence over 200 elections around

the world and in some cases even using subcontractors or various front companies.

CA operatives would often post as students or tourists in order to maintain their cover.

One particular exchange shows Nix suggesting his firm could send "some girls around to

the candidate's house" in an effort to obtain compromising information as well as

to create political leverage.

Nix states tellingly – "It doesn't have to be true.

It just has to be believed.Another segment shows Nix discussing how CA will "offer

a large amount of money to the candidate, to finance his campaign in exchange for land

for instance, and we'll have the whole thing recorded, we'll blank out the face of our

guy and we post it on the internet."

CA's managing director Mark Turnbull was also caught on video discussing his various

relationships with former UK spies now working at private companies and various Israeli intelligence


This network could be tapped for private intelligence gathering.

A came under scrutiny after a whistleblower named Chris Wylie told The Guardian that he

helped the company develop a Facebook app known as called "thisismydigitallife"

which would pay individuals to take a survey.

However, unbeknownst to users was those that had not adjusted their privacy settings on

Facebook were then subject to massive data harvesting as were their friends and contacts.Wylie

spoke of how he helped to develop what he termed as a "psychological warfare weapon"

to capitalize on the "vulnerabilities" of some 50 million Facebook users to CBS News.

He stated -"Publicly, the company advertises its ability to build "psychographic" profiles

that can microtarget social media political advertising to people based on traits like

'extroversion' or 'neuroticism.'"

Wylie revealed to CNN on Monday evening even more details, stating – "What we worked

on was … data harvesting programs where we would pull data from users of apps and

all of their friend networks and run that data through algorithms that could profile

their personality traits and other psychological attributes."

For more infomation >> DEVELOPING NOW: FEDS Just RAIDED HQ!! Zuckerberg Terrified After What Was Found! - Duration: 7:52.


Miguel's MOM Was Supposed to DIE in COCO?!? | WHAT THEY GOT RIGHT - Duration: 3:30.

- Bienvenidos, movie fans.

I'm your host, Ruby Jay, and today we're gonna be

talking about one of my favorite films from last year,

Pixar's "Coco".


(suspenseful violin music)



There's a skeleton behind me right now, isn't there?


It took Pixar six years to make "Coco".

During that time, the film went through a ton of changes.

Let's check out what ideas made the final cut

and which ones ended up in the land of the dead.

This is "What They Got Right with Coco".

♪ Miguel with the skeletons ♪

♪ Kickin' all night ♪

♪ We'll talk about the possesses ♪

♪ That they got right ♪

(electrical buzz)

"Coco" is about Miguel,

a Mexican boy with music in his heart.

But that wasn't how he started out.

Originally, Miguel was going to be

an American boy who travels down to Mexico

for Dia de Muertos, or Day of the Dead.

I guess they scratched that idea

when they realized how inexpensive

animated plane flights are.

But Miguel wasn't the only character

who went through some crazy changes.

In the final movie, his abuelita

is a strict but loving woman

who wants what's best for Miguel.

The original version was a little different.

Miguel's abuelita was originally going to be

meaner than a piñata filled hornets.

And instead of hitting people with her slipper,

she was gonna have a wooden spoon

that she kept in a holster.

Reach for the stars.

The biggest character change, however,

was Miguel's mom.

In the original version, she was one of the ghosts.

- [Skeleton] (screams)

- I know, right?

In the original version, Miguel and his American father

were gonna go down to Mexico after his Mexican mother

passes away to meet her family

and learn to live without her.

A dead mother?

In a Disney or Pixar film?


It's never been done!

Except in "Snow White", "Beauty and the Beast",

"Cinderella", "Frozen", "Bambi", "Little Mermaid",

"Finding Nemo", and all the rest of these ones here.

That changed when the creators went to Mexico

and experienced Dia de Muertos for theirselves.

They realized the holiday is not about feeling sad

without your loved ones.

It's about holding on to those you've lost.

I learned that with my pet goldfish.

You'll always be a part of me, Bubbles!

One of the coolest scenes in "Coco"

is when Miguel watches old Ernesto de la Cruz movies

on a VHS while playing along on his guitar.

It shows how much Miguel loves music.

But that scene almost didn't happen!

What do you think of that idea, Skeleton Guy?


(chuckles) Me too.

Originally, Miguel was just going to sing a song

about how much he loves to sing songs.

Kind of like how I sing songs about

how much I love to eat pizza.

♪ I love pizza ♪

♪ Almost as much as I love the movie "Coco" ♪

It took six years, but eventually,

the creators of "Coco" came up with a classic movie

about family, music, and Mexican culture.

It just makes me wanna play guitar.

(bad guitar strumming)

Heh. Or at least learn how to play.

(playful music)

For more infomation >> Miguel's MOM Was Supposed to DIE in COCO?!? | WHAT THEY GOT RIGHT - Duration: 3:30.


BREAKING: NBA Player Collapses On Court, Immediately Rushed To Hospital… Here's What We Know - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: NBA Player Collapses On Court, Immediately Rushed To Hospital… Here's What We Know - Duration: 1:38.


BREAKING: NBA Player Collapses On Court, Immediately Rushed To Hospital… Here's What We Know - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: NBA Player Collapses On Court, Immediately Rushed To Hospital… Here's What We Know - Duration: 1:38.


gugudan's Kim Sejeong Shares What It Was Like To Work With Park Bo Gum For A Commercial - Duration: 0:57.

gugudan's Kim Sejeong Shares What It Was Like To Work With Park Bo Gum For A Commercial

On March 24, gugudan met their Hong Kong fans in a promotional event the day before the first fan meeting of their upcoming Asia fan meeting tour, where they answered some questions from their fans.

Kim Sejeong was asked what it was like filming a commercial with Park Bo Gum. The two previously filmed a Coca-Cola commercial together. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

She answered, He was very kind and had great manners. If its possible, Id like to come to Hong Kong and film [a commercial with Park Bo Gum] to show our Hong Kong fans..

The group also shared their thoughts on opening their upcoming fan meeting tour in Hong Kong, by saying, It will be the gugudans first time going on tour in Asia, so were honored its [opening] in passionate Hong Kong.

We wish it would be tomorrow quickly..

gugudan will be opening their 2018 gu9udan 1st Asia Tour: Live Show in Hong Kong on March 25.

For more infomation >> gugudan's Kim Sejeong Shares What It Was Like To Work With Park Bo Gum For A Commercial - Duration: 0:57.


BREAKING: NBA Player Collapses On Court, Immediately Rushed To Hospital… Here's What We Know - Duration: 1:39.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: NBA Player Collapses On Court, Immediately Rushed To Hospital… Here's What We Know - Duration: 1:39.


Ted Langley What was the camaraderie like between Commonwealth forces in Korea - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> Ted Langley What was the camaraderie like between Commonwealth forces in Korea - Duration: 5:38.


What would be the impact for the UK if there was a UK-wide council? - Duration: 1:12.

I think it's important to recognise that nationally we have customers

that work cross-border and anything we can do

to facilitate the warrant process for them, to streamline it and drive

consistency, that there has to be a benefit with that approach. Also

the UK-wide council would deliver other benefits in terms of, if

there was an interpretation of particular building regulation training initiatives.

Economies of scale and skill can be looked at there on a

national basis, and again, as I said previously, the customers

that work across the UK would reap the benefits I suppose of a UK-wide


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