Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2018

Auto news on Youtube Mar 26 2018


For more infomation >> bonnie song (dark bunny) - Duration: 4:57.


Dark Cloud Over Brennan Intensifies As Hannity Releases More BOMBSHELLS(VIDEO) - Duration: 5:53.

Dark Cloud Over Brennan Intensifies As Hannity Releases More BOMBSHELLS

the deep state is fighting back as they continue to get exposed they're not

liking what is now happening and we are exposing on the show the perfect

examples former Obama CIA director John Brennan he is now trying to malign

president Trump with a brand new conspiracy theory President Trump has

been 50 times harder on Russia than Obama ever was and he's about to take

the legs out of Vladimir Putin's economy and he's not whispering otro Vladimir

after the election all heard more for jewelry brent is also threatening

president Trump let's take a look at his tweet when the full extent of your

venality moral turpitude and political corruption becomes known you will take

your place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history you may speak out

Andy McCabe but you will not destroy America America will triumph over you

okay John Brennan who voted for a communist for president a deep state

swamp rat who's losing his mind and all of his friends now are being exposed

here's a little Hannity history lesson on Brennan that the media won't tell you

as I said he admitted to voting for quote a communist party candidate how

did you ever become the CIA director you have to wonder and maybe Robert Muller

should see if he's ever colluded with the Russians and that's not all

the New York Post has reported that the house Intel committee is investigating

John Brennan and his ties to the Clinton bought and paid for dossier and the same

committee is now looking into whether Brennan committed perjury when he

testified under oath like his buddy McCabe who is he claimed to have no idea

who paid for that dossier and the post also reporting that John Brennan briefed

members of Congress including former Democratic Senator Harry Reid about that

phony dossier and if you remember Reid then put out a statement after meeting

with Brennan days after before the election and referenced the dossier

because Brennan told him so Brennan is dirty political and corrupt as they come

and now he's lashing out because we're all finding out who he really is we have

even more breaking news to tell you about the house Intel committee has put

an end to this Russia investigation 14 months and they will have had a vote to

release the public to the public the Republic of members final report and the

house Intel Committee released summary of the key findings today here

are the highlights after 14 months interviews with over all these witnesses

the committee found no evidence of Trump Russian collusion 1 so the liberal media

all you Democrats have been lying to the American people

James clapper number 2 former Obama Director of National Intelligence Oh

fake new CNN contributor well he provided inconsistent testimony about

his contacts with the media I guess Comey is gonna get hired next and then

Brennan and then who knows maybe they'll hire stormy and by the way if members of

the partisan press are watching we first reported this last week it's called

investigative journalism real news you guys might want to try it sometime

instead of spinning these conspiracy theories and by the way this wouldn't be

the first time clapper has lied to Congress back in May of 2013 let's watch

clapper lie take a look does the NSA collect any

type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans no sir

it does not not wittingly there are cases where they could inadvertently

perhaps collect but not not wittingly Oh clapper was lying through his teeth

right there well that seems to be the standard operating procedure for all

these Obama deep state actors alright point three the committee found house

Intel committee zero evidence of president Trump's pre campaign business

dealings resulting in any kind of collusion point four they conclude no

evidence that Trump Associates were involved with WikiLeaks publishing

stolen Democratic emails this is another liberal media fantasy that's getting

shot down by the way with all the countries that hacked into Hillary's

server who knows who got those Wyck who gave it to WikiLeaks there's one of a

dozen choices here's my prediction pretty easy to get this run right the

rest of the liberal media is not going to report this tonight because it proves

them to be liars and phony in their quest for journalism and truth this is

all a disinformation campaign and it's gone on way too long

finally tonight I known going long Sarah Carter brand-new news reporting headline

Robert Muller Andrew Weissman the be I in the mob Sara detailing how both

Muller Wiesmann are directly involved in two of the biggest scandals in FBI

history when Muller was an acting US attorney in Boston in the 80s all he was

involved in the FBI's corrupt highly unethical relationship with the infamous

murderer mobster Whitey Bulger four men ended up being framed for murder sent to

jail two of them died in jail then it resulted in over a hundred million

dollars in damages to the two that lived and then there's Muller's pitbull Andrew

Weissman the rotten out apple doesn't fall very far from the tree he's the guy

in the 1990s organized crime case Weitzman was reprimanded by a judge for

withholding exculpatory evidence and his powerful friend well later we're out

there to get him out of trouble we also told you about Weissman's hard charging

tactics in the Enron case tens of thousands of people lost their jobs at

Enders Anderson accounting for Merrill executives go to jail that case was

overturned 9-0 against him all of this information is shocking that's Muller's

team but given what we know about Muller and his pit bull Weissman well it's now

par for the course says that the national disgrace what's happening thank

you god bless you and God bless america

For more infomation >> Dark Cloud Over Brennan Intensifies As Hannity Releases More BOMBSHELLS(VIDEO) - Duration: 5:53.


Rach's Dermatologist's Top Tips For Fading Dark Spots + Smoothing Wrinkles - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Rach's Dermatologist's Top Tips For Fading Dark Spots + Smoothing Wrinkles - Duration: 2:11.


KUURO - Afraid Of The Dark (ft. Sophiya) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.

♪ You got scars deep enough to last ♪

♪ A heart full of broken glass ♪

♪ And I'm gonna paint it black (oh) ♪

♪ I got bruises I've covered up ♪

♪ I've been used every time I loved ♪

♪ Nothing to lose when the devil comes (oh) ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can turn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can burn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ I know what's waiting, I know what it's made of ♪

♪ What it's made of ♪

♪ Come on take me closer to the edge now ♪

♪ If you think you can love me ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ You got scars deep enough to last ♪

♪ A heart full of broken glass ♪

♪ And I'm gonna paint it black (oh) ♪

♪ I'm not afraid to let you in ♪

♪ Come on, come on and break the skin ♪

♪ Nothing to lose when the devil comes (oh) ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can turn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can burn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ I know what's waiting, I know what it's made of ♪

♪ What it's made of ♪

♪ Come on take me closer to the edge now ♪

♪ If you think you can love me ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not scared ♪

♪ I'm not scared ♪

♪ Of ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ Come on take me closer to the edge now ♪

♪ If you think you can love me ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

For more infomation >> KUURO - Afraid Of The Dark (ft. Sophiya) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.


KUURO - Afraid Of The Dark (ft. Sophiya) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.

♪ You got scars deep enough to last ♪

♪ A heart full of broken glass ♪

♪ And I'm gonna paint it black (oh) ♪

♪ I got bruises I've covered up ♪

♪ I've been used every time I loved ♪

♪ Nothing to lose when the devil comes (oh) ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can turn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can burn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ I know what's waiting, I know what it's made of ♪

♪ What it's made of ♪

♪ Come on take me closer to the edge now ♪

♪ If you think you can love me ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ You got scars deep enough to last ♪

♪ A heart full of broken glass ♪

♪ And I'm gonna paint it black (oh) ♪

♪ I'm not afraid to let you in ♪

♪ Come on, come on and break the skin ♪

♪ Nothing to lose when the devil comes (oh) ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can turn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ Turn out the lights, we can burn 'em out 'cause ♪

♪ I know what's waiting, I know what it's made of ♪

♪ What it's made of ♪

♪ Come on take me closer to the edge now ♪

♪ If you think you can love me ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not scared ♪

♪ I'm not scared ♪

♪ Of ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ Come on take me closer to the edge now ♪

♪ If you think you can love me ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ I'm not, I'm not afraid of the dark ♪

♪ You can show me how to have a breakdown ♪

♪ If you gonna tou-touch me ♪

For more infomation >> KUURO - Afraid Of The Dark (ft. Sophiya) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:31.


PewdiePie Amnesia: The Dark Descent Playthrough 1 #15MFLᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:06:35.

alright ladies and gentlemen my name is PewDiePie and I can't believe I'm doing this

we're playing some amnesia the Dark Descent you can probably tell by this

that this is a scary game and it's supposed to be scary as hell and I'm not

gonna lie like I can't tell this eerie games i'm i rarely played them probably

the scariest game i've ever come close to is Bioshock and your public thinking

like Bioshock that's not even a scarier game and yeah you're right that's

probably as far as I've gone so why don't you join me in this adventure and

laugh at me while I piss my pants or something something piss related it will

it be at least that's just outside some that's weird I knew I was out gonna be

like loading forever I can take that here we are

all right don't forget must be forgotten shadow hunting

and must hurry my name is Daniel I live in London

Mayfair what have I done huh this is crazy

don't forget

I must stop him focus

is I can move


that was a really interesting start is it loading can't move though

all right what is this down down down down down down and down fan fan fan oh

god my head I got a headache Oh Sunday mornings too much Jager home I

hate I love the graphics they're really awesome that was this loud noise at Rose

rose Leafs or whatever it's called it yeah it's roses

yeah it is huh I'm a girl Lalique a news

getting a lot of people who I don't know when they play scare games they tend to

make it in to a joke or maybe which i think is hilarious but I'm not gonna not

gonna do that this

I am fucking scared so I'm not gonna hide that I think it ruins kind of the

point of the game if you want to just joke around about it all the time

oh I should not click that

okay throw it okay that wasn't me I'm out of here Oh God

I don't trust statues where's fuck I see something get up come on get up Danielle

oh fuck seriously I don't trust you guys

I punch him in the nuts No what was that

it's been what like 10 seconds I'm already scared okay

come on I'm not a pussy just gonna head out there

nothing usual just gonna go out there okay quit that door camp in the corner

camp in the corner I'm a cod player I know this camp in the corner works every

time alright and a jump shot oh oh holy fucking shit I hate this game already ah

deep breath you can do this oh is that

i breathing was that me

tinderbox I'd like that

I don't trust these kind of rooms like it looks nice but I don't know I'm not

gonna go that

all right no okay I might as well go in there it's like part of the game right

all right I can see through

I see you whatever just do this it take it slowly

these corners god it's so it's so creepy that I can't

see I can't see this it's so dark so I mean scarcity hell out of me it's a nice

room I've got a nice velvet chair okay awesome liquor oh I can't pick it up no

fuck you liqueur tinderbox my head is tilting what the hell what's up with


all right let's keep on moving ah it's nice painting

I wonder what here it is very nice ah we we the Renaissance behind is very

nice depth in this picture and that cow was actually my first lover her name was

Christine and that's not even fucking funny so I don't know why I'm saying


all right nice knees see

tremendous so seen the cutscene right

was it focus oh fuck did you guys hear that fuck I'm so

scared already I got goose pond seriously fuck your


nice and easy

No Oh oh come on and get up that hill Oh

daddy fuck

and I just walk through here or someone else

oh yeah this orienting easy

thank you you know

that's very paranormal activity over that I hate that movie so much all right

no shake the corners jumpshot nope that door did not just open itself

and we got a shirt

okay let's go in here

so dark what the fuck oh it was fuck you fucking statue I

wasn't scared me scared what the hell all right like I don't want to go in


I guess let me shake the choir it's all the shake the choirs it's pretty nice

it's painting here should just holy fuck no no no no no no no no no

lucky lucky lucky bucket let's you see I'm out of here

god damn it fuck this game

oh that's nice I can throw


old archives he fell to the kitchen floor tears were beginning to well in

his eyes as he received the first kick in his stomach he still remained hidden

in his fear she too would be punished I have no idea what that meant

oh shit I just heard some someone outside it kind of creeped me out did

you get you guys hear something

that sound coming from I got a book awesome Oh

on a burn it let the books

there we go ah fuck my asshole oh fuck escape camp

in the corner

always camp in a corner all right fuck

I'm gonna end part 1 IRC in part welcome back to episode 2 I just realized I

wasn't recording that makes me feel stupid

hopefully the mic is muted either I tend to do that a lot basically didn't miss

much a whirlwind creeped me out as hell and I picked up this lantern which I can

use to lit up because it's too dark then I will go insane as you see here my my

head is pounding and hands are shaking which apparently isn't good

I like when my head is not counting mmm so we're gonna go in here check this

place out pal fuck okay so this game really wants me

to check out this suggests I'm gonna do this 19th of August 1839 I wish I could

ask how much you remember I don't know if there will be anything left after I

consumed this drink be afraid Daniel I can't tell you why

but no this is humorous does great try to find comfort and strength in that

fact there is beeper you are my final effort

to put things right God willing the name Alexander of

Brandenburg stealing motrin bitter anger in you if not this will sound horrible

all right go to the inner sanctum find Alexander and kill him body is old and

weak and yours young and strong next to compliment yourself I like my

old self he must both Daniel so I don't know if I had to analyse that then not

much to analyze this is this this is broken glass probably from the drink I

just drank something that erased my memory which I thought it was necessary

for some reason and I left a note for myself telling myself that I have to

kill a man which is not very smart if you if you want to kill someone the new

you should hide the evidence in my opinion and this is a share

Oh God I hate this fucking sounds closes door let him all sync up on me oh yeah

though I am moving it down ah

hold left Mouse and direction you want to move


and then down

fucking down

is something that I need to do before I pull this

there we go alright awesome let's continue and resolve the fragmentation

of roasting in his mouth Turkish Delight he thought just like the

ones he at the consulate in Constantinople

afternoon the light gonna fire my baby gonna hold it I'd come laughter

- right is right now

is it inside the castle catch them in a manner of speaking

come we're in Goa so that was Alexander speaking to her finally is it connected

to the what did you call it the inner sanctum our subject my most precious

chamber general and it lies well beyond the refinery in fact it lies beneath the

very stone of brennenburg all right I guess this castle is called

burning where you then or something and I sound like a pussy and the guy we're

gonna kill sounds like an epic motherfucker so that's bad news for me I

guess open up the casts just I mean this is not a castle

make the creepy noises ah awesome thank you very much

fucking books we read this book plans and hi very nice book my mother used to

like this to me when something funny I do

we got a cockroach's hello I'm gonna call you mr. beauty no run from me fuck

it's so disgusting oh oh oh awesome

and apparently the same fucking paintings are on the wall which means I

don't know what that means she thought the paintings or something

Oh God penny you're not suppose to click on big doors then disgusting google


gotta love that sound it sounds like I'm pulling a

never really alright let's continue

excuse me I have a cold it's so annoying can you do

all right

down there or up there that is the question

I can run off okay this looks less creepy labora touring the door slams

shut behind him and he knew he would never again see the old tailor of

berkeley square another lone soul in london seemed appropriate so mom hmm

that's pretty nice finally I understood mother I don't like this place but this

is dark I can jump down here Oh birthday I got blood on my face when I do that

how's my head doing yeah it's better now than I used to Lantern something is

creeping me out

Wow that did not give me much should be you said more efficiently alright let's

head down fuck let's head down there

uh-huh I'm gonna use this one all right okay

Oh sharks Brian

I thought of left4dead that

there should be more cooperate

every sequence and one

okay so I'm guessing Alexander the guy were gonna kill left is not see what it

said these are my third attempt to produce artificial I don't know how you

say that Veidt a the former compounds like the potency I need but I sense I'm

close calamine and orpiment are a given and they call cap right bind

some well this time I will attempt acquire a GI instead of AK for for this

yeah good idea sure that would work in hope it will

produce a more even solution the experiment was unsuccessful the solution

is highly acid and proves impractical to use to any impacted to put to any use

except a detergent what is that I don't remember that I read that in chemistry I

think organic tissue reacts especially violently to the solution and

it should be handled with the greatest care I might be able to use a recipe but

I'm losing hope that I will find an alchemy keep solution to my press pretty

cement all right one of what is pretty cement me

is or why did whether who's the retard we'll leave stuff in the fucking in the

fucking what the fuck is it called I don't know

I don't know about you guys but usually when there's a fire oven there is

usually like place you put the wood which is pretty weird doesn't really

make any sense then again this game doesn't really have to is there anything

more in this room we need to find yes I'll take that

OSHA's take that as well thank you very much another little note fuck I hope I'm

not sniffing too much ah chemical or a relocation the lack of Shimla to prepare

properly vent the fumes from my most recent experiment has taken its toll on

many of my less stable ingredients in storage seems something

unaffected but many are saying but the fumes I'm be difficult decide which I

shall do what I can and move them to the wine cellar okay that didn't tell me

much what is this I need four different chemicals to continue all right I'm

gonna try and find the chemicals I guess I'm gonna go back where we went

hopefully I'll don't run into many crazy things I don't like crazy stuff makes me

scared and rizal let's go back traveling the DA I have to read this meant going

through he came to me he made sure the favorites avoid their sense we've

connected within a neglect of family I don't get this

cela Benari ah very nice whoa Oh mom fuck was that

girl screaming let's go to the wine cellar e that was where he's gonna move

their compounds fuck yet I need a key maybe the bitch has one hello anybody

there I guess I'm gonna go over down here actually

did I where did I come from I forgot it's my only option what the hell

fucking good can I lick it that was not very tasty

uh-huh all right I think I need my penis to do

that but I don't want to use straight now

let's I don't remember if I came from upstairs

or downstairs whoa for your prints

we've got here fucking teleporting stones

let's see how much oil oh I shouldn't use that all right welcome back to part

three oh we start off with a loading screen the other shilling shared in mom

his name voicing steadily rising paced urging him to do with am I really doing

this the young boy thought instruct his victim with the rock and his cock rhymed

ah this is a nice new set of environment

I think I just heard them all sir hello

that steps I like that 60 good may the unreflecting African Sun will has

continued to plague our expedition make it impossible to dig now professor

Herbert managed to find the location in these vaults the panes have nothing

remains a mystery to me when I asked him about the tum again he told me about the

legend tin he known the mother of all an interesting story in its own right but I

can't help thinking leaked more later that evening we uncovered a passage

beneath the dumb leading to Sun covered stone track professor wood confident

able to find the tune we sought and ordered the others clearly way later in

the white dark cold night tomorrow I shall lead the man into an ancient

structure open the real who can reach the burial chamber no matter what the

professor came in for me Radhika should yield something interesting to get back

to you to nominate the British Museum alright so exploring in Africa

apparently and I I don't know sugar sure if that was my voice

or whoever it was it was not the guy I'm gonna kill we'll see I guess

huh huh what the hell what are you doing what are you trying to accomplish I love

her you keep throwing stuff it's like if I saw monster come in there I would

be like fuck you I have a share

all right it's going to come on fucking chairs put those there

fucking retard all right let's go into the catalogue or should we continue here

I think we're gonna continue here actually

all right pretty creepy room paintings we are very beautiful picture and this

is when I was camping in the what do I keep doing that it's not funny

I'm not a French guy

here that's a really creepy corridor I'm not going there

whoa that was not human happy the corner

I've actually noticed I thought it was something when the first episode when I

played it I was so scared I was playing in the middle of the night

alone and with headphones on and that's that's a lot that makes a lot of

difference when you play that game I have to say maybe it's just less scary

now I don't know piano can't play

a key sir should every I don't know whatever


yes I could do that

huh lack of some sort like that map


no it's alright I can continue I'm not really


don't look in there

right I'm not supposed to look in there if there were monster inside there I

would piss my panties this is just fall now there's someone fixed it really

poorly okay so here are some maps of Africa I would assume

Boris Boris schewe fuck is that

some nose

17th of May oh it is Daniel's Mary so this I know it Mary it is my voice if

you need to document my tribulation for I fear that my memory will fail me if I

linger today I took some men and ventured into the dark in confessor Jang

covered our torches burn faintly in the murky air as I slowly made our way

through an underground the men were suspicious and fearful they argue loudly

I felt strange language beginning to me I mustered my strength and yelled at

them to continue down the slopes on the broken surface a crudely carved in the

passage confused me I looked much older than the fourth to that and you in

structured meat expected the swishing path emerged in a great aunt paint

chamber the walls in line with statues unlike had ever seen despite they on

quality I felt a strange familiarity more than by which haunts me still at

the foreigner chamber great labs don't see love I know whether they heard I

give the order to raise it and as I pushed through the narrow space the

heavy stones on the drop on him inside I was trapped

oh my lord but luckily I made it out alive obviously

I guess that's cool ah the flower burger you think this with me

all right

nope much of the castle is old that hasn't been tended to for centuries when

the shadow arrives it won't take long until things start falling apart

you just find time anyway let's do what we can

there isn't much to be done about Wars we should reinforce weak structures the

ground will tremble and there's a risk everything will cave in on us especially

downstairs here here let's get the servants working on it

all right so apparently they knew the shadow was coming for them and that's

what made these castles so fucking creepy hey yes

East Wing yeah okay so this is a map of the castle I would assume

huh it doesn't really matter it doesn't

really help me and I've been working in circles now

fuck the noise has creeped me out so much

to say that Oh God didn't I just come from there

Oh God I'm trapped

I'm first I didn't they're walking here yeah I won and then I walked out here

and then I walked in here and nothing I've done so apparently I missing

something open this guy stops there thing already but


how do I continue

confused some puzzle to this I would assume I

break the window

and parent probably need to believe something

like my penis

fuck you

that doesn't necessarily help me right now

what about this not breakable by hand what about my

penis then work

come on what am I supposed to do

let's play the piano I might work

hahaha what did I just do I fucking broke it in

my hand that's pretty pretty weird alright let's continue you have to be

Swift, when you activate the first one you hear

that if it stops you'll have to start over

oh that is gonna be too careful there I

knew it I fucking knew it alright so now I have to be Swift

let's be swift and find out once

in another hustle song

isn't this all a bit excessive you can never be too careful Daniel I


so I apparently I remember that and I got the wine cellar key

apparently the shutter than like that camp in the corner

fuck all right very nice picture and that horse but I

made love to maybe two five times I called hello Johanna very beautiful very

nice very nice times indeed all right just continue our journey to the wine

cellar and I have no idea if the rocks are gonna be there's got to be a water

another way out yeah I knew it

I don't remember where I came from though study and

that was that making sense ah I need that

and that's the one thing the piano Ken reminds me of won't budge


fuck I'm out of oil

I have to say this game is a lot more pleasant with that

I'll wait to have more

I just went if our weights here it is whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

away some monster did you guys see that

let go that fuck I'm gonna in part I don't know which part do this but I'm

gonna in it oh fuck welcome back I just saw the shadow for

the first time and it fucking creeped me out it

I have no idea what how am I supposed to do I seriously seriously seriously don't

want to run into him

let's take it easy we can do this it was in that room

and I walked over there it's gotta be another way around this

all right fucking asshole crazy

you know this

you know this you're a man come on it's just a fucking game

just the fucking let's try and think where I came from so

I can just rush through that fucking corridor because this is giving me the

fucking creeps


fuck it

where do I come from I want to get out of here what's here it was here safely

say it was

the dursa dance will like waves in sluggish sea while the caramel moved the

line disappeared motionless but in camp


yeah fuck you oh just a man

all right okay I need a break seriously and in this I'm gonna take a break but

um it's gonna end episode this is too much for me right now

sorry all right I'm back here I'm a break seriously that was too much for me

for a while when I saw that monster I just wasn't ready for it so yeah and

we're gonna move down to the wine cellar if my memory is not wrong then it's down

either here to the left or right I mean or to them no that's a laboratory I

think this is the wine cellar

yeah I need a key to unlock it so let's see here

inventory there we go oh that's how you do it all right so

let's head in here a handful of Sun tricked trick led from the crumbling

stone ceiling and they push down on the brim of his hat he braced himself as a

cabin she suddenly shifted and settled okay so I guess that's from my previous

experience in Africa okay I hear footsteps creeps in the hell out

I've actually watched someone else play this part very little of it

I remember hardly anything and right

but apply the last

and I know I know you can encounter the fucking monster here and I don't want to

see that thing again it was so scary my guess is that what just happened was

when enemies near yeah okay someone's surely about to come now fuck oh jeez

that's shaking here


always oh he's oh he's up there hey it's it's like from a living nightmare this

game seriously literally this game oh we got a ha ha ha no no camp in the corner

camp in the corner

why is this game so fucking scary

fuck seriously

it's just a fucking game let's do this okay it's nothing just can't harm you

camping in the corner it's fine it's fine

excuse me I got this


please go away

I don't want to go there I really really really don't want to go

there I want to sit in my fucking corner and cab fuck

fucking Jesus

see upstairs again

I don't want to use my lantern

this game this fucking game holy shit

but I got head pounding hands are shaking that's for fucking cherry see

what CIA you guys probably can't see anything if

I so you don't have the latin room


and a mite of all

I got three that's not very much she'd use me more carefully

see I would not be surprised if I saw him

again here

oh good yet as many of those as I have oh oh no


it's gotta be a way to hide



the books me that full a year

and you know light

and staying the darkness for too long all right

Oh who's saying that fuck

ah great I need that


so hard to hear I keep hearing footsteps

what am I supposed to do down here I just want to get the fuck out

all right I guess we got to go in here

close the door

it's no way to light oh geez oh geez he's close

I bet I wonder if you can open doors let's see if I can see him out

all right I bet there's something here no tools

see if there's something in kind here I need as many


Wow these wine balls are really heavy barrels that's what he's called see ya

there's got to be something there we go No

there's gotta be something in here

I don't know what to do otherwise that creeps me out

I don't want to waste this fucking

let's check notes

that was that was the only hint to go to the wine cellar fuck I'm screwed

let's see if he's out there


fuck I'm sorry for not speaking much but seriously I'm so fucking focused

the barrel contains less than half had

all right I got some oil

what is this

I want something useful

it's gotta be something

what a cipher supposed to do I was supposed to collect chemistry I thought

I was chemistry stuff I'll wait here something

oh oh oh oh oh no oh God oh fuck don't be such a fucking pussy already

come on I can do that okay

it's fine that did not just blow out god dammit

so I got the kalam light I thought there was like four stuff I

was gonna collect and I think I collected okay I think I collected like

other stuffs fucking oh fuck I see trees goddamnit I don't like


uh-huh I'm supposed to push these somewhere

see where the end of these trees leads here

let's lit this up

that everything just had to go I just wait it's wasted so many

my supposed to wait I think I just saw something

what was it maybe it's a graphic book

how's my sanity doing fuck not well

I was too confused can't think straight

what is up with this trace

oh wait fuck I'm so retarded I'm just supposed to use these to get up right

get up there is that it

No I thought so

oh wait I can push this away Oh extra push maybe I can crash this nah I'm just

gonna try there


I need to waste that right now

all right I think we're good now

it's easy out there

okay I got my stuff I don't know what more I should collect if if I don't know

if I'm like done here or what I thought that worse for chemical sucker I was

gonna collect okay

what just happened

nope not going in there nope

Jesus Christ not going in there

but I feel like I have to it's only place I haven't been there can I save

something and then just

oh well that's great why not come on sure it's nothing

hello oh well that's perfect because I love me some fucking me

uh-huh nope okay

accept it we're not getting out

okay acceptance same fucking paintings as


well at least I know we're on the right track now which feels good I was kind of

confused there for a while let's head in here and yeah he's definitely up there

fucking douchebag scaring the crap out of me okay so we got the let's lift this

up and this mine my name Williams last words my name is William House of Gary

these are my final words my confession and testament two years ago I was

summoned to the castle of Brandenburg which is this castle in case you didn't

realize as most of their eres tu cres Cressy I was curious about what this

supposed knight of the order could want from me and accepted the invitation the

Baron was friendly and a PO offered me a proposed proposition it dawned on me

that the nature of the contract was sordid and that the reason I was chosen

was because of my foolish follies of my past and not the honors I've been

rewarded during my time as a soldiers yeah I know I'm not the best reader I'm

not American or English or anything okay continuing I was to kidnap healthy

humans upon his slightest whim and do so without asking questions in return he

would attest to my character at the royal court advancing my position within

noble society I would like to claim that I struggled with my decision but it came

swiftly and I accepted wholeheartedly ever since that day I brought men women

and children oh wait sorry men finish reading it


there we go and children to brennenburg I can't remember the numbers oh jeez

what there were but there were many perhaps even hunt holy crap none of the

of whom were ever seen or heard from again tonight the Baron invited me and

my man down to the wine cellar to celebrate our work I had my suspicious

dance as we descended that stairs but he insisted and joined us in a toast the

wine tasted fine and my men had drank without restraint so begins the

punishments for our sins the Baron has locked us up and returned upstairs

forgive me for what I've done I was weak and fell into diabolic ways my men are

screaming their skins has been pierced by their own tangled bones I feel my

insides revolt excuse me against their god-given nature

blood has began to pour from our eyes and I can no longer Wow that's it's not

very nice I feel bad for him and we got our aqua regia aquarius is only one left

then I would assume I'm not sure why the hell I would want to create artificial

life but apparently that's something I need to do

I'm not sure where I can find it though it's kind of conclusive guess I thought

I this was like the last room or thought something maybe it's in here nope

all right that just means something really really really really creepy is

gonna happen fucking great just what I needed


all right take it easy now you can do this pity you're a man you're fucking

alpha let's fucking do this huh

have enough meaning here I don't remember

see yeah yeah yeah I've been in here obviously

otherwise this wouldn't have been ellipse

a better area then I went in here

I'm confused now

Wow I'm

this is so confusing

I hate it so much don't tell me I have to go upstairs don't fucking tell me

that I know who is up there oh well I guess it's time to man up

face your fucking fears all right

but I thought I you need equi for this doesn't make any

sense I'm gonna just gonna run it through the rinse once more to see if I

haven't missed anything

No oh yeah click that there

there are basically three and I'm out of all best fucking great

there's gotta be something here

Isis no

maybe I'll ready gather it before without even noticing I remember now

that was chemistry part I picked up this is weird and confusing

all right I guess oh it's a fucking shame

I should refill my oil I don't have much left but let's just do it anyway

I guess we're gonna move up then cuz there are four doors floor those I feel

like they should be something that I've missed being in there I've been in there

I've been in others five doors

should be something here why is there not something here

the others first time oh fuck it I'm gonna stairs is getting obnoxious

maybe I collect actor wife or just somewhere else just gonna read in my

journal wait oh I got all this stuff I thought for

sure I was gonna get it back before this sorry guys

I should have shaked that alright so we're gonna go back to let's see her

I don't really exactly remember act back to where we were kind of early in the

beginning the clothes smell that blah blah blah sorry

our why of course yes fucking great jeez really

oh so disgusting what the hell is that yeah that's oh fuck

yes I'm not going there

I think it's over here actually

yeah that goo is oh yeah I bet this gonna remove the goo so I think it's

back here if I remember correctly no it's not

then I'm kind of confused maybe standing the wine I don't know wait what's this

oh yeah this is where let's see if it's no it's still there

then I'm kind of item out of ideas let's see if I

I got a slight Eric doesn't right

someone refilled the chest for me nope probably not

fucking cockroaches

confused pita is confused oh yeah I couldn't go there so and I came from

there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I know we're

gonna go oh wait I can't go there

like oh that's gotta be it

hi I could move he sat down by the cash bar

Wow Wow gasping for air sweated pour from his forehead onto the side meal

something oh yeah so now we're gonna go down in the laboratory and create this

stuff that we from the chemistry things that we collected and

I took for granted that he was gonna not gonna be here but apparently is it's

gonna take it easy now don't manic anything stupid now light thank you good

good everything is in order are you down there nope he's up there

though scaring the hell out of me all right so let's do this it's that and

we're gonna I know that because I don't know the order though I don't hope there

is one

yeah those one looks too three I was just kidding

not doing anything don't mind me don't mind me

fine you two hide is he coming for me

we're cool real cool I'm just finding my own

business here Oh God is he coming downstairs

dolphin night


just-just-just doing chemistry here what the hell alright enough goofing around

aqua regia oh now we remember he said aqua regia instead of aqua Fortis that's

why I was such a douche do it forever to find I guess I'm gonna switch these


fuck it's a burner goddamnit thought I had this


circular motion huh okay burners are in action we got four different colors very

nice very beautiful alright and we're gonna turn this on yes

for edges in action Thank You chef

I'm not scared of you you motherfucker

all right

there we go that's a redo this apparently

go alright just getting good with these we're done

that's fair neat man drink that looks tasty acid part of acid

and where are we supposed to help pour it down there I'm not sure let's try it



supposed to drink it or what what am I supposed to do with it

oh yeah I'm supposed to use it on the stuff to get

on that oh that's not good news and I don't have many of those left's I don't

know why I waste them

so fucking scared that's why all right can't get up there so I guess this is my

only no just don't mind me I'm camping in the corner yeah

huh can't go in there either

it's a bunch of dead stuff

that's my son are you doing I'm all right

it's got to be some way in fact you can use these to get out

all right hustle salt that wasn't too hard

all right it became impossible to avoid the commotion in the streets beg for his

attention he as he opened the shutters the French soldiers opened fire on the

two young men fighting back their voices were silenced in a haze of gun smoke

these lines are just so horrible

everything is red and full of dead and I feel like I have better days than this

one what about you guys oh the oh it's everywhere

why not fuck hates me have I done and yeah this looks person

assuming we're gonna head down there but I just want to make something clear I do

not whatsoever want to go down there that's

for fucking sure but let's do it anyway


excuse this asset of ours

okay so we're good no hard feelings right is that your brother all right

after enduring three days in Algiers a sailboat was finally arranged to take

him across the Mediterranean Sea to quit router having reached British territory

was just a matter of serving a cabin on SS or tarry I headed for a longer Wow

this does not look good whatsoever oh geez

I'll lick this up high so few of those I don't want to waste them

yeah I've crius and there's a good reason for it

but you can light the lamp now if you wish

how to the darkness that is stay close careful not to stray what's the reason

why is it so dark pay attention dandelo it's important that you keep going

straight and make sure not to stray ah

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

don't stray walk straight don't stray the thing is I have no fucking clue what

straining means so I guess that makes me fucked but I know that I'm gonna keep

straight so

let's do that walk straight don't stray walk straight

don't straight

don't stray

all right

I'll look at that and that great

I hate when that hints appeared look at that hint that means someone's gonna

fuck me over all calls on the walls I don't like that oh that was just a

bottle of - what have I done to deserve this mother fucking asshole okay

seriously no nope I gotta take a break chase me what the


For more infomation >> PewdiePie Amnesia: The Dark Descent Playthrough 1 #15MFLᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:06:35.


PewdiePie Amnesia: The Dark Descent Playthrough 2 #15MFLᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:05:47.

I saw the monster and it creeped the hell out of me and I was too much for me

to handle but I taking a break I'm ready I'm ready to do this ready to face my

fears huh and I don't have much oil left barely anything at all and I don't have

many tinderboxes left so I feel pretty screwed here I must say that

and I found out what straying means I didn't realize that in the last in the

last video I was like what the hell is strain I I have to get out of here

apparently I really need to find tinderboxes that's what I need oh thank

god come on pick it up then you know what for me come on pick it up

oh my god Oh annoy alright I got it god I just need some oil now


don't stray that was what I supposed to do which it means don't go oh gee Safari

is gonna come in here

oh fuck ah this game is not friendly not

friendly at all

all right let's debris this 22nd of June 8th it's been more than a month since my

last entry after the event inside the underground chamber in Algeria professor

Herbert insisted I returned to England he said he didn't want to risk

forfeiting the entire expedition lest I took a turn for the worse an excessive

decision in retrospect but I'm glad it turned out that way I found my journal

this morning in the haphazard collection of things brought home from Africa next

to it laid a broken stone or wrapped in cloth I tried to assemble it but

couldn't the pieces wouldn't fit together as if they weren't from the

same object imagine little was there ever a complete

all hmm fucking nowhere about we're talking

about lettuce or something yeah there is that


they really need to save in my own

are you really they really don't need oil oh gosh I just don't want to bump

into him but it feels like they know I know when you're the most

scared so he's gonna pop up them know what oh I'm alright of oil what

Betty fucking new improve health do I have health all right I need that it's

in here

I bet that she's gonna go in here

all right

light I'll take that

it's Allah

I in here

all right I think we're good

don't want anything oh thank god okay yeah poof I really really needed that

it's not can use my lantern again

all right

son here ah geez

I guess I gotta take one of those

i okay I see but don't walk in those and waste my


what's in here tinderbox thank you

I need as many of those so I have all right oh don't like him that it was

blood let's see what this is about barrels


all right that bits on the other side

there are barrels there so I kind of feel like I shouldn't go in there but

let's just fucking do this

all right we're good for now

I hope at least

this gave me more skater now I have to tell you that it was not very scary for

a while and then I oil thank you

where did I come from don't remember not to getting Ross wasn't that one of

the things they wanted me to do all right they're gonna head back to that


let's let's read our notes or whatever I forgot how I bring that up though

there we go notes no no diaries

now mementos through won't pull the hatch open something must be clogging

the pulley what's a pulley

huh there it is right

there we go all right Russell salt

don't sneak up on me I'm just it's a man

it's you know no wrong way oh it is open now

yeah oh yay going down there why not does it look scary huh let's see if I

can do this without losing any help all right we're down here hold that it

that is I had better listen this one alright you can do this they'll need in

my ladder right now don't walk in the disgusting goo

okay let's go in here he crashed through the surface the dark Atlantic waters

smother him as he struggled to make sense of the situation so am i lit this

up for me it's pretty weird

sup with that noise oh jeez what was that

no it was so lit up but like that sad face no it's water Oh Chinese my lantern

yeah yes

get up what the fuck was that holy crap okay I'm gonna end part I can't keep

forgetting what part is part seven I think seeing part AIDS fuck ah welcome

back to part eight ah fuck you there's something swimming

in the water it nearly got to me and holy jeez that was obnoxious get up get

up get up get up get up get up it don't

I don't like you you don't like me it's cool I have to get over there oh oh whoa

okay let's fucking do this Ron Ron Ron Ron

no fuck thank you fuck you

I know a supposed to go fuck you

the sound like seriously it's creeping the hell up

I need a fuck you

but there's something there whoa that was close I shouldn't have gone there

fuck you what get up God Jesus jesus fucking christ

get up Daniel get up you fucking asshole oh fuck oh no no no don't screw this up

all right good I now got to check the timer got that

means there we go

whoop all right it's so far Jesus Christ is sound too much through

fucking much oh that's great fucking dead

oh it's a puzzle good can't have an over those especially when

there's a fucking


I got tapped out for some reason

huh so opening my cannon is McKenna's oh geez

I feel like this is the game we played when you were little but my life is at

stake when I do it so that's great I can go in there instead run run run run okay

I guess I gotta go in here

all right there it is open that

I don't have much oil left

fuck I hate you so much run run run run

that was almost too far there we go is it even open oh Jesus Christ

don't fuck this up Daniel alright that's Oh

it's a fucking timer

did he make it in God I'm almost out of oil oh I got one more thank God oh oh

fuck my asshole that hurt okay he does a lot of damage

oh he doesn't like that apparently

huh thank you for in that

oh this place is great no oh why would you do that well I'm too far way no no

no no no no no

fuck that was close sorry am i me and oh don't go away so far

come on come on please yeah okay let's do this nice and easy

behind me you singing some boxes come on up

Jesus Christ I hate you so much no offense dude

yeah we got guessing you gotta go there

no no no all right that made it holy fuck circular motion right no why don't

you work there we go I guess I gotta run through here that's

great I don't mind that at all

but I have to keep this going I really don't want to do that because

obnoxious oh yeah I really have to alright

and he doesn't like boxes oh geez Oh perfect

why not

I'm not sure how I'm gonna do this

are we left and I'm out of all great let's just run in here

I'm out of all kinds a little bit more I wish I could light something up

everything is so dark and scary and

that's I'm a big fan of dark and scary simple lock what the hell where's that

fucking weed No

okay so let's head to the archive tunnels something large brushed against

his leg and he felt himself being dragged along with the current of the

beasts he pushed himself about the surface help he cried an ocean swallowed

them again oh geez still water all right let's keep going

I assume something's gonna blow out

he's after me

fucking great

ok I got a run gonna run run run run run run run run run run run run run

from Daniel drum Daniel if anything you should run I'm not scared I'm not scared

what the hell run that motherfucking asshole lalalalalala nothing going on

here nothing scared of I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared

it's not bad yourself and me so I'm kind mean that's not bad you oh fuck holy

fuck I'm not even bothered bother reading there I'm gonna part whatever

part it is part 8 I think same part oh Jesus welcome back to part 9 that was

scary that was really really scary and I

shouldn't waste my should know better look at my oil I got plenty of

tinderboxes but fine it isn't calm music

the government fucking count Dracula's fucking castle what the hell

but is this

all right

Oh what the hell that is definitely an interesting

fountain I must say so oh I can oh oh that's fun why not

lift lift lift look there

all right

it's pretty nice Thanks thank god that's over all right they're gonna take a

break see ya all right it's 6:00 in the

morning and you know what that means it's

amnesia time and this is part 9 I think if I don't

remember if I do remember we found this a little puddle can splash probably did

this a minute ago if you're watching this Oh what can I put man there No

right for shame either way I thought it was gonna explain the story a little

quickly in case someone wishes missed an episode or whatever

this is just how I understand it and I'm I really don't understand stories really

well so I'm gonna do my best here basically we woke up in this castle

after seeing a cutscene of us walking in a corridor for some reason and we later

realize that we have erased our memory drink drinking some sort of ocean that

we erase our memory and we left a note for ourselves saying I might as well

walk in here meanwhile we left the notes to us I was saying that we chose to

forget but we have to kill a man named Alexander brennenburg I think it's the

night would it take us to the inner sanctum it will definitely take care of

the vertical part of our journey so you have written an elevator before yes the

Colosseum a Regents Park has been it takes you to the gallery where you can

view the panorama good this ride might feel that the longer and in the other

direction I don't want to go there all right let's

see screwing it it's alright it's an elevator

so yeah we have to kill this man and we haven't seen him yet confused it's

supposed to be any probably wondering like how am I supposed to kill him if I

can't even defend myself but he's supposed to be like a young I'm supposed

to be on he's supposed to be all than weak so apparently this man has you know

I'm supposed to be mad at him but I don't remember so if I had to think then

I guess he betrayed me some sort that is not as well that is

it's not working let's see let's cheat a little bit find a way to start ending

that power center we found a key

I know it's Sunday

so that is pretty much what I think about the story and apparently I've been

exploring in Africa and find some artifact I haven't seen it yet fuck it's

lagging some sphere and I assume that has

something to do with with what's happening this castle

apparently we knew there's gonna everything has been breaking down there

has been like holes in the ceiling and whatever so we knew that the shadow was

coming in there's a shadow hunting me he doesn't like me and I can't fight it so

I need to escape it and that's why I've been so fucking scared I think that's

what's so scary about this game that you can't really fight back

Herbert's trunk was wrapped in a rope in rope Locke had been broken by thieves he

assumed he wondered if anything had been left considering all the hands it had


let's go down here and it's a creepin setting we don't have much oil left at

all this is really scary really really scary what is this what is going on here

alright this fuck this is really scary room Oh

I don't like open spaces like this left this

it's due at La Monster oh I'm out of oil isn't that great

I'm gonna go insane crystal clear I never been that before I said down

fuck the dark I scare some fuck out of me it's much easier if you had the

lantern must say that I gotta use these oh I really

oh that helps so much I forgot how scary this game was for a

while I'm pretty sure I can bump into the monster here

and guess what I don't like that don't like that at all

can't say out please tell me that's oil No

right I hope you guys realize what I'm going


fucking hell

putting this 6:00 in the morning with headphones always pretty makes a

difference I have to that's punch

fuck you sir drill Oh but I could drill a hole in this

open the fuck is in here

it's still crystal clear I don't never thought alright

fuck is this a lot of stuff though another drill

parts that's good I guess

ah you can never let your guard down in this game then that's when they will

scare the fuck out of you primary did you just say that

can I combine these something

let's check the end this Oh what the hell is this

oh this rocks

all right

so dark

our notes lots of tender boxes let's read this alyc regarding explosive

mixture Alexander I prepared the explosive you need for clearing the

flooded drains I can't stress enough how important is that the mixture is handled

with care please try to tell your featherbrained servants that this before

you go ahead with your plans Oh before you go ahead with your plans that's how

you read it liquids are not by themself explosion

and should be kept separated to avoid further mishaps I have ranged two large

vats in the next room for the ingredients all you need to do is mix

the liquids and you are ready to go Agrippa all right

and that's what I'm supposed to do why can't I just pick this up doesn't make

sense make my life easier but that's not how this game works is it

how's my sanity slide I take fuck I need I need oil

Wow it was creepy

great please let there be oil thank you oh that was nice just I like you but

since I have so many tinderbox I said he might as well

yeah they're fucking everywhere Jesus Christ they're friendly

all right so I guess there's nothing else in here


let's continue

I'm not sure why I'm supposed to do I guess I'm gonna collect both of those

stuff and sit I guess

already been in here

hello master

I'm not scared Sam are they fucking my kidding alright I

think I've been in all the rooms I guess these barrels see what it said

I might as well oh there is a handle there I didn't see that in the dark

rusted shut then what do you do

no use oh I have to fix the rest

how do I put the drill together

I need to find all the parts which I apparently haven't done I

thought I did that that's the shake more carefully

this was careful alright

Wow the lantern is so nice like it the lot

the candles oh wait to the warehouse

I would anyone hide it drill

came from there and confused

and this is too so I might as well do that as well both have the rest search

it's up there dough nothing

keep hearing stuff

lift these are confused

I'll uh I stare chicky chicky

why am I wasting the oil

it's gotta be honest

oh god that's so dark to creep I don't get it I'm confused

I thought I could place it down and just put them together or something

and then eat all the parts don't know where to find all of ours

maybe all the parts isn't here it seems like I've shake it all the

rooms I think it's pointless just wander around here for circles I might as well

go up and check some other place

I'm just wasting time here see what is this

I thought it was a drill

apparently not

okay I'm gonna head up back up if I can find back up that would be great except

it the lag well what's underneath

dude if someone's do it up there I would have pissed my panties oh wait there's

other places to go

it's fresh

oh yeah

fuck em no no we left so I shouldn't use that apparently some Aleksandr

Brandenburg told someone to kidnap he ordered someone to kidnap people through

this castle yeah then fooled that guy to kill thank

you and kill them and we found his lost notes before and apparently they

kidnapped like hundreds of people to the castle which I'm never returned before

which is pretty creepy

I think you can hear someone yeah pretty creepy

don't need to say that twice and here's him

what is this

I think this is what I'm gonna blow up or something

otherwise wouldn't be in nature let's hear

Roma from Cape as I find a way to get through all right we're gonna I'm gonna

try at least guess that's what matters hello

first a

I'm not scared just kidding this is my pastor here come on let there be light

I need oil bitch oh there's not about torch what is this awesome we got all

the part oh that is some monster fuck oh there is Oh God

every time I see you like this my bills I thought it was safe there was nothing

going on there for a while it's like he always appears when he least expected

it looks even more creepy now as well

their mouth

I'm not sure what I was supposed to do let's put these together all right we

got our drill I really don't want to continue playing I am

almost about to throw up I have really really scared at the moment we're gonna

keep doing the what I'm doing our feet

let's crouch and listen really careful

because I don't want to run into that Foster

as much I think you're a bro

this is not working it's alright is this down yeah

oh god I thought I saw in there

all right you are alpha

down in the darkness head is pounding answer shaking that's

for fucking sure

we're gonna combine the two with our chemistry

yes you are crying bitch

it doesn't matter okay we got that one and then the other one is over there

so this one said secondary so I guess we're gonna do that second

nice and easy

I got a feeling he's gonna appear when I do this

oh yeah the drill

we're cool you're not that bro

no brofist not today not fucking today

okay bro nothing here I'm just gonna grab my grab my secondary don't mind me

you know doing anything at all what dododo don't make me look there I

wanna see if he's comes

all right

tapping the corner tap in the corner

so we got our explosive and I assume we're gonna use that too

doot-doot don't sneak up on me how we got that no not together gonna attack

that's the way we saw the monster this case you haven't noticed already I am a

pussy you can leave that in comments as much as you want I don't give a fuck

fuck this game is going we're not gonna go up there


slight headache it's got better that's right

stop crying you fucking bitch you get the Masseria

got to remember where I came from was it up the stairs yeah it was

I don't like running I feel like that monster is gonna be up


yeah just gonna shake my microphone with it's not muta don't forget that I would

have feeling really stupid if my microphone was muted no it's awesome

obviously you guys knew that alright so it's in here

via bro

I get the feeling I'm gonna blow this up but I'm not sure we're gonna try

oh it was right don't stop oh shit I'm supposed to like

there was something I had addict oh oh shit

oh she's gonna blow oh shit Ellis thank the bro was spinnin Harriet though

alright those words too bad we don't have a land yeah we do

have but that's so insignificant a lot of toil let's just use it to you alright

puzzles all it's pretty neat I am very low of health I should

that took me a lot of damage I thought it was pretty far away

I really could use some more right now stop crying you fucking bitch

I hate it so much even without the master this game is

fucking scary with the monster yes fucking creeps me

out I don't know about you guys but I would

always be he's always sneaks up for me when I pick stuff up I like that

why not go into the darkness

get a weave I can't see shit by the way case you didn't know

they come from there

I don't waste

so clear all right we're good sorry whenever I'm so focused and scared

shitless I tend to forget to talk ramble or whatever

I am sorry about it but

I just get so into it I guess

am I supposed to do here lighting is excellent I have to say

given that look at this looks fucking amazing

it's gonna fuck it my asshole I know why I keep saying that

someone's kind of a Fink I'm homosexual

we want I still don't know what my quest down area is like what am I supposed to

do throw no fucking bread at his face other girl there yeah

no-no-no oh oh the nice cream from my mom I really didn't do that promise okay

your alpha

this office

slight headache dude I would have fucking killed myself right there

Jesus Christ

hey there bro bro so probably this is funny you know you

want some bread yeah

fuck it's so dark I don't want to go in here bread first

right first cap core box

I got bred to do it bro I got fucking bred for you all right

it's a fucking deal Dino

there was nothing in here are you kidding me

I went through fucking hell for just this you're fuckin you're not my bro

anymore you fucker

I really don't you dare camp out to here you dare

all right I guess we're gonna go here then because that's when we got the

flashback well not flashback words reminisce or

something apparently someone's sliced up a girl

we're hating dead girls in a mine that's good you know I tend to do that 11:10 to

foxes I - fuck you well machine parts Wow that doesn't sound very pleasant Oh

Shane's that's always good news isn't it why not

No why of course flames just lit up when I appear it is actually kind of cozy but

if that fucking monster appears then I have nowhere to fucking hide what is

this kinda like it oh it's distressed

this is a machine parts I don't know why it seemed scariest fucking room I ever

seen but is this reminds me of the orb orb thingy

I bet you're gonna hear something walking these chain later it's gonna

creep the hell out of me what is this machine parts

why is there already lit up that's creepy never good news all right we got

two parts I'm not gonna pick these up this time I'm not gonna be that stupid I

know you're gonna creep up on me this room is first in case of missing

rod if a full set of three rods is unavailable

there is one rod in the inner study rooms which might work in case elevator

breaks down again unless it's absolutely necessary always use the spare rods in

the storage before using amended one I don't really get that but I'm gonna all

right where do I run if you guys see him you've come from there I'm gonna run

there he comes there I don't really want to run there but all right we're cool

cool bro

we're cool I'm gonna pick this someone up now don't scare me

where where where we're broke whoa whoa whoa whoa I knew it I fucking

knew it I fucking knew it

Oh God bro this is not cool bro you're not my bro anymore not yet

what am i doing

what crime they're done

sure sure I like mone that's

no it is cool you know go away already you fucking asshole fuck

fuck this game ah jesus fucking christ i was prepared for it

100 fucking percent and still it scared the hell out of me

this is not good for my heart I gotta get a fucking heart attack

finish these fucking fucking shit wait why I have done to you

yes he has he looks like that I haven't seen much

of him but it looks like that fucking if you seen that Pan's Labyrinth I think

the movies call it looks like that let's monster in that

movie I get are we cool bro I was just picking

up some stuff you know for face aptitude rod Trinity cerebral

machine part made out of wood a meth all of shame product

I'm not sure what the fuck that means but I guess I'm done here bro

oh shit I thought it was there fuck

yeah we can't be

okay Jeffrey but that's gonna go dark fuck you

hello there


we're cool right you're not mad you mad bro

I have to say I've seen a lot of scary movies I am NOT

playing many scary games either way this is by far the most scary experience of

my life

no doubt about that

doubt whatsoever and still somehow I push myself through this fucking game I

don't know like the story and I think the game please I don't the gameplay but

we hate the game please let me see I just want to see what happens

are you fucking asshole you're lucky aren't you

I just camp in the corner fuck was there

it doesn't have very heavy footsteps which makes it difficult for me to hear

when he creeps up

yeah where where tell me fucking where

my sanity's low what the hell oh that's not triple dot next

I don't want to keep playing this too much this is too fun

I'm alpha

it's fucking like breasts I'm the old version with multiple works

Jesus Jesus Christ

everything is to see I just want to get out bro

I just want to make it wrong

it's it's the end of that part or maybe I should

it's too much

whatever you do

gives me the creeps and I'm just the fucking creeps like

diarrhea there are period whatever disgusting GUI that can come

from for a trap for a transfer fucking asshole

be fuckin minutes oh geez I don't I'm not gonna bother reading there

I'm glad that's over I'm really glad that's over

Jesus Christ I bet there's gonna be something yeah

neither one of us there is no shame in using a parasol in the desert as it

happens it's imperative to your survival but it looks ridiculous

the shade will hurt much less than dying are you sure

all right so now we can enjoy the view of the statute

it's like a fucking moose yeah it does

hey hey hey hey hey well I have to say that that was a lot of Parts has been

like in intense like when I jumped in the water and all that but this part

this part was probably the most scary one and I have no sandy left because I

didn't find any oil in there and I lit up all most of this stuff like but I

kept to the in the darkness for too long probably hope we're gonna find some

world I thought that you know I'm in the light

now like a shitty should be safe you know it should be reset or something but

apparently I'm not doing so well and not doing that in real life be there ah I

should really take a break I don't know if this is gonna be timing for a good

good timing for a part either way it will take a split second for you so I'll

see you guys later jeez all right welcome back I have been

reviewing some some my older clips oh fuck

this game leaves me for five seconds and I'm already well what the hell what the

fuck did you come from you were not here when they left the game oh Jesus Christ

I've been reviewing so many lost clips and I went down there

and it was probably one of the most scariest thing I ever done and I do

apologize that I I realized I I was so into it you know I I didn't really say

much and I don't know we maybe wasn't entertaining for you to watch either way

I try gonna try to be you know more active this time and try to be less

scared I don't know how that's even possible but Jesus Christ

I heard that there's gonna be even more scary parts and I never ever thought it

was going to be more scarier than that

so yeah we got our parts so hopefully we can fix the elevator now in the machine

room or whatever it's over here

it's locked so we're going to use one of these

I cannot use it that way what about that don't fucking tell me I have to go down

there again I'm not going there again never ever it doesn't even matter if my


it's not no no no no no no I'm not I'm not going down there again that's not a

sea-air find the key that unlocks the door huh huh find a way to start the

engine that powers elevator uh huh I guess we could check upstairs

I am pretty sure I'm done down there let's see what's up here there's one

room right two rooms maybe even fuck there's two rooms I mean

means more fucking adventures to explore it study or

guest room guess he returned the teacup to the saucer and

picked up the Orbis one would an apple and pound earned on the strange


all right

I was it all right

fucking cockroaches oh that's nice

definitely more well-lit up here but that you should means winds can

did I just scream that that's pretty funny

all right yeah we haven't seen a living soul the entire well I hope it's not

living second of July 1839 I received a letter

today from the Algerian governor's office disclosing the fate of Herbert's

expedition my departure Abdullah one of the men

traveling with us returned from the desert he was badly injured as if made

by a lion the man rambled the Leonia I know it

said the attack was something horrible I've seen there too many handsome he

dispatched a search party to look for the expedition after searching for days

they found the camp abandoned without any trace of Herbert or his men tomorrow

I'll retrieve the things they recovered from Herbert tent at the Customs House I

don't know what to make yeah actually actually I was like I only seen a

glimpse of the monster and I think it's in here you actually can see how he

looks without you know because otherwise all the times it's been like so dark

so I haven't really catched a glimpse glimpse on Dane him yet and

yeah that if you lie not sure if I wanted there's no

today I picked up Herbert's things at the customs house they dug through the

trove of documents he apparent detailing the extra dish sound the

nature of this test ranged from quick notes to colorful accounts of transpired

events I skimmed the pages trying to figure out what might have happened

may 17th the day I was trapped inside the orb chamber Herbert

dryly states recovered Daniel after one hour of entrapment this confused me

greatly I was suffocating within minutes how could I have lasted an hour I

continued reading the peculiar text Herbert States his facts without

judgment or passion but suddenly I could read frustration into his text he pushed

his men to investigate the underground tomb an effort which seems to have

strained the minds of his men how sadly spread through the ranks and Herbert had

to take some extreme measures to continue he finally visits the chamber

himself where he retrieves the orb to the surface

his account confuses me greatly if he has to all uh-huh what are those pieces

in my drawing Wow

the fuck is up with this war

I really hope I don't bump into the monster here I think it's even worse I

know because I can't hide here like if I sit fucking cockroach fuck up fuck


I guess I gotta use the crowbar

oh that surely woke someone

all right so we're gonna find the key to fourth of July 1839 it's done The Orb is

assembled I was awakened by an exhausting nightmare shaking and

sweating I retired to the drawing room add a cup of tea

the readies his latest well across the table as I'd left them but somehow I

knew how it was supposed to be which I prepare the fucking anus

together a sum without fault I joined them producing the orb

I remembered so clearly the Thar proved unnecessary it was pushed out from the

joining pieces as they merged on their own with no adhesive the ancient stone

relic now rests on my table it's a macula surface and perfect shape

could have been moulded by a factory this is all too strange oh geez why no

you let yourself into

oh fuck don't tell me I have to go in here no no no


I knew I knew it I fucking knew it oh Jesus Christ

oh fuck fuck hi

I want to bow and sneak out you know I want to get a girl inside I haven't

seen him yet whatever enters Katy

I am I am a pussy I know that

and now he uses the door

it's gonna be dark when I open this I'm pretty sure

oh Jesus Christ

oh gee jesus fucking christ

as I said earlier this game is gonna give me a heart attack

Jesus Christ I was scary I was kind of ready for it though

that I needed definitely near that so I guess we're done here I mean we got the

crowbar right know what can't you said anymore

what do you get we got our standard ADA bats I guess I guess that's good

I'm just gonna make sure I collected everything it's pretty annoying if you

go through this and don't get all the stuff you want that monster seems to get

closer and closer and closer and I can't say I'm a big fan of that

I'm glad open this closet though

alright let's head back sir Will and Smith had been marked there was no way

for him to know that the young man from the other day cast such a terrible

shadow all right

what the fuck did he leave it there

oh Jesus or the Bloods go

that's here I guess this is the next part the

strange letter frightened him but it was also the only one which

offered some comfort that's a dead hand why not

left four or five five dead I mean

oh well this doesn't look scary

at least I have my lantern now I don't have much shorter though

so let's use our Kenda boxes yeah found one

seriously when this game is done I'm gonna be so filled with joy you know

was fucked that sound

why not that's going in there

For more infomation >> PewdiePie Amnesia: The Dark Descent Playthrough 2 #15MFLᴴᴰ - Duration: 1:05:47.


Season 3 Episode 16: Nothing in the Dark - Duration: 25:25.

For more infomation >> Season 3 Episode 16: Nothing in the Dark - Duration: 25:25.


Trump After Dark Who Kud it Be Now edition - Duration: 1:03.

President Donald Trump's version of March Madness: A week of shuffling staff and, perhaps,

a controversial policy proposal.

As POLITICO's Dan Diamond reports, President Trump is finalizing a plan for opioids that

includes the death penalty for dealers.

It's part of an ambitious plan to address the opioid epidemic — a topic that Trump

has said is a top priority.

"The ambitious plan, which the White House has quietly been circulating among political

appointees this month, could be announced as soon as Monday when President Donald Trump

visits New Hampshire, a state hard hit by the epidemic.

It includes a mix of prevention and treatment measures that advocates have long endorsed,

as well as beefed-up enforcement in line with the president's frequent calls for a harsh

crackdown on drug traffickers and dealers."

The part likely to grab headlines, however, is Trump's call for the highest punishment

for dealers — an unprecedented step.

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